The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 23, 1899, Image 8

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Imparts that peculiar lightness, sweetness,
and flavor noticed in the finest cake, short
cake, biscuit, rolls, crusts, etc., which ex
pert pastry cooks declare is unobtainable
bv the use of any other leavening agent.
Made from pure, grape cream of tartar.
Connty Oullings.
l'ereival Brouse h
the i tdlenbaeh I'ivim
!' Jackson
township, for $3, loO.
Horn ii A. M. Bowersns and will
of Beavertown u sou, a son was al
born to J. 1 . Wetzel and a wile.
Th! Lutheran and liel
ia school ol Kratz!
Ihhil1 iii a new organ ol r
it this place.
( leo. Snyder ol New
I Sun
have tieglc
Merlin sold
township to 1
si farm 111 Jackson
I'hares ' leudierliui; ol
I vim town
diip for 153000.
Jacob 1 lains and Itiniilv
Hi. I, field, have moved on
if Samuel llumbniigh ol
,n k township.
M -. J, V. Kisenhauer
ot near
he farm
.f Fivc-
!mrg has purchased a Ir.iuse and lot
nposite the Academy, ol Mrs. John
V Haas. Consideration $300,
The power ol the press was ex
iinplifiwl the other day, when a
vouni! man broke two of his sweet
heart's ribs by the ardor of his em
brace. flu Middleburg Orchestra is hold
ih rehearsals. The Orchestra will
furnish the music at the evening cn
ertainments of the Snyder County
resellers' Institute.
'cr A. Fecse's Beavertown clay
.vas pronoitnotd to be all right, the
tin i- eleven feet thick. Beaver
town would Ilea good place to start
a factory to manufactute
into the different articles.
Last Fridays week, while Charles
W alter of Paxtonville was Hlling
;is limekiln there was u hard ex-
noes Your
sack Ache?
In constant pain when on
fyour feet ?
Is that draKginn, pulling'
Bensation with you from morn
; iil night ?
Why not put the medicine
xactly on the disease ? Why
inot ininv tne euro nirnt toi
'the spot itself ? '
I You can do it with I
Immediately after the"
tPlastsr is applied, you feel
f'its wanning, soothing in-J
floence. Its neallng remediesl
quickly penetrate down deep j
into the inflamed tissues. 1
Pain is quieted, soreness is re
lieved and strength imparted.
No punter wm ever made like It.
No platter ever acted so qukkly
and tborujhly. No plaster ever
bad tack complete control over all
klada ot pals.
Placed over the chest it is
a powerful aid to AyePs
Cherry Pectoral: relieving
congestion and drawing out
all inflammation.
roa ai.i ttr all DBrostrr.
J. C. HO CO.. LowU. Mill.
plosion. I5v all appearances itmusl
have leen a dynamitecap in the coal.
We would caution jvery person us
ing anthracite coal to be careful.
James Blecker, a son "I Jolonel
Philip K. Bletiker, Seliusgrove,
while operating the tucker in the
shoe factory on M. unlay ol last
week, drove a nail through the bone
ol the index linger of his left hand.
accident was a very painiiuone.
11 Hnrltiv ni reebure our
chnspd the store and dwelliliui house
ot the late Kdwurd Bussler on Satur
day for 83,005; -i. C. W. Bassler
bought two lot belonging to the
same estate, on Mew Murkel Street,
; tor M-)i . ami one ami a nan acres
! of land south of town tor $250.
I Mrs. 'has. ( Wert of Seliusgrove
accompanied by hw daughter, Miss
l Beckie, wenl to L'hiludelphia week
before last. Mrs, Covert went there
i lor treatment and had her riuiit eye
removed by Dr. Fox. This was
I done to save the sight of the other
eye. The patient is doing as well
I . 1 l A I
as can ue expected irom ine ope
Emery Ernest, who came
from Cainnial, Fa. last week, went
to Lewistown and Milroy to visit
friends Calvin Derr moved into
his new house in this place. .Grant
Voder ol (i lobe Mills moved to his
father-in-law, W. 1). (lift's, last
week. ..Mrs. Mary Howell visited
friends in Middleburg Tuesday
Peter F. Riegle, Associate Judge-
elect, passed through town Wcdncs-
day. .. .Wesley IN er hood made
trip to Union county on Sunday
( lark Boyer resigned
as brakeman on the F
returned to his home
ns Hisition
. K. Ii. an
it this plat
again ( . 1. Howell made a trip
to White 1 ecr, Union .o., last week..
Mi.-s May Smith of New Berlin is
visiting her sister, Mrs. John Smith
at this place at present Miss
liattie Heinibach of New Berlin is
spending a few days with her grand
mother, Mrs. Mary Howell
I I 1 1 i I . i iiiiiii ii.ii i il i I i i . .1 1 1 1 1 r i it 'i il 1 1 1
.... a i .1
vt.un .i .......... . ........ ...... fwf.
attended the l.v. t . ti. DOCletV
Middleburg on Friday evening. . . .
Kev. JoshuaShambach preached a
very able sermon in the Evangelical
church on saturaay evening.. ,ud
Sunday the members of the Evange
lical church decided ic have a Christ
mas entertainment Dec. 26. Under
the supervision of wise leaders and
good instructors, great things can bcilis father...... S. Weis has taken a
accomplished. Let harmony be second! trip this tail to Philadelphia
practiced among all members and
the entertainment will l sure to l
a success. ... In almost every com
munity there are some people wliolQfggoryig , Willianisport visiting
always mind other people's business
. . . .Sane people take delight in
circulating news among their neigh
boring jicople, especially such news
as are nothing but bare liiced' lies.
This is a very plain statement, but
while criticising your neighbor's
character, it would Ikj good to glance
at the diagram he has ol yoiits, and
then what a nice place this world
would lie to live in it women were
as niceas they look and all men were
as trood as thev seem . . . .Miss Au-
tiift of Sunburv is spending
few days with her jmrents
It will not be a .surprise to any
who lire at familiar with the good
qualities of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy, to know that people every
where take pleasure in relating their
experience in the use of that splen
did medicine and in telling of th
benefit they have received from it,
of bad colds it has cured, of threat
ened attacks of pneumonia it has
BTerted and of the children it has
saved from attacks of croup and
whooping cough. It is grand, good
medicine. 'or sale by all druggists.
After election our
farmers left
gain Iur Millersburg where they
are erecting a line dwelling tor
Ulrieh . . M rs. Joss is Mill improv
ini; severe sickness. . . .J. V.
Kan was suddenly taken sick one
night last week, hut is again up and
around Henrv Mover, who is
an aged and respected eitizen ot this:
place, also had beefl sick for some
time, and is not verv erood at thi.-
writinjr. . . .Jack liilger and wife
r . . ...
..... . ... --
from up the river have been visiting
their son and family on Sunday of
1 last week .... Frank Miller went to
! the mountains lor deer, and -some
other gunners are talking ot go-
; .; .,L v. tli.n.i II
ing this week. e wish them well
throughout their trip. . . .The snow
breakei on the church is finished
and proves to be satisfactory
Harrv Jarrett been
visitor with Wood. ..!! Br..s.and oth-
er friends over Saturday and Sunday
. . . .Misses Ada Romig and Edith
Henry of Sunbury are visiting the
former's sister Mrs. Jacob Kuster,
and Mrs. Manrer at this place. . . .
Missionary services will be held in
the Lutheran and Reformed church
bv some ol tin students of Susque
hanna Univerfeity, Seliusgrove, on
Sunday, Nov. 20, (Salem). .. .The
students and professors of S. F. had
a sociable in the college chapel on
Nov. 10, lor 1 r. Heisler who has
come from Denver, Colorado, to (ill
the place that lr. Dimm had oc
cupied lor a number of years as
I'r siflenl . . . .Tin' outlay has been
urrnnged lora house for Rev. Suable.
Ir. A. S. (
timmings and wife
Sunburv are beingentertained by II.
D. Sch nitre and wife. . . .The recep
tion tendered t" I r. I feisler, the
, newly i looted president of Susq, Un
iversity, largely attended by the
citizens of town and other places.
The addresses were all very good
and the music furnished by the Col
lege Orchestra and Glee Club was
: yery much appreciated. The chapel
ot the Institution was crowded.
j Alter the exercises, thcaudicnee was
introduced to the Dr. and family..
The regular fool ball team went to
I Gettvsburtr to nlav that team. Our
hoys, however, were iMeuted-20-0
is the first time thev have de-
j,,.ltt,,i , u,al1) i)lt om. iH)yS Were
0t n condition to play as tour ot
i thein had hm-t U-f ore and had
not vet recovered. . . .We noticed
"Ye" editor on our streets last week
. . .There will be a union Thanks-
giviu service Held tins year as lias
j M.,. customai
y for many vears. . . .
Caterer Taylor and Mr. Kershner,
foreman at the bhoe lactory, tinik in
theexciirsion to Philadelphia lust
week, visiting the exposition
Mrs. Kate Watren seller and sister,
( !hritxman, have returned
from their visit to Carlisle . . .j. Q.
Sciler and Dr. F. J. WagenaeUer,
who had gone to Miflliti county with
the party of hunters, returned home
Saturday last. . . .A wreck occurred
on the river bridge at this place ou
.Sunday afternoon caused by a flange
.. I . I I.... I . i
- . - I
, ,M one in i ne w ncc,s iireaMiig, cans-
ing that car and several others to
leave the track. No one was hurt
.Mrs. Ed. Tavlorand Mrs. Mc-
fall spent several da vs at Sunburv
among friends. . . A special service
for old folks will be held in Trinity
Lutheran church on Sunday . . Kev.
P. 11. Miller of Brooklyn was call
ed home by the serious illness of
second nip
I to replenish his
line assort incut
of goods, a
be expected
when ne returns
Mrs. B. P.
her son, Forest, who is a salesman
in a shoe house there.
Mrs. Alice Hepner spent several
! days at Milroy and Mifflintown last cu la r and sacred, and I was simply
week Ciuitea number of our I delighted with their singing. The
I people attended communion at the voices blend beautifully, their in ter
(irubb church Suntlav last Sunday nrctation is intelliirent and their
Edward Zong and family ol
near Newport spent Sunday at this
place, the guests of Mrs. Zong's par
a;ent8 J. J. Yerger and H. J
Heiser took in the sights at the ex
position in Philadelphia last week . .
Mrs. P. A. Stuck and son, Nevin,
spent Sunday at Richfield. . . .The
.school Ixmni met last Saturday in
the town School building to com
pensate the teachers lor their second
month teaching. . . . W. A. Schnee
left for Snydertowu to secure work
Our butcher, Elmer Troup, erected
a new smoke house .... Philip Nace
of Shamokin Dam spent Sunday at
this place.
DM JQH see the shooting stars i
last week ? It not, why not?..
Calvin Knepp purchased the Kah-
ley farm hom W. F. Howell, for
2160. . . ..lames Steely fell from a
step ladder last week, while painting
s new house which
IB wunw 1
, eatisct
I him to lie unable to walk from
a sprained foot, . . .Hurley Fisherof
Granville Station, Mifflin county,
sieiit last Saturday with his crand-
parents, H. Houser and wile at Mo-
1 1 n t: ir ..- ......... i
j - - 0. , . ,
Uure... Simon Knepp after spend -
log uure summer in umo, is noma
'. visiting his Snyder ( oi.nty friends
Andy 'agnr gotthe prize, 7.)
" wgu. o " S (r w10 kwps lis ,,v al home to
hoir at Met lure last week. Andy;, . '
B " 7
guessed 44J, George guessed 449
, H and 16 on. W eight of hog 449
pounds. . . .MUtonU. Kelts expects
T"", "w
spring on me tarni 01 jonn rviine,
r. . .
It is reported
' ...
near Bui iiham
'that Tobias Reitsof Fremont will
'move to his larni in spring township
i i.: : ! w w.....
una ni mi ii'r Buriuu .... otiunc -tet
, , i , j i a i
lv made a business trip to the lower
end ol the county last Saturday
. f . ,
j. A. Jenkins and Mrs. Mover
made a business trip to Lewistown
last Saturday .... Mr-. Perry Has
singer and children spent Sunday
with L. A. Jenkins. . . .The auction
at Met lure on Saiird.i v was well at
tended and things sold for about
what they were worth . . . .TheNint
rods of this end formed a rule not to
tell any fish stories, so that must be
the reason there is no report ol their
rabbit killing. . . . Lewis Katilcy is
home from Huntingdon county,
where he had been part of the past
glimmer driviiu; a team.
Mr. Willis has given excel lent satis
i. Mertz was home from Mid- taction as an official, lie will no
dlebung over Sunday fohn
Weaverof Spring Mills, ( lent re Co.,
spent several days here. . . .Frank
Kingand John Maicol New Ber
lin were in town on Sunday. . Mrs.
M. A. Bateniun and child of S'lins
grove visited her parents, 'Squire
Sbinkel's, over Sunday Miss
Stella Woodling of Freeburg was
the guest of Mrs. Elizabeth Fessler
during the past week. . . .Dr. ti. C.
Mohn and family Laurelton visited
relatives in town on Sunday
Calvin Shell Is digging the founda
tion for a new 1 ousc west of town
. . . .S. F. Sbeary visited his daugh
ter, Mrs. J. 11. Lloyd o Lewistown
last week Thus. Kleckner of
Milton visited his mother several
days last week .... Miss Fnieline
Nervina is spendiug seyeral weeks
in Sunbury... Druggist J. K. Mohn
and family of Jersey Shore visited
parents and relatives last week ....
Mrs. D. J. Drease and children of
WatSontowil are Bpendins several
weeks with her parents, Yal. Walt
er s
W. B. lline
LMlests of J. P.
and wife were the
Ucit's over Sunday
.Miss Clemmie Wilt visited her
sister, Carrie, on Sunday... George
Hull took a Hyingtrip to McAlister-
i it, i ,, a i
; villc last wccK .... I'.ilear M. I aim
was in town last week Mhert
Rine took a business trip to Selins-
mrnvp . . .I):miel Ueielieiiliaeh was
in town on business J. S. Uine
was the guest of George S. Rine
Sunday. . . .Aaron Kcichenbaoh left
for Miiton last week.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine
Tablets. All druggists refund the
money 11 it tails lo OUre, V. W . 1
Grove's signature is on each Imix.
25c ll-16-6m.
To apeak with perfect frankness,
I must say that there are few ladies'
quartets that I care to hear, but I
must make one exception ot the
I CaBOL CLUB. I have heard them
in a variety of selections, Uith se-
rendering very skillful. It gives
me genuine pleasure to recommend
- ! them to all who may be seeking ar
tistic musical combinations. I do
not see how one can fail to be de
lighted with their work.-REV. Geo.
L. Perix, D. D., pastor of the Ev
ery Day Church, Boston.
Carriage for Sale. A brand
new trap manufactured at MifHin
burg by John Gutelius at a cost of
$125 can be bought at considerably
less than cost. It is a most hand
some vehicle. For further particu
lars apply to Box 243, Middleburg,
Pa. tf.
inHirucuon iur u, rarui duv.
Enormous Cost of Uneducated Labor
Pointed Ont by Dr. Schaeffer.
Chambersbnrg, Nov. 14. Super
intendent oi Public Instruction ft,'
C. Schaefter was tin-principal speak
er at the session of the Franklin
1 1 . fv 1 'I . i
I ..llliri' I lHlliMiilV I li. it I I I . i tii.V
,, . , . . ', ., , , "
lit. tutu iiic teat nets uic vault. 01 u
lioy is the difference between uned
ucated and educated labor. An ed
ucated man is not paid by the day,
I... ,1... .....ntl. 1 ..
utll LIT lliu HBVU - II Ul till .1U
, - iLtomtoi man
for forty years has been made, at
918,000; that of forty years of jed-
I netted lalxir at (40,000. The farm
i plough to save paving a ploughman
; Jj his . ()f j day.
1 T ti ; . ... . ,
u . hi idleoeBgoptru '
by the teache
r who misdirects the
boy's efforts or bv superintendent.
. 1
I in rcuuirinir uiiiiccessarv examina
tions. "Are we teaching our chil
dren sell-reliance," said the State
a... , . , -
Superintendent, "or are we teaching
1 ... ' . , ..
iiieni to reiv on oiiiers . i nerc are
of the
marvels and glories BUtTOUni
tanner's buvs that are shutout
the boys who arc crowding tl
I here seems to be llie lacl
kind of instruction
farm boy.'
The Adamsburg IIerall of last
week savs
ister and Recorder
huiiu ii. u mis came to town wiin
1 .1... I I 11721 12 . i
Prof. Bbwersox on Monday am
while here paid the Herald a short
visit. Mr. Willis will be a candi
date for re-election at the next Re
publican primary, and as the two-
term rule has generally been in force
in connection with this office and
doubt be renominated without o
o i .. .... 4 . . t: .. j i m
Twenty Special
Department Store
Richfield, Pa.
From Dec. 11-3199.
Rrlnw nrr
RarirHliiK :
frw or tlio uiitny
Artnoklt ooffoe,
1 ntkf OSomiatr,
4 itj Soap Bnan,
1 III Htlklllk' S'1.111.
i Hi jk!ni Potnler,
5 pks cum Niarch,
.1 Im.iu.-m Vanlllii
lo pieces LaUDdrj S.,a).
1 ilkl Horse 0(1 fume J
.1 pieces To) lei Soup,
a lbs O.vster 'i-,ii l:er,
4 lbs c'renni Hlxturv,
1" iwilor,
O i
Hardware tiNWare
Airate Coll Anders.
4 qi Anta diree pot,
Agat" llasliis.
i ip Ay MO preoerre Kettle,
in iii Ante pan,
I.HI Iff IMISl Can-,
c TetMpoooa,
ii T ablet poo Dt,
Bmobor Kolto, r. irtch i lade,
6 Knlvea una Porks,
mee Mill. Holds 1 lb eolTee.
( o n Bucket,
Wo. .. Wash Holler.
Von window soadea,
HIM Hleaclied Mulln,
0000 BhWOllOd .Muslin, !io
1 j.l wide A Mosiid, so
tioiMl riilileiielieu t'nnioii Kiannrl, .I'
ll, tier .. 7C
'i urkey lied Tabia Clout, uc
Hedloauu Rod pumooi, mc
Pink and Gray Mtorm Klann"l. 8c
BOUrneni Wiwl red and nra. Hljokets. ftoc
M ' 43t!
Heat Prints, ,v
Lane.ister aniflnrnn, jjc
itivi'tMim on Drtaa naads.
.'.-4 TaOM Oil I'loth,
Men's Cnilerwear (per suit )
I. "lies' Uiidnrwear (each)
Mens Fleeced I nderwear (suit)
U Rows p.n.s,
Clark's o. N. T.,
Children's !l V2 coarse Shoes,
children's ll-i cuarse shoes,
Itdles' .1-8 coarse Shoes.
o i
l,adle' Bala Uutton pat. loal'rtlpfl.u
mens r ine ii.ui, j
Ladles' Pelt with overs,
Mens' PeltKWlth ll'iron overs, !fa
Ven's Pell with (lerfecllon, aja
t'hlldren n Buckle ArUO, H-K). Hg
MetiH' Hoot, double sole and tan, sad
dle seam soild, tj ;j
Hovh Holt. fromjl.isun
Mens" Duck coats, rubber Inner line si -it
Hoys lUck Coil IS, " gag
hoys ouercoats, II . f o H ,3
A lull line of Mens' and Boy'o overcoats
- 1 g
We still have 75 to 100 Ladles' Coats
... ij iu iuu logics - coats
a tMuctloo of the entire stock of is nor
The above named articles are only a
few of the Sanmina we bare. Wabavea O
nne stock to select from, but remember
from lw. 11 to SI and onlv for
tne i-kiukm are only good Q
r t'Mntry I'rndiire call anil ot
(an w
amine our stock before buying elsewhere
We will give every purchaser that cornea
to our store on the ttd ol December a
preaeat. Yours Truly,
Grail, Gain & Co., f
Richfield, Pa.
H. B -Store will be Claawo)
LnmaimAa anurrinu ni aia
We have made t
for taktnr mm of i
ot our two million (
who live la ever portion
um worm.
Our KM page Cauloeu
rull or aiunreatlona abi
everyuang to r.nv, near
bargains in:
t 1 1'ntnniiMli.a Tie..
e. t 75,00. Draperies, Fancy t hai
Krn:iuri n- dnnnii. puiu
OHM 1( 3. VIUHinillll X
i urn I ui m iiin kr
Silver Novell Us. 8 tool
Tame, w atones, etc.
Smr lillivr r ui 'iiii - uu m
. - i - r . n. Ai .
jrr .-VTiiJe-cj mi i tier l arn;
jrety ana ' riym vrrpuu.
coots f'om&'to to $80.00.
iow lull Cit B ,ln
Srminf Machines and Rtcvcln.
u'.i inn mit. vniir f'hrl.r
Pr Barnl, t3.50. want? Address thlE way :
- BALTI MOKE, BID. DepU 909.
f-H-;-:-i4-H-:-:-H-i"H-:- h-:-i-h-
! J. ,
! :
I have just received
assortment of glassti a
distill. r ,, ( !nlt niah,
a line
c, con
. Fruit
ii riuid-
X Stands, Celery Tra vs,
I (iahes, Pitchers, Spon
ers, tVc, &c. at prices
from , i in 1 .) cents.
Boots and Sbv
iave on hand about 300
pairs of shoes which 1 urn
closing out at and below cost
to make room for fall ami win
ter goods.
Note these prices in Notions :
Ladies' Hose, 10 to 16c.
Misses Hose, 10 to 15c.
Men's Hose, 8 to 15c.
Men's Work Shirts, 25 lo 50c.
Men's Overalls, 45 to 50c.
Youth's Overalls, 25 to 50c.
Handkerchiefs, 5 to 12c.
.j. Suspenders, lo to 25c.
$ 1 7. Latest Style Ties, 5 to 25c.
O ;
ojf Robbers.
g ' t As the wet season is almost
o here I wish to call your atten-
o f tion to the fact that I have on
o j hand a full and complete line
0 ... of rubber goods.
Thanking you for past pat
rnage, J kindly ask a contin-
uance of same.
S. B. Simonton, j
4 M M I I H 'III'I' H
Attempt to Rob a Store.
The store of K. (J. Shaffer, at
Oriental, Juniata count v, was enter-
o led by burglars Thursday night of
last week. Mr. Qhaner has theeleo
tric alarm at all windows in his
store room, connected it with his
led room in the dwellimr house, a
. - 0 ,
distance ofabout ten rod". Alxjut
12 o'clock that night he happened
to get awake and looked out the
window, seen light in his. -tore room,
getting his shot gun and raising his
window he tired through one of the
store windows, the shot lodging deep
in the wall on the opposite side, but
did not hit the rascals. He then
went to the room and found his safe
ready to shoot oft. The money draw
er was broke open, and the change,
consisting of a few dollars, was out
and some lying on the floor. If Mr.
Shaffer would not have .seen the
light and soared them oft they would
undoubtedly have helped themselves
to a good many things and destroy
ed the safe. Mr. Shaffer had no
money in the safe. This is the third
attempt in a few years to rob this
stor'i. If another attempt is made
we hope Mr. Shaffer will Im-able to
get a little closer and give them a
o g
1 1,01 reception. nernaon Nor.
$650 TO $1200 A YEAR.
We want reliable and energetic
men and women in each State to
travel and appoint agents; salary
$050 to $1200 a year and expenses,
guaranteed and paid weekly ; no ex
perience required, we instruct you.
Local Representatives wanted also.
Send stamp for full particulars. Ad
dress, The Bell Company, Dept.
A., Philadelphia, Pa. ll-9-8t.
Oa or Mahoqa