The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, December 14, 1899, Image 2

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    The Mothrr of a Hero.
The Washington Post IV port! uu in
tWUtlng storv which was refilled in
Mnnection with a pension liill whirl,
passed the senate lew tluys n'o. It
concerns .Mrs. Orpho W. Reynolds, who
lives in Washington. Mrs. Reynolds
rants her pension f eight ltllurs u
month increased to $30 u inonUi. She
i in." widow of Capt. Robert M. Key
nohl.s, who was minister to ltolivis
oiiMiiL' lirant's mlininistration, unci the
other of Ensign L. K. Reynolds,
jmi- es for whose brarery rang through
the halls of congress some years nrjo.
Young Reynolds, then an ensipn on the
CJnltad States Steamship Trenton, res
cued by an Bet of wonderful heroism
the eri'w of 12 men of the Austrian hark
Olivo near the Azores. After Saving the
lives of these men the young officer
jnmped into the raging sea and, swim
ningyto the wrecked vessel, set Brc to
it, in Order that it might not he a men
juv to navigation. For his beroic act
lnslpn Iteynolda was made a Knight
of the Imperial Royal Order of Francis
Joseph, and congress allowed hhn to
accept the honor. In addition to this
tie was given three magnificent gold
medals by various life-saving associa
tions, W ith four costly tributes to hei
wi's bravery Mi s. Reynolds is knocking
at the door of congress for a few more
dollars a month to save her from destl'
ut li a.
Llie country doctor said it was grippe,
i mi eastern exchange, hot tbeclty
doctor, culled into consultation, said it
v. Ihe cellar, and when he called ut
ii mi ;i to it verybody recognized tin
odor of decaying cabbage, potatoes and
apples everywhere. "Never mind the
medicines," In' said, "get down into tin
cellar, open it up. char it out, burn
sulphur in it, whitewash and as you
value your lives don't store in the cel
lar food of nny sort. The doctor's hills
v)f a war will build an outside store
house or cove or cellar that would last
for years and insure the health of tin'
household. Neither butter nor milk
nor food of any sort, unless in hermet
ically scaled cans or jars, should lie kept
u inlr, the living port ion of a dwelling."
Th.' advice as to clearing the cellur was
tnken, sulphur was burned, not only
.i the cellar, hut in every room, and
ihe restoration to health was in very
abort order ami without the aid ol
A very subdued-looking loy of about
13 years, w ith a lnn scratch on his nose
and an air of general dejection, eiiuin
to his teacher in one of the Boston pub
lic schools and handed her a note before
taking his seat and becoming deeply
absorbed in his book. '1 he note read as
follows: "Miss II Please excuse
James for not being thnreyestorday. He
played troonnt, but 1 fjess you don't
need to liok him for it, as the boy he
played trooant with mi' him fell out,
an' the boy licked him, an' a man they
aassed caught him nn' licked him, an'
the driver of a sled they lump onto
licked him allso. Then his pa licked
him, an' 1 had to give him another for
tossing me for telling his pa, so you
ne.d not lick him until next time. I
p-ess he thinks he better keep in school
Statisticians are at work getting up
figures for the international disarma
ment conference which meets in Hol
land May 18. The wars of the last half
of the century have been expensive.
Their direct cost is estimated as fol
lows: TheCrlmean war, $1,700,000,000;
ihe Italian war of 1858, $353,000,000; the
A astro-Prussian war, $330,000,000; the
Franco-German war, $3,533,400,000, and
the RuBSO-Turkish war. $1,390,000,
a total of over $0,000,000,000 for the five
great European wars. I he American
civil war cost $5,000,000,000, and 11,000,
COO.IaJO in loss of property. If big tt r
ares are com inclng t he congress at The
Hague will not be long in reaching a
11 is reported that EvangeUst Moody,
luring a recent revival meeting in San
Francisco, made an impassioned ap
teaJ to his hearers in behalf of thieves
and criminals, exhorting Ids audience
to lend a helping band to such unfor
tunates. While he was speaking a thief
,t. le the evangelist's overcoat from its
resting place in the church study and
:ilso annexed several other coats und
mihrellas. A kindly womnn in the
ongregation lent Mr. Moody a shawl to
wear home in lieu of the coat which a
representative of the class for which he
bal so eloquently pleaded was probably
i In n wearing.
'Throughout such parts of the north
.is the average northerner knows, says
(he New York Times, an appreciable,
almost a considerable, minority of the
working population, white as well as
lilack, hove acquired the beggar'?
shamelessness and can receive the tip
without a blush. Even New England,
.ihieh long stood out ogainst the vile
jiraetiee, has fallen.
V, .... V,.rl. f.'irnT cmVf A Tin 7 of A
rccAt edition to the exploitation of
the remarkable feat of a Fre h doc
tor who brought a dead man back to
JIfe. The only plaaslble part of the
story la that after having been brought
tiack to life, the man died.
A recruiting agent proposes to start
April 1 on a bicycle tour of Nef Eng
land to recruit for the regular army
and expects to rids lS.OOO miles before
sse gets through.
Sha Was Carefal.
"Now I propose" bepan Mr. Dinkey.
lie was interrupted at this point by
bis auditor. Miss Beacon, of lloston,
who spoke substantially us follows:
"Mr. Dinkey, accuracy of luii(fimge
demands uu explanation at this oir.t.
Do you use the WOrd 'propose' as a
synonym of 'purpose,' or in its matri
monial sense?"
Later developments showed that Mr.
Dinkey used the word in its matri
monial sense. Harper's liazax.
Mother Satlaflrd.
Mother I'd jast like to know who
this young man is you have engaged
yourself to.
Daughter Oh, he comes of n splendid
"Does his family object to the
"Then I guess he's nil rifjht." N. Y.
Al Die Hall.
Decollete was the lady's gown.
Astonishingly so.
Anil people spoke about tt
As she wandered to and fro.
The nn n ail gased, the women frowned.
And called It a disgrace,
While three Indignant lookers on
Arose and left the place.
Sai l Jones: "I hear she's In the swim.
I ililnk It must be so."
"Quite true. Quite true," quoth RoblttSOB,
"And dressed for It, jou know."
N. Y. Herald.
ft l.u.Lj Man.
"My husband has a great advantage
over most men."
"Yes, lie walks in his sleep."
"I don't see what advantage that can
be to a person."
"Why, he can carry the ha by all night
long ami still Lrct bis natural rest"
Chicago Daily New s.
Another Technical Mia
Kohn A man has got to be preddy
pari Icular nowadays how he ndverdises,
Kluls How VUS dot?
Kohn I vill told you. Yesterday 1
adverdised for a diamond expert, and,
s'elp me Moses! if iti"in shtore nin'd
been oferrun all day mil baseball blay
era looking for chobs. Judge.
An Afterthoasht.
Mrs. (loadley It would be a good
thing for you if you thought twice be
fore speaking once.
Mr. (load ley It's too late now. I
should have pursued that plan before
I proposed to you. San Francisco Ex
Fust the t rials.
The Doctor Take the nice medicine '
now, Johnny, like a good boy.
The Bick Boy Takeaway yourdarned
old medicine! It's nasty!
The Doctor Madam, you can go and
sleep now. Your boy is entirely out of
danger. Chicago Tribune.
How she Worries Bias,
"Oh, I have no dlffiaulty at all in get
ting even with my husband whim he
stnys out late at night," explained the
wise womnn. "I just incidentally sug
gest to him next morning that he ought
to break himself of the habit of talking
in his sleep." Chicago I'ost.
Another Naval Hero.
Smith tell you, the fight off San
tiago, where we smashed Cervero's
We? Wi re you in the navy,
Smith Oh. no; but 1 read about it in
the papers. Town Topics,
Dr. B wish tail Now then, Waggles
Secundus, just tell me what that is at
the end of my finger?
Waggles A dirty finger-nail, sir.
Ally Slopur.
Tin- lee Han,
" know tho piece I hrlni; Is small,"
lit: said with manner sHaUhrul.
"A large piece wouldn't do at all.
For ice Is so unhtullhfuil"
Washington Hiar.
Tkoae Dear flirts.
Miss Oldgirl -I don't like the color of
my hair.
Miss Yoangtbing Don't let that
bother you, my dear. It can't be long
now before it turns gray. X. Y. World.
nturuii) laglaaant,
"You w ill never marry," said the
tune teller.
"It's a mighty lucky thing for you,"
interrupted the girl, "that you collected
)our fee in advance." Chicago Post,
Mrs. Spatts
Mr Juki tin Hilly.
Oh, if 1 were only
Mr. Spatts You'd be as crazy as 1
was ami go and marry some fool of a
w oman, I'll bet a dollar. Town Topics.
lblnu kesa.
Sentimental Daughter Father, I have
made up my mind to marry nothing less
Ulan a foreign nobleman!
Prosaic Father You couldn't!
Mrre Mntti-r of Choice.
"If I ever murry it shall be to a wom
an of fine intellect."
"Huh! Wouldn't you rather have a
w ife who thought you a great man?"
Indianapolis Journal.
Ka)u mrnl.
"Did you have a nice time ut the con
cert last night ?"
"Splend id 1 Sue Da 1 1 i n fft on told me of
s lovely new drrssmnkrr that she baa
found." Chicago Daily .News.
fe,J s
Offer For Mavyluml'a ( anal Inter,!.
Baltimore, Dec. 5. The board jof
public works yesterday received a
sealed bid from the Mercantile Trst
and Deposit company, of this city, of
$400,000 for the states interest in he
Chesapeake and Ohio canal. Some tine
ago Mr. C. R. Lord, supposedly In (he
Interest of the Baltimore and Uiiu
railroad, offered $300,000, agreeing) to
maintain the canal for 25 years al a
waterway, but the offer presented yes
terday was silent on this point. u
ernor Lowndes Is in favor of srllng
the property, but opposed to doing
the canal as a waterway.
American !i-n In iernian-.
Berlin. Dec. 5. The question
American meat Imports Into Oernany
has already created much bad blood
both sides of the ocean, and it
looks as thouch this matter would ; ture him there. Both entrances to
prove the first serious test of the : Benguct are fortified. Two troops of
friendly understanding reached be- , the Thlrd cavalry will reinforce Gen
tween the two countlres. In this Dn- eral young in tae pass,
troversy, as in others, there are two A d8patch from Santa Cruz, prov
opposing currents within the Gerhan j nce of Soutn nOCos, forwarded by
government. The fact that the In- ! rolirPr to San Fabian, says that Gen-
fluences favorable to the United Sates. .
which are directed by Count
Billow, the foreign secretary, nre
Von !
now again In control has been s
lugiy demonstrated,
A Millionaire's Offer Rafaswel
London, Dee. 5, J, J, Van Allen, the
American millionaire, has had an un
successful experience, it seems, la at
tempting to render aid to the British
wounded In South Africa. He offered
the war office an ambulance, fully
equipped, to the extent of tlo.Oflo, to
he officered and manned by the En
glish army, on condition that he Is al
lowed to accompany it to the front.
The war office replied, asking in what
capacity he could )". and this pro
duced an offer from Mr, Van Allen to
go in any capacity, however modest.
The war oflice was compelled to de
cline. Mllwnnliee's Telhule to Dewyi
Milwaukee, Dec. B. The judiciary
committee of the common council at
last night's session offered resolutions,
which were passed unanimously, ex
tending to Admiral Dewey a cordial
and hearty Invitation to visit Mil
waukee immediately following hU'Visit
to Chicago in May next. The resolu
tions conclude: "The citizens of this
city eagerly await, with true westt rn
hospitality, the coming of the admiral
whose valor and feats at arms can
not be dimmed by the passing days,
months, nor even years."
Youthful Parricide's Confrnalnn.
Dexter, Mo.. Nov. 21. Elijah Moore,
nged 19, who has honn hold under sus
picion for the assassination of his
father, Itev. Jesse Moore, made a full
confession yesterday In which he Im
plicated bis 15-year-old sister, Mary.
Later he amended his confession by
exonerating the girl. Young Mourn
says bis father was cruel to his family,
and allowed his children no pleasure,
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always jiought
Bears the
Signature of
111 the K'tste l if
Mai !--. I) een-ed
I la I to- orphan's! 'mil t
f o snydrir Co., P.i
Tha iinriamurnMl Auditor. SDPOIlltad bj thr
nuovo named fourl l inaks dlslrlbiMoa of
ihe balsnea remaining In the hands f 1. B.
Uroas, Administrator, ao, kisry Gross, Da
ceaaed, UiiiihI among Ihoas leaatly entitled to
the silli.e. ill litti'inl t.i Hie ilulies of hlh up-
polntmenl si Iheofllca ol K. M Bower, Bsq., in I
MlddlebUQt. Pa., Saturday, Dec imd. al i
o'vloek A. M , i which lime and place nil per
loni navinic elalns upon the kmhI fund will io
pear nad preasnllhe name before lbs Auditor,
nr ferever be debarred from eonilng In on siOti
fund. A. W. rtm-KK. .
Nov. 1, ISW, Amlilor
SuublU'y V LowiatOWll Division.
In effect Nov. 19, 18D0,
anbury wai
sellnsgrova Junction '.orj,
bell mgf ore
Kawling H M
K reenter H n
Middleburg 8lu
lu-iifi-r sal
Bsavenown !
AdnmnhurK H
Ihtulis Mills KM
MoOlnrc SOT
Wagner I r
Bhtndle Taj
Palntervill 141
HalUand 7 JJ
Lswlslown 7 all
Lewlstown (Main Street.) 7aa
1-wislou ii Junction. 7 JOi
r m
S31I I
.1211 I
.1 15
4 5K
l M '
4 117
4 si
i r, I
4 19
4 09 !
4 Ol
I 01)
I :4
Tram loaves Suiiiniry 0 '2" p m,
rives ut SelinsgroTe B 45 p id
rrnins leave Lewistown Junction :
4 Ma in, 10 U ii ni. I 10 p m.ian p m s Hi m. 7 in
II SSn u tor AlliKina, PUUoarg unit the Weet.
Kor Hiiltimorenil Wm-h.tiatnn n SS Ul 1 US
lag 4 aa M l . in For I'liilmli'lphln imd New
York 6:is SS a m. 1 o3 1 33 4 33 and 1114 pm I'oi
Hurrlaburx S 10 i a
Philadelphia & Erie R R Division.
Trsliis leave Sunhury ilnlly eicnpt Sumlay :
1 fl h in tor F.rie anil Ciinandalicua
5 10 m m tor HellolontB Brleand ihinanilaUrua
4"m tor Loek Hsven, Tyrone sad toe weBU
1 10 ni tor HcllefonteKauc Tyrone and Cinas-
i 5 45 p in lor Konnvo and 1 linira
vitr p m lor Wllll.iinspoit
i Sumlav B 10 a in tor Krle and OanundnlKua
ii i, nin forlxwk Haven and It pal for I'll
H 55 a m. 9 .V a m 2 00 and 5 4K p m lor WllUef-
l.arre and Haielton . u.
7 ( 0 in. 10 ill a in, '2 SI p m, 5 4.1 p in for Shimo
Icln and Mount ('ariucl
Sunday 9 58 a m lor Wllkesharre
rralni" leave 8ellngrve .lunrtlon
10 00 a m, week divi arrlvlns at rbll'delphla
joupin New York 5 .18 p in lialtlinore J 11 p m
534 p m daily arrlrlna at 1'hlladelphta
,0 20 p m New York 3Mam, Ballimore top ui
H J J I. to. weeK nay lirrivina mm niiii.
3u in. New York 713 a in,
Baltimore 2 SO a m
WBhington4 0sm
1 ra-na aiw ctmmwmi j .
dally arrlTlna t Phlladefdhls M m
J VT am dally i
' York 33 am Weekdays. 10 88 a Snsdaj.
! 7 50 s to week dara arriving at ITillSoelpMa
Baltimore 0 3i
wash isnoa . sat J""
Baliuacie 11 5
a SL Waabington I 00 p m. ;
li is am. new ion s is a aw
155 til, wees aays arrmoa V ' "'"7r.1
p AM
UU 9 57
2 lit I07
Jl'J 1UI2
10 tl
1 2 81 uiM
at in n
210 10 :u
146 lo:is
i as to U
:iuo in 61
3(i7 Ms:
ai:: una
a n 1 1 la
i a :i 1 1 '.'l
1 1 St 1 1
a 41 1 1 n
a 47 ll a?
UN) II in
4 SS om. New York S 90 p m. Bsuimors o w p m. C. WALTKH, Attorney-in-fact.
WTlMles,v.8uabury at SSOsatsad 593 TKRMB: 20 percent, of the purcbsee money
MSP H"r"bS" '"lorb.fot'.M
Baltimore or drtleesed
I. B. BCTcniNBOM Oea'l Msasasf.
Toung Hop-is to Capture the Rebel
Leader in Bnguet Mountain.
ecwpled the!lriuH.l Forllfled Town
f la it ml In Without Flrlnir a Shot.
Sis Hundred llebela Having Fled
a Oar Soldier Approached.
Manila. Dec. 5. A dispatch from
Dagupan, containing; advices later than
those from Santa Cruz, says that Gen
eral Young hopes to find Agulnaldo
In Renenet mountain nass and to can-
-rn, voiine with three troons of the
Third nivalin ;md Malar I'evton C.
March's battalion of the Thirty-third
Infantry, has arrived at Santa Cruz.
The Americans left Hamaeapan, prov
ince of Union, expecting to have a
hard fight at Tagiidln. In South IlOCOS
province, but they found on arriving
there that C00 rebels, under General
Tlno, had evacuated 30 hours before,
deserting an almost Impregnable po
sition. The Insurgents hud been en
trenched at Tagudln on the north side
of the river, whi te a hundred well dis
ciplined troops could have slaughtered
a whole br!?ado crossing the river.
With the men up to the armpit In
The residents of Tagudln received
the Americana outside the town with
a brass band. Tin y bad been robbed
of almost everything by the Insur
gents and were glad to welcome friend
ly and protecting troops.
A similar reception awaited General
Young tit Santa Cruz. Prominent citi
zens, headed by a band, escorted the
American officers to houses, where rest
and refreshments were offered.
General Young's command was al
most without fond. The men had been
living on the country, which affords
but little, and the horses are com
' pletely worn out, most of them with
out shoes.
( The Inhabitants of Santa Cruz and
i of other towns through Which the
Americans passed say that Agulnaldo
and his entire refugee army have gone
Into the mountains eastward since the
Oregon, Satuar and Callao attacked
Vigan and landed a force there.
In several towns General Young
was shown letters written by Lieuten
ant Gllmore, showing that he had
i heen kindly treated by the citizens and
had been entertained by them when he
passed through last May.
Reports Indicate that all the Amerl
i can prisoners, some 25 or :to, were at
! one time in Behguet province, hut it Is
supposed now that they have been re
moved into Le panto province.
There is no communication between
General Young's small command and
any of the other American columns,
except Indirectly, perhaps, by sight
ing and signaling United States gun
boats bound to or from Manila.
Captain Rumbold, with SB men of
Company G, Thirty-second Infantry,
while escorting the signal corps laying
the wire from Porac to Florida Blanca,
charged and routed 0 Insurgents
killing a captain and several privates.
The Americans found on the captain
the sword and revolver that were
i taken from the body of Naval Cadet
; Welborn C. Wood, who was killed by
I the insurgents while In command of
the gunboat Drdaneta, when that ves
sel was captured In the Oranl river.
Colonel Hood, while reconnoiterlng
near San Miguel, drove a force of In
surgents from Idlefanso, killing sev
eral. Five Americana were slightly
Tilt: BEMTOP i.i-.
For over fifty yearn Mk-, WnMLOW'l "OOTB-
so Bvatrr has been used bjr mother for their
ebildren whMs teethlns. Are you disturbed al
night and broken of your reel ly s sik child
ufferins biuI erylng with pain of cuttltiR teetM
If sosend si ones and et a bottle ol "Mrs. Win
slow's Soothing Syrup" for OhlMrtn Teetblnf.
Its valna Is incalculable. It will relleee the poor
little Mfferer Immedlateljr. Depend iu"n It,
mothers, there Is no mistake about it. Iloures
dlsrrboMt, resalstss ii' Btorasch snd Bowels,
cure Wind Oollc, tofteni lbs liuiim, rsdooss
nfismmation, and kim tons and energy to the
whole system "Mrs, Wlaslow's Soothing By
rup" for ebildren teething i plaasanl le th"
taste and I the prescription of ona of tin old
est mid hewt female physiclansand nurses In tae
t'niled Stiitennud in for mile hy all druggists
throughout the world. Price, twenty-live cent
a bottle. He pare nnd get "Mas, Wlaslow's
Boor hiss straor."
The ns4stagned attorney In-fact fortbs heirs
of eosepb Walter of Franklin 'township, Boy
iter county, Pa.i will offer at public sals ill be
late i aeldeaon of aaid daeadent, about one ball
mile west of Middleburg, Pa.,
Tuesday, J)ef. 26, 1899.
the following dsssribed reni sssttstowit;
TBAOT NO. I, A Valuable farm which OS"
..r, uHmirntion. BUosSS OB saetl beauti
ful elevation, afford! n a BHai saqelslle
all over town ami n norrounomg. wo
and every field tntrcly free from stone.
No brush,
( ilMMl
limestone soli.
All that certain tract of hind situate, in conn
ty and township aforesaid hounded on the
north by lands of lias. .Sioyer nud ( has. .Mtein
I niter, on the east by lands of (leo Kern, dec d,
and Michael Schoch, on the south by .Mlddlc
Stesh and on the west by Kvnns' fiirin and hinds
of w. w. Wtltenmysr, seBtalnlasi " sores
more or less, on whi(4l are erected n ifood
TKAl'T NO. 2. Woodland south of Middle
creek containing 17 acres and 37 perches, bound
ed on the north bv (ieo. Kern, dee'd, on the
east and south by the same and on the west by
land of William Unminger.
TRACT NO. 3' The half interest in a farm
L- ..,. mm o... Allen Hehneh fsrm. ill the town-
1 of Bop. Mitchell aud.lobn W. Walter, on me
aforesaid, boundeii on tne uorin oy isrou
cast ny Minus oisonn I'lieaanu ' i iyi..-. , ....
the south by lands of John W. Waller and on
the west by J. C Schocb and public road, con
taining 150 acrea more or lesa, whereon are
erected a valuable BOUSE and BAKN and all
Hal to commence at 10 o'clock A. M. of aald
day when terma and conditions will be made
! known Dy
1 to the purchaeersnd
on given.
for Infants
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
TaTWhli iiUss
This Ladiea' Donpola Kid Boott Luce or Button, sole leather
counter, inner, miter so'm and Ueel, faucy top stity, I'atent Leather
Tip, Opera Toe, 2 to 8, D, E, or EE, went postpaid nn receipt of 11.
Eqiiuk nny (9 bcot cold. Our makx Money refuiided if .unsatis
factory. We irtiainnten fit, stylo, wear,
KR'.E.-()nri'iitaioiiie with uimt rations or 150 bargains In shoes; ulso a Babsortb
,.r' Ticket nhi.ii secures a Liberal Cash iMniisoii y..ur yatr's trading.
any i
lienr Mr- Tne shoes nre nrnvlng willsf.n tory. This pulr that I now hir e make five
different BtVlcSOt shoes Ibul 1 have boughrof ynn iiml Hn' arc nil guod, 1 Showed OUT
merchant a pair Of $1.00 Ibors thai 1 had Just recelveil innn you and hi' took Ills guile SDQ
nit iui'o ihe heel and exiiinliiea them ihnro'iphly iinS pronounced Iheia Cheap at J.ioo.
VouwUI llndaa order with this letter fnr two BtorepHlr Of shoes.
ltespcottiilly yours, Mils J. M. WILLIAMS.
wnieiz. Medaelno Co., Oai
p, B, Use myiname If you like.
'oJefiaSJease'flntl onelosed, herewith, express money order. Please send the shoes
mil ' Itbottl rtolay 1 Sin i ling Lhem. My wife Isalmosi biireiooteil and I ilon l wish in
bul shoes at ani other boose because i have seed tbe Dexter and nnd them the best for
ihamonet ' Yours trill v.
"" mom ' PHILIP M. LVKALS,
Kewoka, m.
DEXTER SHOE CO-.sSsSt Boston, Mass.
Eetablished 1880. Va)in
IU' ii. I UU I .1 ' i i.niiiui- li ni 1 1 1 1 1 ii r ill ir t iicikui ucpui
M hinhas 60.041, Mid TIIK OlttU TRttT BARUA17I TOt
iwr!St!Srti!r Special Offer Price $15.50
iic rrecMj l urartnrt.r v ;ir: : ', i - r 1 1 n 1 -1 1 M I t'f 1 . equal to ma
amlfn iht DtlsVrfW. Mtu'liii.o welfbg 120 ioiiiilnmlthfrreli7rit will
Rvantn 7;' W- r,,r W? "l'les- 0IVC IT THItt MONTHS' TRIAL i"
wonr li'iuc. ami wi will return yotirf1!;.. HI hit t ,ir y u air not
I sell iliffeteat ftilLes ftail rrailrs-.f Sevliif laeiilnt-s al 1. all,
10.OO, 11. 0. ftSUVQ "d Ms all f 1 1 11 v 1 en ' i In our Fre Ins:
Mar lil I siAl'itfuc. btl I CI i. i" for thin MUM' Mffel ( AU1.KT BtKDICk U
tht uri u ' . value it otTvrnl by ant hmn',
tlWntOTtl.Offllllif uakm.irii niaeulnrs ttJUjer VsVliOUl najiK'i, with riimt In
daerments, Wrltr aoisie friend In t mt ,.; inilinrn who are reliable aad whn ars aat.
I L .t f J IX sli.VlV KVrRT liOIID POIXTOr
.KMK UHliM 91
li!.rMT.H ur MM.
brat tniiUrra
from t he beat
ran nuj .
it devk, t!,,-
hi wiiitr. 4
Datent dreBfl atuard,
nisei ess asarhlae aaafie.
an no artrl then If convinced that vou are aavlmr
WK TO KKTtllN vol it $U.0 if atany timo within three
Am ssssesr"mwy"'.
DtMi IJJUaA T. inean, ltoiTmrK X UO. arc inorniltrniv rename. r.tmor. )
Address, SEARS. ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.) Chicago, III.
Ml pcnoQfl to reprtMnl fU M 'iniUKerrt in
tiimnmi cIom by couni4oa, HAlAry 1000 u ynt
iiikI Qip'tliasH. Straight, hoiiu-lliU, no imTi1,
nn oh .ry I'osition prrmanent. Our refer
I'licen. nny hunk in any luwii. It in niuinly nf
Am work ooit'ttiotwtisthomtft Rctcrvnom Rn
eloo Hrlf-inlilreafieil Htaniel envelope TllK
DUHIVtOX Company, Dept It, 0hloBgO l-H-l it.
Onuuiilt n nnmmnnlfi
Consult or communlcuto with the Editor
OttlllS paper, Who w1H give all needed Infor
mal Ion.
JA8. O
yilDDLVH'"", VA.
All biiHiueno I'titi ti-ti'.l to hll cure
will receive i.rompt attention.
HULL 111 BAN II OR SWITCUtS to ail, k
ut klratrrMiaSOSS.a8,U M Ml
wlukM ik .i null i St SS u si. 00.
OUR OFFER ut lh, s out "l mrT"1
SS wrrcn- tous.lneloMaKood nzrd
Minpla of the HWI ata wonted, and cut It
out at naar the rootj ai poMlhle. IncloM
r tprUI arir aoU4 mm4 ft fMti vitro to
pay poataga, and wo will uli Ik iwlttk to
oi,b joor Mir ton, ana Jna to you D
mail, poatpalit.and If rou are nnt perfretlx
Mtiifled, return 1 1 and wo win Immediately
refund your money.
Win. Ions;, long atem, 6SO abort atom,
uorBwocioiuaorrneoaaroiiowot -oo. iwiwn
VUG I o-oa. in. lone;, anon atem. Bl.oTSI
J-oe. tJ-ln. long, abort atem, SI.BOl I oa.
-in. iona. ann rt atem, sz,SSI at oa. ao-in.
aSo aort atem. S3. 29. wi SVABaSTsa
MB WOSS the highest grade on the
market. Oiaoi at wawv mmi get tkeaa waewlal
arlaaa. Tear aooaot retereew If yea are aot
aloo.wa. WrIU for Free Catalogue of
HalrOooda. Addreea,
SEARS, ROEBUCK A CO fine.) Chictaa.
NBTJRALOIA cured by Dr. Miles' Pais
Piua "Onot ent adoae.'" At all drucslaU
Dr. Fennel's Golden Relief, p
a thus srscino in au
Old Soreo. Wounda, Rhtamatlom. KeuroJi(la
'Colds." A UIiai OUPIST unp
Fir in PA
T tfMlcrra. Vc-alMbrmsUI
(Stan, SMta
y.i ir lit.
and Children.
" i
$1 For a $2 le f
To introduce to every family in tbe
CoajlterS, InNOlea.
Ollt.nlw IIIKl 1 !(!.
:t no slur' ; wnr ivoni inircfotn rather thun
nun; i in' ir.. i i-.n .-iior.
ill ill
kvkut hk.ii
Mailt- by the
In Amrrl
aatrrlal nonrr
Lucorpticated I j.
rL 1 a CIfJ 1
ii in imiiup s in 1 -su
ili'iitipiiiir from nlirht) to n u?etl i a renit-r ttble
otlMroMa with full lenirth tftbli ami bemd in plar
fanr drawers, lateal IhM akeletoa frasne. BBaTVaHL Minuled
t.. .f-nl and decimtril rahlnvtflnlah, finest nickel draw'er pmia. rests on ltj
CssJtart, arlJuBtnl le treadle. renulneSmyth iron vtaml I'lnest law Hlirh
k.a.i in , jit 1 1 i' four million auif thromllnir mi hsas t in alitiff la Htitnniad
buhbhi winder, ndjustable bearlnfr". patent tension literattr.ipiproveil l jyji
wheel, adjimtable iireinure foot. Improved shtittl" carrier, patent needle flu
alrlrlirlamed. GUARANTEED the llahirst rutin Int. sanat duralde and neardj
head is aandsnsaelr dentnted and oraanienled ont l.eautl'ui
Kterr laaea attaclimeal u f in .-i..l nml ur rree i'
stmction Book tells ml how anyone ran nin tt and do either plain or t
kind of lanry work. A 10YarV Blndlnr Uuaraale!! sent with every niacin
IT rflQTC Yfill MilTUIMIs to aadeafalaaiWaiatelilee. compare Jt
125.00 to H" Par vour freiLTlit aarent the S 1 A ,'
months you say you urei not natiitled. UltUtu lu Ml
gtjYS 5 S3. 50 S'J
.J al U "SyJ jfW a.
UtK: V i I ilH.I II I' M".' ' t'l.'l I W'
M AT AltlJaS I. IL !!' WI, R 3. e JIOVs
miai Nti. v...M-i snitj r um
toH'i qivi jA7i8ntcii mm
Si...;:- ho v o v
Ltc'iii i ut i ar.d nuj v ii
IImv ' t tiMitt I' r. ' Vii; u ill aetii
mil i . Ui it. i tin ran fMititiMf it .
eai-i-i H blmPttlW fl fOVI i (llMtll
i i.i.i. ''iiil to Mitel aaN la Mfw
BBsTuaofi. 1..IV PaaltrMmaasM OWat 111 I
o.ter I-Hee. 41.lN tui mnressi char
1:. i.l Jit i niil erf -Ul '. 'icrj
J ' j l. 1 ; .If W Hll IM 1 I.I I M , : .ill k I
H ... ItrMI -ijlf v lllu-'i t-'.'-C, naile Inal
pffCltl I -ir wlrlil, s-car r-Mlnr, al
Hlani . tsaslr-. if, ni'at. Intii'l iu ijk
Hne ttssllM t.nini.'uwtmto1 mt4mm tolrrflatot, tm
. i . . I.. - ail . . i it '.i i- . , 1. ' Sim ii wi ii' . . hiI . Allor
(arouitli nit.up'ilt him l iir rnrvat u wiilil kt prohil
iilll I'll It k. t'UiTI! SIMI'lf " ..I I liilKliitr fur lnn '
lit v mi; -. wrhr far - ) Ho k .,'tSr eon taint r :
plutt". tupf t.i.'i.'iii- .inn inn insiriiciioiir .ii'wii
Mrn's r-ulta uiatli' tu urder ff-uiu '."' up.
saUa sent free oq ooltomiioB AdartWi
SEARS, ROEBUCK St CO. (Inc.). Chicago
(Mara, Hoctaarv v. . N art inwrauiai n-ua-j
air. a lwrayo iwllaolH. Ljoellew. Bill; I irilitRlM W
worn metallic Boxes, aeali-d with blue ribMfj
Take, wo other. Ko-fuow dangrrou. oulfl
ouaaiaaa lailalioil. Kuy or your llnifct; I
or aend 4e. In atamn. for e.rtlrolor,. Trol
anunlala and Kwller ftn I.aalle.. - In w
b rrlara Mall. 1S.SSS Taallmomaia. Hold!
ail itruggiau.
S10 Bfaaattaaiai aajUrr raiLA., T.
tThotiw and baaotlflaa tho haB
fwaiiln a Injurant powih. J
Tl PATEIT ttti M
BBSs- IktssearsdH
our aid. Addrs
TM prt RtCOStl
BsHcrlpUoas to The rates! Record tlMmuM