) I j SKLINSGROVE. Delicious D. W. Gauglcr ami wife ol Ber rien Springs Mich., are visiting re latives. Tlie former had not visit ed liere lor fifteen years, but the latter was here three years ago o)ot)oooot)ooof)oot)oof) o Twenty Special ? HOLIDAY I RUMORS OP A CUBAN UPRISINa BARGAIN DAYS I nil l Bisctii Mrs. lx. A. llarter(nee Gauglcr)and :-hild of MaytoWO are weleome guests of her parents, J. W. Gaudier! 2 midwife... The University team jo played Dickinson College team atjO Sunburv on Saturday. Boom 17-0 1 5 in favor of Dickinson. There was some rotten umpiring done, both AT- 11 uui uiuu a Department Store Richfield, Pa. I FromDec.11-31,'99. arc made with Royal Baking Powder, and arc the most appe tizing, healthful and nutritious of ioods. Hot biscuit made with im pure and adulterated baking powder are neither appetizing nor wholesome. It all depends upon the bak ing powder. Take everv care to have your biscuit made with Royal, which is a pure cream of tartar baking powder, if you would avoid indigestion. the Dickinson team, which should not have been allowed W. H. Uemberling hada stroke of apoplexy on Wednesday evening of last week ... .An alarm of fire was given on Friday about 1 o'clock. It wasdis- I covered to be at the shoe factory. The gasoline tank at one of the burnishing machines did not work properly when one of the hands 1k- gan unscrewing it and held 8 lighted match near when it took fire. It wasat once thrown out of the win dow and put out, very little damage was done, the hands going to work in a short time as though nothing had happened. . . .We are sorry to my thai M. L. Miller, the marble cutter, is not improving very much. Nor is Harvey Good (above town) who accidently shot himself about three weeks ago. . . .The new J'rc- : sident ot the Susquehanna U 111 vers!- o tv ( Dr. lleislcr) is taking hold of o ! matters like a veteran. . . .The Re- o formed church held Sunday morning. . . wife of I. ; with his Below are m few of thi many RwrKitliiH : OnrOOoUli tn riarana Dlaorttdlt MP story ni a Proposed Revolt. Havana Nnv 2R Nnthtnv In Imnwn Nat headquarters In this division or in General Ie's to Justify the report niihllxhpH In the ITnltpil Ktntps and A I nm- ii ua . uric tuni n luuumuu o I armed Cuban Insurgents have taker, to ' the woods In the province of Pinar del 0 I Rio and that a general uprising against o J the Americans has been planned for 1 nanxsgiving day. Tne story is at solutely discredited by the American authorities, who say it is impossible that anything of the kind should have happened or should be tn prospect without knowledge of It coming to some army post. It 1b a fact, however, that many Americans here believe that if nothing eryiblngto Bat,! s, ana oners I GROCERIES. Arbuokle CoffM, 1 mkM Ottoootate, 4 lbs Simp BftalM, 1 lb n.ikiin. Soda, 1 lb n 1 ki Powder, 3 Oka Corn Nlsrcli, I Dottles Vitnlllii lu Dtacea Laundry Soap, 1 ikt Home sod Cattle powder, 8 plecen Tollel Snup, lus Oj Mer Crackers, 4 lbs Urea ED Mixture, 10c lu lu 4 sc We loc sc in- 5e 15e m sor I else 1 of o hardware tinware is done toward giving the Cubans some definite assurances, If not a pre cise date, regarding the Independence the Island, there will be a rising of o some sort, although opinions differ I widely with regard to what It will i amount to. Some believe that the mal o contents will be practically bandits, easily controlled by a few troops. Others hold that the rising would be formidable and would call for a large American force. A'.'ute 'iilliimiers. luc 4 lit Agate voles Pot, av Ayale llitslns, 14c 4 it Agate Preserve Kettle, nic loql Agate Palls, aie Large Dust Pan-, sc TeuspiHjiiB, 4c 6 Tablespoons, sc Butcher Knife, 9 idoh blade, luc tl Knives and P Hks, use I'otTii' Mill, Iml'N I lb n-rree. Me Coal it telcet, Kc No. 9 Wuall llnllcr, ggo ftu vui4owa uiiis, ioo coimniinioii on I . I r. Hunt and DRY GOODS. niii Blsacbrd Mttslln, Qootl Uieaelied Muflllu, i yd nie A Musi u, good Uubieai lied Canton Plsnnel Hi tier Turke) UedT-ihl" oioOj Medlcatail . piauiiel rink and Oraj Storm PlannH Bouinern w red and snu Blankets. w " 11 4ac Hew Prints, ,y LanoNater o nghnnts, & DiactNWl Irrraa flsnSs 7c (W: ISC 140 180 He O O ' I A o ' o Illlnola Official Removed. Springfield, Nov. 28. Governor Tan ner yesterday removed John W. Wil son and Morrow P. Heed from their offices as commissioners of the I11I-. nols asylum for the Incurably Insane, near Peoria. (Jeorge C. Rider was ap pointed to take the place of Wilson and Bid ward S. Eastern to fill the va cancy caused hy Reed's removal. The two commissioners who were removed are charged with malfeasance In office. CHRISTMAS SHOPPINQ BY J Weharanadai for taking oara or of our two mllUoa i who live ib every u worm. Our 804 page Catalan I full of saggertlonstSYss everyt V se. banralns la : Bookcaaea, nicroHa, uooas, cabinets. ci cams Closets, eig art, ( Ouaratitud Watchnt Couches. Commode. 1 09c.tet7S.oo. Draperies, Fancy Chain rancy Taoies, rouniaiai uoia pencils, woeenesy kerchiefs. Jewelry, Ms Lamps, musical insi Neckties, ornament Knives, Pictures, Shoes. Silverware. Silver Novelties, BtOOll rabies, waicnes, etc. uur Liihogt apnea thomt Carpets. Kurt, i A rt Sfuarei and Laet m their rial colors. Oak or SMBfMRf trued free, lining Dull. $3.05. fret. andfreixM pre m Our Sfadr to-Ordrr Caalornewilh samples of t attach'i offers Suits ami O coats ,$.' 95 to $20.00. pre! save paid on cwtmtnr I where. H'e alt" issue a tfv L atalofue of rtanos. Vrt Serrittr Afarhtnes and BuJ We will make your Cjt mas buying more satisna man 11 ana aver own v ' H. it Son Flour, Which Cataloguo dfo yd nr barrel, fS.SO. v.-nt T A JUrebs this Vajl JULIUS HINES & S O UALTIMOltE, MO. Dept. 909 MARRI RD. $6 A WEEK TO START. Y want intcl lavs ROYAL BAK'NO POWDLF1 CO.. NE.V YORK BEAVERTOWN. m; ... :,..,..,, w . .,,,1 nA I Li.aiu Raudcnbiish, the former ol Adunisliurg and the latter of Vir ginia, were the guests ot V. M. Kel ler's last week ... 1'. J. Herbster ami Jacob I'-.tilili took dinner at Middleburg last Friday . . A goodly number ol our people butchered . . S. A. VVetsel had been on the sick !i.-t a few days last week K. H. M vers of Lewirtown was in town last week. . . .The members of the .i i . . n 1 1 1 1 1 .in lit i'V'i'l':l brother. Prof. T. C. Houtz ....Union Thanksgiving services 1 1 i i il : .. .1. i .. I ... I 1 V will lie neitl in tne isi jtiinei.iii church.. . .TI.eW. H. and F. M. society oi Inmty Lutheran ehurcn will hold their annual thank offer ing meeting on Wednesday evening Mrs. H. E. Miller and daugh ter, Jennie, wen', to Philadelphia on Tuesday to have Mrs. Miller's eyes treated. . . .Mrs. A. J. GrOPS, I who was called to Northumberland last week on account of the sickness other sister, having returned, re- norts her .sister imnrnvimr. . . .Dr. I the family ol Jonathan Musser over gj all( uf Kri(. wero (..,iH Sunday Tommy Gutelics and, horae by the serious illness oi Mrs. sister of New Uerlin visited their gB fgtier) Henry Mover... An illus-l uncle, X. C. Gutelius, on Sunday. . j tratotl eot,re wus (Jeiiyeredby Prof, j A. D. Kramer, who had been to the , MlU ... .,..,..,., ((f Susou'ehanna ! parly ol hunters nDverB:tv on yrfy eV(.nlnff :lst. home. . . . ; ,t wejj BDoken lL jMrg Iril i : i .. . Notions. KHEAMEK. Jacob Middleswarth and family ofBeavertown were the guests of mountains with a hunting deer, returned -m mr 1 Meroton urumgarq ana numiy Ol C. Schoeh attemkil a meetinir ol D. W illianisport and .Mrs. Henry el- A j. Association held at Laacaster s i Table oil Uloth, Men s IH.ieru. il i'er Mill) Ijidles' Uuderweai inachl Menv pis iced Uodei wear (suit , 11 Bows Pins, Thimble, lark's o. s. t.i IfatclnstCMfe, SHOES. 130 me tie 930 lc ic 40 tfle icnt ladies, or , ti i . I O Kciuniiicii, loiii-ee it M i'inailenl liosi- tion in own town; salary to start' t;8lla''k. p-tinninfpoH nnA O ' o l " . viuiuir O o NoA. 28, at the home of A. liood and wife, the brute s parents near shamokin Dam, by J. Sham bich, .(esse J. Iliimmel and Miss Frances M. Good, both of Shaniokiii Dam. Nov. 21, af New Berlin, by the Rev. S. Sidney Kohler, Charles H Noll of Vicksburg and Miss Hattul May Koch oi Lewisburg. S80 640 rac Children's UcoarsK Bhoes, chlldre t 18-a coarse Bhoes, Ladles' M ooarse sin.es. Ladles' Bala a Button mt Inafrtlnai Men-, pine iiain. i) Ladles' Pell with overs, f,x9 Metis' Krlt "llli Unroll overs, if, Meti s Pell With Del feel loll, S. ifl Children's Buckle Artie, g-io, toe Mens' Hunt, double Mile and tap, s-ui- dle senin so lit, j 7j cLotHiNg. Boys suits. Men-' Dank ('nuts Hoys DUOk 1'iiats, Boys Ouereosta, A lull II i.i- nt .Met We still have 7fi firlm 11,11 up rniiirt'r inner line si.-.t 930 St.SS to ft .S3 i' :ini Boj 'sOverooais. to lto Ladlps' Coals Evangelical Lutheran church have el ol Penn township, visited friends! decided to make some necessary changes a! their church and will do 4jo la the near future Mr. F?rn and Arthur Brisbin ol Veagertown are visiting W. M. Keller's The Xorth American newspaper was introduced in our town la.-t week. This issaid to he the oldest daily newspaper in the United Stales first published in 1771. W hat re- . ..Wilson divert ar.dwit'cot in tins vicinity overMitKlay Hariisburir spent several (lavs with ('has. Stuck, who is working at his mother and sister .. The readers Shamokin, was the guest of Ms Lu thB alw.i.lfl talcefldwintiitre nnii Capet, sod Misses ami chUdren's Ouauai prices to sultall and win make s reduotton of the enUre stock of ir ;er cent. The above nameit arileies ai onlv n few of the bargains we have, h have a Doe stock to aeleol trom, but remember the UAKiiAIN PRICKS are oulv K i from Iter. II in III ami onlv lor' nli or 4 i. nun i lrMluee. Cull ami OS iimliieiiiir sioek before hnylng elsewhere. We win give every pnrchaser that comes to our store oo the toi ol December a pretcat. If oun Truly, o o o o o o o ' o i i o O 1 ; o ; o ! e o ; o i o sion, Many make from to $24 a week. You can devote all or vour ; spare time, ft-nd stamp for full par- I ticulars. Address, The Bell Com- j pany, Dept. ('., Philadelphia, Pa. ' ll-9-8t. CASTOR I Ai For Infants and Children. Bears the Signature of brother, George, on Sunday... C 'has. j Landisand wife visited friends in I Union county the latter part of last week Samuel Hassinger and wife of Union county were the puestsol Levi Knllcy's n Sunday Last Thursday evening while : of the special offer. me dollar cash-in-advance pays for ihe "Post" one year and the "Farm Journal" five years. MCKEES HALF FALLS. mnrkable success it lias made with I Geo. Stuck, (has. bowersox and xi far!. . . .Benjamin Huffman sold ! Sol. Fagley were driving home from bis property to Frank Heaver A great many people from all parts of the county visit the Bight to lie seen at No. 14 bridge between Bea vertown and Benfer. It pays to -! win 1 the time to see what man can Misses Maud Charles, Clara Send i m 1 I aam i I . 1 1 1 p i -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ufaM 1 1 u i itiind a town, their horse become unmanage- , u ,- , u i ,- ; , , -i-i i i i of 'L s. ltines over Sunday .. Miss able and ran awav. llu liovs had ,, , . . , , . .... -.. . Ida Miller -pent last week at Mr. in n o i) ii en iie, rcKaruivoa u WA j. k I I C! I .1 , . . risliers home lohn risher, the BUSar. etc., which were I , i i . hiiiiti.r mill rriimiiT nt this t i i c i ''I l I shot three rabbits and caught one musk rat on Monday. . . .Quito a number oi our young people attend- batf their lost, Fortunately nobody was hurt and very little damage was done. The horse wascaught in Middleburg, cd protracted meet in"; at Troiitinan's limpatnne win o o o i o ii i in . mil in r ii (v in o TT Will UUltUUU V VVI aCa. J Richfield, Pa. ' o ' II Store will lie I IiwmI on f) g) Ii rlsl in is. o ' 1 7 m oooeooo9ooomoooo PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE The iinilcrsiifiieil attorney In-faet fnrlbc belr ol Joseph Walter ol Franklin 'township, Soy. der county, Pa,, will offer at publlosale at the late resilience of iil dSOOdent, about une half mile weal Ol MiililleburK, I n., Tuesday, Dec. 26, 1899. the fnllnwinjr deSOribSd leal SStSlS I" wll ; TKACT SO. I. A valuable farm which ite- crvas admiration. Stluats on suob a beatiM- fill elevation. afTiinliiiK a mn-t exiilite view ult over town anil its sum. iimliiiir. No bniHli, anil every field entrely free from stODS, QOod t HOW ISTHE TIME . . . . You wil 1 buy when yon want to; but now i.s the lime to make your selec tions for Christmas. Our stock is more complete now than tit any other time during the year. TIMELY li".S ON THE MARKET HeW Have enabled us to scoop a few choice bargains which will mean money sv ed to our customers who are quick enough to get here while they last. Ladies 1140, 25 year gold filled Walches, with American mount, $14.00. Ladies 1410 solid, with same mounts, f3 Gents 14k gold tilled, 20 year ' peet a big urowdKtbew atciies Willi riiiii ui auioiitou movements at $10, $12, $15 and church Sunday evening, and BOtneof them had a dimculty in getting into the church because of Ihe large crowd being there Miss Alice Meiser made a flying trip to Jdiddle burg with the staj;e last week, . . . Our boys who went to Danville for work, had a good reason for coming home again. W hy Thanks giving is close at baud ; remember ; the turkeys. . . . As there are some sivtv uelnilurs ntteniiinir Riihrer's ! the iuiitli bv lands of it . ' . ' the went bv J. C. Sehocll and DUblls MM. BOB SCJlOOl at present, we are sorry to I talntoa'IMaore more or leas, whereon are 1 . 1 . 1 . i creeteila valuable llol'SK ami HA UN ami all say that we cannot accommodate the mmai olthuiuiinus. many more boys. If VOU want to Sals to oamaoaal Uo'sloek - , , uay wnen teriiM aim eoiiuiuiiii-. iii urn mn. get a seat you want to be in a hurry , known iy K. i;. w jlukumi saw war inrmnm. TEKMS: ill per eem. ot tile purenaae money on or lie- fore Aoril 1. 1900 when deeds will be delivered to the purcharcr and SOSSasSMMI ifivcn. All that eertain Irael of land nituate in eoun ty and township aforesaid boundM on the i.orth by html of ha"- Mover and i ban. stein- IpgWT.oti the can by lauda of ieo kern, dee d, and Michael Sehoeh. on the noiilb bv Middla-1 ereek ami on the west by BTans' farm ami lands i nf W. W. Wlttenniyer, eontaiiiinir !i aerea more or lc, on wbleb are ereeteil a iruoil TWOSTOKV UWEI.Ll.Mi HOUSE and good BANK BABN. tkact No.a. Woodland jootfa of Middle' creek eontainiiiK U acre and 117 pen-lies, bounc ed on the north bt eo. Kern, dso'd, on the eaat ami SO nth by lbs Same ami oo the went by lamla of William llaaailiKer. XBAOT No. 8" The half Interest in a farm known aa the Allen Seluieh fjrin, in the tow n- ship af oraid, bounded on the north by lands il Hun. .Mitchell and John W. Waller, mi toe i eont by lands of John lliick and I'rlah Kloae, on Dili . .auer iniu nil Tlti irof il Miss Alice Meiser and J, Harrv Kreitzer attended protract- tobe paid eash on day of aie.5o per . : u J i or before Feb ai, l"o and the balance en nieeiing on ouiiuav cvouiuk . . . Mrs. Maggie Shirk went along with the stage driver to Oriental last week. Thev met with an accident wIlPIl the Stilire WHS UUSet throwing i WiUlaCSOpajl yearly!", payable weekly. De- nlllllint ntii un iijinti "-'"""'"fe U,ble employment with unusual npportun- them out. . . .On Sunday evening, itiea. References MeStMsd. fmlam mto ... , ..'' addressed stamped envelope. 8. A. I AKK, the third ot lec., tne rarauise i mObbsm Buiiuinir, uwesc. church will liedwlitatetl WANTSD SEVKKAI. t'KIWONS KOK Dis trict OOlee Managers in this state to reprer- ent me In their own and surrounding counties. u-:w-i6t. . I Globe Warehonse. We offer nothing but Goods tbat are seasonable and in demand. Don't miss this sale of Table Linens, Napkins, &c. Iinehdl Linen Table Damask, full bleached, real value 81.2., s.eelal prk 89 cts. 72 inch all linen Table Damask, full bleached, real value 75 els., special rate 59 cts. Napkins 20 inch square Linen Napkins, full bleached, worth 1.25, special price Sdc 20 inch square, Linen Napkins, lull bleached, worth rS.'ie., special price tiOe. Napkins worth $1.65, special price 61.12 I cts. Blankets 11-4 Part wool Blankets, white oc gray, actual value $1,25 a pair, special price 98 cts. Full size Bed Comforters, chintz cov ered, white cotton Idling, actual value $1.25, special price, 98 ots. Bed Spreads They ex- Solid 14k gold at $35 to $100. FISHBE, t The Reliable Jeweler, STOBUBY, n. WE SELL ROOER BROS. 1844 SILVERWARE. $650 TO $1200 A YEAR. We want reliable and energetic men and women in each State to travel and appoint agents; salary $650 to $1200 a year snd expenses, guaranteed and paid weekly; no ex perience required, we instruct you. Local Representatives wanted also. Send stamp for full particulars. Ad dress, The Bell Company, Dept. A., Philadelphia, Pa. ll-9-8t BDIMAI weakness easily ensed by Ur. Miles' Noma Plasters. MlDDLEBUMH MARKET. Butter 18 Eggs 24 Onions Larxl. 6 Tallow 4 Chickens. 7 Tnrkeys 10 Shoulder 8 Ham 12 Wheat 68 Rye 50 Corn 35 Oats (old) 00 Oats (new).... 25 Potatoes 30 Bran per 100. 80 Middlings" 90 Chop 90 White Bed Spreads full size, mar seilles patterns, choice designs hemmed, actual value Sficts., special at 69 cts. Lace Curtains S)cuidl Values. Nottingham Lace Curtains, Brussels and 'Renaissance ef fects, button bole edges worth $2.75 a jwir, special value at $1. 118 a pair. Lace Curtains worth $2,00 a air, special at $1.09 a pair. Gloves Ladies two-clasp Prime Lambskin Gloves Black and leading colors, all sizes, special price 69 cts. Special Corset Announcement A GOOD CORSET invariably costs no more than a poor one, and a poorly made, ill-fitting corset is dear at any price. Ask to see our line of American lady Corsets. They are good corsets and superior to ail others in perfect fit ting qualities and in excellence of the material used in their mmufacture. The only full-gored Corset in America at the price of $1.00. Mile Mwt, 343 Market St., Salisbury, Pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers