TOMBSTONE INSCRIPTIONS. I Steininger, Elizabeth dau of Solo- )Q YQU (JET UP inon and, b INov 14, 1Mb; d Apr 3, 1858, aged 11 y 4 m 1!) d. 4 Collection Made Jrom alllhe Bury ing Grounds in Snifdrr Comity for the MHdleburyh "7W." WEST BEAVKR TOWNHIIII. Rcitz, Mollie, w ot P. E., d Sept 7, 1896; aged 62 y 5 m 3 d. Steinirger, Catharine, b June 22, 1830; d Mar 12,1862, 31 y 8 in 20 d. Stei ninger, Henry W., i of E. and S., I) Aug 80, 1845 dAug 11, I860, aged 1411 m lid. iSieininger, llarbara, w M Theodore, I) Nov 4, 1776; d Sept 18, 1810, aged 33 y 10 m 14 d WITH A LAME BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes Ton Miserable. Romig, Alex. H., d Feb 4, 18o2, gtelniufer, William, b Dec 22, JL aged 27 y 2 m 29 d. 1804. (1 Al,ril 6j l861) agul w0 Almost everybody who reads the news papers is sure to know of the wonderful cures made by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It is the peat medi cal triumph of the nine teenth century; dis covered after years of mfimnttiir E b MJU .n,,iiiti lbOCAIV.ll UJT fTvB Dr. Kilmer, the emi nent Kidney and blad der specialist, and is I Wagner, John D., s ot A. and M., ' d Apr 1, 1S84, aired 25 y 2 m 5 d. ' Weiand, James H., s of M. S. and H., d Nov 14, 1884, aged 15 y 6 m 6 d. i Weiand, Jnoob ( ., I of M. S and H.,d I)eo 31, 1801, aged 1! y 10m 6 d. Weiand, Hannah, w t Michael, b June 14, 1840 d Feb 20, 18!M, aged 53 y h m i d. Weiand, Lester, a of Charles and Lucy, d Jtdy 23, lH'.iti, aged 1 v 8 in 1! d Romig, Jackson H., s ot John and 46 y 3 in 14 d. nderfully successful In promptly curing i , . , . , . . a ne back, kidney, bladder; uric acid trou- i " l''alu, ""ant daughter, I Sept 8, lame bacK, kidney. bles and Brlght's Disease, which is the worst E., d Dec 16, 1888, aged 16& Stefoiager. How ard K, a ot R. and form of kidney trouble. ...... i ... ' , Dr. Kilmer s Swamp. , Sophia, w of J.J.,d Nov 23, HWrnngcr, Elian W., dau lvW, ln s0 many waySi ,n hospital work, m private Weider. infant child of T. and Mar 882, aged SO y 1 , 27 d. A May lo, 1893, aged JQ y 1 S&tTito lUi Ag 14, 1868. Catharine, d Apr 28, 1840,.,... ' , every case that a special arrangement h.s Will, John F.. H ot J. and ,.. d Smith, Jacob J., b Mar 25, 1868, aged 70 y 9 m 27 d. Smith 1882 Smith. Catharine, d Apr 23, 1840, aged 2 y II m, Smith, William J., s of J. and K., d July 7, 1853, aged ! m 20 d. Smith, John, d Mar 21, 1840, aged 17 y 5 in I d. Smith, Ilarharn, w of John, l May 15, 1802; d Junel, 1877, aged 75 y 16 il. Smith, George 8., b Apr 24, 1824; (1 Mar 29, 1849, aged 24 y 11 III 5 d. Smith, Joseph, d Oct 4, L880, aged 55 y 3 in 29 d. Smith, Elizabeth, w oi Joaeph, 1 Nov 14, 1891!, aged 70y22d. Smith, Ua!, dan of Win. and A., b Sept 1, 1868; d Dec 23, 1872, aged 4 y 3 m 22 d. Smith, Eliza M., v of Win., b Nov r Lr 1 1 c . r, . . n ju , , ice.) I mt muni man mmmm mymn is not rec- j.t a Mar II, 1004, ageu m ommended for everything but If you have kid- Id ney, liver or bladder trouble It will be found Just the remedy you need. It has been tested 1894, aged 1 d. Weiand, Annie, b June 23, 1806; d Jan 28, 1888, aged 81 v 7 m 5 d. DtelDinger, Jacob, 0 rco U, IMo, beenmadeby which all readers of this paper aged IV.) y 10 in. who have not already tried It, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book Steinimrer. Barbara, wot Theodore, telling more about swamp-Root and how to P 7 ' iiJ .11 1 l.:J Li.jj.i t i . . I... ,01 I-HI..1 I..I,. 1 1 una out ii you nave Kidney or Dladder trouble. .Ml H.' l l, IBOO, when writing mention reading this generous Iged62 y U m 10 d. 0ffer in thispaperand tr-K 1 age. Stuck, Ellen, d June 24, aged 1 v 1 d. this pane send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing hamton, N. Y. The Out 31, 1, aged ' d. Will. Levi J., s of John and Mary A., d Nov 7. 1858, aged 3y 10 in 7 d. Will. Margaret, dan of J. and L, Boils and Pimples Give Warning. AN UNFAILING SIGN THAT ,1 N. iged Stuck, Sarah E., dan of Daniel and lTT 0 - c t 18. I 1 'am. 1 868, Dee Slier, Relieee.t, It oepi i , . i . r, L819; .! Feb 23, 1865, L., ! Nov 1 8 in d. Stuck, Amaudu S., dau o and Lydia, .1 Nov aged 1 y 11 in. Stuck, infants of D. and L., I 8, 1866. Stuck, Jan 27, IS'.'T, Shiery, infant - aged 6 1 y s tn 1 7 d. Stuck, Lydia, w ol A., .1 Mar 1872, aged :'! y I in. Nov 13, 1830 jury List. Stlinely, in!. ml .1 Jan (1 l,agl 13 Eretferi. !831i l 3 v 45 v 3 in 16 d. Smith, Win., Ii May 23, 1811; d Oct 27, I860, aged lit y 5 m 4 d. Smith, Jacob, d Mar 25, 1817, aged 82 y Ii m 9 d. Smith, Catharine, w of Jacob, d May 26, 1852, aged 81 y 4 m 23 d. Smith, Amelia, dau ot Jacob oi Jacob and Sophia, h Sept 26, 1828; d June 20, 1844, aged Hi v9 m. Smith, Anna, w of John, d June 28, 1852, aged 28 y 2 m 28 d. Smith, W. M. Q., d Apr 14, 1890, aged 45 y 7 m 13 d. Smith, William H., s of Sarah J. Maurer, d Scjit 8, 1S72, aged 8 m 1 1 d. Snook, infant dau of A. and I)., d Oct 23, 1858, aged 1 m 2d. Snook, John P., h Feb 1829; l 1872, aged 4:; y. Snook, Anna, w ot Henry, d Aug 0, 1852, aged 65 y 7 m. Snook, Franklin, d Oct 3, 1852, , aged 1 in 28 d. Suook, Lydia, d Apr 1 863, aged 23 y. Snook, Isaac, d Aug 1, 1844, aged ! m 21 d. Snook, Tolly, d Dec 31, 1863, aged 18 y 4 in. Snot (ji.---.i- i i aired aiutKi M'- " b Sept 16, 18 2. aged II y 11 m Stuck, Henry E., fl ol Anthony and ,., (I ( )ct 8, 1866, aged 3 m 1 d. Stock, Adam- F., 9 oi Anthony and L., d .May 16, 1862, aged I6d. Stock, Isaac, s-of Anothouy and Ii., d Jan 16, 1 860, aged 7 d. Stock, Sarah F., dau of Anthony and L., d Apr 22, 1864, aged 17 d. Stout, Susannah, dau of George and Fliabeth, .1 .Mar 8, 1844, aged mm . 1 i y i m .5 a. Stein, Anna Maria, w of John, b l Apr 21, 1872, Seehrist, ( Jlmrles T., 8 M. E., tl Mar 12 2 y .". m 1 I. Swineford, James I., t. E. J., d Apr 8. I ol M. 1 88 . aged II. ., Ii, and , aged r. V ss. d in !H .1 Spii and ( I I y 3 in. . Aaron F., s of b. Auji' :! 1 , 1 808, age Maurer, Charles s of Solomon and S., 1 Sept 21. 1 872 2 y 1 in 3 d. Trearter, Jacob A., Bof P. V Lint utiiiMii'i lurorx iir.iwn tor iho court "i in Oyer and Tcruilner and General .iui delivery ftodcourt ol Quurter heMlonsof i h.- I'eoci. i Bnyder count iieldan Uw, Term miucnnliiK Monuaj . uecemoer 1 1. irm. Q HAND JUHOlth. N.uiit'. Uecuthitlon Arbogaat, Charlca M Knruier, Apple, .iiiin a.. Farmer, Anig, pulllp, Farmer, Oron, William, Farmer, llornberger, Abnei ., iiiiiitlomiiii, UartmaOi Bllas, Farmer, Herrold, Jaoob U Laborer, Hendricks, JameM, 'I'riickor, Herman, MUton p., Btudent, d Knouae, Daniel, Furmer C Krellzer, Fred., Farmer, K.ini, .Miles, Laborer, NYrliiiod,.liirtilt, I'.iriuer, , Potern, Prank s., Painter, tigci and Price, Jeremiah, rai iner, I peffer, .iniiii, Bboemaker. I Helt, Milton o., Parmer, HirouPi Aiiiert, Lumberman, Belgfrted, Ulrem, Butcher, Bteffen, Isaac Parmer, Binltb, Jaoob O., Unborer, TrOtt, Frank, Farmer, M. M., d Apr 15, 1882, aged Walter, CbuiM, Laborer, ill W aller, WllUatti MiSOll, i i ii. West Perry WiiBblngtou Prunklln Bprlng lerry rentre Union i 1 1 1 1 Penn Penn i Impman Wash I Dg ton Wesi Beaver vv.'mi Dearer i 'hapman petrj West Ilea , c i Wasblngton Bellnsgrove Washington Beaver I 'errj Franklin Prunklln When Nature in orortaxed, she haa her own way of gi vina notice that aaeiat- noe Is needed. She doea not ask for NIT RF K 1PPFA NG he,P "n""" impo-ible to get along without nHIUnt lO ArrCALInU it. BoiU and pimple, are an indication that , , the system is accumulating impurities which rllR Hrl P must K"tton rlJ of I they arc an urgent appeal for aauntauc I Ull IILLI a warning that can not safely be ignored. To neglect to tiurifv the hlnml nt thi time means more than the annoyance of painful boils and unsightly pimples. If these impurities are allowed to remain, the system succumb to any ordinary illness, and is unable to withstand the many ailments which are so prevalent during spring anil summer. Mrs. L Oentile, 2004 Second Avenue, Seattle, Wash , says : " I was afflicted for a long time with pimples, which wereyery annoying, as they disfigured mr fuee fearfully. After using many other remedies In Tain, B 8. S. pnnnptly and thoroughly elennsed my blood, and now I rojoioe In a good complexion, which I never had before." Oapt. W, H Dunlap. of the A. a. S. U. R , Chattanooga, Tenn., writes: " Several boils and oarbunolei broke out upon me, oauatnc great pain and annoyance. My blood seemed to l in a riotous condition, and nothing I took Hwmeii to ilo any k,m"'. Sit Ixittles ol S S. S. cured me completely ana my l!xnl has been perfectly pure ever since, S. S. S. FOR THE BLOOD is the best blood remedy, henauaa It i nnmil nmhkla and is the only one that is absolutely free from potash and mercury It promptly purifies the Mood and thoroughly cleanses the Bysteni, builds up the general health and strength, It cures Scrofula, Eczema, Cancer, Rheuma tism, Tetter. Hoils. Sores, etc., by piing direct to tho cause of the trouble atid forcing out all impure blood, Hooks free to any address by the Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ua. Hi-' Trenater, Carrie E., dau ol W. II. PETIT JV'RC'RI'. i.iat r I'etu Jurie s drawn (or the Uourl mi in, , cieas, r mri or qu irter Sessions nr in i a i i . ... i .,..i i t.ot ,111(1 .J.,(l rx'lll J, I ilireil ivuce, c mri of over uiiil I'crinlner ami ilviieral 1 v 1 1 in I d. Prcaster, John. bJan 5. 1 799: d Oct 10, 1861. aired 62 v !) m 5 d. I WW. Kr, A.... l l-.iO. ,1 v, ...Ol is:'-, ... ' . I I wimp., r.umniiei, runner, , , , xreaater, Joseph, b Mar a, J - . Sept 21, ISO I, nged :!8y I! 1 d. Btine, John, b Oct 1!, 1807j d Oct 28, 1859. Stein, John, J Deo H, 1781; d Sept 12, 1851, aged 7:'. y 2 d. Stein, Zeno, sot Y. and 1'., d A up; 12, 1856, aged 8 y 6 m 2s d. Holiner, Mlu. Piiriner lienler, Paul, Parmer, iionst, Robert, Parmer, llnlieluer. Wllllsm II., K inner. .,, nr.iii ii i ., Daatanaaa, Jeffereot., Wa'chmak freaater, William H., d Aug 18, araley, Oeorge, farmer, 181)3, aged 21) y 3 m 3d. Treaater, BHsabetli, w d' John, b Dec 11, 1797; d Mar 31, 1869, IhobumI, AamaA., Druggist ased 7 1 v 5 m 1 7 d. Stout, John d Dec 20, aged 5 y 6 Treeae, infant child ol Bank ( nroline. in 30 d. ami, George W., d May 20, 1852, ( Trangue Jaoob , Mttr , , , 892 aged 60 y 21 d. agad 6( y in 1 1 1 . ,1 , J? A -1 O 1-1 onout, Isaac, s oi Aua.n aim rnin, Tran(JUe J w 0f Jacob, d Jail ii i ice o, inii.i, agna v d in 25 d. Jail Delivery f Boyiter Oounty, ii.. held as ni'iaiiinii a isiiiiiimi iiiu biii . u, isw. Nam'. Occupation, Rsildence Monroe Mlddleereek (Mispmiin Jackson Jackson Perry r, Jaokson Peon Adams West Beaver Penn Jaokson Hackenburg, Jessie, Farmer. centre Hun .wort ii, William, Qentlemsn, Mellnsfcrove Haines, William P., Ilarncssmaker, aprlng Jarrell, Hamuel, Karnn r, 1 KDepp,Jonn U Parmer, Ka'iffmao, Jobn s , Parmer, I Lauaeaslager, Knoch, carpenter, Meixger, Abel, Parmer, Mover, Cbarles Parmer, KwlDg, QeoMe, Pinner, (loss, Holier!, Kiirmer, (iemlicrtlnif. William II.. 2U, L888, Hired 45 y 1 1 III 1 d. M0e , .lenry, Farmer, M..I-. ,M 1..,...,. XI III.., Sliont, Klviiia, dan ot A. and 8., d hi; 8. 1855. aired6v4 m29(fl Thomas, Carrie, dull ot Adam and Mlddlesmrth, Jacob, Lumberman .1 .1 ill v 15 Jn00i'n8liToah: W,l-f;,0!i"' d Ma-V SIout, Kliabeth, b Feb 6, 1798; d 10, lso.s, aged 58 y 2 m. M;(. l s l s-0; BgwJ n y , m Snook, Fohn, d A.ug2l, 1898, aged jo Bn set a lo y Snook, 5 in 1!) d. , infant dan of A. D ; d Oct 23, 1858, aged 1 m 2 d. Snook, Ida May, dan of A. and I)., I d Apr 9, 1874, aged 1 1 m26d. Snook, Hettie L., W oi Amos, b Annie U. aged 1 1 I'lsh, Uarbara, w ot Andrew, b Sep stoyer.aonn A., Parmer, laujc, bihi raiiuur, Monry, Bsmuel s.. Psrmei ;n; Miiteriing, liienl), Panm r, Murlln, .Tereiiilali ;., Lalmi Moyer, losepli, Parmer, Stumpff, Magdalenia, w oi John, b Oct 25, 1790; d Oct 15, 1870, aged 7'.) y 1 1 m 21 d. I Stump!!', John, d Feb 17, 1 844, aged bo y 1 ni 1 1 a, rkiimnff. Klizabclh. W ot J. K.. d i i oa loss .1 t i a too i I. ' . . - uuuBou,iouu,uAU(rio,iooi, .Mar 1 8, 1 890, aged 77 J 1 m aged 37 y 1 in 18 d. j oi ,j Snook, Jacob A., s oi D. and K., 1 . Stumptl, Mary M., w ofS. K.,d ( tot Septl8,186i;aged3y 3ro6d. 5 i.ssri, aged 59 yS m 6 d. Snook, KenUm II., s ofD. and I Stnmpft, Mflgdalena, W ot Jacob, d d Deo 13, 1801, nged 4m 29d. ov 20, 1845, aged 4s y 10 Snook, Peter, d Apr 22, 1870, aged I m 10 d. 01 V 3 III 17 d. ii,... .11 XnaonliH rl .Tnno9r Iftftfi. u, , , 20, 1788; d Oct 22, I828j aged 10 y 1 111 2 d I'lsh, Andrew, bSept 12, 1785; d Moyer, William 1; . Parmer, ltuiiii; William V Parmer, Hcehrlsf. Allen. .Iii-iIi I I lie Apr'., 1801, aged 78 y li m gmith, Alvln, Merchant, 29 d. apeobt, Prank, Parmer, Bpojia, Okwrge u .Parmer, oi Andrew, Ii Bbaffer, jSsorso B,, Parmer, Snook, Jackson, d L859, aged 28 y. aged 84 y 2 m 29 d. Snook, Philip, 'I A pr 15, 1882, aged Spiglemoyer, Catharine, w of Philip, 78 y 1 111 0 d. j b .Nov 9, 1795; d May 5, 1879, Snook. Eliabeth, w of P., dOot 22,' ngetl 88 y 0 m 8 d. 1881, aged 71 y 7 111 20 d. J Spigelmycr, Sophia, w ot Valentine, Snook, Wilson, d Aug 30, 1850,! J Mar 12 1895 awl 7,J 7 5 agl 1 111 28 d. j m 1 d. Snook, MnrvM., w of Emon,d Rot ! Spigelmeaer, Pollna, w of Daniel, b 27, 1880, aged 19 y lm 14 d.j Mar 28, 1854, aged 24 y 1 m Smalt, Daniel, b Jan 11, 1829; dj Ui (l 'O ! 1 .1111 .- U A O 11111. Oplgieiliyer, I limp, o rn-pi , 1 il Oct W, ISO.), arel 1 it y 1 Feb 20, 1871, agid 42 y 29 d. Snook, Homer, A.,s of A. and D., d Sept 11, 1 80 1 , agid 0 m 1 1 d. Snyder, Anna E., dan of Charles and Sarah, d Mav 10, 1803, aged 1 m 6 d. Snyder, Lilly Jane, dan of Chas.and Sarah, d June 3, 1872, aged 4 y 6 m 18 d. Snyder, John E., s of C. S. and Sa rah, b Feb 19, 1870; d Mar 20, 1873, aged 3 y 1 m 7 d. Snyder, Harry R., s of J. S. and P. A., d Sept 29, 1886, aged 1 J I m 15 d. Steininger, John, b Dec 5, 1861, aged 2 y 8 m 4 d. .1-1 1 111 ii (1. Spigelmycr, Daniel, b July 3,1831; d Aug 1, 1857, uged 20 y 28 d. Stroup, Susannah C, d Sept 22, 1855, aged 7 y 0 m 17 d. Sturt, Emauiiel, b Mar 14, 1 840; d Apr 2, 1861, aged 21 y 19 d. Start, Emanuel, b Jan 27, 1805; d July 25, 1870, aged 65 v 5 m 28 d. Stroub, Susanna, d Sept 19, 1855, aged 9 y 8 in 27 d. Straub, Ervin, d Sept 25, 1855, aged 10 m 5 d. Ulah, alliarinc, w ,lnlv 29, I785;dJail27, 1808, wnawoeoh. Jamee Wagonmukcr, , .11 1 8aodors, OMver, Parmer, aged y ) in - a. t'lsh, Evu liarbiira, w of John, lij Mar 2 I, 1804; d Mar 6, 1879,! 1 -1 11 ... 1 o .1 : iiLia I 1 i-i 111 1 ii. I w.i Ui 1 I 11 .1- lonm I I 1 Werl, Jsmes, I. iboror, Bh, John, b Jan 25, 1809! d June ., ,,ir r 11, 1 SSI, aged 72 v I in 2 d. WetseLJofen P., Parmer I'lsh, Ann C, dail of Henry and Margaret, d Aug-3, 1851, aged 16 v 6 m 22 d. Bholly, Reno, Parmer, LTlrtch, .lames p., Painter, Walker, OBlvtn, P inner, w ii , iiei ii. Parmer, Will, laeoli, Kanii'T, Weliler, William earner. Monroe Spring Pranklln Penn Union Pranklln siprliiK Perry Adams penn I nil at Wasblngton Cbapman centre Penn Adams Penn ice, Tnlon Mlddleereek Washington Perry i ibapmsn spring Reaver Mlddleereek Hellnsgrove centre Porry Wasblogton Monroe i ibapman Beaver Wesi Reaver Ulsh, Williain M., h of Andrew and Cath, 1 Mar 2, I860, ago in 3 I. t lan. Alice p.., dau oi tinry am M. J.. 1 Sept 27, 1 y 15 in 11 d. Wagner, Uarbara, w of Daniel, b Jan 3, 1808; d Jnn 5, 1803, aged 5f y 2 d. Wagner, Lewie, s of Daniel and Marbara, b Nov 5, 1835;dOet 20, 1S5S, aged 22 y 1 1 n 15d. Wagner, Margaret N., dau of Daniel and Barbara, b Feb 12, 1842; d Mar 30, 1857, aged 15 y 1 in 18 d. Wagner, Idal, dan of T. A. and Mary J., b Jan 10, 1870; d Feb 17, 1870. Wagner, infant dau of A. and M., d May 3, 1861. Wagner, Abraham H., s of A. and M., d Oct 9, 1850, aged 6y 2 m 21 d. Wagner, Ralph, s of T. A. and Mary, b Sept 10, 1884; d Aug 30, 1885. DO YOU WANT TO MAKE $300 ? We want a local mauager, lady J j or gentleman, in own (own or coun ty; no canvassing required, Von I can devote fell or spare time; ore v- 1860 aged flings only, in connection with your regular vocation. $200 to 300 can Ik.- made before ( 'hristmaa and it will require very little time. It is not necessary to have had experience. Send stamp tor particulars. Ad dress, The Bell Company,, Philadelphia, I'm. Ll-9-8t FIRE, LIFE AND ACCjjJbif J y4 Insurance.; SNVDKK'S t)LI), AND RELIABLE Geu'l insurance Agency, SELIN3GR0VE, SNIDER COUNTY, PA Elmor W. 3 ydor, Agent, Bnccessorlo the late Williain 11. Snyder. Tha Par-Excellence of Reliable Insurance is represented in the follow lit: list of Standard Companies, from winch to make a selection. None Better the World over. NAM MS, MHIATION, A.METS, rlllE Royal, 1 iverpool, Eng. (including foreign assets) 148,000,000.00 Hartford, of Hartford, Conn., (oldest American Co.) H,il.",T:i.r).i2 Phoenix, Hartford, Conn. 5,688,068.07 Continental, New York, 6,764,90872 German American, New York, 6,2io,niiH.Kt LIFKIutual Life Ins. Co. New York, $204,688, 988,60 ACCIDENT Employers' Liability Assurance Corporation, Accident Ins. Co. .Subscribed Capital of 8,760,000.00 Fire, Life and Accident risks accepted at the lowest possible rate, jus tified by a strict regard to mutual safety. All just claims promptly and satisfactorily adjusted. Information in relation lo all classes of Insur ance promptly furnished ELMER W. SNYDER, Agt.. Telephone No. lM'j. Office on Corner Water & Fine Sts. Selinsurove. Pa KM Read This ! Read This ! MY PRESENT STOCK OF CARPETS la larger than ever before ; my PRIC S LOWER tban OTH ERS for 1 1 SAME GOODS, My prices on - rolls of carpet I wish to close out will suit tlio pocket book of many and save others money, Di not think of buying your fall carpets until you give my stock of carpets your attention and tfet the prices of some of my baimains 1 am olVcring. 'lntmbcrlnlir 1'nlu lliilm Cures Olli m, Wli.r .Not I nn ? Mv wife has been using Chamber Iain's Pain Balm, with good results, for a lame shoulder that bus pained her continually for nine years. We have tried all kinds of medicines and doctors without receiviug bene fit from any of them. One day we saw an advertisement of this me dicice and thought of trying it, which we did with tho best of satis faction. She has used only odc bottle and her shoulder is almost well. Adolfh L. Millett, Man chester, N. H. For sale by all drug giata. NEURALGIA cured by Dr. MIlefflPAra PtIJA 'DteMnt 11 At. all ilmvUI. 1 Prices just right mi these goods. One Word About Pictures. 1 am offering my present slock of pictures at cost, LKSS THAN COST and some for the price of the glass in the frames. Don't miss this salt-. I have some pretty things to offer in Furniture, all new. Later will surprise you in Styles ami Prices, UNDERTAKING ! UN DERT AKING ! In this branch of my business I am prepared to give the public the best serbice that can be secured bv money, time and personal attention. Mv eouippage in this branch of business is one of the finest in the state, HEARSES, CARRIAGES and UNDERTAKING PARLORS are up to date. obi wort about a report that my sttenl Ion lm be called to lately In r:iriirt to mytmoas. I UlTA KANT!': K In Itirnli-I) 1 1n- niuik- ltimhIh at I.KSB MONRY Ui. iii B3V bouse iii UN county, l GUARANTEE to give you ihsIit PAYMENT tbsu all others, First-Class Liven- Connected with Undertaking Department. W. H. FELIX, Telephone ( bntiectioiis i OOOOOOOOOOOOOO ' LEVVISTt , PA i Liberal Adjustments Prompt Payments. REMEIVSBEFi H. HARVEY SCHDCH, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY. Only the Oldest, Strongest Cash Companies, Fire, Life, Accident and Tornado. No Assessments No Premium Notes. The Aetna Founded A. D., 1819 Assets $ 11,055,513.88 M Home 41 " 44 1853 44 9,853,628.54 44 American 44 44 44 1810 44 2,409,584.53 The Standard Accident Insurance Co. The New York Life Insurance Co. The Fidelity Mutual Lite Association. Tour Patronage Solicited.