The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 09, 1899, Image 2

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    Clairvoyant's Kv I linings.
"A -watt many t !.;..!. ss pi-opl,"
anM man about town, talking of th
Pis De Itar case, report! the Now Or
leans Times-Democrat, "arc Inclined to
regard 1 3ie fortune-telling olalrroyanta
us harmless frauds. They inke the
ground thut the silly patrom f raoh
fakirs usually pvt their money'i worth
of excitement, while the Information
they receive is of absolutely no lm
portance one way or the other. 1 as
sure yon there is a far more serious
side to the question. The mainspring
of the average elairvoyant's business is
jealousy and the first thing she en
deavors to inetlll in the brain of a
woman client is u suspicion as to the
loyalty to her husband or lover. She
does so because In nine crises out of
ten It is a subject that the female mind
will instantly lay bold of, and once the
aeedi ;irr planted the victim becomes a
steady customer. She wants to know
more nid more, the medium unningly
feeds the (lame and I am convinced
from extended observation that these
wretched charlatans are directly re
aponsible for the recking of innumer
able homes. Many an honesl fellow
who cannot understand the growing
estrangement of his wife could find a
simple explanation in some rapacious
nhe-devll, who is quietly poisoning het
on day to . ay. Everybody who
I . i (: lion to vr the subject tlie
-l st;'. .:;. ,-n kl wji that what
. exact truth. 1 1 1 III vs you will
any city where clairvoyant
flourish unmolested divorces arc sin
gularly common and scandal continual
ly rampant, mischief-makers and
discord promoters they have no equal
on eai th."
sli;' II .
fir..! il
A well-known contract rof Washing
ton has, ; ccordh g t the Post, n a in,
-till under SO, who h;.s been doing the
runnlng-nway-froro-home act ever since
be atl lined his twelfth year. Tin' "old
man"' has always been called upon to
fed li the young chap back from remote
point-. None of the hard luck proposition-
up against which the boy litis
stacked while Inning fun withhimseU
in this ay has taught him a perma
nent lesson, probably for the simple
isoij that he has always found it too
easy matter to get home by the sim
ple rocess of wiring his father for the
price of a ticket. He went away a
month ago and his father didn't hear
from him until the other day. Then
the i Id gentleman got s dispatch dated
Hastings, Neb. The message ran: "Am
on the hug. Wire me $40 for ticket
home, Joe." The odl man went to
the telegraph office, got a blank and
wrote the following reply: "Hat the
Aceording to nn announcement by J
11. Maddy the entire property of the
Baltimore & Ohio railroad has bean
turn d over to the stockholders and the
receivership has terminated. New of
ficers have been eleetid with John K
Cowen, recent receiver, nt the head. In
the hands of the receivers, under court
grant, the condition of the road has
been vastly Improved and the equip
ment immeasurably augmented. By
the reorganization the company has
acquired unlimited new securities and
the preferred Btoeh l :is been greatly In
creased. The new arrangi ment pro
vides for payiiu nt of ull debts and re
lief from all obligations. Further ex
penditures to the extent of ten millions
arc contemplated ami when improve
ments now in progress are completed
the road will be practically rebuilt and
ret quipped.
A new ti rror has been discovered in
New Jersey, ami has been named the
"kissing bug." This is a s rt of beetle
that bites unsuspecting persons on the
lips, whereupon much swelling and
pain ensuc There have been several
serious eases. Perhaps it is the New
Jersey mosquito with a patent Upon its
biting apparatus. The "kissing bug"
must not be confused with the "kissing
bee." which is found in all parts of
the country, even at Sunday school
picnli a, and is a pleasing and com
par;. lively harmless visitation. The
only way to deal with the kissing bug is
to get in the first smack.
rhe matron i f the children's home
in Wichita, Kan., lately received a letter
from a man w ho wants to adopt a child.
"Send ii." he says, "that is lively and
will laugh and cry and get into mis
ehief. i i " y ts old, and I would
grre the worl I for a child thut will
laugh and get in my way and liothcr me.
We'il give it a good home. I have raised
live children, but they are all gone now,
and I can tell you there is nothing so
BWeet as the bot her of children."
Painted coffee beans are among the
latest curiosities of the adulterated
food market. Inferior beans are colored
with burnt umber and mnde to look
like the finest Mocha. They are de
scribed as "shiny brown outside, yel
low inside and tasteless."
Havana is surprised to hear that
jnrplus of $J.4,9iG has accumulated In
t'ht municipal treasury after meeting
rill obligations. Nothing of the kind
can be found in the 400 years of Span
ish records.
In the Cleveland strike women pelted
the street ears with stones. This leads
the Denver Post parngrapher to chirp:
"I wonder what they were throwing
A- -
Intrrnalloniil Sunday School LfMo
for Vivrmhcr 12. l.N!! Text, ehe-
lii 111 h 1:7-1 S M e in ii r V. 15-1.
Specially Arranged from Pcloube t's Notes, j
OLDEN TEXT. Watch und pray Mt 41.
KKAU Chapter
TIME. The summer and early autumn
of It. C. 444. Nehemlah left Susa about the
first of April, and It would require tares cr
four months to make the Journey (luira
7: 9). Nehemlah therefore reached Jeru
salem about July 1. u.nd the- walls were lln
Ished In September.
l'LAC'li. Jerusalem and vicinity.
Introductory: Nehemlah went up to
Jerusalem, starting nbout the first of
April, and reaching the city after three
or four months' travel, some time in
July. (Compare with Kzra 7:9.)
I. The Midnight Tour of Inspection.
2:11-18. Three days after his arrival
Nehemlah went out alone with a few
servants in the night to investigate the
truth of the reports that had reached
him. lie had not told to anyone his pnr
pose in coming to Jerusah in. When he
had ridden around the city, and taken
in tic situation, he summoned the lead
ers of the .lews, told tin in his plans, and
they all agreed heartily to enter upon
the work.
II. The Building of the Wall. ('hap.
t. "The wall was parceled out among
7 AKii
of win
if the
lem iv
Lev it. F
.f liu:.
or dest i
the ; i v.
still Wil
panics" (Rawllnson), some
ii v.eic women, the daughters
ill, r of the half part of Jcrusa-
12), some nobles, others priests.
, i' erchants, the son ot a gold-
Working Amid t lie Bitterest tip
i .. Chap, i. vs. 1-12. A city was
le vnlua in those days without
Km mies on every side could rob
the inhabitants, no treasure
If .Ii rusalem was to become
that it once had bi en and
! to be, it must be defended,
V. 7. "Sanballat," who uppeurs to be
the governor of the city of Samaria,
Ad. i cy, "lie was a native of i' ronaim,
beyond .Ionian (Neh, 2:10), and prAb
:ib! a Moabite chief," Kltto. "To
hlah:" A chief of the little Irons-.! or
danic tribe of the "Ammonites," and
probably vizier or chief adviser to San
ballat, "Arabians:" The wandering
Arabs of the desert. " The Arab would
scent prey in the project of a warlike
expedition." "Ashododltes:" Prom
Ashdod, a Philistine city near the Medi
terranean coast. Thus "all the flotsnm
and jetsam of humanity, the rag I
edges of society swept Up by I lie broom
if the war god," were opposed to the re
building of the walls, and "were very
wroth." V. is. "And conspired all of
them together:" Breathed in unison,
as in singing, whispered secretly "to
ci ine and to light against Jerusalem."
Tin y planned to take Ncheminh ami the
city by surprise, capture and slay the
workers, and thus put a stop to the
work. V. 111. "And Judah said:" The
Jews from outside the city who had
been in closer contact w ith the heathen
element., and were trained. "The
strength of the, bearers of burdens is
Jecayed:" "The work was hard, and
the carriers had become worn. The
novelty of it had passed. The higher
the wall rose, the harder it was to carry
materials to the top. The more Mono
they used, the more difficult It became
to get suitable stone from the rubbish."
l'rof. Beecher. V. lU. "The Jews
which dwelt by them:" By Sanballat
and the other adversaries. "They said,
unto us ten times:" liepeatedlv, again
and again. They either gave friendly
notice to Nehemlah of the proposed at
tack, or tried to persuade their fellows
from the surrounding towns to hasten
home in order to escape the threatened
I V. Praying, and Watching, and
Working. Vs. !), 13-18. V. D, "Made
our prayer . . . set a watch against
them," opposite the places where they
were proposing an attack, the lower;
less finished places. V. Kl. "Therefore
set I in the lowest places behind the
wall, and on the higher places:" There
is no "and" in the original. Nehemlah
means that In the less elevated places,
where the wall was least strong by na
ture, he had his men posted on con
spicuous spots within the walls, where
they could be seen from a distance, and
so deterred the enemy from advancing,
lie drew them "after their families,"
that each man might feel that he was
lighting for his brethren, sons, etc.
Pulpit Com. V. 14. "And 1 looked:"
lie saw the enemy coining. "Rose up:"
to take command and give orders. "And
said:" He spoke a few words to en
courage his men, telling them to re
member whom they fought under
namely, the J.ord; and What they had
to fight for namely, their homes, and
all tiny held dear. Prof. Beecher, V.
10. "Half of my servants:" Bis person
al retainers, trained men, who had
guarded him on bis journey. "Haber
geons:" Old English for coat of mail,
from "halo" (neck) and "bcrgen" (to
protect), "The rulers," rather cap
tains, "were behind," with the war
riors, and in the best position to direct
the work and lead the soldiers. V. 17.
"They that bear burdens:" The car
riers who could steady their load with
one hand and hold their weapon in the
other. V. 18, "The builders" required
both hands in laying the wall, so that
they carried their swords by their side,
ready to he graaped at a moment's
warning. The work was completed in
the brief time of 52 days on the C.'th
of Klul (the last of September). The
walls must have been three or four
miles long.
Hard und persistent work Is neces
sary to success. "All at it, and always
at it."
Rubbish is to be carried away the
rubbish of bad habits, of evil thoughts,
of bad ideas, of evil books read, of past
The sword and trowel must both be
used, fighting against sin ond wrong,
and building up slowly and surely
every good of character, habiUand vir
tue. Watching and praying also must go
Vicar I don't think that well is
quite safe without a lid on, John.
John Bless you, sir, 'e be all right.
Why, my wife, she pray the Lord
every night fur to keep folks from fall
ing in. The Sketch.
Woes f the Poetess.
Hhe wrote some verse she thought would
On the blithe crickets In the crass;
And then she swooned, a total wreck,
Because one crawled up on her neck.
Chicago 1 hilly Kecord.
aliased m Opportunity,
"I shall never speak to him again,"
she said.
"Why not?"
"Well, we were alone In the parlor
last nilit when the gas suddenly went
"And what did he do?"
"Not king." Chicago Post.
Jury Last.
List ortirand Jurnrs drown for the Court ol
Oyer SJMtTertMtbei ab Qsoersl .lull delivery
Slid Court ol Iftisrter sessions of the Peace ot
Border county lu l l is is c. Term, coaiiueiicins'
Monday. tleo-mowr it, UM,
nn M) .intuits.
Nutne. USOUI itton. RMSeSOS,
arbogsst, Charles St. tanner, West Kern
Apple, John a., Paratsr, ttTssmsgion
ahiiv, Pl.litp, a cr, PrsnkMa
tiies:-. w'llasm, Karmar, spring
lien iierver, a oner o., uentlemsn, Perrji
tlartiuan, Kt v iru er, Centre
BerroM, Jsuob n., Laoorer, rmon
ben tricks, Trucker, Peas
Herman, lfllios P., Student, ivnn
Knouts, Daiitrl, Parmer, pens
iCrfltxer, i",ed.. Parmer, rhapmau
KsatS, Miles, i.ihorer, Washington
Met hood, Jason, Parmer, West Beaver
Peters, Krnk S Palnt-r, WeM Hoaver
Price, Jeremtab, Tanner, chapman
Puffer i .iniin, Bhoensker, Perrj
HellS, Hilton '., fiiMiier, West Hearer
st roup, Albert, Lumberman, Washington
Sslgfrleo, Hiram, Batcher, Miasgnm
Bteffea. Isaac Parmer,
Bantu, Jacob , Laborer,
Trutt, prank, Parmi r,
Waller, Charles, Lahoret,
Walicr, U llllsm, Hosoil,
l.i-t ,t Petll Jurors drawn fur the ('curt ot
Pleas, t' mrl ol Quarter sessions ol ins
riuubury & Lewistown Division.
In effect May 22, lRdO.
v a a ; I as ra
JIU ff Punbury y : .Vi
III 10 U7 Selintrovr .liiiHtioii llil 8 2H
'.'i 'io n; nsjlnssjiinn mm si)
I'X 10S11 I'awlini; nw' SOS
'.' :tl 10 M Krcnmer 9 US Mil
2 31 ilV27i Mriwr UOI tin
20 10.13 Mi.lilleliiirK W 4 52
S Hi loan Kriifer s fS2 4 II
2 10 4 Bsanssliiea sti 4:17
3 00 1 10 SI 1 AilHlnnliurir SIN 4112
3 07 1'iST Iteub Mill. in III
1 13 11 03 Mel hire S'JS 4 10
3 22 11 18 Wagner I 18 4 CO
3 2H 111 Shll.dle S1H 4 0
:t:w 1121 1 ai i,t. i vi ii. sou 4. Ml
345 1 1 1 57 Maitlnnri SM 34
3 45 1132 lei-t,,,i 7 HI5
3 47 11 87 Lcwlntown (Main Street.) VSJ 3 43
S50 11 40 Lrwlxtnu'ii .liinetion. 7 50 S 40
Train leaves Suubury 6 -2: p m, ar
rives at SehnHgrnve 5 45 p in
Trains leave Lewistown Junctiou :
52 a in. Id 13 a in. 1 10 B BUM p m 5 V2 B in. 7 117
11 Mpm, tor Altiuina, I'Oi-; uru ami the Want.
Kor Baltlmnre aiel WssBiBMOS 7 5 11 111 1 u2.
I SI 4 S3 1 02 n in Kor I''li.hlu nml New
Waahllurfm i York 38 9 S5a m. 1 03 1 .13 4 33 and 11 IS t tu lur
asiiiiu.M,n H . h A ,,., a ,k r
leawr - " e
, I
Philadelphia & Erie R R Division.
only Fair,
First ritieii I see the idea, of voting
1 y machine is gaining in popularity.
Do you think the mass of the voters ill
easily learn how to work it?
Second Citizeu I hope so. Hereto
fore the machine has always worked
the voter. Columbus (0.) State Journal.
( '.ml, nn
Peace Oourt ot o
Jail In 1 verv mi s 1
December Term, a
I Name. 0
App, Jeremtsh, Parmer,
1 Bui H 1. Emanuel, Parmi r.
I Bohner, bills' . Pin met,
I Benter, Psul, Parmer,
! Botisi . Kohett, parmi ,
Botteteer, Wllltijii iu P '
me- i-t jen ntub, w a'lii
i Kriue , ueorge, Parmer,
Rwlns, Geo' , 1 ' ' 1
I tioss, Kobeit, Paraier,
Qemberitng. w uusin a.,
Itumu.l I. A- ..." it;!-'.
! Haokenbti , ' 1 , V mer,
llnlt. rtb, :i
1 1!, liter, M 1111 n
1 Jurrett, s imv '
K leptiJotu n
1 Ka iffman, John
er und Pei miner and 1 leoeral
rder I'liiintv, Ph., held us
mmenotng lav. 11, IBM,
hi' ii t in
1 Trvins leave Bnabsn ssesirf Ruodar 1
I 21 a in for hru- and ( lanSDdStns
1 10 a m for Itelleloi.te Krleui..! 'ananilalKUS
U45am for 1nsk Haven, Tjrrone anil the West
1 10 p m for PeUefonte Kane Tyrone and OanaE.
5 45p 111 Ibf ki-neve and Elntlra
2"i 1 m tor S 1 1 1 1 .1 1 1 1 -1 . 1 1
snnilay 5 10 a m lor Erie and lanandnlsjoii
WIS a 111 fur Iick Haven an. I DsSpm foi VI
K -.1 ten ;e
Ulddleen ek
. st Beavei
Jn kson
., u a m, 0 HI ;i m ' mi and
' Hfr.' niul Hsselton
7 0 a 111 In W) 11 in, 2 115 p 111.
kill and Mini '11 ( 'arinel
Sondes '.' '-" .1 in tor w like
4S j m lor W ill
4. p a' tor si
in 1
luin '"'
arm mil' nt 1 liii
&t p in Ball linon 1
:, .e, Uei item, hi.
h 11 ' in ssmoker
t .1 l,,er,
s . Parmer,
Lsttdeasuurcr, Knueb, carpenter,
s' Ubi
a4 cut
sprli g
I'. nn
U 1 n.
: sn a 111
A tin. tie luery.
( Icnernl oft !ommlssary (telling sbarh
story) After a terrific straggle we
drew the shark aboard, cut him open,
nnd found in his stomach nothing but
a can of army beef.
Listener A can of army beef! Are
you quite sure the shark wasn't dead
when you found him, general? Judge.
Her Irony,
"It is so foolish for a woman to
shriek when she sees a mouse," said
Willie Wishington.
"Yes," saiil Miss Cayenne. "I wish I
COUld ic sensible like you, and never
shriek till 1 saw a baseball player,"
Washington star.
Between t.'rniis,
"Who's tie biggest duru fool you ever
saw '.'" asked Swipesy.
"I don't know 'is name," replied
Shorty, "luit I've seen 'is ;ctur' in de
papers. It's de kid wot's reschin' fur
a cake o' soup an' won't bo happy till
he gits it." Chicago Tribune.
AmlilB""inu llraerlptlon.
Kindergarten Instructress - Now,
Marie, you know what it is, I'm sure.
It has a round face and two little hands
that go round anil round all the time.
Marie I iless it's the new baby.
Jeweler's Weekly.
Metsger. Abel, Parmer, rmon
Miner, cii. n :. - w., Parmer, Franklin
MOye , 1I1 i.m . F iron r, sprlnu
m-is- ii, Mill , Perry j
; Mm 1 - fart lia In Lumberman, Adsros
j Itlttcriii -. ise h, p .1 r, Pens
Msrtin, Jeremi ioH laborer, t'nion I
Muter, Joepb, P n ., WasblDgton
Mover, John A . I ' r, cbnpinaii 1
Moje; , Hi as, p . -. Orotrs
Moui 1 . Biniui 1 h . p M iner, Peon
Mnyer, Wllllaui II I'nmer, Adams
Ren 1 i Willi itu '. .. Farmer, Penn
ei im. Allen, .lie of the Peaoe, Union
Bmltb, Alvtn, ."...I... . , Hlddiecreek
8pei lit, Prank, Parmi r. WssblngtoB
Spotts, Oeorgr 11 . Parmer, Perry
BbaDer, 'Jcorge 11., K r uer, Chspman
Bcbnmbai h James rVngonmaker, Spring
Sanders, Oliver. Perm r, 11 'imu
Bbolly, Keno, Parmer, Mlddleoieel
I'lrich, James P., Painter, BellnsgTOve
Walker, calvto, Parmer, usntre
Weudt, iieiii. p nner, Perry
Win, facob, Parmer, Washington
I Woits, Jsmes, Lsborer, Monroe
Wilt, John, F inner. Chapman
Wetset, John p., Parmer, Beaver
I Welder, Wttllam Farmer, West Beaver
1'ralli- leave S. Im .'i..'..-
10 CO a m, week ., .
ion p in New York
Waslilnatini 4 In 11 111
r .it p in iiaiiv arrlvini io pti ladnlpbia
,o j' p in ,m . ik 3 ..; a Ui, li..u iiinni, j .:.
Washington p. 58 i
k 41 p in, week du'i roroi'ir at Phtladalpl
I r.o in, New York 724 U u, I'nitli ,.
Mblngton 1 '. a m
Trs'ns also leer Rnnnttry
I V?am daily arrlvlnii at Phlladslilhla 1 .
Baltimore a 89 a in Waihl i-t'in 74. Bin Neu
York as a III Weekdi-v in : s a iu Mm. 1.0 -
7 sit r mweek days srnrmg ai PhilaAclul li
II it am. New Vorli os p m, Ualtlmiie 1151
a in. WashinKton 1 nn p i,,.
is:, p in, week dari arrlvlau at Phil ilelphla
'3 pin. New Yorg vsop ta, Haitlmon 9uum
Wsshluaton 7 u p m
Trains alto leave Sunhury at 9 50 am and HV
andinpm, lor Uarrlaburx, Phlladelnbla ami
I K. W ifil). Gen'l Puss Aai nt
l.a BDTCHINHON Oeo lUsnaatr.
Use It
Our brush should be used daily
1 1 i r .c j t.
tn Diace ci tnc oroinary nai
U..rk n,,tke A tt2 wwim
ers. If you do not find, after
six months' triaL that
Dr. Scott's
Hair Brush
will do all we claim lor it send
back and your money
will be refunded. You
can buy the number
one size for
It Is Guaranteed to Cure
Nervous Headache in live minutes!
Biliouj Headache in five minutes 1
Neuralgia in five minutes 1
Dandruff and diseases of the scalp
rrcvcius 1.1111.1. 11 01 uiiu uniunvBO
Hakes the hair long; and grlossy 1
For sale at Dry Goods stores and Druggist
or sent on approval, postpaid, on recei
of price and ten cents for postage.
( jrlmk. "TUF. DOCTOIPM STOST'atalVw 0
1 . ;.!.. u I 'tu in 1 hi 1 11" u a 1 nn in . .-i...
IJLSL BS, 'i. gaogl Htctrte FU BmaSM, I
i.(ain.' mwaaa, 1
843 Broadway, N, 1
Kuairto insula, w c.
I' D. A. SCOTT, '
Amoroaaly Amiiitiona.
"I wish I'd been the lastcoususof the
United .States."
"Here's .111 article that Rays the hist
census embraced 40,000,000 women."
Town Topics.
A Complete Cure.
"Of what did the faith curers cure
you?" asked the skeptic,
"Of my faith," taid the former dev
otee. Boston Herald.
Cheap lOnonifh.
Sunny South 1 got five dot ars for a ,
poem once.
Koutidcr Ilout You pot off cheap.
Who was de judge? Judge.
An I'npleoinnt line.
Byker Has your wheel got all the .
latest attachments?
Spinner Yes; the Fheriff levied one
on it about an hour a (TO, N. Y. World. 1
Was He Aeoeptedf
Miss Ootrox The world owes you a
ClevertOU Well, you're all the world
to me. Town Topics.
Administrator s Sale
By virtuo of mi order f na)r isMiieri out of Mm
Orphan! Court ol Snyder county, the under-I
itfiicti Administrator f Bophta ttooki loto ol
Prank Itn township, Injrdsr county, la., dsod,
will 011
ofTer tin rollowinsj described rp-i! -tjif.- -tt put
he : -Mt iiiitt- iii tin MitiiJ tovrnnhip of Krauk
lln ui Mint i',. milts south of t'aztonWIts, tm
bounded on the North hy l.uni- .f Kpnrinni
Homme I, on the t---t by leiids of nYMob Gri mo'i
belre Olid J. O. Oltl4on the South hy Imu.H of
.1 0 Oil I ond OB the West hy IhihIh of Aaron
(lift, Peter Itnhh and .1. ii. (tilt, containing 20
AORKSa more or lees, on which are erected a
BOfaetontiol HO09B, It A US and other outbuild
loos. Halo to bo hold on the premises awl to com
mence at I" o'clock A- M. Of MM day when
tcru.H will lc mode known hy
I. fi Information concerninic thtn tract of
land con be obtained from at I. ror n-;u. At
torney for the htaf.
ClMDMI and Uautinn ffcjssa
IPrumuua a loxarlaat powut.
Hair to tu MM OoTor.
Cona Kalp diaaM a ibiir lallmf.
yv..ndaiioai DtvnUu
Itrluk .rniu-
after you iiavc concluded Unit yon
ought not to ilrink ooffea, it is not
a medicine but doctors order it be
mom it h beaJthfu), inrisoratiiig
Kixi appetising, It in made from pure
grains and has that rioh hchI brown
color Htid tiiNtefi like the finest grade
of oofifee nnd costs about juh mueb.
Children like it snd tbriyn on it. lf-
cause it is tbe genuine food drink
containing not bing but nourishment,
Ask tour srroeer for Qrain-O, the
new food drink. 15 and l5c.
Afraid of Amrrlcana,
Ever since tho Wild West tbow ap
peared iu Buda-Pesth the citizens be
lieve that every American carries a re-
rolver. Hot lmie; ago three Americans
were aittiiifr at a table in a music hall,
taking such refreshments as may be
obtained ut such a place. One of the
Americans finally called for his cheek.
The waiter performed a feat in mathe
matics and learned that three times
three mule 17. The American found
fault with this Bystem of multiplica
tion nnd stood up to protest. Instants
ly the tfirl who sold programmes threw
herself in front of him, and seised his
arm. "1'lense don't," Bhe pleaded. "He
is a poor man; he hns a wife and fam
ily." The manager came running
"Wait, wait," he entreated, "l'lense
do not make nny trouble. 1 ask that
you do not shoot." Yielding to these
entreaties, the American (who carried
nothing more deadly than a penknife)
Spared the life of the trembling waiter,
who had made a run for the stairway.
There was another computation, nnd
It was decided that three times three
made nine, and then the ferocious
Americans departed, to the great relief
of the natives.
Itocx ollee Aitrce With You?
If uot, drink Gr iin-0 made from
pure grains. A lady writes : "The i
first Utne I make (Jrain-0 I did not i
like it t after using it for ono week
nothing woold induce me togu back 1
to coffee." it nourishes nnd feeds
the system. ThaehUdreo can drink
it freely with great benefit. It is tbe j
strengthening sulis'.nnce of pure
grains. Oet u package today from
your grocer, follow tlie directions in
making it and you will Live a delici
ous nnd healthful table beverage for
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XaeBKKILB ;ifk'S are uni;ne,orlglnal,nenil you asrsr
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old, tt is '.ae ,"rt;,t loilid-lown, hit the nnil-on-the henil,
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Any ONE of Hie BIGGL1
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are intended for children, ladies and all
who prefer a medicine disguised as con
i fectionery. They may now be had (put
up in Tin Boxes, seventy-two in a box),
f-Linnl-ir Ctret .nnfp nr 7 KrtYOC tVvT"
t pi iwciu-ynvct-tina vi nvv- iwvv. iui
rlrJInr A nr A n 1 orori Qt will cret them
vsiiv viviici . J 00 O
i irmi incict nnrl tr trrr a wavs be
11 yvLl liioui, til 1 iiivjr iiiuji " " "
. . 1 . r v
A , , 1 . - . . . . n- f ik ',. t Mr trt a
The Ripans Chemical
m mtT m .ssssssj