The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 23, 1899, Image 6

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Weed Deatroyhig flri-tle.
In Science Dr. Judii, of the depart
mcnt of npriculture, states that no lesa
than .'" different species of birds are
enfrii'ed ns weed destroyers, and there
ure more than 60 specie of weeds whieh
thev help to ernHtfiti. The blackbirds
the bobolink, the dove and the Knplisk.
BpsiTOW do much good in this way, but
the "English sparrow, in spite of the
services it renders in consuming weed
seed, is a pest because of its despoil
ing buildings, and because of its ex
tensive pillaging of fruit and gruiu.
The native sparrows, on the contrary,
have no isueh noxious habits, and are
much more cflicieut as weed seed de
stroyers." GoMfinchei destroy weeds
which nre not touched by other birds,
the thistle, ragweed and dandelion be
ing their favorites, "A million weeds
can spring up on a single ai re." Culti
vation can do much to eradicate these
noxious plants, but probably the most
efficient cheek on their unbounded In
crease is to lie found in the seed-eating
Suubury & Levristown Division.
In effect Nov. 19, 1899.
What Engineers Propose Doing
with the World's Deserts.
VKT Aim.
The Sahara Coald lie Qulrkly Made
an Inland Sea I'rujrel toUlvlile
Ireland with a
In an article in the Year Booh of the
department of agriculture Mr. Karnes,
of the division of statistics, advocates
the keeping of goats in many parts of
the static. Jlc states that whenever
foul land is regularly pastured by
gnats it becomes cleared of weeds and
bushes, and most evenly fertilized runs
into nutritious native gtass. "Practic
ally all the goatskins entering Into the
commerce and manufactures of the
I'nltod States are imported. With the
exception of that portion of the popula
tion upon territory derived from Spain
ami Mexico, the people of this country
have not usually evinced any interest
in goat-herding for profit, cither of
skins or other products." lie shows
that. Angora goats have done well on
farms in Massachusetts, Connecticut
and Illinois. There are 500,000 goats in
the United States, 258,000 in the West
Indies (where goat mutton is exten
sively used), 15,000 in England, and
4,500,000 in Spain.
" here is a current opinion that ivy
has a tendency to rot the thing to w hich
it clings. This is true of a large num
ber of other climbing plants, but not
of Ivy, for it renders the walls of al
most every house to which it clings en
tirely free from dnmp, cxtractingevcry
particle of moisture from wood, brick
or stone for its own sustenance. This
it does by means of its tiny roots, which
can work their way even into the hard
est stone. When the walls are well
covered with Ivy the overlapping leaves
will conduct water falling ipon them
from point to point until the ground is
reached, without allowing the walls to
receive any moisture whatever from
the beating rain. If there should be
un exceptional case of Ivy-covered walls
showing signs of dampness, thnt will
be found to arise from their having
been erected on s wet and improperly
drained site.
A novelty in summer schools H of
fered in Missouri this year. The state
university has given Instructions along
the lines familiar in such schools dut ing
the vacation season for a good while
past, and it now adds new courses, in
horticulture anil agriculture. Pres
ident Jesse holds that some attention
should be given in the public schools of
an agricultural state to studies of soil,
climate, birds, insects and piant life;
and he points out that the fields, forests
and highways in the country and the
lawns and public squares in the cities
and towns furnish all the laboratory
facilities which are needed for such
The Historical society of Somerville,
Mass., recently had a house warming,
and among the articles exhibited, ns
enumerated by a local journal, were a
communion service, said to be the first
one made of silver in America, and a
lamp from Pompeii, "confiscated dur
ing the civil war from the estate of
a wealthy southern gentleman."
A New York man dreamed a few
nights ago that he was attacked by burglar--,
and that he defended himself
valiantly, but received wounds from his
assailants. He awakened suddenly to
discover that he bad Blashed himself
with a knife, which he had seized while
asleep to defend himself with.
The state entomologist of New Jer
sey, after dissecting a specimen of the
"kissing bug," declares that, while it
gives a sharper sting than a mosquito,
it is less harmful in i;s elect. Such an
opinion, coming from the highest au
thority of New Jersey, the home of the
mosquito, OUgbt to be conclusive.
Western inventive genius is now
shooting cyclones down. As noise has
been found highly efficient in checking
the devastating caterpillar, theennnon
as mi agricultural implement will soon
surpass the sword beaten into a prun
ing hook.
Mrs. Baker, of Kentucky, is going to
rear a family of nine sons with the sole
view of avenging their father's murder.
This is certainly teaching the young
idea how to shoot.
The Lafayette (Mo.) company got no
further than Chlckamanga in the late
war, but 40 of its members have asked
for pensions.
It is said there Is bat one man In the
United States worth more than 100,-000.000.
Few people realize how completely of
late years the surface aspect of thia
weazened old globe of ours has been al
tered and improved.
The world to-lsy, In fact, differs
from the world of our ancestors, much
as a society lady, In all the glorvof fold
,ond frill and furbelow, differs from her
savage sister running wild in estJlen
tlal woods. As art has transformed the
one, so has it the other.
Only the "Mine. Rachel" who has
made the earth. If not exactly "beauti
ful forever," nt least a pleasant and
healthful place wherein to dwell, is no
charlatan with a drnv load of cos-
j luetics and a glib tongue, but u civil en
gineer, owning nothing more harmful
than a few mysterious-looking instru
ments aim u measuring tape.
And the marvel of it all is this- that
what lias been done is but an infinites
imal frui tion of that which may, anil
doubtless w ill, be done. Who can doubt,
for instance, thnt the gTeat Sahara
desert that, mole upon the world's
face will one day be but a memory?
i It was an inland sea once. It would not
' be a very difficult matter to convert it
' into one again.
j A canal 00 miles long, connecting
with tin' Atlantic the vast depression
which runs close up to the coast nearly
I midway between the twentieth and
j thirtieth parallels of latitude, would do
the business beautifully. The water
would not, of course, cover the entire
surface of the desert. Mere and there
are portions lying above sea level.
These would become the islands of the
new Sahara ocean.
What would be the results that w ould
ensue upon this stupendous transfor
mation'.' Some would be good and some
bad. Among the latter may be men
tioned the probable destruction of the
vineyards of southern Kunope, which
depend for their existence upon the
warm dry winds from the great African
desert. '
In a similar manner the greater por
tion of the central Australian desert,
covering an urea of fully 1,000,000
square miles, might be flooded. The is
land continent, would then be recon
verted Into a gigantic atoll, and would
resemble, roughly, nn oval dish of
which the depressed central portion
would be covered with water and only
the "rim" inhabited. In this connec
tion it may be interesting to note that
a company haa actually been formed
for submerging the Yuma desert in
southern California. If the plan, ns nt
present proposed. Is carried out, a tract
of absolutely uninhabitable territory,
comprising nearly 13,000 square miles,
and the greater portion of which lies
between 5fl0 und 1,000 feet below sea
level, will be submerged.
A few Englishmen) known as "little
Knglanders" still blame the govern
ment for insisting upon the reconquest
of the Soudan. "A useless acquisition,"
say they. Perhaps 1
But capable judges believe thnt it
would have been little less than suicidal
to have allowed these regions to fall
Into the hands of France; for the sim
ple reason that her engineers, by divert
ing the course of the Nile at Abu Named
or Berber no very difficult task
could at any time tnirn all upper Egypt
into n desert.
It has even been suggested thnt it
might be possible by turning its wa
ters into one of the many lateral
ravines which run at right angles to
the present course of the river to find
a new outlet for it Into the Bed sea, and
thereby to transform, in process of
time, that sheet of water into a great
fresh water lake.
To accomplish this, it would of course
be necessary to build a giant dam
across its southern "neck," near I'erim,
and to regulate, or rather stop alto
gether, the inward flow of the Mediter
ranean through the Suez canal-a big
task, but one not entirely impossible of
The above, are examples of big
schemes. There are many others that
might be mentioned, including, of
course, the Panama und Nlcaraguaa
canals, and the French "war canal" be
tween the mouths of the Loire and the
lihone, which, when completed, will
enable their ironclads to dodge round
behind Gibraltar when passing from
the Atlantic to the Mcditerracnun or
vice versa.
But it is the comparatively little en
gineering feats which have slowly but
surely altered in the past and will alter
In the future the fuceof the earth. Kven
so small a matter, for instance, ;s the
proposed seawall tit Southend will cer
tainly deepen the estuary of the
Thames, and may conceivably do away
with the Goodwin sands.
A scheme was recently mooted to cut
a ship canal through the center of Ire
land, beginning nt Dublin and finish
ing at Golway. It would be no very
difficult feat to accomplish, for most
of the country through which it would
pass is tint and boggy.-Chicago Chron
icle. Coald Lick" That Kellow F.aally.
One day Tommy accompanied his
mother on a shopping expedition, and,
seeing a large candy man in a confec
tioner's window, he paused In front of
it with a wistful look. Then, turning
away, regretfully, he sold: "Mamma,
I could lick that fellow with both hands
tied behind me." Troy Times.
I' M
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Melinrrove Junction
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Kauba Mills
Met lure
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I.ewlatown (Main Htreet.)
Lnvi-iimii Junction.
ah ra
U'JO 3 30
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04 11'.
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34 4 4ti
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The woman was furious.
"Do 1 hats bar she shrieked. "Do I
hate her? At this moment 1 feel as if
I could pass her house without looking
into her front window to see if she had
any new things In her parlor!"
Anger with a woman is terrible, but
quickly spent, like a $20 bill. Detroit
Train leaves Suubiiry 5 25 p in, ar
rives at SelitiHgrove 5 45 p m
Trains leave I.ewi-'nwn Junction :
I Mi a m, 10 13 a in, line in, 13" p m Hi in, 7 irr
II SS in, tot Alumna, Pit tenure n1 tli Waul.
For Haltiniun' lire! Wa.kingion 0 As :t iu 1 ".
I I 33 4 33. s 13 i iii For PhnannlphlS ami Ne
York 63SU Ha in. 1 02 1 .13 4 Hand HID P'n l'
lliirrlauurg s 10 ts
Philadelphia & Erie R it Division.
Trains leave Siitilinrv dStlj BSfSpt Seeds :
1 21 n 111 tor Brie ami I '.maniliilirua
6 to iii fur Relietont Brie sad Usasadaiirus
942UI11 fur Irf'On Haven, Tyrnne aii'l tile wen
10 in for Msuafnnte Kan. Tyrone ami t'uiiiir,-
5 48 p iii inr Keaovo snd Klniltn
B so 1' m tnr un irn-.nnit
. Sunday Ti 10 j rrle and Osnsndslsua
u 4i a iii for Look Haven SO'I BSftpoi Inr VI
Us ot, f So a in 2 oo sod 3 4SjiwlOf ouke.
j h it ' and Itaxelton.
7 o a in. 10 vn a tn, tins p m, 3 41 p ni lor rehsntn.
kin too Mn i irnid
Serit.f 'I j ai Ivr tVIIke I'rtr
I'-" . le:ive s.-'.nvove .1 unci Inn
10 00 S 01, week ilny arrivtns li'l ilelpht
) i. p in No' York 1 3Sli 01 lleltlWttf N II ii n
WsfhlORtOII 4 in p in
581 p in .I'll, irrlvlae s ricpclciplii '
,030 1 nt Now ynrk I a u . lial 'ImOU I'-ipn i
VVaaMM Mi in H p HI.
Riflite, week tl.i. .'rclig rWailetphta. i
t bOa in, New N nrk 713 a n , lliiltiinorc 2 an a in
V uxllintitli ' ''.' ' ' '
Tra'nselolfv N' nhuty;
2 .7 I in dally arming al Hlillsdeidhla ' V2 n n ;
I'nltlttture 6 8 3 ni werhl un.n 7 4.' n in Nov
Vnrk vStta in Weekdayi.10 3 s S3 Mooilaya.
7 i' 'n week tlaya smvine nt Pbllsdeipbli
It SSUl.N"w York KM p in, BsRlOula 1 b
a in, Washington I "0 l in.
1 S.i p III, Week iMii I'tlivlttif :'l I'. 1 1 '.If' y '
SH PM. Now YurK SO i in, Hail mure 8 0 pn
Wsshlogton J l n ni
Trains it - le., i Hiinbure it SAOemrnil 333
euii 3 01 p n.. lor Herhaburtr, Pblladetplils un.
l K, W' ii ih, Gen'l Paaa Afeni
J B. HUTCHINSON (ten'l Msaamr
Use It
Our brush should be used daily
in place of the ordinary hair
brush, hair washes, or hair grow
ers. If you do not find, after
six months' trial, that
Dr. Scott's
Hair Brush
will do all we claim for it tend it
back and your money f
will be refunded. You
can buy the number
one size for
To lie Trnilcil,
"Don't you think the American mass
es can be trusted to think out problems
for themselves and arrive at sensible
"There can't be any doubt of It," eald
the office holder, "so lor as the Amer
ican ninsses in my own locality areeon
cerneil. They have been voting for nie
for years." Washing-ton Star.
rialaa- Mother.
Little Johnnie Mamma, let's play I
am your mother and you are my litle
Mamma Very well, dear; how shall
we play it?
Little Johnny I'll tell yon; you start
to do something and I'll tell you not
to. I'uck.
It Is Guaranteed to Cure
Nervous Headache in five minutest
Bilious Headache In five minutes I
Neuralgia in five minutes I
Dandruff and diseases of the scalp 1
Prevents falling hair and baldness I
flakes the hair long and glossy I
For sale at Dry Goods stores sod Druggists
or sent on npproval, postpaid, on receipt
of price and ten cents for postage.
( ujr toov, tiik DOCroirs stoat," wjJtffi
rrmient. oltvn till infurmathtn concerning I)r. Scutt'i
FJrrtriollrlt,. $3. Ml iad $10 electric Mt II.
EM 11 SO. $1. un.l as. KUctrlc Flesh ttrnthr; V
KsVw auWe eaore, S3. Klectru- ltatttrt, & di.
Electric Intolen. Mi cts. Elastic Trusses, $3. m
r.F.O. A. SCOTT,
841 Broadway, N.V,
I. ml r the Narrollve.
"So the poor chap was wrecked in
fciht of (Hirt. and was like our dinner
things." "How's that ?"
"Never waahed up!"
"Ughl you nasty thing!" Ally
Dlvertlna the Iratanaettt,
Traillnt gowns should never be
worn on the street, my dear; they are
Intended for women who ride in car
riages." "Well. Jack, ynii Know very well that
it isn't my fa til I that I haven't a car
riage." Chicago Record.
I'lnee to Heat.
Williamson It was never Intended
that a lazy man should reach the top
of the ladder.
Henderson1 suppose not; there's
no place up there for him to sit down.
Town Topics,
erntsj.UI ttrsttfaaOJ
Remember that name when you
mil' 11 delicious, Hppetizing, nourish
ISt food drink tn take the place of
teffed, Sold hy nil grooers and liked
y all who have used it. GraiD'O ic
made of pure grains, it aids digestion
ind strengthens the nerves. It is not
1 stimulant hot h health builder and
lie children ns well as the adults CAD
rink 11 with ucreat benefit. Costs
limit otK'-fonrfh ii" much as coffee
tfie. and per package. A-k our
grooer for Oruiu-t
"Miss Flo. are you fond of clams?"
In dulcet tones asked he:
The maid looked at him coyly, and
"This Is so sudden!" said she.
Cincinnati Knqulrer.
The UonaTfard Talk.
Lord Kakelcigh My descent dates
back J00 years.
Miss Gotlinmme What a long time!
And it seems to have been a very steep
one. too. X. Y. World.
rmlrr It.
Hospital Nurse (to mangled victim of
accident) 1 understand that the der
rick fell ten stories to the pavement.
Mangled Victim (weakly) 1 was un
der that Impression. Ths Kival.
a Persnatieal Arrsusaesaeat.
"Dickey, how old is your sister
Bthel?" '
"Aw; she's been L'O ever since I was
born." Chicogo Record,
What ilo Iks lillflrcli Drink?
Don't give them ten orcoffee. Have
von tried t he in' food drink called
UKAINO? It is delicious and iiniir
ishing and t akes the place of Ooffee.
The more (train O you give the ehil-
dreo the more benfth von distribute
tliroiigh their systems. Grain 0 if
made of puie grains, and when prop
erly prepared tastes like the choicest
grades of cotTce, but cosis about J as
much. All grocers sell it. 100. un.l sue
VeteriNarY sUroeoN.
All professional business eotmeted to DDJ c ir
win reesive prompt and oarefoJ stteBttoa.
Ah. (. CKOUSK,
MlDDIiKBllfto, va.
All business entrusted to his cars
will receive Drotupt attentiou.
for Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Use For Over 30 Years.
SI For a 11 k
To introduce to every family in the
LnsriT'iiuy.-s dtatS'-
UMtaeleS an t IIccIk.
This Ladies' Dongola Kid Hoot, Lace or Button, sole leather
counter, inner, outer sole nnd heel, fauoy top stay, Patent L atbef
Tip, Opt ra Too, 2 to s, D, E, or EE, h : 1 1 1. postpaid onreeeipl of l.
Equals any $2 bcot sold. Out nuikx filouey refunded if utiStttiB
faotory, We guarantee fit, stlc, srar
i iti:r. iiMi e.iiiiiociie with iiiintraiiiiiisnt iso bargains In-shoes; also a Bobserlb.
1 lekei wuioo Bocunsu i.uieriu c isn H huh mi .n.iir j eir .s Iraitlni;.
Equals nnyfa oo shoe : witeweni barefooi rather tbao
buy anrtblngbsi tbe DEXTER si ,oo SUoe.
bSXTSa SiiuK (Ni :
Dear Blrs Ttte shoes are provtnn saflsfsctory. This pair tost 1 now bars make the
different Styles Of Shoes llial I liave iMiuxliMir y.iu ulnl l lley are ull pmil. I slmneil our
meroh&ot a pair nt 1 1 i n sboes tbsl I bad lust received Iran you ami toot bis Itnife sod
eut Inlii the lieol und I'Miinliieii lliem llioiniiclily aliil pronoaBCed llieni cheap SI IS 00.
Vim in timi an order with nils letter for two awrepatr nt shoes.
Bespeol Hilly yours. MU.H. J. M. WILLIAMS,
Wlllci, .VeUiu'lno c i., fill.
i'. s. i se mytasms ityonllke,
raXTXH BnoaOO.1
Cents Hesse Had enclosed, herewith, express Dtoney order. Pleasrssod the siines
out vrlthoul iii lay. i trn aeedlbg ibeot, My ite Issloroal tMrarootod and i don'i wish to
bay shoes st say other nouss beoauss 1 bars used the Pester and tiud tiieui the best for
tbe atone . Yours truly.
Netvoka, ill.
DEXTER SHOE CO., bSSSSU, Boston, Mass.
Established 1880.
Capital $500,000.
tsr tv
Natnral Inatlneta.
There has never yet been diseovered
a woman so strong-minded that she
didn't lonf? and pray for a sealskin
ssoque and a white satin sofa cushion.
Is about as near perfection as 50 years
o( Lamp-Making can sttaln to. It
burns kerosene, snd gives a powerful,
clear, white light, and will neither blow
nor Jar out. When out driving with
tt the darkness easily keeps sbout two
hundred feet ahead of your smartest
horse. When you want the very best
Driving Lamp to be had. ssk your
dealer for the "Diet."
We Issue a special Catalogue of this
Lamp, and, if you ever prowl around
after night-faU, it will Interest yen.
Tis mailed free.
60 1alght 8t., New York.
Xetabtiahea) la xsse.
j Consult or communlcatr wiih tho Kiltior
of this paper, wlio will Rive all Deeded lnfor-maflon.
ert pi 1 --ni- t'i reprenent ui iu MnnnKern in
thiflfind cloMi by connllefj. Salnry a year
and expenneo, Htraiht, boiirvlide, no more,
no le FMlary. 1'onHion pernietnent. Our refer
enen, any hank in any town. It is mainly of
fice work ; conducted at home lietorenee. En
clone nelf-ttddreiiwrtl Ntamped envelope. Tiik
Dominion Company, Dept. 3, Chicago P-'JJH-lrtt.
0 w
WS HULL HI na.t Mam NniTlSaS I. aiaWk,lk. ' Ms
I ! U.I mall al to Sa.S.
OUR OFFER: CmthUadiwtand end
vrrcn. to ua, IneloM a rood url
aampl of tlia twi .ku. wanted, aod rut It
outaa near the root, aa poaalbla, loeloae
Mr ifMlal prism t.a ... i ant. ntn to
pay poatae. and . wUI k. la. .Itok to
m.i.b fwm, Mr ..Ml, and to you by
mall. po.tpalil, and If rou are nnt peeieeSg
aatlauad, rrturn i I and v. will Immediately
a.Mlaw.1 -cm. rwltrh
refund your money.'rW
. lour, I"" sum, esoi ahort aten.
f-oa. tt In. lone, abort atom, S)I.1S
at-In. lone. abort item. ai.BOi Sea.
In. long. ahort ate tn. S2.2SI H o t in.
, anon atam, aa.xO. wa huutu
a ua an
a waas
market. Siaai ataaaa aada.4 awaaapeelal
I If tee ami
aaaaaS. write for Free
Hair Hood., aaoreaa.
a va. era
are intended for children, ladles and all
who prefer a medicine disguised as con
fectionery. They may now be had (put
up in Tin Boxes, seventy-two in a box),
price, twenty-five cents or five boxes for
one dollar. Any druggist will get them
if you insist, and they may always be
obtained by remitting the price to
The Rioans Chemical
I sm. a .
U... You can . amine It at your ntiareat freight depot and If hM-aBBS
lrrfrrll ..ll.lwlorj.eaaotl. a. repreeented. u urklaearfaara MilBBBBBBV
a. kl.ka., and THS uajLiTBJT SaBSllS TOV eaaj
:.7,.M." SpscialOfferPflcstl5.50
and freight charge. Machine weigh, la) pound. and thafrelffht
a..r.g.i eeaufor S mll IVE it TNIU atOSTHt fll
your uwa home, and wa will return your 115. fio any eay yoe are
Bau-r seu fliBr..l aiaae. aaa ereeMef aewlag aaahl
aio.mi. aadaa. ail fullr daaerlhad in nn.
BMkla. Ulatoaae. bat Sit. M for thia Sloe eenM CIBISBT Bl'BBICS
tke ereate.t vaiaa ever aaerea ay aa. aawae.
OCUSDC OiT laaSITATirkOia b.
tiaemanCa.offerlruT .....wa ana Ian under vaiioua namaa. will
a.arawata. Tfille tea. Msml la fMiaa, aaeiaaa aa, maialaaa. eat aBa
ii in lEaEaaaaaaaiii a a i a a. at aacane aaBS.
f nets, a
il ItTs1 1
I. "SaT "K ObTbTSbI boaaada
f " .j BB1UJ aaaV aSaaBTW eaawr
win BJ
l'. mm
not BJ BSw
aaaa aa. te, SjaaaaTaawawwaa mm
fll iini :
alula! anaty aaaaa y
cloaad i head droawLaw f man
a aaaa, the other opaa with
ka. Boaau.a
BeBafa winder, aaji
ire tears
. ou. mwmuui
oan eight) to be aead ea a I
1th rill lantrth teMe and b
towel IBB eeeteua feaaw. ear
IMS, Saeet etafcal drawer pa
and bead In place for
avaa, earred, paneled, em
An wee nolle na.i In.r
l ewaulaaSmytklroBttauid fkM Isrsy Bhjk area
feea-eetf IbaaailBaa III a .bottle eatoaaatle
M. baartaga. pateat taaaaoa liberator loop.
aaue earner, patent needlt bar,
waawM.....a awaaaawawawa faJTueVMUi
wheal, adyeaaabaa merer foot, oaaeue i draw, e-uerd bee. k, baaateeawi. ' mmst
aiailulaail OU ARANTSBP iWsatiiari.ia., mmS eerake. awt eeerw
nkili. to. inii Key bWea laiaf il rwaVik I aod oar Free lo-
atrectieJl .Seek MWIeat lvavajkyaiaa real, eed do either plala oraay
IT C0T YOU H0T1ir.a
the. j aroint eket to,
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Teeee' Bl.aiel
la aajatarttk erery aaaehlao.
roper. It with
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..(IncJ CMoago, Ilk