The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, October 12, 1899, Image 1

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n ocooccooooooo
The sixth in
stallment ut
the storv, by
Chas. If. Shel
don, uppea r s
in tliis week's
issue of ihi
Post. Do not
tail to rend it.
qow" aiiu arusucai-
ly executed at
r . I.: . it i
a una uiuce, -
i,;., i i :n
t I lil I i 'I li t Mill
convince, vou
thai our work
is up to date
obo. w. WAonraiLLSB,
Editor and Proprietor.
i 'e MXinw t; imm ii" cai r"r hl
Joseph Kunkle of Bellefonte is
visiting relatives in town.
Dr. C. H. Brisbin of Lewistown
was a Middleburg visitor Tuesday,
Cashier J. X. Thompson has pur
chased a new rubber tire driving
Mrs. Lester G. Smith of Pawling
Station was seen at the county capital
last Saturday.
m.. . i , i 'v i i i i
.i i . 1 1 i 1 1 i Licit:i hi i imii i
county visited Ikt brother, W. H.
Ripka and family.
TheSpring Telephone ( 'o. has put
plumes in the bank and the Prothono
tary's office in this place.
Will you attend L. Dunkelberg
er's Millinery opening'.' The in
vitation is to every lover of beauti
ful hats.
Walter A. Wolgemuth ofSelins
grove was a Middleburg visitor ovei
Sunday and was the guest o' das,
( i. ('rouse and family.
Win. K. Miller, Esq., one oi tin
eleiksat the headquarters of tin
Republican State Committee in
Philadelphia, was in town tins week
Dr. C. L. Keedy, President of
KeeMar College, Hagerstown,Md.,
nrcached a verv interesting sermon
in the Lutheran church ou Sunday
Mrs. W. H. Ripka and Mrs. E.
C. Graybill, accompanied by Mrs.
Jonathan T ressler of Centre county,
spent Sunday at Dr. Deckard's at
William Snyder and wife of Ml.
Carmel are enjoying a short vacation
with friends in Middleburgh. They
visited Mr. Snyder's parents at Rich
field on I uesday.
In our report of the sale of S. S.
Walter's house in Franklin we were
in error in our last issue in the con
sideration. We said $7"0, and it
should have beeu$775.
Last Saturday Annie Reaver
went to Berwick in company with
her little nephew, Rupert I jaub, who
had been staying with Henry Rea
ver's family tor some time.
In this issue we publish an article
entitled "Some Early Snyder Coun
ty Families" from the pen of Rev.
A. Stapleton. It touches Mots,
Witmer, BowerUOX and kindred
M.E.Shuughnessy, Esq., oi Lew
isbtirg, one of Union county's young
and progressive attorneys, was at
the Snyder county capital last Fri
duy. It takes a high door for him
to enter without stooping.
House for Sale. House and
. r " r t a If I II
lot on West Market street, iuiuuu
burg, will be sold at private sale, all
new buildings including stable.
Terms reasonable. For further
jiartieulars, address P, (). Box 94,
Middleburgh, Pa. 10-12-4t.
If you want your hair cut with
out steps or a nice easy shave and a
refreshing shampoo, go to A. K.
Soles, in the bank building one door
east of the Post Office, in room with
the druir store. A clean towel to
each customer and satisfaction guar
Fifteen thousand names of Snyder
County people who lived and moved
and are now living and moving
alwut in our vicinity is a precious
boon and heritage to posterity.
You can secure it in the book on
"Snyder County Marriages, 1835
99." John F. Stetler and wife have re
turned from their trip to Akron, O.
They are highly pleased with their
trip and report everything booming
in our sister state. Mr. Stetler vis
ited quite a number of places con
tiguous to Akron and found them
teeming with industrial prosperity.
Miss Laura Kuiikle has returned
from a visit to friends in Centre Co.
J, E. Forrester ofSeliosgrove was
a county seat visitor Friday of last
Millinery opening days, Vt. '2(,
"J7 and 28lh.
Miss Martha Ooldy of Camden,
N. J., is the guest of W. W. Witten
i nyer's family,
Prank Bingamanofuear theSnm-
if. i i
mil cauirni a larare ow
I in a trap one
Ulgnt recently.
Henry R. Riegle of this place at
tended tlie 1'. I. euiilereiiec at My
erstown as a delegate.
Frank I 'cuius and family of near
New Berlin were guests ot Attorney
( 'rouse and family Saturday.
The V. P. S. C. E. of Snyder
County will have a convention at
Adamsburg Friday and Saturday of
this week.
Howard A. Walter of Millmont,
Union county, a former Snyder
countinn, dropped in to see us Tues
day afternoon.
Mrs. Ellenberger and children
have returned to their home in Har
risbttrg, after a visit to her parents,
Alex. Bowersox and wife.
William II. Heaver and daughter,
Maine, arc spending the week in
Philadelphia and New York pur
chasing a new supply of Fall and
Winter goods.
A mule colt sale was held in this
place Saturday. Not ninny were
sold at public sale when the sale
was stopped and animals were dis
posed of privately.
Wm. II. Swart, executor of the
estate of David Swart, late of Chap
man township, will sell the person
al propertv, one mile east ot Pallas,
Tuesday. Oct. 24, 1899.
The lunik on "Snyder County
Marriages" is one of the most con
venient reference liooks on record.
Ask those who have had the use of
one only for a short time.
Opening days, Oct. 26, '27 and 2K
Thesr arc days to enjoy the store at
its liest without a thought of buy
ing. Come, you are welcome.
Wm. II. Swart of I'allas, James
H. Swart, a twin brother of Chap
man, and John ('. Kreiter, Esq.. of
Chapman were at the court house on
in the interest of David M. Swartz's
The shoe factory was shut down
Saturday and Monday till noon ow
ing to the desire of many of the em
ployees and managers to go toCata
wissa to witness the unveiling of a
anre monument.
The Snyder County Teachers' In
stitute will open in the court house
in this place Monday, December 4,
1899, to continue one week. Perry,
Cumberland and Somerset counties
will hoi'1 their institutes the same
week. Union county institute will
liegin on New 1 ear s day.
Anion Walter, one of the super
visors of Franklin township, brought
to this office ou Monday a large head
of cabbage weighing 11 pounds and
32 inches in circumference, both
ways. The liest jiart about the cab-
liage is that Mr. alter left it for
us to eat. I hank you, Anion.
At the United Brethren conference
at Myerstown, Rev. W. H. Royer
was reappointed jiastor of the U. B.
church at this place. Rev. O. G.
Romig of Richfield was changed to
Cressona Circuit with headquarters
at Catawissa. Rev. H. M. Trout
man will take charge of the Freeburg
Circuit as Rev. Romig's successor.
Rev. J. E. Francis of Port Trever
ton was ordained as a minister and
stationed at the head of the Susque
hanna Circuit.
News from Klondyke.
Another Letter from Charles Rothermel,
formerly of "Port."
Dawson City, Aug. 30, '00.
Editou Post: I have been in
Dawson City now for 15 mouths,
ami as I am more accustomed to the
climate, I have acquired more flesh
-and have regained my former weight
of 1 N." pound-. I like goid digging
better every day ami have not lost a
il;y for four months. The wages
have been getting i- a dollar an
hour or Siii) per week. There are
ten nun working; for Frank Buater-H
men and we take out between !?HH)0
and $1200 every day. Yc.-tcrday"
we cleaned ui about 82500.
Our boss will not work in the
w inter. So a party of four of us
will take up a big claim to work for
the halt. It is on Sulphur creek and
it is a paying claim. Ot the three
partners, our is from Philadelphia,
one from Michigan and the other
from Washington, We have bough
a steam thawer for $2000, !?."iu( for
each of us. They do more work
than 12 or 16 men can do. It takes
money to make inouev uu here. If
1 would have had the money when
1 first trot up here, I would be a rich
man now. Wages are getting cheap
er ami everything is coming dow n
in price. I am aboill ! miles Irom
Dawson, a place 1 have not seen for
8 months.
If a man goes to buy victuals it
takes aliout a week. W e have plenty
ot provisions and good warm cloth
iug. Two stoves are in our cabin
Last winter it was from fl to 70
degrees below zero. 1 still have
my claim on Dominion creek,
paid 1 5 yesterday to renew it,
man must go down from 15 to 7
feet to bedrock before it will pay am
the work goes slow. I have ticcidet
to wait till I see how the adjoining
claims pan out. 1 nereis anvatnoiiiit
of kold dust and DUKSetS buriet
around here as it is not safe to t rave
alone 40 or ; miles. 1 expect to
return home in the fall of 1000.
Yours respectfully,
Rabid Dogs at Selinsgrove.
The Children of Dr. I'oi triger and
Oturr Blttm.
SblIKBGRI vk, Pa., ( )ct. 8 Great
excitement prevails in this town this
evening owing to several children
having been bitten by a dog which
investigation has proved to lie a vic
tim of hydrophobia.
About six weeks ago a dog show
ing symptoms of the rubies bit sev
eral dogs, among them lieinga valu
able Gordon setting pup owned by
Dr. A. R. Potteiger, a veterinary
surgeon. Dr. Potteiger kept his
dog under chain, but as it showed no
Symptoms for several weeks he al
lowed his and Ins neighlxirs' clul
dren to play with it, and it is known
that seven or eight were bitten.
The dog acted strangely yesterday
and the doctor, who had also been
bitten, took the animal to New York
city for examination. This evening
Mrs. Potteiger received a telegram
from him stating that the dog had
hydrophobia in its worst form. The
entire family, four in number, ac
companied by several of his neigh
bors' children, left for New York
this evening.
It is known that several other
dogs have been bitten and there will
be a number shipped to New York
for examination.
The recently born son of S. H.
Kirkpatrick and wife of Sunbury
died with convulsions Thursday
night of last week at 11 o'clock and
was buried at Shamokin Dam Fri
day afternoon. Mrs. Kirkpatrick
formerly was Miss Kate I. Ritter,
who lived with her brother, Sheriff
Ritter, at this place.
Court Proceedings.
Rtiortcd liy Jag. u. crouse, Kn.
Court convened Mondav, Oct.
1809. Hon. H. M.McClure, Pres
ident Judge, and Hon. ,. T. ( iein
berling and Hon. Allied Spccht,
Associate Judges, presiding.
D. J. liinganian, Lcvinus Kech r,
FflSnois Mull and A. H. Dinins were
apHjinted tipstaves.
COl liT or QUA SK.sslo.NH.
Ill ihe cae ot the 'omuionwealih
vs. A. Ii. liishop, the dclciidaiit was
discharged under the in-olwnl ad.
in the casesofthc Commonwealth
vh. Rinks Dillman and -iohn M.
Sftrfen, the defendant-; plead guilty
to the charge of fornication and bas
tardy, and received the ii-ual -eli-tence
in cases of that Ui d.
Ii the case of the Commonwealth
VS. 1'. C Class, the defendant was
convicted of selling liipior to a per
son of intenipernte haliils and v:a
sentenced to pay a fine o'' fifty dol
lars, twenty days imprisonment in
county jail and costs of prosecution.
In the ease of the ( 'omnionwealtli
VS. rraneis Fessler, the defendant
was acquitted of the charge of as
sault and buttery. I he jury direct
ed Samuel C. How ersox, the prose
cutor to pay two-thirds ol the cost
u nd the said Francis Fessler, one
In fhe case of the Comnionwealtl
vs. John Minium, the grand jury
igoa;'tthu lull.
In the case of same vs Aaron HofT-
nagle, the defendant was acquittei
of the charge of assault and battery
and the county directed to pav tin
In-the case of same vs. Ilarrv
Shniire, Eddie Haas, John Fishe
and V. IJ. Ryers, the defendant.-
were convicted of damaging and dc
stroying property, etc., anil wer
senteneed, each to pay a fine of $
for the use of the county of Snvder,
and OOSts of prosecution.
lteport of viewers of bridge over
Mu nan tonga eroek was approved.
The grand jury refused to up
. . i. . i
prove ri!iort oi nruige views across
the Susquehanna river at Port Trev
(exceptions were filed to report ol
viewers of public road in Franklin
township and a petition presentet
for a re-review.
Report of viewers of private road
in Beaver township, was coiilirmcd
r ii t a i i.
j ue v-ouri reiuseu to appoint re-
reviewers on petition of citizens of
Centre township, there beimr two
reports in favor of the road.
GeotneB. Benfer, Samuel Bol
linger and Irvin Kinney were ap
pointed to view public road in IVnn
The following is the report ol the
Grand Jury:
To the Honorable Judges of 8ny
ler ( 'ounty : We, the Grand Jury,
drawn for the Octolier term, make
the following report : We have had
seven indictments before us and three
bridge cases. In the eases of the
Commonwealth we found six bills
and ignored one. We disapproved
of the bridge across the river at Port
irevertofl and the one across the,
Muhoutonga at Ranch's, approving
the one across the Muhoutonga at
Meiservule. We have examined the
County Jail, and the Sheriff, P. S.
Ritter, is to be commended for the
manner in which the jailers are kept
and the cleanliness of the building
and surroundings and find every
thing in and around the Court House
in good order. We, the Graud Jury,
extend thanks to the Court Officers
for courtesies shown.
J. H. Rhoads, Foreman.
In the case ot Eva M. Kantc vs.
Asa H. Kantx, rule for alimony was
granted upon Isaac Romig, et. al.
la the ease of S. D. Coldreu vs.
Samuel W. Shilling, a rule was
granted on plaintiff to show cause
why the .1 udgmeilt in this ease should
not le opened.
In the case o Amnion Kliligh r
vs. Bessie ICIizuheth Klingler, a sub
poena in divorce wu awarded.
The case of the I'oor I i-triet of
the township of West Beaver vs. A.
A. Romig, Administrator ol Henry
Treastcr, deceased, was settled,
In the case ol John I. Hummel
vs. Jane Hummel, a divorce
- ! . .1 ...... .i
a i iicu in ihi- pi:-uu hi. provid
ing he pay- the costs ol the proceed
ings. George K. Deppcn, Ksu., w as ad
mitted to practice law in the several
courts ol Snyder 'ounl v.
(r, A. Hotdorf, ICsq., was appoint
ed ' inissioner in the lunacy pro
ceedings in the estate ol Paul Walter.
P. S. Kilter, Sheriff, acknowledg
ed deed polls to J. S. Krebs and to
J. C. Schocli and Steiniuger Bros.
A citation to file an accotinl was
awarded in the estate ol George W.
Keller, decease
Allied Spechl
was appointed
guardian ol
Ada Mary Kern, a
grandchild ol Daniel Weaver,
In the estate ol Theophilus Swine
ford, deceased, K.C.t iruybill, guar
dian of W. Keller, a legatee ot the
last will and testament of said de
cedent, was granted leave to expend
certain monies for the education of
his said ward.
Jacob Kramer was appointed
guardian of Jennie Weller. a minor
child ot saac W alter, deceased.
R. C. riss, Esq., was appointed
guardian of Ernest F. and Alice W.
Hettflck, minor children of W. Het
trick, deceased.
P. Scott Ritter was appointed
guardian, ad litem, of the minor
children of Mary Hafloy, deceased,
for the purpose ol effecting sale oi
decedent's real estate.
Orders to sell real estate were
granted in the estates ot Sophia
Hook, deceased, Daniel Hollenbach,
deceased, Josiah Helfrich, deceased,
Rebecca Cramer, deceased, and Isaac
I Itll, deceased.
Returns to orders of sale were
oonnrniecl in estates ol John Kelts
aeceased, and Jacob ti. mey, de
Auditors Reporbkwere confirmed
in estates of Sarah Renter, deceased,
Lhristianna Gross, deceased, nenn
( i ruhh. deceased, and Mare irriwB
n wruoi pariiiiou was granteu in
A !i & . f tl . 1
the estate of Daniel Weaver, dee'd
Returns to writs of partition were
lonnrmed in estates of Geo. Kem
(icceaseti, ami Jaeoii ii. Qteintnger,
In the estates of Catherine A. and
Edward Bassler. J. ('. W. Bassler.
Urviving executor, etc. was author
ize! to transfer certain bonds anil
stocks to himself.
All the accounts of the executors,
administrators and guardians and
the willow's appraisements were all
confirmed as advertised, except those
hereinafter mentioned.
Exceptions were filed to the ac
count in theestateofRenjaminKrea
mer, deceased.
Thursday, Oct. 5, court adjourned
to Monday, Oct. 9, 1899.
Hons. Z. T. Gemberling and Al
fred Specht present.
In the estate of Nathan Arbogast,
deceased, exceptions to Auditor's re
jiort. Opinion of the Court filed.
Susan Bolender vs. Daniel Bo
lender, rule for a new trial. Opin
ion of Court filed. New trial re
fused. Joseph Haines use vs. D. Irvin
8holly, rule for a new trial. Opin
ion of Court filed.
Argument Court to be held Wed
nesday, Nov. 8, at 11 o'clock.
pages m
Dmi Entered lor Htmr4,
vugustus Stroub ami wife to J
LT..!i , .
i i co cr. iiiirim oiil -'i
ohn ( .
in hapman twp. for .l(io.
J. S. lime and wife to ,
Kreiter, Is ucreH uu, j-j,,
in liapiuan twp. lor .2!(t.
Will Prabalml.
The last
and tcstamen! of
e ol asliingtoii
Tenu Pel
iml v. la
w nsnip, wNfl proliatinM h-t 2, I S99
by Register Willi-. n,,. eh'ildrci,
ol i Inward Jones are
icirs. The
Will was made .Mav S,
wig I by F. E. Uow
and was
and John P.
t 'rommillei
Howard Jones.
dtHH.iistHl, was named
The last will am
Samuel Slump!!', late
testamenl of
f Wesl Ilea-
ver towns
iii, wa
i iirobateil Thuix
To Ids son-in-law,
he iHHpleatlieil the
112-1 acres, and 12
lav ol la-t wi
Jacob . 1 )i ees
homestead (arm
acre- of timber land. At hi- death
it goes to testator's grandchildren.
To his daughter, Sarah, wifeof Jere
miah Kncpp, the testator kipicathed
! S7 lien's. ( Ither projierty i to be
eonvertwl into money and divided
prorata. Win. S. Miller i- the ex
ecutor. The la-t will and testament of
David M. Swart, late of ( Impmati
township, was Tiu.lnv
II. Swart is named asExeeu-
tor and the wjdow
ind children heir,-.
Centre Twp.,
I J. E. Ritter,
( Bessie I. Zi chimin,
I P. G. Shrader,
Mary K, Benfer,
f Edward Strawser, (
I Marv A. Kniirht.
Adams I w p.
apmau Twp.j
I Michael D.Hassinger, Reaver T.,
I Tillic Jane Mover, " u
f G.A.Hackenburg, FrankliuTwp.,
I Dora A. Jordon, Adams Twp.
( E. E. Guyer, East Salem, Pa,
I Martha K. Bailey, Milton, Del.
Expostion Musical Festivals.
I'hiladclphia, tetober I I, '99
Combining, as it does, a musical
stival, the Philadelnhin Rv.h
Exposition offers n varintv nfntim,
i i
1 ions such as has never been afford-
by Bi'miliar enterprises. Everv
(iiii i ihiimi ,oio evening, jsunoays ex
cepted, concerts are givi n in the nu
ditorium (-eating 5,000 persons), by
h ading musical organizations of the
country, and the interstices are filled
with organ recitals by some , tin
most noted performers.
The United State- Marine Ban. I,
of seventy-one pieces, which gave the
first of these musical entertainments,
will return lora second engagement.
Sousa's famous hand was followed by
Pritz Schccl's New York orchestra.
Next ou the schedule i.- Dauirosch's
orchestra, and, in turn the Bailda
iiossaj Innes' celebrated Concert
Band the First Regiment Band of
the National Guards of Pennsyl
vania, and the Municipal Band of
A delightful feature of the Ex
position musical programme will !
A I i i
tWO conceits by the combined Manio.
Mandolin and Guitar Clubs of Phiia-
111 a
dclplua, assisted liy talent from other
cities, eoninrisimr several hundred
, a o
performers. On German Day, the
combined singing societies of Phila
delphia will fill the auditorium with
their melodies.
Quite a number of Middleburgers
attended the Milton fair last week.
Samuel Hiirlemun is taking in
the Bloomsburg fair this week.
Cakkiauk kok Sai.k. A brand
new trap manufactured at Mitllin
burg by John Gutelius at a cost of
$125 can be bought at considerably
less than cost. It is a most hand
some vehicle. For further particu
lars apply to Box 243, Middleburg,
Pa. tf.