The Middleburgh Post. Published ttvorv Thursday. Geo. W. Wngenseller, fcditor and Proprietor Subscription per year. wiii' n win n wM to advauce wnra ml out- ahlc i in uountjr.) HATES OF ADVERTISING. ah uuuirai advetllcmonti urn oUterwlM oit.trui i .i it.i i. ' n l . rlniivrit lit I ht- rale (if IS i i "i" "!! wure) wr nmiMw linn and 10 rr.ta m-r line lor even lubaeauent insertion, tribuirt tfityfed. ilc. fAwenrtr a tine. Ibnrsday, Nov, 23, 18(d!. Lcsher is gettiug ready to pull Senator Ilummel's leg. It makes no difference to Lesher, either Sena tor or Congressman. r 1 here i already prevalent some talk on an early or lute primary next year. 'ine to the necessity of ..I.....;,,.. .I..I (. tin. 1 1 i , .1 l:l I I Reouhlican Convention and an early state convention, there will not lie entire freedom to postpone the prim arv to a very late oatc. , . r , ; i Our Shoe Factory and Employees. It is said that Hon. 15. K. Focht communicated, of Union County will not be a can- A modtrn town has been reared didate for State Senator, lie pre-J on the old town plot. Numerous fers to be a candidate for Assembly-1 business buildings now deserve ad man in order to give his friends a miration; many beautiful homesgraoc chance to express their opinion on our shady street-: two good and the. strength and ability of himself well eqipped printing offices ample and the present representative, F. E. hotels, richly furnished and famoua Brown. In that event Union Coun- for their cheap rates, extend the ty would probably not have a lull visitor n hearty welcome. Our re pledged candidate for State Senator tail stores contain more merchandise and leave the contest practically he- than is usually kept in a place of tween Northumberland and Snyder its size. Situated in the -most fa counties, mons and unsurpassed climate A- merit a can afford, bids fair to become Major Mahon for Congress. ' mor' populous in coming years ; and j soyrtorcouno Tribune. j deserves public enterpsise. An 1111- Forthe past three months the surpassed and healthy climate did I editor of the tribune has been inter- i 8V Why the rosy cheeks and the viewing a large number of the Re- sturdy carriage of all our daughters j nul.licans of our eountv. in relation to the candidacy of Major Thad. M. Mahon for reuoraination for Con- world to surpass it. gress in this, the old lXth District, Have we not abundant reasons to at the next primary, and the univer- I praise and speak well of this town sal response basin-en: "Major Ma-j and surroundings? for our beauti hon has proven himself a good Con- fid homes, pleasant families, beauti gressman and we do not believe that I ful glens ami wildwoods surround- a change at this time would be ben-1 eficial to the ciizens of the district or state." Major Mahon, on all questions affecting the interest and welfare of State and Nation, is fully abreast of the times; his strong sense ot right and justice, with his clear and forcible manner of stating a pro- position, eminently fits him to be the champion of the people. He is thorougly in touch and accord wth uie Adinimsirauon in n lomgu as well as domestic policy, and in this respect fully represents the sentl- paentsoitnecmzensoi ue u run, irrespective ol party. Major -Mahon is not one of the members who are ic.ui ... Bucum ....... I ' ' '. . . . . 1 1 1 , r 1 . 1 n - I. lit .' when he docs so It with til II know- ledge of the question under consi deration, and carries weight with it. Major Mahon is rated with the strong men ot the House and his re turn would BtHI further increase his efficiency. One ot the Major's strong pciinls with his constituents is that he is from the ranks of the ico ple, and is oneol (lie people he was not born with a silver spoon in his mouth, hut owes his success in lite to the indomitable will and energy. From our knowledge of our people and the expressions we have heard from all sections of our county, we have no hesitancy in saying that Sny der county will endorse Major Ma hon for the 57th Congress. The Hishonest Ballot. If only the half is true that is published in the Philadelphia papers, that city is weighted down with loads of corruption. Ballot reform is badly needed in that city. When a system of voting is so basely pros- tttllted that the will ot a people is ill oi falsely registered, that government j must retrograde . . U..11... I. .111..,. 'V, H i. .... should le punched to the lull tx-; HI LIU 1(111 I A - it? i)ri'eh,ss leSm tent of the law. The priceless leg- acy oi our io,e.awier.,-ine is reduced to a nonentity, unless the' i i f a il l .11.1 perpetrators oi tins rottenness are8liou,d mlucecl t), graye, and, pltMd behind prison doors. ; nfl t(j fiH Qp Mr Vhh,H miU ; The arrest of Clarence Meeser, noad j or in other words that that ! Jeat. John G. Itodgcrs and Samuel , terrible hurricane from the north ' Salter has awakened a new interest I wbicn moved it six inches should bpnrer elections and placedbefore the fayq J(nVeredit t) the ground and j peoj.le a fuller realization of the in- j rwJuced it to kindling wood ; for this, j iquity that is besieging our free in-if M,p,K)se, would I one ot your Btttutioos. When the sanctity otjmin,rs I)()es a railrosid or a c-anal j the ballot is execrated so that the U, nny K(M- Answer yes. And j vote of one man is not equal to thejjlow' jt facilitates intenxiurse, j vote ot another man, it is time for I opeii markets and increases the ! Ih Anii ricsi to check the nrotrress : ...,i.i, ,.,,i,nrv Hut whnt is i iiv'' i J of depravity. Ballot reform must, begin at the foundation. The jiersoiial registra tion act of New York and other states imiHt be inaugurated. Ine system requires that every man must appeU personally and register and provo claim beyond a iioiint. 01 ins right to vote. The enactment of this provision WOU Id at least alleviate the pollution, hut as long as the de pravity of human nature exists, there will be perversion. It you would eradicate bo base an evj) youtnust educate ' J the masses : and i m Dress uoon mem. not in me . i .11 eilomill) 01 lUC rill)(, Dill BIBU mi necessity of their personal and lnd vidnal attention to exterminate all vicious practices that tend to defeat the honor and integrity of American citizenship. Only by calling into play the nobler qualities oi mankind in general can there be expected to Ik- a complete expulsion of the base methods used to thwart the will of the majority, There are honorable people enough in the state to do it. f they will only rise up and demand ! , VY ul tk' lot lux wi ie assure d. ll,al Kra'1' Ilu' si reels, near me out U" argument and .ha! lenge the mg us; a prosperous lotfW The following was uttered bv one of our stockholders, and a good kind father he is: "Pe foreigners cooma I don bare un grea hoeha wages on miser kinner shofta tor nix luufer bissel ; un mere orma dunncr hucha doa bee un hen nix. Un was iroodc jdood de shoe factory, any how?" Now Mr. Someboby kindly take chairaud be seated -right in front of me where , ran Uk yoa j tla. jace aml wll(,,. ymc&n watch ny (,,imtl,naI1,.,. an( the verv apple of my Now then is it not true that I owe I ... ..,..,...14 ... .....II no .... Iw. I thw ,,,,,,.1.. win. came here are ir,H : . K ... ' Kino, Dusy, laimiui ami mausinous, conscience, upuoiu oui jjoou pi .in l and right here don't forget that "the pics, giKjd feelings, and turn our busy are the cheerful," a gcnnl old good actions toward and in favor of maxim, hence they are cheerful, wbv ! Iiecause they have learned their trade, they are masters of their trade : and have spent many years j having. It is good to haye it, good learning it; and will have the wages I to honor it; and whatever tends to they earn. President McKinlcy once animate and strengthen such feelings said : "There is no motive to make does 88 much and more right down a product if you can not find some- practical good as filling up low body to take it; the maker must I grounds and building railroads. 1 find a taker." .So these people are am more than surprised at tlieindus-self-made masters of their trade and try and good will of our girls and have found a taker. But you sayjlHiys! and here is a kind word for 'what goodwill the factory do?" you all: lie steady settled aud eare- jl beg leave to express myself as a; Yankee, and answer this question by asking two or three more, to which I believe it will lie quite as diffioult to furnish a satisfactory reply. And I ask, what good docs any thing do? What is good? Does anything do any good ? The person who suggeste this oIh jeetion, ot course thinks there arc some undertakings that do good ; and I should therefore like to have , ., , , I1i!,:n.i When O I . this is dene, if I do not demonstrate i . . . .., .,,. f, flW.. Anom ,, c,imi, . ' ; , riw j ,,int i anvtl)in , fa , . . I will consent n kt tl. ,...!. in the fount at ion ncilllll Ui i tlus good for? Why individuals prosper ami get rich, and ultimately gold and silver will flow into our town and cause it toiucreasc in wealth $s-oo. 36 MARKET STREET, SUNBURY. $7 so. Have You Looked al the Camel's Plaids for Skirts ? 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.65, $2.00 per Yard. Headquarters for Is slid Fine Dress Goods The largest line of Ladies' Dress Good; in Northumberland Co. Ladies Pocket Handkerchiefs. Kid Gloves, 75c to $1.75. Ladies Neckwear 25c to $2,50. 250 Ladies Fur Collarettes. Fur Scarfs and Coats, Feather Boas. CH U and population. If this factory is conducted in a legitimate business like and successful way, where is thew difference between it and riinm ora canal ? Is there any difference lictwee.i this and any other entemrise? Certainly not, would enterprise? Certainly not, be heard front a dozen throats, if 0....I. t. .1... iwbh nnA it nortninlv !u - tl. let us remember and SIK'ak our -. . .. such enterprise. e must alladiuit that such enterprise which promotes the prosperity of our town, is worth ful, don't learn your trade half way and then go home, remember that three moves are as bad as a fire; oversee your own affairs with your own eyes and not trust too much with Othewj keep thy shop, and thy shop will keep thee; and again, If you would have your business done, go, if not, send ; and again, you re member the old saying : He that by the plow would thrive. Himself must either hold or drive." The managers of the factory need , 1 I 1 i .L' I. a.1 no advice, and i an not mum uiey .am . I l il a. will see this, so while they are not lkinir. I will not say much. But, . . ... i i ah! think where you are wnen you run in debt, you give 10 unouier power over your liberty. If you t51 not pay at the time, you will be ashamed to see your creditor; you will lie in tear when you speak to him; you will make poor, pitiful excuses, and by degrees, (me tolose your veracity, and sink into base downright lying; for "the second vice is lying, the first is running in debt." For example, you receive a bi'l of leather due in 60 days. If you pay it within 10 days you may deduct 2 ner cent, of the amount. - a You get 2 per cent, tor giving the seller the use ot your money the re maining 50 days. That is 14 3-5 per cent, a year. Do you often find at Jrf .MH DRY GOODS, TRFXI fit3.00. Made Up Skirts, Silk Waists. ; Carpets, Carpets, Curtains, slugs. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR CARPETS, DON'T PASS Velvet Carpets, Brussels Carpets, - -Ingrain Carpets, - - 190 Rolls Opened This Week a 1 tetter investment? And again you receive a bill due in 30 days, if you pay it within fi days you may deduct In per cent, of the amount. You get 10 per cent, tor giving the the firm you buy of the use ot the money the remaining '1 da. That is 1-lli per cent, a year tor your !mollcv 1 invite auv one to take his pencil and think, and figure with me, and il you find me in error, charge it up to me. Should you Ik1 verv busy and nut find time to do the figuring yourselves, kindly invite your near est school teacher to do it for you. Ah ! methinkfl I hear one of you say 14 jer cent, discount is not right, but remember I challenge anybody to prove to me the opposite. Did you ever find a U'tter investment for your money'.' Do you believe that you, as a successful body, iau afford to lose the discount of a single bill once a year? It vol' do, not I. As ever thine to serve thee, Zip. Deafness Cannot bs.Curod- by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitution al remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous liniug of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a ruuibliutr sound or iui perfect hear ing, and when it is entirely closed, deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, heariiig will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an iullamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give ONE HUNDRED DOLL A ItS for any case of deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars; fre. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 7c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Id the Estate of ) la the orphan's rourt Mary Groan, Deceased. ( oi Snyder Co., I'a. The uiiiIit-Ik"'''! Auditor, appointed by the above named Court to make distribution of the Iwlance rcmainiuK in the handi of K. H. tsroft. AdminiHtrator, Ac. of Mary Uroaa, De i ciued, to and anions thoae leically entitled to the aame, will attend to the dutiea of hi ap- Bntment at the office of K. K. Bower, Kaq., In Iddlabuu. Pa., on Saturday, Dec. Und, at 10 o'clock A. M , at which time and place all per oua bavlnir clalnm upon the aaid fund will ap pear nad praaent the name before the Auditor, or forever be debarred from comlne; in on aaid fund. a A. W. FOTTIK. Nov. 1, int. m Auditor. COATS, SUITS, Gr-oli Capes Carpets Sit, PR'S Eye Openers on DRY GOODS. 2500 yds Prints, 2Hc yd. 3000 " Muslins, 2hc yd, 3500 " Canton Flan'l, 4c yd. 2 Cases Outing M 5c yd. 1 M Serge DressGoods 4c yd. 1 Case Blue Prints, 4c yd. Before You Make Your holiday purchase Visit Our Store. - - 65 to 95c. 45 to 75c. 35 to 35c. MARRIED. Nov. 18, by Rev. I. I Zimmer man, Charles F. Heltrioh and Annie M.Stunipff, both of Beaver Springs. Nov. Hi, by Uev. (J. I). Drucken miller, S. O.Gilbert and S. Mar garet Mover, both of Free burg. Nov. 1), iii New Merlin, by Rev. S. Sidney Kohler, Harry A. Miller and Lizzie Millhofe, both of Mifflin burg. Nov. 16, by Rev. H. (i. Suable, ilenVy F. Knouae and Jane Benier, doth of near Kratzerville. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of ZjfjOSi DIED Nov. 10, in New Berlin, Jacob Sanders, aged 74 years, ,S months and 9 days. Nov. 12, at Richfield, Mrs. Julia Sbaelfer, aged aliout 75 years. Fun eral at Meunouite church. Nov. 5, at Middlecreek, David Steininger, aged i years, 1 month and 15 days. Used by Brltlah Soldiers in A Trim. Ctpt. C. G. D9nnisou is well known all over Africa as commander of the forces that captured tlio famous re belOahahe. Under date of Nov. 4, from Vryburjj, Bechuaualand, he writes : "Before startiu; on the last campaign 1 bought a quantity of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and and Diahorrea Remedy, which I us ed myself when troubled with bowel complaint, and ba i giveu to my men and 1 1 every oase if proved most be neficial." For sale by all druggists MlDDLEBURQH MARKET. Butter Eggs Onions Lard Tallow Chickens. Turkeys Shoulder Ham 18 20 6 4 7 10 8 12 Wheat Rye Corn Oats (old).. Oats (new). Potatoes . . . 68 50 85 oo 25 30 Bran per 100. 80 Middlings " 00 Chop 90 mm. THIS a yard. a yard. a yard. 100. 84.00. Court FracJamatinn, WHERKA8 the Hun. Harolil M. Mct'lure 1 remdentJudKe ol the Judicial Ulatrlet, computed of the couDtlca ol Snyder, nd I'nlun and Alfred Spreht and Z. T. Qem berUng, Emm., A8uclate JdWla and loriSny iter county, have Issued their pieceM, beurlnn dnte the 6lb day ol Oct. A. II., UM, to uie directed liir the huhllnK ulan Orphana' eiouri, i. cuurt ol Uouiuiun Pleas, court ol Oyer and Ter miner and General Cuurt ol (Quarter 8essluna ot he Peace, at Mlddleburxh, lor the eountv ol Snyder, on the Hurt Mouday, (IwIok the lltb day ol Dee, 18). and to continue one week. Notice Is therefore hereby (Iven to the Coron er, Justices ol the Peace and Constables In and lorthe county ol Snyder, to appear In their proper person wlih their ruIN, records, inqniitl tlons, examinations aDd othor remembrance to do those thlnns which of tlielr olfloes aud In ilielr behall paruin to he done and witnesses and persons proseeutlnK In behalf ol the Com iiiunweallh aaalnstany person or persons are re quired to be then and there atlondln and de parting without leave at their nerii ii.... ; arc requested to be punctual in their attendance i iii,. i i ii, . . nine uirreeaniy to notice Olveo under tny han.i .,.i seal at the Sherl ITs ofllce iu Mlddleturifh, the 131 h day ot Nov. V tho isand eluht hundred and ninety nlu(J P. S. KITTKlt. Sherln.i mL tu fa ' SJKIfSl I"lnlt',, fi0M hVive Hied their AdiiiinlHtratorn', (iuradlan. und Kx editors' accounts Inihe K-iflsti-r'soniceof &hv. der t oaonr, und the Kume will be DNMBted for connnnat on a mi allowance at the (urt liouse Id Mlddleburgh, Mohdny, Dec. nth. law. Klrat nud final accouut of Dr. J. W Hamnaeii adininmiratorof tlieaaiato of If. 0 SamSSc laleor eeutre TownshlD. Snyder Co.. Pu. 'fee d. Flrat and final account of P. M. Tents mar KlpnkiAt"ei,St!d,.Pla U IDlUortl"lu ESS KlrKiandnnal account of D. A. Kern nnd o. M. MobIz, aduilnistratorbof theeataie ofOei.rKe ,wluL",r.,lle,,orou'n of Mlddleburu, Sny der Co., Pu., deceased. J. II. WILMS, IteglBter of Wllla. Reglatr'8 omee, Mlddlebuig, paM Nov. is, 18W ONLY S. op 'JulSlaHs b frelKhf. 3 O.tTlu'bjIctto examlnatloa. iHiunuai Had It the equal of an. fin proor eonmaatloB lock lror and steel safe mad and Umi t k.r. far u. mm .i JLjJ Bf your freight acent Mr Metal fheterr Jb ui rrelckt ekarna, lew the b.a -li. iir "ela. wt.1. .......I. kwto. airt, it ih., a rrh7i. mmmm BUYS A S3.50 SUIT ,U4M thLKMUTM) "MrVkHWIUMUtT" UOLMLS rr.iT .m B.K., n r ! la h fi..o iiuib' iav met kkkk pants Si'lTt AT $1.08. k NfN SUIT Flit fOI AMI If Tl HUE SUITS TISfAQTNf WIAI. .nllkkii. mi and beiid to u. ktai- age uf Uj and my hcther Jlanff or Mni.ll formtfo and w will aoa 70a me uii ij wn ivna, u. v. auujec. so ex amination, foil ran nanlar It at your MVJMM oftleaand If fnuixl iterfectl atla- factory and mimbI t eaita tM la jr B. Mi pay 7 ou r u 1 prtsa ay ant urn per lal ewa mr rnrr, ii inn V Of 111 eipi charaea. Uyearaor mw tmi .r. Maura .m j wkete at THISf I r , l.a, anil a naMHTIUITI. f aai' aa4 ara ratal are for bo v. . to M.M. MadewlthMmUMUTaaaim, latrat 1MM etila aa Uk akataajaa. , w..r mtallae. ai.alna CaMiBer. neat. handaoMa Dattern. Sue Italian llalnr. paaaM Ura;aaa Marifcakw, raaHlaa, alaftaa; aa4 ralaferalar, .Ilk ..4 Mara aralair, awalallar Ikfiaejaael,aaeiltaar ear ar aarrat weald ke araal eC rM rua (UiTN Uapua .r a., . 0.1 uw iw i-j. 4 la MrUM, wftia far Kaaiaia Baat la. Wk, tuaUlaa faahloa plate., tape neaaumand falllnatnirtloaa hew to order. Maa. Mu aiaae t e erder frrra M.M mp. aaaa aleaaeatfreeonapiilk'atton. tilwaaa. CAM, ROEBUCK CO. (taw.). CMmm. ML BttfeMfe t. art UMfuflAj iAaBkkliSaM BL A mm HM With nrAmm, rh. U J