The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, December 14, 1899, Image 7

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. v,-.a . v. 20 1850 , j 3 m
IWoOlxIr I lUrlu. Brunner, Marv, w of Abraham, l
rnh, h June 26, 1849; d Apr Over -Work Weakens I Fraferiek, Marv, dau ol Elizabeth
MM ... - I1 . I I it I 1. . I 1 XI I
Your Kidnevs uiuss, dime 1.114; u jiiiv
' ! 13, 1894, aged 7 v 10 .1. li.i.
Mar 26, 1831; d July 9, 1862, unneaiuiy Moneys Mane impure Blood. ' Fooriial)( William C, s of Daniel
ACoUedionMHhJrovx,lUhBury-, 31 v 3 m 13 d AM the blood in your body ps through u.d Sarah, d May 10, 1866,
. r linimier, Newton, S of Abraham your kidneys once every three minutes. iged 29 d.
mg Ground ffl Wr QnmH and Caroline, aoed 11 v. n 3L G ""JHf ., ... x- .........
tnth. Mi.h1M.umh W. ... ...... EJjMWrTa "P-y- r-armworm, niiev, w 01 .juiiauinn,
linii.i-iT Mm hut .. irn Dim BW.UMB er out me waste or 1. M ... Ov- 1--... 1 M ...
" - iwrmkKBU j . ...... .. 1 11 .uui i i i '. .nav
1863, aged 84 y 1 m :'. !.'
ami Caroline, no reeonl.
Brunner, Balindt, dan ni Samuel
Walter, Marv, dan of David H. ami "ml Aiiiamla, .1 Sept 1 1, 1869,
C, d Feb 15, 1881, aged 2 y 1 1 .v :! 10 (l-
m 28 d. ' Brunner, John, h May 26, 1789: d
Walfam lln. K I m... 1 1-"'.i; DeW 3BI, IPOS, aireU t)U y .1 111 1 money .rouuie.
Walter, Henry, 0 JOIW 19, 1774; d l Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady 1
Mav 12. 1840. aced 67 V 10 heart beats, and makes one feel as though
m 29 d Brunner, Peter, B of Peter and Sa- they had heart trouble, because the heart Is (;m. Sarah hAorlH 1824' d Mav
ra (I eu !'., L85W, aged Z v - : .-.; S2L,aJE "?-J".r. JZZ? 24. 1884. Co 1 ... R .1.
ter out the waste or
Impurities In the blood.
If they are sick or out '
thelrwork Farnworth, Jonathan, b June 22,
Pains, aches and rheu- ! 1772; d Oot 29, 1864, aged 82
matism come from ex- y Q m 7 ,
cess of uric acid In the .. 1
blood, due to neglected la-s. hbaU-th, b 1'el) 15, 1790; d
Aug. 18, 1880, iijjcI l( v 5 m
28 d.
Walter. Mandalena, wot' Henrv, b
Mar 6, 1778; d AugSl, 1840, I mod. dSF&P? 0,n'yLu. nary (Jrublt, Henrv, b Sept 6, 1806;
, 11 i..... L i..')- 10OO. .1 - troubles were to be traced to the kidneys. ' V 1
una )i V m 20 a. i.....m-., ' " but now modern science Droves that nunrlv PeD Z7, 1378. BtteO II V 0 in
Walter, David, .1 Oct 9, 1830, aged NT' -,(. 18W :,K',' V O lU aU constitutional diseases have their begin- 21 d.
' ' ' " "'Id i ntng In kidney trouble. .
I4Y1 m 1 O. If vou are sick vou can make no mktak t.'tlbli, t atlianne, w ol llenrv
Walter Andrew b W 24 180-1- Brunner, Polly, w of John, d Aug by first doctonng your kidneys. Ths mild : Feb 20, 1810: d May 5, 1872.
nilW, ADUrew, O Apr J laW, ' and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's , ' ., i
d Apr 3, 1870, aged 77 v 11 l0 ll'0' "S" B,i " '" Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is 8cd 02 v J 1 " ,L
m 9 d. Brunner, Caroline, dau ot Peter and soon realized, it stands the highest for RGrubb . I., no record.
Sarah, d Nov "J:!. 1866,
19 v 7 in 7 d.
aired 1 wonderIul cures of tne most distressing cases
' i i. m.vli I'n-
.. to .'.I., til ll.? tub. l.J
Qrubb, da Mariah, dan ol John
mikI Susan, I. .1 one 7, 1804; d
) i 1889, aged 25 y I in
12 d.
Walter, Rebecca, w of Andrew, b
Feb 7, 1805; d Deo 13, 1881, 1 ' "" by ail druggists m fifty
amMl 76 v 10 in 4 d Boyer, Levi, b Jail 1, l S.'. J; d Mav cent and one-dollar (ii
B i.i.i i I es You may nave i
alter, martin burner, sol dptiraim ' aampw oonw oy man BaarawMnp.aoei,
tut MotAa A SLmi ic Ki:a Rover. Daniel, d Julv 19. 1886. : free, also pamphlet telling you how to find
" ' ji"v, i J . . ' out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. SrvTl-' OF Out", ClTT OP I
nom 2 V 111 ll. ittreil 4a V I III. Mantlnn thi narwr u.-hn wrilmn fir k'ilmor n r tA t K8
Walter, infant s of Nathaniel and Buyer, Charlm D., 8 of Frederick & Co.. Binghamton. N. Y.
and Mary K.., July 1 7.',
aged 1 y 1 in I '.i d.
Boyer, Frederick O., sol F. J.
20, 1864,
Catharine, d Apr
aged 9 in 3 d.
Walter, .lames R., s ol Nathaniel
i'l'I.HHl. J.I'i'V-' t'ot'NTV.
Fbakk J. ChbxEy makes oath thai
iie is the senior partner of the ttrm
of P. J, Chemby a-Co., doinft buHiueaa
Mil. I
.1 Mar r
and Catharine,
1863, aged 8 in. 6 m d.
Wnlter. flonhin. dnn of Vndmw nnd Rover. Lvdia. W of Oeorire A
7 1 1 wwmwm 10 ' J
Rebecca, d July 8, 1861, aged
34 y 6 ui 18 d.
Walter, Alice D., dau of Daniel
1). and ( 'atliarine, d Aug 10
1804, aged 1 y 2 in 16 d.
Walter, Mary Jane, dau ol Daniel
0. and Catharine, b Jan 21,
,ong, ui(ieoi), iov u, iyy, in the City of Toledo, Couuty and
i! Dec 9, 1 888, aged 79 v 28 d. 8fate aforenaid, and thai smil firm
Mary I '... d Nov 29, 1876, aged DeLong, (Jatlmrine, w of James, b
Mar S, 1828; d July 10, 1892,
aijed U 1 v 1 in 2 d.
the 70th year ol her age.
Boyer, Lucinda, w of Ileury P.
June 9, 1860, aged 23 y 1
iOllg, JllllltH
Julv 12,
24 d.
, h Mar 19, 1828; d
890. Hired 132 v :'. ni
IK I.,
a rah
1857; d Mav 4, 1867, aged 10
y 3 m 10 d.
Boyer, George A., d Jan 17, IS I.
in the s"itli year of his age.
Rover, Lovina, ol Henry I'., b
July 22,18 H;1 Apr is, lsf, 1,
aired 23 v S m 26 d.
V.., w o Ltetibcn, b
I; d Mar 5, 1871,
Walter, Abraham M., b Julv 13, Boyer, Nelson, s of Henry
1819; d Apr 30, 1865, aged Lovina, d Dec 2, 186
45 y 9 in 17 d. m 1 7 d.
Walter, Maria, w of Abraham M., Bogar, Harriet 8., dau ol
b Nov 14, 182.'.; d Sept 7, 8., d May 28, 1847,
1800, aged 34 y 9 m 23 d. 9 d.
Weirick. Susanna, dau ofD. and C. Boear. Sarah Jane, dau ol
Jan 1,1-
aired ''! s
DeLo .g, infant m ol Reuben and Stt
siiuiiali, d July I, 1 885.
Del iong, Solomon, s of Reuben am
' Feb 15
will my the sum of ONE HUN
DRED DODLARS for each and ev
ery ease oi catarrh that eannol In
nured by (be us of Ball's Catahiui
Sworn to before uia and Bubscrib, ibis iitli day of
Dsoember, A. 1). l1"''.
1 s
Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
Dally, and acts directly upon the
mucous surfaces of 1 he system. Send
for testimonials free.
P. .1. cri:;:y a CO., Tol, do, 0.
hold by DruggiHts, 7&o.
Hull's Pmils Pills are the last.
-', aired
d 1800, aged " m
Walter, Jobn.D., b Feb 10, 1801; d I
S., d All
il in.
29, is 1 1
Novl6, 1884, aged 77 y 9 m : Bishop. Lewis, s of John
We want a local inatinirer, ladv
oi gentleman, in own town or coll 11-
uubeu, ty ; no canvassing required, lou
1861 can devote lull or spare time;orev.
enings only, in connection with your
1866 regular vocation. $200 to $300 ran
be made before Christmas and il will
6 d.
tilda, d Oct 0, 186
1 m 18 d.
Walter, Barbara, w ol John)., d Jan
4, 1888, aged 79 y d m 16 d. I Bishop, infant dan ol Join
Walter, Trvin 1, s of Isaac and; tilda, d Jan 21,1858,
Maria, d Aug I, 1882, aged 31 Biehon, infant s of John
y 1U m Jii (l.
a am
30; ;!
20 d.
eon, b
very little time. It is not
necessary to have bad
Send staint. lor oarticulars. Ad-
;dres-. The Bell Company; Dept. B.,
Philadelphia, Pa. ll-9-8t.
Walter, infant dau of Isaac and M.,
d Mar 17, 1888, aged .". d.
Walter, infant s of Isaac and M., 1
Oct 10, 1893, aged') y.
Walter, Calvin G., d Apr 6, 189"),
aged 27 y 5 m 16 d.
Walter, Albeit, Bof D. D. and C, b
Feb 28, 1800; ,1 Aug 11, 1874,
aged 14 y " in 13 d.
Walter, John H., b Mar 4, 1807; d
Nov 4, 1886, aged 70 y 8 m.
Walter, Catharine, w of John II., b
Jan 4, 1807; d Dec 29, 1880,
aged 79 y 1 1 m 2."5 d.
Walter, Charles E., s ot Isaac and
M., d Mar 5, 1889, aged 2 y
m 27 d.
Walter, infant dau of Isaac and
Maria, d Mar 29, 1897.
Walter, Elisabeth, b July 13,1824;
d Jan 10, lS9li, aged 71 V " in
28 d.
Walter, Mary A., b Nova, 1830; d
Apr 20, 1889, aged 58 v m
15 d.
Walter, infant I ot'S. R. and M. A.,
d Aug 22, 1803, aged 1 y 27d.
Walter, Daniel D., b Apr 28, 1819;
dMay 14, 1890, aged 71 J 16 L
Ll'T 1 1 K II A N A M l R I : TO 1 1 M K I ) C K M -
BTBY, N. E. of Centreville. 307.
Bowersox, Isaac, b Mar 28, 1826; d
Oct 4, 1898,aged 6776m 6 d.
Bowersox, Mary Anna, wof Isaac,
b May 21, 1832; d July 7,
1890, agad 58 y 1 m 16 d.
Bowersox, Lucy, Anna, da u of Perry
O. and Amanda, d Dec 18,
1877, aged 0 y 3 in 27 d.
Bowersox, Harvey J., s of Jacob and
Hetty, d Apr 27, 1804, aged
6 m 7 d.
Bowersox, Wesley H., s of Jacob
and Hetty, d Mf 10, 1800,
aged 2 m 7 d.
Bowersox, Henry A., s of George
and Ada, d Feb 2, 1801, aged
7 m 10 d.
Brunner, William, s of Peter and
Sarah, b Oct 12, 1843; d Sept
9, 1864, aged 20 y 10 m 17 d.
Brunner, Elizabeth, dau ot Peter
and Sarah, d Oct 3, 1860, aged
8 j ,11 m22d.
Brunner, Clarissa, dau of Peter and
Sarah, d Oct 16, 1860, aged 5
6 m 12 d.
Brunner, Daniel, s of Peter and 8a-
tilda, d Apr 28, 185
111 7 d.
Bickhart, Mary M., w ol
Feb 28, 1800, aged 8
11 d.
Bickhart, Jacob, b Aug 1 '
Feb 27, 1887, aged 8
1 1 ...
Berger, ( 'atharine, w of Jo
29, 1801, aged 72 y
Bilger, Lucinda. wof Jes
23, 1820; d Jan 15, 1
49 y in 24 d.
Renter. Sarah, w ol Enos, i
lull, d
7 m
nd E.,
v 21,
I hlrllKn'i Kovl BoyOOtt.
Chicago. Dec, 4. aovel boycott of
the wares of the piano manufacturers
who have locked out their employes
has been decided upon by the Chicago
Federation of Labor. The plan is to
Indues the renters of pianos to shun
the product of the factories involved
In the labor troubles, wherever the
tabooed Instruments are found on rent
E., b i the users are to be asked to return
them to the warerooms where they
were obtained and to replace them at
once with Instruments made in fac
... j I torlee that have refused to Join the
. I lockout.
, aired
1808, aged 70 y 2 m
Blyler, John, s oi Abso
t 'atliarine, b Nov 10,
Feb 23, 1865, aged 1
13 d.
I. ran I'- UlCtl 11 I lie II I. .1.
Lead, S. I).. Her. 6. Otto H. Th.
mil ; Grants has bonded his rich mine north
( I of thiH city to Denver parties, and
i work Is aaaln to commence on the
rich ore shoot. Qrantz has laid away
Henry something like 200, from his two
i-.j ! months' work with two men. He has
sucks of ore stored away In bis cabin
I that are almost two-thirds gold, and he
I mm ...I.ifilll. WAA ......
lias maun n j p t .1 1 1 .1 1 ij j.iu.- ..i.i 111. 11
1 are worth from 160 to 1100 each. He
I. has shipped three carloads of ore to
T. t n.l.l..l. l,n H..l..l .. ..
- it, a a i i . . i, .col UfUVW iui ruivu m iwnTcu 11 iui-
Blyler, ('atliarine, wof Absalom, b puoowixu, imuuu, u reo ... ioi, tunft
Sept 10, 1 SI 2; d May 1 1, 1857, ! :,rnl B J 8 m 1 u'
aged 14 v 8 in 1 d. iDouman, Isaac, no record.
Baertges, Ellen, dau ol David and Fessler, tra I)., Dec 6, 1891
Elisabeth, d Sept 16, 1861,1 15 y 1 m 1 1 d.
r, Absalom, b Aug 18, 1803; Devore, Daniel, b Mar 25, 1781; d
.1 Sept -I, I 80:5, ;;gtil 60 y 10 d. Apr 23, 1852, aged os y 23 d. BEWAR1 !
. I Wc will H.y On. r.-u urd f.'- anv HMO of
-d I ivi-r ComplMiil. DyspepvlA, Mck Hpitdaelie, In
I dlffMtlon. ContlliMiilon or l 'optlvei.fjn we run.
lit 10. 186-1.1 ! V I in 11 (I. not ear with Llverlta Ibe ITlo-Dt Uttle
I ' I . I.: fill. ...1 1 II. - t.l.,11.
aged 8 v 0 m J. d. Fessler, n in. H b reli 13, l839;ipllori with. They nr.- i.,,.iy v.i.t.i.i.. ami
, ii I never fajl to atve natlefnctton. -.. Ihixo eon.
Raertr(s, lavid, b l-eli 10, 1812, d Peb o, I Wo, aged Do V 11 titin lOOPlli, inc. i.x.-i uin o Plile, ..
To , , loon too iii .. l I bora eonUin IS Pill. Bewsra ..f imitanoni
il reh 11, J.SMI, ajjeil I.JS y 11 ! m -U (1. I and ubtUtutlonii ami imttuttr.nn. Kent by mall;
.... . ' 'tamna taken. NKUVITA MKDICaL CO.. Tor.
Ill - U. I'esMu-, llSOn II., ll.JlUie J-, 1 .S-I.i; clintnnan.l Jiu-k i. Str.-.l-. I'lileaao. III. Bold
' .1 l.... I IHK7 ...r,.,l .11 u K ,., byaburgoruBUo.,iomeour,ia.
d Dec
0 d.
Baertges, leorget ) d Xov2.", 1878,
aged 2S y 1 m Hi d. j 0 l. 650 TO $1200 A YEAR
t it., t t ii i . i a 1V...U LU ou i etui. .1 I ....
lieachcl, Martin, w ot nris:, n i ei r essier, wavm, mui o, iou , We want reliable and enercetic
22, 1 806;d July 25, 1 857, aged I May 0, 18,-, aged ).J y J m
60 y ! m 3d.1 j 11 d.
Beaohel, William, s of Christ and Fessler, Elicabeth, bFeb 11, 1815;
men and women ill each Slate to
travel and appoint agents; salary
$050 to $1200 a vear and expenses,
Sarah, b Dec 1, 1840; d Feb d Apr 25, 1889, aged 74 y 2 guaranteed and pahl weekly; no cx
11, 1 8.")"), aged 8 y 2 m 7 d. ! ni 14 d. perience required, we instruct you.
Beachel, Susannah, dau off. and S., Fessler, ll. B. Local Representatives wanted also
d June 18, 1883, aged 2 m 16 d.j Frock, Susan, dau of Michael andud ismp for full particulars. Ad
Juoy, Isabella, dau of R. F. and! Mary, d Oct 20, 1861, aged 2 dpeThe Bell Cnnipany, Dept.
Laura A, bJuoe 17, 1893; 1
Mar 11, 1804, aged 9 m 24 d.
Brown, Anna Eliza, dau of Thomas
and Xaney, d July 1, 1860,
aged 0 y 4 d.
(Jristie, Samuel C, 4 of James and
Marv, d Nov 22, 1872, aged
5 y 10 m22 d.
Derr, Eve Elizabeth, w of Jacob, d
Mar 20, 1889, aged 88 y 7 ni
28 d.
Derr, Elizabeth, w ot Isaac, b Oct
21, 1802; d Sept 10, 1852,
aged 49 y 10 m 9 d.
Derr, Elizabeth, w of Deter, b May
5, 1814; d May 5, 1878, aged
64 y.
Derr, Maria, no record.
y :5 m 12 d.
Frock, Michael, b June 11, 1824;!
1 l-'l-Nt.
d.Ian 26. 1802. aired :57 v 7 T 1
- 7 ' J 1 I af
16 d.
i Frock, Kllen ('., w of Joseph, bOctjr
4, 1858; d Feb 17, 1882, aged
23 y 4 ni KM.
Frock, infant child of Joseph and
Ellen, d Mar 15, 1882, aged
1 m 4d.
Frock, infant s of Henry O. and El
len, d May 23, 1884.
Frock, Susanna, w of John, b Apr
6, 1855; d Aug 12, 1878, aged
23 y 4 m 0 d.
Frock, Lester, s of H. G. and E. E., X
d Mar 29, 1817, aged 8 y 11 1
m 22 d.
Denier In Marble anil
Meotrh Uranlto . . .
Old Sfones Cleaned and Repaired.
Prices as Low as the Lowest.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Crcsssrove, Fa.
t I e t t m
i 1 H H !
No Torture Equal to the
Itching and Burning ot
This Fearful Disease.
Not mueh attention ii often paid to th
first symptoms of Kciema, but It it not long
before the little radneM beina to itch and
burn. Thii in but the beginning, and will
lead to luffering and torture almost unen
durable. It is a common mistake to regard
a roughness and redness of the skin as
merely a local irritation ; it is but an indica
tion ot a humor in tho blood of terrible
Eczema which is more than skin-deep, and can not be reached by local appli
cations of ointments, salres, etc., applied to the surface. The disease itself,
the real cause of the trouble, is in the blood, although all suffering is produced
through the skin ; the only way to reach tho disease, therefore, is througL
the blood.
Mr. Phil T. Jones, of Mixersville, Ind., writes:
"I had Eczema thirty years, and after a great deal
of treatment my leg was so raw and sore that it gave me
constant pain. It finally bmLe into a running sore, and
began to spread anil grow worse. For the past five or
ix years I have suffered untold agony ami had given up
all hope of ever being free from the disease, as I have
bepn treated by Bona of the best physicians iind have
taken many bio.-d medicines, nil in vain. With little
faith laft I began to take 8. S. 8., and i: apparently
made the Eczema worse, but I knew that this was the
way the remedy got rid nf the poison. Continuing
8. S. S., the sore healed up entirely, the skin becume
clear iind smooth, and I was GUred perfectly."
Eosetna is nn obstinate disease and can not be oured by u remedy which
only a tonic. Swift's . peeific
is superior to Other blood remedies because it cures disease! which they ran
not reach. It goes to the bottom to the cause of the disease and will cure
the worst case of Eczema, no matter what other treatment has failed. It is
the only blood remedy guaranteed to be free from potash mercury or any
other mineral, and never fails to cure Eczema, Scrofula, ContagioUl Blood
Poison, Cancer, Tetter, Rheumatism, Open Sores, Ulcers, lloil, etc. Insist
upon 8, 8. 8. j nothing can take its place.
Books on these diseases will be mailed free to any address by Swift Bpt
cnic Company, Atlanta, Georgia.
v Insurance.
Insurance A ge 1 1 cy ,
JJlmci' W.Snydoi', Agont,
Successor to the Inte William II. Snyder.
Tim I'ar-Exeeller.ce of Reliable Insurance is represented in the follow
ni; list of Standard Companies, from winch to make a selection. None
Better tho World over.
FIRE Royal, Liverpool, Eng. (including foreign assets) $48,000,000.00
Hartford, of Hartford, Conn., (oldest American (Jo.) 8,645,735.0!!
I'lm iiix, Hartford, Conn. 5,588,068.07
Continental, New York, 6,764,908 72
German American, New York, 6,240,098.88
LIFE Mutual Life Ins. Co. New York, 1204,688,983,60
ACCIDENT Employers' Liability Assurance Corporation,
Accident Ins. Co. Subscribed Capital of $8,750,000.00
Fire, Life and Accident risks accepted lit the lowest possible rate, ju-
tined by u strict regard to mutual safety. All just claims promptly and
satisfactorily adjusted. Information in relation to all classes of Insur
ance promptly furnished ELMER W. SNYDER, Agt.,
Telephone No. 182, Office on Corner Water & Pine Sts. SeUnsgrove, Pa
Read This ! Read This !
Is larger than ever before ; my PRIC-8 LOWER tban OTH
ERS for t i e SAME Ci)'Us- My prices on 45 rolls of carpet I
wish to close out will suit tho pocket bonk of many and save
others money. I not think of buying your fall carpets until
you give my stock of carpets your attention and get the prices
of some of my bangaius I am offering.
n l o l
prices just rtgbl on thesi? goods.
One Word About Pictures. g
I am offering my present slock of pictures at cost, LESS
THAN COST and some lor tbe price of the glass in tho frames.
Don't miss this sale. f
I have some pretty things to offer in Furniture, all new. g
0 Later will surprise you in Styles and fnceR. '
In this branch of my business I am prepared to give the Q
public the best i-erbice that can to secured by money, time and ,
personal attention. My eipiippase in this branch ol business is a
. k. ;.. il . ... ... dpiduvu (iinnrinii'a ..... o
one oi uie nni si in inesni.i-. ouawwui . . .....i. . . . ......
UNDEltTAKIXO PARLORS are up to date.
Oae word atxtnl -iri.jK.ri iiwr my attention has bo called to Intel in i - ..mi la
mjrpnoss I GUABAtlTKBtofurniKhtheaainegooilHal l.l MONEY than .: .
boose in i in- county, i UUAIIANTEK to give you easier im v men r iiuu all rs.
First-Class Livery Connected with Undertaking Department.
Telephone Connection. LKw IM ,
Liberal Adjustments
Prompt Payments.
l?I.IN8KaTE, Pit
Only the Oldest, Strongest Cash Companies,
Eire, Life, Accident and Tornado.
No Assessments No Premium Notes.
The Aetna Founded A. D., 181'J Assets !fll,U)0,
" Home 44 " 1853 " 9,853,628.54
American M 44 44 1810 44 2,409,584.53
The Standard Accident Insurance Co.
The New York Life Insurance Co.
The Fidelity Mutual Life Association.
Tour Patronage Solicited.