T The Middleburgh Post. Published everv Thursday. Geo. W. VVagenseller, tditor and Proprietor Subscription iff 1.50 per year. wu.' h iau4i ue paid in advenes when seut out side tlii ' roil in j .) KATES OF AOVIRTISINO. u transient ttdvfrtiim.'iiia not otherwise .nmruvied in will I"- churned ut the rate of IS cents per line (nniipiirli'l measure for first inser tion and lucent per line lor every subsequent Insertion. Ilea ih tv ices published free ; "Mfuory pomy, tributes vf rttjifct. d-e... three cents a lint. Thursday, November 9, 1899. LESKER S IDLE DREAMS. In hist week's Seliiisgrove lime, the editor of that paper, as usual, makes some statements he kuowsare false, h is needless for us to deny that we rcceiwd any money from Congressman Malum in his '98 tilit as it is well known that we had none ofMahon's money to spend, we did not receive one cent of money from Congressman Mahou except what wa8pai(l for printing his card and his name on the tickets, which was what every other candidate was expected to do. K we are to get a position at Washington at the open ing of Congress, we know nothing about it, and it is strange that all the mugwumps in the country get this information before the one most interested. The limes man has hied both Knights and Thomas, the candidates m -s i II lor m 1 1 1 y i ommissioners, anu ns imagines that every editor is as cor rupt as his own veritable self. CUBA AFTER A YEAR OF PEACE. The Cuban Industrial Relief Fund, of 7" Tribune Building, New York City, baa issued for free distribution an illustrated booklet entitled "Culm after a Year of Peace." Theillus trations are direct reproductions of photographs taken by William Wil iard Howard, General Manager of the Fund during the months of August and September, 1899. They show plainly that there is still in Culm a great amount of sickness, Buffering and starvation. Not one ot Mr. Howard's pictures was taken in a hospital. All represent the con dition of the Cuban poor as they are alter the island has been has been at peace for more than u year; as they are after the American flag has float ed over them for ten months. The survivors of the reconcentrados still live in the wretched huts into which they were crowded at the time of the infamous Weyler concentration or der. Utterly without work-oxen, fanning tools, or seeds, with which to resume the cultivation of their devastated farms, thev have remain ed in the towns and cities without means of support and without hope for the future. ( ur own government has done nothing to restore these impoverish ed Cuban farmers to their former homes, It has not provided so much as one farmer with oxen or tools or The Cuban Industrial Relief Fund lias in successful operational Cetba Mocha, twelve miles west of Ma-1 tanzas, two relief farms, on which employment is given to the poor. Nearlv 800 persons are supported by the work done on these two farm-. The managers of the Fund earnestly desire to extend the work toother parts of Cuba ..... e . If glMM Con mnuilollS 01 nioiicv io enanic Ic them 1 to do so should he sent to till Con- tinental Trust ( lompany, 30 street, New York City. troad Tbe Republican Primary. The tickets of thegencral election arc not cold in the ballot box until the discussion begins concerning the Republican primary of next year. That primary will be quite an im portant one and there promises to lie a lively tustle for places. There will lie a nomination made for State Senator and as there was quite B fend created four years ago, there still remains evidences of that bitter contention, ft is a little early toHttW an advertisement of this me- predirt what may occur in the battle dicice and thought of trying it, for supremacy in this contest. There ! which we did with the best of satis ... f , ' ... , faction. She has used only one will also be a nomination made lor- boUle ftnd hor shoulder is almost Congressman and it has U'enw liiK-r- Well. Adolph L. Millktt, Man edin the Hummel faction that the Chester, N. H. For sale by all drug Senator has not decided whether he ; Ri8t8- would prefer the senatorial Toga or . . cougiessional honors. The senator $6 A WEEK TO START. is in tpiite a dilemma, his friends j We want intelligent ladies, or say, owing to the fact that Ixith of i gentlemen, to accept jiermanentposi these jiositions are made vacant at j tion in own town ; salary to start once, and the senator does not feel j $6 a week, guaranteed, and conimis like entrusting the candidacy ofjsion. Many make from $12 to $24 either position to any one except a week. You can devote all or your himself and as he cannot consistent-, spare time. Send stamp for full par ly run for both it will lie an awful ticulars. Address, The Bell Corn pill for him to decline to lie a can. I pany, Dept. C, Philadelphia, Pa. ilidnte for cither one. Concrressma t ll-9-8t. CHRISTMAS SHOPPINQ BY MAIL. We haYe made preparations for taking care of the wants ot our two million customers wbo lire in every portion ot tbe world. Our 304 page Catalogue Is rull or suggestions about everything to Eat, Wear and Use, ana offers particular bargains In: Bookcases, nirycles, brass Goods, Cabinets, Candles; l ulna cioseis, iars, hocks, Ouarcmttid Watdu Couches, Commodes, Desks, et. to $76 00. Draperies, Fancy Chairs, nun Tahles. Fountain Pens. Gold Penclls,Grocenes,Hand kerchlefs. Jewelry. Mufflers, Lamps, Musical Instruments. Neckties, Ornaments. Pocket Knives, Pictures, Kockers, Shoes, Silverware, Sterling Silver Novelties, B tools, Tables, Watches, etc. Our Lithographed Catalogue thorns Catprts, Rugs, Puilittes, Art Squares and .act Cut tarns in thtxr real colors. La' pets Da or Nahoqany trued free, lining futntshea Otk,$3 0o. ret, and frtighl prepaid. uur .iiaat-io-vr are .loinmt. Cataloruewith samples of clot), attached offers Suits ana Over coats from $5 95 to 120.00. Ex pressagt paid on clothing tvt v where. H'e alto tssut a specia, Catalogut of Pianos, Oigaus. Sm mg .Ha, hints and Bicycles. We will make your Christ mas buying more satisfactory th.m it hasever been before J h. A Son Flour, Which Catalogue do you pi Bawl, $3.60. want? Address this way : JULIUS HIKES & SON. BALTIMORE, MO. Dept. 909. Mahmi has not announced his inten tion of being a candidate for re-e.ee- tion, but it lie necides to ao so, nc will find his triends ready to support him. Then there will be the position of Assemblyman to he filled, and as the two-term rule has bee!! granted in Snyder County, Dr. A. M. Smith should not have any opposition for the nomination, There are, how ever, rumors of opposition which 11 rjouotiess are groundless. The positions of Prolhonolary, Re gister & Recorder and District At torney arc also to be filled. Geo. M. Shindel and. I. II. Willis will be candidates for re-election, and M. I. Totter will be a candidate for Dis trict Attorney. Likely there will be other candidates. There will Ik an ample array of candidates to make tl ings interesting. In the November Magazine Nnm lier "The Outlook" prints a portrait and brief sketch of Mr. James Hames, now on his way to the Trans vaal War as special correspondent tor "The Outlook." The articles from Mr. Barnes on the Transvaal War and on the problems of South Africa will undoubtedly prove as attractive a feature in this jotirnd as have the two series of articles on Culm by Mr. George Kenwin. An other series of equal importance will be that on the Philippines by Mr. Phelps Whitmarsh, author of "The World's Rough Hand." Mr. Whit marsh is now in the islands as i special commissioner for "The Out look." An article on Hawaii in its I present relations to the United States, i including an interview with ex- re sident Dole, appears in "The Out I look'' for October 28th, and forms the first of Mr. Whitmarsh's series j uniler the general title "Colonial I America." (3 a year. THE OtT- LOOK Company, New York.) Snyder County Teacher's In stitute will be held in Middlebiirir. the week beginning Dec. 4th. Excel lent talent lias been procured by Supt. Bower -tx, among when will U' Drs. E. Oram Lyte, Geo. W. Hull, (i. M. D. Eckels, Senator Washburn, Hon. Iahj Fairchilds, The Coral Club, of Boston, will Ik- an important and interesting attrac tion. All indications point to a very I successful institute. Our people from all sections of the county should set aside the first week of December for attendance at the County Insti tute and give themselves and especi al I v their sons and daughters an op portunity to attend this prospective feast of intellectual food. t'hamberlnln's 1'nln Rnlm Cures Oth cm. Why Not VoT Mv wife has been using Chamber lnin's Pain liahu. with good results. , for a lame shoulder that has pinned her continually for nine years. We bave tried all kinds of medicines and doctors without receiving bene- tti I ... ...... ,.f tliam Ono (1UV no I '"41 . $Ltf $5.00. Have You Looked at the Camel s Plaids for Skirls ? 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $165, $2.00 per Yard. Headquarters for Is m Dress Goods The largest line of Ladies' Dress Goods in Northumberland Go. Ladies Pocket Handkerchiefs. Kid Gloves, 75c to $1.75. Ladies Neckwear 25c to $2.50. 250 Lakie3 Fur Collarettes. Fur Scarfs and Goats, Feather Boas. Why He Didn't Get In J He stood before St. Peter and meekly applied for admission to the Better Land. "Cannot admit you, sir." "Can't admit me!" exclaimed the dismayed aspirant. "Haven't I lived ii Christian life?" "Yes, in tho main." "Haven't I obeyed the lawsof the land?" "Oh, yes." "What then has been my offense? " "You wanted to atop your news paper and instead of dropping a line to the publisher and paying him, you had the postmaster send him a message to the effect that his paper was refused. A man so contemptible would find no company in heaven ; so please move on to the land where thev don't j shovel snow." Sidney X. Y.) Advocate. Tited by Brlttnti Holtllera In Africa. Capt. G. G. Dennisou is well known all over Africa as commander of the forces that captured tbe famous re bel Oahshe. Under date of Nov. 4, lvjT, from Vryburg, Bechuanaland. he writes : "Before starting on the last campaign 1 bought a quantity of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and and Diauorrea Remedy, which I us ed myself when troubled with bowel complaint, and ha giveu to my men and 1 1 every cose it proved most be neficial." For sale by all druggists. The Kratzerville corresjiondent to the New Berlin Reporter hut week says: Mr. Lewis Kratzer, a resi dent of Mitchell, Bad. Co., Kansas, a son of Daniel Kratzer, after whom our town was named, is at ntftMOt visiting friends and acquaintances in this section. Mr. Kratzer was born and reared in this town and for a time was engaged here at this trade of DlackamTtmng. More than 40 years ago he emigrated to Illinois and later, when he was affected with asthma, he went to Kansas, his prts sent place of abode, where he claims he enjoys freedom from his erstwhile distressing malady. He says great changes have occured here since lie went away and that there are but tew of his aaiaintancesleft. WINDOW HASH BAT DOCS VOUr tie In imly wether ? If ao my Aotl-Itattler Bpr'O Wed will prevent it; eonoenient toppb locente Jlr. l down by mall po.tpeJd. H. HOOPBft. Rorton. jfd, 1 10-HVlm. U2 DRY GOODS, TREXLER'S jig MARKET STREET, SUNBURY. 80.00. Made Up Skirts, Silk Waists. Carpets, Carpi s, Curtains, Rugs. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR CARPETS, DON'T PASS Velvet Carpets, -Brussels Carpets, Ingrain Carpets, - i oo Rolls Opened This Week The Best Christmas Gift of All In choosing a Christmas gift for a friend what can afford more pres ent or lasting pleasure than a sub scription to "The Youth's Compan ion ? The delight with which it is Welcomed on Christmas morning is renewed every week in the year. The charm of it is disclosed little by little as the months run their course. There is no household in which it will not prove an inspiration. Those who wish to present a year's subscription to a friend may also have the beautiful new "Com pany" Calendar lor 1000 sent with it. This Calendar isa reproduction in twelve color printings of three exquisite designs by a celebrated American artist, a member of the American Water-Color Society. In addition to this all the issues of "The Company" for the remaining week ot 1890 are sent free from the time subscription is received lor the new volume. Illustrated Announcement Numb er containing a full prospectusof the volume for 1000 sent tree to any address. The Youth's Company, 203 Columbia Avenue, Boston, Mass. It will not be a surprise to any who are at familiar with the good qualities of Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy, to kuow that people every where take pleasure in relating their experience in the use of that spleu did medicine and in telling of tha benefit they have received from it, of bad colds it has cured, of threat ened attacks of pneumonia it has averted and of the children it has saved from attacks of croup and whooping cough. It is grand, good medicine. For sale by all druggists. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. In the Estate of 1 In Cne Orphan's ('ourt Mary atoms, Deceased. I oi Snyder Co., I'a. The undersigned Auditor, appointed by tbe ftbove named Court to make distribution of tbe balance remaining in the hands of K. B. Uros. Administrator, Ac. of .Mary Urosa, De ceased, to and among those legally entitled to tbe same, will attend to the duties of his ap pointment at the office of K. K. Bower, Ksq., in Middleburg. Pa., on Saturday, Dec. 2nd, at 10 o'clock A. M , at which time and place all per sons baring claims upon the said fund will ap paaW nad present the same before tbe Auditor, or forever be debarred from coming In on said fnnd. A. W. POTTKR. Not. 1. 199, Auditor. T"OUB COATS, SUITS, G-olf Oarp CJa:r?pet S Bit Eye DRY GOODS. 2500 yds Prints, 2hc yd. 3000 Muslins. 2hc yd, 3500 ' Canton Flan'l, 4c yd. 2 Gases Outing " 5c yd. 1 M Serge DressGoods 4c yd. 1 Case Blue Prints, 4c yd. Before You Make Your holiday purchase Visit Our Store. 65 to 95c. 45 to 75c. 35 to 35c. rrlnjre- Lleenaca. f John V. Bailey, PennV Creek, Anna. I. Lepley, Troxelville. f J. E. Hackenburg, Franklin T. Sadie Napp, Adams twp. How Is this? Perhtps sleepless nights caused It, or grief, or sick ness, or parhsps it was care. No matter what tbe cause, you cannot wish to look old at thirty. Gray hair is starved hair. The hair bulba have been deprived of proper food or proper nerve force. Increases the circulation In the scalp, gives more power to the nerves, supplies alias ing elements to the bair bulbs. Used according to direc tions, gray hair begins to show color in a few days. Soon It has all tbe softness and richness of youth and the color of early life returns. Would you lite our book on the Hair? We will gladly send it to you. Write mm I If you do not obtain all tbe benefice you expected from tbe Vigor, write the doctor about It. He may be able to suggest something of value to vou. Address. Dr. J. C. yer Co., Lowell, Mass. M Openers on THIS : a yard. a yard. a yard. i oo. UlhlU Oct. 22, near KnomfetDwo, Phillip Swartz, aged S2 years. Nov. 1, at Freeburg, Charles Miller, sergeant Co. B., Sixth Kegt. Penna. Keserves, aged 72 years 4 months and 1(5 days. Oct. 2G, in Monroe twp., Clara wifeot Wm. D. Brown, aged 26 years, 8 mouths and 1 day. Rev Shambach officiated at the funeral' Shriner's church, Oct. 29th. MARRIED. Oct. 19 by Dr. John R Focht Chalmers E.rontx of La Grange, Ind., to Mary E. Noetliug of Se linsgrove. Oct 10 byliev.S. B.Boughter, Ceo A Hackenburg of Franklin twp. to Dora A.Jordon of Adams twp. T P. E. McLain, ' Z Wackeuburg of Franklin twp. to Sadie Napp of Adams twp. KIDNEY Is a deceptive dis TROUBLE u a 8 ethousanda know it 5? Chftvind don't snow it. If you want quick results joucaumake no mistake by nsinj pr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the areat ties ifv m.?lUfar ",2f8- 8amP1 bot tles by mail frae, also pamnhlet tll mg you how to find outlHou have kidney trouble Address ' Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bmgbamton, N.T Public Sals. Notices of sales will be inserted free nnder thl w&KTSS! lhe b"18 are twilled at I Ins omce. 2SS "21,e.bu' are hot printed at this ortlce cents wm be charged. Persons expecting to have sale should select a date and hare It Insert ea in this column. SATURDAY, Not. Is. one and one-half mile south-west of PaxtoiiTllle, E. E. Hoffman, Administrator of Sophia Hook, deceased, will sell SO acres In Franklin twp. and per sonal property. MlDDLEBURGH MARKET. Butter 18 Eegs 20 Onions Lard 6 Tallow 4 Chickens. 7 Turkey 10 Shoulder 8 Ham 12 n x 9 84 00. Wheat 68 Rye 45 Corn 35 Oate (old) 00 Oats (new).... 25 Potatoes 30 Bran per 100. 80 Middlings 90 Chop 90
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers