TOMBSTONE west beavek township. Baker's Cemetkky. Baker, Amelia, ilau of" Henry anil TeHlali, I) Apr 11, 1800; d Manheck, Rebma, w of Anthony, i Baker, Sophia, w of Icaac, h Mar IGoss, infant dan of Jacob I. and S.,l ,1 l',.l '() 1XS- n.r.1 7 v Ift. M2Rd Anril 14. 18B3. h Jan I. 1S74 nirl 1 ,! I INSCRIPTIONS. Smith, Sarah, dau of John and Ra- H 7 10 m 28 d. Goss, Gertie E., d of C. P. aud C. chel, b Feb 13, 1870, d June Borman, Franklin, s of Elias and E- d July l&i 1892, aged 0 m A r ,. , . mi n 21, 1870, aged 4 m 8 d. Ellaa, b Mav 15, 1854: d Apr 8 d. A Collectio . Mad. Jrovt all the Bury- Lwy A fa q s u y 10 m j N(jr , ((f ,, mi(, R j M;iy y.Ttl!1 frSL? Susiin, d July 23, 1870, aged Man-A. E. C, dau of Isaac H, 1855, aged 1 y 3 m S d. " for the Middlcbuiyh "Po(. 8y3ml2d. aI1(1 Catharine, b June l$ Gnss, Susannah, dau of W. ami M. I SopohL Cora Bella, dau of Henry lftftgrl Km 91. Iftftf. mmI ill d Sent 20, I860, aged 1 y and Amelia Manbeok. d Feb 11 mil l SmZUd 24, 1873, aged 3 v 20 d. , , . . , . ' I Ifcumjraranec, Jacob) l July 2o, Smith, K. li., ol Jos. and H., d lss7 .,t.( ,-,2 y4 m 20 d. Mar 21), 1874, aged 1 y 4 in ii j l liaumgardner, Sarah, wot J.,dMay Mar 23, 1801, agni 11 in 2 d. L . , , Af 25, 1888, aged 44 j 0 m 13d. dbai Mitini.. . -in .,1 II -in, l O I i r - iqSb i l aged ()1 y U m. ........ i, .v.. ... ... i. mn i .i i i l nvviiiiimr 1 li'ssw I'.i 11:1. 1 1:111 (it Doyer. juuaoeui. w 01 iiaooo, o o . . m.... i i tacti loo.a ... Apr 99, 1887, aged 64 y 3 m Ueorge and Annie, d Jan 2,, " ifct. Mary A., w ol Eugene A., I .,7 .i l.H'.U, agiil 4 in 1 U. Knki r Henrv. d Oct 2'. la.Xll.niml Smith. Henry L., s of H. H. and Clark, Laura E , dau ol W. and C, j j t 54 v 8 m. Susan. Ho IrAM 1-Mirin M B .it I ? i h i K. -II -ill.! ttn.u.l.t Catharine, d Dee 9, 1888, aged b Mar 17, 1847; d Nov 2", Druckenmiller, Jeremiah, b Mar 9, i i. J i c i r i sj i uuer, iiurv on oi l'avui aim Malin.ia, l (K-t 3, 1868 d Mar 1 11 d. (Sill, infill. t dau ol E. and S., d Jan 13, 180S. Qom, Amoa B., a ol I. and N., 1 Aug 99, 18115 aged i m 1 1 d. (loss, Amelia, w of Henry E., b Aug 14, 187 4, aged 33 V 8 in i a. 1S7. RUNNING SORE ON HIS ANKLE. After Six Years of Intense Suffering, Promptly Cured Mar 6, I8."li; d Nov aired li) y 7 m 28 d. d Nov 21, 1862, toed 52 jr s.irah ( (laU)j Q p .m 1 2 t!. i.i i i i ..... . i i t r.., ti l'ei- i, i..-mi, ageu i i y 3 m 24 d. 5 m 29 d. 1874. aired 27 v 8 m 8d. 1848: d 8eo( 22. 1894. awl ( fan. i:,.ol.n l, ,.v. is.v.- .1 !)., Baumgantoer, Liuoy A.,w ol Henry Treaster, James, b Deo 25, 1858; d 46y0iu3d. 2, 1877, aged 22 y 1 m 18 d. , iUrt'2U' l,H,S!Z2 '"; Al,ril !;)- 1370, aged 17y3m Dietrich, UynwC.,dOot25, 1888, fjroas, Jolin H., I.Jan 29, 1708; d naiver, aooias, o .i;o- , ioi; i.i i. no i oni i oa. . ii ... nuo, i i-i ' i, .tiitu '"1 it in i , ii , aui 17 i Ir caster, lua Jane, uau ot W m. and Sarah Baker, Elizabeth, w J Tobiaa, l . ' .' ... , ,. July 25, l828;dNov!8, 1890, uM 1N.,S!,n' vv ? N m- 5 Sav aged 73 v on, 24 d. 2, 1818; d Sent 11, 1801, aged 45 y Baker, William, h July 12,1705; d 1 m9 (l- Sent (.. isi;:;. mr1 us v m Treaster, Wm., b Feb 20, 1811; d i l l !.. I 7 IHQJ mwl Sft V Q in !..,...,.. VVSIItnm a K .,il E 1 U. ') "p. ,T I ' 1.1.1, 1.II..I.., ......... . Ian 4, L878, aged T'.i v I I in aged v : m d. Dreis, Saunali, 8 ol Daniel, l Feb 5 d. 27,1793:d Mav 12, 1857, Goss, Henry F., age I 63 y in m 13 d. Nov 24, 1 8 Diemer, Magdalena, w ol John, d IS d. Feb 23, 1852, aged 03 v "J in Gross, Lm inda, dau ofJ. and C 22 d. Sept 20, 1872. aged II v I ! of H. mil L I v 0 Baker, Amelia, vr of George, b Dec o d. 7, 1821; d Jan 27, 1805, aged Treaster, Benjamin, s ol Win. and 43 y 3 m 20 d. 8., i Feb 20, 1887, aged L9 y Baker, George, b June 27, 1791; d1 1 m 15 d. Apr 20, 187."), aged 83 y 9 m i Treaster, Emanuel, s of Levi and 28 d. . Vi 12, 1800, aged 12 v 5 m 28 d. Donlev, Jeremian, 8 ot W. and E., d Feb 10, 1843, aged 1 v 6 m 2d. Nov Gross, Sarah M w of Simon, I, 1843; d Sept 2, 1872, aginl 22 y Hi in 1 d. Gross, Samuel II., li Jan I. 1 S40; d Nov I, 1871, agwl 25 y 10 m, Obstinate sores and ulcers which refuse? to heal under ordinary treut lii.'iit soon become chronic and deep seated, and are a sum thnt th BV S S S tta droulation is in a depraved condition. They uj u, ui O. a severe drain upon tbo system, and uro coii- Btiuitly sapping away the vitality. In every case tho poison must bo eliminated from the blood, and no amount of external treatment can have any effoct. There ia no uncertainty about the merits of S. S. S. : ovorv claim uauo iui iv io udUM'ii up biroilgiy oy 1 onvniiMIlg testimony of those who have been cured by it and know of its virtues by experience. Mr. L. J. Clark, of Orange Courthouse, Va. , writes : " For six vnuiu I hml nn obstinate, running ulcer on my ankle, which at timN ciiuHeil me Intense Buffering. I WBM bo disabled for ii long while that I was wholly unfit for business. One of the neat doc ton treated me constantly but did mo no good. I then tried various blood remedies, without tho least benefit. S. S. SJvVas no highly recom mended that I concluded to try it, and the effect was woiiilivful. It Heemed to j;it riht at tho scat of tho disease and force the poison out, and I was soon eotn pletely cured." Swift's .Spocillc 8. S. S. FOR THE BLOC 3 drives out every trace of impurity in the blood, and in this way cures permanently the most obstinate, deep-seated sure or ulcer, ft is the only blood remedy guarantood purely vegetable, and eon tains not a particle of potash, mercury, or other mineral, s. S. S. cures Contagious Blood Poison, Scrofula, Cancer, Catarrh, Eezemaj Rheumatism, Sores. Ulcers, Boils, or any other blood trouble, insist upon S. S. S. : untiling ran take its place. Valuable books mailed free by Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Ga. i inMs ri; !, v in-; I i r, i si 1 1 .1 n.i Mary, d Sept 28, 187, aged 3 Dreesc, Amelia, w ol Jacob, b Sept i iflS now! 04 v ." in "Sil 12, 18." d Oet 10, 1888, Baker, Amelia, w ol Reuben, b Apr y I " - u. 21,' 1828; d Dec 10, 1808, aged VVireman, Amos, h duly 25,1813; aged 30 y 1 m Id. 40 y 5 m 'J.") d. d .Mar :', 1801, aged 47 y 7 m Dean. Henrv J., s oi Amos and Km Baker, Philig, b Apr 24, 1788; d 7 d. Apr 25, 1 805, aged 77 y I d. Wagner, George, s ol 8. and A., d Baker, Suaan, w ot Philip, b Aug Nov 24, 1805, aged 10m 23d. 8. 1798: d Mar 17, 1850, need Wairner. infant s ot Adaline, d Mar ma, d et 1 1, 23 d. 1 88o, aceu .i in 11,1 800, acei GoflB,John 0.,dAug28, 1890, aged 1 8 y 5 in 0 d. Goss, Henry i.. bDec I, 1820; ! Mav 8, 1894, age I 7:! y 5 in 01 y i m 13, 1873, aged 1 m 1 d. Baker, infant child ol II. and 1. Weaver, Jennie V., dau of John and Baker, Susannah R., dau ol Henry, M.,ddFeb25, 1877, aged 1 and Telilah, b Feb 15, 1857;. y 5 m 8 d. d .Now 22, 1800, aged:! y 9 ui Wagner, Solomon, d ( tet 31, 1897, aged 07 v 2i d. Wagner, M. Ellen, dau ol Solomon Droese, infant child of Jacob ( ., rfiul Sarah, d Jan I, 1893. Dunn, ra F. P., s of G. A. and A., d June 1 1, 1890, aged 3 in 1 7 I. Dunn, Henry, s of Ell and Sophia, d Mar 21, 1802, aged I y 8 D) nd A. ( ism; Iged 7 1889, Jrb. infant ebild ot .1. I. d Aug 18, 1883. and A. J., b April 1, 1871; d lab, infant child oi J. 1. and A. I July 29, 1889, aged 18 y l! m d May 28, 1881. 28 d. J EfK infant child of.l. . and A. (' Wagner, Sarah A., dau of Emanuel Goss. Peter, d Pel I 1 in 3 d. Goss, Jeremiah F., d ( M aged -". v 7 m 9 d. Goss, Maria, w of Jacob, d Jan 20, 1890, aged 85 y 1 1 m 20 d. (Sobs, Jacob, d Dec 9, 1894, aged 7'i y 1 in '1 d. (loss, Mary May, dau of Henry I". and Adaline, b Mar 21, 1877; d Feb 1", 1890, aged Ii! y 10 Gross, Elizabeth, w of Henry, b Sept 2, 181 1; ,1 Feb 29, 1805, i Ui Freese, Mary A., dau of Joseph and M. A., d Sept 17, 1870, agwl 3 y 9 m 10 d. Freese, Lincoln, sot Joseph and M. A., b Feb 5, 1804; d Nov 5, 1874, aged 10 y 9 m. Gulrhotf, John H., b Deo 29, 1822; d May 4, 1805, aged 42 y 4 m 0 d. ' Gufhoff, Henry W., 8 ot Henry and I Aurand, Catheran, w of John, b Catharine, I) Oct 7, 185;, i Sept 29, 1805; d IXv 29, 1830, Oct 0, 1801, agwl 7 v 1 1 in 29 d. iioss, iiary .)., ii .vug nf inn.), ageo Sarah, b April 1, I SrJ; l .Mar , 2d t L 1 - - . ...1 II II I U -t 1 .ill I y 111 ;) 18, 1800, aged 7 V 11 m 14 d. ceese, jonn i ., i oepi i. ioo; u q. A(i.. a..,. , ieter Cath,b Feb 20, 1804, d July 11, 1805, aged 1 y I m 15 d. 1 y , in Z t a. Sr. John's Cemetery. d July 12, 1888, aged 4 d. and Mary, d Nov 7, 1808 ;i;ed i.., (;,.rir.. s ot (iconrc and Poll v. i lined 5(1 v 5 m 27 d. b Mar 28, 1 8:!, aged ! y5m. ; (loss, Elizabeth, w ofH., b duly '11 Foster, Louisa, dau oi Daniel and 1774; d Sept 27, 1800, age Elizabeth, d Jan 18:57, agwl ' - "' 1 v ;! m 24 d iOoss, Henry, d dune 1 I, 1850 ... .... iiwed SO V. Alter, Mary E, dau of Daniel and 1 6 "IH l4' l805,aged ' (, Jn', o i v 111 a u. , it 11 1 II TV 1 I t UOOUiaimer ..) in ii., o . an i Alter, infant child of Daniel and ibjx; a xaay m, i-, agea 70 y 4 m 20 d. Hermany, Sarah A., w of S., d Feb 20,' 1880, aged 72 y 10 m 16d. Krick, Lizzie C, w of .lames, d Sept 28, 1880, aged 19 y 10 m9 d. Kaley, George, b Jan 9, 1877; d Deo 2, 1887, aged 10 v M m 2:5 d. Kaley, Jermina, '.v ufGeorge, d Deo 24, 1891, aged 08 y llmOd, Kriek, infants of Wm. and Jermina, still bAug. 8, 1807. Lomiller, Catharine, wof A., d Aprl 55 y 2 m 25 d. 24, 1885, agwl OS,, 10 ra 7 d. Baker, Elizabeth, v i Lash, infant dau ot .loiin 1). unit Phoebe M., still bApr7, 1890. 20 Mick, Christiana, w of Andrew, d Oct 22, 1852, airwlOO y 1 in. Sarah. Alter, Calvin, b of Daniel and Sarah, d Lee 17, 1857, aged 5 v 1 1 in 27 d. Auniiller, Amnion ., S oi M. and C.,d Jan 15, 1882, agwl '1 in 23 d. BrocillS, William, s of Xapoleonand Catli, 1) Feb I, 1840; d Aug 5, 1 875, aged 29 y 0 m 4 d. Barger, Matilda, w of Amos, b June v let O, lOOU, agwl i t y I m U. Feese, Uosina, wot Peter, b Jan 31, 1-.1.1 . ..: i 1 1 1 l . . . ... uoo; u n.prii i -, iouo, ngu i inss, Mary, wot ueorge, 70 y 2 iii 19 d. (loss, Sarah, w of Peter, b April 10, b June 4, 1793; d ( et :;i, 1872, aged y 4 17'.!: d May 17, 1880, agwl 00 (Joss, (ieorge, b Dee :51,17'.0; d Jan 22, 187:5, aged 82 y 22 d. PENNSYLVANIA KAILROAD. Sunbury & Lewistown Division. In oflfecf May 22, lH-J'.t. y 1 in 1 d. (Joss, Peter, d Aug 22, 1809, agwl 7oy 10 in 3 d. (Jetz, Elisabeth, W of Henry, b July I" I -- I . .1 -I- 1 f.(l -I, 1 I I, II OCU -I, I UUWj aged 80 y '2 m. y l l in I d. Amelia, b Mar I, 1863; d Dei aired Mick, Andrew, b June 5, 1789; d I 18, 1878, aged 10 y 9 m 17 dj Gerbjirt, Hanna, d Jan 15, L8ff7, j April 0, 1800, aged 79 y 10 in jBrua, Frank P., s of J. and E., 1 a- v g , ,, jstf Ium Id. ' Peb4,1867,aged2y2m5d. Goss,gamuel s ofJ.aod M.,d Jan mJi Manbeok, Harrison, b Oct 14, l827BBr NX ,lllam' b -18:",; 28, 1850, aged 20 m 18 d. Train lei beck, Reobtn, b Sept 1 2, 18:51 , j Baker, David, b July 29, 1834; .1 , ' , S(. , j m i d Jan 7, 1805, agwl 83 v 8 m 21i 1894' aKwl 80 J m 3d ... , ' b . 22 d 4Ja '.111. I Vl l 1 1 T..1 O 1 I 1 IA tl d Oct 25, 1874, agwl 47 y 1 1 d. Manbeok, Joseph, b May 8, 1822; d Nov 29, 1872, agCd 50 y 0 m 21 d. Manbeok, Rev. J. F., b Jan 13, 1837; d Sept 20, 1872, aged 85 y 8 in 13 d. ManU'ek ) d. Manbcck, MargaretUi, dau of An thony and Rebeoca, b Feb 2, 18:58; d July 5, 1802, agwl li 1 y 5 in 3 d. Mick, Catharine, w of Andrew, b July 12, 1790; d Oct 8, 1801, aged 71 y 2 m 20 d. Manheck, Ambrose, sof Kcubenand Catharine. Manbcck, Mary L. E., dau of it. and C, d Mar 27, 1805, aged 8 m 25 d. McKee, Mary M., dau ot Agnes Overmoyer,d Oct 28, 1873, aged 10 m 10 d. Manbcck, Robert, s ot Rebecca and Harrison, d Aug 11, 1888, aged 25 y 11 m. Manbeok, Anthony, d Sept 10, 1888, aged 88 y 7 m 4 d. wi-:AIMi. 9TAT10N1. KAfTTWAKD r MAM A -l ! ll jki '. .17. Sunbury 933 59U 'i UI lll"7 St-.inKHiv.. .Iinutiiili i.l .1 'ill 119 low MelliuMrrovc tw ' l' 238 mull Pawling 0 'n'i 1M j III .11' Kr.niurr (UI Mil j:tl In 7 .Mi-i.-r 0 04 I .'Hi 10:ci Mlildlrburg s. I.U 2 Hi Bcnfer - M I 16 .' .', in in Bcavi rtowu N n 4:17 :i 00 iiiai Adamaburt DIN ISI 307 157 Baubl Ullli N 1:1 I ID .1 1:1 II ill UcClnra - J" 1 I'.i tU II IS Wanner I IS I ir.i SW 11 II Sbludle 11 4 m :i:io 11 21 Paintervilh HOfl I M :i 4.1 jll .17 Maitland R ph :i m .in n.'ia Lawiatown 7M :l 41 :u7 11:17 Lawiatown (Main Straal.) 7 -.':i 841 ISO 11 111 Lawiatown Junction. 7. hi n 10 FIRE.-LIFE-AND ACCIDENT 1 ( Insurance, y Snyder's old, and keuahle oen'i I risurfdrice A ge 1 1 ;y . SEUNSGR0VE, SNYDER COUNTY, PA- Elmor 7V. Kxiy dor, ufiLfioxxt, Successor i the late William 13. Snyd r. The Par-Excellence of Reliable tnsurono is reprobented in l be follow it: list ol Standard Companies, from which to make a selection. Nbue ueitor I lie i ui Id over. ? D I.OlJATItiai, AS-.KTS f IK L Royal, Liverpool, Bnjr. (including foreign assets) !jS4!l,(HK),(tO0 no Hiirtl id, uf Hurt lord, Conn., (oldest American Co.) f,fU5,78iV02 Pnoanix, Hartford, Conn. 5,r,'J68 07 ( oulmental, New i'ork, i U08 tu iT.M- ')I,','""',M AmP0ftnt New York, J,240!098.83 ; Iv-. -iTnl" ..LltV Co- , N,,w York fc'204,-3!W,988,(10 ct iLii i Employers Liability Assurance Corporation, Accident lus. (Jo. Subscribed Capital of $8,760,000.00 r m. Life and Accident risks accepted at the lowest posi.illie rate, jiu titled by a strict, regard to mutual safety. All just claims promptly and satisfactorily adjusted. Information in relation to ali classes oi Insur ance promptly furnished ELMER V. SNYDER, Agt., telephone No. isi Office on Comer Water .V. Pine 8ts, Selinsarove. Pa eooocooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooocxxxxM Read This ! Read This ! I MY PRESENT STOCK OP CAEPE it'Ci Is larger tban ever before; my PRICES LOWER than OTH ERS for 1 1 ii SAME GOODS. My prices on C rolls of carpet I wish to close out will suit tbo pocket book of many and save 6 others money. Do not think of buying your fall carpets until you give my stock of carpets your attention aud get tho prices of some of my baagaius 1 am offering. Be i Prioesiust ritrht on these goods. One Word About Pictures. I am offering my present stock of pictures at cost, LESS H THAN COST and some lor the price of the glass in the frames, ci Don't miss this gale. I have some pi ett v tliinis to offer in Furniture, all new. n unrer win surprise yon in isiyies ana l rices. d Dec 16, 1853, aged L8y Kid. ,'( Bomgardner, John, boept 15,1797 d Aug ', 1836, agra 58 y 9 m 19 d. Biokle, Cyrus, s of Aaron anil Mar inda 15., dSept 8, 18G1), aged 2 v 6 ni 8 d. leaveH Sunbury 5 26 0 in, ar- Joss, infant dau of E. P. and d ! r,ves at helinsgrovo o 40 p m , , - loni i . l , i rm lis ivavii i.ewifnowii jiiiicuoii : Aug 16, 1891, aged bd, 10 13 , .... i iu uopnsnpm.To; ('.. I. .....I. A g. . , i I, ,1,,, ii iimm 11 Spa tot aitooaa, Pltuborx and tha Wait, U08B, JaoOD A., s ot JOnn D.aiMlS.,. p0r aOUBW aad WaahiBArton rtfaia IM d Jan 29 1 86 L aired 9 y 11 in. 1 113 ' 33 1 ,n t F"r EJ'Waiphia and n.' " 0 11 "o York6:l8Sm. lMlMI33iin.l lilt pm tot (loss, infant s of J. D. and 3., d H"WiPi" Ami -J 1. 1868. aL'itl (J in 11 d. Philadelphia & Erie R R Division. (Jross. Isaac, b Anril i. 1837: d Bo wenox, Jdinnie If., child oi Am- mon and Amelia, d Oct. 1881, aged 2 y 2 m 28 d. Baker, F. F. B., of E. and S. J., d Mar 8, 1868, aged 11 ml2d. Banmgardner, Qwrge S., s of Ad line, d Oct I, 1879, aged 1 y n 0 111. Iiorman, Eliza, w of Elias, bDec 1& 182(J;dJuly 17, 1865 aged 38 y 7 m 2 d. Brua, Elizalictb, w of Jacob, b Mar 7, 1842; d Oct 10, 1807, aged 29 y 7 m 3 d. Brocius, Napoleon, s of William and M., d Mar 10, 1872, aged 4 m 23 d. Baumgardner, Polly, w of John, d Mar 17, 1883, aged 82 y6 m 11 d. AM) N0HTHKKN OXNTKAL KAII.WAY Trlnn leave Sunbury ilally expii.t Sumlny : a m ror fin and ( antintiaiicua a ill tor Uellelontit Krle unit Cunundnlioia a ni for Lock liavi-n. Tyninc and tl. W'i'si. (Joss, Minnie L., d July 8, 1887, i9mjgmmtjmamTmm idOaaM. 1(l v 7 in Did 54Bp for fcaaoTO and Elmlra agtll l. I III Jn. lias ,m lor Wllllamfinort t'n. tfanni 11 nm. m ru SiiDilay 5 10 a lor hrle aniU'BnHnilnlK'ia (etz, Henry, s ol li. ami Ij., ageii 4Slira' forLock Havcn anil , Bp m for Nv 1 111 1 6 d. j "MMINWI (ioss, Laura, wof Geo. A., d Sept 1 Sl80 Pnor Wi 19. 1 891, ageti 40 y 9 ni 2 d. i XtSESSSf 541 P '" S"am" Goss, George A., d Aug 29, 1883,! 9MM lOT aged 38 y 2 m 29 d. rralM leave Setln'rove Jnni'llnn rt iir-.f tT wi ' III ml a in, wank iUvi- arrlvinir lit Hliil:nteliihla OroSS, WlllUini, S Ol Isaac aUUCatll, joopm New Yi.tU :. . m Baltlmorea 11 p ni p in ilally arriving at l'lillailelplita UNDERTAKING ! UK DERTAKING ! In this branch of my business 1 am prepared t.i give the public the best serbioe that can be secured by money, tune and personal attention, My equippage in tbis branch of business is one of the finest in the state. HEARSES, CARRIAGES mid UNDERTAKING PARLORS are up-to date. one word about a report that my attention baa ! called m lately In r-j.ini to my prices. I OUARANTEK to furnish iue same ifoodaal i.kss money than any iiousi. iii the eouhty, l UUARAMTBE to you oattlor PAYMENT iiian nil others. First-Class Livery Connected with Undertaking Department. W. H. FELIX Telephone ( 'onnection. O d April 29, 1859, aged It 8 LTOtoW. . i I i0M m New York I H a m, Balilniure '.il.lpin ! Wanhlnnou 10 M n in . 1 42 p no. weal day arrlvlna at Philadelphia rrr 4 30a m, Ma Tork 123 a m, Ilaltlmore 2 HO a no Waaliintcton 4 06 a m UUA C Wnmsn aa wall aa man : Trains aim laavd Sunhnry : W j V "Ti uZ' 2!(7am dally arriving at I'hllailelilhla S Ua ni rn Bre mitue iLoscmuie in , Haltlmore ISl VP BLAME, are maue miserauie iiv M,.in,,i,r e x m w,.i,inUi,,n iu ... n kidney and bladder j Yor n Waakdayi. iom am sandara, trouble. Dr. KUmer's ,.7J. l!aZL'J?':lnl ' - l -" . . . 1 I TO SB ' ww 1 Via .m V Ui, UWIUUDlv I 1 3 ' Swamp-Root tbe great I a m, waaia Man 1 oo p m. kidnev remedr Dromotly enres. At i . I P "i !? arriTiny at Philadelphia WMhlnstMlTUpm druggists iu fifty cent and dollar size. You may have a sample bot tle by mail free, also pampnlet tell ing all about it. Address, Dr. Kilmer A Go., Bingbamton, N. Y. lis pm.weaa aaya amrina at rnnadaipnia Hum, New York IVpa, Uaitlniore I Oo p m r unnujMMi i upa Tralni also laava Santiurr at V 90 a m and s 25 aad IBpa, lor BarriaburK, Philadelphia and 1. 1. WOOD, Oen'l Paaa Ann! i.aHUTCHQtSOS Osn'l Manacar. LEWISTl V, PA. g Liberal Adjustments Prompt Payments. REMEMBER H, HRRVEYSCHDCH, GENERAL INSURANCE A6ENGY. BlilNSGROTB FA, Only the Oldest, Strongest Cash Oompanios, Fire, Life, Accident and Tornado. No Assessments No Premium Notes. The Aetna Founded A. D., 1S19 Assets $11,055,513.88 44 Home " 1 44 1853 44 9,853,628.54 44 American 44 44 44 1810 . 44 2,409,584.53 The Standard Accident Insurance Co. The New York Life Insurance Co. The Fidelity Mutual Life Association. Tour Patronage Solicited.