The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, January 25, 1900, Image 2

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Odd I terns of Interest for I. ad Ira Who
Folios ibr Latest
AH Ixxllces show lace or some light
etei-orution at the. nock, the finest kind
of AJcncon being aa much in evidence
as Irish and guipure lace.
Jet plays an important part on all
cvruiug gowns. It is immensely be
coming and decorative and particular
ly effective when combined with white
All costumes worn in the daytime arc
tf the strictest tailor-made order, fash
ioned in the lightest colored cloths, and
stitched in a straight line or scalloped
Litt le neck ruches and shoulder capes
re much in demand for evening use.
Koine are mudo of chiffon In lavender
and rose pink, with nocordiun-plaitoil
lotililr-m'rk ruff tjiiitc hitfh at the neck.
JIojji are more elaborate than ever,
itlier entirely made of (lowers or tulle.
Those of embroidered niousselino, with
haye bloMOtnn made of mousseltns with
clvet petals, are pretty and much in
A irroat run is predicted for corded
bilks and poplins, in Paris they an
pngnring dotted and chenille silks, the
jrourniwork in many Instances darkei
than the pattern covering it. There are
Dany i ilks mixed with velvet also.
There is n new canvas which is like
ly to And warm approval, being a mix
ture of silk and wool, the former pre
dominating', A dark navy blue hail
been made up Into a skirt and open bod
ir. which was filled in with an under
r.i formed of fully gathered black
;ud white striped ribbon in marked
contrast to the red revera. This bod
lee was of the jacket order, with tabs
;it the waist. The sleeves were made
abort to the elbow, with full sleeves
below of the striped silk ending In a
red cull'. The .skirt was cut, as so man)
are, on the cross, with a scam up the
enter of t be back.
The pompadour element is a great
feature in sprint,' fashions, ami it re
peated itself ill the sleeves at the wrist.
There was a jacket bodice, and a great
i1p;1 of Stitching figured on the scams.
and these close-set rows of atitobing
will be a marked novelty in coming
modes. It was exemplified in a dress
of quite a new color, a iiil turipioise
with a predominance of green in it, the
material n fine-faced cloth. The tunic
bere crossed at the side, and was edged
nil round w ith three stitched bands of
a lighter tone, each baud being covered
with BtitebingS about half an inch
apart, w hile the petticoat was of the
lighter shade, entirely covered with
bandl of the darker color, in close
ot rows, also stitched all over. The
Ijodice was full, with white satin trim
mings covered with lace; it buttoned
over at one side with three square paste
buttons, and had epaulettes and cuff
trimmings of white satin, with silver
embroidery mingled. N. Y. Times.
S n Economical Way of Keeping the
Chiltlren'a Feet Cov
"Stockings are so much improved in
quality and reduced in price that it
no longer pays to knit them laborious
ly 'by hand, as our grandmothers did.
Some industrious women spend their
leisure in knitting stockings by ma
ehinery, which is much more rapid
work than knitting them by hand. It
still pays to run the heels and toes
i1 fine stockings of silk or cotton to
make them wear longer at those vulner
able points. The old-fashioned idea
ibst no stocking could be successfully
footed by sewing is now done away
with by the fineness of the modern
stockinet of manufacture. After the
feet of children's stockings are past
darning out them off. Cut feet out of
the whole legs of one pair and sew
them together with as few seams as
possible, and sew those feet on, a pair
of stocking legs, taking similar seams.
If these seams are properly taken they
will not chafe or hurt the most deli
cate foot. If the upper part of the
Blocking is thin run the heel and toe
part, of these sewn stockings. The
nnccess of the work of those made
over stockings depends, of course, upon
the. way the seams are put in. A
stitched seam afterward opened and
"at-stitclied" flat is one of the softest
fams for this purpose.
Little babies and elderly people, or
Invalids who suffer from cold foot,
should wear woolen stockings even in
Strmmer, varying a heavy stocking for
a lighter one in hot weather. Strong
:ople, who have a vigorous, healthy
tironlatlon of blood, do not at nny sea
son need woolen stockings, which often
induce perspiration of the feet when
it is not necessary. Such jersons
should fiajhe their feet very frequently
siud change their stockings often. Air
ing the stockings in the open air will
)C Often all that is necessary; if more
las,ing is needed to freshen and puri
fy them ufter being worn scald the
Jeet of Ihc. Btockings and rinse them
ii colli water and dry them In the open
ate Xo stockings should bo worn long
enough to require rubbing with soap
on a board. It destroys the color and
beips to wear out the stockings more
than the actual wear does. Never iron
hosiery; it stretches it out of shape. A
steeling does not fit to the leg so well
or look and feel as comfortable if it is
ironed. N. Y. Tribune.
nilllpplne Weddlns Oowii.
When a Philippine lady of better
class gets married she sometimes wears
aa her wedding dress a costume of na
tive manufacture that reaches in value
na Into four figures. It takes months
to make a handkerchief or a sleeve,
so microscopic and delicate is she
Investment la Poatsrltr Too Bl.
The father of 32 children has died in a
poorhonse of Indiana.
Mlaht Have Bees Wore.
fr. Gibbs went to an entertainment,
and by mistake tat on his neighbor'
silk hat. reducing it to a shapeless mass.
The owner of the hat was naturally in
dignant, and breathed thrents of v'en
jeance. "Sir," said Mr. Gibbs. calmly,
"1 um very sorry, and must admit that
I was awkward. Ait," he added, com
placently, "it might have been worse."
"I don't see how it could have been,"
roared the victim.
"Oh, yes, It could!" said Gibbs. -I
might have sat down on my own hat."
A Sore Sign.
"Well, yes," remarked the Kohack
philosopher, removing the stem of his
beloved pipe from his mouth; "I guess
you are right. 1 ogrce with you in n
measure, anyway. I cackerlate, myself,
that to meet a hearse is a sure sign of
death. 1 have never known of anybody
hnulin' a live man around in a hearse."
A Ueatle Hint.
"I wish to announce before the col
lection is taken up," said the parson,
that I have wholly recovered from the
severe cold with which I was afflicted
n week ago. Consequently it will not
be necessary for anyone to put lozenges
or cough drops in the contribution
box." X. Y. Journal.
n.i Pretty Knonsii.
"At nny rate." said the girl in blui
softly, "the gossips never have busied
themselves about me."
"01 course not," answered the girl in
pink, sweetly. "There must be occasion
for envy or jealousy before the gossips
busy themselves about anyone." Chi
cago Post.
"Vow will find this to be rare old wine,
sir," said the officious waiter, bustling
about the table. "How does the steak
suit you, sir?"
"TYell," replied the old gentleman,
who was never known to kick, "it is
what you might call rare old beef."
Chicago Tribune.
No I inplrt- Needed.
"You are now one," said the minis
ter to the bappy pair he had just tied to
gether with u knot they never could
"Which one?" asked the bride.
"You will have to settle that for your
selves," said the clergyman. Tit-Hits.
I I -rested.
Mr. Gotrox Yes, my son wiH soon,
be Well again. You must le n great
friend of his to be so interested in his
The Kill No, it niu'tthot. I'm goin"
to lick him as soon as he gets well.
N. Y. Journal.
How to lie Missed.
"I sometimes believe that if I were
suddenly to drop through a hole in the
earth nobody would care a cent."
"Oh. brace up. Don't take such a dis
mal view of things. It surely 'Mi't as
bad as y think. Don't o -body
i.ny mosey V Cun-agi. . jio.
First Lawyer Experts have come to
occupy a large share of the courts' at
tention. Second Lawyer Yes, experts are
called to testify in a murder case, and
then a neckspert sends the criminal to
his account. Harlem Life.
Before you praise youth's ImHistry
'Tin prudent now to waft
And see which he Is dlKRlng for,
A gfirlon crop or bait.
Washington Star.; To kxihrimkst.
makes She
might public.
Do you reully'think that absence
the heart grow fonder?
-I'm sure 1 don't know, but you
try it and nee. St. Louis Re-
On the Rolling Wave.
First Passenger (turning pale) Do
you know anything that is really good
for seasickness?
Second Passenger (also turning pule) 1
I think I'll trv chloroform. l'uck.
At the Clnb.
"When he first came here Goodhcnrt
put him up."
"Ami after ho left?"
"Goodheart put up for him." Brook
lyn Life.
No Kalth In Uer.
"Why didn't you go to hear Philome
la Jinks lecture on 'Artistic Living'?"
"1 remember the kind of hat she had
on the last time 1 saw her." Chicagc
Natural (lurry.
"My illusions," said she, "are all
"How long have you been married ?"
he inquired, sympathetically. Somer
villu Journal.
A Sure Sign.
Fanny I think it will interest her to
hear of Jack.
Amy Decidedly ! I've beard her say
that he never wanted his name men
tioned in her presence again. l'uck.
The Oornfed Philosopher.
"A woman," said the Cornf ed Philoso
pher, "wonders why she ever married
that kind of a man, while the man won
ders why he ever manned at all." In
tUaaapolis Journal
! Twenty-Hirer ItuyM Tour via P miu-
r-vl'lltllH Kllll, Ollll
The IV'naylvanlii Hair 1 Company h 1a aa
ranireil for a specal lersonally eoudiK-ted tour
tliroUKliOld AlexUo by apvetai I'ullmau train
i,f parlor-smoking (lining, sleeping, compart
ment, and observation cara, to leave New York
and Philadelphia February VL visiting all the
principal points of interest in the "Lund of
.Mouteauma." and spending live days in the
City of MeiicO.
Round-trip tickets, covering all the cvpi-nsea.
Bull from all points on the I't j lvu,.la ..aii-
' For further information apply 1 1 ticket
agents; luurtst Agent, I Its! Ilrowlway, New
: York; 4 Court StJect. Mrooklrii; 7U llroad
Street, Newark, N J ; B Courlaei der. Jr.,
, Passenger Agent Baltimore District. Baltimore.
j MaV Colin Ntudils, laaenKer Agent, South
eastern District, Washington, D. O; Ttioa. r,.
Watt. Passenger Agent, Western District, I'itt--burg.
Pa.; or address Geo. W lloyd. Assistant
Urneral I'aaaeiigrr Agen, Philadelphia. 1-.-0I
Having n Ureal Rim or Chamberlain
Cough Remedy.
Manager Martin, of thp Pierson
drug store, informs us that be is
, having ureal run on Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. Re sells live bot
tle uf t medicine to uutt of any
other kind, and it gives sutis
fuoliuM. lu tbese days of la grippe
thole in DOtbiuiT like llttinbei I nn's
1 Cough Keiue iy to step llie cough,
heal up the sole tlirout and lungs
and give relief within u short time.
The Miles are growing, ami till who
ii v it are pleased witb its prompt
Motion South Chioaurn Ditilv Cain
met. For sale liv nil Druggists.
Two Weeli
l our via Penasj Ivaala
The flrsl Pannavlvania tour of 'he season to
Jacksonville, allowing xw watkaln Florida,
irlll leivc.Nnv York and Philadelphia Fabru.
ury 0
Excursion tickets, including railway Immu
port itt ion. Pullmsn accnturaodationi one
uerth), and tnes snrouta in )otli directloni
while traveling on the -)irii.i tlain, will he
old St the following rates: Now York. MOOOj
I'hilnilelpliiit, lliirriilnrg. I'ultimorc, n n 1
Washington, HaOOj Pittsburg, Srvt ihi, and at
proportionata rates from other points,
Pot llokets, itineraries, and other information
apply to ticket agsnia, Tourist altiu ut UM
lli-ouilwiiy, New York; I I'ourt Street, Brook
Ivn: '' riroiid treet, Newark. N. .1.: il I'oiir
Isendar, Jr., Passenger Asnl Baltirnnrri Dla.
trlct, Baltimore. .ii.: Colin Htudda, Passenger
Agent soiitii ant rn Distriet, Wasfiliiirton, l.
r.: Thos K. Wait I'ns'M'ii er Agent rVestsvn
Dtstriet, Pltntburg, Ps : or lo Qeo. ioy,l,
Assistant licnerul Passeuxer Ag-nt. Proal
Street Station. PhllsdslpblS, t-'A.
For OVSf fifty years Mn. WlKSLOW'l SooTII
ISO KYRre has been used by mothers foi their
children while teething. Are you disturbed at
night anil btoken of your rest by a sick ootid
inffsrins ana orrtne with palnof eutttngtestbf
if so send at once and get a bottle of ".Mrs. Wins
slow' toothing Syrup" for Children Teething.
Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor
little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it.
mothers, there is no mistake nliout it. It cures
diurrho-n. regulates the Stomach and Bowels,
cun-s Wind Colic, softens the (linns, reduces
lollammntion, and givestone and energy to the
whole system "Mr. Winslnw's Soothing Sy
rup" for children teething is pieasant tc the
ISSN and Is the prescription of one of the old
est and best female physicians and nurses in the
United Slatee and is for sale by all druggists
throughout the world. Price, twenty-live cents
' -utile. Be sure anil- -el "Mils. Wiksmiw's
rtuuTHlM) r race. VS ly
j TiiiRi v-oNK Days' Tors via Psxsvlvania
The Pennsylvania Hailroad Company has ar
; ranged for a sccial personally conducted tour
, through Californiu, to leave New York and
i'hiladelnhiaon Pet ruarv il7. by special Pull
man drawing-room sleeping car nml connect
iug at Kl Paso with the "Mexico and Philadel
phia Special," composed exclusively of Pull
man isirlor-smoking, dining, drawing room
1 sleeping, compartment, and ohservution curs,
fortour through California, returning!--' March
Round-trip tickets, covering all necessary ex
penses, U7' from all points.on Icnnsylvnuia
Kor further information apply toticket agents;
Tourist Agent. UM Ilrowlway. New York; 4
1 Court Street, Brooklyn llroad Street, New
ark. N. .1 .: II. Courlacnder. Jr., Passenger Agent
Baltimore District, llaltiimore, Aid,- Colin
Stu'Uls, Passenger Agent Soutlieaslern Distriet,
V asliiugton, II. c.; Thos. K. Walt, Passenger
I Agent, Western District. 1'ittshnrg, Pa.; or ad
i dress (ieo. W. Hoyd. Assistant General Posseng
' er Agent. Philadelphia. 1 1-(U.
There la n t'lnaa ol People
Who are injured by the Dse of eoffpe.
Keceutly there lias been plaof-d in
the grocery stores a new preparation
called (tKAIN-O, made of pure grains
that takes the place of collee. The
most delicate stomach receives it
without distress, and but few can tell
it from coffee. It does not cost over
one fourth as much. Children may
drink it with great benellf. ISO, and
Kn, per package Try it. Ask for
Consult or eommunlcnle with the Editor
of this paper, who will give all needed Infor
mation. JAS. . CHOUSE,
All business entrusted to his care
will receive nroiupt attention.
K. f. PotticgGi,
Veterinary sUrceoN.
All professional business entrusted to my care
win receive prompt and careful attention.
Wet the Coaaervatorr.
Young Lady The musical conserva
tory is in this building, isn't it?
Janitor No, mum; the musical con
servatory is 'bout two blocks down
Youtg Lady (dubiously) I I was
sure I iicard pupils practicing vocal ex
ercises. Are you sure the musical con
servatory is not here?
Janitor Yes'm. Nothin' here but
dentists' offices, mum. N. Y. Weekly.
Prospective ; loons.
"More hard luck," sighed the house
holder in the town which had devel
oped a war of gas companies. "I wish
these corporations wouldn't fall out."
"Why, you're getting your gas cheap
er than ever before."
"Yea, but wait till the victorious com
pany comes after us to collect the
profit it thinks it might have made if
there had been no tight." Washington
Star. '
Aa We See Ooraelvea.
All the world's a stage, and all the people
re but actors.
As Shakespeare says they are.
And. furthermore, ench person In his heart
of hearts Is
Convinced that he's a star.
it,:rrium tiov
Mrs. BUmtayble (after the wreck)
Oh. Henry! I'm afraid this board won't
sustain mo!
Her Husband "l is a judgment sent
upon you, Marin. Many a poor devil
who has paid you six dollnrs a week
has said the same thing. Cleveland
Tsvaa Kver Thna.
Life Is but a season of discontent.
For a change wc are constantly praying:
In winter we long for the July sun,
And In summer .wu want to go sleighing.
For Infants and Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bough!
Bears the , Vff-jU
Signature of LLo&ZT&tcJUU
Suobury & Lowistown Division.
In effeot Nov. 19, 1899.
pn AMI j A ar rn
j IIEI i.-,7 Sunhury 9 a) .131)
2 13 J "T Helinsgrove Junction 809 920
2laJ1012l bellnsgrove 9(M 5 11
2 38 1011! Pawling I hm S0.1
2 SI in M Kreamer 819 601
281 I1U2T Meiaer ,116 4 M
210 103S1 Miildleburg MM 4 62
140 10.18: Benfer 8H4 4 16
2 55 !l0 46 Heavcrtnwn Mil 4 37
3 00 in 61 Adamsburir 1 20 4 32
3 07 MIT lteulis Mills 8 13 4 2.1
3 18 ill 03! Met'lure '8(17 4 19
3 22 11 13 Wagner 717 4 (Kl
3 2.1 II IS Shindle 714 4 06
330 UH Paintervtlle 7 49 4 00
8 36 111 27 Aliiitlnnil 713 IM
3 45 1135 Lewistown :735; 3 4.1
3 47 11 37 Iewistown (Main Htreet) 7 : 343
3 50 11 40 Lewiatown Junction. 17 10 ,140
Train leaves Suubury 5 SB P in, ar-
rives at Seltnsgrove 6 45 p ni
renins leave Lewistown Junction :
4 12 a tn, 10 13 a m. 1 10 p tn,130 p m 5 22 i in, 7 07
11 58 pro, for Alusina, PIltshurK and the West.
For Baltimore and Washington SMSB1 102
I U 4 33 8 16 p m Fur Philadelphia nml New
York (38 9 36a m, 1 02 1 33 4 33 and 1116 pin Foi
Harrisburg S 10 p si
Philadelphia & Erie R R Division.
Trslns leave Sunliury daily exeept Sunday :
1 21 a m tor Erie and Cansndalgua
6 10 a in for Hcllelonte Krle and OanandalKiia
9 12 a m for Look Haren , Tyrone and the West .
1 10 p in tor Hellefonte Kane Tyrone and TanaD
daliiua S46p m lor kenovo ami Klmlra
v2o p m lor Wlllliiinsport
Sunday .1 10 a in lor Krle and Onnnndnlirim
.ir,a in for Lock Haven ami 9 25 p m for VII
6 56 am, 9 15 a m 2 00 and 5 48pm lor Wiikes
harre and llazeltou
7 (0 a m. 10 V.1) a m, I tt in, 5 4.1 p m for Shame -kin
ami Mount Carmel
Sunday 9 5.1 1 m lor Wllkesbarre
Trains leave Scllmgrove Junction
10 00 a m, week dr.ys urrlvlng nt Phil idelphln
300pm New York 6 .13 p m Baltimore 3 11 p m
Washington 4 10 pin
634 p m dally arriving at Philadelphia
.0 20 p m New York 8 63 a m, Baltimore 9 45 p in
Washington 10 56 p tn.
8 42 pin, week days arriving ut Philadelphia
4 80a m, New York "13 a in. Baltimore 2 30 am
W ashlngton 4 05 a m
Tratns also leave Sunbury :
2 V7 am daily arriving at Phlladeldhla 6 .12 a m
Baltimore tail n Washington 7 46 a m New
York 9 83 am Weekdays, 10 38 a m Sundays,
7 60 am week days arriving at Philadelphia
11 48 am, New York 2 13 p m, Baltluicie lls
a m, Washington l oo p m.
166 p in, week days arriving at Philadelphia
9 23 p m. New York 9 30 p m, Baltimore ( 00 p m
Washington 7 15 p m
Trains also leave Sunbury at 9 .10 a m and 6 23
and 8 ;il p in, lor Harrisburg, Philadelphia and
) . R. WOOD, Qen'l Pass Agent
I. B. HUTCHINSON den'l Manager.
Wholesale Prices
to Users.
Our General Catalogue quotes
them. Send 15c to partly pay
postage or expressage and we'll
send yon one. It has 11 00 pages,
17,000 illustrations and quotes
prices on nearly 70,000 things
that you eat and use and wear.
We constantly carry in stock all
articles quoted.
1 At.
for Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
w m
In Use For Over 30 Years.
M fen A T-l
Thin Ladies' Dongoln Kid Bool, Luce or Button, sole leather
i-'Miiiter, ilinor, outer sole and heel, fancy top stay, Patent Leather
Tip, Opera Toe, 2 to s, D, E, or EE, sent postpaid on receipt of $1,
KquaN any $2 boot sold. Ouvmakx, Money refunded it uiisutis
factorv, We guarantee fit, style, wear,
FKI.i:. O'irr:
1 iiosue " iih iliusiratlonsof in bargains in (.hoi s; -c
1 Ticket a-btoli
in blberal Ciali ll
bSZTI 11 11 "K Oo '
bejar Sli The nhoes are brotring satisfactory. ThlH pair that oewtinve make itve
dlffersnt atylcii of shoe that I haw bought of you and they-arc mi good, I sluwca uttfsai
mercbanl a pair 01 Ji 00 sbors that 1 hao lust reoelved imin vou and do too: his Kulfs and
cut Into the heal and examined them tiienv l-IiIv nun pronouneed ihem elieap at StfOO.
You win 11 mi mi order witb tbla letter lor two more p.Mr or snoes.
KoHlieotlullj jours, UBS 3. M . WILUAM8,
wnieis, Mcdaolno 04., Cat
P, s. DM myjname ll vou like. y 1
Daxraa Skos c.:
Ueuit I'leaae flnd enclpfsd, herewith, express money order, PleasrMnd ibo aaoen
onl Srltboul ui lay, I am Deeding them, mv wife laHlmosi bare'ootcd and I don'l wi'i in
liny s'loes nt HUJ other liousi- beeuuae I huve u-ed the Pexter mid llnd iiiein the liesl lor
tbe money. Yours truly,
1MIII.II M . K 'KAI.s,
rTswolCS, 111.
DEXTER SHOE C0.,smmeSt, Boston Mass.
Established 1880.
use uu can eismlne II si your nearest rreitcht drimt
asnMUf aausnMsrr.asactijr as rapraseoted, sssl u auklssssaMrs wll
sssifssa ..m.w, auu saw anaaxass dahhsis ioi
fSSSSLB SpeclslOBer Price $16.60
andfraiaki caarass. Mariiine weltli lai ' unniisandtharrala-ht will
arerags 74 cents for each 6ki mil... OIVE IT THRU MOUTHS' TRIAL In
yonr owa home, and w will mum s.mreis. i any day you are not, S11.00, ( S as, all lullr da -rll,ed In our
Basklas Cslstofss, but SU.M for tills l)R0i' UasK lilliMr
BS.1.I1VU. ".Wi. .....,i newuif aaCSISS. Si S. &(.
tmm msMH tbisc Tr wacrru ay any nause.
UMmcntavotTerlnaT bbbmsi mark. nr. uiuivr ai i.n.s n.u
daressraiU. Writ sa MmsI b l air 10 and learn who ar rl
I TlaS PVIl l-af I Vt RTKRY (ilHUl PII1.T
vMum MAl. ll 1.1k
r in
eat muLcra
from thr beat
ran bur.
CO, and then If convinced that ru are savins
Wl TO SKTl'HM TOCB Cla.sO If at any time within three
'aamawai ab
Address, SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.) Chicago, III.
are intended for children, ladies and all
who prefer a medicine disguised as con
fectionery. They may now be had (put
up in Tin Boxes, seventy-two in a box),
price, twenty-five cents or five boxes for
one dollar. Any druggist will get them
if you insist, and they
obtairied by remitting the price to
The Ripans Chemical
if l Siie
iutrotluro to every family in tlio
MiiiilerH. IiiNoleN.
OiilHitles ami lleelN.
II S ll 1 -iUl 11)-
hum on yoitr uir's iruillu::.
6ayss.oo im : wifa wen' barsfooi
utber than
ouy HnytniayuHi tun dkxtbbs 1.00 suoti.
lucorporated "
slid If fssnd
IS. a,.
HI null a I.
wi'th a -T?
mhU -uidl who ri aot.
Made br the,
In Amerles.
aiatrrlal money
awanaVBa V mWSA mm m
I r 1 line illustratron show, machine
closed (rsdUropiilnirfrcm slirht) to be used as a staur isbl.. .ua.
r u..k 1 tbe other oien with full lenirth Utile and head In place for
sewlnu. 4 fiaer isaawM. Isimi lsaa .L.i.,n. rnH. ... n.i.. Bm
bos.ed and decorated cal.lnet flnl.h, finest nickel drawer pulls, rests on four
rsslers. sdjiutal le treadle. irenuineSmyth Iron stand, riaesl IsreeBlfklna
Was. positive four motion fl ed, self threading ribrstlnir shuttle, automatle
bobbin winder, adjustable beaiinirs, patent bnsion lllie ra tor. Improved looaa
wheel, adjustable presmre foot, Improved shuttle csrrler. patent needle bar.
patent dress Kusrd. kead h baaSmsly aresralea and araaaaraud asd bassUrally
skS.I aSaSMC GUARANTEED Ihslltlite.trsaalas. steal darasls asd atsrsat
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