ROYAL RAJtlNCf POWDER Imparts that peculiar lightness, sweetness, and llavor noticed in the finest cake, short cake, biscuit, rolls, crusts, etc. , which ex pert pastry cooks declare is unobtainable by the use of any other leavening agent 1 Made from pure, grape cream of tartar ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. The Middleburgh Post. Published every TburHduv. Geo7w. VVagenssller. hditor anf Proprietor - Subscription 91.50 per year. which mutt be paid in advance when sent out side on ootinty.) RATES OF ADVERTISING. aii transient adverttmonti not otherwise contracted for will he. charged at the rot of is cents per line (nonparlel measure) (or nrsi inser Hon ami 10 cents per line lor every subsequent insertion. aT)nri notices jnthlinhftt free nMfuaryposrtif, tributes of rerjasef, afO.. three crnU a line. Eepublican Standine Committee. Adams, W. H. Herman, J. G. Mlddleawarth BeaTer, A. W. Musser, Ila. -id Coleman Beaver W., ( has. A. Wagner, John 1. Unwell Centre, II. It. Mourner, H A. Bowersoi Chapman, (. s. Troutman, P. A. Troup Franklin. M, I.. Walter. II. K. Bolender Jackson, J- s. Vearlek. H. II. Smith MidillelturK, Al Clelao, James Krdley Mlddlecreek, A. 1). Kreamer, 8, I.. Voder Monro, A. It. Young, 1. P. Hitter PeUn, Frank Miller. Howard ROW Prrrv, lr. M. Kothroek, Irwin Bojret Perry W Geo. Strawser, John Noll salinearrota, a. b. Keek, II. J. Duck Bprlna, (leo. s. Lesley, O. M smith Union, O. (i. Kice, II. .1. Slroh rVaMiinKton. Pr. K. W. Toole, J. 11. Arbogast KEI'l i STATE TICKET. For J udge of t he supreme Court, J. HAY BROWN, of Lancaster. For Judge of the superior couit, JOHN I. MITCHELL, of Tioga County. For state Treasurer, JAMES E. HARNETT, 01 Washington, REPUBLICAN COVOTY TICK KT. For Associate Judge, P. e . RIEOBL. For sheriff, GEO. W. HOW. For Treasurer, BKNNEV1LLE SMITH. For Commissioners, JOHN P. WETZEL, GEORGE F. MILLER. For Auditors, D. NORMAN API', .1 O.BOWBKSOX, For Coroner, Kit. A. .1 MERMAN. Thursday, October 26, 1899. ADAMS WITHDRAWS. Joaiahll. Adams, the nominee for Judge of the Superior Court, last Wednesday withdrew 11s :t candidate on the Republican ticket. The stimulus that lead to this hasty re treat was the publication in the Phila delphia .Yo7i American oi some very serious charges against the American Investors' Company of which Mr. Adams tor unite a time was the pre sident. Whether Mr. Adams pro fited by these shady transactions or not has not been shown, but while Mr. Adams denies having received any profit from these illicit transac tions, the public is at liberty to think lor themselves on this imjiort ant jMiint. Mr. Adams in bis letter of Withdrawal says that he is willing to sacrifice personal ambition for the good of the party. This is certainly a commendable position to take, but it still will not compel the public to believe that he was entirely innocent It is unfortunate that political lead ers cither do not study and under stand the characters jor public office or else arc willing to defy public opinion to such a marvelous extent. The leaders, however, have shown good judgment in retiring Mr. Ad ams, as no man should lie on the bench against whom there should he even a shadow of Suspicion, even thouirh he is innocent. 1 he time has come when the bench should lie hove the slightest inclination of re proach and the people ol Pennsyl vania owe a debt of gratitude to the Xorth Ameriean for getting Mr. Ad ams oil the ticket. There is not an other newspaper in existence that won such laurels and accomplished their aim in less than three (lays. The llepublitan Standing Com mittee of the State met in Philadel phia and unanimously nominated Hon. John I. Mitchell of Tioga couiif y to fill the place on the ticket Judge Mitchell served hiscouuty in ; the State Legislature, two terms in r,,,n,s a,.,l also as United Stat Senator and as Judge of nia district. He is in every way fitted for t he high and honorable position for which he has been named and we place ins name on the ticket at the head this column. of HOW S THIS. ... T, , , , ,, . e Offer One Hundred I'ollarste- I ward for ativ case of Catarrh that . .1 ...... I I.,. 11..I1V Calurrli cannot DO ourea 03 lieu s iaiarru Cure V T f'lirvw V- t'11 Toloilo O 1 or v F 1 l l' .'., e, the undersigned, nae known F J Cbenev foi the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable ; 1U Bll Dulineu iiiiumiuikhjh ttuu 11- naneiallv able to carry out any obli- (rations made by their firm. West lbuax. Wholesale Druggists, TmdrlTo. VValdino, Rinnan k Makvin, Whols sale DruiftristH. Toledo, O. Hall's Cafarrh Cure is taken inter- nany, acting uirecny upon tue oiocu w ucn uisinct. and mucous surfaces of theystein. Tbe f0n0W;nK DftmPtl persons have TestimonifUi free Price ,.c. per been u0(ninateii hv the VHrioua par. bon 'fi. Sld-, V " Dri,Kf'Ht,V. , ties for the different offices, as fol Hall s Fauaily pills are the best. 0WB . B- Franklin Grouse Passes Away- On Moiidav iuoriiini; at about uiorning at atxiut four o'clock B, Franklin Crolise, one of the well known men of the . 1, m , .1 couiitv and an old citizen of this 1 e l n . town, passed away from the eftects of a stroke of apoplexy that lie had , several years ago, and which left bun ; an invalid from that time. Atone time Mr. ("rouse was a suc cessful mail route contractor of the Star routes, and made money. He ut one time had alxiiit all the routes in this county, but of late years he over reached in the mail contract business, and lost money and gave his bondsmen trouble. Mr. ( 'rouse is survived by thrw sisters and two brothers, Daniel and I Jerry ('rouse, Ixith of thi-- county. The funeral will take place 011. Thursday ut 2 o'clock p. m., from. tne late residence. 11 is age was' llxillt (! Vears. 8clifUQTOVe l!mr. I "I wish to express my thanks to! the manufacturers of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Reme-! dy, for having put on the market such a wonderful medicine, says W. W Missingill, of Beaumont, Tex. There are many thousands of moth ers whose children have been saved from attacks of dysentery and chol era infantum who must also feel thankful. It is for sale by all Drug gists. Splendid Advice to Hunters. Ac tin. .,,., B.un w ..lw,.,t i,, open, and u. view of the man iv human Everv Fri(Uy tlighu at 1035 lives that are taken yearly by care- a through Tourist Car for Los ArjRe less SportrmMD, the tollowirjff from MM aid Southern California, leaves Ua , u 'to the Chioairo, Milwaukee and Si. Pul le Sportsnian Magatine for Sep-1 1ailway ul0tl Pas8enKer Station, temlxr is worth reading by all who i ChicaKo, via Oiuali a, Colorado co miming. Do not shoot it a noise Pf,R! ft?,d, 8ali ke, c'ty' f?r alJ 6 . i. .. , . . points in Coloradof L tab, Nevada and or moving object in the bushes, but I California. wait u til the object is clearly re-i in addition to the regular Pullman ftteniied before VOU pull tfatrfarer. portor. each car is accompaniett by s. i ' 1 an Intelligent competent and court- Better lose your only chance at a eoug ..courier., wbo win ttttend to detr than to lose your petoeof mind wants of passengers en route. This forevertlirouglireniorsetulcoiisc-ioii8-lsaneut.ire,ynfw fnaure of arist . ft . ... . I car service, and will be appreciated ness of having caused the death of 1 by families or by ladles traveling human lieing. Aside from the costly I alone. Particular attention is paid to . i . i i i. the care of children, who usually eet lessons that have been taught, re-, eRry on lonK jourDey. y ei member there are other hunters. These tourist cars are sleeping cars roaming the forest as well as your- supplied with all the accessories ne if j cpssary to make the journey comfort- able and pleasant, and tbe berth rate IT"" j (each berth will accommodate two FUDllC SalS. persons) is only $8 00 from Chicago Notices of sales win be Inserted free under thla. to California. Ask the nearest ticket heading when the hills are printed at this omce. agent for a tourist car folilr, or ad When the bills are not prlnttsl at this office so dregg jQhn R. Pott, District Passentr- ,i,i. uill tn Hiimnu i-v I,,., I tin. tn ro " V . i."" have sale should select adate and have it insert ed In this column. TUEanAY. OCT. ,ono mile east ol Dallas Post Office, Wm. II.Mwartz, Executor of David M . swartz. deceased, will sell one mare, one cow, farming Implements and household goods. SATURDAY. OCT. s. one mile south of - Me - Kees Half Falls, J. O. Snyder and O. W. Lyter, Kxecntors of (leoiy.- snyder. deceased, win' sell Snro SATURDAY, Nov. ID. one and one-half mil.-" ! . . . e. j) w a wyi tnt ( aW I sEKTMaT Hook. SSS ! JJJJJJJJJ ln F"nklln ,wp- p J amatiQB FOR NOVEMBER 7th. 1899. t, p. s Hitter, Sheriff of Snyder County, Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, do hereby make known Ud Vln not ice to the Electors of the rotintv atorpsald flat an election will lit! held ! in aid county on Tuesday, Norember 7th. ltw-I Election Procl for the purpose of elect I ng the several persons I for $''.S() i named, to-wlt i One person for Treasurer of t ho ' " ' Couiiiionwealtu of Pennsylvania, two persons SaillllL'l J. ' Inch ttl II. A. Alll for .Judge' of the Supreme (Vmrt, one person for i s(lu, above. ' I,. I ... ... .1... llIM . ...... i fnr 1 B. I ' .JllUgUUI i hi- DWm ll'l V Willi, V..V soclatc Judge of Snyder County , one person for shertff, one person fnr county Treesurer, three persons for County CommlssfGners.tbreu persons for county Auditors and one person for Coroner of Snyder County. The election places are as follows : 1st district, at the Odd ft Hows' Hall, In Se llns(rr ive Borough. Id district, at the hoose of John F. Hoyer, In and for Perry township. Sd district, at the house of David Hotter. In and tor chapman township. 4th district. In Willlnin Mover's building, In and for Washlnglon township. i Kh district, at the Xagle Hotel, in and for Franklin township, i Uh district, at the Old fellows' Hall, In and for Beaver township. Tth dlstilct, at the house ot Harvey Wagner, In ana ior watt beaver township. Bth district, at the house of Peter Hartman, In and fur Centre township. 9th district, at Ihc school house, Kreamer. In u ki ior atlddlocreek lowusnip. IMh district, at the house of Matilda Klsher In and for Peun township. nth district, at H"tiry M. D:rk's Ball "d for Jackson township. ' HUH district, at Auraud s Hull, In and for Monroe township. 13lh district, at the house of christian S. UrayblU. In and (Of West Perry township. 14th district, at the Court House In and for the Borough oi MMdletmrg, l.Vh district, at the Poll Trevcrtoii House. In and (or Union township. I6tb district, at the bouse of James Mattcrn, in and for Adams township. ITth district, at the Public School House, in adanuburg, In and lor spring ton nslitp. NOTICE IS HKKKHY OITEN. "That every person, except Ink' .lust ices ol the Peace, who shall liold an ofllce or apsjlutment ,,, ,ir,p ,,rtnisi under the fnlted states or of tuts state, or any city or Incorporated district, whether a l otninlssloned ofllcer jr otherwise, a K irdlnate oOtoer or agent, who Is or shall be employed under I he legislative, executive, or judlcliry di'piirtmont of this slats or ol the li'heil states, or ol anv Incorporated district; Ml(1 as ,U ,,v,.rv memher of Congress and Uie state Legislature, and or the select or eommou HuwpaMe mUho!d: ing or exercising at tne same lime, tne onice or poltittnent ol Judge, Inspector or clerk of any election of this Commonwealth, and that no In spector, Judge or any ofllcer of such election shall be eligible lo be then voted for. The inspectors and Judge of the elections shall meet at the respective places appointed for holding the election In the district to which thev respectively belong, before seven o'clock In the morning, and each of those Inspectors shall ftttrviltit . .r.. ,....L Ktui shall I... u .Int.., I vi,r..r REPUBLICAN. state Treasurer, James K. Harnett. .Itidireof the Snnretne Court J. llav nmwn. jBtooflh.Sunerll, r roll .,, , v.teheti Associate Judge. l'eterF1. KlegeL sheriff, ooorge w. row. ('Ounty Treasurer, lleneviile smith, . ,,, ..,, County commissioners, lsSfw8B!L, foeorge f. Muier. unty " r' Howe"- woner.ur.a ..1. Herman. DEMOCRATIC. State Treasurer, William T. Creany. Judge of the Supreti.e Court, S. I,eille Mestraaat. Judge ol the Bupertor court. Charles J. Kellly. Associate Judge, Pharoi Henaan, Shcrlll, WUllamO, Snyder. County commissioner, 0. w. Knigins. Auditor, A. II. Klinglcr. PROHIBITION. Stale Treasurer, John M. Caldwell. Judge of the supreme Court, Agib. Klckelis. Judgeol the suerlor Court, Harold L. Bobluson. PEOPLE'S. stale Treasurer, Justus Watklns. Judge of the Supreme Court, John II. Stevenson. Judge of UM superior Court, Nathan I,. Atwood. SOCIALIST LABOR .,,,,,...,.,. .,,..,,... Judge of the Supreme Court, Donald L. Monro.' Judge of the Superior Court, VaL Kemmel- UNION REFORM. state Treasurer, samuei d. Wood. Judge of the supreme court, John H.stevensoo. BRYAN A'TI-TRUST. State Treasurer, William T. Creasy. Judge ot the supremo Court, 8. 1sllo Mestreiaf Judge of the Superior Court, Charles J. lie illy. INDEPENDENT DEMOCRATIC. County Commissioner. I. W. Thomas. P. S. KITTER Sheriff. Sh. rifi-HOtVu't'.MnJdlt'burp.Huyder County, Pa,. October 28, 189. """ Mmmuhm ai noctiier i er Agent, oW) Lhestnut Ht., Fblladel phia. Pa. Engagement Announced. 1 i rrn a i-ir r a I The engagement of Miss Margaret, B. Stoner, of HllllburV, .111(1 Mr. Ralph Meliclv, of ' . ' the sames place, is announced. The happy event is to take place in Dec COURT HOUSE CHIPS I-mI Eiiii-ird lor Record. John S. Aitcker and wife to Jos eph Walborn, 2 acres and 81 per cneeiu Doiuo twp, iff 250. Benjamin Ulrioh. trustee of 8am. 1. Ulrich, to Samuel J. Ulrieh, lot in IVnn t . wist ot SelilWgfOVe, Etebeoca, David ami U. S. Mciser, Exeeiitois of Jtmeuh Meiaer, to Katie Sweigart, 'M't acres i" l'erry townsiiip for (310. t.e.trs 'irimletl. Letters ofitdtiiiitii'trntion in the (state ( Muthias Duiiliernian, lain of Middlecreek two., were isniwtl 10 Milton DiHiberman on il.e 20th. Miirrlne l.lrrnsea. fDennia If. Fisher, Sflinijrmvo, ( Katie Hultaauule, WashingUiiilp. f C E. Front, La Grange, Ind. Mary K. Noetling, Selinsgrove. I'opalar Falney Exploded, The Scientific American Btates that the veneruble bogey of the crystalliza tion ot steel and iron In bridge struc tures is persistently trotted out. It is probable that a large percentage ot the passengers doily crossing Urooklyn bridge believe that the metal of tho bridge is deteriorating "crystalliz ing" and that tho wire cables, unless they are renewed, will in the course of time give way and precipitate the whole bridge into the river. Testa in tho la boratory and half a century'a tests in the field, supplemented by the recent careful testB made by Prof. Carpenter, of Cornell, prove that this view is no longer tenable. There is no reason why, with careful inspection to pre vent oxidation by the weather, the met- i nl of such structures as the Urooklyn and Forth bridges should not last as in definitely as if It lay imbedded in the ore from which it was extracted. Hon. (i. A. Henoch and wife at tended the funeral of Christian Mcnscli in Uuioii county last week. We are in receipt of a copy of a, little booklet "Keeping Cows from , Profit," issued by The IV Laval Se parator Co., 74 Cortlandi Street, New York. There is a verv large edition of tins book, a copy of which will lie sent free to any of our read ers who send a request for a copy panel mention the Middlehurg Poht. How Is this? Perhaps sleepless nights caused It, or gnef, or sick ness, or perhaps it was care. No matter what the cause, you cannot wish to look old at thirty. Gray hair is starved hair. The hair bulbs have been deprived of proper food or proper nerve force. Increases tbe circulation in the scalp, gives more power to the nerves, supplies miss ing elements to the hair bulbs. Used according to direc tions, gray hair begins to show color fn a few days. Soon It has all the softness and richness of youth and the color of early life returns. Would you like our book on the Hair? We will gladly send it to you. Write anf If you do not obtain all the benefits you expected from the Vigor, write the doctor about it. He may be able to suggest something ot value to you. Address. Dr. J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. MlDDLEBUROH MARKET. Butter 18 Eggs 20 Onions Lard 6 Tallow 4 Chickens 7 Turkeys 10 Shoulder 8 Ham 12 Wheat 68 Rye 45 Corn 35 Oats (old) 00 Oats (new).... 25 Potatoes 30 Bran per 100. 80 Middlings" 90 Chop 90 Our brush should be used daily in place of the ordinary hair brush, hair washes, or hair grow ers. If you do not find, after six months' trial, that Dr. Scott's ELECTRIC Hair Brush will do all we claim for it send it back and your money will be refunded. You can buy the number one size for Dollar. It Is Guaranteed to Cure Nervous Headache in five minutes! Bilious Headache in five minutes I Neuralgia in five minutes I Dandruff and diseases of the scalp I Prevents falling hair and baldness I flakes the hair long and glossy I For sale at Dry Goods stores and Drugjlsts or sent on approval, postpaid, on receipt of price and ten cents for postage. ( Hipdoo. "TIIK DOCTORS STOKY," ttntfrte on oivrM full MWeSSNM WNffrtiiiw Dr. Scott'a Klielrie BtU: '. Si. in.l H. tlertric r,.rt.. ft . 1.. SI.M. I'.i. 11 mi KUeirtc AsMM MBI a .i. KUeMe Firth llnuhn. K. Sufflu Kii"r, ft. Electric Hasten, Si cte. Eltutic Trustee, S3. 4 GEO. A. SCOTT, 84a Broadway, N.Y. AVANTK')--KVKHAL BRIGHT AND HON eft HrMi to represent Ufl its MiiiiHfQii in tin a tn I cl nn Uy roiinltpfl. Salnry f'.HO a your mid HpWIllHi Strnifcht, bnim-fldc, im DIOTS, tin pr4 fMlury INisition prrmatipiit. Our refer nii'cF, any hnnk in any Town. It i.i mainly of- nc worx cfni'ineiod nt iioine. iweretuM in vone nelf-addresfHMl Ntaritpeil envelupe. I uy. Di'MlMtiif i'oMi'ANV, I)ept :t, CbliMgO P-2H-I(it. 2sSNYDER S 8S2222222222222292 MARRIAGES, 1835-1899, COMPILED BY GEO. V. WAGENSELLER, A- M., - AUTHOR OF "HISTORY OF THE WAGEN8ELLER FAMILY IN AMERICA," FORRY AND ORWIG GENEALOGIES. The record of thp marriages published in this book have beon carefully gathered from various sources and rep resent those who were married in Snyder County, Penna , during the time peeiUed. but also many from adjaoent counties. It in the first volume of this character puhli-lu"! in any county iu the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, There is a record of more than 7,500 Marriages or 15,000 Names, of persons who resided in this county and who are now re siding here. It is not represented to contain every marriage solemnized in this county during that period, but only such whose records could be secured, hut tor the greater period the record is nearly complete. The records consulted arc as follows : 1. From 1808 to Oct 1, 1885. the marriages are taken from the files of tbe Mfddleburg Post. i. From Oct. L ItjHTt. when tne license law went into ef fect, to April 10, 18111), the record was taken from the license docket of Snyder County, Pa. Si. Hev. Adolf B. Casper's Marriage Record. 4. Rev. John Peter Bhindel's (Jr.) Marriage Record. 5. Rev. Charles Oustavus Krlenmyer's Marriage Record. An Index of Surnames. has been made and published in the book enabling easy ac cess to any name in the volume. There are represented 1813 different surnames. Points to be Conslered. There are a great many points to be considered whleh demonstrate the value of having this publication at your finger's ends. We can name only a few at this time ; 1. It is a ready reference book of marriages whleh re calls many pleasant events and also places a permanent record in the bands of your posterity with which they will never be willing to part. 2. It is a veryuseful guide to assist you In fixing the dates of collatteral events. 3. It is an indispensable book for the genealogist and the historian. 4. It is of incalculable value to tbe politician who should be thoroughly posted concerning the "dear" people. 5. The Lawyer, Doctor, Clergyman, Editor and Teacher will find it a convenience, and, in time, almost a necessity, nearly every day of his life. 0. Not a store, hotel, nor a business place of any kind in Snyder County should be without a copy of this book. 7, No historical or genealogical, nor any other publio library is complete without a copy of this work. Special Offer. This book like many others that will be called for only by a limited number of people will of necessity cost more per volume than those whose circulation run into tens and even hundreds of thousands of copies. There will be only about three hundred copies of this work and those who wish a copy should not delay placing an order early. The preparation of this book has entailed a great deal of labor and expense and so far as the remuneration Is concerned, we should have at least Five Dollars per volume for it. We do not, however, desire to make the price a barrier, and Imbued with the idea of placing the book within tbe reaeh of all, we have decided to offer lt fo Only Three Dollars a Copy. Orders by mail will have onr prompt attention. An agent is wanted In every district of the eounty to solicit or ders, Address all communications to the compiler, GEO. W. WA6ENSELLER. A. M. DEPT. A, MIDDLBBURG, PA. 69.Cents fnr Nothing. JmI M4. a wo4erfal aalaltfMef TcrttUaea at.wesraadai. Iteosta sfBesMatoprlataailT cents to mall cask copy. If free Is all iru tcriie for u. TM hoolc contslnt 304 psait (ills 14V10k In.). hut in mi i illuttrstlou. and iiuotei WO.ouu artlclssat whuleulu prices to eoasomen. Here I the book: Thlt valaahlc cats tonne tclU nil about Agricultural Imple ment.. Uaby Coachet, Heddlntt. Klcyclca. HooU. Bamrlca, Can dies. Carpets, Uaal, Clocks. Ciothrae. Q o r e t s , Crockery. Cur taint. Catlsry. Farm Waaoni, Fur ulturc. Mini Fur uUIiIoki. Ulauvsrs, Urocerlet. Harness, Hsu, Hoilerr. Jew. elrr. Ladlea'Clotntac ladle.' Farnlfhlogi, Lamps. Msckla toahi-a Mlrrora. Ma Iral In.trumrnu.Or gana, Palata, Plaaos. rirturea. Hortleras. Itefrlgerston, Sad dle., l.vlat. bHRbBP4bb2vBw LaLl Marhlnea. Shlrta. Shoss, Sllre nrare. StoTea. TtBWSN. Tobacco. Towels, Traaks, Coderwesr, Upholabtrr Uooda. tVatcbea, tad tboasaadj of other trtlclra. with thla book la your poaaetaloa. you can bay cbeapar than tke a.erago dealer. Von can aare large anma of money on STerythlnr you need, at say ssstoa of the year. Lithographed Carpet and Rug Catalogue, and our Clothing Catalogue icilh sample attached, art alto frtt JCrprestagt paid en clothing , frtighl paid on carpet. Which book rAall is soul iron t Adtrttt mi wag .- JULIUS HINES & SON BALTIMORE, HD. Department 80S Agents Wanted Dr. Scott's F.lectric Unbreakable Coraeta, Electric Hair llrushes, Electric Belu, 3. s, i ; Electric Kaiora, Electric Inaolea. Nature, own remedy for backache, nervouaneaa. indigestion headache, liver and kidney trouble A. valuable book free . Pint paid, gl 10. State waul u. OKO. A. SCOTT. IU Steadway, S.w York. CAUTION NOTICE. Publfo notloa la iiereh iriven that Ilia untier - 1 1 1 1 1 ItM purclianed the hef ftf nu ntimel uerntitial prop ty of and fnitu K V. iHfltoh, of MuMlernek ToWttflhlp. 8nyler Comity, P., anl har taken pOSMMtlOH of the Maine, hut left it tin the premises: 1 black mare, one ttorrel mare, two eown, one hull, one heifer, two pi(CH. thirty ehieketm mure ir loaa, two plows, one nptke tooth harrow, one Mprintc t.mtli iiarrow, one hay rake, one hay fork rope and pulley a, ODeJ-horae wwon, one champion mower, one home cultivator, one fannlllC mitt, una vrlnd ntone. one I"tcKy nnil ona et barnaaa, one imv harnoaa, lot btldlaas. lot halterN, lot forkn, eiKl aere of eoru in one RaM And txaoraaof corn In the other Held, '-" buabala whan! m buabalaoC oat-, im hunhe's of rye. ISacraaol wheat in the ground, U acres of rye in the ground, one cook stove, one coal to lot of carpet, one table, one euphoard. one corner euplMiard, and sink, one flour chest, lot chain1 four beds and beildiiifr, stands, lot crocks, stands. lot potatoes, loiinKe, and all otl er persoiial ptopattf ownml by the said K C, Ut Ich not iiientiotted therein' All paraont are hereby warned not to disturb or IntBI1 meddle with the aimer mentioned per noun I property under pain if batng deatt wttU according to law. U. w. YODKH. Middleburuh, la., Sept. 11, 1SUV. COUNTY. i