The Middleburgh Post. eubliHiml everv ThuimVv QM M Wagen teller, tditor anJ Proprietor Sulmcription per year. wbktti m... i im pld Id advauce when sent out alde tbn county.) RATH OF AOVf RTItlNO. All transit-ul aUverUimonte not otherwise jontractou tor will be charged at the rate oi is cent per Hoe (nonpartel measure) for first Inser tion and 10 cents per line tor every aubaequent Inaertlon. rDM(taoliwrNMWAH; oMraary posi-l. tributM tf rufd, te.. Ikrw stats a has. a rvrklesa speculator in stocks and lost heavily in the recent "slump." In an inland city like Lancaster, where known gambling dens are permitted to do business with im punity, such public calamities as the downfall ot Hershey are sure to happen. Republican Standing Committee. Adam. W. H. Herman. .1. O. Mlddleswarth Beaver, A. v . Musser, David Coleman Beaver W., Chaa. A. Wanner, .tohn I. Howell Centre, H. B. Wagner, II A. Bowerox Chapman, O. & Trnutman, P. A. Troup Franklin, M. L. Walter, II. K. Boleuder Jackson, J. 8. Yearick, II. H. Smith Mlddlebiirg, Al. Clelau. lames Krdley Middlecrcek, A. D. K reamer. H. L Yoder Monro, A. It. Young, I. P. Kilter Perm, Frank Miller, Howard How Ferry, Dr. .M. Kotlirock, Irwin Hover Perry W., Geo. straw nor, John Noll Sellnsgrove, A. B. Keck, U. J. Duck Spring, Geo. S. Iepley, G M Smith Union, O. O. Rice, H. J. Stroh Washington. Dr. K. W. Toole. J. II. Arhogaat Thursday, Jan. 11,1900. It looks now as though Dr. A.M. Smith, for the Legislature, Geo. M. Shindel, for Prothonotary, and John H. Willis, for Register A: Recorder, all candidates for re-election, will not have any opposition. The two-term rule is pretty well es tablished in this county, and when men of merit, as. these have proven themselves to be, oome up for re election, opposition would be futile. The Republican primary election of Union County will be held March 3rd. Not a greatdeal ot opposition is yet apparent. Dr. G. C. Mohn, of Laurel ton, a native of Centre- ville, tins county, is tine ot the as pirants for Assemblyman. Hon. P. K. Focht is a candidate for State Senator, and Thad. M. Mahon for Congress. The fight on Assembly man and Associate Judge seems to be a warm one, while the other can didates as yet have no opposition. It is a dangerous t bing to have a wicked son-in-law. Mr. Barclay Warburton, whose daughter is the wife of John Wanamaker, is the owner of the Philadelphia Evening Wo-tijA, Among its New Year's telegraph printed a PoBtmar'.er eral Wanamaker on politics and one from former Senator Quay on religi on. By Mr. Warburton's adroit management the evangelist was made to turn politician and the politician to turn evangelist. The Republican State Convention has been called to meet in Harris burg to make the usual nominations April 25th, 1900. In accordance with this early call, the Republican Standing Committee oi Snyder coun ty will meet at this place Saturday to set a day for the county primaries. At the primary, nominations will be made tor Congressman, StateSeuator, Assemblyman, Prothonotary, Re gister and Recorder, District AU torney and Jury Commissioner and the election of a National Delegate and a Delegate to the State Convention. The hanging of Edward Cress inger at Sunbury last week marks the proper destiny of men of his striiie. In October 1898. he delib- a erately shot Daisy Smith near Se linsgrove Junction and then cut her throat. He has confessed to the tinurder, but as vet no satisfactory 'reason can be assigned tor the motive that prompted the villain to take the ! life of this beautiful young girl in ( 'old blood. The majesty ot the law t'teps in to avenge the death with (he blood of which Cressinger's panda have been foully stained. He aid the penalty. He took a life &nd the law took his lite as a penalty. here is no escape for the violators ' the law and the public heaves a rh of relief that another murderer j8 mouldering into dust leneath the 800- The defalcation of County Treas- at Mnichatr n.r T jn nM olnn uviinfn Vt Aavi OII T y VI UHUVflOlU ASUUVTe jg what the New U-ocalls it a pub j jc calamity. The figures of the em bezzlement, it is said, will reach $65,042.41. Hershey is a fugitive tron justice. The tall of Hershey is cjnly another proof of what has Ben so often charged that the old respectable county of Lancaster enneated with moral rottenness. Tot long ago was the exposure ot ie gigantiorevenue frauds of Jacobs nd Kendig. And now conies this enormous defalcation of a trusted official. Herehey's crime appear to be traceable to He was a nbkr pok- iplaver. COUfl' does poUti NEWSPAPER DUNS. We presume that some people think that newspaper men are per sistent duns; let a farmer place him self ill a similar business position and see if he would not do the same. Suppose that he raises one thous sand bushels ot wheat and his neigh bor should come and buy a bushel, and the price was only one dollar, and the neighbor says, "I will pay you the amount in a few days." As the farmer docs not want to be small about the matter, he says all right. Another conies in the same way until the whole of the one thousand bushels ot wheat are trusted out to one thousand different persons, and not one of the purchasers concerns himself alxiut it, for it is a small amount they owe the farmer, and of course that would not help him any. He does not realize that the farm er has frittered away his large crop of wheat and that its value is due in a thousand driblets, and that he is seriously embarrassed in his business because his debtoi-s treat it as a little matter. But if all would pay him promptly, which they could do as well as not, it would be a very large amount to the farmer, and en able him to carry on his business without difficulty. The foregoing comparison is too true of the tilt tieulties that the newspaper man has to contend with. I HIS PAPe f FARM JOURNAL ONEYE irt. t 5YEAr.S. UcULUKE. Pay Up and Get Both Pa pets at Prioe of One. IIV imnt to get s00 ttubwri NN to our jMtperbtf New Yearn, and tunt gong to ( if ijwe MM ; we tlurcjorc continue our ar rangement with the farm Jour nal oi which ire can Hud 'Ihe Middehurg Poll and the Farm Journal 6 yearn, both for 1.00 eah-in-adcancc. And we make the name offer to all old miltncrib STS who will pry all arreariacs and one year in adcancc. You know what our paper is and the Farm Journal is a gem pract ica I , pr )grOMi ve a clean, honest, useful itaper full z of gumption, full of sunshine, with an immense circulation a mocg the best people every where. You ought to take it. w Appleton s Popular Science Monthly for January. Deaths and Births of each township in Snyder county for the year 1899. Adams, Beaver, Beaver, West, Centre, Chapman, Franklin, Jackson, Middleburg, Middlecreek, Monroe, Penn, Perry, Perrv, West, Selinsgrove, Spring, Union, Washington, Totals, Death. Blrtha. 4 15 8 28 12 ' 31 4 18 10 32 . 8 26 7 . 18 4 5 9 27 5 24 8 25 11 33 16 10 13 21 6 35 5 35 10 35 140 418 .Ve know of nothing better to tear the lining of your throat and lungs. It is better than wet feet to cause broachltli and pneumonia. Only keep It up long enough and you will aucceed in reducing your weight, losing your appetite, bringing on a alow fever and making everything exactly right for the germs of con sumption. Stop coughing and you will get well. caret coughs of even' kind. An ordinary cough disap pear in a single night. The racking coughs of bronchitis are soon completely mat tered. And, if not too fsr along, the coughs of con sumption are completely cured. Ask year druggist for one of Dr. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Plaster. It will aid At action of the Cherry Pectoral. In order to adapt it more closely to the wants of the general public, and to make it more than ever be fore the medium of readable and trustworthy information on sclenti Bo subjects, the publishers of the Ap pleton's Popular Science Monthly inaugurate with thi number several marked changes in the magazine which will commend themselves to all classes til readers. In the first place, the price is low ered to twenty-five cents, which puts the publication within the reach ot every one who cures to keep up with the rapid march of discovery and the more important applications ot new facts in the arts and industries. In the next place, the topics dis- iHisseu are to lie Riven a oroader range, thus enlarging the 16006 ol the magazine as a vehicle of useful and entertaining knowledge, and ex tending its appeal to a wider circ of readers. In a wnd, the philoso phy of science which has heretofore been a prominent feat ire of the ma gazine is to fpve place to the facts and principles that s"ply directly to the concerns ot ev y day life. A third feature o'. thenewtleiKirl ii re will be the emp byment of dis tinguished special is; s as writers on their respective subjects, who are able to present their ideas in a form suited to the general reader, and whose names give what they have to say the stamp ol accuracy and authority. These and some minor changes of fotm are introduced in the pres ent number. To mention but a few I of the articles, Sir Hubert Ball, Pre sident of the Koval Astronomical j Society, writes of the Advance of As tronomy in the Nineteenth Century Prof. Charles E. Munroe treats ot the Applications of Explosives, which in a variety of forms are now doing their deadly work in war; a Paradoxical Anarciet is described and studied by Cesare Lombroeo, the eminent Italian Criminologist; What Makes the Trolley Car Go is explained and illustrated by Mr. William E. Baxter, C. E.; and there is also a timely article on the De structive Effects of Vagrant Elec tricity, by Huberts. Wynkoop, elec- taician to the Department of Munci pal Lighting in Brooklyn. Presi dent Jordan, of Stanford University, Miss Mary M. Patrick, President ot Woman's College in Constantinople, and Herbert Spencer, also have ar ticles in the number. Try Urmln-O ! Try Urnln-O. Ask your Kroner today to show you a package of GKAIN-O, the new food driulc that takes the place of coffee. The children may drink it without injurv as well as the adult. All who try it. like it. WRAIN-O has that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java, hut it is made from pure Krai tin, and the moMt delicate etoinaoh receives it without dlstNM , One- fourth of the price of coffee. 15o. aud 25o. per pack age. Sold by all grocers. FLORIDA. Two Week' Tour via Pennsylvania If tea have i ere aad aeeat SB? The flrat Pennsylvania tour of the season to Jacksonville, allowing two weekr In Florida, will leave New York and Philadelphia Febru ary . Excursion tickets, including: railway trans portation, Pullman accommodations (one oerth), and meals en route in both directions while traveling- on the special train, will be sold at the following rates: New York, f&O 00 Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Baltimore, and Washington, S.0tt Pittsburg, $53 00, and at proportionate rates from other points. For tickets, itineraries, and other information apply to ticket agents. Tourist agent at 1190 Broadway, New York: 4 Court Street, Brook lyn; 7W Broad Street, Newark, N. J.; B. Cour laender, Jr., Passenger A&ent Baltimore Uis trict, Baltimore. Bd.; Colin Studds, Passenger Agent Southeastern District, Washington, D. C; Tboa. K Watt, Agent Western District. PIMeburg, Pa ; or to Geo. W. Boyd. uenprai rasasnger agnu, aroma Wm. Hoffman is the proud father of a little girl .... Week of prater is U'ing observed in the Evangelical Lutheran church this week Edward Mitchell and wife spent Sunday with their mm, Dr. J, W. Mitchell icreiniali llerbsterand wifc spent Sunday with their sou, W. 11. Herbster. and Win. Hoff man's . . Albert Snook of Shamokiii Dam made a short callonJ.D. Ulsh one day last week ...The funeral or 8. B. Bubb who wa accidentally killed on the I'. U. K. atLewistown Junction, was very largely attended . . . .The next West Beaver district institute will be held in the Met 'lure primary school on Jan. IS), 1900. Election Notice. The annual election of officers of the Bene it own Mutual Fire Insur ance Company will be held at their home office in Bcavcrtown, Pa., on Saturday, dan. 27, I9u0, between the hours ol 1 and I! o'clock P, M. 1 1 It. A II. BOWEBSOX, Sr. Jury Last. List oMirand lurora drawn for the court a) Oyer and Terminer and Oeoerel J . 11 dellwrv anil Court of quarter hesxloiis oi the Peace ni Snyder county held an Feb. Term, DSBtatMttW Monday, February 38. num. UKANO JUItOltb. Name. Occupation. Boleuder. ('hnr)e A , Firmer. Hrouse, WUttMB Q., F.irmer, RWlW, Frank, Fanner, lres-ler, John. Farmer, Fisher, John P., Laborer, OaUKler. Jacoti s , Farmer, II. i.e., Daniel, Farmer, Mains, Horace, I. ii.n r. lulns, Joseph HM Fanner. HMdrtCkX, Pblllp, Farmer, Jarreii, NewtOB, rVrnv r, Niiacher, John A Farmer, Sell., John C . Laborer, Kotnroek, Janv 1 1 , PUaterer, Kamer, John, Farmer, Roabaok, Kllas p., QeoUemaD SttSboM, wiihnui. r'artner, Beaman, praok, Teacher shlrev, Isaac. Fanner, Ulrica. Jerome, Fanner. Woottllnc Frank, Partner, w.iiier, Valentlue, Uehtleman, Magner, allllatn, sawyer. Eel1 er.Jaooo, Fanner, Franklin Jacgnbs Spring Monroe Heaver We-i Union Pi rn -l Heaver VVesi Spring WaSntuulou I'enn Chnpinaii Union Franklin Ailunis Sellnairrove JrtuaHiai HMdlei r. ek Beaver Weal Pi 1 1 lis I blOD I 'enl i e Heaver spring uri at II an U wldenee. Bssvw liilnn Penui Bollniigrovi Prueklln Heaver West Monroe Heater Bellosarovu Sl! II. J. in town Mai lev , Moiidnv, Penns t I le ccK was is interested in the application to the Secretary ol Internal affairs for 80 acres ol un improved land in Centre and Jack- I le thinks the 00- in the Post is for he and David Wet eel son townships tioe published laud lor which hold deeds. OLD MEXICO. Twrnl). three Hays' Tour vln IVniin--y Ivnilln ItnilruHu. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company hns :u ranged for a ipaoial paraonatly oonduoted tmir Ihrongk old Meslro by speeial Pullman train of parlor-sniokinK. iliniiiK. sleeping, compart ment, anil observation earn, to leave New York and Philadelphia February II visiting all the principal points, of Interest ;,, 'n.e "toviid of Montezuma." and I pending live days in the t'lty of Mexico. Holllli ',p tickets. DOVering nil the ttL tStlO fr ,n all points on the I'enusylvnuii roava. For further Information apply to ticket agents; 1 ourist Agent, 11 Hroadwny, New ork; 4 Court SUeet. I'rooklvn; 7M9" llrond Street, Newark, J; II Cnurlaerder, ,lr , IWenger Agent 1'iiltlinore District, Baltimore, Md.- i'olln Stndds, Passeniier Agent. Siuth eastern District, Washington, I). ('-; Thos. K. Watt, Passenger Agent, Western District. I'ltts burg. Pa.; or ndilrrsa Ueo. W lloyd. Assistant Ueneral l assenger Agent, Phi'adelphlu. 1-,-Ot losea. Ivuuia I. ml PKTIT JUBOlMi Lis) ir tU Junm drawn for the U Coiorson peu .Ctari oi Uturtnr Sesalou v r ii er ,iu l I'drmiuer hii.,.m Jail l)e very ,.f s iv ler 'mniv, pi., held seoruary term, commencing F'h. ail, imi I Name. O vu,i uiji. i Algler, James, Fanner, ! Aucker, John, Farmer, BinsaJnan, Daniel P., i Burns, iiiram. Laborer, , BrUDUer, 1 aao, Kanncr I Baumgardner, Julin D., Laborer, I Heater, Manillas, Laborer. 1 uototstn, David m . Laborer, cooper, John u, Qentleman, I rums. John M Laborer Fetterolf, OBarlSa, Farmer, Kelker. Jacob, r'artner, Friker, wiiiiam ii.. Laborer, Outelloi, N. c , J. i., Hackenburg, Joseph, Laborer, Herroin, Michael, Parmer, llerrold, ThOffiaa Q . Teacher, Haines, William, Ooschmakor, Herman, William c, Farmer, Kautrinan, Abrahain, Farmer, Kissinger, Queries, Parmer, Kiiouse, Christian farmer, K mletter, Davlc.Qentlemun, K li iik n r, .i.i im s Teacher, Kersleller. V lltlum, L indlord, Kisnis, William. Ltfaoi . r, Lauver, John, F irmer, Leach, James L. Fanner, Marburger, Alired, Qentleman, Melser, t'liui'lus, H iker, Musaer, RleDOnl Fanner, Melser, Raul en. Landlord, Naught, John p . Fanner, Ott, Henry A., Farmer, lopple, Ailatn, Fanner, UeooUiger, David, Parmer, Smith, Charles Teacher, Slear, David, Fanner, Biauffer, Daniel, oanUemsD, siahl, Wl Ham s , Laborer, Buelly, William ii . Farmer. Shelley, William P.. Printer, SufTel, William. Hoatmaii. Troup, Oalvln, Firmer, Teats, Philip t , uentlemas, Walter, John , I .inner, Weader, H lllmii Farmer, WUUV,oiUiUiL Liborer. 69 Gents for Nothir I'a-t im'H'4. ti d rfui ntrippM Of CTfryt1 n', wrr i I ut ltrotia us OUccdU to prlnl ccutt to uui. cicb copjr. It fret to all who writ for it. Thlilinok rontftlae 3l4 i-t liVxlOU In 1 i. i I I llliiatrattont. tnd quotes ltKi.UlM) articles wq ilctalu prlcea to cooauiuera. ilere la Uto book: Thla valaahtt caU Ijmi lelU ill about ti:rl ultural I . incnt. ttabj t'oarliea, i ' 1 I 1 1 l ' 1 . I l-Vfl.'H. I'ooU. Uuirirlri. hu ll, t a. i irpotn. U'ara, Clo-lti. tJ o tli In a, Corarta ,crt''a;rrjr. t'tiri tlMi i utlerr, P.tnn -M0Mi rtr nl ur , Mon'a Kur ulahln:a tilattwarc, ttroccrloa. Htinas, IU;s. HoiMffr, Jw clrv. t Ri1iesi lothtttff) ' ittlif i urpiH tu:, l.a m pa . M lie k I n toahn htirrori !4u al al instrmn-ti! Mf c.ina. PuIiim, l it.ioi, rirturca I orUttraj i. K4.fHaTsira.tor, mi ri ll 1 I a . s a w 1 li u HMblntt, I h.rlH. S:inra, 8ttTrVtf, ftfATML TiawajfU. lODtrro, iOwUv 'nriK'. i n-iiTwi-jr. ta uarv n, n Ml tliiu- irt'l tit nth' r arrtrl , If IHttMlalOaii you iM I uy llnv;r..vr j., , , UDBffrove J 1 w Attains X Wlliln.r 1 TTT Willi thl hook in rhfffipnr th in tti avert Von '"n ivr lir:f r im of money on tTfrj lulaie you Muds it any ir hon of Ha poaf. ! ithatjrl) :t (Mrftrt nd .hj t tiUVitqw. rtti.t iiu i 'tjii i ''itttn"i i-it't p'nr tlVti het itr '" fr--t .-." e ',- p tit uh (.".".ii . frfijUt h-itt H t-t f I H' fitch book tfmll lend youf Audmi tktt Wtffi JULIUS HINTS & SON HALTIMOBB, WD. Departmant 901 H"H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 t N 1 n Spilllif Hpnng MHdleoreeS Centre Penni I'lilull s iltDsirtivti Centre Spring aauiutitoB Perry Pranklln Spring CbnnniiiD I '"ill re Mutdleeieek I'liuiniian Hellnagrove Mtdiileburg AdaDM Cuapnian Perry Penni Jnckaoii Beaver Weal spring Monroe BoBnpgrovo !' in. a Perry West Franklin Chapman Perry Monroe rent re Beaver West Perry West SCRIBNER'S f u R I 9 o o lNCLUDES J. M. BARBIE'S "Tominy (Jrizd" (sprml) ami CALIFORNIA. TiitBTv oNE Oats' toi-b u PaTssstwaatS Kaii.hoah. The PennsylvanM llailroad Company lian ar raiiKoil fr a -pc ial personally eonilin tril Sour IhrouKh I alifornia, to leave New York ami rlnlaticlphinon Fnl'mary !. by special Pull man ilrawliiK-room slrepliiK car an. I connflct inir at Kl I'aso with the "Mexico and Philadel phia Special,'' oinHinnl exclusively of I u 11 nian parlor-smoking, dinlnic, drawing room "leepliiK, compartment, anil observation cars, fortnur through California, rcturnlnir ha Mr..h Bound-trip tickets, covering all necessary ex- Eiises, Ia7 from all Hints.on Pennsylvania n I r i I I For further inrormation apply to ticket agent; I Tourist Airent, IIUU Urosilway. New York-4 i Courtbtreet, Brooklyn: 7S Mroad Street, New ark. N. .1 ; H. ( 'ourlaender. Jr., PasseiiKer .. n t Hnltiniore District, Haltiimore, Md,' Colin Studds, Paeeanger AKent Southeastern District, ! WaaMnSMMI, D, Thos. K. Walt, Passenjcer K., ,. rnirni I'l-UH i l Itlsoiirjf , fa. ; or ad dressdeo. W. Hoyd. Assistant (lencral Passeng er Agent, Philadelphia. 1 i.t 111 X upini In all its Branches. WE HAVE PROCURED A COMPLETE UPHOLS TERING OUTFIT AND WE ARE PREPARED TO DO WORK ON SHOUT NOTICE. WE WILL KEEP CON STANTLY ON H A X D HA IK', TOW, HUSK AND OX )TT( )N FOR MATTRESSES, AND SPRINGS FOR Sofas and Lnunges. WE GUARANTEE OUR WORK To BE FIRST P ks. CALLON EITHER t "YTIMK. o5P0Y6. H. E. Walter. H-I-M-M-H-H' I 1 1 11 1 1 m M-fr THEODORE ROOSEVELT'S "OLIVER CROMWELL" (serial) RICHARD HARDING DA VIS'S lii'timi and special articles. Application for Unimproved Land HENRY NORMANS Russiu of to-day. T li Articles by WALTER A. WY CKOFF. author ol "The Workers" SHORT 8TORIE8 by Thumn Nelson Page Henry James Henry van Dyke Ernest Seton-Thompson Edith Wharton Octave Tlianet William Allen White SPECIAL ARTICLES The Paris Exposition Notice 's barabp givan that apiilicatlnn has bet lade to the Secretary ot internal Affairs of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania hy W. J. Kicker of the township of Prauklin. the county of QlotMeetar and of the state of New Jersey, for thirty (J) acre of unimproved land, situate in tile townships of Centre and Mickson, county of Snyder, state of Pennsyl vania, adjoining lands of Qao, Miller and David tVctzel on tlie east, David Wetzel and II. J. Ilailev on the south, H. J. llalloy and heirs of David Kerr on the west and Pennsereek on the north and has complied with all the require' mentaof the law Kovcrnink such eases Jan. 1. 1900, It. W. J Kicker applicant. HOW TO INVEST! A vlulle matiuul, htkktly uihintkkkstkd. A true KUide for the inventor In stock, JlMgt oritnnll. Tel In how to npceulato and mm iu-i.. woltTll A i 1 1 : t i n k t anvotie. We will mmk! a copy of the above great volunie hy return mail free together with a valuable treatine (ilhitrnt ed)on I'opper Mining inrolorado. Highly Infitrut'tive and interesting. IHend a Veent stamp to pay pontage. Send today l-efore the present edition in all npoken for. Addrenn the put1inh em JKFFERrtOJV V M CO., Box benvcr. Colo. l-ll-ttr. FREDERIC IRLAND'8 ar ticles on sjKirt anil exploration "HARVARD FIFTY YEARS AGO," by Senator Hoar NOTABE ART FEATURES, THE CROMWELL ILLUSTRA TIONS, by celebrated Ametican and loreijrn urtists Orphans' Court Sale of Valuable REAL ESTATE And Administrator's Sale of Grain in the Ground. By virtue of an order Issued out of the Or phans' Court of Snyder County, Pa., the nnder siicned, administrator of the estate of Jaeob II. MeinlnRcr, late of Kranklin township, County nun i,i . it , ui. i , iieccafled. win, Saturday, January 27, lodo, eiposc to puhllc sale on the premises the tol Iowiiik descrlhed real estat.', to wit : Valiial.le farm, messuage or tract of land situate in township, county and state aforesaid. hounded on the north hy lands of Mrs, Moses Pry, James 0, ('rouse and Mrs. John Heachel, oast by lands of Mrs Harry liowersoz anil Aleiander liowersoz, south hy lands of . M. Voatz, Frederick Smith and tieorge Smith and on the west hy lauds of Charles Moyrr and & II. SteiniiiKer, containing one hundred and six acres and sixty perches more or less, with the appurtenances, whereon are a I a r s; e TWO SloitY WKATIIKH-HOAKDEI) HODBB and a HANK IIAKN'and OCTIII'igilNdS, a well of 0OOD WATKIt at the hnus.-and a never fail i iu spring at the hum. Part of this tract is well set with ilrst claws timher and the twlatieu in a fair stale oteultivation . It is slose 10 goes! ebooli and to markets, being the first farm huiidtiiK on tha road to OsntravtUe and about of amile north of .Middlchiiru;. Terms will he made I'nowti on day of sale. At the same time and place the under.lKtie.1 ad ministraior will sell ' , interest in ten acres of wheat and six acres of rye in the ground. 'ami.- Q, CkoI'sk. nArHJ A. sii ii, Attornev. Administrator. CHABLwSriDC, Auctioneer. PUVIS DE CHAVAXXES, by JOHN LA FARGE (illustra tions in color) Special illustrative schemes (in color and in black and white) by WALTER APPLETON CLARK, E. C. PEIXOTTO, HENRY Mc CARTER, D WIGHT L. EL MENDORF and others Illustrated Prospectus sent free to any address Charles Scribner's Sons, Publishers, New York. Dr. Fenncr s Golden Relief. A TRDB BPBCiriO IN ALL INFLAMMATIONS Old gores. Wound.. Rhtumatlim. NsaralflaJ -iQias. a SiUHSi CURB Urlp Par an PAIR litldi ar aii Brasalsrs. Wslssbr aiall ase.rradonls br nail ase.rradoala.MT 50 Grip bring wtakneta. exhaa MtxtXicmDr. MUea ' Nerviae BIGGIE BOOKS A Farm Library of unequalled value Practical, Up-to-date. Concise and Comprehensive Hand somely Printed and Beautifully Illustrated. By JACOB BIOGLfi No. 1 BI0QLE HORSE BOOK All about Horses a Common-Sense Treatise ith orer 7 illustrations ; a standard work. Prior, 50 Ccuta. No. 3 BIQOLE BERRY BOOK All about (trowing Small Fruits read and trnrn bow ; contuins 43 colored tile-like rrproductionsol all lesdiu.' varieties and 100 other illustration!. Price, jo Cents. No. 3 BIQQLE POULTRY BOOK All about Poultry ; the best Poultry Book In existence tclbieTerythina : withij colored life-like reproductions of nil theprinciral breeds; with lot other illustrations. Price, 50 Cents. No. 4 BIQOLE COW BOOK All about Cows and the Dairy Business - having a (Test sale; contains 8 colored life-like reproductions ofesch breed, with 13a other iUuatrations. Price, jo Cents No. 5-BI0X1LB SWINE BOOK Just out. All about Hogs Breeding, Feeding, Butch ery, Diseajes, etc. Contains over So besutiful half tones and other engravings. Price, 50 Cents. The HIGGLE BOOKS are unique ,orig)nal,naeful-Too nrr saw anything like them so practical, so sensible. They are having sn enormous sale East. West, North snd South. Every one who keeps a Horse, Cow, Hog or Chicken, or grows Small Fruits, ought to scad light away for the BIQQLE BOOKS. The FARM JOURNAL ,rZ P!1 md .. and not a misfit. It is is years old ; it is the great boiled-down, hit-the-nail-on-tbe-head,-SSl'",5SJrS;i,ifJd-t' Vm and Honathold paper in 3! L wld-th.e StP PP" otitM te In the United States n-s osving over a million and s-hilf regular readers. Any ONE of the BIGGLE BOOKS aad the FARM JOURNAL foyrorfb'Su01' 9 will be n, by -.U sample of FARM JOURNAL sod circular describing BMQLB BOOKS free. Addrcaa, FAMJt JOVaUSAC PaTTLsjaaxrsna I I I ll IMS... WrLlfBK ATKINSOH caaa. r. jsuiKim. ISSSaass. J