TOMBSTONE INSCRIPTIONS. A Collection Made Jrom ailtheBvry- ing Grounds in Snyder County for the Middleburqh "Post." Shafter, Jacob, h Feb 16, 17M; d'jhe Eminent Kidney C'EXIRE TOWNBHIP. Sanders, Eliza, w of H. K., b Nov . 16, 1825,d Apr 4, 1 8U0, aged 04 y 4 ni 18 d. Sanders, Henry, b Aug 19, 1705; d Jan 11, 1870, aged 74 j 4 ru 22 d. Sanders, Catharine, w of Henry, b Jaa 28, 1800; d Feb 16, 1877, aged 77 y 18 d. 3 d. Slieorv, Charles M.. s of S. F. and E.,d Dec 16, 1882, aged 1 y 1 ni 24 d. Shrawder, Daniel, I) Aug 25, 1S04; d Nov 17, 1882, aged 78 y 2 in 22 d. Shrader, Jacob V., s of Samuel ami and Auna C, d Mar 4, 1 S04, aged 2 y 5 in 10 d. A Una l JnLiI ,ll..l 1(1 I l I I iHH I , jlUH j ... v villa, ,.. v, 1898, aged 26 y 7 m lid. Smith, Warren, e or Joshua and Margaret ('., d Mar 7, 1877, accd 2 in 21 d. Sanders, Emma Cevilla,dau of Jacob I Smi,, d Dec 31, 1893, aged orapoplwy are often the result of kidney iii. i n OQ i oojc. J . i-.., disease. If kidney trouble is allowed to ad- and Hetty, b Dec 20, 18bo; d 71 y 8 in 28 d. vance Km kidney-poisoned blood will attack Jennie E., b Sept 11, 1800; d Nov 5, 1890, aged 1 m 25 d. d Sept 25, 1838, aged 65 y 2m ii i i 1U u. Weirick, Lakh, b July 15, 1808: d Ot 18, 188"), aged 77 v 3 m 4 d. Weirick, David, Esq.. b June 8, 1 70S; d Apr 3, I860, aged lil y 9 in 25 d. Wales, John, d Out 18, 1822, aged 9 y. Ycislcv, Henry, l Sept 15, 1780; d Apr 16, 1855, tged 74y Tin 7d. i Ycislcv, Maria, w of Michael, b Pee 9, 1820; d Jan 2, 1888, aged Tit MtcoTtnr at Swam-oot at Work ia o J l 0. Hi. LaWratory. YoilDg, John, b June 16, 1817; d There is a disease prevailing In thli T . da , nun n i i i Smith, Sallie, d June 1, 1891, agid coumry most danBerous because so decep- - "X J 1 .. 1 . It' ,1 . . if . - i uiiinr. .u.iii.i, in uu'UI, mii 1 Vim lo 0. 11 heart disease. Dneumonia. heart failure V.' ... . . . . ZV. 18IWJ il Pee 18, 1871 aired 57 V I in 19 d May 14,1809, agetl J v4ml6d. ; q I. t.,.. v ,i L the vital organs, or the kidneys themselves Tl . ... . 1 JA T V 1 8 7 ' , V , Z ' ' break down and waste away cell by cell. 4. 1 ''V," ,n0r'a,"h ''' n1'8 T'' Sanders, mfant dau of Win. t. and, July 22, 1867; d Sept 1, 1879, Then the richness of the blood-the albumen M.onof country than all other aired - V 1 in 0 d leaks out and the sufferer has Brighfs uiea put together, ami until the h J j Disease, the worst form of kidney trouble. Uet few Veare Waa auppoted to 06 10- Snook. Amnion. I of It. and ( .. b Dr. Kilmer s Swamn-Root the new di. eunthle. For ii Ru nt many vcarc Sanders, Henry, Sr., b Aug 24, M-ir ''." 1869: d Aug 3 1 1S7'. covery is the true specific for kidney, bladder doctors pronounced it a local li 1768;d Feb 17, 1850, aged 81 -aed 10 v 6 m 6 d ' ' i ?d "Tiy, Uuuhlf - 11 has cur,cd thousands ease, aud prciibed local remedies ' ''slHI " of apparently hopeless cases, after all other ami hv e litantly fa'lintr loeiire y . in I (I. i Snook Katie K. dan ol Riiibt'ti and efforts have failed. At druggists in fifty-cent with local treat inent, FOOOUbOed it Sanders, Eve, w of H., b Dee 28, Caroline, b Aug 31, 187(.; d 1768; d .June I'd. 1847, aged' Deo 81, 1881. 78 y 7 to 21 d. ( William b Feb 23, 1817; d Sanders, Sarah, dau of Henry andj Jane 18, 1875, aged 5S y 3 m C, bMay 1, 1881 d Dee 6, Q 1849, aged 18 y 7 in 5 d. E,JIabethj w yj ,niam ,, Sanpeel, Darbara, w of George, b Mario, 1813; d Aug 22, Feb24, 1836j dMay 14, 1874, ls;,.( gj v ,-, m ia ,, aged 37 y 5 m 20 d. Nt,Uv A o( W) hn Sampsel, A. J., d Mar 5, 1882, aged ,IIU Lvna , m:iv 29, 1877, 52 y 6 m 9 d. nired 4 m 14 d. SampseJ, Kate, w of J. W., 1 May ; nook, Rebecca, w oi John A., b Walter, infant, dan t Eyor and 2,1853; d July 12, 1880. jujy lg jsi'.); d Mar 21, .Maty Anna, d Feb 8, 1873, Sampsel, Catharine, wot' George, bj 1879, aged 58 y8m 9d. "gd 1 ni. Oct 24 1814; d Mar 14,187 lt U . H j 2, l8gl Walter, Jnse, fr ' aged 2o V l l in d. SampMt, George, b Mar 10, l8l5;aL , . . ' , , Jund2, 1890, aged 81 y 2 m infant "1 Reuben and ( aro- 22 ,i, line, d Oct 1, 1896. StBMRkan, Martin T., a of Fannie, d j StaltlntH-ker Kate, dan of Henry Aur4. 1 869. aired 2 y 2 m 25d ;u!.n.,.n .Il.n P . nt .Inlin , 1 Stall llleekef, JailM S, S O f 1 1 elll V UIH EUsabeth, d May 9, 1877, aged 55,UbeUlj '! Nov M' 1 866' "'l 1 y 2 m 29 d. 2 7 2 : d' aman.MaryM., dan ot Lewia wB'neoer, pauy am. , aau ... and Sarah, d Jan 21, 1803, ana aouar sizes, a sample Dottle sent tree incut utile. science lias proven cii by mail, also a book telling about Swamp-. t hit li II) bo a COIlKtituHenal disease. Root and its wonderful cures. Address R,QdtberefoeroquiraH constitutional Dr. Kilmer&Co.. Binghamton, N. Y. and treatiuetifl. Hall's Catarrh t'nic man- mention this paper, ufantuied b.T P. .1 Obeney & Oo., i oiciio, iruio, is i no only eoiiRMtu ? . . tional cine ti the nun ki t. li i uon Wehraud Elizabeth Sif ret, I taken internally in doses from ten b May II. 1874; d Jan 17, drops to a teNspounful. It Hots di rect iv on the "moil mi. I lUUCOUS BUr faces oft ho y t n . Tliey offer oi e hundred dollum foi any case it faiie to cure, Bond 'or circulars and tea- tuuoDiuls. Aruiress, Wc! 1879, tyged 4 y 8 ra B d. r, infant ol Solomon and I'.liza beth, d July 11, 1888, aged 8 Ins. P. J. CHENKY&CO, Toh de. 0. Sold lv I Irusrcists, 7ftc. Hall's Paiuilj Tilts are ti e bt -t. MEXICO AND CALIFORNIA. Emery, of Aaron and Elizabeth, d July 26. 1889, '" njrs'Toori unaylvsnta ... - , Betl .i in . n, Walt. b Apr 28, 18S!t, aged rhfl Ponnaylvania Railroad nerao natty-con- i ,i ii ,i duotat torn t iiaxtco ami i allfornla wrlilcli I'.l l a I let li. Vf Ol Laron ., itavaa New v.rk and Philadelphia Pebruar.v iclii. .1 Mnv I r. I it t - niru r , itru:iry IB) iv peeiai rltuman 1 ' " 1 1 train, eovera a large and Intonaety interartlnit 40 V A d portion ol North America. Mexico, Oallfornla, and Colorado are a mighty trio In all iHut ac- . Walter, Herva C, s of Aarou and '"' """" r"-"'"" nr I ' ' sti.,m i I he nine leal Ban antonlo, Ci., il 1'Ci ,1, lj.i; ii .iii lui wuanajuni uauaiajara, Hueramrui . n. , ' . i5 vicxifu livi. ttuvn), I'licrimvurii, ;jrincillentea, 1879, aged OV I DI lUd. t)i Angelm, Ban Diego, Kivemlde, Panadena. . I Santa Uarbara. San .Ihm- (Mt. 11 ainllton), I'i-I a tcr. Kllie ( '.. an of Aaron and I Uonte. sun Kranciaco I Ave day). Halt ink aged 8 y 5 m 17 d tman, Cloid E., s ot Emanuel and Fannie A., d Mur 23, 1886, aged 10 m 10 d. mn, Alice M., dau of E. and ., b Feb 21, 1875; d Dec 25, J 878, aged 3 y 10 tn 4 d. iSassaman, Sarah E., dau of E. and S., b Dec 4, 1873; d Nov 27, 1 1878, aged 4 y 11 in 23 d. Sassauian, Mary E., dau of E. and S., b Aug 29, 1871; d Nov 22, 1878, aged 7 y 2 m 23 d. Sassaman, Ambrose E., s of E. and I S., b Aug 20, 1878; dSept 5, 1878, aged 15 d. Susfpamau, infant dau of E. and Fan- nie A., d Sept 0, 1882. Sassaman, Susannah, w of Emanel, 1 bJulv 12, 1846; d Aug 21, 1 1878,' aged 32 y 1 m 9 d. Sassuman, Jonas, s of Lewis and Sarah, d Oct 8, 1868, aged 18 y 3 m 22 d. Showers, George V., b July 16, 1831; d May 20, 1878, aged 46 y 10 m 10 d. Showers, Henry Albert, s of G, W.J llenrv and Elizabeth, d June 27, 1877, aged 4 m 21 d. Stahlneckcr, Susanna, of Henry, h Mar 4, 1881; d July 27, 1863, aged 32 y 4 in 25 d. Stine, Mary Ann, dau of Abraham, d Nov 17, 1826, aged 4 mild. Stine, Judy, dau of Abraham, d Mnv 29, 1830:aged 2 m 9 d. Stine, Catharine, w of Christian, d Mar 19, 1896, aged 58 y I m . i . v . mi tamA i eiX Coloraoofprlnga, llenver. unicago, ana I . I : .' t 1 i 1 1 1 . il()et "K l.Si-l. atrial ntltcr tminU of intorett. fourteen day will be i III II d. 18 d. Stine. Ammon H.. 002, and WultlT' E",mu J '.da". 0,!Aa.ron !'".l Mary, d May 13, 1866, aged 6 m 24 d. ipont iii Mi (too, and nineteen in California. The "Mci i and California Speclai.Man ex V',. fiUtnla ..... ... i, I. I,. cl naively Pallman train i I arlor-Smolting, Walter. Oaran, W Ot Aaron, I) fee WUB Drawing-room Maanlnc, and Obaarva- 6 1849id July 31 lN7f. lioocani. will Iumh,, a nvcr llu-i-ntlre route. ' ' j ' ' ' Round -1 i rate. Inclodlng nil naoaanarr ex- UTaltui' Sur-ili K dilll of S and M ponnemluriiiu mitln- trip, USD from oil points Vt .1111 I, Oar.lll li., liail Ol O. aim m. ;,. VnllH, ,,.,,, ;,,a Synt.-ni mint ..r A., b Dec 19. 1849. aired 5 y I Pitteburgi tMt from r'lttaburg Km- Itinerary ' ' o anii full infornwtinn apply lo tlokt-t ji-ni 2 111 22 III. Tmirlnt AkiihI, llli llroiiitaray. New YorV; I I I'onrt Strum, Hrooklvo: iw llrnail siroet. Hair. Walter. Marv A., b Air- 4. 1852. ark, w. i.t a. Cohrteander. it .Feaiura ana. i fi a j I niorw I'mtrii-t. tin a mora, Mil.; i olin muUoi, atred i m 4 d. I enirvr Agrnl Si.iiUifaiitvrii IMitrti t, Vanh- , tngtiin, 1) fl ,: Thou K Wott, CuMviiKnr Avi-nt Water. Maria A. w ot iNilotnoti. b "'"m !Ntrii-i, rmnLiirg. r ,i oraanroaj i . ... . . kwa i. Bojrd. Afitant Ooiirrul Jan 4, 1830; d Sept 13, 18; ii, j street station, riiiiwi.-ipii a. aged 22 y 7 m 9 d. I gent, iiftit.ii 1- l-llt. E.,bDeo 1, 1868; d Apr 11, 1870, aged 10 y 4 tn 10 d. NERVITA PILLS Restore Vitality, Lol V If or and Aiiohood it r a .... a IT t .....1 . -.. Slim. Ufarv Jan.. lo. ,.f ( i aer, AII1IUOU 1 1 ., Ol V,. vi. .... wu-impotency, pig,ons. i,o9 m mem- ' " ' B" Ht .1 A..-M-! IVUtl .r.u i - ii- i J ozcoss mill indiHcrotinn. I V iu -' 1. fit -TP A nerve tonic ind i mi MDiooa omiaer. urin, i vV'olfley, John C, d Dee 30, 1866, aged 38 v l tn 26 d. Wolflev. John C. 8 of J. C. and tlio pink ulow to Dale clioolis nniT rnstoroa tho fire of yntitli. Uy muil Oo nflr box. 6 boms fur $2.60, with our bankable g-aurantee to cure or refund the money paid. Send for circular and Mary, d May 7, 186i, aired 1 v 1 in 12 d. Stine, Frederick, h Jan 29, 1764; d ! WC!i S U , t June 8, 1829, aged 65 y 4 ...j J,,1.vf2' ,894 1,-,,l ," 10 l(m. mQ i i I,, i i I. .),, i o i t . or refund uxe money paid. bnu for ci StillC Christian b to- ' 18'V' l " 'eren liall, l JeO -U, lOtX, andcopyof our bankablo guarantee bond d Feb' ' n, 1 893, aged 00 y 6 1 . J )w 20' 1 864 28 -v 6 d' NqwWq Tohlptc EX i m 24 d. i woiney, fonn I ., i uec u, '''V" "'" '" Immediate Remits i i nft . . . i . Stine, John, b Aug 8, 1827; d Sept 28, 1884, aged 57 y 1 Dl20d.l Stine, Catharine, w of George, bj ro .1 1SII19..J A.,Oft 1S!s' I aged 79 y 4 m 22 d. (Via, LOW LABEL) tivoly gnnrantood 'ocnln. UmlnTfiloi Paraxis, Locomotor Ataxia, Norvoua Pnwtra- Posltlvoly (rnnrantood enre for Loss of Power, varlcocoln, UDtMfelOPed or Shrunken urtrans, p. i ,. IS-,') ,. 1 O .. tion, Hystnrla, Fit1!, Itiinlty, Paralysi and tho ,.(.i i - "'- -f,-- nesuiu or r.xi-OKiive lisn or iiitinn-ii. upinm or 10 in 21 d. 1 1 ti -. By mail in plain packan, $1.00 a x. 6 for $5.00 with our bankable guar an tee bond to cure In 30 day or refund .and lir in I .. i A .. . t i 1 1. oiney, iniaui s oi a. v. ami myv, money paid. Address I Nov 20, 1851. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. M A d A or 5 1805 aced Stine, Ceorge, b June 28, 1805; d ov "h -j-W-T WtDMUW. 7 n, 9( 1 June 28 1877 Led 72 v 1 WoWey, Conrad, b June 21, 1 780; Clinton Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, l I m Z() a. ! .unit o, i.- , agui . t ' o .sold bv ivi iDDl.i-.lil ltu nitl u t o . .mi.iiiii-imiix w:ii: v .. i L Rlina Jan-N . of (,. nnrl d Ofjt 18, 182?, aged 47 V 3m Showers, William F., s of Oeorire Bone, James H., of Ceorge and; IVV. and Mnrv A.. 1 Jm IK. I Mary, d Feb 18, 1872, atred I iuum o ... ix .1 1 v I in 14 d. .'Wolflev SnowWs, IJarbara, w of Daniel, b'Stts.k, Harrison J., I of Jacob and Aug 14, 1800;d Mar31, 1854, 1 Hannah, d Sept 1 8, 1868, aged itged 53 y 7 m 17 d. agl s f 14 d. Show;rs, Daniel, b Sept 4, 1804: d Stook, Charles H., s of Jacob and ' . - ' r . ' I II I. I lit 1 Oi'i 1 May 16, 1858, aged 53 y 8 m 12 d. Showers, Mary A., w of G. W., b Stuck, Irwin F., s of David and . r a iti flrt -i ct i June 8, 1830; d Mar 18, 1868; aged 37 y 9 m 10 d. Showers, John A., b Oct 5, 1771; d Fb9, 1859, aged 87 y 6 m 4'd. Hannah, d July 19, 1866, aged in 20 d. Poems A $7 Book d in Mcli ihtmoii i ntorentod in Niili-criliiiiLr tn tin i-'ilurnc i ir hi H4inuni6nl Bnuvsnii1 & Fund, BuhiiGTib- ny fetnounl ilcsirpd. KiibMnription m iw ii Um will entitle fliniiT tn thin t'uintily artistic Volatile. FItfl l'lIWITS" Margaret, d July 22, 1804, aged 14 y 10 in 13 d. Stuck, John Pharea, s of David' and Margaret, d May 21, 1885, aged 1 y 10 m 7 d. Shower-s, Elizabeth Beachel, 2nd w Stuck' ?lUebf2 of Daniel, d July 15, 1862, d JuIy 10 1859' 8ed rjml01 aged 55 y 6 ra 13 d. ' Stailey, Amanda C, dau of J. H. Showers, infant s of G. W. and M. "ud Sarah, d Feb 5, 1841, aged A. r,fBr 14 3y2m25d. J wa y a ' y v Shinkel , John, b Mar 17, 1798; d Dte 3, 1882, aged 84 y 8 m iek Shinkel,, Mary, w of John, b Dec 6, 1890; d Aug 25, 1886, aged 85 y 8 m 19 d. Shinkel, David A., s of John and Mary, d June 20, 1865, aged 4 ra lOd. Shinkel, Mary A., dau of John and Mary, d Nov 26, 1876, aged 8 m 15 d. r, infant a of A. B. and Kate, b Nov 30, 1890. Shaffer Suaaona, w of Jacob, b Jan 28, 1797; d Oct 6, 1874, aged 77y88d. Shell. Emanuel H., s of Jacob and Elizabeth, d Sept 18, 1874. Steese, Lilly S., dau of Elizabeth Sifret, b June 3, 1869; d Mar 13, 1871, aged 1 y 9 m 10 d. Swarm, Joseph, d 1897. Swarm, Susanna, w of Joseph, d Oct 22, 1890, aged 74 y 5 m 24 d. Schwann. Mary B., w of Solomon, b Jan 30, 1852; d Mar 27. 1882, aged 30 y 1 ni 27 d. Tittle, William A.,sot William and Catharine, b Aug 6, 1859; d Sept 18, 1861, aged 2 y 1 m 124. Wehr, Maggie Louisa, dau of Solo- 27 d. I l t r iui- t.i n r r lohu ('., s of J. A. and C, UGtNt - UIVLH I iDl l Nov 10, 1856, aged 6m 2nd. 1 r ) 0 ft o a . -r U t 1 ntLD 5 ! n oiney, neiio D., in n. .. aim Phoebe Bruriner, d 8ept 7, 1875, t'ged 2 m 13 d. Wolfley, Henry, b June 6, 1816; d Aug 3, 1823, aged 7 y 2 in 3d. Wolfley, John A., b Sept 24, 1814;' (1 Aug 17, 1873, aged 58 y , m 13 d. Wolfley, Kate, w of John A., d Apr 20, 1898. need 78 y 21 d. ridadeqaaltr between tba farnliy of the lute ' n n , I Kogaae Field and the fund for the building of Weiiver I lenrv. b Oct 21 . 1S06: d a nMuinmant to the loemorv of tbc balored uoat . . .-. i of ciiiiuhiHHi. Ail Jan (i, low, aged y m 10 d. (elotn bootid, "kiii m a eer- ) tlflcate of rabaeriptlon ti .1 f imil Hook oolitaiiiH u ml'Ioc- The book nf rt tlon of PleW'e beat and moat tiiet-i-ntnry repraMntat i ve trorkf and iH llnnil'oiiie- rowly fur ili livcry. iv lluatrat- But for the nobjt eontri- ad iiv thir bntion ot the world'e treated tv-two nl e Hrliitii tli n bonk innlil tint the world'! ? bare bean manufactured r,.. (rcati-nlAr- 0 lea than V7.O0. tintH. 1 Tba fund araateo in dl Wittcmneyer, Leonard, b Mav 10, 1808; d Nov 6, 1857, aged 40 y 5 m 26 d. Wittenmyer, Mary, uau of LsoDard j and Elizabeth, d Apr 15, 1857, It aged 8 y 7 m 19 d. Weirick, Sibbilla, d Nov 27, 1855, aged 18 y 9 m 24 d. Weirick, Edward, d Oct 12, 1877, aired 48 v 1 m. " T Weirick, Harriet, b Oct 1834; d IX Jan 5, 1860, aged 25 y 3 m. Weirick, Allen, b July 1840; d Mar 10, 1860, aged 19 y 8 in. Weirick. WilbainA., d Dec8,1871, aged 29 y 6 m. Weirick, Jacob, b June 1832; d Apt 30, I860, aged 27 y 10 m. Weirick, George, b July 15, 1773; Add peep, Eugene Field Monument Souvenir Fnnd, (Alio at Booh Iteree ) 100 Monroe 81., CMoito if yon Alio wJhIi lo tettd poetetjcOi ondoM id-. I '..-.T-iL?iJTi,i.T-iTii,iifi L - TaaTeiTaTa-i i v i , l i t rrn "ii rrri iii i re r mm r--w iiniTinT Hirr-LimotKU MARBLE WORKS. -xx- R.H. LANCE, Dealrr In Narbl anil M-oirh Oranlte . . . MONUMENTS, HEAD STONES & CEMETERY LOT ENCLOSURES. Old Stones Cleaned and Repaired. Prices as Low as the Lowest. Satisfaction Guaranteed. t a TTwrmn a . a, nanauiui fa' J. CnwrxoTf, Pa. ? iiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiii A SMALL SPOT MAY BE CANCER. MOST VIOLENT GASES HAVE Thi (rreatP8t care should be given to Any little aore, pimple or acratcn which abows no doipoHitiiiD to iieul under ordin ADDClDCn AT CIDQT Brv treatment. No one can tell how aoon theaa ftrrmnLU HI rinOI AO will develop into Cancer of the worst tvue. So many people die from Cancer nimply be MPRF PIMPI F oniiso they do not know junt what thu disoaso in; M-IIL rillirLLOi they naturally turn themselves over to the doctor. and are forced to submit to a cruel and danireroua operation the only treatment which the doctor know for Cancer. The diae jiromptiy returna, However, and is even more violent and destructive than before. Cancer is a deadly poUon in the blood, and an operation, planter, or other external treatment can have no affect whatever upon it. The cure must come from within the last vestige of poison must bo eradicated. Mr. Wo Walpole. of Wnlshtown. S. I) , aayi: "A little blotch aluiut the size of a pea came under my left eye. gradually growing larger, from which (mooting pains at intervals ran in all directions. 1 lieeanio greatly alarmed and consulted a good doctor, who pronounced it Cancer, and advised that it lie cut out. but this I could not con sent to. I read In my local p.iHr of a euro effected by S S. 8., and decided to try it. It acted like a charm, the Cancer lieromint; nt first irritated, and then discharging very freely. This gradually grew less and then discon tinued altogether, leaving a small scab which soon drop ped ofT nnd now onlv a healthy little scar remains where what threatened to destroy my life once held full swnv." Positively the only euro for Cancer is Swift's Specific S. S. S. FOR THE BLOOD because it is the only remedy which can go deep enough to reach the root of the disease and force it out of the svstem permanently. A surgical operation does not reach the blood- the real seal of the diseaso -because the blood am iiof fie cut away. Insist Upon S. H. S.; nothing can take its place. S. S. s. nurea also any case of Scrofula. Eczema, Rheumatism, Contagious lllood Poison, Ulcers, Sores. ..r any oilier form of blood disease Valuable book's on Cancer and Blood Diseases will lie mailed free to any address by Bwift Specific Company, Atlanta, Georgia. r 0 FIREHIFE 8 AND ACCIDENT) td Insurance. Snyder's old, and reliable Gen'l Insurance A &'e n cy, SELINSGR0VE, SNYDER COUNTY, PA- Elmer V7". Snydoi-, Asoxit, Bnccessnrlo tlie late William H. Snyder. The Par-Excellence of Reliable Inauraooe in reprBented in the follow tiff lint of Btandard Companiea, from winch to make a selection, None Better the World over. NAM It. MMIATIOH, axuk.ts. FIRE Royal, Liverpool, Enff. (including foreign assets) 148,000,000.00 Hartford, of Hartford, Conn., oldeat American Co.) 8,640,788.09 Phoanix, Hartford, Conn. ;,.r)r,o.r8.07 Continental, New York, 6, 78408 It German Anierican, New York, fi,240, 10 LIFE Mutual Life Iue. Co. New York, VSTM " ACCIDENT Employers' Liability Assurance C rporal Acculent Inn. Co. ttu bscn bed Capital oi 98,7SU,Oi ).uii Fire, Life and Accident riskH accepted at the lowest possible rate, jus tifieil by itrlot regard to mutual safety. All just claims promptly and satisfactorily adjusted. Information in relation lo all classes ot Insur ance promptly furnished ELMER W. SNYDER, Agt., Telephone No. 1S'2. Office on Corner Water & i'lue tits. Selinsgrove. Pa OOOCX)000XXXOCXXXXXCOCCX000000000000000000X ul Read This ! Read This ! MY PRESENT STOCK OF CARPETS la larger than ever before; my PRIC S LOWER than OTH ERS for 1 1 e SAME GOODS. My prices on i rolls of carpet I wish to close out will suit tlio Docket book of many and save others moi.ey. D( not think 01 buying your full carpets until B yon give my stooK ol carpets your attention ana gei tue puces of some of my baagaina I am offering. See My Display of Cnrtains, Curtain Poles & FixlDTes. Prices just rii;lit on these goods. One Word About Pictures. I nm offering tn.v present stock of pictures at cost, LF.SS X THAN COST and some tor the price of the glass in the frames, y Don't miss this sale. , I have some pretty things to offer in Furniture, all new. n Laer will surprise you in Styles and Prices. UNDERTAKING ! UK DERTAKING ! 8 In this brancli of my business I am prepared to (jive the Q public the best serbice thai cut) be secureil bv money, tune and personal attention. My equippaue in tLiis braooh'Of business is one of the finest in the stat. HEARSES, CARRIAGES nl UNDERTAKING PARLORS are up to date. one rrt about i report 1 1 : t my attention ims ba oallad to lately In regard to mypnees. GUAKANTBBtofurniHh theaameiroorlaat monky than aav house In tfMOOUUty. I QOARANIKB to give you ci.sler I'AY.MliM' than all others. FirsUCIasa Livery Connected with Undertaking Department. W. H. FELIX, i mi I . .: ... i i.'u itTiti v , l cicinmc v oiiiieciiuii. uu n n iij i o . XXMQOOOOOOOOOOOOCXKXrO v C..QWKiOOOQOOCQOOOQOOOOOO Liberal Adjustments Prompt Payments. REMEMBER H. HARVEY SCHDCHg GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY SMLINSQROTM PA. Only the Oldest, Strongest Cash Companies, Eire, Life, Accident and Tornado. U No Assessments No Premium Notes. The Aetna Founded A. D., 1819 Assets 811,055,513.88 " Home 44 - 44 1853 44 9,853,628.54 44 American 44 44 44 1810 44 2,409,584.53 The Standard Accident Insurance Co. The New York Life Insurance Co. The Fidelity Mutual Life Association. Tour Patronage S elicited.