The Widdleburgh Post. Published everv Thurmiav. Geo W Wagenseller, tditor and Proprietor Subscription $1.50 per year, llli UH WIU III MlllUMM wllfU ix ll' Olll- I UOUttUT.) ATI S Of AOVE RTISINQ. til llaiiHlfDI ntwiiviii.'iits no! MbWWlM MtttraclM ill i chMgcd ! the rate ol II cenu iei in , i - irtei me mure) lor nrxi titter Hon ii i cuiiui p'r line lor every rabeeQuent inert trot mm l'iit nmiimn fhhHtkfdfMt i mkthtmmm jiwfl , !vH4l r'n-f. tc. IArv iviia a lin Thursday, Doc, 14, 1899, be Deeds the zealous support t the eutire lYnnsvlvaniadclcgation in the House tod it Senator PeuroSS in I tlie Senate. I le especially needs the I r USEFUL press, Wt support (t the Stat therefore, appeal u th newspapers of tli unities immediate! v interest- a ed, to the papers of Philadelphia, II ami to the pspers all over the State IB to make the oauiie their own, ami I .1 L..I- . f .. .1 ...1 W iiiua iibijj i" pwuhs iwr wrc jiwptw songour southern border an act ol justice too long delated. Cftomor 6ura Gjptntsn. CHRISTMAS GIFTS Clarence Ott Hurt. Brighton Bolierta, Couifn man of I ftal tlu- Mormon ( .A ,.,,. Ott, uue nil he twin sons has no oonsti- 0f Henrv A. Ott. near Salem, this tutional right toa seat in the lower Iltf ,f was kicked by a horse Sun house. He violated the constitution Lfoy, ' i8 about -i. years of age. in marrying more than one wife. He -n" . s.n was (hietured and messed 1 down nnon the bruin. Tim little are fellow is in ti precarious condition. CONSUL MACRUM'S MISSION. is firm in his determination not descrl any one ol them. i here doubtless many other Congressmen aul Senators, too, having married only one wite, are -tin lending sup- , ,i . .. i A ,,rU'' Tlint He Hi nr. n IVncr Pro poll to women whom they can noti ., ,,,, KrB-r I II . I I .1 1 A I . legally, ami wuoiuuicyuo not, marry. , Liverpool, Dec. 11. Friends In this The latter is moral wrong. '..ill. Inca tin. nmntilli Cltv (if Clilirlcs K M.'wrnm iinlil ro. cently United States consul nt I're- torla, the Transvaal Republic, now re turning to this country, pay ho will in oversight in dates We lniI,ilrt Information to the state depart ment wnicn lie was unwilling to risk tabling, ills letters conclusively prove SLEDS, SKATES, POCKET KNIVES, l'( KJKET BOOKS, Clothes Wringers CLOTHES WASHERS, CARPET SWEEPERS, PUKSES, HORSE BLANKETS, CAB WAGE ROBES. Scissors and Shears. TABLE KNIVES & FORKS T A BLE A N D TEA SP( )( )NS, Kitchen Utensils in Granite, Helft and Nickel-Copperware. Always the lowest prices on Hardware and House Furnish ing goods. It will pay you to buy at G.W.Hackett's, 325 Market St., Bunbury, Pa, if m. ; a a m MmWmM I f SLi JBLL-cdJ Lis.' I j lliroiign an oversight in dates wt took upon ourselves, in last week'f issue, the eredil of furnishing tin writing in an issue ofthe Post whili no cinr western tour, Weregrethav ing made the error as the credit be longs to iii. P, Shelley, foreman, and ( !eo. b Srini in, the faithful employes of this office, for getting out so creditably not only the issue of August ;'lst, hut all other issues during our trip in Nebraska and Colorado, The mechanical work is at all times to be credited to them. Though we were in error concerning the date referred to, it does not in validate the position we assumed in saying that the narrow-minded .Jar gon of the Shitlpltater intended it as a slur on the Editor' of the Post, which, with other like professional indignities, proves that Jargon is un willing to live at peace with honor able rivals in business. An effort is to be made to revive the quarterly meetings of the Snyder County Historieil Society, The work is a very important one. The membt rship up to this time has Urn very small and the expense required to hmd up the county newspapers for many years past and other neces sary expenses of getting important material in proper shape tiir preser vation has been too great for the present membership to liquidate. This is ;i very important work and one which will accrue to the benefit of every resident of Snyder ronnty now and hereafter. Hence, it is hut proper that as many a Hello! Central, CHARLES BVBR80N MACRUM. that not only was Macrum not persona non grata to the Transvaal govern ment, but that he was on the best pos sible terms with President Kruger. Cabling could only be done over a line controlled In part by England. It Is believed the information brought by Macrum Is from President Kruger, and the purpose lu to Initiate measiires to bring the war to a close on honorable terms to the Dutch republic. Give me everybody on the line, and I will in form them that having remodeled my store room I am now piepared to accommodate my cus tomers better than ever before in all kinds of Harare. Tin I i ,1 . .. . i.i. caoic iriiiilil contribute tnwanl tin expense. It is presumed that al OiirKln'H AnO-flffnrrtte Crimnilo. Atlanta, Dec. 12. Tho lower house of the general assembly yesterday nriontcd u resolution reouestlng the 1 senators and congressmen from Oeor gla to Introduce and support a hill authorizing the state of Georgia to I enact legislation looking to the inter- j vention of the Ininortatlon of cigar- i I ettes into the state. A bill which has I been pending before the house would have stopped the manufacture of cig- n.Alt.. In I V. i u L.f ,111, 1 1 ii , I ii r iha In. Ol'ICtl OM;urn lu mi" ctiwi.. i v..- . ' , i . terstate commerce law they could have been brought to Georgia from other states. 1 at rock bottom prices. Call and be convinced that you can BUY LARD CANS cheaper than factory price. I olso have telephone ex change a pay station in my store. DO NOT FOBGET THE PLACE. J.L.VARNER, Hardware Dealer Fremont, Pa- GIGANTIC DECEUBEB quit ait i Brosious Bros.. SUNBURY. PENNH. Bepil Saturday, Dealer 91 181111. Never Before Has There Been Anything Like It Attempted. -mm mm fnTTr T ATlfircm Hill niMnpniirnm nmiw tit wnmnnm nnmnmr t nr. .h niTr.A n na . .. a mu v kh . mutt t. xxijj jLiiiiiuxjui xixiu iimiuuuiujjui uiuuiv in JiuillilU UUUlill T m m m m 1 n I tl 1 11 1 ll'lil i Bargains memoers 01 inc .-ocieiv wnouia ue active workers, but if they can not do that, there are many who could and should join the ranks. The dues are only one dollar per vear for members and there arc many who could and should connect themselves therewith and contribute their share1 toward an object, the result of which will live lr centuries. An Appeal to the State Pres. Immediately upon the organisa tion oftne House ol Representatives Congressman Mahon introduced a hill authorizing the Court of claim-j to pt -s upon the losses of citizens in the border counties in the Confed erate raid into and invasion of Penn sylvania during the civil war. These so-called "Border Claims" arc tor property taken or destroyed in the counties af Franklin, Pulton, Bed ford, Somerset, Cumberland, Perry, Adam- and York. In the case of Chambersburg the losses were es pecially heavy, the town being al most entirely destroyed July 1864. When the raids occurred the Pennsylvania border was always defenceless. While fathers, hus- bandsi sons and brothers were fight ing the I iat ties ol the I'nioll their home- were h ft without i rotoction. Surely after thirty five years, in this epoch of universal prosperity, a rich and powerful government i-an reim burse the losses of a people who en dured and Suffered more than the nt of their countrymen, north of Ifasooaod Dillon's Line, from the ravages of civil strife. In pressing thin measure Mr. Ma hon will need the co-o K-ration, not only of all the people of this and adjoiningt congressional districts, but of the entire S!ate. We trust he will not receive a jicrtunctory or luke warm snport. He will of coarse have the active assistance of Con gressman Ziegler, of York, and Con gressman Thropp, of Bedford, but Itch Com Easily? Are you frequently hoarse? Do you have that annoying tickling in your throat? Would you feel relieved if you could raise something? Does your cough annoy you at night, and do you raise more mucus in the morning? Then you should always keep on hand a bottle of If vou have a weak throat you cannot be too careful. You cannot begin treatment too early. Each cold makes you more liable to another, and the last one is always harder to cure than the one before it. r. Aicr'i Cfterrg Nttsr il Master pretexts tic mp Mm csMs. Help at Hand. If you bare any complaint whatever and deire the best medical advice you can poi eibly obtain, write the doctor freely. You will receive prompt reply. Addrew, DR. J. C. AYER, Lowell, Mm Glassware. I have just received a fine assortment of glassware, con sisting ol ( lake Dishes, Fruit Stands, telery Trays, Butter Dishes, Pitchers, Spoon Hold ers, Ac., cVe. tit prices ranging from 5 to 1 5 cents. Boots and Shoes, 1 have on hand about 300 pairs of shoes which I am t closing out at and below cost t to make room for fall and win ter goods. Notions. Note these prices in Notions : Ladies' Hose, 10 to loc. t Misses Hose, 10 to 15c. 1 Men's Hose, 8 to lac. I Men's Work Shirts, 2f to 50c. Men's Overalls, 15 to 50c, Youth's veralls, 25 to 50c. Handkerchiefs, 5 to 12c. S Suspenders, lo to 25c latest Style l ie, 5 to 25e. Rubbers. As the wet season is almost J here I wish to call your atten- t tion to tin- tact that 1 have on hand a full and complete line ! I of rubber gcxsls. T Thanking you for past pat- T r ronage, I kindly ask a contin- f nance of same. S. B. Simonton. TO SELECT FROM. WE propose ut THIS DECEMBER SALE the finest kinds of Clothing ut and less than ii be ing asked elsewhere for the cheapest Clothing that can ho bought in any market. We will sell nothing cheaply nude Everything sold at This Store must be the best. We mean that the December Sale shall be talked about for months to come as the greatest opportunity Sunbury lias over known to buy Clothing. It is not necessary for us to guarantee this, that or the other thing to wear this way and that. We don't buy that class of goods. BUT, if at any time, any article bouubt at this store is not just to your liking, return it get your money back no ques tions will be asked, i READ WHAT FOLLOWS! ALMOST 800 SUITS TO SELECT FROM ! MORE THAN 400 OVERCOATS ARE HERE I MlDDLEBURQH MARKET. Batter 18 Bop Onions Lard 6 Tallow 4 Chickens 7 Turkeys 10 Shoulder 8 Ham 12 Wheat 08 Bye 50 Corn 35 Oats (old) 00 Oats (new).... 26 Potatoes 30 Bran per 1(H). 80 Middlings" 00 Chop 90 Men's Cheviot Suits, $3.90 to $15. Men's Csssimere Suits, 85 to 818.' Men's Worsted Suits, $8.50 to 30. Youths' Cheviot 8uitS,8.48 to $10. Youths' ( assimci eSiiits,? 1.50 to 8 1 2 Youths' Worsted Suits, $3.98 to $16. Boys' Suits, 75c. to $8.50. Childrcns' Suits, 75c to $6.60. " Vestee Suits, 98c to $0.50. Men's Overcoats, 83.05 to 833. Youths' ( Jvcrcoats, 82.50 to $15. Men's heavy Skating ( 'oats, 83.50. Children's Overcoats, $1.48 to $5. Men's Canvass Coats, $1.00. STATUES. $55 Men's Mackintoshes, $3.50 to $10. Boys' Mackintoshes, $3.50. Men's Underwear, 39c. to $5. Men's Shirts (colored) 50c. to $1.50. Men's White Shirts, 50c. to $1.50. Men's Gloves, 25o. to $2. Men's Umbrellas, 50c. to'$7.00. Ladies' Umbrellas, 50c. to $7.50. Children's Umbrellas, 50c,. 75c., $1. Trunks, $1.25 to $12. Suit Cases, $1.39 to $8.00. Hats, Caps, &c, 25c. to $5. Handkerchiefs, 5c. to $1.50. Ties, 5c. to $1. BROSIOUS BROTHERS theost RELIABLE "fflSiS SUNBURY, PA