The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 30, 1899, Image 3

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4 Collection Made Jrom nil the Iiury
ing Orotind in Atydbf Count 11
for the Middkburgh
Wagner, Surah, w ot oolumon, l
i ir o.H 1 I 4 It
VtB ZV, in.w; (i j line n,
1853, aired :51 y 5 ni 18 d.
Wagner, (leorge, l Jan IS, 1797; d
f Oct 17, lS(i:l, aged : y 8 in
30 d.
Wairner. Philip, (I Sept 20. 1848,
aged 48 V.
Wagner, John, b Dei; 25, 1791; 1
Deo 7, 1848, aged ." v 9 m
13 d.
Wagner, Ira, s of A. and E. B., il
Oct 8, 1874, aged 1 in 23 d.
Wagner, Jennie A". B., ehild of A.
' ami E, l Sent 8, IKSl.aged
3 in S d.
Wagner, Sophia, w tt George, l
Feb 23, 1 S(r; (1 Mar 8, 1843,
aged 38 y 15 d.
Wagner, Daniel, lv Jan li, l.SOl'.,
aged".:1, y ld.
Wagner, Ira K4kct 8. 187
11 m23d.
Wagner, Sarah M., dan of S. and S..
I. June 19, 1 s . : ; ; d Aug :'.(.
1808, aged 2 in 13 d.
Wanner, Samuel II.. s ol'.lulm and
' SifcJMar 2:1, 1 SC. 1, aged
I y 7 in 26 d.
Wagner, Emma J., dan of John and
Sarah, .1 June 12, I860, aged
3 in 11 (I,
Wagner, Daniel, s i 1). and B., d
July 4, 1889, aged 1 y 8 in.
Vaguer, Mary K., dan of i. and
Amanda," b Jan 13, 18j0; d
Oct 3. 18(11, aged 1 ySiiityfd.
Wagner, infant child of II. M. and
Clara, d Oct 28, 1895, aged
II d.
MTaglier, Amelia M., dan of li. and
J., b Sept 16, 18(13; d Deo 26,
Wagner, Martha, w ol Adam, d Nov
t 8, 1873, aged (il y.
Wagner, Klias, 1) Dee , 1S10; d
Mar 28, 1872, aged (il y 3 ni
22 d.
Wagner, Susanna, w of Elian, I) Eel)
23, 181"); (I May 12, 1877,
aged 62 y 2 in 29 d.
Wagner, Adam, d Nov 8, 1880,
aged 71 y.
Wagner, Catharine, w of John, 1)
Jan 13, 1796 d Deo 4, 1861,
aged i" y 10 m 22 d.
Weader, Maria, w of John, h Jan
31, 1702; d Nov 4, I860, aged
08 y 0 in 3 d.
Weader, Susanna, I) I'Vh 27, 1785;
d Mar 20, 1860, aged ('.". y 1
in 21 d.
Weader, John J., s of A. J. and L.
A., d Jul 18, 18111, aged 3 v
1 m 23 d.
Welder, Amelia K., wr of Joseph, b
Oct 10, 18.".; d Aug 29, 1892,
aged 30 y 10 m 10 d.
Welder, Daniel, d Dee. 18, 18112,
aged 64 y 0 in 14 d.
Weider, Moses, Apr d 0, 1 897, aged
70 y 1 1 m 25 d.
Weider, Clara S. T., dau f Abra
ham and Lydia, d Oct 21,
1896, aged 18 y 1 1 m 21 d.
Weider, Lillie Ma'y, dan of Abra
ham and Lydia, 1 May 21,
1805, aged 13 v 5 m 15 d.
Weider, Arthur J., d Mar 20, lS'.U,
aged 80 y 1 in 5 d.
Weider, Lydia, W of Moses, d Apr
14, 1891, aged 70 y 28 d.
Weiand, Laura J., dan of Isaac and
Susan, b Aug 21, 1872; d Jan
29, 1874, aged 1 y 5 ni 8 d.
Weiand, John, d Eel) 5, 1875, aged
59 y 10 m 13.
Weiand, Catharine, v of John, d
Sept 3, 1887, aged 73 y 0
in 1 d.
Weider, Elian, d Deo 31, 1888, aged
. 73 y 1 in 24 d.
Weider, Eva, w of Elias, d June 18,
1880, aged 63 y 11 nt Lu .1.
Will, Mary Ann, v of John, b Nov
30, 1821; dJan 21, 1858, aged
36 y 1 ni 21 d.
Will, Henry, s of John and A., d
Jan 5, 1850, aged 7 y 10 d.
Wagner, Jennie A. B., d Sept 8,
1885, aged 3 m 8 d.
Yetter, Mary Jane, dau of J. and
IL, d MarO, 1868, aged 1 y.
Yetter, Ludwig, b Eeb 25, 1798;
d Dec 24, 1S55, aged 57 y 9
m 27 d.
Yetter, James Oliver, s of Jacob
and Hebecca, d Mar 23, 1866,
aged 8 tn 12 d.
McClube Union Cemetery.
Reported by NVr. R. Mlddlea.vnrtli,
Ani8Hicker, Elmer E., s of A. S.
anil Melinda,d Mar 1, 1880,
aged 2 y 0 m.
Baker, Emma D. dau of John H.and
Jemima, d Feb 24. 1 803, aged
1 1 m 5 d.
Bouah, Carrie L., dau of Dr. C. W.
am! Lizzie, d Mar 5, 1805,
aged 5 m 0 d.
Bretoinger, Cur lie M., dau of Hani
son and Sarah, b Eeb 20, 1878;
d Mar 14, 1897, aged 10 y
10 d.
Burkholder, Elizabeth E., l Oct 12,
The Eminent Kidney
and Bladder Specialist.
5 1
O a (If'
I Henrv, Elizabeth, w of George, b
DM 25, 1813; i! ,Jay 24,
1801, aged 77 y 5 m 2fc d.
Loss, (Jeorge B, s of Benjamin, Jr.,
and Susan, .1 Dec 11, 1885, j
agnl 1 1 d.
Loss, Mary E., dau of Benjamin and
EUiaabeth, b July 1, 1850; d
Aug I, 1887, aged :'7 y 1 in.
Last, W arren Ralph, s of John E.
and Lizzie C, l Nov 13, 1894j
d Mar 27, 1896, aged4ra 14 d.
Grimm, Mattte E.,l July 11, 18H4.
aged 1 y 11 in 7 d.
Kerr, David, I.Jan I, 1832; d July
14, 18!7, agtil 05 y (' m 13 d.
The DlKtrertr of Swm-Soot tt Work la
U laboratory.
Thur is a Hi Tr v? i li n cf In Ihta lv aM, I,', .,,,,, I .IIIIM .t-iii .it 1 . i i i.i
m.w; .1 o, inn;., ageu ,)i couniry most dangerous because so decep
vll 111 2i d. uve. Many sudden deaths are caused by
if Wm.
Ellen, .1 July 26, 1891.
and Cathaajne, d Aug31, I stc.
It heart disease. Dneumnnia. hi-srt hltnra aire. I V V - tt.
Burkholder, Jane, b Dec 3, 181); dl or apoplexy are often the result of kidney KathemiiUl children
I HIV '1 1 8;I8 aiT'll o( V 7 1111 u,acic " R'uey i.uuoic is aiiowea 10 aa-
. " ' - . j vance the kidney-poisoned blood will attack
1 0 the vital organs, or the kidneys Ihamaahm
Decker Sarah S w of Win S d break down and was,e awav cell by cell.
i '.i mi , . arau . w oi wm. ., u Then (he richness of ,he blood,he alb'umen DO YOU WANT TO MAKE $300 ?
.Jan 1(, 18.11., aged y .. m leaks out and the sufferer has Bright's ... , . . .
9A A Disease, the worst form of kidnev trouble. w o want a local manager,
Dreese, John, I. May 11, 1812;
Mar 13, 1877, aged til
m 2 d.
Dreese, Anna, w of John,
Results Fatally In Nine
Gases Out of Ten
Cure Found at Last.
.t Dr. Kilmer's Swamp. Root the new dis- or gentleman, in own town nrcoun
'I COVerv is the true snerilm for ki.lnrv hlaHHr i
lllg rciiurcil. 1 on
or spare time ; orev-
in connection with vour
v 1(1 and urinary trouble;. It has cured thousands ' '
of apparently hopeless cases, after all other can devote tt:
eltorts have failed. At druggists in fifty-cent enintTS oulv
.1 . . n a.i;nuic funic .1.111 lieu ...i.,,, . Aoju.
.i,M , . , ..' ...... rmrnliir vne.i tmn. XzlMl .. S:t(M) e:m
. . , . .. ....... . u v 11 j 1 . n i n i.iiiH ' arn 1 ."uumr,- ".-"" ... . ... .. ... .....
V ' ,1 S I SSS nun .1 Zi ... : T . ' r
, .. .., , -h Koot and its wonderful cures. Address
Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Binghamton, N. Y. and
mention this paper.
This fearful disease often first appears
as ;i piara scratch, a pimple, or lump in
At lie breast, too small to attract any
notice, until, in many cases, the deadly
disease is fully developed.
Cancer can not ho cured by a surgical
otwration, bocause the disease is a virulent
poison in the Mood, circulating throughout the system, and although
the sore or ulcer known as the C ancor may be cut away, the
poison remains in the Mood, and promptly breaks out afresh, with
renewed violence.
The wonderful success of S. S. S. in curing obstinnto, deep-seated
blood diseases which were considered incurable, induced a few de
spairing sufferers to try it for Cancer, after exhausting the skill of
the physicians without a cure. Much to their delight S. S. S. proved
equal to the disease and promptly effected a euro. Tho glaa news
I spread rapidly, and it was soon demonstrated
I beyond doubt that a cure had at last bten
found for deadly Cancer. Evidence has B00U
I mulntod which is incontrovertible, of which
; the following is a specimen :
"Canoor is hereditary In ur family, mr father,
tster and an aunt having died from this dreadful
y 11 m it. d.
Dreese, Janu s, d .Inly 1 8
aged 36 y 11m I d.
Dreese, lla.el, dan of Josep
E., d June lit. 1893, ag
:! iii 7 d,
Dreese, Homer Clayton, d Js
1892, aged 18 y 25 d.
(loss, Huela 10., dan of 10. .1
Carrie, aged :! y,
HaokenbeYg, Verna A., s of Nathan
and 10. V., il July 23, 1897,
1 896.
i anu
-1 I V
Of made l lore t liristllld
require vvrv little time,
Snook, Gertie M. dan of Amos and
Sarah V. il Apr ':!, 1895,
aged lil y 1 m 13 d.
Shout, Sarah, w of Adam, h Feb 29,
1824; .1 .No .- 8, 1893, ag I 69
y 8 m 8 d.
Spigolmyer, II. S., d Mar I StH.
Spigelmyer, Levi, d Aug 1. ls'.s,
aged 68 y 16 d.
Spigelmyer, .lane, wol II. S.
and it will
It is not
necessary to have had experience.!
Send stamn lor narticiilnrs. Ad-!
dri ". The llell Company
Philadelphia, Pu.
aL'.'d ;i V 5 in 3 d.
Howell, Amanda, dau of J.D. and Spigelmyer, PluUt, w of John, d
Ann, .1 Aug 30, 1890, aged I ,v 24' ls"S' wl ,,u.v 1 1,1
y i m . I d.
Mn . ir , . .1 Sniircltnvcr, John, d June IS, 1888,
owcll, ( harle-W ., s of Amos and I h , . ' ...
. ... . . . . ....... i 'i ... '
I .. .. . V.... Ill 1U I . ii. I 1 '
iji..i , ,i .10. 1 j l ' n
Htm w Mv feelinn mav Im Imagined when the hor
rible .lisnaae niadn its iiarani'( on my side. It was
a malignant Can06r, eatniR inwardly in hiii'Ii n way as
to cause ureat alarm. Tho diaoiiM' neemed beyond the
Hkill of tiiH d oo tors, for thi'ir treatment did no n1 "
whatever, thr Canoer growing worse all the while
Numerous remedies were used for it. but the Cancer Mtts. s m. idol.
Krew steadily worse, until it seemed thai 1 was doomed
to follow the Others of the family, for 1 know how deadly Cancer is-, especially
when Inherited, I advised to try Swift's Specific (8. 8. 8.), which, from tln
first day, forced out the poison, I continued its use until I had taken eighteen
I..., I.... ...U.... 1 mjI 1 .....II .....1 1. .nA t,,. ,,.,.,.. f Ik.
. 1 (.inn I iw , iii,-.i kiiiiiu i. uu nun i..,,ui.i btujuiuwui inn
I ept. I., dreadful affliction, though many years have elapsed. 8. 8. S. is the only cure
I l-y-8t.l for Cam er. Mas 8 M. IDOL, Winston, N. U,
Our on Cancer, containing other testimonials nnd valuable
information, will bo sent free to any address by tho Swiff Specific
Company, Atlanta, Georgia,
y 10 in 13 d.
Howell, Eva N., dan o! Wm. P.
and Lizzie I,., .1 ( let 17, I 897,
aged 1 y 5 in 1 I d.
Howell, Harry J , 8 ol Amos and
Lizzie, d Dee s, 896, aged
8y 1 in 28 d.
Howell, Mabel .!., dau of Amoa and
. . it.
Q l!.,S of II. II.
Jan 1 889, airei
and S.
I I v 5
Smith, Jul
A., d
m 12 d.
Smith, Ida S., dau ol II. H. and S.
A., d Sept 7, 1895, ngetl 10 y
1 I m 29 d.
Smith, Susanna, w of II. II., d Jan
J", 18'.7, aged 49 v I m 'Jo d.
Prom Msiich Obaok Democrat,
Scni.i ffei.tow x. Pa.
Lizzie, .1 .1 tme 8, 1894, aged Smith, II. H., d Jan 27, 1894, aged Mister Drookeh:
2 y in ii d.
Hoffman, Joicy, dau ol Wm.
Kahlcy, Charles
Kahlev, infant child of Henry
It', v I m 3 l.
nnfj Stumpff, Percival, died.
Ulsh, F. E., d Dec 6, 1891,
6 m 1 1 l.
Well, tie lection is I'crbci, mi's is
evva gonga we's is iui shtate Penn
ged 1 sylvania in favor fun de grossa
I Inissii os de science fun self urover-
and Ulsh, Henry, b Dec 28, 1812; d mentaw lershtain un sell maind
Julv 'J7. 1894.
Kline, Clayton (1., s of David and Ulsh, Ju'" H., b Nov 19, I8:!ll; d
Delila,d Mar 6, 1891, aged 'J May 26, 1891.
y 3 in 21 d. Ulsh, Margaret Heater, wol Henry,
Kline, Elder E., s of Calvin and1 b Sent 13, 1814; d July 30,
Lizzie M., d Apr 3, 1898,aged 1S!"-
9d. 1 Wagner, Carrie L., dau of Charles for 'n livilitr for era weiver tin kin-
A. and Sallic J., .1 Apr 25, ,,,., missag'satislicd sei mil to kusht
1898, aged I y a hi 14 d.
os se selwer, de irrossa oartv
sin widder uvvo druf tin helfu sicii
selwer tcu'm goverment rocsht bee!,
welsh hinkle I r m 1 wnrsht, jnince
pie; Bhamnane, uusex dawler brandy;
mi de ivver ous urawta tin goof
inainiche comona leif os hord shatTa
Kline, Sherman, s of David and Dc
lila, d Mar C, 1893, aged 8 m
26 d.
Krebs, Chns., Sol It. K. and .M. E.,
.1 May 18, 1895, aged 'l y 5
in 1 5 d.
I Krebs, Vernie, dan of liobert P.
and M. E., d Dec 4, 1894, I
ageil 10 y '2 in 11 d.
Kiel., Mabel !!., dan of tt. F. and
M. E., d May 25, 1895, aged 1
v 2 d.
! Krebs, Solomon, d Dec 7, 1890,
aged i . y 1 m 1 8 d.
Lambert, Geo., 1 Aug 3, 1890,
Bged 1 v i in 15 d.
Lambert, Eugene, d Aug 4, 1894,
aged 1 8 y I m 26 d. (
I Leplev, Wallis,.! Apr 15, 1898,
aired i't'l v 2o d.
and Sallie, U Mar t, IOWY, age.
1 1 y 6 in 15 d.
Young, Charles W., .1 July 27
1892, aged :'.l y 5 m 1 1 d.
Centre Township.
os we shinbouc, drooka brode un
Wagner, Mazie P., dau of Amos Ireeva Sotip. Ull we ariner os de
shatlleit warta wc besser os se tzu
de grossa party bossa shticku !
So is 's evva, un so gaits, I n tie
lection der miner Dinphdawg iiroofd
os dcr head Imiss (tiay widder uvva
druf is. Awer mer muss aw con
fessu of ar de hoch air nls der liawpl
97 craves, al t 800 unmarked, party boss :,ir!ieh ferdeen'd hut. Mi
., wiise nooh iroot we ar ols nnuh Har-
EVANOELICAIi ( BMETEBT. . , . , " . . , ,
, . , risliorncU e-nna is nn hut oh ord-
Bsported by a. n Sheary. e . .
Benfer, Susanna, w of Daniel, b Scot sh,mapt mm Bfwaiichf unner
18, 17Hi; d Aug (i, 1871, aged de Se.nlymenner mil ... draw poker
86 v 8 m 28 d giune, un sell war der filiaiislial aw-
.. , r . i i ,- , i , i i 'otijjf fum vet zicha jjrossa boss leader
Benfer, Daniel, I. Aug 15, 1782; d B. ' -7,
,' , , i , , fun der party. Snider scllam war
Dec l(, 18,.,, aired 81 y 4 m ... . , , , .
qj ' ar in ains odder s onncr fun de head
'- d. ) ..OB 1 ! i..l l ..
ooisa. . n now eon ;u iiiiiens m
I, 1816; di,
infant s of E. t '. and j
Lillie, d July 1Q89.
Manbcek, infant dau of N.
Leah, aged 10 d.
I ! ... .. I.' 1. J.....
neuier, r.uos, i, ,, low, u m i a dawler I imunda. nn tzn
I l..l. n: l so". ,1 7ft , , ..
ecu aw, ,,', I-- ler oesnia caictiiatiou, mis yenuani
'dnussend dawler offis lohn hut net
Bailey, Nora A., dan of Lincoln and wenoicher os tzain daussend g'safed
Amanda, d Jan 1897, aged un in si kite winslich shpawr bexly
7 v 7 m 18 .1. ni or'shlin'd
Manbeeh K( .1 . , 15, 18.).,, BaUey, John, b Oct 8, 1802; d Feb rjf war de k,
BgedYi '", 11 ,. 22, 1891, agtMl 88 v 1 m I I .1. j :s ,mt ,a lvJer 0U8 1H)((,. Ullbrawf.
Matter.., 1 ark 1 anl, s of Caroline, j.ail(;Vi Sjir.,,1 A w ()ftIolI1 Ang lr suIdawta eader lllewt ola iSlltilt(.
dFeb6, 18!7, aged 1 m 2d d. 17) 1(S07. teb (J im agwl , )ri.slll.m, Ar war , (. .,., im
Mukiieswartn, Amelia, w oi er is., w y m 19 d. Phillipneeuiser kreeg. Awer wann's
d Feb 1 1, 181(2, aged 45 y 1 Ibuov, Sarah E., w of B. R, b June ols on 's aheesa gon'ga is war ar oil
d. j 20, 18oS; I)ee 20, 188."., aged bissy uf'ni look out im safii recr.
Mutliersbaugh, James Kmerv, 8 of 27 y 0 in. On sell prtK.f I os ar ivver OW si. mart
dau of I in der awni discretion buness.
1, 18!(1, aired 8 m. irrossa bossa tin pretenders un shams
Peters, Sarah, w f Bejnamin, d JaD I Dreee Daniel M. s of Isaac and sin wi.ider uvva druf, un de major-
Surah, d July 11, 1889, agel average oommoua leil sin
24 v 3 m 12 d. ivver ous goot gapleased mit era
. ri...j. i ,i i r (oreahteliinif os se rale true blue
i thw. ..i i io .i f. o 1 in is;i;ii o
Insurance Agency,
i?lriQ.oi SJST. f-1 ydor, Agent,
Successor 1o tho Into William II. Snyder.
The Par-Excellence of Reliable Insurance is represented in tha follow
ng list of Standard Companies, from which to make n selection. None
Better the World over.
FIRE Royal, Liverpool, Eiir. (including foreign nssots) 848,000,000.00
Hartford, of Hartford, Conn,, (..blest American Co.) s, ; i r,, 7.'ir. '
Phoenix, Hartford, Conn.;
Continental, New York, 6,754.008 72
German American, New York, 6,240,008.88
LIFE Mutual Life Ins. Co. New York, 204,688,983,60
ACCIDENT Employers' Liability Assurance Corporation,
Accident Ins. Co. Subscribed Capital of $8,760,000.00
Fire, Life and Accident risks accepted at the lowest possible rate, jus
tified by a strict regard to mutual safety. All just olaima promptly and
satisfactorily adjusted. Information in relation to nil classes of Insur
ance promptly furnished ELMER W. SNYDER, Agt.,
Telephone No, 182. Office on Corner Water .V Pine rtts. Selinsgrove, l'n
Read This! Read This!
s larger than ever before ; my PRIG S LOWER than OTH
EliSfortie SAME GOODS, My prices on 45 rolls ofoarpetl
w ish to close out will suit tin. pocket hook ot many ami save
others money. Do not think of buying your tall carpets until
you give my stock of carpets your attention iiml tfet Hie prices
of sonm of mv liiint'MHis I :LIM otlerillLr.
. . " - -
I'l ie. sjust right OU these goods,
One Word About Pictures.
I am offering my present stock of pictures at cost, LESS
THAN COST and some lor tho price of the tjlass in tho frames.
Don't miss this sale.
I have some pretty things to offer in Furniture, all new.
Later will surprise you in Styles and Prices,
lu this branch of my business 1 am prepared to five the
public fhe best serbice that can be secured !v money, time nnd
personal attention. My equippage in this branch of business is
one of the finest in the state. HEARSES, CARRIAGES and
UNDERTAKING I'ARLOKS are up to date.
odd word about report Unit mv attention tins be called to lately In regard to
my prices. I oUARANTKB to nirnish the same good Mess Monky than
boiMe in Uie count . i UUARANTKK to give you easier I'AY M I SNT i iian all others.
First-Class Livery Connected with Undertaking Department.
Telephone 'onnection.
loooooooooooooooooooooor coc
Samuel K. and Maria, b Jan BioMunwi. Gertie Bather.
17, lwi; a Apr low, agea Cblvin F. and Emma J.,d Aug Well, so gaits uu so is 's. De
6 y 2 in 23 d.
12, 1898, aged 01 jr.
Pheasant, Samuel J., d, aged 80 y.
I'arehev, Rebeooa, aged KOOUt 83 V.
Ileninger, UrtieS. It.; dau of D. R.
and Ada, d Jan 31, 1888, aged
5 in 15 d.
Koinig, Victor B., s of Hurly and
Tessie, d Nov 5, 1895, aged 1 d.
Rothrock, Dr. R. It., b Oct 14,
1831; d Marl, 1897.
Shilling, infaut sof John I. and Ly
dia; d Jan 5, 1899.
Shilling, Win. Sherman, s of John
and Lydia, d May 30, 1894,
aged 5 d.
and Sarah, I. July 3, 1871; d BlW..,t fun J'
Dec 29, 1878,u:cd7 y Ti , "th re.he.ts lardta
. ' .In v tome im '
2(5 d.
Dreese, infant s of Isaac and Sarah,
d Jan 1, 1882.
Haines, George, d Oct 25, 1881,
aged 73 y 9 m 14 d.
Haines, , w of George, d
July 1, 1897.
Henry, George, b Sept 29, 1803; d
Dec 1, 1872, aged G9 v 2 m
July tbmolia !
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Liberal Adjustments
Prompt Payments.
Only the Oldest, Strongest Cash Companies,
Fire, Life, Accident and Tornado.
No Assessments No Premium Notes.
The Aetna Founded A. U., 1819 Assets 11,055,513.88
" Home 44 u 44 1853 44 9,853,628.54
44 American 44 44 44 1810 44 2,409,584.53
The Standard Accident Insurance Co.
The New York Lite Insurance Co.
. The Fidelity Mutual Life Association.
Tour Patronage SiUcited.