The Middleburgh Post. PubliwlH il every Thursday. Geo. W. Wagenseller, tditor anl Proprietor Subscription $1.50 per year. which tin -i M paid Id advance when nl OUt Sllle tin county.) RATES OF ADVERTISING. aii transient sdverurseaonta not otherwise contracted for will 1 1 charged at the Ml 01 rent net llneini nimrli'l measure i Mr first Inst tlon and 10 cents per line lof every subsequent Insertion. Tlu- total gold proportion of the i world, from the discovery of Am- erica to the present time is, in round terms, ten billion dollars, or, to lie exact, $9,838,059,600, and of this amount e,341,855,600or ovef one lialt lias lieen r(Mlii('ctl since lSHO, and 82,540,260,400 or over one f mirth since 1885. The average rise I production rior to I860 was alnxit ( s." $12,000,000 per annum; from 1 su Snyder County School Teachers 1899-1900. tmTDtath nttticfs puttluhrtt free , bitwiry poetry, 9ri6ul of rrnptct. itc. thrrt ctnU a li'ie. Bepublican Standi n Committee. Adams, W. R. Herman, J. ;. BHddleewaHh riaaai , A. w. Muaser, Eterid Coleman Bearer W., Chaa. A. Wagner, John D. Howell Or.trc. II. It. Wagner, II A Bowcraoi Chapman, B. Troutman, P. A. Troup Franklin, M, U Walter, II. K. Bolender Jackeon, J. B. Vearlck, II. U. Smith Middleburg, Al. Clelan, James Erdley Mlddlecreek, A. D. Kreamer 8, L. Yoder Monro, A. It. Voung, D. P. Hitter J'eiin. rnuik Miller, Howard Row Parry, IMj. M. Rolhrock, Irwin Boyer Parry W.. Geo. Straweer, John Noll Sail natron e, A, B. Kack, II, ' Hoik Spring. ie'. s. tonley, 0 M Smith Union, O, Rice, H, ' Btroh Waahlnal Ir. K. W. Toole, J. H- Arbogaet KEPI i NT ATE TICKET. Pot Judge ni tin- supreme Court, .1. HAY BROWN, 01 Lancaster. For Judge oi Uia superior com t, .ti IRN I. MITCHELL, ni Ttoga County. Kor State Treasurer, JAMES E. BAKJIETT, nt Washington, to 1890, about ten times that aver age iter unniini, and in 1899 is at the rate of $325,000,000perannuni. These Btartling facts, showing the rapid increase in gold production, demonstrate the absurdity ol the claim that the monev metal of the i world is not being increased at a rate necessary to keep pace with the I increased population or increased demands ot commerce. "I wish to exprehs my thanks to the manufacturers of Chamberlain's I Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Reme dy, for having put on the market such a wonderful medicine," says . V. V olissingiU, of Beaumont, Tex. : i There are many thousands of moth ers whose children have been Baved from attacks of dysentery and chol era infantum who must also feel thankful. It is for sale by all Druggists. School. Tro.xelville Gram., " Prim., M i yer's, Port Ann, ( rood 8, Kiss', Beavertown ( Irani., " Inter., Sec, Prim I'm il ill's, I hvese's, rem-lier. ADAMS TWP. A. V. (Jill, S. E. Duodore, (J. A. Aurand, Ira Ringninan, H. EC, U'eader, Edna Dice, BEAVER TWP. John S. Kern, C. L. Wetel, Jacoh A. Aigler, K. E Wetel. John Hassinger, A. W. Mnsscr, BEAVEK WEST TWP, Address- Troxelville. ' ti ( Middleswarth. Tro.xelville. Beavertowu. Beavertown, tt M (( Wagenseller's, App's, Fisher's, I Sander's Hollow, f it i beaver s. Prim., Brian Teats, llumniel's Wharf. Selinsgrove. Hi ,1's, Salem, Fair ( ak, Hover's, (Jit's, lolig's, Crissinger! Kants, Schoch's, Lincoln Jurret t, Harrv P. Fishtc, H. C. Hendricks, Jacob Reiuhenlach,Shaniokin Dam. I. L. Herman, New Berlin. Jacob A. Shaffer, Shaniokin Oam. PENN TWP. B. F. Bolig, Selinsgrove. ('has. K. Fisher, Salem. Milton Herman, Selinsgrove EL W. Smith, " Grant Hitter, ('has. H. Woodruff, Harrv A. Geuihcrling, t Salem. Selinsgrove. Kantz. CHRISTMAS SH0PP1NQ BY MAIL. We hare made preparations for taking care ot the want ot our two million customers who lire in every portion ot the world. Our 3oi page Catalogue Is full of suggestions about everything to Eat, Wear and Cse, ana offers particular bargains In: Boo It cases. Bicycles, t.rass floods, Cabinets, I'snmS China Cloaeta, Cigars, clocks, Quarmtttf Wttchtt Couches, Commodes. Desks, 00c. to (75.00. Draper'es, Fancv chairs. rancy Tables. Fountain Pens, Gold I'enclls.Groceiles.Hafld kerehlefs. Jewelry. Mufflers, Lamps, Musical Instruments, Neckties, Ornaments. Pocket Knives, Pictures, Rockers, Bhoos, Silverware, Sterling silver Novelties, Stools, i liwim, ifmpk eic. s. p BKLINSQROVE. Met 'lure Gram., " Prim., Bannerville, Ridge, Mountaindale, Kalpetzer's, Middleswarth's, ( i ntreville ( iram " Inter. Prim., Berge's, 1 art man's, ( eker's. nit ri:ii col vrv i n hi t. For Associate Judge, P, r. RIBOEL, For siierirf. GEO. W. ROW. For Treasurer. BENNEVILLE SMITH. For Commissioners, JOHN P. WETZEL, QBORQE P. MILLER For Auditors, It. NORMAN APP, J. c. IIOWKHSO.X, For coroner, DR. A. .1. HERMAN. Thursday, November 2, 1890. 11. . Kessler i nuttine in a water heating plant in his home. State Senator Hcrtaler made a I miscalculation of the banquet ashes came just one day too late. The Episcopal church which is I building is being pushed forward by Contractor John Long and his force, ol workmen. The atmosphere has been exceed ingly foggy and misty for a week or ten days, in fact more so than is within the recollection ot most of our old citizens. Rev. C. E, Front, and wife will leaye on Thursday oi this week for their home in La Grange, Intl. They will be accompanied ly Mrs. Noet ling, mother of Mrs. Frontz. M. L. Wagenseller has returned from his stny during the month in Philadelphia. He reports the Ex- II criuaii s, Meiserville, I jocusi Grovi Houtz's, Smith's, Arnold's, llohrer's, I ndependena W. H. Herbster, T. A. Wagner, L. C. Wagner, J. J. Steeley, Lizzie Miller. J. F. Snook, Ira Wagner, CENTRE TWP. R. F.Smith, o. W. Reiehley, Kathryn Miller, J. A. Boweraox, E. E. Shambach, A. A. ( lingaman, L. C. I lingaman, CHAPMAN TW J, II. Kreitzer, A. B. Mover, Luuver, MeClure. i. Bannerville. Lowell. Middlecreek. Fremont (iram., " Prim., Heistur Valley, Potato Valley, Buckwheat Valley, Michael Bancy, PERRY TWP. J. W. Arltogast, Aline. J. N. Brosiua, Mt. Pleas' t Mills. t '. N. Brosius, T. (J. Arbugast, N. E. Stin k, MeC lire. Troxelville. Penus ( 'reek. Mt.Pleas't Mills. Penns ( reek. Middleburg. l'clllis t 'reek. Meisi rville. ( lhapman. Hoffer. Chapman. EDITORIAL JOTS. The Colorado silver Republicans who deserted the party in 1896 have concluded that after all it is moving along the right line and ought to lie .-J r.. .1. .... ,!... l sunnorteti. inn munuiui niiopioi v... ,. ,n .. , . , .11 i m 1 1 i i . . i n ii i n mi i eiiuiii uiiici nun m Denver a few ,.ays ago, hey de- fa . mniiil.tfl "llw vuroroiis and sneedv 0 ........ ... -r, i ... ct:i i. t.i Ll 1 1 1 1 ,ti 1 1 oigiricu iii ooiii new wife home on Wednesday evening bust. They ttxk Slipper at the Na tional Hotel and then went to their home which he had previously fur nished. The University foot ball team went to play Bui-knell on Saturday last and were done up by Buckncll team. The S. U. boys were really not tit to play 88 several of the good players were crippled before going. The funeral services of Dr. P. A. Mover were very largely attended by our citizens. All places of business were closed from 1 o'clock to 3 o'clock or during the funeral ser vices. A lartre number oi physi- nrosecution and termination ot tin war in the Philippine islands and the earliest establishment and re cognition of National authority there to the end that the liest possible government may 1h- established iii those islands," while similar expres sions, coming from silver Democrats through the South, show that the attempts to recognize the Democratic party on anti-expansion lines can not be successful. Mr. Bryan remarked in one ol his recent speeches that, "Three years have justified the assertions made by the Democratic party in 1890." Mr. Bryan seems to have forgotten the toci tli.-it in Mite ot the aesertions ot the Democratic party in i sm;, foe oians acted as esoortto the oorp V. 11. Attinger, .1. A. Herrold, R. Aucker, Mi T. A. Herrold, FRANKLIN TWP. L. C. Baohman, Lester E. Dorr, Jerome Erdley, Hoyt Graybill, Wro. F. Howell, Wilson Gift, Ixmisa Walter, M'm. Zimmerman, John J. Bolender, Chas. C. Heimbaoh, JACKSON TWP. (iertie Good, Haves Albert, Joseph Klingler, " Lillian Herman, " Amnion Miller, u MIDDLEBURG BORO. A. A. Killian, Middleburg Edwin Charles, " (ieo. W. Hassinger, MIDDLECREEK TWP. W. A. Erdley, F. I. Roush. Frank Seaman, " D. F. How, (ieo. F. Dunkleberger, " MONROE TWP. Shaniokin Dam ( iram. .Aden Stctler, Shaniokin DaJU, Morning Glory, Bunker Hill, ' Frymoyer, SehaelH-r's, Cross Roads, Stahl's, I leister Valley, ( iordou's, ( i. II. Reicheubach, ( i. . Sierer, A. M. ttarman, Ellgeue Marklev, PERRY WEST TWP. II. S. Hornberger, Stephen Mitterling, , Wilson Hornberger, Samuel Snyder, SELINSGROVE BORO. On or Mahoci Oak. S3.95 Our Lithofrtphtd Catalogue snnms l arpris, Kurs, m Hern, Art Squares and Late Curtanu tn Ihtir real colon. Cartels any sewed tree, lining furntshtd free, andfreiffhi ptepaid attached offers Suits and Over- Out Made-lo-Order Clothtna Catalogue wtth samples of cloik roots fom 5 lo $20.10. Ex- fireisage paid on clothing ever y where. We alto issue a special Catalogue of Pianos, Organs Sewing Machines and flcvcles, We will make your Christ mas buying more Hutlsfactory thjin it, nafl aver haon iM-fnrp J. H. & Son Flour, Which Catalogue do you Ptr Barrel, S3.S0. want? Address this way: JULIUS HINES & SOW. HAI TI :UOKK. MI). Dept. 000. Richfield. Election Proc laiti Franklin iram., Prim., Paxtonville (iram., " Prim., Mover's, Gift's, Hassinger's, Frdlev's, Gilbert's, Renninger's Kratzervilh Broiise's, lTlrieh's, Snyder's, I Iaslet's, Principal, Intermediate, Primary, Smithgrove, Sauer's, Wetzel's, Meiser, K rouse's, Kces I Falls. ( Ihanmau. Middleburg. Paxtonville. Swincfbrd, Paxtonville. Middleburg. Paxtonville. Middleburg. Kratzervillc. 14 Principal, R. L. Sehroyer, Selinsgrove. Assistant, W. A. Mover, " Grammar, C. ( . ( iaugler. " Assistant, Lydia Fisher, Secondary, Jennie Miller, " Primary, ' Delia Burns, AsBistint, Anna iioyer, " I. of Q. Gram,, Sumner Smyser, " " Prim., D. LGemberling, " SPRING TWP. Adumsburg Gram., C. W. Smith, Boaver Springs. " Inter., J. F Keller, " " Prim., ltn Youngmin, ' Aurantl's, Ira U.Kline, Troxelville. Bickel's, J. C. Herbster, " Kcigle's, Estella Romig, Beaver Springs. Fish's, T. A. Ewing, Mover's, W. II. ivliue, Middlecreek. Felkur's, Clyuier Romig, Beaver Springs. UNION TWP. Narrows, Edwin Wolf, Verdilla. Reiser's, Ida Stahl, " Soholl's, (5eo. K. Scholl, Witiner's, Lottie Sjtaugler, Herrold's, Ed. Schafler, Chapman. Port Treverton Adv., T. G. Herrold, " Kants, K reamer. Prim., D.S.Herrold, Port Treverton. WASHINGTON TWP. Principal, Assistant, (iram mar, Intermediate, Primary, Miller's, Flint, Reichen bach's, Bed Bank, Summit, Neiiz Valley, White Top, Geo. W. Walbor.1, Thos. E. Hot!. C. A. B. Glass, Carrie Keeler, Mary E. Weaver, Win. F. Brown, F. H. Holsapple, Anion Shutter, Chas. A. Gearhart, Mary S. Hilbish, I. . Eisenhour, Rae Moyer, Freeburg. M money in circulation in the I nited States has meantime increased from $1,506,000,000 to nearly 82,000,- Lockville, Mifflin county, visiting his daughter. )ur Nimrods report game scarce in this end of the county. It has been reported that a stray rabbit finds its wav in some of our hunter's 1 he T.ith anmversarvof I .a ha vet te Lodge was celebrated in a fitting bags occasionally. manner by the Fraternity. Then 000 000 : the per capita of 1 ley in were about 300 present from Mil- all s in - - .1 111 circulation from 121.18 to nearly iersburg,aunDury, ortiiumoeriana, Mrs. W. II. KneDD. Mrs. Em anuel Knepp, Mrs. Francis Weader and Howard Herbster were called J?2';; the irold in circulation from ILeVvisburg, MifHinburg, $464,000,000 to (Mill; the exiiort- - 1 Muiiii... to Belleville, Mifflin county, last 1 . I Sunday to attend the funeralof their Mrs. John Eby. about $750,000.- bum and other places. Everything! ..I mnnntnnrnnia nnannrl oil iJoananflv !ini1 without I SISter, 1 III- v iuiinr iov iui i'ic Herald mentioned in this paper last from $228,000,000 to $338,000,000 any hitch or friction. Uneana an a year, and the total exports from (expressed themselves as well pleased, $882,000,000 to $1,227,000,000 per annum, ftiiis justifies Demo cratic predictions ot 189b, the ooun try will listen with more of the same sort The ( hnaha World-Herald, Bryan's personal organ, to iiiaiiimitv in 1900. Mr. tates that the advocate- of expansion say we Swamp-Root the great kidney remedy promptly cures. At druggists in fifty cent and dollar sizes. You may have a sample bot tle by mail free, also pamphlet tell need territory to relieve tbecompact g ftJJJ 'g N. Y. popuintlOU 01 ute i uitvu outng and provide for future growth, and inquires, "whv choose a tropical climate in which the Anglo-Saxon race has never been able to live'.'"! Theexpansion proposition, so-called, looks to an increase of market for our nroducts and closer relation with territory which produces the j his brother-in-law, Frank Kweii. things which we must continually buy. The tropical territory of which it talks, of itself offers a market for hunting. 1100,000,000 ot our products an unally, and will prove the door through which hundreds of millions more will PASS to other adjacent week that W. V. and 8. P. expected to start a fertilizing manufactory in est Beaver. W. Y. says thev will kidney and bladder 1 wait until after hog butchering as BLAME, trouble. Dr. Kilmer's , tK.v expect bv that time to have the AAt t II 1 rA.lT - . WHO IS 'om(!n a8 eu as men I w ni c maun iinacinuio 11 WEST BfcAYKR. (7oo lute for lad utue), Our fanners areabouthalf through husking their corn. Henry Kahley spent Sunday with carcasses of F. C. S. and C. L. to mix with other hog bones. LtlbMJ lu Limestone township, Union county, Oct. 20, John Smith, aged 70 years, 1 1 months and 22 days. ( )ct. 24, in New Berlin, Susan, relict of John Silomon, aged 78 years, 2 months and 28 days. MARRIED. Win. Bartholomew mi it a few days hen Oct. 2o, by Rev. I. P. Ziinmer- tmiii A I I if 1 in Sii .I r f rii u i A Ssj'lmv- ' last "week ! PVfl to XettieC- SPechi of AdamSm ourg. Ou the 10th of December, 1H07, Rev. S A. Donahue, pastor M. h. J as, M. Wagner is making pre Durations to DUlld a new barn this , chlircij, South, Pt .Pleasant, W.Va., markets, w hile the islands will, at the same time, furnish tropical pro ducts for which we are now sending over $20(l,()0(i,(l(i( annually of our coming la P. W. Treaster expects to move his family to Huntingdon county after Nov. elections. Merchant Bubb and Jerden of J 1 Tn a - ..... irood money to other countries for i Jwnyenown were :.. our. articles which we must consume and buying up oKf ruDDers Mrs. E. W. Pierce started for her western home in Kansas City, which we do not produce at home. Tl.,. ...I.....:.... , A' I.- I!.-,-.,,, iu J.Iie auSUMVU ill mi mnjmuu mm I , a , . ..... .. , .,..n..i ... .1... J Mo., Monday morning. resi)eciiuiiy caneit 10 ukiw hoc-: , , lorid from the recent re.Kirt of the, 'lhe re,Krt is that Jack Barker Director of the Mini that one-half purciiaseu, or win purcnae, f thp wt.rld's mid nrotluct for the as. Decker's farm near MeClure. last four hundred years has been I S. H. Phillips spent Sunday with produced within the last forty years, j his son, James, of Philadelphia, at contracted a severe cold which was attended from the beginning by vio lent coughing. He says: After re sorting to a Dumber of so-called 'specifics,' usually kept in the house, to no purpose, I purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, which acted like a charm. I most cheerfully recommend it to the pub lic." For sale by all Druggists. Public Sals. Notices ol sales will be Inserted free under this bending- when tbn bills are prlDlrd at this office. When the bills are not printed at this office so cents will be charged. Peraons expecting to have suln should select a date and have it Insert ed In this column. SATURDAY, Nor. IS, one and one-half miles aoutli-weat ot Paitonvtlle, K. E. Hoffman, Administrator of Sophia Hook, deceased, will aell SO acres In Franklin twp. and par onal property. Do you get up with a headache? Is there a bad taste in your mouth ? Then you have a poor appetite and a weak diges tion. You are frequently dizzy, always feel dull and drowsy. You have cold hands and feet. You get but little benefit from your food. You have no ambition to work and the sharp pains of neuralgia dart through your body. What is the cause of all this trouble? Constipated bowels. UNION TWP. Benjamin Benner re visi friends here over Sunday... Mrs. J. FOR NOVEYi BUB 7th. 1899. 1 1. P. s. Bitter, Sheriff ol Snyder ooootyr, com monweaiuj of Pennsylraala, iio hereby make known and give notice to the Hectors ol "10 county aforesaid tLai an election win be held , It. said county on Tuesday, November 71I1, imm, for iln- pnrpnse of electing the several iiersoiiH , named, to-wil 1 one parson for Treasurer ot the Commonwealth ot Pennsylraala, two persons for Judges ill the supreme Court, one person for JOdge of the Superior Court, one person for As sociate Jadge of Snyder County, one person for Sheriff, one person tor county Treasurer, three persons lot County Comml.ssfoner8.three persons lor county Auditors anil one person for Coroner I of sayder county. The election places are as OlIOWS 1 1st district, at tin- Odd Fellows- Hall, In Se- ; Unagrove uoruuKh. til district, at the house 01 John V, Dover, in and for Perry township. ' ' Sit district, nt the house of David Doffer. lr anil lor Chapmnn to ushlp. 4th dlstrlc. In William Mover's bulldlnir. la and for Washington township. Mh district, at lhe KaKle Hotel. In and for Franklin township. 61 h district, at the Old fellows' Hall. In and for Heaver township. 1 . Jh1!"1 u!1'''' ,at th uou,, of Harvey Wagner.ln I and for West Heaver townahlp. sin district, at the house ol Peter Hurtman In nnd for Centre township. n,!'ih,l"i':lrH',tth? 80,1001 nouse. Kreamer. Id nnd for Mlddlecreek township. tJSLHifSSl ttthe "ouse 01 Matilda Fisher In and for Penn township. Mo'sroe'wnshlp' AUraDd'8 HaU- ,n tor .il?; l7J8.rrIcr''it '.?,e h0XK ot Christian 8. Oraybiil. lo and lor Wtst Perry township. 14th district, at the oourt House In and for the Borough of Mlddlebunr. 7 15th district, at Robert Rothcrmel's House, In and for Colon township. ' mill district, nt the house of Jatnei Slattern. In uiul for Adams township. 17th district, at the Public S-hool House, in adajnsburg, in and for spring township. NOTICE 18 11 KU KH V lilVEN. "Thut merv PMon, excepting Justices of the Pence, who shall hold an office or appointment of pram or trust under the United stales or of this suite, or any dry or Incorporated district whether a commissioned officer or otherwise ii subordinate officer or agent, who Is or shall 'be employed under the legislative, executive or judiciary department of this state or ol'the I nlted States, or of any Incorporated district -and also thai every member of congress and the Slate Legislature, and 01 1 he select or common council of any clly, or commissioner of anv In corporated district, Is by law incapable of holri- iiik 01 ern ising ai i ue same time, the office or Hid Wife of "l'p',J!n'm,;'?1 511 J.u,1p- Inspector orclcrk or any auu mil 01 ,. ec on of I 1 s Ciiioiiionueutih , ,., Sf Shaniokin were visiting a m one- T'm'V-J',!,7.e,0ai.,y Vmct,r ' "" election . . D fi sllllll be eligible to lie l ien voted for lhe Inspectors and Jndoa or tha ,.i,., ; shall meet at I he respective places appointed ). Herman ofEdwardsville issjientl-; ior holding the election in the SStTrS ing a few days with her parents. J. 1 1 mSSd echof SSuV W. Spaiigleranil family. . . .Amelia tTtaoadSwkT ",M,mM vowr Stahl left for iancaster county where she exiR-cts to spend the winter. . . . Amnion Bituer and family of Nor thumberland sjK'iit a few days of last week among, friends here. . . . (Jhas. W. Shrey and wife were visit ing with the family of Harry lihin ard at Chapman on Sunday... Rev. Driickemnillerliad communion ser vices at Keiser's church on Sunday (ii'ii 1 jino of 1 TilV,,i-tiil I ii,,,,',. on James Rathfon's farm in the cAudlto"'l"c- spring. Mr. Rathfou has made a good selection aslMr. iing under stands farming thoroughly 11. Btate TraMurer' Wllllan' t. creaay. . .. B) V i Jiidire of the sunreme Court h ia I The followng named persons have , been nominated by the various par i ties for the different offices, as fol lows : REPUBLICAN. State Treasurer, James E. Harnett. Judge of the Supreme Court, J. Hay Drown. Judge of the Superior Court. John I. Mitchell Associate Judge, PeterK. KlegeL Sheriff, George W. Row. County Treasurer, Heneville smith. County commissioners. John P. Wetzel, oeorge K. MUler. Coroner, Dr. A. J. Herman. DEMOCRATIC. will give you prompt relief and certain cure. Kmmp Your Blood Pmro. If you have neglected your case a long time, you bad bener take alst. It will remove all impurities that nave been accumulating in your blood and will greatly strengthen your nerves. m Wrttm tho Doctor. Then may b MaMthlng ibooi St aaM ran do not qalte under id. Writ tha doctor froolj . t 1 how you art tustrlng. sou wlU maiptlr neelT tha batl madlcal advice. ASdnw, Dr. J. C. A jer. Lowoll, Man. L. Schafler of Pallas inovetl his store into his new house on Tuesday where he has more room. . . . Jocky Aucker is already buying upturke) s for Thanksgiving There is a fellow up along the creek, who claims he shot an eagle. If we un derstand anything about feathers, it is nothing but an ordinary chicken hawk and a small one at that. .John Krebs is rebuilding his house C. E. Aucker has his Klondyke home nearly completed The moonshine poultry dialers and Sun day hunting parties are working up their trade just now. They claim times are improving. They don't believe or know that there is an open fircplacea waiting them some hot day. M1DOLEBUR8H Market. Butter 18 Eggs 20 Onions. Lard 6 Tallow 4 Chickens 7 Turkeys 10 Shoulder 8 Ham 12 Wheat G8 Rye 45 Corn 35 Oats (old) 00 Oats (new).... 25 Potatoes 80 Bran per 100. 80 Middlings' 90 Chop 90 Judge of the Supreme court, 8. Leslie Mestraaat. Jud of the Superior court, Charles J . ltellly. Associate Judge, I -hares Herman, sheriff. William c. Snyder, county commissioner, c. W. Knights. Auditor, A. II. Klingler. PROHIBITION. State Treasurer, John M. Caldwell. Judge of the supreme Court, Agio. Rlckctts. Judge of the superior Court, Harold L. Robinson. PEOPLE'S. state Treasurer, Justus Watklns Judge or the Supreme court, Jonn H. Stevenson. Judge of the superior Court, Nathan L. At wood. SOCIALIST LABOR. State Treasurer, Samuel Clark. Judge of the supreme Court, Donald L. Monro. Judge of the Superior Court, Val. Hemmel. 3 UNION REFORM. state Treasurer. Samuel D. Wood. Judge of the supreme Court, John H. Stevenson. BRYAN ANTI-TRUST. State Treasurer, William T. Creasy. Judge ot the Supreme Court, B.lMile Hestrezat. Judge of the Superior Court, Charles J. Relay. ENDEPENiyNT DEMOCRATIC. County Commissioner, V. W. Thomas. P. S. BITTER, Sheriff. SheriffsOffice.Middleburg.Snyder County, Pa, October 28, 1809. YJI7 ANTED SEVERAL BRIGHT AND RON et persons to repreaant ua aa Nanagara in Ibiaand cloaeby counUcs. Salary two a raar and expenses. Straight, bona-fide, no more, no leas "alary. PoaHfin parnwnan. Oar refer! neea, any bank in ang town. It to mainly of fice work conducted at noma. HUmihi cloaa aalf addiiiaaid staasaed aaVsiope. noaumoa tonrajir, Dept. I, Chicago t-ft-Mi.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers