What Is Sream of SKLINSOltOVE. SUAMOKIN DAM. CHRISTMAS SHOPPINQ BY MAIL. j ooooooooc V for taklnt- of our two million customers who lire in every portion the world. Our 804 pair Catalogue is full ot suggestions about everyinlng to Eat, Wear and Tartar Use, and offers particular bargains in: bookcases. Bicycles, brass Goods, Cabinets, Candles; China Closets, 1'igars, usn OuarantoH Watchn Couches, Commode, . Desks. 88. to $76.00. Ijraperles, Fancy Chairs, I1HI IHHWHIWaflll Gold Penclls,Grocerles,U:ind kerelilffs, Jewelry, Mufflers, Lamjis, Musical Instruments. Neckties, Ornaments. Pocket Knives, Pictures, Mockers', Shoes, Silverware, Sterling Silver Novelties, Stools, Tables, Watches, etc. I Our Lithographed Catalogue sham; Cartels. Kirs. Portierer, Art Souares and Lace Curtains i When the juice which is pressed from grapes tor wine-making ferments, the acid of the fruit is crystallized and precipitated. This h collected, refined to absolute purity, and ground to a powder. This is cream of tartar. Fruit acids are among the most whole some and important constituents of the food of man. They are absolutely requisite to maintain health. In grape cream of tartar there are combined the most useful of leaven in ; agencies and a most healthful food article. This highly refined acid of the grape, or cream of tartar, is the material from which Royal Baking Powder is made. It is many times more expensive than ingre dients used in many baking powders, but being healthful in itself, it adds healthfulness to the food instead of degrading it. In imitation baking powders poisonous alum is used instead f healthful cream oi tartar. Alum powders seriously affect th: health. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 100 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK. Am. 13.1 Ardell Duebler anil family are! Chas. Hurtman and wile of Sun guests at the home of hisl parents, liurv were isiting his parent, N. E. U. J. Du.hler and wife. . . .The hi- llartman ai d wile.Nindav. . . .Utm Den I of Lt Win. II, Gemberliug Benderand wileof Iowa, in cum pa was largely attended. He waabur- nv with Mary and Annie Wetzel of led with the honors of war, the Post MitHinliurg, are visitors it .James conducting the servioei at the grave. Gilbert's Chaa. Frvmire and . . . . . K.illin Hover, wlj was a visitor wife of Siinhury paid a visit to his at Phihide'phia for several weeks, parents, Wesley Frvmire and wife, returned home on Saturday last. . . . Sunday. . . .The Lutheran Sunday I Dt. HeisleT spent several days in school will hold their Christum ex : Washington, 1). C. ;n fhe interest of ereises in their ehureli on Sunday' Susquehanna Uoivtifftjf He deity- evening, Dee. 24. A good program ered an address before the Teachers' is expeeted . . . Misses Lillian Wendt Institute at Middlelmrg Wednesday and Edith Dutry visited at Fred, afternoon, lt was well received by ; Herrold's nearGhinbury. They also all who heard it.... The teachers attended the Orphans' Home Sun-, returned from the institute on Fri- day school in Shamokin Valley, day afternoon. They speak highly Northumberland county Mrs. of the exercises and interest inani- Catharine Coryell is very sick at tested. .. .Dr. Yutzy was away the home of Chaa. Bower. Sbeae from town preaching on Sunday, but oidentally fell and sprained her limb I we did not learn where. ... Win. last week. She is some seventy years Trego and wife of Milton spent sev- old , . , Read the POST and the Farm .era I days with Major Rollback and Journal. The P08T one year and family The various Sunday the Farm Journal five years for only schools are preparing the Christmas One Hollar. Everyfamily InMon exercises that are to be reuuereo at roe township st-miiii liavc this com- that time .... Mrs. Kcv. Gensler, bi nation .... F.d war Derr, who had Report of tbe Oontftlon of tne Flmt Nattoaal ill, . . i c - w L. i i ; i Bunk of bUddlebunrh, si Mtridlebunru, in the Who bad been visiting her parent in been Working tor m. Snyder thisj Bl ,.,,. Pennsylvania, at the close 5 business Phi lu. for several weeks, returned summer, left tor Culp's Camp, near Deo. . leae i home last week .... A regular pro- Lewishurg last week. . .Miss Jennie RESOURCES gram is arrangea lor tnc exercises to siuiie is on me sick iii ai ner iiome. i.nan unci itiscMuiits , .I., .i , . it Ti i' l i -1 x . : ovwrdruru. vrunil nml itiiftecnri be held in the ( Ipeia House 1 liin- . . . . 1' oster, son ol ( lias. , otter, IS u, & Bonds to secure circulation, day evening nlxl under the auspices is listed among I he sick .... Reviva of the Post and is eoiiinieniorativc of the Mint h anniversary of the death ' on S-ilnnlav evening. I hev had a I Biiiir.intr-hDii.si'. riirniiiin-. umi tixoin-s . . i ' i i Other real estate and morirages owned of i leo. Washington, Lt pjromises to meeting ol live weeks and with good Due from National Banks (tiot Reserve be a fine affair. A number ol ex- success . . . . M. 8. Wendl and wife lletrom state Banlrsniid honkers delivered, are Visitors nt the home of her pa- (Wksawi. r nun itema. We hare made preparations & TwetltV Special ir taking care of the want 13 w" $r all HOLIDAY f BARGAIN DAYS their real colors, targets Oak or Mahoqanu tewed tree. Maw fu.nimea 1.08. tree, ana r reigns rreyata. Our Maae-to-uraer iwnm Catalogue with samples of cloth attached offers Suits ana Over coats 'om S3 85 to 82U.O0. isr pi e stage paid on clothing every where. We alto issue a speaa. Catalogue of Pianos. Organs Seming Machines and Bicvcles. We will make your Christ mas tuytng more satisfactory hmi it has aver bei-n before J. h. A Son Flour. Which Catalogue do you He Barm, $3.60. wantt Address thle way : JULIUS HIKES & SON. " BALTIMOKK, MD. DcpU 800. BANK STATEMENT, . S. It-JiiiN Oh Ii.hhI... PrainturDi on r. s. Bonds. meeting closed ill the M. K. chuirh imtM 08 . 15,000.00 . I8 000.0J 1 M'KI IB I 000.00 .,,..IK, 10 II. lit Kiuressci uill be ward to the holiday vacation .... this week. Mr, and Mrs. Stewarts ot Shamokin . are spending a few days with friends .The students are looking for- rents, Mr. hrouse's near 'infield, i KKSSa;:- cents I.AWPI'I. Md.NKV ItKxRKVF IN It AN K vn: specie iio.9w.ss Legal-teiMler notes i lio.Ou KedempUoD tundwttb V, s. Treasurer (I ih.t cent r circulation) rss.7,-, 78.81 661M i . h:i in town. w Dec. I, at Selinsgrove, Win. II. Gemherling, ngetl 03 vears. Inter WEST BEAVER. ,nent Thursday, Dee. 7th. mm I ' TOTAL. LIABILITIES. 584.89 l6.405.St liTS.Oll 7 9U8.81 BEAVERTOWW. C. J. Zerbe returned from Gleu Union where lie spent some time hu.itlllg. He reports one deer. . . . Mux Levin shipped a ear load of Bcrap iron last week. . . .L.E.Wetzel ol McClure spent Sunday at Beaver town. ..Ag Hy number of our people attended institute last week and "port it better than ever before. party ol ouryoungboys took in the meeting at the Blab church on S'inday evening. They report it tohnvs been grand . .Miss Beulah ii.r,,l ofYeagertowti isvisitiag Win. Kller's family Mrs.F.K.Speeht h Id a musical entertainment at Mc Clure Dec. 14. If she keeps on she will make musicians out of all her scholars. A tutor as she is we can not help but recommend . . . . N . i. Snyder left on Saturday for Philu. where he expects to spend a few weeks, accompanied by Dr. E. M. Miller, who will return in a few days Miss Delia Hughesof Mc Clure spent Sunday at P.E.Speeht'8. . . . .The members of the New Lu theran church are making some much needed repairs in and about the ehureli. . . .C. E. Shirk was to Mid- dlebtirg Monday The "Post" never fails to please. Now is the time to drop a dollar in the slot and get the "Post" from now to Jan. 1 , 1901 and the Farm Journal to Jan. I, 1905. ADAMSBUKU. i i r weather prophets claim there will be twenty seven snow- tin winter. . . . Win. Bartholomew of Sunbury had been spending a few davs at this end last week hunting . . . .Dr. Bordner's twodaughters o Amelia Koch, .; Shamokin Dam have been eutertaii Kcv. Ziromer-led here tor the past week or so li F. By. WogiK A (piiet wedding wis solemn izedat the residence of Mrs Hetty Smith on VVedneday morning tin utracting parties being J ami Dreese and Mr both of this nldCi man officiated, immediately after their many friends. the cere iv they left for Centre and wife held an entertainment In Count v where they intend to spend a Saturday evening in behalf of tl week." Mrs." H. I. Romig and young ladies. Quite a big crow daughter, Miss Kstella, visited in ! was in attendance; everything passi New Berlin several days la-t week oif to the satisfaction ot all preset! Mrs. Win. Stall lnecker spent : Apples, cider and cake constitute! Sunday in Middlcburg Frederic the bill of tare for the evening. . Romig and daughter, Laura, of Frank Ewing is making a move to Milroy visited relatives recently wards locating in Spring townshi Mrs. Sheesney ol Lykens is Bpend- oa his fath.i's farm in the spring, illg several weeks with her brother, 1. lames l'cier if Lowell made a blisi Rev. . P. Zimmerman Rev. H. ness trip toLewistownlast Saturdu H. Spahn went to Spangsville, j .Baunervilie has a new way Berks Co., on M lay morning to ringing pigs. So it was. "now, ro preach a funeral sermon for Mrs. pigs or die." So the pig thought i Norah Suchar. From there he will was the he&l plan to die and die i go to Lancaster where he will per- did.. L. A. .Jenkins and wife spell form the marriage ceremony for! last Saturday in Beavertown ol Chas. Hammond ami Miss Marie special business Parents, tnk Priest, of Lancaster Kcv. Zim- warning as to what our assessoi merman made a business trip to Isaac Middleswarth, told you las Harrisburg on Thursday. .. .Miss week in regard to sending yoin Nettie Klinejieter accom)anied her J children to school; for the law will s'oter, Mrs. .las. I lawk to Lewistowu I be put in force... Alexander Treaster Saturday... A racket store has been and wife ot Mifflin county spent started ODDOsite the deoot bv Mrs. tew days here last week with his 11 . Capital stock paid in $w inui Surplus mod 8u.iO0.0ii Undlrtded proBta, leaa expenses and taxes paid 8,80581 Natloiiul llmik notes mitstandlnk 13 ':: 10 Due tOOUierSiillipniil liaiiks H'i; y, Hie to stale Hunks anil Hankers Hvldendo unpaid 188,00 adlvldual deposits subject to check 180,895.581 lemand certlflcatea ot de 170 tot its posit... 80.08S.00 1 oleaand Bull redlaeountad TOT Al jjjn mis .-,1 'ATK OP PENNSYLVANIA, i SNYDER COUNTY, ss: ( I, J. N. THOMPSON, Jr.. Caanlerof Hi'' nlmve imea oanlc do solemnly swear that tbe abova awmentlstrne to tin. iicst or my knowledge A belief. J. N. THOMPSON, Jr., Cashier. Snhsorllxvt ami swum to before me this Tib ii ot Dao. I8N, J. 0. WKISEK, Notary Public. ouKKtT Attest : W.W.WITTKNMYEH, A. KHBEOBB, 0. ALFRED BCHOCR. Directors. o 9 aa o ! o .Av al j VI u J UlUii (j ' Department Store Richfield, Pa. From Dec. 11-3199. Holow nrr few or the uittny BnraHinM : GROCERIES. Arlmcklp f'offi-e. 1 cake Caocolale, l RM Soup Means, 1 in ll.iklnu Rotta, i in ii iktng Powqer. :t uks Corn Ntareb. :i bOOMI Vanilla o pieces Laundry Smp, i .ki Horse aini Oattta Powder :l ploces Toilet Simp. a ins oyster oraokar 4 lbs cream Mixture,' 10c in 8 4 SC lilt! Me V5c Mc 50 Me Ml! Hardware tinware Antecollandora. 4 it AnteUofea Pot Au'ate "tine. i 0,1 Agate Preserve Kettle 10 qi Ante Palis, Laige Dual i-.m-, ii Teaspoons, h Tableftpoor,s, Buioher Knife, 8 Idcb blade. Knives and Koiks I'oltee Mill I,,, , , lb (vfr,,,, Coal Bucket, No. 9 WiimIi Holler, Kelt Winiton UliadeS, DRV GOODS. inn Bleached Martin Good Bleached MasUo, i yd wide A Musi n, oort nableacbed canton Flannel, Turkey Bed Table oiotb m dloai ted Pianoei, i ma ana uraj 8tonn Piannel ixc iv; lie tie 8 ro se 4c SC 1'W !'4C l'C BSC 100 7c n,; 5c no 7fi s lUihern Wool red and .i-a: Blankets. aJfe Hest Prints. Lanoastei otnghanuL DlacwMNi on Oraa6MMCa Notions. M Table oil Cloth, Men s Underwear (per suit) I. lilies' Uoderweat (each) w ',';' 111 Pnderweai (suit) 1 ROWS Pins, Tblmble, ciaik'so. N, T.. Kasolnatoia, SHOES. 480 5c 5C ISO 4 V 3C BSC 1C lc 4S :J0 5SC 4C Satisfactory Chrstmas Shopping. 8. O i o I o Those wbo have pri Hon iv done tb -lr Cbrtob I ins shopping In r k ot the lienerli. re. I uJtlriM Irom this m -ihud n Christmas buying;, ! n i know ot iii,. trouble and innnm t,, hMu.ail i rboss wbodn nni ivoinii On well fn semi to lullus Illness sua, I : . !t 1 fi . M1 . Departmenl ! 2 UO, lor Otieof llieil bniliilnotll general cataio- X cues, wblch lella hi I verythlnar to eaL wear 2 till Use lin t oTl"-, a'l M.l ls i, 'III fstlllas Sllv estlons. Will II ion have tills book In uair loaeeaalnn 10 1 iisvetheiienHfli ni looking at one r tin- greatesi sinekn in the Unlied siates, ami iiMhlnv iui iiipitre o t h , ist ii, as, Imih tor our table, articles el wearing apparal, anil ar Cles suitable tor Lifts, ea.i be bought from thi ne house. Yin en, have an endless variety om which on can s..) , i Ul, pr 4r 0WMr Han you expect to pn. V eir nane-on atiostiil anl will bring this cabitnvue to yon, Win not rj It ? Children's 2 coarse shoes CnUdreo's U4 coarse shoes, Mc;rK!iiei,ihl:,t,m,imt-,t'a,,r,,''' Ladles' Kelt wjtli overs, f"2 MOOS' Kelt." with Huron overs LtS Mens Kelt with perfection. u 'o Obudreo'i Buckle Artie, s-io aS M,''d.e'm,l9,(;,;.d?Holu,iuat',','n.T5 CLOTHING. Boys suits. from SI 16 un Mens' Duck coars, rubber Inner Una' Hoys Duck Uoate, - .. c E Bolra OucrcoalN, on in 81 M A full line of Menvund Boj's overcoats. We sun have 75 to 100 Ladles' tttata and tapes, and Misses and children's OuMaa i pr ccs to suit all and will make a redaction of tbe ntlre atook of n per The above named articles tire only a, few or the bargain wo have We haea line stock to select from, but remember the BARGAIN PRICES are only uoort from Dm. II to .11 and onlv for' ChsIi or Coiltlfry I'rnHnee Call mid OX ami tie our slock twr ire buying elsewhere. We win gtra every purchaser that coinet to our atore on the ft I ol December a present. Yours Truly, i!l flnmLon 9 Pn tiiuui. ummiin a uu RicSifield, Pa. N B Htwre will be 4'Iohi-iI on ilrlsl in is. Jno. Kearos. . . .Mrs. Estn iounjr- Dian spent Saturday in Selinsgrove I TIMELY TIPS ON THE MARKET NOW ISTHE TIME . . . . You will lmy when you want to ; but now is the time to make your selec tions for Christmas. Our stock ismoTe complete now than at any other time tin her, Levi B. Treaster lames Steely and John Herbster made a trip to Mi3dleburg lust week on I their wheels . . .Jacob Erb expects i to employ a force ot hands this winter toe tie roakins Every j man, woman and child in West Bea ver township should read the "Post" un! the "Farm Journal. Onedol- Mine Lendar iiooio Baleaiaea. Fort Seott, Knn., Dec. 12. John P. Reese, national executive committee man of the United Mine Workers, who has been in Jail here under commit ment from the federal court for con tempt, was released yesterday under the writ of habeas corpus recently is sued in St. Louis ly Judge Thayer. The necessary $3,(100 bonds was pro Tided by Topeka bankers. Mr. Reese rptnrned at once to the coal fields Solid Trairii to Northern iv ichigan. Tbe Chicago Milwaukna k St. Paul Railway la now running noil'! troltia ol palace sleeping Dan, dining rr (aervlllg meals n la cartel and Drst-claM day ishu-Iick, through Irom Chic ago to Oal et, Houghton, lloncockand other point In the 'opper Ciniutry w ithout change of oars, with direct conntofrm for Harquatte, Nagaunee, lahpemlug eto , and paaeengera f rom the Kast, South nod Sou hweal w ill II in 1 this ii llli-st desirable rOOte. All coupon HelcH i rents aall ticket, via the Cbloago, Milwaukee tt Mi Haul ita Iway, at. e o e e e o a 8 e . ei MARK, I K3 ). i... ui r Dreatm lary pays lor the MPoBF one vi-ar whpre he was arrested, decIarinK that aii.'l the' "Farm Journal" five vt-ars. ' he would pursue the course which i he was purauluK wan juurc . iim,uu. KHEAMErt. during the year. Have enabled us to scoop a few choice bargains winch will mean money sv- etl to our customers who are quick Xlat Adamsburg, ami W. A. Hum- SlSl they last. I "'' who is working at Lojran, were having enongb to et here while they Ladies 1140, 25 year gold tilled Watches, with American mounts, 14.00. Ladies 14 10 solid, with same mounts, $20.00. Gents 14k gold filled, 20 year Watches with Elgin or American movements at $10, $12, $15 and $20. Solid 14k gold at $35 to $100. SIR, The Reliable Jeweler, SUNBURY, PA. WE SELL ROGER BROS. 1844 SILVERWARE. Tnnki-Ki-i- BaieiraMBl Srovln. New York. Dee. 12. Good results, accomplished through the Madison Square Garden concert hall meeting on Dec. 4, in the interest of the Tuske gee Normal and Industrial Institute, Tuskegee, Ala., are apparent. Yes i..,tn o v,n,.lr fur tig 0110 tnwnril the - , wnmj a ' "v 1 anil .Miss Ernia, over Sunday.... endowment fund of Tuskegee came UeuU'ii Hummel, who is workuiL' I from a woman in Ohio. This Is tne -? Jin I 8nr Am .... 1 t i , m mut O Thomas Landisof Lewisburg is visiting his parents at this place. . . Lewis Magee and wife of Mawprja visited their son and daughter, James ordered his arre.it for contempt. The line-! !iic of Sterling Silver Cut glass, Solid (in!. I Jewelry lor wedding and Christmas gifts at 15. F. SheibleyV, Jeweler, Engraver and Optician, Lewistowu, Pa. 12-7-3t. NEUItALOIA cured ly Pr. MIIoh- Paw PiLMi. "Ouurunt ednse. At all drueeM- 1 )cc. (!, at Adamsburg, I'. Zimmerman, .lames I) and Amelia Koch, lioth ol lleavcrl Springs. Nov. 28, at the Reformed panofl aire, AdamsbUrtr. bv Kev. 11. H Spahn, George A. Klingler of Mc Veytowii Pa., and Eknma J. Frock ol M it Id lecreek, Snyder County, Pa. Deo. 7, in New Berlin, hy lies. S, Sidney Kohler, Harry S. Smith ol Vleksburg and .Mary F. (iellinger o Lewisburg. 1 )..i- 7 at tln n !i ! i ol' t In! bride's father at Loobiel, bv Kcv. Jl Sidnev Kohler. John M. Krdlev of Lewlsburs anil LucvC. l'rederickj KPIM Al weak ni-sH easily cured by) Dr. Miles' Nerra PlaateraJ OOOOOOOOOOOOiXOCXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOd conditional $25,000 subscription made Grover Cleveland, the donor removed the condition. Other gifts make the whole amount added to the endowment fund about $80,000. home over Sunday. . . .Fisher Wal tear visited his uncle. Win. (Jember- ling, at Salem last week. . . .There j Twenty-i Min-r Killed. was a party held at the hotel on Sat- Coronado, Wash Dec iX-On Hfr . I . T . .1 unlay there was a terrific explosion in 1 urdav evening, tiute a nunilNtr Ol tne mne 0f the Carbon Hill Coal com- VOUna irentlemen from other towns ! pany. The explosion occurred Just aa 'DO 1 ... i r , I, thn tne men weie m cai 1 11 n w .... shaft at noon. Seventy-six men were in the mine at the tlma. Several hours elasped before efforts could be made to enter the mine. The surviving rela tives at once flocked around the shaft, creating a terrible scene with their loud lamentations. Twenty-six min ers met death, the remainder being rescued. were present. . . .Quite a number ot our citi7.cns are attending court this week. The jurors from this town ship are A. C. Smith, Emanuel Ben ler and lleno Sholly . . .Protracted meeting is in progress in the Evan gelical church at present. . . .Nearly every Ixxly is in the butcher business at present. This is tough weather on the porkers David Buck and family moved to Middlcburg last week A. C. Smith has the hea viest stock of X mas candies this year he has ever had. It is of tbe best quality and cheap, too. term Germany Snowboaad. Berlin, Dec. 12. All eastern Ger many ia snowbound today. The cold la Intense. Koenigsberg reports five Inches of Ice. In the province of Posen several persons have been frozen to death. At Munich the temperature is 14 degrees below, and traffic In Ber lin la greatly Impeded by the heavy snowfall. JL III! MI i I That be never did know just bow to buy furniture until be found himself in our store. And you will regret the bar gains lost if you bare not in spected our liue of furniture, which is tbe most complete in the city We name you few of our bargains : Read dockers, - $1.25 and up. j Couches, - - . $4.50 and up. I Bed Ivoom Suits, $16.50 and up. WM. A. SHIPMAN, 439 MARKET ST.. STJNBTJBY, P