n be ttiddleburgh Post. iiKHtafd overv Thursday. fiae m tVagensellar, Uitor and Proprietor u rijitmu 1.50 per year. i. i .1 i'.tlii .'. xlwtncf when sent out sW ih mumy.) -FSOI OVITIIINO All rmisi'Mi iMlviTitr-'m.mt not otherwise jttnh' . ' ' ' ' ... - -- cent pvr ile.ii.n,i.uvi uieuiture) for first liiser Mon uiti Hlr-tiis per line lor every subsequent luserflnn i.:.r.-.-il ut insistent 1ft mi nM . wit vnw Tlmi-aday, Jan. 4, 1900. CHANGES AT THE COURT HOUSE Ou Monday of this week was the day set apart for the induction into ofhee of the new officers elected at the last election. Geo. F. Miller of Freeburg, John P. Wetzel of Ben vertown and C. W. Knights of Port Treverton were sworn in as com missioners to surived William Dreese, Isaac Spotts and Phares Herman. Benneville Smith succeeded Win. H. Beigleas Couuty Treasurer, Geo. W. Row of Penn township was sworn in to succeed P. S. Hitter as Sheriff, Peter F. Riegel of Spring township assumed the judicial toga it lieu of Alfred Secht; I). Norman App, J. C. Bowersox and H. A. Klingler were sworn in as Couuty Auditors and Dr. A. J. Herman as Coroner. The retiring County Commission ers have had a very successful term and we are assured that the auditor's report will show a careful consistent manner of transacting the county's business. In their dealings with so many different men, there doubtless were some disappointments and this is but a natural consequence. They have succeeded admirably well and they enjoy the confidence and esteem of their constituents. The new com missioners are men of good judgment and a very successful administration 'is anticipated. They have elected as their clerk, John N.Brosius, a young man of ability and a republican of sterling qualities. While the result was unexpected, it is meeting with uuivers-d approval. William H.. Riegle, t'ie retiring County Treasurer, goes out with the a me feeling of confidence and esteem wr ich h i he enteral JU III UUllCB OI Inn UIJbj : di .,'. ve no doubt the new incumbent '1 be equally as fortunate. The .H's office is turned over in fully . good a shape as it was found and we welcome the new sheriff to our midst, a man who is old enough in life to have stable habits and a ma ure judgment and coining from the auk and file will know how to ap reciate the good and hard things of ife. The others are men of ability nd we wish them abundant success. Jusia Cough Not worth Pying attention to, you say. Perhaps you have had it for weeks. It's annoying because you have a constant desire to cough. It annoya you also because you remember that k lungs is a family failing. At first it is a silent couin. At last it is a hemorrhage. At first It is easy to cure. ' At last, extremely difficult. Aycrs cuerrg Pectoral 1 MsMlf conquers your little 1 W lacking cough. i . 9 There is ao doubt about V W the cur now. Doubt comes iron neglect. For ever half e century Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral his been earing colds and coughs and preventing consumption. It earn Consumption also k BtMB in. tune. AiaBBBBBBBBBBt NfltMl flMsWf WO pNT k AaH I ptCWO. M MIltMatlrMS MARRIED. Dec. 24, by Rev. Wm. H. Boyer, William H. Smith and Sallie O. Wenrich, both of Franklin twp. Dec. 28, at the Reformed Parson age, New Beriiu, by Rev. S. Sidney Kohler, Charles M. Moyer of Dry Valley Cross Roads, and Miss Sadie A. Dreese of Winficld. Dec. 20, at the Reformed Parson age, New Berlin, by the Rev. S. Sidney Kohler, John Bishop, Jr. and Miss Susie Bowersox, both of White Springs, Uuion County. Dec. 28, at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Beaver, near Dry Valley Cross Roads, by Rev. J. Shambach, Henry L. muter and Miss Anna Mabel Beaver, both of Dry Valley X Roads. Dec. 25, at the home of the bride, near Kreamer, by Rev. H. G. Sua ble, James E. Magce and Mamie G. Row. Dec. 21, at the Reformed Parson age, New Berlin, by the Rev. 8. Sid ney Kohler, Joseph S. I lackenberg, of Milton, and Miss Elizabeth Noll, of Lochiel. Dee. 21, at the Reformed Parson age, New Berlin, by the Rev. S. Sidney Kohler, Harvey Dock of Dry Valley Cross Roads, and Miss Sallie Spangler, of New Berlin. Dec. 12, in New Berlin, by Rev. W. H.Schoch, Frank Dunkleberger, of New Berlin, and Miss Emma Leitsell of Kratzervillc. Dec. 23, bv Rev. N. R. Smith James O. Haekenbiirg of Northum- berland and Sarah S. Reichlev of Shreiner, Pa. Dec. 19, by Rev. Jacob Yut.y, IX D., Jerry D. Bogar, Jr., of Port Treverton to Ethel Marsh of'Selins grove. Dec. 23, by J. Kohler Peck, J.P., William R. Suflel ot Independence to A maud:'. L. Roush oi Mahantongo. Dec. 24, by Rev. W. II. Hilbish, Charles H. Fetterolf ot Mount Un ion, Huntingdon Co. to R. Emma Swartz of Troxelville. Dec. 25, by D. Dice, Lester L. Goss of Troxelville to Minnie C. Haines ot West Beaver twp. Pec. 31, bv Rev. D. E. McLain, E. D. H. Welter, J. P., of Frauklin township, an lTioe Beaver of Mid uieburg. Dec. 27, by Kev. W. A. Haas, Chas. Defaye ot Phila. to Jeunie M. Laudenslager of Hickory Corners, Northumberla id Co. Teachers' J oint Institute. The teachers' jo conu potea ot the districts .ive, Jackson and Monroe is to tie held at Shamokin Dam, Pa., Jan. 5 and ti, 1900. FKIDAY EVENING, JAN. 5tH. Attention, P. I Jarrett. The Thermometer and Barometer ot a Class and How to Reach Them, S. M. Smyser. The Office of the Teacher, 8. J. Reichenbaeh. SATURDAY, JAN. 6TH, 9 A. M. Drawing in the Public Schools, J. P. ShaetTcr. School Discipline, Miss Jennie Miller. The Relation of the Parent to the School Room, A. V. Miller. SATURDAY, 1:30 P. M. Civil Government, R. B. Hayes Albert. Busy Work, H. C. Hendricks. I SATURDAY, 7:30 P. M. Practical Botany, J. C. Klingler. Play in Education, 1). O. Gemberling. T. A. Stetler, 1 P. L. Sen roy er, v Com J. C. Klingler, J A Rare U nance. M. 8. Graybill of Evendale, Pa., will locate in Lancaster county this (lining spring, and therefore offers liis substantial brick dwelling and store house for rale or rent. This is i number one stand for mercantile usine88. No competition. Call at once. 1-4-5t The new board of County Coiu nissioners organized on Monday by lecting John N. Brosius of Mt. Pleasant Mills, Clerk at a salary of $500 per year ; Charles Hower,Esq., of Selitwgrove, Attorney at a salary f $75 per year ; N. A. Bowes of this place, Janitor at a salary of $80 per year and C. W. Dreese, Audi oes Clerk at a salary ot $25. M' ' '-n Stetlt i I HIS PAPER 1FARM JOURNAL ONE YEAR. 5 YEARS. 1 . Pay Up and Get Both Pa pers at Price of One. Wc want to jel 500 mtbucri- J bern to our -paper by New Year, ami are going to do it ij we ran ; tee merejore continue our ar rangement with the l ttrm Jour nal In which we can mul 'lhe i M'uhlleburg I'oxt anil the Farm T Journal 6 yearn, both far $1,00 J J cam-tn-adeance. And tee make ( the Ktune oft'et to all ultl nubscrib- cr who will pry all arrearatcx ! ! and one year in adeance. ..'. 1 ou know what our paper is and the rami Journal is a X gem practical, progressive a X Z clean, honest, useful paper full X :X ot gumption, full of sunshine, T T with an immense circulation a mongthebestpeopleeverywhere You ought to take it. MEXICO AND CALIrORNlA. Fori j -si II-V Tour vflia I'cniiMylvHtiln Kn 1 1 road. Tbl I'tMiimy 1 viiiKH K.ii 1 1 .ti I iH'rMoiuilly-t'nn-tluito'1 tour tu .1exUo nml I'aliforntii which It-rtVt'n New York Ind rhiliMlclphl.i on ilruiity U(PitUhtiri rYbruiiry :s by HMjfial Pullnmn triiin, OOfWl 41 I. uk1' mxl IntMIMly inter, ti UK portion of North Ameri-n. Alexieo, t'alifurnia, ml Onlomlo are a mlghly trio in ull that ftp p.nN to and fiwirinatf the tourUt- StOfis will le maileat San Antonio, Tantpico. Uuannjuatu, (uailalajara. (ueretaro, City of Vtexfro (five dayn). C'uernavaea, Ajrnasealientrs, Ion AiifceleH, San IMeno, Itiverniue, raMfidena. Santa liarhara, San .lone Ut, Hamilton), Del Monte. an Kraneint'o (five layn, Sjilt lake City. Colorado Spring, l)enver. Clileaico. anil other pointH of interest. Kuiirteen nay will be spent in Mexico, and nineteen in California. The "Mexieo and California Special " tin ex clunively Pullman train of tarlur-Sninkinu;, Ditiintr. Drawliiir-rmnn Sleepinir, Hnd (Hmerva tlou earn, will be lined over the entire route. Koiiud-tr ip rate, Ineludin all ntceiMary x irenHen durinu entire trip. S-fWl from all poiutr on the Hennnvlvania hitiirnai, nMiin eant of PitUburjc; t.M.' from 1'ittnhurjr. Foi iti nerary and full information applv to ticket aitents Tourlnt Avent, 1IM HroadwaV, New York; 4 Uottti Htreet, Brooklyn "W BrOOd Street. New ark, N. J.; M. Courlaender, Jr.. PuMneiiKer Haiti more Dintrict, llaltimore. Md.; Colin Studdn, I'afwenirer Ajfent Southeastern DNtrirt, Waxh tniftou, 1) 0 ,: Thou K- Watt, raHteuKt'r Accent Western DUtrivt, IMttnburir. Pa.; oraddre) QoOi W. Hoyd, Afwiataal (jenerul Agmt, Mroad Htreet Station, Philadelphia. 1 1 tit . FLORIDA. Two Wk' Tour vl I't llllH) It uii In Railroad. The first renimvivBiila lour of the wiMon to Jiu k no 1 1 v 1 1 If, allowing two sreki'ln Kloritla, will leave New York and I'hllaUelphia Febru ary t. Exeuralon llckela, Including railwny trnnn portali on, Pullman awoiumodations (one oerth), and mea a enroute iu both airoctlona while trnvellng on the spncialUiain, will be r..ia.ieipu H.rrl.l ;r ,,m , and proportioiale ralea "" ouier poln( F..r tick ,i..,erarir-.and other ,i,irrn.tlnn apply to tiiaet aKenii, lourlat , , , M8i BrnJlway, New York; I Court MS? Hro, k IV,, W MmmmI Mrert. Newark. NJ,". laeuder, Ji , CaeMiiKer Ak'ut "fwmore l)i- trlct, nailiinore. Mil., i oiiu niuuu ...,,.., agent Soini.. aatrrn DUtrlet, WallZU' 0.1 Thoe. K Walt, raawn District. PltKburir. Pa; or v t-nierii Asniatant i oeral Pbmm ugi r struct Mali.. , Pliilailcli'liiH. Bom, gent, ltrood 1 t-tit. Twcnty.threc Tour via Pman I v mill. Hailroari. Tho I'eniiRvlviiuiii Knili-..u I 1'nmii.nv iim fta ranged for a special BSMoUall v c.iuilucti I tour tlirou(liOIl Meiiio by viui I'ullmau truin of parlorHiiiokiiir, iliniiifc. itleeniiiK. oniiurt- nnil Pliiiadelplnu h'ebniiiry 1., vlsitKtnafall the meiil, ami olmervjition cars, u lasvt Ncr' i ork principal points oi uuerei in me i.unu oi Montezuma," and peiidinir Ave days In til City ol Mexico. Hi. unci trip tickets, covering all the expense, $3UU from all points on the l'eunsylvauiu 1. nil road. For further information apply to ticket agents; Tourist Agent, llWi broailnay, New York; 4 Court KUeet. brooklvn; 7HU llriuid Street, Newark, N.J; Ii t'ourlaclider, Jr., I'assenger Agent Haltiruore District, Baltimore. MU.- Colin Stndds, Passenger Agent, South eastern District, Washington, O. C-; Thos. K Watt, I'aasenger Agent, Western district, I'itta burg. Pa.; or address Geo. W lloyd. Assistant Ueneral I aasenger Agent, Phi ladelphis. CALIFORNIA, TugY-oNE Days' Tovb via 1'i.nnsylvania Railroad. The Peiinsylvanta Ballroad Company has ar ranged for a special personally conducted tour through California, to leave New York and Philadelphia on Ket'ruary H7. by special Pull man drawing-room sleeping car and connect ing at Kl Paso with the "Mexico and Philadel phia Special," composed exclusively of I oil man parlor-smoking, dining, drawing room sleeping, compartment, and obscrvsliou cars, far tour throuj.li California, returning by March 28 Round-trip tickets, covering all necessary ci- K ne, U"j from all points.on Pennsylvania ilroad- For further Information apply to ticket agents; Tourist Agent, 1HW tlroadway. New YoiV 4 ark. N. I A B. Courlaender. Jr., Pa'aenger Agent Court Street, brooklvn: 78 iiroad Street. New Baltimore District, Hal til more, Aid,- Colin rttutlda. Passenger Agent Southeastern District. Washington, D. '.; thos. K. Walt, Passenger Agent, western uiatrici, riiisDnrg, ra.; or ad. drevsl'eo. W. Boyd. Assistant Ueneral Passeng er Agent, riiuaneipnia. 1 -at. Application for Unimproved Land Notice 's hereby given that application has been made to the secretory ol internal Attaint J. hlcker of the township of the Coinmonweaiin or reansyivauta ny county of Uloucester and of tho state of New oi Franklin, the l.ruv. for Ihlrtv (30) acres of ate or new unimproved and iiuate In the townshiDs ot Centre and sackson, couity of Snyder, state of Pennsyl vania, adjoining lands oi uco. miner ana uavld lA'xt.el on the east. David Wetzel and II. J. Bailey on the south, II. J. Bailey and heirs of David Kerr on the west, and rennscreek on the north and has compiled with all the reunire- ments of the law governing such cases. Jan. i. WOO. St. W. J Kicker, applicant. I want to let the people who suffer from rheumatism and sciatica know that Chamberlain's Pain Balm re lieved me afteir a number of other medicines and a doctor had failed. It ia the best liniment I have over known of. J.A.Dodqin, AJpharetta, Ga. Thousands have been cured of tieumatiani by thia remedy. One i XD MEXICO. "n relieves toe pain, r or A Paaapneer'a Opinion. Lady (at railway stntion ) Is there any objection to ilns in tills ear, con ductor? Gentlptiuin (011 platform) I mn not the conductor, madam, I will say, how ever, that there is a crying hnbj in this car. and if your dog is liifj enough to swallow the baby, I think he will he welcome. N. Y. Weekly. Sure tn r'lnil It. "Bridget," he said to the family maid, "I am Unexpectedly called out fur the tVening, and I want you to see that your mistress gata this note." "Yes, soor," responded Bridget, "I'll lave it in the pocket of the trousers ye've just taken otT. then she'll lie sure to II nd it." Spare Moments. The Urine. Mrs. Younghuaband How did you know the pie 1 made for dinner to-day wasn't the same as the one I made yes terday? Younghuaband Because it pave me a different kind Of pain in mv stomach. X. Y. World. A Kruical Soul. "Where's your bottle of cough mcdl- ; cine, Josiah?" "What do you want with if.'" "Well, you won't take it, and as It cost OS cents it shan't be wasted. I'm going to polish the piano with it." Chicago Becord, AllOW flllCCM. Mrs. t'adper They tell nie, Henriet ta, that your husband is unkind to you. Mrs. Howes Yes, John is not very gentle in his manners, I must admit; but there is one thing I will say for him he never kicks up a rug or crcuM'i a tidy. Huston Transcript. Orphans' Court Sale ol Valuable REALESTATE And Administrator's Sale oi Grain in tin- ( Iruund Bv virtue of mi order Inucd nut of tii r- i 1 1 ; m - CoQll offnytlor Cuiiiitv. I 'a., tin- tindrr- ! - iwtmlnMtrator ol tttfl 0ltslfl (f looob It. SlfiniiiKrr, liilt ol Krnnklin lowtltblp, County anil BtsVM MOreMMd, dtOMMOd. Willi Saturday. January 27, 1900, 0SpOM to pUbllO MalO Oil the prtRtlMfl tilt fol lowing; ilfm-rllieil real Mtatt t. wit : ValuHl'le farm, iiifftfiiinKt r trart of lam) nitunt' In ton nlil( t'tmnly antl itoto ttforftssld. i m 1 1 in I fit on the north m- laixln of i -. M-.-t i rry, lames 4i. Crotmn and Mth John reachel. eant by lantln of Mis liarrv llover-o ami Aleinmlrr HowerHox aouih by lumU of (. M. Vnntz. Kietlrriek Smith ami Uoonn Smith ami on the wnl by lam) of 'harh -n Mover ami . H. Strlninirer, contaiitliiir one iMimtrt-il ami n MtM nml Mixty iHrrehen more or .MS, with the Apimrtrnanern. wli'-reoti are a I a r e TWO- VIUKY WKA rilKK-IU).Mtl)hn HOUSn ami a BANK BAHNond OUTBUILDINGS, well of i.ool) W A'l Kli at tue huue nml a never fail ing aprltifc at the born. I'nrt of thin tract la well set with tlnttclanM timber ami the balance In a fair Mtnte o' cultivation . It i- clone to khI K'booU And to market, beiiiK the trt faun biilldlntc on the rtMul to Outrevillc And About V4 of a mile north of MiddlvburH' Term! will be math- known on dnv of wile . At the Mine time And place the im-l- r-ined nd- ministrn'or will sell 'j interest in Acrea of wheat and Acres of rye iu the ground. Jamkm G. C'uol'hk. David A. m mm m,eh, atitorney. . ... nn .mo i au, . C iiaklah ScaitK Auction r. "Campaigning in the Philippines" A book of over 400 iMgeswith nearly 300 beautiful illustrations ot troopfin action anil soeues in the Philippine IsIhmIs, published by The Hicks-Judd Publishing Company of San Franciso, the only pub lishers in the United States who sent represeiilativis to Manila especially to compile a history til the war. As many as 2." writers wereengagedin the work in Manila, many of whom were with the troops of their various engagements and they were per mitted to use ollicial records to verify their reports, Maps of Battlefields made by an official map-maker iu the 8th Army Corps enables the reader to follow closely the movements of troops. Description of Philippine Islands giving statistics and other infor mation as to climatic conditions, resources, etc., and an account of the trip to Manila, taking the reader to Honolulu and through Japan and China, are interecting features of the book. The Pennsylvania Special Edition contains:! complete history oi the 10th Ponusylvania Volunteer Heg't in the Philippine campaign and also the name, ixistonicc ad . a oress ano occupation ot every member ot the regiment, totrcth er with lists of killed and wound ed, deaths and disease, promo tions, discharges, etc., and also cuts of each company and officers of the regiment. It is vouched for as officially correct by a cer tificate from the Colonel. Advance Sale of 6000 Volumes iu Manila shows the faith of sol diers in tiie publication. It is sold by subscription only and returning soldiers have been em ployed almost exclusively thus far and have found in this lucra tive employment. A tew more agents wanted in the State. Ad dress The Ilicks-Judd Publish ing Company, 21 First St., San Globe Warehai! rtaHaMjr The Great Question, What Shall I Give for Chrisioias ? ( Mil lie ftnaUraJfanrl Aaaatla u twamnini ot M il.,. itnt.H OaImIImm. - 11 -i in uini". iona th. i , .... mat weea oi t Kooda when you miy, SILKS A large assortment of black always u desirable gift AJ at great iv rediuvil iriws. DRESS GOODS A bcuutilul selection ot black prices ranging from LOcto $1.98 ,., V(in LEATHER GOODS A splendid showing inranu mi Boxes, Bass, etc., etc HANDKERCHIEFS An enormous GLOVES . . A most comprehens UMBRELLAS A MATCHLESS ASSORTMENT ties nrieeil to win fnvnr OPAL WARE Our line of Opal Ware represents the fittest selectioi the market aflords. W e have been greatly fnfluenci our phenomenal success with this line last 'year and been encouraged to present for tho consideration oi ( ustomers the most complete assortment oi Trays Boxes, Trinkel H...cs, Handkerchief Poxes, Toilet B etc., etc. We are showing a complete line of T Case,, Alliums, Pictures, Smoking Sets, etc. etc marked at prices to insure their speedy departure SPECIAL PRICES On all Blankets, Comfortables, Towel REDUCED PRICES ONALL COATS AND CAPES. ) 0t wait until a. ter ( hristmas lor your Jackets, BUY NOW for we have marked all Coat that were $4.f0, Christmas Offering S.'i.Ta. Coats that were .$7.fi(, Christmas Offering 15.9s! Coatstliat w 111.00, Christmas Offprint Alisses and Children's Jackets marked ut same r 'Jo LADIES' TAILOR-MADE SUITS AT PRICE. Make a hurried calculation in your mind, you II come to the conclusion that the cloth is worth more And it is. Take your choice ot these suits in either Brown, Gray, Navy Blue and Black. All hints that were All All Suite Suit.- that tnat were were Globe Warehouse, 343 Market St., Sunbury. Pa. t In ail its Branches. I WE HAVE PROCURED I A COMPLETE UPHOLS Ji TERING OUTFIT AND t t WE ARE PREPARED TO IX) WORK ON SHORT I NOTICE KEEP COK.l'i?1. N HAND : : -'fax Ave., South Band, Ind. s i i . - a s. s i a la I WE WILL I STANTLY ON I HAIR, TOW, HUSK AND I - t COTTON FOR MATTRESSES, AND SPRINGS FOR Sofas and Lnunges. WE GUARANTEE OUR WORK TO BE FIRST CLASS. GALLON EITHER OF US AT ANYTIME. A.J.Grosgrove. :: fl. E. Walter. I "I-I-"I-1 "I""H""H-1"M""I 1 1 11 i H4 U1EU Dec 27, iu Perry township, a son of Washington Stahl. Dec. 30, near Troxelville, (he in fant child of Perry and Idu K. Doebler died very suddenly. Fun eral took place Jan. 12. Interment at Hummel's church. Rev. Wm. so a ...1 . 1 "-wjj wmionmi.v miu ,-.ir.. .... Iv and el l innniimlfti our (iKKAT HOLIDAY I ... '4111 111 Dow an I avoid tlirivt n,J, . I. ..;.. im M l 1 i-..t. II... . .. I " Kreui rtiaii i uriatniHH P'g we'll deliver tin in., colored silk,8attnc " l iiili suitable for , etc waists. Ovl 1. 1 ; good of the latest novelties ii Leather (' Uard '.ises, I el Hook-, ( 'Intel assortment especially good val Illli siveshowing, new Btyles, new col all the latest 'Is', Napkins, etc., i $!l.f. Christina. ( nr....;.... aeon $11.00, Christmas Offering $7.29. $12."). Chrlatmna t nr....:..' ao en' rs co-oy. -: mfr4sii HaiilBss, My and Snre i LADIES tmm I had suffered for 10 years and at last have permanently cured myself, am now well and 'strong. Bend me tour cents in stamps and I will mail you Two Weeks Treatment All oorrndenootranted fidence. in con- i i ii ri i .aasvi u i : tvm HENCH OROMOOUfS A wondsrftil Immm ani h. HLn Ola-Baek. BackaMUoaotCarrlatt ww auias rssn aaanag io wunnramniisi M I SLIiaa ataiwhUaaati Cai rt sr Lnz; e e . r , I- t a i- 18 1- at IT ot 6 ce J nt at wo ay h its Cat len )ve hot rod ket dy, by I ars i lid. rain 11 ol owr loc- itch-Half- at I lms id, a la talcs tea. 1AL frta. iti rr' HBHsaaEFi -aijaff-r---lV. rameau