i r V HAD $i,ooo BUT WAS HUNGRY. How I. nolo I'm in i In tli liuao ;ot the Name uf RslSR lion em Vlon. Tve slept under u k1m'1 with the thcrnioiiK'ter 'way below zero," said (M tramp, "and I've gone two loti days with nothing to eat, but I'm tell ing TOO straight that wbeq lonceand $1,000 In my pocket I win worse off thnn at any other time I eu remem ber. I had just been let out of the bridewell iu Chicago, and was begging on the streets and being turned down on every hand, when I picked np a $1,000 bill on the sidewalk. 1 thought it was a dollar, and you bet 1 made a hustle to get down a side street. When I dodped into a doorway and made out that I was a thousand dollars ahead of the game the sweat started from every pore nnd my knees knocked to gether. I was regularly seasick for ten minutes, and my heart thumped away until 1 thought it would break out. "That, $1,000 meant a heap for me. you understand, but I was so excited that it was two hours before I could do any planning. The first thing Wll to buy a new suit of clothes, and I en lercd a store and picked them out. When I exhibited that $1,000 bill the clothier ran to the door to call a po liceman. I got away by a close squeeze, d then realized the situation. Tramp . i was, l couldn't get it changed at . bank nor use it to make ine more c il ortable. If it- had been a ten I could have had lodgings and u bed, but I'm telling you that I walked the Streets as hungry as a shark, and slept at a police station and in lumber yards. "Under the oircurostajicei the bill might as well have been a piece of brown paper, I tried all sorts of dodges to get it busted, but it was no I ii. Every time I showed it 1 ran the risk of arrest. I offered a butcher $100 to get it changed, but he refused to have anything to do with it. I'd have sold it lor half price and been glad to, but there was no such thing as mak ing a deal, Finally, in despair, I went to one of the newspaper offices ami looked tip the advertisements for the week past. The loser had advertised, and I went to his office in a big build ing and gave up the bill. The reward WS $60, but he counted out ten dol lars mi top of that and said:, "'I wouldn't have believed there was such honesty iu the world. Von could have kept the bill as well as not.' "lb' took down my name and all that, and gave the affair away to the report ers. They wrote me up as the 'Honest Tramp,' and had my picture in the papers, but you may guess I didn't en joy it over much. 1 had $00 in place of $1,000, and as for honesty, it was all bosh. I returned the bill because 1 had to, p 1 hungry and dead ,11 ... UOU m nil.' VilUrt l in for the night I'm not looking for anj more big finds. Something with a figure '2' on the corner will just about fit my vest pocket." Ci.lcago Inter Ocean. COULD NOT KILL THE HOBO. Ilmtr Rnfn Was on Ihr ril.it .Milk Ins Cow Af i it Running; Into a Herd. "It was way back in the '70s," said an old engineer. "I was pulling the 'limited' east from Council Iiluffs to Chicago over the Hock Island. The night wna bitterly cold. We had gone about 20 miles out, and had stopped at a night office for orders, and had started up again, when the fireman reached over and said: 'There is a hobo on the pilot; saw him get on at the depot.' 'Sure'." 1 asked, 'do out on the running board and see if he's there yet.' The fireman did as he was ordered to do, and returned with the information that the hobo was still there. "'Well,' said I. 'it's a bitter cold night, and if he can stand it out there I am willing he should ride with me.' And on we went toward Chicago, with eld '211' barking like sixty at the low joints aliiHd and forgetful of our 'head end' passenger on the pilot. "By and by, by the faint glimmering of the headlight, 1 thought 1 saw ahead what seemed to be a bunch of cattle on the track. As we approached it the bunch seemed to grow larger. It was now too late to do anything, so I just pulled her wide open and old 211 hit that bunch of cattle 'ka-bif.' To para phrase the language of Tennyson, who glides into raptures of admiration over the charge of the Light brigade at liala klava, there was just simply cattle to the right of us, cattle to the left of us, but none any more in front of us. After it wa over our thoughts reverted to the hobo on the pilot. 'Go out and see if he is still there,' I said." "Well," said an old brnkeman, under whose feet the frosts of many winters had crackled as he wended his way in the dark over many a long train of box cars, nnd who had been listening to the story. "Well," said he, "was he killed?" "No," replied the engineer. "There he sat, as large as any hobo could sit, on the pilot with an oyster cun milking one of those darned cows." Topeka Capital. Sanaoane Inrnerate Bessrara. An American who visited the Steven sons in Samoa relates that the Samoans have a practice of begging. They bold ly ask for whatever they may covet wherever it may be found. The novelist -ine tired of this practice and there said one- day to a Samoan friend 'ed f him 'cktie, I HOUSEHOLD HELPS. A Budget of Valuable Suggestion, for the Aid of the llny Hoaaeitlfe. The passion for old-time things has brought into fashion the homemade rag carpet, but there are more artistic ways of having it woven than the ever lasting stripe. A handsome carpet is a solid centerpiece of maroon. The warp should be colored the same shude as the rags, and all may be colored at home, if desirable for economy's sake with diamond dyes, and to utilize both light and dark rags a very handsome border is made of shaded red unil orange woven in the old-fashioned stripe. Another style is to have a very heavy warp used twice as thick as for ordinary carpet; color it several de sired shades. This produces a very pretty checked carpet, weaving in the rags in stripes. No variety of greens is more valuable than the dandelion, and when proper ly cooked it is tender and finely fla vored. Wash thoroughly, put into boil ing water and cook for one hour; drain, cover with salted boiling water and cook two hours longer. Drain again, cut up line, season with one saltspoon of pepper and one tubiespoonfui of butter and serve with the following sauce: Kill) the yolks of two hard boiled eggs until smooth; add one salts poonful of salt, one-quarter as much white pepper and two table spoonfuls of thick cream. Heat thor oughly, then gradually add one cup ful of vinegar; stir until dressing is the consistency of cream. Apple jelly equal to the finest quince, currant or crab jelly is made iu the following manner: Take apples, wipe and slice them; use seeds, skins and all; add sufficient water to cover and cook until soft; strain through a cloth, taking care not to squeeze. To every pint of juice allow half the juice of a lemon and a pound of sugar. Boll the liquid '!" minutes over a quick fire before adding the sugar. Allow all to come to the boil again, then remove. The pulp remaining in the cloth may lie squeezed through it, and with lem on and sugar added In the same JJ portlon as in the jelly makes a most excellent marmalade. For mutton steak purchase two pounds of mutton from the shoulder; this can be had for half the price of steaks. Have the butcher trim it care fully aad chop with two knives until fine. Add one-fourth of a pound of beef suet chopped fine. Make into a steak to fit vofir broiler, and broil over a clear fire. Season when done with a teaspoonful of salt and a fourth as much paprika, l'laee on a hot platter, dot with butter, using a tablespoonful. Pour around it tomato sauce. To prevent things in the oven from being burnt or becoming too brown, B basin or pie dish of water should be put on te lower shl ha the steam HUk rise. Mildew n the article ... laying them in ....ed by dipping sour buttermilk and the sun to dry. awav beef marrov Never thnow save it, and'let it be chopped with suet when making a boiled pudding. Cinders, if saved and wetted with a little water, make a very hot fire for ironing days. Troy Times, SLEEVES IN SUMMER. Tbe Latent Are Mnde to Counter balance Tightness of tbe ROS Sklrln. Sleeves are becoming an objective point in the costume. This is probably due to the extreme tightness of the skirts and the desire to increase the width of the shoulders as a counter balance. Plain sleeves ore becoming only in a perfectly-formed woman, and hence the efforts of the modistes to in troduce them have failed. Among the sleeves seen on eight Imported gowns, the first sleeve is that of an aprieot colorcd satin. It is cut in a point upon an epaulette of mousseline de soie. The bottom is cut out in points upon u puf fing of mousseline. There is a vine of embroidery at the top and at the hand, The second sleeve is that of a plain cash mere gown, and is made elegant and be coming by tucks. The third sleeve is that of a wool challic. It is cut in two plaits on each side under a rosette; the top is open upon a plaiting of mousse line de soie, with small ruches. The fourth sleeve is that of n silk poplin gown, with guipure Insertion and ruches of mousseline. The fifth belongs to a tailor-made gown, and the sixth is that of a mauve wool, currnto several parts and fastened down by buttons. The seventh sleeve is that of a gray poplinette gown, the edges finished with ruches of mousseline de soie. The last sleeve, of black satin, bus the up per part covered by guipure, which is framed hy loops of ribbon. Sleeves will in the near future form a still more important part of the gown than they do even now. As to the tight skirts, there is some thing almost shocking about the swathing lines which now so unequiv ocally reveal the entire figure of a fash ionable woman. She has divested her self of every possible morsel of inside drapery which it isfjiven her to discard, and wears her frocks "neat," to quote a big man milliner, over combinations or long woven vests which reach to the knee, where they are joined by lace or silk flounces. Of course, this new skirt, fitted as it is without a single wrinkle over the back, when trailing a foot or two in length over green lawn or velvet pile carpet, is all very well; but how obi tit the half-attempted, half-accomplished rersion of the country dressmaker.who, jest mls"" the right curves and One of me Old hciiool. "Bah!" cried old I eat y man, angrily, as be finished the report of a ease in which a bchool-teui her had been fined for thrashing one of his pupil, "bah! things have changed since my time, I u.bure you. Hoys were boys t hen, and ni.l afraid of u good licking, and thej go: one pretty often. I can tell you. Yhy, sir, I've hud my back scarred with wea! for six months at a time," "Yoh must have looked a pretty pic ture, i should think." remarked u fel low clubman. "1 was," said Testyman. briefly; "a picture by one of the old musters." And the old fellow chuckled grimly ns he tOfklled SWay to the card-room. Ally (Ucper, suheiaenlly Confirmed. "I always form my opinion of a man from my impression at first sight of him," observed Kivers. "and seldoji hare to change it. Now, that fellow who tins just gone out I took an in stall dislike to him when he came In, and nothing will ever make me think differently of him." "'1 noticed he had a bill against jou," remarked Brooks. Chicago Tribune. SaataWSSl AmlilKiiiina. A gentleman lately dismissed a clevet but dishonest gardener. I'or the sski of his wife ami family he gave him a character, and this is how he worded it: "I hereby certify that A. 1!. has been ray gardener for over tun years, aid that during that time he got more out of my garden than any man I ever employed," Tit. Bits. Proof Positive, Tommy I'.iown- Is your big sisteren gaged to Mr. White'.' Susie No, an' I guess she don't want to be. Tommy Brown Did she say so? Susie tirccn No, but she knowed he WU COtnin' to-night, an' she eat onions nl supper. Catholic Standard and Times. InTttatloa DeellaeA, Jason -( nine home and take dinner with me to-night, old chap will you? Thayer Why er Jason Oh, but you must come. My wife's had some fool friend there every night for two weeks, and 1 want to get even. J udge. The Real lasolt. Maj. flood fellow So he called you a liar, a drunkard, a card sharp and a chicken thief, did he? Maj. Bottbun Bedld, SUfal but when he went further and said 1 was not a gentleman, I drew on him to wuust, suh! l'uck. Just Bofors the llnllle. Mrs. Jones Your mother was tell ing me to-day that when you were born your grandmot her predicted that you would marry wisely and happily. Jones Whnt a good joke on my grandmother! N. Y. World. A llrllrate I'on (illiiie.it. Mrs. Matchmaker Mr. Wise, I take it from your inteiest in my daughter l'earl that you're a gem conuoisseur. Mr. Wise It's due, madam, to my great admiration for mother of Pearl, Jeweler's Weeklv. MaltlnS) n Sure Ttilnu of It. Miss Pinch blow Da you think it is possible lO get a good idea of Kuropc In six weeks? Miss KlddlebackOb. no! I should Stay cielil if 1 were vim. l'uck. The ttare l''art. A little habe, beyond a doubt. Is hulit until his hnlr comes out; Anil, later on. In manhood when His hair comes out, he's bald again. L. A. W Hullctln. Mrs. Fly What do you mean by com ing home in thin condition? Mr. Fly Couldn't help it, m' dear. I bhlippcd nnd fed into a glass of beer. N. V. Fvening Journal. More Wonderful. "Yes," she said, "I have a daughter who is mnrried to an earl." "Humph!" he returned. "That'p nAthin. I've get five daughters mar ried to men they picked out themselves, nnd I don't have to support any of 'em." Chicago Times-Herald. A Dad Art Effect. "I can't go out to play golf with Miss Rooster any more." "Why not?" "The stripes in my golfing suit are horizontal and hers are perpendicular." Chicago Kecord. THK bMRTOV AIX. - Tor over fifty year Mr. Wmuiw' PooTH iso 8TBI P ha lieen ued by mother for their children while teething. Are you disturbed at night and bioken of your rert by a lck child uffertng and ctying with pain of cutting teeth? If no end at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Win dow' Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. It value I incalculable. It will relieve tbe poor little uneTr immediately. Depend upon It, mother, there I no mistake about It. It care diarrba. regulate the Stomach and Bowel, cure Wind Colic, (often the Gum, reduce Inflammation, and give tone and energy to the whole ytem "Mr. Wlnlow'i Soothing By - children teetbie- nliant to the rill: SAStSJ oi Ii STIIHY. Beast and Utility. We can't ha je rosea all tbe year So nature t is things planned; 1 But atrawbetrle as fondly dear May be pre ..i rv. 1 and caoned. Detroit Kne I'ress. Coneell. Mrs. Spans--I wouldn't marry the best man living if I hud it to do over again. Spans 1 wouldn't ask you again. Brook lyn Life. Ininoaall.le to Doubt. How do 1 Know this is 15-year-old whisky?" "Here Is Utjl written guarantee, sir, of the man a bo invented tbe process for aging it." Chicago Tribune. Hope for Him. (ioslin I lose my head so readily, doiuher know. Miss Amy. Miss Amy How fortunate! One of theM times you'll get another. Har- j lent Light. She I'lMildn't Throw. M.ibel Tiny say she fairly threw herself at him. lack I don't believe it. She would have missed bin if she' had done that, N. Y. Journal. Her Side of the Qarstton. t'ron his wheel he scours the country. Mis wife bt home bloyclln:: loathes; Fur next day 'tis her dirty July To scour the country off his clothes. i udtre. Oaiit;i-roii Sometime. She I suppose you ure aware, I" red, that an engagement is a serious thing? lie t)!i. yes. Why, some of them lead to marriage. Town Topics. The Pfalloaatstnee. "The big chair trust has been per fected." "Well, there's still the ground to sit Ion." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Ussallr the War. "Tommy." said the teacher, "w hat is meant by nutritious food?" "Something Iu Kit that ain't got no t.isie to replied Tommy. Tit-Hits. Revert a DsTeet, "So they Anally from Johnson out of the company, did tln-y V" "Yes. And I nc er saw a hotter tw.n in all my life."- -' liantipolis Journal. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Solid Trams to Northet" iV ichigan. The t'hicago. .Milwaukee v St. Paul Ktillwiiy ls now taasTist aottd Irakis el induce -iccping earn, dining cam (serving meals a la carte) ami flrt-cla Hay ciiiuln-s. IhroOSjh from t'hli itgoto t'Hluinet, Houghton, lliinciick ami other point In the 'opier t'otttitry without chnnge ' .if eura. with direct ooonecMOn fcw Monim-uu, I IfagstiSsa Igtipsntlna etc , ami passengers front ' the Kail, South ami Southwest w ill llml thin a nioitili-nirahle route. All coupon ticket luccntx f' via the j Chicago, MilwaUkC. .St. ffcai . ft PENNSYLVA!. . rtalurW-. .Sunbury ft LwitowJ i)tv. In eil'oct Nov. 1!. 1M0. WKSTWAKII. HTATIOSH. KAST Aim I' M 5 . :i i tm an I P K (CI 2 r.i 1 in J 2H J :u 23t I 211) i tr, it si 3 00 3 117 3 i:i i A M '.i SI 10' 7 HI IS 10 SI 10 91 111 (? ion 10 3S 10 M lutl 1"ST it in 11 13 11 10 11 21 II 2T A M '.I 20 'JIM '.lilt S93 S till i i; St'i S29 s 20 S ).t S 117 717 7 91 7 40 !M 7 at 7:-l 7 ! Stinliury Bellaagrove Junetloa I'liitsjcrovc 1'aw li Kri-amer Mcincr Mlddk hnrK Baa fat lleavclTown Aclnmnhuric lam I is kills Mel lure afaarnev Sbllldlr lalnterville Aliiitlanil Lswfseown 5 09 t III 4 H i u I If. in 4 32 429 I II I M M nit i on n an I .".I a it R I to 3 4S 3 4? 3 50 II 33 11 37 LpwMuwii ( Vain Street ) 11 401 Lcwistown J mntion. Train leRVee Siinbur.v 5l6 V ar rives at Sr-lktiHyrove 6 45 p in IVlliRa leave I.ewUtown Junction : I V2 a in, ID 13 am. 1 10 p m.i:s i p in 5 2? p St, 7 07 I 11 Pfp ai, for Alumna, I'ittaliuru ami the Went. for HalUmure aod Washington 6 SB a ni I ea I I st I at.SIS P at Foe Pnllaaeliihte in.i Rss York H38 U H5a in, 1 03 1 33 4 33 ami 1110 p in Vot I; irri-'.nirj S 10 p Bt Philadelphia Eric R ft Division. AND NOBTQKRN I'SMTRaL RAILWAY Tralii- leave Sunhury dully vlOspC laed I 1 2i a in tor Kmc and anandalicua 6 10 h in or Rrlletur.te Urleainl 'an.i?ulnlirns ') 12 a in tor Look lien. Tyrone aim tbe cm. I 10 p in tur Bellelontc Kane Tyrone and t'linan- itlltlfUH 549pni lur l.esnvnanil Elinlta WM p in lor WilllmiiMviit Sunday 5 IU u m lor h.rie anil Canntidnlirmi IMnain lorIick Haven ami 9 2fipDi lor V'l! luuiKpOfl i) Via in. 99 a ni 2 00 and 5 48pmlor U, tiam and llazelton 7 ' 0 Bl. 10 20 a in. 2 03 p in. 5 45 p in tor RaasjaV kin anil Miiuiil t'aruiel Sunday 9 Ma m lor WUhOfhatrO Train leave Sellngrove Junction 1000 a in. week iaTl arrivlnk ut rhil ilnlphtii Sun pin New York 5 r3 f m Baltimore 3 11 p in Wofhlnglun 4 lo pin 584 p in daily arriving at PhilitdelpliU .0 in p m New York 8 H a ui, Bali nin.ro 0 4S p in WiiKlilntitoti 10 5t p m. K 42 p in, week day arriving at I'htlarlnlphln 4 Sua in. New York 718 a ui, Baltimore 1 30 a iu Washington 4 0ft a m TraD8 Slao laare Sunhury : 2 V7 am dally arriving Hhlladeldhla Ma u, Halnirmre 0 8J m wantil'-vfon 7 4.S in Ne York 83 s in Weekday. 10 38 a m Sunday. ISO am week days arriving at Philadelphia II 4xiim.Nrw York 2 1.1 p ui, Haltluniu n a m, Washington i no p in. 183 pm, week day arriving at Philadelphia 1 38 p m, New York u 30 p ui, Baitimoro t u p m Washington T 18 pm Tralna alto leave Sunhury at .Vain unit H28 and 8 31 p n, tor Hamsburg, Philadelphia and Baltimore J. R. WOOD, Oen'l l a Agent J.B. HUTCHINSON 4en'l Manaaer. ONLY S8.00 SEND US es.OO guar "'.if "l "Ui ana w will tend you anj VtprMf ia by tnugbt. f. o. !., aubtartU exanunatlou. v .-T And It tli equal of any an and atael aaf e made and ekaw par roar frelgbt ageal ear '( I fbeterr get aad awa WU1 return r rfS.ee, lte-a.aa ... " -. ' i tun.il, kwM.la for Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bougl I BEARS THE SIQNATURE OF In Use For Over 30 Years. "A DOLLAR SAVED IS DEXTER rt in i i urn a - - SOLE LEATHER Thii Ladie' Donirola Kid Boot, Laos or Button, role lei roiiDter, inner, outer sole and beet, fauo.v top sttiy, Patent Lm Tip, Opu a Tof, 2 to 8, D, E, or EL, iettl postpaid on receipt oi Equals an $2 bcot sold. 0i Riakx Mouey relunded ii unsi factor?. We guaiantee fit( stjrlc, w ar. FREE. oiirratalogne WlOtUluStratleBSOf UO bargains m sM0(i; nho n Bubs 'r-s Tlcki i whlrh Seouress Ubefal Cash Bonn- on JTotlf yotr's trailing. mnnmTnirntTT A T O Baaals mn n ni Blw ; wife wetl' iinreiooi ruthcr XXiSllJllUiNlALS buy aiiytl.n.i.nui Ihe DEXTER (1.00 Shoe. l KXlaVs"rE-Tni' shoes are proving siitlsfnetory. Thin pair tnut I now hii .e DMka dtrfiMfiit hi.jh'Mii shoes Hint I have bought of . n and they are all '-.'"od. 1 snowed Dtercbsnl a pair of f I ,in sbucs that 1 had Just tceelved Irmn yon unit lintnoV: Ills kinh' cut into the bcpland cMimlnco tlu'tn thoronghly and pronounm! iheiu chop ut Si. YOU Will llna An Orttorwlth this letter for two inure p-ilr ol shoes , , , u KesH3oUillly yours, MliS J. M. ll.I.I A VS. ftf sjett, MedsclDO Qa.1 c s. I'so myinnnic If you like. ' "YAns-l'h'use llnrt enclosed, herewith, express money order. I Mease send the Bin nit without Holsy. I SB! nesdliig 'hem. My wife Is almost baretnoti d nod 1 don't wish Dtty Mines SI IS oilier nouse DVDauav l uave the money. DEXTER SHOE CO., Eatebliabed 1880. Capital SEND-WO MONEY MAOlP0CAtlNtT lUIOICt SIWI0 SACSUtE.KJ. fr.l,hl.t.o.D ..lJi(...MI. un. YuucaneiaiuliieltatyuurneariiatireiK&taepocaau ium rffetlr MUvfwiarf ,ectly m mprefented, ! M BHaUaM Smi ..ii m I.I r n a, too. 00, ami TUX USSATSST BAWUH TOO "- or; hj Special Offer Price 815.60 i.ur rfh aarui r K r ami C: fi 'lit fii At wt'f. Machine welffhslW Hun and tbe freight will avf rin m.- for eacti milea. OIVE IT TKXEI MONTHS TRIAL in vouruwD home. a-Dd we will return your l,v n any dayyttu are not j'lt.tlt (l. We sell tflTereat RtKn UI KraOenT MrttiRf slarhfanal tt.iO. I0.WI. ill.oo, fli.AV and no. all fully described In our XaelilnetaialovHe. but tli. 60 for tM DR Ha CABK.KT the srreatfet valwv ever offered my mmy no, pEWAWE OF IMITATION WeSSBK tlaementa,nr7eiinfr unkaowa saarhiurs umii' vai ioui namcn, with sarlonslit- il.eraa.nU. U rite some frleml In t kirr-ao anil leaf a who are- rr I lalile and shn an- nt.t. a-ijssi DDnirirf hB ttl7 H'lrhVHU(..irJIM, I fill DUltLtllVl KVrRY dlKID i'llMOK KH.KT HH.II bHt UK MACMISK UKIH18 ur Mm:. neat at a k saw i iufi i TrMitbe ij1 kind of lancy work. AtO-Ttai IT C0ST8 YOU NOTHING WI TO BjtTCaM YOiRfis.LO If at any time within three months you say you are not aatlafled. uliPUi 'w E04TT DiiLAY. Soars, Roebuck t Co. are thomnirhly reliable.- l-Ulltor.) 1 Address, SEARS, ROEBUCK dc CO. (Inc.) Chicago, 111 WAiiTEIl SKVEKAI. BltlUIlT AND HON Mtperimii to represent u as anuger in tnia anil clcse by vooii' lea. Salary f. year unil capi'inuM, str.nglit. bona-llile, nn more. no le BstStjr. I'oaition icriiianent. tlnr refer- sanss. anr nana in anr ihtti ts is staiaiy u Sea work eoudwatad at boata. Kekrence. Kn clone rlf-odilrcaned taiinHl envelope The DominioS t oai'ANV, Dapt'S, t'hiuago V---l St, DftTCMTO obtained. Y n I Lll I 0 TEEMS EASY. ODSSSROS cornmonlciite with the Editor of this pilfr, who illl glir c lecdel Inior- auatttta. J AS UBOTJ82, ATTUKNKY AT LAW. llDDIWHt"', "A, All b'titiHj aulrttaraJ lo lilt, cure will rsatiitrR I; rot t )t 'rtntiou. HAIR SWITCH 65 CENTS. WE MUX HI MIS HUM HWIUMaM U taattb aayhalrRtrrea.05CfS3.25,tba te M el swfcsbss last raiall at $S. it la M. 00. OUR OFFER- t ut tni bd out and aend wun vrrcn. tous. lnetotoofood aized aainple of the atari ahaiia wanted, and rut tt oalti near tho roots as Doaslble. Ineloao ar aoesMi aeteu ajauied ai pay poatan, and we m ssaieb yoar balr esaet, ai ar Sfislal aetew aauied aad asada estra to and send Co you by mall. pbatpaJd. and ti you are not perfectly aauanea, reiarn 1 1 ana we win refund your money. w Sa.rt,ottrrri.fcai sea. awlteh a La. lonr, long atem, OSoi abort atem, So, tt-la. long, abort item. SI. SSI B-ln. long,bort atem, SI. SOI fa, lem.sa.1911'4 o. at-in SJ.SS. neVaBaaTSS wva wwaa to nigaen crane on ia aartil arew at eaau aaSeH atm faSal trtees. Tave saasstej petaeaad If yaa aeo aad limit, Write for Free Catalog of Hair Good, add rata. SEA St. ROEBUCK a CO dat .) Ctnea aca. araf mm HaasmK bf. Fenert Golden Relief. at A DOLLAR EARNED." $1 For a $f SMe To introduce to every fitoiily in tbo t'oiinleiH. saaflatv 4iitHleH nil. I II Yuuts truly. uami iuu imwi " ' piumpm RCKAUt, Newokn Boston, $"00,000. icorj rrte fW.Ag bLCUICa Is HAUK. WITH THI Jlade by the- era in Aaaertra. beat mat i-rlul money tmJm ! SOUP QUARTER SAWED OAK mSWgSp-m closed (head dropping fffOB Mcbt) to he umd ax a eeaicr tah oraWak, the other open with full lenirth tahle and head in p-'1'" ,l,r wastssas-i newm. nuej arawwa. mmm nam aattataa mwmm caneu. pant"- tKH!'ed and decorated cabinet finish, fluent nickel drawer pull. raU! n ' '',ur raiitertt. adjuta hie treadle. trenuineSmvth Iron itand. riaaat laree P'"h '' heaJ. poaitlve four motion feed, telf threadina vlbratlntr nhuttu. ant KJ boUuln winder. adJunUble bearlniri, patent tension liberator. impro wheel, adjustable pressure foot. Improved shuttl 'Carrier, patent nelwr. patent drt hSfuarr.heatlia aaadaaiaely erearsted aad omaas. nil aad brautirRil-alrkrlirl-ated. GUARANTEED lW wUtw gtwMstwl ,wwet dasaale asf Hp' anlseUMRtarhlae Baattr. Isary laasta aiiaehneni I farahaed and our free n tntrtinn Book telle just how anr ond can run itand do either pint 1 or n" a BlndiRf (aHaraatMls sent with every ta sra aad f t imlir I his rtiarhlar. conilia u with those your storekeeper sells at $ to 'l I L. ! . f !-'. U far, ..Mi ;.. J I j-TtieiB ' . i - Uj ,i . .. V.i- ... M t X 1 ; m i t...: it si t . laH lit ' airertpi eM c i I ' J . iKt a- ts Ul : XI to s'jlc i -' m.vi. :V .... ...:- MM -at T.j a l- IV afW l ISfs-RlPa; , jsur .'. i . (-. . near. i. !' ,"t tittf. t.i.iirt. ' i.f. - :r4 a kdrflabsia 1 1 aUla. a-1 1. 1-! : I. HnP wwlsr. Raelalte BBaVRaveisOiautl 1 by1 isrot wiiM be pro Mil t. : . 'Til 'i'l.v JfiM-M IC'l-riM ttTKASH. aM'afei SydIa conUUM II plates. Upv DJCdi i kisd i llin: f . lu'tions how to Uen'R rtiilia inndc t f.rder ffrotn ".d up. ni. i wit it it on Mil ! i ttfii. Addreen. SEARS. RGtavCi & CO. lnc. Chicago (Stars, HtwlJiK k l a. ur am wfaiy tt i?hs - CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH 9. l.tHltaw PENNYROYAL PUS , I Safin. Al way reliable. LavSlea, aak . HII HtaTEaa KSVLIIB lo 9wM metallic boxes, aealed with bias r laaaat taaltallaaa, Buyof ronrDrui 4a. la atampa tor rwrtlaaitara, T. ta and - BWlW far t4lla.n Pi I OHBaf XOAIj OO. PSfUaV, nragjiaa i or jjaaa all DraggMs. OHioaaaraa T ! I V illoa ' I SB I i I