flog liaising In ttie South. In a fanner's bulletin fro Bl tlie rle pnrtnii'iit of agTicalttirS Mr. Tracy states that ultliouh mure pork il ion- timed in tho southern states than all otbei meats combined, vet up to ls0 fully per cent, of the pork used n hipped from the great packing houses in Kansas City, Chicago Slid I ineiniiati Tlx' principal obstacle to lucceu in hog raising was the hl'h price of i-urn and Um want of packing houses. Mr. Tracy bows that the exclusive use of corn is unnecessary, and hog crops of arti chokes, turf oats, retch, sorghum, cow peas, sweet potatoes, peanuts, chufas and cassava may he used along with a certain amount of grain feed. Tacking houses will naturally follow as soon a the supply is in excess of the local demand. Hints on breeding are added, and it is shown that pure bloods can he got in the south Bl readily as else where, ami that scruh blood i as un profitable in Ohio lis in Texas. In time the bog v may become the "mortgage lifter" ofthe southern states, as it is at present of the great corn belt from Ohio to Kansas. The bulletin contains much information on the care and feed ing of hogs, the prevention of hog chol era and swine plague, and other hints which "ill lie as useful to farmers gen erally as to the stock misers of the south. A Jersey City druggist is making a collection of the queer orders lie receive;- from people who send children to tin store for things they need. Here are a lew of them: "The child is my little girl. I sent you live cents to buy sitlcss powders for a groan up adult who is sike." Another reads: "Dear Doctor, plcse give bearer live sense worse of Auntie Toxyn for to uargle babis 1 brute and ohleagc." An anxious mother writes: 'Von will please give the little boi five cents worth ofepecao for to throw up in a live months old babe. N. B. Baby has a sore stum mlek." Another anxious mother wrote: "My little babey has eat tip its father's parish plaather. Send an mite dote as quick as possible by the en closed little girl." The writer of this one was evidently in pain: "I haf a hot time in my lnsides and which 1 wood like to be extinguished. What is good for to extinguish it? Theenclosed quarter is for the price of the extin guisher. Hurry, pleas." Within the last five years excavations have been made in Milwaukee for the purpose of providing for an nddition to the water supply. A shaft was sunk at tho edge of the beach 130 feet In depth, and from the bottom of this u tunnel was bored extending 3,200 feet under the lake. These excnvatlons have maile available a large quantity of loose rock, which was spread out, covered with soil, planted with grnes and trees, and made into a park. This soil has proved to be a geological Klondike; It is rich in Devonian fossils, which have been Identified and tabulated in the current number of the Journal of Geol ogy. "The best and until recently the only known area of Devonian rooks in Wisconsin lb's Immediately north of Milwaukee and furnishes the Milwau kee hydraulic cement of commerce." If you have never seen the original of the declaration of Independence It is probable that you never will see it. An elTort was made to bring it to Chi cago for exhibition nt the world's fair. It failed, but served to draw the atten tion of the authorities to the fact that the ink in which the priceless docu ment is written was becoming badly faded in the bright light to which it had been exposed for many years. Accord ingly in IS'.i-l it was sealed between pieces of glass and locked up in a light proof vault, along with the original ot the constitution of the United States and other historical documents, The Ilarrodsburg Ky.) Democrat enlivened its editorial columns with this item: "('apt. I'. It. Thompson pur chased two or three gallons of straw berries the other day of a man from Garrard county. They were, without doubt, the largest berries that have been Bold this season, the smallest be ing as large as u lien's egg. They were so large that it was necessary to slice them up before serving. When one of the largest was cut open n full-grown mouse jumped out, scaring the rook un til she almost fainted." A man who advertised to tell for 50 cents how he was cured of drinking, sinokiiig, staving out at night and gambling, and how he gained L'O pounds weight in two years, sends this explana tion: "Cured of the bad habits named by an enforced residence for two years in the state prison." The best test of Admiral Dewey's popularity seems to be the number of babies that have been named after him. The admiral himself says that he has received 12,000 letters announcing as many namesakes within the last 12 months, nnd that he has nnswercd the most of them in person. Medical men now regard typhoid fever as a disease so preventable that as one of them declares: "For every case of typhoid fever somebody ought to be hung." Kansas City can exhibit the rare cir cumstance ef a bank which, after clos ing Its daors, paid 100 cenai on the dol lar to tta creditors. KKEAMEit. (Crowded out tiut week.) THE RESIT OP ALL. I For over fifty years Mas, WnsSMW FooTH. so Stkci has bren iiinl liy mothers for their 1 children while teething. Are you disturbed at iiil II 1 nlehl slid In nkcii of your rest by a sick child , i . n i i John and Jacob Lanais, wno un ,llfTerig .Illlcry)nitwmi,M,ino(cll,tlnittrr,hr Lady Grey Deserted by British ana workimr at Milton, were home over u wjwndt.miidKet bottier".ur. win- n . , tj c i wM niAmm (.onion ia slow's Soothiav Imp" for CblMraa Tssthfaps UOCUpieQ Oy D09Ti. Souday . . .Mrs. Gioeuii t.ortloii IUv.lwi.lnk.ulal(le. ,twi he po, Visiting her laughter, Mrs. lailk iiMle eufferer lmmedilly. Htpend upon il, it. ATTTrT 1 tinVQUTTH ROW at AllenWood Mr. A. U. mother., there UtMaltteke about It. It cure- ALL QUIET AT LAD I SMITH. . i . i j dlarrhien, regulate the stomach nnd Howels, Smith drOVC t' UDUUry On OllUOay. Nra Wlnd Cok. Bofu., th0 0uBWi mnx w, 8uppd with Ammunition and . . . .TllOllip. Hilhisll Ullll family of Inrntramntimi, and give tone sad energy to the CaHdM! or Ability to Hold Out. 1 . . . . . IX- I. ..I- "Um. Win. ImA M.....I.I.... Kir. ' Selinagrove visiteti the tanuiy 01 . - - - i- r U rup for children teething Is plraiutnt tc the 0. (illt.'litIS OH OBttirday, l'r. Hi. taitleBiidl.theiirescriition of one of the old- W Tool and wife of froeborg pall" est sad best fcssslesjajialiilaasaiiil new la test ,hI on trio'iuU in town Siiwlav umiaa states ana tor ss.e oy u nruRKi- beavy fighting at Ludysmith last Wed- .,1,1.1 11.1.1s 111 WWO throughout the world. Price, twrnlyflve cent, d av, 8not Dee (.onfirmed. On 8. A. A and w.te.it Momoutown- .boMie. i,e .re ..! get "Mr. w.nhws the contrary the mo8t reliable advices shin vi-ite.1 the hitter's pa rents, J.K ooTsmtoSracr." vs-iy. from Estcourt Indicate that there was Walter's on HlindaV. .. .Quite a nothing more than a desultory can- . . .lHl.,l,.1 C.ni- AUDITOR'S NOTICE. nonade. 1'robably the rumor of a Dumber 't people attenaea v oni Berlous engagement grew out of the rviees at Meiser on Mm- '"S SI" .7 fact that the Doers threw a few harm- ' I .. 1. .. 1 1 .. 1 .. . T- . . .1 .. .. n,.w AbiI n ibdb oiinie i. ot- i ueauuv iiikiii, n-tnuuh General Uatacre Will Prevent sn At luck on (ienoral Metliueu'a Force. London. Nov. 21. The reports of tiiiiniiiii so: . . I Oay.. . .ytiue an in.,., ovc .,..... ( Thsuadwjd Aadltoi PPty to the supposition that an attack was been made in our tOWIl itl the fomfi", Sfffti;1 Imminent Nothing, however, hap- of street-lamps, rhey were sary. The only trouble is should ! more of them . . . neretV lirosi. Administrator, ac. of Mary Qross, Ds- pened Wednesday . ceaHed, toun.i nmong iiinai) icgniiy cntitird to a loHvumlth ritnnntch sent hv a there lbs same, will attend to the duties of bit .- iaayHmnn aispatcn, sent ny o ... polntOMotat tbsofflea of If. K. Bower, Esq., fa runner to Estcourt, says: All is well 111. 1 ii.il.flii.ru. I' . on Saturday. Deo. Xnd. ni 1" bora, with nothing imnortant to re- v.rwxVNjvsrv.fcXv . ipaaukasAassssi for Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF In Use For Over 30 Years. THC CINTAUN COMMNT, TT MURRAV TUKCT, NSW VONK cit . ... .' t ... ll n HI Uvea .i , all w MS was nun' iinu i i -s iti 1 ymr V revniau uiiu in- i . '""K huiim nuvint' claim- hi w HrtHi ruixi will ui- . " . . . i ., 1 1, : . .... ...I. iit'ur iiinl ptt'Mf nt tlic winie hcfnri' tli Aii(litir. latter a sister at treoioni una wiik. ;,rf(Tl.vel. ilr(U.imir(M from cominic in on lolin fields, wife and daughter vm, k' w drove to Selinsgrove one day hist i. ii,, Monnor mil wile REGISTKU'8 NOTICES. Notice Islierohyatv. week ...tlenrj tvennei ami wne it ,. n. ,,,,,,,,. ,., s-llk,, eiaitinl her I in it her at I n.un ( orner n 'd tii.'ir Admiulstrators', Giirartlsn nmi ij in Sunday . . dauirhter l 81 Mrs. James ROW anil i ar County, and th niiine will tie preseDtrd T"r ... oouitrmstlou and allowance at Hie Court Hoase mserove are Visiting in uiddlebnrgti, Monday, Deo. iltb, ko. II, the tiini.lv nt A. t 8 tu th at nreseni. Pirst nmt nasi nccouni or Pi .1 w sum . c , artmlhgliratoro. thesstatn m 1. c, mhh- i party 01 oelinsgrove gunners iateuf centre Townsiiin.sojder ci., ps...i.c'd w. re doing Bonn lllllltlliglll this vi cinity lust Saturday in vain endea vor in capture seme game, but upon seeing that their inarksmauship wa ul the very poonjst and that any thing of smaller dimensions than a barn door escaped through their ranks, they went le the txpense of purchasing a lot ot rabbits so they ((in Id pull w I iivcr the eyes ol their friends ami tell tiiem rabbit rtories. First slid tlnsl account ol P, St, Tsie, runr i.i;i n o. Ann." RlpkS, it ml 1101 child (l Mts, s 1 1 ill, 1: pita, dec. :is, ii. Plrstsnd flaal account of D. A. Kern nnd M Meal it, adiiiluiMratooo. 1 lieesl ste ntti i i b Kern, lute of the horouxli ot Middleburi;, Sti -dor Co., l a,, deceased, .!. II. WILLIS, R vtatcr ot Wilis. Register's offlea, Utddleouig, pa., Nov, u, imw Court JHrDcJamation, nrHKREAb the Hon. Hsrold M. McClun ' Hretiamit.ludKS ol the Judicial Olstrlet, soulpofed ol tli' Bounties Ol Snyder, 411, i tnlon and Alfted Specbl 11ml .. T. Ueni' 1 burling, K-us., Afsuulste Judgei in .nid lurSnj dsr county, havo tstusd tlielr pieespt, beurlos dstt the (lb day ni ott, a. Ii., Isim, tonn dlreetsd lot tnt holding olan Orphans' .'ouri, h ; its ol Gointnun Ptsas, court 01 Oyer ind Ter- ulnar and ' renersl kiun ol Quarter Ssisloni ol .hsl'saes, st Mlddlsburgh, jr the county 01 1 SDilcr. "ii I he Sad Monday, (being lbs Iltb I day ni 11 'i', I8V9), tn,l to oontlnus oas seek Notice Is therefore hereby siwi, in the .'oho. , , 1 1 111 1 1 er, .1 ii!t Icei ol tli. Pesce nd Uoustablat In aud liiineli, who had heel. WOTK- ibrtbe county ol Snyder, to appear In theli ; a tiroperporson wiiu tuotr rolls, records, in. mini I till tiim. SK&nilnnlliiNi utnl hit rimumhrunM. I t IielT otllco- 11 ml in ami litM-'uiir- iiro.-".-utii.Lr 1 11 nohiil. t. the l' mornins for WilliamBporl where he quirsdtobethensBdamr sueudinj sn.i do , 1 . . psrUng without lesvo M their peril, JuiUeet expects to speml I lie winter. . . .t'uri arc requested to he punctual In thalrattsndsuc port. We are amply supplicil with am munition and confident of our ability to hold out. Information from outside Is very scarce, hut it issscllcved hero that the Hoers now investing the town are only a Rinall force. Haiti is ham pering the Moor operations severely. " The Boor invasion of Cap."1 Colony continues steadily and rapidly. There nre 1,300 Hoers at Coleaberg, nnd news has reached Kast London that Lady (irey, near Allwnl North, has hoen deserted by tho British and Is now in till ' 'ids of the enemy. Prom Delagoa hay comes reports of the arrival of more German officers and artillerymen, who have volunteer-1 oil to serve with the Transva&l forces. The plan of operations on both sides is slowly unfolding itself. Qeneral Joubert is evidently moving south to A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR EARNED." DEXTER II KAY KUTOVYN. Orowdedout last week.) J.U u.o at utinalo, .n. t ., Btoppei nine .11. Edward IMokel left Monday ... . , ni. mvin Pirtalitim todotbosetblngt which at iui iiuujo u ...... & iho.rl.i'.inli nsruln la be done and win,, . , 'til ... 'it tlie ,iolntuil lime airrt'u.i.ilv to notice. VOUng DOyS) w no naO neen l lll' oireu under my hand sealal tbSHherlfl 111 II. I I !.:.. I.', ...aillnn ,,,,! 1 Oftlce In .Mlddlel urub, the lllh day ill Nov. Philadelphia Exposition, returned with a sufficient amount "I know ledge tn makeanothertrip with in. ire adyantage. .Stall brothers, contrac tors at No. I I bri.lfrc 011 I. K. K., are hiting men daily. Now, boys, is your time tn lav up trea-ures for I P winter Biunneas seems to be booming on P. K.R. Local freight g comes in after dark Reuben Ji .eeinnan conteniDlates builQincr a 12 . 11 1. 11., one 1110 in! en. ht hundred and iiii.iy nine. I', s. B1TTKH, Hberltl. Is, 1 PENilSYLVANIA kailroad. Sunbury &. LowiHtowu Division. In effect Nov. Ill, 1890, GEN. SIR YV. P. GATACItK. prevent, If possible, the Junction of the Hrltlsh relieving force with the forces nt Kstcourt and Ladysmlth. while on the Orange river border the Boers are believed to be concentrating WBSTWABn. I STATIONS, ll Itl 1 i:i I" 2 Hi 1 13 180 A M 11.17 1(1 117 10 111 110 VI MM 111 Ti in.;.; 110 an 10 in in m IU5T 11 ll! It I.I 11 in 11 21 11 1 1 S3 1. :i7 .1 in Sunbury BsllnaaToys Janctton ballnsaErsrve rtiwllng K reamer Mfisor Mlddleburg Benfor Baavertutvu Adamsbnni ttnulm ttllls Mn lore 'iin'r Nhlndle 1'aiirtervllre btaitland Law istown liSWtstOWn (Msio Street.) Lewtstow n .1 un, (ion. :; 10 ar- new house this li.ll . . W. M. Speoht m and M. Camp have their houses Lor almost completed. . - . I lit prospects are tin- a heavv peach crop in Bea ver township il winter's frost and ssa chill does not ninthelu.ds...()urli.)V8i!M7 1 . , i!. 1 . ; .1.!. 8 50 are somewnat nemou time mis rear wiih their rabbit hunting Bunnies must nut he plentiful... John Peter Walker's taee wore quite a smile when he returned Saturday after noon. Willi a cotton tail in his pocket. This was his firsl luck in hunting The w riter is glad to Philadelphia & Ene R Ii Division. say it weiarhed almost as much as ,.... , I NOKTHBKN i KNTltAi. RAILWAY .John, Ins I at Maloney Bfrslos leave Sunbury dally except Sundsy 1 alintn maitaA lost uuulr nnA manv I 21 a 111 for Ells slid OSnaBdSlgUS show Ms.ted Us List week .111(1 main 8lioluIlle Urlaaudtlunsndslgua nfnnr vminrr frionrla worn wol I 42 a m lor I,eU Haven, TyroiiP nil' tin' W'-' . . .. . ! hop sat r-t led. Tniin leaves Huuburv 26 n in rives nt Sehtissrrovo 5 45 p in rraius leave Lawintown Junction : I H a in, In U m. I 10 i' aviso in " -2 p in, 7 OT II Bl p in, tor Altoona, PttUburK and the Wet. for Baltimore and Wunhinuion stsam n IS1 t M m id p in Kor I'lol-tb'ipl.ia and New York :w Ka in. 1 "2 : I 33 ami Ilia pin I'ui HarrlsburK s 10 p KAsTwaao' at Donkerpoort to oppose Genernl Bul- ,. ler's advance. It is said fi.OOO Hoers 580 hare already laagered nt Donkeni SJS poort. The ICngliBh plan swraa to bo so a threefold advance from Durban to 5oi Ladysmlth, from Orance river to Klm- berley aid from East London, by way i'n" of Queenstown, to Burghertdorp. t.17 General Oataere will be able to keej' J2 the Hoers on the Orange border suf 4 iii , flclently occupied to preserve General i c I Methuon from undue molestation, es pecliilly If rumors from various sources 8 04 are well founded that describe the Free 8 Id I State burghers ns in nowise enthusi- I! M I scl for rli'htlno- Although Klmberley Is supposed to be the objectivo of General Mothuen, many military rritics are of the opin , Ion that his advance will bo not to ward Klmberley. but across the Orange Froe State, In order to secure com plete common'1 nf the Pnneo -Ivp-Lleutenant Winston Churchill, son I of lord Randolph Churchill, who , fought gallantly In a Boer attack on i an armored train, Is n prisoner nt Pre toria, wounded In the hand. A M 898 'J owl V 04 1 MM H4Vj 1 Id Hi'l sat x a - -jo H 18 KnT 7 87 71 7 4f 7 '01 7 sa 7;tt 7 JO i UNION TWP. 10 p 111 tor HellefOute Kane Tyrone ami laaaa. only un ; 54S11 in lor kenoToaad Blmlis USD i' in inr Wllllanispori . Sunday In a in lor Kric ami OsnaadatatlS 46am lor Lock Haven ami B 25 p lu lor VII I .i,iui- nrt R. f. PojtiGseis Veterinary sUrceoN. SkLINSCROVE. PA. ah prorenstniiul broilnesfl entrust ad to uiy aan in receive prouipi end careful sttsnoon, ( ( vowded out nut week,) lv. S. Auoker of Shamokin spent part ofthe week on his (arms here J. B. Stauffer and wife are spending the week iii Lancastei Co. f. S. Aueker and wife were visiting union friends at Goodville over Sunday .... Nothing prevent ti 51 a in. H H a in 2 Oil ii nd earre nnd llar.elton 7 '0 a in. in 20 am, -J 00 p in kin and Monm . Isrmel SesdayVWi m lor Wllkssbsrre 18 p in lor Wilke 48 u m tor Sliamo- cnousE, I'rains leave BsUnsgrnvs Janetloa 10 00 a m, week dayi amrlnti at flu I delpbls lou p in (few York's 18 p m Baltimore 8 11 p at WaliluKton 4 10 p in :l4 p in daily arrivlnir at l'liilndclplila ,n 20 p in NW Ynrk 3 88 s m, BslllmoiS 0 15 p at Wssntaglon in :,ti p in. hUiiui, weuk iiays arrivuor si rniisoeipnn Ml rTOKS KY AT LAW. ?;inot.vM'i"o, pa. llsiUes ciitrllsteJ to hi car? will receive oroiupt tittintion. in llo, I, tin. I avanflmllal ivill nraaek I 4 80s in. HSW Tola 718 a in, Baltimore "61 v b f I Wm in n in W ,-1,1 M,.,., TI i II.KU ,1, at the Winner's United Evaneelical Ttsviis alsoUs. Ssnburjr: , . . " U '.7 a m dally arrlvim: at Phllade Idhln 6 r2 a m I'hiir.h Sun. lav UlorninK Our. BsittmorsOSl a m washlnaton 74;. am Now . ' . 0 . . I vrk uat 11 in VaeMsTS. 10 :w a m ItBBriavs. justice .it the peace is n.akuiir nr-! 1 80 m weak days arrtvlns st Philadelphia PATENTS OBTAINED. TERMS EASY. oonmittor coninranioaie witn roe hiitior of this paper, who will fsv all aaeded Infor- 11 4S a in. Ni'w York 2 13 p in, Hultluuie I1U I matlon, a in, Washington i o.) p in. ! . . , 1 B.t p ui. Week diyr srrlvlnu nt Ph. lade. phis SBBassaBaaaass IIS Dm. New York 0 80 d m. HSitimort 8 Ou p si I ..-,, . oowm ,,,,v Hire with the Roman Catholic ele- ! waiiinirton 7 Uptn ..,,....,,,.,.,! sal IPMIH wWV WTW OwllU-ll ft. .ru r. ... ..... , , . .,, ..,.,l- St. in- IMI1 u V.uir rangementa for an nssietant?. We ore sorrv U) learo ot Dewey's mix-! . .. tt . 1 . . I- ."ii.. . .-a-.J"-. - . ... , I III IB All C'l llieill .... rrotraeieil meeiintr IS in ' sn.is.u y n., ioi urmeni, . n.u.Fu.. ..o , - ,,,,,, sirsil.t. kaaavflda. no more progress at tnewumers enuren... Sunday evening at 7 o'clock J. 1). Reigle's shedj hay ami straw staeks L. B I I . .ft. caiiirni ..re ami iMirnet. to me ground, niil.M..liiri-. Position nerinnncnt. (lor refcr- I ... Wi o ill, ficn'1 Hau ARcnt f.nrrK nnv bank in nnv town. It ia mainly of i. B. HVTOHINSON .len'l Msuatfer, I pM work eon laotad atbomo Katercnoe. Bn lime .rlf-acliln'MH,'d HlaioM',l i-iiVi-Ioik'. I UK . Hominios ''iijii'ASV, Dept-3, ChivnKo e-taVUt, i)r. Fenpcr's Golden Relief. V 1UO 1 ll'iueiii iii'iuii.U XI in " ii, aMB1V Paterson, N. J., Nov. 21. Vice Presl- M dent Hobart passed a more favorable day yesterday than his condition In the early morning Indicated. He be came more cheerful during the after noon, having been refreshed by a few hours' sleep, but his appetite did not improve. Hobart Tuttle, the vice president's brother-in-law, said last night that the patient was holding his own. A THUS SHKCiriC IN A I.I. INFLAMMATIONS (lie Sure, Wound., Rhrumstlani, NuraliH "Colds." A SURE CURE Grip For an PAIN inside or out. Hv U..I.T.. Masks by iii.ll Wc.Fredonui.SY HAIR SWITCH 65 CENTS. Seven Jurors For Mollnenx. New York, Nov. 21. Three more Jurors to try Roland B. Mollnenx were selected yesterday, making tn all seven Jurars. Those accepted yesterday were Lyman S. Foster, a publisher; Mal colm O. Foster, a manufacturing chem ist, and Morris A. Braude, a manufac turer of blank books. ONLY $5.0g .atee orJ.??'f"ndUwi will tend too an sra steams by freight, c. 0 0., .ablest t ex.mln.tloa. Tea ... .ueat a M rw aatat feset Mid if j m And It the eqesl of any Sn proof mmWmuloo lock trot sad steel sale suae sad Heat eaetkiei Ste sttet skenei ki Mt mtm Hr UM keaw. S.ll M-Bw timm star. MSB, in mi sea re., sii.eei tee rw. en.sti lose a., its. tai lkM s. . at. n iwf. ente. mi 4 ..Ui tMtas taskTsta iZ, il s sau. ataii hub swmsis t. ..ut ui kearsStkesiftMa tas.2S, o srMel twtuk tk.t null .. tft.fto St. 00. OUR OFFER Cat this a4 oot sad send twin wrrcw. to ui. Ioc.om . rood nud etuople of the euri .bMe wanted, .od cot It ootae Bear the roots .. possible. Inclose ear eeeekd art., eeate. ul t eaai. .it r. to psy poeaafe, .nd w. will enke Ue rata le awk yaar katr an, and etnd to you by nalUPoetpald, sad If y oo are not perfectly ssMsfled, return Kind we will lmmedl.laly refand yoer money. B.i ta.V.ias.1 nle.ealaBewat Sea. serlteb tain. lone, lone rUm. 69oi abort steal. QOOI aor.K-ln.lona, short etem. SI.2SI mis. in. lone, mwi In. loncabortstem. long, snort .lem. a oca woss th. Bamrkae. Sreer aft ease iai eet sken art.. laer saawi r.lara.e If Ma are set 5m. Write for Free C.ulogua of lUlrGood. Addrees. SUM. ROEBUCK ft CO.ftne.) Chle ace. an NEURALGIA cured by Dr. Mites' Pall Puxa. "One cent a dose, AtallOroi r a w m To iulroduoa to ttvery family in t lie SOLE LEATHER ,,1111 I ,1 S. lllSOll'H. On 1- I c and lEi'eW. TESTIMONIALS This Ladies' Dongola Kid Hoot, Laoe or Button, solo leather routtter, innor, outer sole and heel, fancy tup stay, Patent Leather Tip. Opera Toe. 2 to 8, D, E, or EE, sent postpaid on receipt of 1, Equals any $2 boot sold, Out mnkx Honey refuuded if .unsatis factory. We (ruatsntee fit, style, w'ar, e'HKF..- ii'iri'iiliilin.'iit' wii.i HliisiiMilni.si f lmr!,'u.r.s In slioi-s ; also u Stibsotlb- TU ki l hli li hci iiri'Kii I.ll.cral t'asli llonns mi yum' jutr'a trading. !nuals nnv 18.00 alios . wife wen' barefoo. ratb. r than .no inytningtmi the DEXTEHIl.eo shoe. DsXTKB Siiiik t'n : Dear Sirs Tlie Bboea are nrovlnsr sstlsTsrtory. This pair tnai 1 now bare make nve different stylet of shoes thai I bsve aoutrbr ot you and they are ail rikhI. i showed our merehant a pair of $t.oo shoi's tim. l had last .ecetved rrora von and he too1- nis knito and cui into the heel and esanuiea then Uioronfbly and pronourjsed Uieui ohssp at 88.00, VOU will 11 nd an Order With tills It'llcr for t mo mure pair uf Rimes. BoSpeotruUl vuiiis. KBfl J. M. WILLIAMS, vriileu, Medaclao Co., cai. P. s. Us mynaiia' II you like. Caxraa Shos Co.; (iunis ri'-a.-i' itiid ci.i'lnsi'd, herewith, express money ordi'r. Please send tin' shoes oni Without dulsy, I am Deeding llii'in. Mi wife Is almost harelooted and I don't wish to buy sMiies at any oilier house Ufailse I have used the Pester and nnd tlitin the lust lor the money. Yours truly. PHILIP M. BCKALH, Nvwoka, III. DEXTER SHOE COsumSersSt, Boston, Mass. Established 1880, Capital $500,000. Iiicorjwratetl. THE "NECESSARY" MAGAZINE The best-informed men and women ia the world use the AMERICAN MONTHLY REVIEW OP REVIEWS to keep well informed, and call it the " necessary " and " indispensable " magazine. In the busy rush of to-day ambitious men and women must know about the important questions of the month, and not only this, they want to know about them at the right time. When the whole country is puzzled over the gigantic combination of trusts, a well-informed article is printed in the AMERICAN MONTHLY, giving the facts, and its editor discusses the theory ; when the Dreyfus affair is in everyone's mouth, the best story of Dreyfus and the great case comes out in this magazine. Every month, in " The Progress of the World," Dr. Albert Thaw fltves a comprehensive picture of the world's history during the pre vious thirty days. In the departments, the valuable articles and books that have been published during the past month are reviewed end quoted from, so that the readers of the AMERICAN MONTHLY can et th: gist of them. In every issue nearly a hundred pictures are printed, includiag the portraits of the men and women who are making the history of the month. To be thoroughly well informed helps any man or woman in his or hrr work. A subscription to the AMERICAN MONTHLY REVIEW OF REVIEWS represents an investment for the best kind of profit, as well as entertainment. One subscriber has just written : "Count me a life subscriber, and when you send me a number beyond the limit of my subscription and secure no renewal from me, consider it a notice of my death." Price 15 cents per number, Sa.50 a year. A sample copy will be sent on receipt of ten cents in stamps. THE REVIEW OF REVIEWS COMPANY 13 Astor Place New York nit thl. tun. .ml MDdyou9 NUN .WyaaV SEND NO MOMEY ggggg lilASLIIIOr GAMRtl BURUIGB SIBJIBS B1SSSISI "7 "'"" lion. V u can ri.mfue It .t your ne.rett reignl depot .ad If Naalg, u .i.h . see. uo, and nit uiuuTurr s.aa.11 too er tea HKARii or, m Special oiler Price f 15.50 and rrelitlit chantc. Machine weigh. 101 tKMindpandthefretst average ti cent, for each 100 mile.. QY IT TH8II MONTHS' T8 . . .. r. .,, m ! I Mllim ,nnr III U an .,.., mm utlxlled. -wll dlir.-r.nl .ilni.d , Stale aie.ha.at SS.I. Sie.su, fli.no, flt.ee u. aa, all tun; deaenbed In ear rrae Sewlee ae.Bla.tal.laf., butlt.tu tor thl. BSUP SBSB CfSUIT Bt'BDICl I. the frreateet eslae ever effered kr .nr heaae. ntTTMitc vr IWIIrtllVni, .V,:,ur.,r UM-ir,ent.."lTcrlru( w.e.i..t un.ir .n..ui name, witn HW.I unurr .wiuu. II. III.., witn nnwiw il , I , i.li wrwn.l ma.. awnriwiwwi'Mw.w,aw. mmm .Mlf, mt THE BURPICK iifsVlooDi'iT,or"MB'"ai SBBBBZSaS VStDS B.lBlllf B.DS. WITS TBS ios. Mas. By lasers ia aeet sss .eflB taaBaatwte. ke.t 1 bbbbbbbbbI m .aa kai 9 bbbbbb mm mm. x w ivj asTTMiimMrarernWissm - it sill H .Aim I m AssMMsmBBV m bbbbI WWWW aaaasaBBBSl aj W asaasBBBBSw m SOLID QUARTER SAWED OAK Wm.Mll'lTi!iZ rloaed , baul droppla from alehli u ae aaad aa a saw MM .taed lKwaediMaoreteeetaalletah.SBeeteMkel drawer .Balkan Beef, poeiuve loer bmUos feed, aeif lhreedla ribraWas ehetue I..,.. .lliut.M.K..ri.M MUnllM.MlllMHli,lM wheel, adJestaW ejeveaawaf, HV iMwaafi Iobbbbb. Iiwiiw foot, lmpro4 akatU JTtmr. pMl MtataM bbbbbbW bbbVIsV 99 eaasafsTV aawiaMSBrt ft TMHsaaaaa aaaaVai "Uf arW IbbT it com vow ftOTMiNt 1 JfWJUm iofeK n T (IiCMcmo. Ms.