The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, January 11, 1900, Image 1

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    ! Ii
JSSa"" MIDDLEBURGH, SNYDER CO., PA- THURSDAY, JAN. 11 1900, vol, 37. NO. 2.
i ' r " ". - -
Rtnana arm : 8. If the label on
your paper U '98 or any previous
cjateflve refer you to the above verse.
U wilTgive you good advice.
Miss Bertha Ripka is visiting Dr.
Qecknrd's ut Richfield.
Miss Berth Erhart of Lewistowii
s visiting friends in Middleborgand
Elmer Bashoar ot McAliaterville
pent Sunday with lus brother, Anion,
n Swineford.
Mrs. Stewart ot Shamokin sjM iit
event 1 days with her parents, Sheriff
tow and wife, at the jail.
lames B. Crosgrove and Chas.
lingtoti have gone to Reedsville
aint some new houses.
Irs. Anna M. Luck of Spring
nship was a guest of Wm. H.
gel and family Saturday.
Win. F. Stimeling ami wife of
.ddleswarth were callers at the
8T printing office Tuesday.
Daniel Millhouse and wife, who
d been visiting their son and
lighter at Reading, returned home.
Peter, Nace of Winfield urn! his
rother-in-law, Mr. Renninger, were
it the 8Byder county capital Mon-
lay. . '
The Republican Standing Com
nittee meets in Middleburg on Sat
.rdav tapntndny for the Republican
M. L. Wagenseller of Selinsgrove,
veling salesman, wm in town
inday en business and while here
id as a pleasant call.
S. H. Hassinger of Beavertown
Ihis son, R. A. Hassinger ot
xtonville, were cash callers on
inrsday of last week.
The primary nominations for Re
blican candidates Tor township
,ces in Franklin township will be
Id Saturday, Jan. 20th.
John C. Beck, book-keeper of the
linsgorve shtie factory, was at the
vliddleburg shoe factory the past
week fixing up the books.
Thomas Deckard and wife of Pot
ter's Mills, Centre county, visited
her brother, W. H. Ripka and fam
ily, Saturday and Sunday.
Isaac Stimeling and family who
were burnt out last Thursday, have
been temporarily domiciled in the
old school house on the lull.
Hon. G. Alfred Schoch last week
attended the 25th anniversary of the
Legislature of 1875 at Harnsburg.
A pleasant time is reported.
The Pope Manufacturing Co.'s
desk calendar for 1900, likeall those
that have preceded it, is a mighty
handy thing to have in the house
8. Y. Dengler of Hotfer and his
son, S. Y. Dengler ot Cassopolis,
Mich., came in to see us Monday and
became cash-in-advance subscribers
to the Post
W. A. Nnpp, one of Pennscreek's
.vide awake business men, dropped
in to see us Monday. He paid his
paper up to 1901, the beginning of
the new century.
John Renninger had a family re
union east of town Saturday. The
children and grandchildren were all
there and indulged in turkey and
oany other good tilings.
W. D. Osmun of Franklin town
lip, who had been farming tor D.
Haas, will return to Shamokin
the spring and Benjamin Steffen
Pallas will farm tor Mr. Haas.
Alma Hand, thechild of Howard
i Ellen J. Zechman ot Beaver
in, died Jan. 3. 1900. lnter-
laltbeUMZta enunm, Kev.
, H Boyer officiating. Aged 2
Henry Heinley of Leavenworth,
Kansas this week is visiting his oitlv
sister. Mrs. O. H. Steininger, in this
place. Mr. Heinly is also visiting
other friends throughout the county.
Mrs. Dr. Dnkard and sou, Percy,
of Uichlield, spent a day with her
sister, Mrs. W. H. Ripka, last week.
Percy took the train at this place
for North Wales, Pa. to resume his
Attorney Jacob Gilbert attended
Union county court at Lewisburg
Monday. He reports that H.J. Beu
fcr anl young Leltzel, both of
this county, were indicted by the
( hand jury.
W. L Qarman and wifearespend
inga few days in Pfouti Valley
this week. They arc fortunate
enough to have n handsome legacy
awaiting them and the POST extends
its congratulations.
We present to our readers this
week the excellent likeness of Hon.
A. M. Smith, the Representative
from Snyder county, and Peter F.
Rigid, the newly elected Assxsiatc
Judge of the court of this county.
Janus B. Enterline of Riverside
was a Middleburg visitor over Sun
day. Mr. Enterline is very well
satisfied with his new location and
occupation. He attends market at
Suubtiry, Djnvilleand Shamokin.
Typewriting without a teacher.
Berkley's Ring Method teaches how
to use all eight fingers. Easy and
practical. A born to beginners. A
.iixniAf&r Axmrca. Send for circu
lars. C. W. 15ABK LEY, Seward,
Nebraska. 1 4 3t.
If you want your hair cut with
out steps or a nice easy shave and a
refreshing shampoo, go to A. E.
Soles, in the bank building one door
east of the Post Office, in room with
the drug store. A clean towel to
each customer and satisfaction guar
anteed. John N. Broeius, teacher ot the
primary school at Fremont, being
elected commissioner's clerk he ap
pointed W. W. Ripka to teach in
his stead. Mr. Brosius made a good
selection and the hoard will make
no mistake in electing Mr. Ripka to
complete the term.
For Sale. A good working
horse for all purposes, a buggy, hay
ladders complete, truck wagon com
plete with pole and shaft and other
articles will be sold at private sale in
Middleburg. Call on or address,
Irwin E. Buck,
tf. West Market Street.
I wish to return my most sincere
thanks to the many kind friends of
Middleburg and vicinity who so
nobly responded to my needs and
those of my family brought on by
the unfortunate loss by fire of all
all my household goods and eatables
Isaac Stimely.
The Philadelphia Inquirer Alma
nac for 1900 is at hand and fully
maintains the high reputation of
former Inquirer year books. In
quirer readers are to lie congratu
lated on the New Year's gift, for
the almanac is to be presented free
to every subscriber.
The caucus to suggest candidates
for the nomination for Republican
candidates for borough offices will
be held in the Commissioners' office
Thursday evening, Jan. 25, at seven
o'clock and the nomination proper
will be held Saturday, Jan. 27, be
tween the hours of one and six p. m.
The spring election for township
end borough officers will he held
Tuesday, Feb. 20. Nomination pa
pen must be filed at the Commis
sioners' office on or before Feb. 2.
Standing Committeemen should set
the date for nomination prior to Feb.
2 in order to be able to file papers
in time as required by law.
j ' ' ' ' ' " f K
Representative from Snyder County and Candidate Tor Re-election.
Fire at Kreamer.
From our Kreiunar'Corrapoiiilent.
Thursday evening at about ton
V . MV .Vt . if U , . i .. J .....
awakened from their peaceful slum
ber by the horrifying cry of" Fire."
Upon investigation it was discovered
that the root ot the Evangelical
church was ablaze. The citizens
turned out in short order and every
body proved to lie a good fireman.
Had it not been for the bravery und
perseverance manifested, the greater
nart ot the town would have burned
to the ground. The work was all done
- . . ...
with buckets with the exception of
A. C. Smith's force pump which did
efficient service. Had it not been
for that pump, it is doubtful if Wm.
Fryman's house would have been
saved and it did efficient work other
places. There was prayer meeting
and business meeting of the Chris
tian Endeavor Society in the church
in the evening, and Josiah Maurer,
the janitor, made lire in the stoves
at about 4 o'clock. It is supposed
the pipe came apart and in starting
the tire .-parks caught at the dry
wood up in the attic, and was burn
ing slowly all the time until about
10 o'clock when it got to the root
and got air. Then it gained rapidly.
The church was soon burnt to the
ground. The bell fell from its high
cupola to the ground without even
cracking. Alter the church was
nearly burnt down, Philip Roush's
new house caught fire and burned
rapidly. Part of the furniture was
saved, but considerable burned, in
cluding 35 bushels of potatoes, lot
of canned fruit, ami a beef. In or
der to save other buildings from the
same fate, Roush's confectionery
shop was torndown. Of course the
candies, cigars anil a lot of other
things were destroyed. Several oth
er buildings caught fire, but were
controlled and extinguished, some
with great difficulty. The church
was built in 1868 at the cost of
thirteen hundred dollars. It was a
large comfortable building with
considerable sea ti ng capacity. It was
32 feet wide by 50 feet deep. It
was seized by the Esherites several
years ago, but the faithful members
of the congregations repurchased t
and did considerate repairing at it.
It was not insured. A.C.Smith is talk
ing up a subscription for rebuilding
it and has over six hundred dollars
already subscriber1. Everybody is
invited to write hia name on the
paper with a V or X behind it
Mr.Rouah received nine hundred
dollars insurance for his house, etc.
m 1 1 t l l t l -H'Hil U I M'l H e
The corner-stone of the church con
tained an English un I a Dutch
Bible, a Snyder County Irihune, a
Harriitburg Bnlckater and the sub
scription paper allowing who sub
vri'.f ' ."rn ' 'ho Htftch ? x err
J. Q. Grouse's House Burned.
Last Thursday morning on J. G.
Crouse's farm just north ot town was
discovered to be on lire. It was en
tirely consumed with all its contents.
Isaac Stimeling lived in the house.
He was out in the woods at work
J J I . .
j ami lurs. summing cams to town
to liny some groceries auu lc;t tne
four children in the house alone.
Henry, aged !5, and Mary, aged (5,
went into the cellar to net sonic
apples. The boy dropped lighted
match into some straw that was used
to cover potatoes. The straw ignited
and the children became alarmed
and ran out of the house. Six-year-old
Mary had presence of mind
enough to pick up the baby from
the cradle and carried it out.
The are nut Mr. Stimclimi out of
house and home. All his furniture
and clothing were burnt. The peo
ple responded nobly to the needs of
the occasion and contributed money,
clothing, provisions and other neevs-
sarics. Mr. ( 'rouse had 1 00 insur
ance iiii the house.
A Card ot Thanks.
I hereby wish to return my heart
felt thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Carbon
Seebold, the people of Middleburg,
the P. 0 S. A. and the people of
Centreville for the kindness and
favors shown me during the sickness
and death of my husband, Luther A.
(Mrs.) Amce Mertz.
A Rare Chance.
M. S. Graybill of Evcndale, Pa.,
will locate in Lancaster county this
coming spring, and therefore offers
his substantial brick dwelling and
store house for sale or rent. This is
a number one stand for mercantile
business. No competition. Call at
once. 1-4-ot.
Committee Meeting.
The Republican Standing Com
mittee will meet at Middleburg, Sat
urday, Jan. 13th, to fix the time for
the holding of the Primary Election.
By order of E. W. Tool, Ch'n.
H. J. Duck, Sec
Officers tor 1900.
various bodies represented
have elected the following
named officers
Superintendent, K. '. Walter; As-j
sistiint Supt., Geo. V. Hassitiger;!
Secretary, H. II. Hassinger; Asst.
Sec, Bruce C rouse; Treasurer, Geo.
Steininger; Organist, Ma'iel Grimm;
Chorister. M. I. Potter! Librarian. I
Lillian St etler; Assistant Librarian I
Edwin Charles; Supt. of Infant De
parlment, Mrs. M. I. Potto-; Asst.,
titila Sn ith.
Q.. i t ' j. i' . ...
oHpi, o. . umeiius; assi., vm.
llnmig; Treasurer, David Ocker;
See., H. . Ranch; Asst., II. Merts;
Organist. Paul Billhnrdt; Asst., M,,l-
lie Bolender; Infant Sel 1 Supt.,
Mabel Bach man; Junior School
Supt., Cary Willis.
Supt., F. C Bowersox; Asst., J.
A. Snyder; See., Win. II. Matter;
Trcas., Mrs. Jacob Gilbert; Libra
rian, Lank Hare; Organist, Eva
Rothrock; Asst., Mrs. F. C. Bower
sox. '
Supt., M. L. Shannon; Asst., P.
W. Speeht; Secretary, Sallie Snyder,
Trees., M. L. Shannon; Organist,
Sitllie Snyder; Asst., Laura Sham
bach. P. O. 8. 01
Past President, . s-
irf-nt, W. F. Fwse
win Charles; Ivec. Sc., John A.
Snyder; Fin. Sec, H. S. Renninger;
M. of F., L. G. Stetlcr; Trcas., J.
W. Swartz; Conductor, C. C. Hciin
bach; Inspector, Bruce II. CroUSe;
Guard, Joseph CIclan.
Post Commander, G. C Outelius;
S. V. C, J. S. Stetlcr; J. V. C, J.
P. Smith; Q. M., Aaron Renninger;
0. of IX, B. C Minium; (). of G.,J.
C. Schoch; Surg., Dr. J. Y. Shindcl;
Adjt, II. R. Tobias; Chap., I). T.
Supt., Prof. P. ('. Fisher; Asst.,
Harry A. Gemberlinir; Sec., .Jacob
i. Row; Ree. Sen., Oscar D. Roniig;
Treasurer, Howard Row; Organists,
Misses Delia Moyer and AnnieQem
Stints.. Thomas Kohler and Wm
Hcetcr; SecretariesMrs. Simon ldt
and Mrs. J. S. Gross; Trcas., S. II.
Oldt; Sexton, Homer Gundrum;
Chorister, Wm. Heeter.
Supt., A. W. Muster; Asst., Jacob
EL Hetrick; Secretary, Samuel r
Wetzel; Asst., J, A. Aisjler; Librar
ian, John Bickel; Organist, Carrie
Faust; Asst., Libbie Bingaman;
Trcas., James M. Kline.
P.O. 8. OF A. camp, raEEBUBO.
President, Geo. W. Walbornj Vice
President, A. H. Glass; M. of P.,
Thos. E. Hoff; Ree. Sec., Edwin S.
Willis; Fin. Sec., ( "has. M. Hcrrold;
Treas., Jerry Charles; Conductor,
Chas. A. Riegle; Inspector, Wm. F.
Brown; Guard, John Miller.
Supt., M. S. Schrovcr; Asst. Ira
C. Schoch; Female Asst., Mrs. Sarah
Miller; Supt. Primary Dept., Mrs.
K. S. Schoch; Asst. Supt., Mrs. E.
K. Schroyer; Sec., R. L. Schroyer;
Treasurer, A. W. Smith; Lib.; M.L.
Wagenseller; Assts., M. A. Miller
and H. J. Duck; Pianist, C. A. Kee
ly; Chorister, A. W. Potter; Asst.,
J. H. Feehrer.
W. M., Geo. E. FUher; a W., R.
CNorth; J.W., M.O.Snyder; Treas.,
S. Weis; Sec, H. E. Miller, Jr.,
Rep. to Grand Lodge, J. I. Wood
ruff; S. D., A. W. Smith; J. D.,
Amon S. Kempfer; Pursuivant, F.
C. Fisher; J. M. of C, Geo. Hains,
The New Associate Judge of
Snyder County.
S. M. of C, H. L. Philips; Tyler,
Sol. Oppeuheimer; Chaplain, Ira '.
Sel h.
Pres., J. ( i. Curns: Vice Pres.,
D. J. Ke'ler; IJec.See., R. P. Burns;
Pin. Sr., L. B. Dillman; Chief, W.
A. 1 1 a re; 1st Ast. Chief, Win. Snook;
"2nd Ast. Chief, Cha.-. Geinberlingj
Directors, ( has. Whitiner, John Lau-
denslager, Frank Keller, II. Gem
berling, L. 15. Reiser; Officers of
Relic! Fund Asso. Pres., A. D.
Long; Trcas., M. O. Snyder; Sec.,
H. Livingston; Trustees, William
Snook, Chaa. Witiner, Jo1, .
Janitor, W. A. F
l..euieu Ass ri. U....uan.
Supt., C. P. Fiss; Asst., D. J.
Bi iigamaii; Sec, J. A. Fctteroll;
Asst., A. W.Gill; Treas., J. t. H.
Mover; Overseers, James Bcnlcr, J.
T. Herman, Mary C. Swartz and
Kate Smith.
Managers : (J. Alfred Schoch, Dr.
J. W. Orwig, (J. M. Shindcl, W.H.
Hampton, L. J. Alhus, W.B.Winev,
I). A. Kern, W. . Gar man; W. W.
Wittcnmyer. Officers ol the Board
of Managers, President, (i. Alfred
Suhooh;Sec., Geo.M.Shindel; Treas.,
W. W. Wittenmyer.
Supt., R. W. Gift; Asst., Chas.
Swengle; Sec., Chas. Dobson; Treas.,
Harvey Mitchid; Organist, Maude
(iitt; Librarians, Mahalah Graybill
and Hattie Shambach.
ixm'cIh I in. ii ii lor Ht. i.r.l.
Daniel Maneval and wife to J. A.
Relchenbach, 48 acres in West Perry
twp. lor 400.
Sarah Bolig, John L. Smith, Cora
Gcmhcrling and John A. ( iemlier
ling toS. O. PJrich, :! acres and 1(
perches in Middlecreektwp. tr 20.
Ellen E. Auraiid and S. F. Au
rand lo Geo. S. LepleV, lb" acres in
Spring twp. lor :!'2").
t-harli!s Boyer and wile to Mary
E. Speeht, one-fourth serein Frank
lin twp., lor SKIS.
Jacob Fuhrman to Henry Sassa
man, 29 acres in Adams township,
for $400.
I.eltrrw UrantU.
lietters of administration in the
estate of Elias Fuhrman, lateof Ad
ams twp., were granted Tuesday to
Amon W. Fuhrman.
Mnrrlnff IJfCMM.
( James S. Boyer, Centre twp.,
(Jennie S. tiingamun,
f Charles A. Riegel,
Annie M. Grimm,
(Daniel Wolf, Dundore,
Maud E. Flandersr Port Trever'"
f Geo. C. Moyer, SH
Fianna Reed,
f Geo. A. Mus
Lizzie Mr
- - . - - " - - 1-W9V --
Dr. MikTSTiM
gamsMMaiMM jsL X W . . KiaA .