The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, December 21, 1899, Image 6

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    f"rtPv"V? SB I , 1 i.A;; !'' i'TwVSS
i rnii-in nii sar-
What is Celery King?
Itlann herb drink, nnd Is n positive cure
for constipation lii iuliirhi', n. rvousilliwirders,
ilisuiinlliiii kidney diseases, and lbs vari
ous troubles or loins from o disordered totn
seb ond torpid liver. It Is a most agrooobM
inedlflni', mid In rcrommenuYtl I y phyitlclani
generally Remi rober.ltcurerconitlpotlon.
I'clery King lold InSSe. andSOo. packages
r drugi?lst ond dialers. 1
v ' in T
' . . ' i b ; u.-cd daily
. tl.c ordinary hair
c, or hair grow
i dc ::ot find, after
II wc claim for it send it
I your money
funded. You
the number
. )olkr.
It h Guaranteed to Cure
Nervous Headache in live minutest
Uiliouf Headache In five minutes I
Neuralgia In five minutes I
DanJrulf and diseases of the scalp 1
Prevents falling hair ami baldness!
rtakes the hair long and glossy I
Tor sale at Dry Goods stores and Druggists
or sent on approval, postpaid, on receipt
of prii e and ten cents fur postage.
( htrtook, "THK BOCTOhTS STultY." tent free cm
rnqneeit, gtvet r-n information eonotrninQ Dr. Hcott't
Ktrctnc Utile S3, ,IH lift Electric Cort: II.
I LSI J! Hi. f :. J3. Electric flietl flrvl(l, SI.
juctrle Safety ffaora,SJ Electric Vlaetert, ltd.
AUi fn. I'i-.c'Ii.,, ICI5. . (U.IK . m,r.. eto. 4 w
GEO. A. SCOTT, 84J Hrodwr, N.Y.
-J.., ....,,,. i-,ri-.,n p,'rmancntlt
Mir',! In I . 1 ' 1 .tnvs V.,,, . .n I ...
home f c rs.nne price umlpr sumo Kiiaruu-
j. 11 y"u pn-irriocnnionoro we wiuron
cury, ludldo iicnuHh, and still havo allies ano
rains, H ucotis I'liu-h earn mouth. Sore Throat
I'lmpl. .. 'np).r Colored Spots, llccrs on
an, part Ox the b.nly. Hair Of Eyabroam f.illlni
out. It In tlila Secondary lll.ooit ' im-on
we guarsntco to cure. Wo s i .1 the n. ,,i 1 obsti
nate i'jms and cliallonirii tliu world for r
ease weea.nnnt.rere. This tllnrsas h.ia aliry
MtDod tbeskill of the most oratnent pnysl
clan. i."oil,0(w capital behind our aoeondb
llontilimarauty. A haul 11 to Proofs Sent Seal Pd 00
nnplirtitkm. Addr.-n COOK REMEDY CO
907 Aliwouic lew pie, CHICAGO, ILL.
cut thts out and return rttn (money
derorrurreue) 1 snt we will ordir the ioIIowIok
"Family combination" aenl repaid 1
VERMONT K.iltM.lul KS.U. 1 YEAR,
Our Price $!.0l). Rennlar Cost $4.00
Tii i i mblnatlnn nils 1 1 imlly need. We win
Substitute tbo ClllPaipi l.ilci-O -ean, Toledo
Weekh Blade, KanaiifCIti Wi-ekiy star, Denver
rVeokl) Tiioes, Twicea-weok liuisvilpi Courier'
0Ur0Hl,8iu Kranulsoo WenslJ Post, or Mon
treal We kiy Oi.eiioln place of N, Y. Tribune it
desired bui t I her changes sro allowed, Club"
, bins iw i 'f a stamp.
O. H. JONES, Room 496,
lr. nnnsjov V in i I'nrm .lixirtnil,
Dr. Humphreys'
Specifies net tlireetly npo:i tbe (liscase,
without exciting disorder in other ports
of the system. Tlicj Cure the Sick.
1 Frtrra, Congeatlona, Inflammatlona.
ii Worma. Worm Fever, Worm Colic. . .'13
3 Teelhlnk. Colic, Crying. Wakef ulncas .'13
4- I)larrhra. of Children or Adulta 43
7 -Cousin. Colda, Ilronchltli 23
H .Xrurnlgla, Toothache, Facrache '43
9-Hradachp, Sick Headache, Verthro . .43
lU-llypepala. Indlgeatlnn.WeakSiomach.'iS
1 l-Huppreaae. or ralnrul I'erloda 43
14-Vhltra, Too Prof uao Period! 43
13 Croup. I.arvnsllla, noaraeneaa 43
lt-hall Klieum. Eryalpelaa. F.ruptlona.. .43
1 a-Rhrumatlam. Rheumatic Pains 25
16-M alarla. Chills, Fever and Ague 45
19-t'alarrh, Influenia, Cold In tbe Read .23
40 hooplng.l'ouf h 43
47-Kldney niacnaea 43
4H-rrvou. nebillty 1.00
30-1 rlnnry Weakoeaa, Wetting Bad... .43
77-Urlp, Hay Fever M
Dr. Humphreys' Manual of all Diseases at your
DrugihiH nr Mailed Free.
Sold ny druggists, or sent on receipt of price.
Humphreys' Med. Co., Cor.WIIIUun a JobnSU,
Kew York .
t Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. C
In Una Sold br druggists.
Pests Which Aoitf Hoiienlrri
Found la Or ef test Xumhcn la
the V Itm!t7 ( Stables.
"House flies," said Vr. L. O. Howard,
the famous entomologist of the agri
cultural department, "come mostly
from the stables and the dirt left in
the streets by horses. If vc could do
awajt With horses we would not have so
many flics. A single stable in which
a horse is kept will fill an extended
neighborhood with Hies. People living
In agricultural communities will prob
ubly never get rid of the pest, but in
cities, with better modes of disposing
of garbage and with the lessening of
the number of horses in stables conse
quent upon the Increased use of elee
: trie street railways, bicycles nnd horse
' less carriages, the time may conic when
window screens may be discarded'
"How fast do flies multiply?"
"An ordinary house fly will lay 120
i eggs during its existence, nnd 90 per
, cent, of them w ill be hatched out. Dur
ing the ordinary summer 12 or 13 gen
erations of flies will be produced, so
you can make the calculation yourself,
Every female fly is the progenitor of
millions of flies during a single bum
mer. "There tire four or five kinds of house
flics. The most common known to en
tomologists is the 'musca domestics,' a
, medium-sized grayish 11 v with its
. mouth spread out for sucking up liquid
substances. It cannot bite. There is
! another called the 'stomoxys calcitrans,'
which resembles it closely, but differs
in having an important appendage that
Is built to pierce the skin. It is second
in abundance. Both of these flies are
I chiefly bred In manure, In our expert
: once nnd those of other entomologists
j It lias been discovered that they will
seldom lay their eggs in anything else,
"There are several other kinds of
flics, but these two are the most com
mon, and to theJi we owe the nuisance
I that housewives sutler. The eggs are
batched into larvae within 24 hours
. after they nre 'laid. They remain in
the larval state from five to seven days,
1 und in the papal state a similar time.
, The average life of a fly is from ten to
I fourteen days."
"Iloes the Hy serve nny useful pur
j pose?"
"Not so far as we have ever diseov
I ered," said Pr. Howard, "and it does a
, great deal more injury than people
' commonly suppose. We are accustomed
' to think of flies simply as a nuisance,
; but they are undoubtedly the carriers
of contagion, as was abundantly proved
, during the war of the rebellion nnd
! also in the camps of our army last
summer. It Is the judgment of the
highest authorities that a considerable
part of the typhoid fever was due to the
I tlies in the camps." Chicago Daily RoC
! ord.
A Con renlrnrr for l.o u ul oi or Sleep
Intf In Open Air Dnrlnu; the
Warm Weather.
For the summer piaza one of the
', most convenient pieces of furniture is
a folding couch that can be raised up
j nnd fastened to the side of the house
somewhat similar to a mantel folding
I bed.
The Illustration shows such n couch
' that is attached to the weather boards
of the house at the inner side, by means
of large strap hinges, while the outer
i edge is supported on legs fastened to
I the under side of the woodwork,
An old hair mattress can be employed
I as the topping, and it should be laid
on the platform ami held down by
means of denim, which is drawn down
all around the edges and tacked secure
ly to the wootl.
The tufted effect shown In the Illus
tration is obtained by making holes in
the wootl and with a long puck needle
string is drawn up through the mat
tress and tied at the top through the
edge of a metal or eloth-covered but
ton. Where the string is tied the jnat
tress, is depressed so the bottom is deep
seated. A valance of the denim is made
and gathered around the front and two
ends, as shown.
In rainy weather, or when more plaza
space is required, the couch can be
raisetl, valance tucked in and lke whole
thing fastenetl to the weather boards
by means of a strap. Louisville
Pretty Floral Deeorntlona.
When flowers are costly a pretty din
ner tabic decoration may lie had by
using smilax, laurel or asparagus vine
made into wreaths and tied with white,
scarlet or pink satin ribbon. These
wreaths may be placed at the four cor
ners of the table, inside the covers, or
laid around candelabra placed in the
center, at the corners or at each end.
Or they may be used at two corners,
diagonally, With vases of suitable
flowers, daisies or carnations, in two
other corners. If violet riblions are
used have the dishes for bonbons filled
with crystallized violets and mint
leaves. Candles with white shades are
prettier with violet and green than
those of n color, as the light through
a violet or green is not becoming.
To Clean Plaster Oasts.
Plaster busts and statuettes may be
cleaned by dippirf them into thick
liquid starch nnd drying. When the
starch Is brushed oft the dirt comes
with it
latrrnatlonal S. S. Leaaoa for Decem
ber 24, tStl! Text, Isaiah Uiil-7
Memory Vs. , T.
Specially Arranged from PsIOUbSt'S Notes.
GOLDEN TEXT. UntO you Is born this
day, la the city of David, a Saviour, which
la Christ the Lord Luke 2: 11
READ Isaiah Ul 1 10.
TIME. Probably written durlr.g the
reign of Aliaz In Juduh, "durir.g tin yn- II
Epbrstmltlah war, b. C. 72i-"34."-Driver.
PLACE. It was delivered In Jerusalem.
the prophet's home, to Judah, the prophet's 1
people. Jerusalem was i.lout lo4 n.ilis
from pt. w from Bamaiio, ICO from Da- i
mascu.s, 389 tio:n the Euphrates, the
bord .- of Ansyrlo. Gtorfe Adams Smith. I
I. An Cut lot k t' jion the People Walk- i
ing In Darkness. V. 2. The prophecy
of which this lesson is a part begins ,
with chap. 7:1. Israel and Judal were II
Hearing ll great political crisis. The j
final destruction of Israel was etily 14 I
or 15 years in the future, anil the forces !
which wrought that terrible disaster I
were actively tit wors, nue tnc ureahing
oi a nam in 'i, up among t nc mountains,
whence the waters were rolling down in
swift disaster. V. 2. "The people that
walked in darkness:" The people of
Judah at this time were under Ihc two
fold darkness described ubove. "The
land of the shadow of death:" "Deadly
shade, properly a title of the Hebrew
Hades; a night like that of Hades."
Chej ue.
II. A Vision of Dawning Light. Vs.
2-5. "Have seen a great light:" There
came to Judah in Ahaz's time the light
of great promises. V. 3, "Thou bast
multiplied the nation:" So he saw it as
he looked upon it in later days, "And
not:" Most interpreters think, with
the R. V., that the "not" should be "to
it," the Hebrew letters being very near
ly the same, ami some transcriber made
u mistake. In this case the whole sen
tence is ii prophecy of the good times
referred in V, 2, "They joy before
thee:" the giver of the joy, "According
to the joy in harvest:" when men see
the fruits of their labors and promise
of plenty. They bad sown ill tears, but
reap in joy, "As men rejoice when they
divide i he spoil:" triumphant over ene
mies and rich in goods, V.4, "Forthou
hnst broken the yoke of his burden:"
first, of the Assyrians, who had
"stretched out their wings" great
armies, and oppressed the land. Sec
ond, the yoke of sin, the oppressor
Satan. "The staff of his shoulder:"
That part of the yoke which rested on
the back of tl.e neck and shoulders.
"As in the day of Midian:" (Judg.
7:1-23), A total rout, by a small body
of selected men, by unusual means,
through (lod's help, as when Gideon
w ith 300 men, armed with lamps, pitch
ers, anil trumpets, completely over
threw the Immense host of the Uidiaa
ites. V. 5. "For every battle:" etc.
Head as in I!. V. The old version misses
the full sense and mars the exquisite
beauty of this verse,
HI. A Vision of the Coming of the
Son of God, V. 0, "Kor unto us u child
is born:" Only through this child can
war cease, ami Israel's redemption be
made permanent, "The prophet is un
rolling a picture of the future."
Cheyne. "The government 6hall be
upon Ills shoulder:" That is, He should
be the ruler, the king. "And His name:"
A name stands for all that is in the
man, his character, his principles, and
his property. "Wonderful:" because
His nature was wonderful, being hu
man ami divine) His coming at all was a
wonderful manifestation of love; His
deeds were wonderful, miracles, full of
marvelous meaning ns well as power;
His words were wonderful; His aton
ing love was wonderful; the kingdom
lie set up W08 wonderful, "Counsellor:"
One who has the wisdom to guide him
self anil others. Jesus was the embodi
ment of the wisdom of God, "The
mighty God:" The word for "God"
here is not the usual Blohlm, which is
sometimes used metaphorically, lis for
angels, as we use "divine;" but it is 101,
"which, whenever it denotes (as it gen
erally docs, and in Isaiah always) di
vinity, does so in an absolute sense; it
is never used hyperbolically or meta
phorically." Cheyne, "The everlast
ing Father" expressing the divine love
and pity for men, a love that can never
fail, for it is everlasting. "The Prince of
Peace:" The prince who rules in
such way that peace and pros
perity abide in his kingdom. Peace
is used to express all the bless
ings that come to a kingdom where
there is peace from outward ene
mies, peace between rulers, peace be
tween the different members of the
kingdom; no disorders, no idleness, no
criminals. A poetical description is
given in lsn. 11:2-10.
IV. A Vision of the New Kingdom of
Cod. V. 7. "Of llie increase of His gov
ernment ami peace there shall be no
end:" It shall increase in numbers, in
power. "Upon the throne of David, on
w hich Jesus sits:" All thesa blessings
come from His rule in the hearts of men
and in the community. "To order it:"
govern, manage, rule it. "Establish it:"
make it firm and enduring. "With
judgment:" just decisions, and "jus
tice:" all manner of right between all
classes and nil individuals. "From
henceforth even forever:" Only such 0'
kingdom can endure. "The zeal of the
Lord:" His earnestness, the intensity
of His desire. "The Dord of hosts:" who
has all created beings, the unseen mul
titudes of angels, the forces of nature,
nil organized like an army a host to
do His will,
Ood's book of nature agrees with His
book of Revelation in this glorious hope.
Only with Jesus ns King can these
good times come. Every convert to
Christianity is another step towards
"Mighty hopes make us men." Ten
nyson. The assurance of a transformed
world gives enthusiasm nnd strength,
and readiness to deny ourselves for the
salvation of the world.
It is blessed to hsve such ideals ever
before us, toward which we moy labor
ns well as hope.
m '
1 iTJ
rPTAF T-T TTl f see it flying down the
X JL1VJL l J 1? I Jl . street. Jn (h;s of sharp
competition it does nut pay you to recover or try to reojver your watch from a
thief when you can purchase one at my stora at the same foe it would coat yon
to arrest the thief. Fine watches from $2.50 $500 A Rood watch for
2 50. Don't let your sonwant fr a watch when they are so cheap, and make
your wife happy for Xmaa when you can boy her a 15 year filled case with a
good movement fully guaranteed for $10.
. : f iriM y v 1 im hp
Genuine Fadsand Fancies
in Combs, HatPins
and an endless variety of personal adornment. Jewels, rich and rare. Sunburst
of Pearl and Diamonds, Ladies' fine Umbrellas and Sun Shades from $2.50 to
$12, handles of sterling silver, pearl and real Ivory. They are beauties and
cheap. Out gun-sin endless varieties.
prices (roin S'J.'iO to $5.00 per half dozen.
though it eould'nt obscure his geninSwaS a source of mtieh sorrow
to him. If he had gone to a skillet! optician like we have, in time,
his failinc vision would have been detected and the proper glanscs
fitted to them to maintain and strengthen the sight. Proper 'are of the eyes is a duty that, if neg
lected, will recoil on you with the irreparable loss, of your sight. (Jo to VanNatta and he will save
you many days of sorrow.
I have secured the services of an expert Watchmaker and Engraver from
Philadelphia, a man of twenty years' practical experience, and rated among tbe
finest workmt n in this country.
All new goods bought at this establishment engraved in tbe most artistic
Free Trip to Lewistown.
All persons purchasing goods at my. store, according t&Mtft
scale. I will refund moncu for return t icket : Middleburg, , $20; Paxtonville.
$18; Beaverjown, $15; Adamsburg, $14; McOiure. $10. ffW, this is a golden op
portunity and should be taken advantage of. We dotlus in order lo give one
J". 353. "V"ai3-2Sra,-b"ba,
Jeweler and Optician,
I T W ' - C Il -w- rij ,1, v
.n kin. T?
Our Buburb stock of Holiday Jewelry for
your consideration, we invite on inspection whether
you buy or not. Oar store ii large enough to hold
those that ome to look, as well as those that come to
the right place to get values tor their dollars. We
are triad to see those who have been our customers
for years, and also those
W li-itli it - I I 1 '1 1.' 1 11 11' t 1 1 t I
iiiii "un r j iiiunju t 1 iv 1 1 UIOI Ml I v 1i1i.11. s 1 1 1 v
unalm, beauty of desitrn, and worknianshin. and
I nn Mil 1 ate prices make this
A Designing Rogue
Wlin niiojit have any deaigtia on our superb stock of solid silver
spoons :itil forks, teaspooiM ami tablespoons, would ha vo the only
oew design that we have not
secured. Our stock oi hand
some silver table ware in lisli
knives, dessert, eoflee, tea and
bouillon spoons, soup ladles,
dinner supper and fruit knives,
with pearl, ivory or silver han
dles and anything needed lor
talile use will Ik- found here at
r T - -1 T (. I J
r "". egw m i
MlC Hf-fJ
who are starting on the
! I I l'w: t 1 1 11 i'i 1 1 1 1 1 cm 1 1 nvn -IM .
31 - tIC