The Middleburgh Post. Published everv Thursday. Geo. W. Wagenseller, fcditor and Proprietor Subscription $1.50 per year. which mu3t be paid in sdvKncc wiun m-M out side Iliu county.) RATES OF ADVERTISING All transient advert tc-nvnts no! oCherwtas .oniracted lor win tie duiiyed at the r.iic ol 1 OUU pet line (imiiparlel measure) for Orsl Inner Hon and 10 cents per line or every MbMqoeM Insertion. fl -fl. iuiim prMuhrd free ; oMtuary pt,ertj. tntftUs of retpect. aU.. thrtt MM Only A Flower. sweetest flower that OOd lias g -en. Bloomed beside a cottage door In tales ol love are bidden. And beauties that we would adore, sweetest (lower amoni; the flowers, I.lveil lor some one In that borne ; Lived in sunshine, dew , and shower", Uved and died there all alone. Time with It was spent In ehewiag some one p;iH8lnr by that way ; with its sweetest pertains breathing, For Hie gentle bTWM to sw ay, l'reelous. are the moments, living In life's calm and empty dream. Pleasant words o klmlness, glvlug. Some wayward mil anoihur theme. BftLAIOtO M. married Anna Maria Witmer, daugh ter of Peler Witmer, the pioneer aioi enametl. He was associated for some years with his tather-in-law in the nulling InisinesH. In 1785 lie purehused a tract of land at the west ern extremity o l'enn's Valley "Narrows," close to that of his J brother Michael. Here he erected a large grist and saw mill, and laid the foundation of an extensive husi-! HO INK IS NEEDED. A New EaBllsk Proeeas (or Rrprodlir Pletarea froaa Artists' Copy. An English company has been formed to print without the use of ink in any form, by simply bringing the plate into contact with chemically-dampened pa per linen, silk, wool or other fabric, and obtaining a good, clear Impression of any desired density. The operation, Use It Daily. Republican Standine Committal Adam", w. H. Herman, 1. Iflddleewarth Heaver, A. w. Uuawr, David Coleman Beaver W., Cbaa. A. Warner, John D. Unwell LVi.tre. II. It. WuKiier, II A. Howero Chapman, f. s. Trnutman, I'. A. Troup Franklin. M. I. Walter, K. K, Bolender Jackson, J. s. Yearlok. II. II. Smiih Mlddlaburx, Al. Clelan. James Brdiajr Middlecreek, A. D. Kreamer, 8. I.. Voder Monro, A. n. Young-, D. 1'. Ritter j'.-tm, Miller, Howard Bow Parry,, Rothrock, Irwin li-v, r perry W.. tie,,. stmwser, John Noll Seliiitrye, A IV Keek, II. .1. Duek RpHnar, Geo. 8. Iepley, Q U Smith ITnion, " ' Rice, II J. Btroh waahinRion, Dr. E. W. Toole, 1. 11. Arbogaat REPUBLICAN HTATE TICKET. WITMER. Peter Wittner. founder Witmer family, seated in the region i. contiguous toSunbury, was horn in Snyder county, and had children : 17o7 in ll. i theim, Xiissuu-Dillcn- j. i)ai,.; 2. John C.;3. William; berg, Kingdom of Prussia. He was j LydiajS. Sarah; (i. Catharine; 7 connected with the older Witmer Kfnrv Kliahcth ness, yet in the hands of hits descend- "V" the Philedelphia Record, is as ants. The thriving town of Wood-1 l""8 "na more 8,IUPle ,nan letur Prw I i tla .1 , . rr printing and the work resembles in ward was built on the estate He clearne, and dMcKy .... or died here in ioOZ ami Ins widow in litho encrravlnu-. Ontinarv nrint.e.1 o c J i - type blocks, forms, stereotypes and electrotypes may be used as a printing surface and drawings, etc., requiring special blocks or electros, lithographic Kiehneld, Pa , Oct. 1", 1st). m m 1839. lie was very sick when he Early SnyderOounty Families made his will bequeathing his estate to his w ife during her natural life and providing for the following chil- 0f the drcn: John, in. Elizabeth Fisher, of Kor Judge oi the Supreme Court, .1. HAY BROWN, of Lancaster, Kor Judge oi the Superior i Jouit, J08IAU II. ADAMS oi Philadelphia. For state Treasurer, JAMES K. HA UN E I T, oi Washington. REPUBLICAN COCNTY TICKET. For Associate Judge, I', r. RIBQEL For Mierirr, GEO, W. Id i W. Kor Treasurer. BENNKVIIXK SMITH. For Couunlsslooers, JOHN I'. WETZEL, GEORGE K. Mil. I. Kit. Kor Auditors, 1. NORMAN APP, .1 C.BOWRRSOX, family of Lancaster county, Pa. Coming to Pennsylvania when young, he married, in 17"7, a Miss .Marie Solomana, who was born in LTpper Alsace, Prance (now Ger many), October 24th, 17-40. Rev. Haudschue, a noted Lutheran di vine, consummated the marriage. The early part of his married lift was spent in Lancaster count . In 17ti'i, he located on a new large tract of land on die west side of the Susquehanna, one mile above the present village of Port Treves- Of the sons, John C. alone reach id manhood and inherited his fath er's busiuess. ii. Jacob, m, Elizabeth Hess and: had children : 1. Samuel; 2. John A.; :. Em anuel; I. Simon; 5. Mary. iii. George. IV. Salome. v. Susanna. vi. ". child expected" who was named James. IV. George Motz, the third oi work or copperplate engraving can be done at a great saving. Original sketches, scrolls or fancy lettering can be made upon the transparency or traced through from drawn or printed sketches, the words being typed In their respective places, and, if printed on opaque paper, photogrnpliic replicas of nny size can be made, while engrav ings can be reproduced direct from the artist's work. Any class of paper may be used, the sensitizing solution is much cheaper than printing ink, anil the speed of the process is greatly in its favor. ton in Snyder county. He effected ij'e presumed sous of Gasper Mot., Thursday, October 12, 189!. Death of Samuel Stumpff. lis removal from Columbia to this I place by means of a flat-boat, lb' was of the first settlers of this region, and a prominent citizen, lie died in July 1793, leaving a w ifeand family of whom presently. Will filed at Sun bury, probated July 31, 1793. Over 300 acres of the estate are still in ! the hands of his descendants. The place was an important point in the Middleburgl early days. Witmer carried on a terry, saw mill and distillery. The children of Peter and Marie The livtl near the present town ot Mid dleblirg, the county seat of Snyder county. In his will, on file at Sun bury, he says he is sick and anxious about l i s wife and children. He died in 1806 leaving a w ifeand children : i. John. iii. Lorente. His descendants still reside about Samuel Stumpfl died at Cross grove, Oct. 1, 1899, after a few davs illness from the effects ot apo- Witmer were the following plexy, aged 77 years, 10 months and ' reader's attention is called that five 1 S days. I daughters were called Maria.) : Father Stumpfl was one of the: j. George, b. April 23, 1768. oldest members ot scjonn senium, Crossgrove, Pa., and was all his life identified with the interests of the I congregation. He played an import ant part in the building of the church, was at different periods of his life a i faithful office-bearer, and was always i deeply concerned in the welfare and 1 nrofirress of the church. lTntil ill-' a - n. reter, i. Jan. ii, i o. iii. Maria Catharine, b. July ? 1701. iv. Maria Solomana, b. Sept. 3, 1762. v. John Jaco), b. Feb. , 1764. vi. Maria Magdalena, b. Jane , 1760. vii. Anna Maria, b. Oct. , 1707. viii. Maria liarbarn, b. Jul). , 1769. ix. Samuel, b. April 4, 1771. x. Margaretha, b. Dee. 28, 1772. BOWEBSOX. , Paul Bowersox, founder of the llowersox family of Central Peuna., arrived in I'hiladel)hiain 1771, per brig "Betey," from the Fatherland. There is an older branch established in Southeastern Pennsylvania, but their connection has not as yet been established. Paul liowersox settled soon after his arrival in Penn town ship, Northumberland (now Snyder) county where be died in 1806. He had children as follows: The Author of "In His Steps " Tha author of ''In His Steps," the fkmoOe religious i k, of which over three million copies have now been sold, has liccn induced to answer, in au article which he lias sent to 'Ilir' htrfiex' Home Journal, the question which unconsciously comes to the mind after reading his book : "1st Lis plan practicable in our present daily1 life? " Mr. Sheldon does not evade the question, but answers it in a direct and vigorous manner, and tells exactlv what be believes would Ik1. the effect of his plan upon modem business methods and present-day social life. Our brush should be used daily in place of the ordinary hair brush, hair washes, or hair grow ers. Ii you do not find, after six months' trial, that Dr. Scott's ELECTRIC Hair Brush will do all we claim for it send it back and your money will be refunded. You can buy the number one size for One Dollar. It Is Guaranteed to Cure Nervous Headache in five minutes! Bilious Headache in five minutes t Neuralgia in five minutes I Dandruff and diseases of the scalp t Prevents falling hair and baldness t flakes the hair long and glossy I For sale at Dry Goods stores and Druggists or sent on, postpaid, on receipt of price and ten cents for postage. ( Jhir (K)0(t, "TTlt DOCTOR'S STORV" gtntfrrr on 69 Cents for Nothing. Jut tuned, ft wondrrf ul Mklani rtt ...n thln. n tiwnlm ltcou oi aaeenu to print nd 17 cents to mul weh copy. iri frf to all ieo vrilt for a. ThU book conUInt 804 puec (ilie 1. i, ua quote 100, 14V.T 10S to). ,0U0 r tic lei it Until Um book: rMf. aiittfull infurmntioix concminu lr. Sctt' ne M. Si KUrtric lAtl. DO clt. italic Trur v S3. . Xtrrrrto (I.e. ft w. if. nil 'Urine Safety Ra 'lit. S.1. S5. !' 110. Eleetrle rti. SI. 0. !. nnd 13. KUeIHe Fleth Rruehe: il nn Mm. mt. t.ieerrte ryftwin. -a en. GEO. A. SCOTT, 842 Rruldway, N. V, . bu ll(.0OO illuitrfttlou, , vboleule prices to com amen. ! TbllTiluble ets loiruc telU ul ftboal 1 -grU -ulturil Imple ment!. Bbr Coichei, UiddlBt. Bleycleft, I Biartu, cm dlei. eirpeti, i Inn, Clorlci, ciot hint. ! Cor leti, Crocker?. : Curulni, Firm Wiconi. Fur- ' nltare, Mea'i Fur Bltblam. Ulunrftn. Oroeoriei, Hiraiu, Hit. Hoilerr, Jew elrv. lAdlci'C'lothlng, Ladle' Faralihlnt:, Limpi, Mickln-tothr-n Mlrrori, Ma. In) Instrument!. r- mot. I'llnti, Plinoi, rlrturei I'orUere, ! Kefrlireritort. Kid dlea. Hewlii. Micblnei, Shlrti. Sboel, Sllrenran. StoTei. Tinware Tohaero, Toveli. Trunki, I'nderwear, Upholitorr . tioodi. ivatchei, ft&d tbooiandi of other artletn. w ltd trill book In roar poueulon, jou can buy cheaper than the irenire dealer. Yoa can mt lare lomi of money uu evcrrtlilng you need, at my tiuoh of the year. Ulhotraphrd Carpel and Kug Catalogue, and our Vlothiny Catalogue irith n.? v. attacked, are aleo free Krpreetage paid on clothing . freight paid on carpet. Wlich book thatl ire lend your Addrem Viii tray: I JULIUS HINE5 & SON 1IAI.TIMORK, MD. Department OOO Agents Wanted Dr. Scott' Ftectrk Unbreakable ("oraeu, Electric Hair Itrushes, Uectric Ilelts, (5, f 10 I Electric Kazon, Electric Insoics. Nature's own remedy Inr backache, nervousness, indigestion, headache, liver and kidney trouble A valuable book free. OEO. A. SCOTT. Mt Bmaway, Siw Tork, No. I Qstast ft, ran ' . ' I 51 1I. tuu' waul iias. CAUTION N0TICE. DIKU WANTKIi-KVRBAt BRIGHT and HON et ppmiiM Ul represent u nn Managara in t ii mul ul - by conntifts. siBr.v S'.mo a your . 1 no lean aainry Poailion permanent. Our refer , at New licrlin, SDenser I aoeaa, any bank In may town. ItUtaalnly of. . nea worn iiiuiiiK-te. t iouk-. i. ii r.-n. , t clme tall adarsaaad Umiiril envelope. Tim IXihikior Coaraxr, Dept. 3, Chicniro v-s.i:t. Stmt. 2 Bhemory, aired months anl 11 davs. ntrment at Troxelville Rev. H. II. Bpahu oiBdated. Sept. 24, in Jackson township, Susan, wife of Charles Hummel, aged iV2 years, S months, 13 days. Sept. 24, in Centre township, lienjamin Loos, ajriil 72 years, 1 month and 1 1 days. i)ut. 5, in New Berlin, Elizabeth, Public ItOtlCV in hfiehv en that tlit iiiiIpi- Igtied biu uureliMsd tin- iMfMfltr BMnllon(l MfOKittlll property nl ami from K (. Ktith. of Mlddltcretll Township Snyder County, Pi... and lia- tAkcn !OHfMNioR of the name, hut has left It OO the pretninef: t hlnek inure, one nnrrel mare, two cows, nno hull, one heifer, two pittf). thirty ehiekenn more or h'MM, two ploWli one nplke tooth harrow, ntif i apflng tooth harrow, one hay rake, one hay fork roH and pulley-, ODe2-horie wngoti, one I ClMmpton itittwer, ne honte i-ultivaiot , one j funiiiiiK mill, one Rrintl ftonn. one ()-' niul I one net harne-n, one huirey harnepin, lot hritllep, lot httlt'TM, lot forkn. eltfht acrei of corn Ii ne , t)cll Attd al actocof COfa In the other flelil, 2 I baoihell w heat. 'iO liti-heN of oats, lft bUllH)00 of rye. U aere-t of wheat in the rroilnd, ItMHMt of rye in the MOOndi one rook Rtove, one rial toe, lot of t-arpet, one tahle, o'e euphoard. one comer cupboard, and ftink,oi.c flour "hrnt lot chair' font ImmU and heddliiK'. Ktandt, lot crock', rdandn, lot potatoes, lounge, and all other personal property owned by the said K 1. Ketch not mentioned therein All persons are hereby warned not to disturb or intermeddle with. the above mentioned per OOttl property under pain of being' dea t with tVCnrtflllg to law. B. V. YODEU. Middleburgh. Pa., Sept. 11. i ness came upon inm, a tew weess before the end, lie was never ulisent from the regular services of the Inxl's house, except when provi- aenoe imenerrea. n me above, Ueorgetlietl in 17!, Father Stumpfl was a sincere and and John in 177H. Anna Maria lie earnest Christian, lie hail a well- came the wife (if John Motz ami re-i grounded faith in the doctrines of moved to Centre county. Maria the Gospel as held and taueht by the ntasdalena married John uiornton. ' . His irrasi) ol the i He died in 1816 ('.') and the family D i Thi relict of Samud (JoiiM.'. aired 80 i. George IJowcrsox in. Mary j years, 1 month and 14 days. Stoiiebrnch. He lived and diet! near j Reformed church truth was comprehensive. ... i . i ear insurm ana intelligent 1 1 with the widow, removed to Greens hnrir, Ohio. Some of the other PaxtODville. His children were : 1. John, in. Magdalena Walter. 2. George, m. first Kate Clouser; secondly Anna Ik-rger. Samuel, m. Susan lioyer. 4. Daniel, m. first, Sophia Walter; secondly, Kiester. a u. iiaooD oowersox. second son ot Paul, in. Magdalena lioleiidcr, and had children: 1. Frederick, in. Ixiug. 2. William, in. first, Keitz; secondly, Sarah Keari'k. !'. Peter, in. Margaret Decker. 4. Reuben, m. Mary Rich. f. Isaac, in. Ixah Moyer. i. Leah, ta, David Weirick. 7. Amelia, ni. Jacob Doebler. 5. Julia, ni. John Kliue. 9. Matilda, m. first, Henry Wal ter; secondly, Jonas Reiininger. John, m. Sarah Smith. Michael Rowersox, third son of the emigrant, m. and had chil tlren : 1. David, in. 2. Paul. :. Catharine, m. Daniel Doebler. 4. Mina. 5. Hann di. Besides the foregoing the emi- luul children of 10. iii. clear insigni ami imeiiigeai appi hension wasacquiretl hv a careful daughters wen; also married to men study of the Word of God, and an whose names arc unknown to the1 attentive hearing of its proclama- writer. lion. He was, indeed, in the full sense ot' the word a true son ! MOTZ. i . i iii ii i ! .If a f .,iii r . .1 ni me iieinrnieii cniircn, ami mis i. in i lasper aioix was ine fact was, at all times, a source of I giantee of a tract of land near New gn at encouragement to his pastors. licrlin, on Peon's Creek, now Union And yet true and loyal as he always j county. SaidCasjH'rMot.wasdoubt W8J to his own church and pasior, less the John Casper "Mautz," aged he was not a bigot Indeed, this 16 years, who, in 1731, arrived in tact only made him the trul v broad Pennsylvania from Germany with and liberal-minded man that he was I his jiarents and settled in Oley, towards Christian people otl Berks county. If Casper Mots ever whatever denomination. He could settled on this land he must have therefore take a deep, personal in-1 died before tjie erection of North terest in all the movements which utnberland county, as we do not find 1 tended to Utter the morals of the 'his name among the early taxables. community, ami cordially co-operate Three brothers, John, Michael audi with christian people generally iii Ceorge Motz, presumably sons of I furthering these movements. I Casper Motz, appear in this region j jrrant Bowersox Father Stumpff was a good man in Revolutionary days as taxables. Of whom we have no data, as follows not only intellectually, but he pos-' these brothers we have the following sessed many other noble traits ot data: character. He had a good kind1 II. Michael Motz lived in Penn heart. If be was firm in maintain- j township (now Snyder comity). His ing what he believed to lie right, in j wife's maiden name was Moyer. He which he was sometimes misundcr- was a soldeir ot the Revolution. Inj stood, there was nevertheless back 17Hf he removed to the western ex- of it all a noble heart and a good I tremity of Perm's Valley "Narrows," .Bowersox established in Centre understanding. His faith in the i in Centre county, where Woodward county who emanate from George verities of the Gospel of Christ was is now situated, and diet! about and who came from Hanover, where strong, his love for spiritual things 1823, aged alwut 86 years. He had ; his father, John Michael (who arriv antl for purity and goodness iinabat- children: led in 1750), settled, ing, and bis deportment as a Chris-1 i. John, killed accidentally when A.Stai-lkton, dan, quiet, humble and commend-1 young. Carlisle, Pa. alle. u. Henry, m. Barbara Moyer. In the death of Father Stumpfl, iii. Eve, m. John Wise, the congregation loses a faithful i v. Susan, m. George Wise', member, the community a goodciti-' v. Catharine, in. Jacob Wile, who zeii. He was loving anil faithful removed to Ohio at an early day. as husband and father. Thcdaugh- vi. Sophia, m. Abraham Hoea; ter, though sadly bereaved, the only removed to Stephenson county, III. imtm nf il n f',,,.ih- nHwIntiu 41... 1 Ifti ! ?i.. .1 i "i til fmrafl nui i .ii aftuiii .-hi in iiiu, liii Mini .... ww... .... . . . . , . ... . m . , much comfort a'ndconsdati,,., in the removed to Clearfield county, and SSiJb sure hope of the bhlncss of their 'from . thence to "the Wt." It is,of JSSA Cough Remedy, ucpancw loveo one, imu nvc iii me uuture u, , , u,,,, "JU1 which acted like a charm. I moat nippy anticipation of a final reunion, sisters mameu lour Drome rs. Pastok. III. John Motz was born in 1758; MARRIKD. Oct, 3, by Hey. Geo. W. Gensler, 1 GtO. C Burns anil Jennie E. Charles, both of Selinsgrove. Oct. 3, by James Middles warth, Ban., Jacob Furmail and Minnie Iiong, both of Adams twp. V X 1 iv. Liavia. v. Eve, in. Philip Walter. vi. Benjamin. vii. John, d. viii. fa dau.l m. . -. - r fc l ix. a dau.J m. Note. There is Kan fli nan. Bulliugtr. a branch of On the 10th of December, 1887, : Rev. S. A. Donahue, pastor M. . church, South, Ft. Pleasant, W.Va., , contracted a severe cold which was 1 attended from the beginning by vio 1 lent coughing. He says : "After re j sorting to a number of so-called cheerfully recommend it to the pub lic." For sale by all Druggists. Why let your neighbors know it? And why give them a . chance to guess you are evea ave or ten years morei Better give tnem good i reasons tor tuessing me I other way. It is very easy: for nothing teljs ot age so quicsiy as gray natr. is a youth-renewer. it Hides tne ace anaer a luxuriant growth of hair the color of youth. it never fans to restore color to gray hair. It will stop the nab from coming out also. It feeds the hair bulbs. Thin hair becomes thick hair, and anon natr Becomes long hair. It cleanses the scarp; re moves all dandruff, and prevents its formation. we nave a dooe on me ' Hair which we will gladly send vou. If TM e aot .Mln an tha ban, ata vftft aapftltaa iron tfta aaft of tba Vigor, writ tha ootor ftboal It. Pr'bablr Shart It asai dlSkaltr with job? f ftftarftl ifiiai whleh f ramovalAadrau, SNYDER COUNTY. MARRIAGES, 1 835-1 899, COMPILED BY GEO. V. WAGENSELLER, A- M., m AUTHOR OF "H3STORY OF THE WAGEN8ELLER FA MIL YIN AMERICA," FORRY. AND OR WIG GENEALOGIES. Tlie record of the marriHKt'x published In tliis book liave lien carefully iHthereil from various sources and rep resent those who were married in Suyder County, Penna , during the time Kpeoilied. but also many from adjacent connties. It is the tlrst volume of this character published in any county iti the Couitiiouwealth of Penoeylvania, There is a record of more thau 7,1500 Marriages or 15,000 Names, of persons who resided in this county ami who are now re siding here. It is not represented to contain every marriage solemnized in this county during that period, but only such whose records could be secured, but for the greater period the record is nearly complete. The records consulted arc as follows : 1. From 1808 to Oct 1. lftS."), the marriages are taken from the riles of the Middleburg Post. '. From Oct 1, 1 ", when t te license law went into ef fect, to April 10, 181i, the record was taken from the license docket of Snyder County, Pa. 3. Rev. Adolf B. Casper's Marriage Record. 4. Rev. John Peter Shiudel's (,lr ) Marriage Record. 5. Rev. Charles Uustavus Krlenmyer's Mirriage Record. An Index of Surnames. has been made and pablished in the bonk enabling easy ac cess to any name in the volume. There are represented 1813 different surnames. Points to be Considered. There are a great many points to be considered' which demonstrate the value of Ivaving this publication at your Anger's ends. We can name only a few at this time ; 1. It is a ready reference book of marriages which re calls many pleasant events and also places a permanent record in the hands of your posterity with which they will never be willing to part. 2. It is a very useful guide to assist you in fixing the dates of collatteral events. X. It is an indispensable book for the genealogist and the historian. 4. It is of incalculable value to the politician who should be thoroughly posted concerning the "dear" people. 5. The Lawyer. Doctor, Clergyman, Editor and Teacher will find it a convenience, and, in time, almost a necessity, nearly every day of his life. ii. Not a store, hotel, nor a business plaoe of any kind in Snyder County should be without a copy of this book. 7, No historical or genealogical, nor any other publio library is complete without a copy of this work. Special Offer. This book like many others that will be called for only by a limited number of people will of necessity cost more per volume than those whose circulation run into tens and even hundreds of thousands of copies. There will be only about three hundred copiesof tills work and those who wish acopy should not delay placing an order early. The preparation of this book has entailed a great deal of labor and expense and so far as the remuneration Is concerned, we should have at least Five Dollars per volume for it. We do not. however, desire to make the prioe a barrier, and imbued with the Idea of placing the book within the reach of all, we have decided to offer It for Only Three Dollars a Copy. Orders by mail will have our prompt attention. An agent is wanted In every district of the county to solicit or ders, Address all communications to the compiler, GEO. W. WAGENSELLER, A. M. DEPT. A, MIDDLEBURG, PA. k; A A A 11 A A lTTJTi 1 i i 1 11 --r i .-IT I I' 1 I1 l"l-a' 1' lmlmi"l"llmn
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers