The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, January 04, 1900, Image 5

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he n.ipiu'. iv-bw . -a ixt.v, i.. ..lung
from a heavy infantry and artillery
Are for three hours into the trenches.
It la supposed that the insurgents
were those who were driven out o'
nan Mateo on toe day ueneral Lawto.
was killed. They numbered probably
a thousand.
His Holiness Sanies Cardinal Glrnl
amo Maria Oottl aa t Ue West I'ope.
Pome, Jan. 1. It is asserted that
the pope, after the recent ceremony
of opening the holy door at St. Peter's
cathedral, addressed his intimate en
tourage, and said:
"I thank divine providence for
granting me the grace of being able
to celebrate this great function, and
I wish for my successor grandeur and
a long reign, to the greater glory of
Ood. My successor will be young, as
compared with my own age, and will
have time to see many glories of the
papacy and the church."
Later Leo clearly designated Car
dinal Glrolamo Maria Gottl, prefect
of the congregation of Indulgences and
aacred relics, as his successor. Car
dinal Gottl, the famoua Genoese monk,
is a man of great piety and modesty.
Now about 64 years of age, he has
always lived a life of an aacetlc, and,
despite the dignity of a prince of the
church, he always sleeps in a cell and
on a hard mattress,
Ex-Coaarressniaa Osborne Dead.
Washington, Jan. 2. General Edwin
S. Osborne, an ex-representative from
Pennsylvania in the Forty-ninth, Fif
tieth and Fifty-first congresses, died
here last night of heart disease. He
waa a veteran of the civil war and for
six years waa brigadier general of the
National Guard of Pennsylvania. At
the conclusion of the war General Os
borne waa appointed Judge advocate
to investigate charges of cruelty to
federal prisoners brought against Cap
tain Wlrtz, Confederate superintend
ent of the Andersonvllle prison, the
result of which was the hanging of
Wirts. General Osborne waa elected
to congress from the state of Penn
sylvania at large twice, and once from
the Wllkesbarre district.
To Reorganise the Army la Caha.
Washington, Jan. 2. It la probable
that the present month will be marked
by a complete reorganization of the
military commands in Cuba. The im
pression prevails that here ts to be a
heavy reduction in these commands,,
and it is Intimated that the outcome'
will be the creation of two departments
Instead of the six which originally
comprised Cuba, and the four into
which the ialand is now divided. Gen
eral Wilson, who commands the com
bined departments of Matanzaa and
Uinta Clara, baa been ordered to
Washington, and It is not the present
Uentlon that he shall return to Cuba.
Torn to Pleees by I. Ions.
Vienna, Jan. 2. One of the animal
eepers at the Vienna zoological gar
ens entered the cage of lions yester
ty in a spirit of bravado and six lions
ished upon him and tore him to
The attendants sought In vain
flaming torches and streams of
wot beasts from
Vplawrv -e.lL
my Preeertes the Havy at the
"reslilenC lleceptlon.
igton. Jan. 2 - Beneath a sky
as that above Cuba ami a
ild as thf Arctic, oyer 2,000
ood in line at the White
a yesterday waiting to pay
ts to the president of the
es, after the brilliant of
"n which ushered in the
1 marked the opening of
son in Washington,
oinptly at 11 a. m.. the
concluded at 1:15, at
r4 guests had passed
Mrs. McKlnlev was
her feebte health,
ae qiiLMtion of pre
the army and navy
of the former. Gen
he military contin
General Corbin at
army had passed
Dewey, with the
Iville on his arm,
Mrs. Dewey was
ty, and was es
3ecretary Lout.
which headed
is always, the
eption. Lord
od the way.
can officials,
t, senator
lent chlefr.
less slrik
on to tho
er by
Ity of
I Ifil otlliuay. I hus
has proved stubborn.
A Jtf Une tu Roropc,
New York. Dec. 29. Arrangements
have been completed by Frederick Ley
land & Co., limited, of Liverpool, for
the establishment of a weekly passen
ger steamship service between New
York and Liverpool. This new Idea,
which will constitute the most import
ant addition to transatlantic service in
recent years, will have in operation
within two months six big vessels, and
will conduct a weekly service similar
In methods to those of the Atlantic
Transport line, now running between
this port and Lonuon.
Gas Explosion Destroys Chnrrh.
Strom8berg, Neb., Jan. 2. Eden
Baptist church was totally destroyed
by fire early yesterday morning, and
two people seriously injured. The fire
was caused by an explosion of acety
lene gas, with which the church was
lighted. A New Year's watch meeting
was being held, and a large number of
people were present, but most of them
had Just left the building when the ex
plosion occurred. Mrs. J. L. Johnson
and her daughter Pearl were serlousiy
Proposed Zinc Combine.
Chicago, Jan. 2. The Record says:
Information reached Chicago yester
day of the proposed formation of a
combination to control the zinc out
put of the United States. Work on the
scheme has been begun and the initial
steps are being taken In Kansas City.
According to one of the best known
cine operators, who was in Chicago
yesterday, the plan includes not only
the control of the mines, but of the
smelting plants as well.
The Mew Cubaa Cabinet.
Havana, Jan. 1. The names of the
members of General Wood's cabinet,
and the assignment of portfolios was
Issued yesterday. The list is as fol
lows: Secretary of state and govern
ment, Diego Tamayo; secretary of Jus
tice, Luis Estevez; secretary of educa
tion, Juan Bautista, Hendandez; sec
retary of finance, Enrique Varona;
secretary of public works, Jose Ramon
Vlllalon; secretary of agriculture, in
dustry and commerce. General Rius
Caraeale's Gift to Cooper Union.
New York, Jan. 2. Andrew Car
negie has given $300,000 to Cooper
Union for the establishment of a day
school, similar In scope to the present
night school, and the object of which
Will be to give such practical Instruc
tion as shall enable young men to be
come first class and skilled workmen.
Senator Ralllnarer'a Victory.
Concord, N. H., Jan. 2. The grand
Jury reported to Judge Aldrich yester
day. No indictment was found against
Senator Gallinger, charged with vio
lating the civil service laws In solicit
ing subscriptions for campaign pur
poses from federal officeholders.
i Family Baraea to Dtath.
i BarboursWUe, W. Vs.. Jan. 1 Will
lam Kills, wife and two children were
burned to death In their home near
I here early yesterday. No one know
the ' f the or.
I Mr mar-1 ami "tat . - - -r-
he was
sal Bah r AansuM.
His Forces G.
After n Xljrlit 1!
pi l 1 (In lluei
Ulotiriler Vnu
slilentbl Store
London, Jan. 2
Rcnshorg, Cape Col,
victory for LrltiaU
patch s:ys:
General French h
feated the Boers an
be: ;;. The general i
the Beers on the n
them closely Saluiil
gtvlns them no time
longed stand, and w hi
was within striking d
enemy. Bunday night
tirlillery and infantry, t
in warrons to itn roas
mobility started upon i
with the objp t of ii
right. The flank ope
eaaafaL The infanti
levies Immediately n
tack upon the "Boer
this a 18 proceeding
light artillery uot CO
the enemy's right flai
The l' igi "i worked
The Boors wei e utterl;
finding their retreat
In disorder to the eai
Colesberg In General I
The enemy's posltioi
miles around the entl
daybreak our arllllery i
tie. The Boers were
prise, but replied Vigor
tlllerv duel was tnalnti
hours. Then a Boer I
lapsed and was abandoi
tared It. A Boer bin gun
but this and ilie oilier Hi
withdrawn to the norths
we are harrasslng the Bo
a damaging shell lire.
We have captured many
considerable quantity of
losses are quite slight, but the
I must have suffered heavily.
The Standard's corresponder
Frere Camp telegraphs: Genera
I Charles Warren's division Is
I nearly complete. Its headquarters
i be at Estcourt. It in rumored
i that the guns which were capt
i from General Buller at Colenso I
! been mounted in the hills comma
ing the drift, over the Tugela rivet
I Springfield. The Boers, it appei
j captured 620 rounds of shrapnel wl
' they took the guns. General Bulb
difficulties have been ImnieasT
increased by tho enforced delay
the last engagement. He now !i
fore him a series of walled and '
fled hills, running 16 miles :-le--line
of the Tugela. The30 fire
Ing with the enemy, por'c'
i tlons of great strength a
with guns, while the rlvn-
In full flood. The comlni' - '
certainly be the stlffest.
tne most momentous. or
Ugly rumors nre In eJrcul Ii
Cape Town of a Dutch rising, with '
object of seizing Cape Town arid the
docks, and capturing the governor of
Cape Colony, Sir Alfred Milnev.
The Imperial mall sieamer '.tundes
rath, of the German East African line,
which was seized by the British cruiser
Maglclenne in Delagoa bay, on the
ground that she was carrying contra
band of war, has been taknn to a
wharf at Durban, and is now guarded
by marines and blue Jackets.
Heliograph reports from Ladysmlth
show that all was well on Dec. 31. The
bombardment was being continued, but
Its Intensity had relaxed.
To Cross the Oeeaa la Three Days.
New York, Dec. 29 James Giesham,
of Brooklyn, has found capital to dem
onstrate the commercial value of his
corkscrew boat, for which he antici
pated a speed of 60 miles per hour. A
syndicate of New York capitalists has
agreed to furnish $50,000 with which to
build a small boat on the corkscrew
plan, with the further understanding
that If It demonstrates its ability on
a commercial scale to approximate the
speed which the models have reached
the syndicate will furnish sufficient
capital to build a mail boat. The in
ventor promises that his craft will
cross the Atlantic In less than three
Celebrating Kmnnelpatloa Day.
Washington, Jan. 2. The Thirty
seventh anniversary of the emancipa
tion of the colored race was celebrated
last night at the Zlon Baptist church.
It was the first time the celebration
has been held on Jan. 1, the date on
which President Lincoln's proclama
tion took effect.
Fatal fir la Raw York.
New York, Jan. 2. Fire in a tene
ment house on Fifth avenue early this
morning resulted in the death of 6-months-old
Loretta Lennert and seri
ous injuries to several others. Joseph;
Kelleher, a 19-year-old bellboy, res-'
cued a little girl through fire and
Street Station, Philadelphia.
... of po
. ullego.
overnment was
$20,000 dally by
is frauds In Havana.
ii the German steamer
y the British steamer
in Delagoa bay has lm
inany to demand an explaua-
Tuesilay, Jan. It.
ae Republicans of the senate are
nsidering the advisability of reor
ganizing the senate offices.
In a prize fight at New York yes
terday "Kid" McCoy knocked out Peter
Mnher In the fifth round.
The Norwegian steamer Tordensk
jold went ashore near Rockaway, L. I.,
but came off wiViout assistance.
The earthquake In lower California
on Christmas day caused geysers to
spurt with redoubled force.
The New Year reception given by
Emperor William and the empress at
Berlin was a magnificent affair. Uni
ted States Ambassador White was
placed behind the Spanish ambassa
dor in the procession.
Vletory For the Ooebelltes.
Frankfort, Ky., Jan. 2. All doubt as
to the ability of the Goebel Democrats
to organize both houses of the legisla
ture was dispelled by the attendance
In the Democratic caucus last night.
Senator Goebel waa nominated for
president pro tern, of the senate and
the entire Goebel slate went through.
In the house caucus all of the 68 Dem
ocrats answered to roll call and par
ticipated. In the senate four Demo
crats remained out. They were Sena
tors Alexander, Hayes, Gillespie and
Roberts. Senator Hill was sick and
absent, but It not classed with the dis
senters. Death of Colonel Rlderkin.
Mlddletown, N. Y., Jan. 2. Colonel
William Anthony Elderkln, U. S. A.,
retired, died here yesterday, aged 60
years. As assistant commissary gen
eral he was at one time connected
with the chief commissary department
of the lakes on the staff of General
Merritt and General Brooke. He waa
retired two years ago, owing to 111
health. He graduated from West
Point In 1861. He married a daughter
of Rev. P. D. Curley, of Washington,
and President Lincoln gave the bride
Death From Asphyxiation.
Baltimore, Jan. 2. Daniel Feeny,
aged 56, Is dead and Thomas Mullen,
ft years old, Is at he city hospital in
a dying condition, as a result of as
phyxiation. Upon retiring Sunday
night at a lodging house one of the
men probably blew out the gas. They
were employed at Sparrow's Point, and
naa spent Sunday In Baltir-' "'
f"- ... . .
Agent, oread Grip brings weakness, exhaustion,
prostration, Or. Mile.' Nervine curet
iwaii, aiiu
ice more rail
nds now Dos
ha construc
'he largest
says, by
rt John
ia formed a
d by a Careless Celehrnnt.
,-assalc, N. J., Jan. 2. Ellen La
bash was shot and Instantly killed here
at the beginning of the new yenr. Mi
chael Schwartz relel,mted the advent
of the new year by going outside the
house and firing four shots from his
revolver. After entering the house
he pulled the trigger, belle'vlng that
there wa3 no other bullet In It. There
was a loud report, and Miss Lahash fell
to the floor, shot In the heart. Srhwarz
waa arrested.
Refnse to Itcturn Km lie runts.
Galveston, Tex., Jan. 2. Immigra
tion Inspector Levy yesterday tendered
to the captain of the North German
Lloyd steamship Roland IS Slavonians
brought here In violation of the Im
migration laws, and they were refused.
Warrents were Issued for S. O. Spencer,
agent of the company, and for the
Fall Hirer's Prosperity.
Fall River. Mass., Jan. 2. The en
tire production of the print cloth mills
of this city for the year Just passed
was 12,000,000 pieces, with sales fully
equal to that amount. Business has
been exceedingly good during the year,
and many contracts were made which
extend through the entire year 1900.
Austria's New Cnrreaey.
Vienna, Jan. 2. Under the new cur
rency laws which went into force yes
terday throughout Austro-Hungary the
florin and kreuzer disappear. The new
unit is the krone, equaling half a
kreuzer. After the Introduction of the
gold standard the krone will be worth
one franc, five centimes.
Rlehard Crokrr's Leg- Broken.
London, Jan. 2. A dispatch from
Wantago, county of Berks, says that
Richard Croker, who has been staying
at a country house near there, slipped
while mounting a horse, owing to the
animal swerving, and broke his leg.
1900 JANUARY 1900
Su. Mo.l Tu.l We.l Th. I Fri. Sat.
JL A 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28l29303l I
1 l:Bfl
1 s. m.
iSSn 15
ft Into no :M
It Quarter 26 p.m.
x . ja-axna. - -s,, ,
in in 1 1 1 - - .
-1.MIL MUise'
less lnjureu.
Davis, colored, engine
of Orange county, Va. ; Douu,
man, steam driller, 20 years old
bridge; Tony Dominlco, a watt
rler, 18 years old; Wllmer Shf
laborer, 32 years old.
Pittsburg, Jan. 2. Aa cxplosloi.
sewer gas at Knoxvllle, a thriving
borough near here, about midnight,
wrecked a large number of houses and
stables and tore up several streets for
hundreds of feet. Fortunately no ons
was Injured. The houses wrecked are
12 frame dwellings owned by John
Young, fronting In Rochelle street and
occupied by as many families. They
are practically destroyed. A dozen
other dwellings are partly destroyed.
A btable owned by Edward Jackson
Long alley and a block of five house,
owned by Mrs. L C. Snyder are com
plete wrecks. The damage will reach
many thousands of dollars.
Pittsburg, Jan. 2. The Monongahela
river above the city limits of Pitts
burg was Ice locked yesterday and the
large manufacturing plants along the
river were compelled to receive their
enormous tonnage of coal by rail. Al
most all depend for their supply upon
towboats that they either own or con
trol through contracts. The promise
of continued cold gives no hope of Im
mediate relief and railroad yards, that
have been taxed to their capacity for
some time with the movement of
freight, will be compelled to sdd one
more burden. In some places the Ice
ts reported to be from 7 to 12 inches.
Lock Haven, Pn.. Dec. 30. Grant
Batbhiirst, assistant postmaster at
Rote, this county, was killed and two
other persons were injured yesterday
by an explosion of dynamite In the
weighmaster's office of the Bellefonte
Limestone company, at Salona, eight
miles from this city. One of the men
in the office raked the fire in the stove
with a poker, and while it was still hot
hung the poker on a nail. It slipped
from the nail and fell Into a bucket
filled with dynamite fuses, and a ter
rific explosion followed. The build
ing was blown to pieces. Ilathurst had
an arm and a leg torn from his body,
and two other men were Injured by
flying debris. Bathurst was 15 years
of age, and leaves a wife and one child.
Altoona, Pa., Jan. 2. A freight train
running between Gallltzin and Cres
son yesterday aftefnoon broke in twi
places. The last section, composed o
about 26 cars, started backward down
the grade to Cresson, gathering veloc
ity at every wheel turn. It was rt""
nlng wild, there being no trainmen
it. At Cresson the cars were pile
and fell against the Glen Campbel
commodation, about ready to 1
The accommodation waa made u
two coaches, and 18 passengers we
already aboard. The coaches were u)
set and rolled over an embankment
feet high. They were set on Are,
was also the debris of the freight cr
All the passengers were Injured,
none fatally. Miss Annie Strelne
Conemaugb, had an arm and leg bp
BrMlsh consul ta Be Natural
Kansas Cftv Jan 1 Phllln '
rough, who has been British -
Kansas uity for
V '