fh i oil fir yUdJUlj It is the high quality o f Roval 13 - IKlIl.r Powder that lishc and has e stab ! it; great world-wide l Every honsc wife knows she can rely upon i it; that it makes the bread and biscuit more delicious and whole some always the finest that can be baked. It is economy and every way better to use the Royal, whose work is always certain, never experimental. There are many imitation baking powders, made from alum. They may cost less per pound, but their use is at the cost of health. ROYAL LIKING POWDER CO.. NEW YORK OOUNTY NEWS. Samuel Stumpff of West Beaver hud a stroke ul apoplexy last week. .1. . Specht, one of Adamsburg's nerchants, had his pension increased from to L'. Benjamin Portzlinc of Perey twp. id Monday of last week fell from a bare loft and broke a kg. Lt. Wm. II. Gemlierling of 8e linsgrove has been granted an in crease of er month pension. 1 h . ( 'has. ( J. Smith of Adamsburg is spending thi- week in Philadelphia taking in the National Kxporl Kxpo sition. )etober 7th is the last day for paying taxes in order to vote in No vember unless you paid a poll tax last year. Kittle, the youngest daughter of A. W. Potter, Esq., of Selinsgrove, was seriously ill last week, but she is now convalescing. A. N. Gemberling of Selinsgrove last week hud the misfortune of hav ing his great toe smashed while working at Li. L. S hrover's new house. Young men who voted "on age" last fall must be assessed as well as registered and nay a State or county lax at least thirty days before an 'lection. Charles Parletuan, of Shamokin Dam, raised eleven bushels and a neck of potatoes from one peck of seed this season. From one hill the potatoes weighed 6 pounds. The Lutheran and Reformed con gregations at Freeburg have deter mined to have lheir church edifice repaired anil a "onnnittee has been detailed to solicit funds for that purpose. liev. .;. Lioniig of Richfield lias been preaching his farewell ser mons to the various congregations in bis charge. He has now served these people six years, which we under stand is the prescribed limit of' bis church. We are sorry to lose him. Dr. W. V. Lamb, of Philadel phia, a former Snyder countian, re cently had a dream in which be was permitted a view of heaven and bell i . ..... It is supposed that tins is a rare opportunity, more especially, the privilege of telling the newspaper reporter about it. A meeting was held Sundav even ing a week ago in St. John's church, Fremont, for the purpose of organ izing a Young People's Society. The effort proved a success in '-very Mirtieular, a society was organized voder the name Luther League with .the following asotticers: Mr. Var ner, President; Xevin Stuck, Secre tary; Hewy Harding, Vice Presi dent and Joseph Li nig. Treasurer. Twenty-three persons gave their names for membership, a good audi ence was present. Ne- rir expesiiiient with so important an article as tk human food - - Additional Loral News. S. S. Walter sold his house and lot in Swincford to Mrs. Alice Wel ler for S7". Mrs. Shipc, nee Maine Clelan, of Sunbury visited her parents in this place Sat iin lay. flic W rought Iron Range Co. has moved their headquarters to Mifilintown, Juniata county. .Mrs. Samuel W ltteiunvcr had Ih,.. quite ill .luring the past week, hut we arc pleased to hear of her ininrovement Mrs. Samuel Wittciunver had Our hats have become famous "all over" for the extraordinary It prices, becomiugness and richness of material used. : j. in nkelberger. ( One dollar will bring you hap-! piness every week for a year and every month for five vears. You touch the button by sending the Post a lollar and we will do the1 rest. At tin sale ot the real estate of Samuel B. Walter, deceased, on Sat urday It. Allied Sclioeli purchased I .i fr . i u e si-niwii the Homestead V arm for 4700.00: s.- w ii T .-v i i nnn S. S. alter 1 1 act .No. ', forl 700 ; , ... i, m ,w ot o-M. based ii-i ... ... A ' i,.. i? n 11 ll.TIFII T, ill, VI I lil' I 'I l'l '. I . , ,, ... ., .. ... Ueo. and Henry Walter the brick dwelling house for ?1 2(Kl. and lot in Franklin Hev. Aaron Orwig and his inoth- er, of Cleveland, Ohio, visited home of their old friends here the latter part ot last week. Kev. Orwig is a near through cutting oorn and pick sou ol Kev. W. W. Orwig who was ing. . . . Pharcs Gemberling bought the first principal of Union Semin-; a driving horse at Iku.ks Voder's ary, DOW C. P. C'. Aaron was liorn sale last week. He also sold four in the old brick house opposite the horses recently Yet one week jail building at this place Bixty-one for the Lutherans to determine to years ago. It is .'!( years since he build a parsonage at this place.... had beet! here last. On Sundav ev- There are nearly till kinds of insur ening he preached an able sermon in lance companies in the county, lire, the Cited Ev. church. His moth- life and accident. Hut an insurance er who is 88 years old looks verv L company which would insure domes well for a person who has reached fie happiness to young married such a ripe old age. New Berlin couples might do a flourishing busi Reporter. ; ness in the county and throughout HOW'S THIS. ; We offer One Hundred Dollars re-1 ward for any ease of Catarrh that ! caiinotbe cured by Hell s Catarrh j . . . . a rt mii ss r .j uheney iv o.. loieoo. u. We, the undersigned, bav known ! F. J. Cbeuey fot- the last 1ft years, and in all Imsuu.sH trRnBtir,n ftnH . nancially able to carry out any obh- stations "made by their firm. West X Tkcax.W holesale Druggists, , Toledo O Waldixo, Ki.nnan & Marvin, Whole- j sale Druggists, Toledo, 0. I J8ifi&& deed" and mucous surfaces of the system. ; Testimonials free. Price 75c. per'f Susniiehanna University, vix. bottle. Sold bv all Druggists. Hall's Family pills are the best. WANTEn-SKVKKAL briohtano iion- m! peraon to represent ua M MflSHi In I thUand cIom by count.e salary sow . year , nd rxpanaea. StMlsM. Iwna-fl.le, Honor Do Iealry. 1'oaltlon i)irmnent. Our refer- ncea. mar bank In any town. flee work conducted at home. Reference. Kn eloee aelf-addreaeed tamped envelope. Th Don 1HIOX I 'ox imvy, Dipt. 3, Chie ago S-SS-1M It la mainly of- Oourse of Study. Continued from First page. Government ; Physical Geography Completed ; C it DlJegiiiners Latin ; Algebra to Quadratics. 8 BKI O B Yea B . American Literature and Hssding t English ( 'lassies ; Botany ( Jeiieral History ; Natural Philosophy ; IManc Gecm etry ; Caesar ; Algebra Completed. SKLIN.SGHOVE. J. 11. Malic and wife Of Iowa spent several davs in town. Thev were former residents here, but many vears ha VP resided in the west!: . . . .Mrs. W. 11. Hilbish of Me- ( lure is visiting her parents, V. J. Lut and wife 1 lu cornerstone'! of All Saints Episcopal church was laid ou Sunday afternoon. A choir of about 30 urplieed hoys a .d young men oi unourvrenaereu me ,. : i , i lUUSlC assisted by a cornet and'.. , . ... , . , I trombone. ...(!. F. Qunsicker ui Philadelphia, father of Mrs. Hev. Gensler, spent nearly a week at the 1st Lutheran parsonage Peter Kant, met with a painful accident .... i... i... . ii.. .i: i ..ii .. UU UAkUIUfll i.l-l. lir MIIMH'W (Ml i: ! , , , . 1 . 1 j niciorv, ne inienas 10 siay tnegreai loacl of Btruw aud fell on ins head ..i , . . , . cutting and bruising it severely. He might have been killed. ..Kittv Potter, daughter of A. V. i 'otter, Esq., at writing is quite sick but is slowly improving n effort is being put forth to fur nish another reading room. 'Squire Long desired to Use the former one as an office .... M, L. Wagenscller lefl lor Philadelphia on Monday morning where he expects to remain during the busy season The Lord's Supper was administered on Sunday morning last in the college church .... ('his. Snyder of Phila delphia is stopping at the Keystone. Mr. Snyder was a former resident of our town; it is Ins custom annually to take a trip to tisli and generally lands at his old home. . . Mrs. Ed. M. Hummel has gone to Philadel phia tor a few days. KKEAMEii. Gift of Paxtonvillc was Ralp the guest of A. (.'. Smith on Sundav ! . Stuck is nursing a crushed j linger ('has. licnigtook a trip I ... 1)1.. 'I...! .1.1.:.. a 1... ..!. w . UWP,,W . ""Tv 'V? ! V .' ' ,t"T " "? i m4 tht' ';!"' ilt lh"rK ? week The youngest child of N . A. Gordon's immiMT oi people aueiidea ine lair is serionslv ill at i.rcsent A. d Smith and wife arc suendinu the ' week at fliiladelonia nuvinor in new Bapplv of fal wink,. Miss Cora Row is at present I visiting friends at Paxinoa. . . .John j Miller and Miss Carrie Kceler "f j Freeburg were the guests of Mies I Mame Row on Sunday. .. .Some of our hunters are apparently unfami- liar with the present game law. At least reports of guns tire heard in ev en- direct ion alrcailv. We would advise them to read the law, and he ; caret ul what thev shoot. . . .Game is , . reported to ix verv scarce t . 1 ... , loiauty with the exception o , .. ' , 1 . , ''its brank Lhomas had a ,i 111 l 1 1 I if ral- r liiiin i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . i 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ....i.i:.. , . ... . sale ot cattle on Wednesday. Frank , , . . , had . ome choice stock on sale. BALEM. The farmers around here are very o... . .....t.. - ...... .. ..... Nil l. ill ... li MJ ' j l i I l. .....1 .1111.11 jHode soak the oats in whiskey in order to get more life in their horses when they attend fair, does it do an v glKKl, boys ?...Son.e people are wild nt in wl.m ik IViiii.r rnnnin.. fnr "l """"a President. Others are frightened so that thev are giving McKinley the! ' redii lor ine .Manna victory Woodruff' and Uemlierling took a trin to Troxelville. Beavertown and I . F , ct..i . r... Adamsburg on Saturday lhe Christian Endeavor Society at this place was well attended on Sunday -ening. Words of encouragement were spoken by two able young men Hums and Itenalds .... Mover and son expect about eight hundred bus. 0f apples this season Chas. L. x.r ... . ., - (tenilierling has charge of the (Jlll- . j t i ... .. . ... IOru COBI yaru fniH WlUier, giving mnH .honno fl .Un i:r.l ton tails to escape death. UIVIV v IIU11V.V IVI HIV wVI wm, PAXTONVILLE .1. V. Swart aud family of Mid dlebiirgh were visiting at .John Ernest's Ifst Sunday... John Ernest and wile left this week tor a trip through the Allegheny mountains, ('animal being th end of their de stination, where they will StaV a few weeks and visit their son, Andcrsou Mrs. Warren r.rnest ot EMla- niokin is visiting friends sit this place at present. . . .Mr. Smith, the . i' 1 1 . . !.... 1 1 1 1 1 1 : ' " ' , ,"Ti . , Jf,M'I " tW "J wlhesa"! w hm " , . T ' 7 I A ' . V. . . " nr. v . vi. oiuu u oi AoamsourK im.M'o n n w one t r i' r JiL. -1. i iasi weett iarK Dover weiu 10 LewistoWD last Monday and has there seen red employment as brake .1... b jlt'd i i i iiutii oil nil o. iv li. ii. i . ... i i a i i ,, ,, . . .lsj I weeK. care son. mr ms aocuce : c are bom ti'iiiu i liis nlflfw t it lu wna hm. iif the most respectable youne men iaSmith and P. A. Beofer attended the our community. . ..Lastweek Wm. f-wi8burg fair. . .Dr.C. (J. Smith 1 ! It.. 1 I 1 .1 I 1 I Brunner let! for Cumberland, Md., where, ifconvenieuoei prove satis- n . I .1 ei pan 01 1 1 1 1 inn, .wot .-laying the l Willie be intends to travel ot the southern stall's. ome Our best wishes go with him for a pleasant trip during bis sojourn in the South. . . . Last week the citizens purchased the bt'II which Used to !c ou the Middleburgh school house. The bell was at once brought to this place and placed on the Puxtonville school house. The citizens of town should (aud I think they do) receive the congratulations of all people in our community for taking thai step forward in purchasing a bell for the school house. It is something that should be done bv the atrons of al I our schools in the township. We icrree with some of our kind neoule I with thp inaicrnStirfinl nvnifaslon that "A little round bell in a little round dome on a little red school house has nothing to do with the teaching qualities within the school room, But how pleasant it is to hear the I echoes of the school bell resounding L ,i I i.. i,:ii, ...i .it 'irth and skies are smilinff unon us lllli.iir im-.-t- iimiii Mills, Mini i .ill j silent adoration ! "...Mrs. Graut Yoder of Globe Mills made a fash - . . . . tenable call at thta place on Batur- oname call at mis pi ace on oaiur- day. . . Last Sunday night a week R. Joihua Shambaoh of Mid- dleburgh delivered a very able and , ., . I k,,,,.!,.,. i,, .. t. lnj j :.. .1... i.. 1:.. .1 ii-i t ,,i.w ii,. iL.ikJCi.i. i ..... .....l. i fif h rf M whioh reads: "A man that hath trienda must shew himselffriendly." During his discourse he referred' to the friendliness of Solomon and also to the friendliness that William; Penn showed toward the Indians in Pennsylvania. He said that friend- ...ess ,s the brightest Star that shines from the dome of man. About the reve irse oi menonness ne n o inai when the hetirt is ikisscssisI with . , . . i , , it v It I'rillsi-s irrnilirii t licrcff m ... " , wesiiouiu ii v 10 uieei every iruwu with a smile. I5KAVKHTOWN. ( Too fate for kut iwir.) Wm. Keller and wife attended h be seen a sweet potato weighing the Philadelphia exposition lastj-H pounds raised by Allen 8. Se week. . . .A. H. Bowersox and vrife I christ, Esq. If any one can Ih-iU it, were to Union county on Sunday... let us hear from you Dr. 11. M. W. W. Zerbe is express agent at Krebs of Herndon spent Sunday on Beavertown while F. EL Bnau ht took . . i bis vacation to Atlantic Citv The ( 'hristian Kndeavor Society held a stM-ial in the open house on Satur dav eveninsr. After exercise ice cream and cakes were served A little more than $14 was realized... has no place to score winter cider... L. E. Specht of Benova is in townil'heteachersofourtowi.shiporganiz at present. . . .Miss Emilia Specht is cd a teachers' meeting at KeiscPs MLewistown at present Miss Clair Wincv and Miss Maud ( 'uster of Middleburg attended the social Eahm FOR Sale A farmcontam Saturday evening. . . . J. A. Kcarns ing 55 acres situate in Middlecreek and wife of Ik-aver Springs spent ! township, J mile north ot Globe Sunday in Beavertown C. E. chirk is working in a livery stable at licwistown. Mrs. Libbie Sjiecht sjient a tew .1 iu:i ' i .l. ; uays m x iiiiaueipuia ai me exposi- tion last week .... David Coleman and Harrv Howe'l have secured and Harry Howell have secured work from Ihr P. 11. K. company as brakemen. . . . A. W. Engle is build ing an addition to his house. . . . A. W. Bowersox lefl for Philadelphia on Tuesday to buy in a supply of fall and winter goods. . . .Charles E. Shirk, who had been working at lycwistovvn, returned home Friday. His father thinks he cannot get along very well without him Jacob Bobb's had their baby baptis ed whioh received the name, Am anda Jennie Bothy Lily May Bobb....Xer. A. Feeao ouuteni-1 plates iu the near future to sink his 1 eoal shaft which is about "5 feet to the depth of 64) feet now. The writer has seen genuine specimens of coal taken out of this shaft, aud while many doubt the veracity of a ; coal deposit in t lint section, we can truthfully say there are coal dep tsits jlm. And we hope in a short tune to give you a more definite report.' The clay ojiened on taid tract is said to be a tuperior iiualitv of Kaolin. ' w- ""i I There is a vein of which is fully (i ! fa Why do OUT citixensnot make 'an effort to get some good concern WteWBted thus giving employment to hundreds of our BMW?. . ..Fred Liudig, photographer, expects t. I'""" i .i . . r. . leave tins town next oaiuruav town next Satun ADAMSBUKU. Mrs. i. V. Zunmernuti audi daughter, Ruth, attended the con-' vention held bv the W.U. A- I'.M.S ... . . : . .. i lat AMenvuie last week IS. a is Micutimg a lew davs in ruuaaei phis. . . . Ira Keller of Heavertown is teaching a few das in the Inter mediate school, the teacher being obliged to be absent Hoster- man of Lackawanna is the guest of I. I. Manbeck at present. . . .(.'has. Boligand Hiram Siegfried spent Sunday in town Messrs. Ham mond and KantE of Lancaster were guests of Rev. Spahn'fl recently... .las. 6. ("rouse, wife and child of Middleburg were entertained by 11. 1. Komig's last week Howard Rauch of Elkins, V. Ya., is visit ing his parents, Lewis Rauch... Mr. Felker of Ohio moved into1 Jacob Spceht's on Prog St Miss Louisa Smith of Yeagertown is vis- j iting in town. .. .The Adamsburg Cornet Band furnished music for the I Lewisburg fair Miss Ella B. vV'eidman visited in Philadelphia 'yH"rg tor the past two; J)r- Sinitti acoom- - P81" bv M'ss "u Spwht spent i"!' week inPhihelphia..MesB. Woodrufl and Gemberling spent I "timlay ami Sunday in tow... ... Misses Anna I'elkcr, Jenuv Keller ... Myrae Uomig spent Sunday in BeavertOWD . . . .Mrs. Anna inkle- mant mv Miller, of Ohio is visiting Iiaa naaanta Qnkl Mill.,,' 'PI... n T' ' i ", , "" nuc wmiucuwu nwftuiu furnishing employment for a large Dumber of our people. . . . Hev. I. P. Ainmierinhii and delegate, . H. , Maitcrn, have returnedfromOantral retina, synod which convened at Bellevjlle. . . .The County Christian Endeavor Convention will bo held in the Lutheran church at this place, Oct. 13 and 14. Good seakers nro expected. All are cordially invited. UNION TWP. I III St I I.. .mil 1-tniiK- . .( ..j, .n visiti, ()I neIus here ,ohn Po,te a, s. Seobrist liwiL' In tlin uwrlits I. .... .... . , w liewismirg iair iasi wcck oe- . . . . . .. ... . sides looking atter other affairs Miss Laura Nichols of Mohantoiigo j is spending a few days with her ; friend, Lizzie Schrey. . . . Anumber j I of our people attended the children's j day exercises at Grubb 8 church on ! Sunday night At V'erdillaP. (). I tluss.de ot the river. . . . A nuniher of our people are working in the new brush factory at Herndon 11. E. Blessing had seven hundred j bushels of potatoes in his cellar. He! says he must haul them away or he MatCOl House last Wednesday night, j - j Mills, Snyder county, is offered for sale at a bargain. The buildings are good as new. Five acn-s are in good woodland. Farm will be sold for first good offer. Call on or ad dressyJ.M. Maurer,Kreamer,Pa. tf. WANTED SEVERAL BRIOHT AND HON ' ' eat peraone to represent us aa Managers In this and close by counties. Salary tBOO a year and expensea. Straight, bona-flde, no more, no leas salary. Position permanent Our refer ences, any bank In any town. It Is mainly of fice work conducted at borne. Reference. Kn close arll-adilreased atamped envelope. The Domiuow Compact, Dept. 3, Chicago. 9-18-161. A lire far Jferyona HeaMlsMtaMa. For eight years I rafTered tram cos tl nation and severe bead ache, ibe headache usually lasting three days nt a time. Headache powder reliev ed me temporarily, bat left too bad an effect. Since I bepn taking Celery King I hare greatly IlinnV'VU ui utsmhii nciuviu wi uu'vi MTiitN- acne, bare gained In flesh, and feel decided 17 well.-afBS.K. & Hatch, Temple, If. H: Celery King tor the Nerve. Liver and Kidneys Is sold in ape. SM BSC, 1 TTOrtvUle-, Mlddk A. Kbrtght, Aline br w. H. tfe a Cam. Mooiares H. 69 Cents for Nothing Jut Meant. wocderfal eatalogur of averytatatfl t,iwu4ne. It costs aaOaosntato prbMaarTSJ cent to miu eacn cosy. lit fret to all who icrtla for It. TM book contain! SM HIM (Use laulM hM hu lo.ooo illustration!, ui quotea 100 .000 artlcln J vnoiesaie pncoa to cooaumera. am is we dooi : 1 Ttola valoable cate- t logoe teua ul eooui Agricultural Imple ments, B4bj Coecb.es, Bad dln(. Mcyclea. die. uooia, w -" i. ca Carpets, unn, a, CioihTag. Q o r a a t . Crockery . Clocka. curuioa. uniicrj, Farm Waxoaa. Fur nlture. Meo'a Fur latllnca. Uluawmre, tlrocerlea. Htrnpaa. HaU. Hoalerr, Jew elrr. Udlea'elothlnf . Ladlea' Faralehlan, Lampa. Mackln toahea. Mlrrora, Ma alcal Iutrnmeiita.or ana. Painta. 1'lanoa, l'lcturee. I'ortlerea, Kafriiceratnri. Sad dlea. K r w I n Machlnea. shirt... tboea, BUrenrare. Ptorea. TlnwifJ Tobacco, Towela, Trank. Underwear. tTpholitenl With thla book In your poaaeulon, you can cheaper tnaa tne areraxe aeuer. Tog can aare larK umi of money on cyitj tti'.J you neea.ai any aeuon 01 me ur IMoapd Carpel and Kug Cataloaut, and our Clothing Catalogue tritfi nimpitn atlaehttL are alio free. Exprmge paid on clothina. frtiahi THlld on carvet. Which booh ihatl U4 lend your Adirtu thU traJ JULIUS nlNcJ & bOIN 1IALTIMORE, MO. Ieinrtracnt Ootl ''Wt"H' f 1 11 1'HfWI1 '1 1 4 t'H' l" Bargains! Glassware. : X . ; v I have just received a fine j- assortment of glassware, con- '. I sisting ot Cake Dishes, Fruit: t Stands, Celery Trays, Butter! Dishes, Pitchers, Spoon Hold- ; V ers, Ac, &o. at prices ranging v from 5 to lo cents. '. I Boots and Shoes, : T I I'livs on band about 300 X pair- of .-hues which i am '. closing out at and below cost i T to make room for fall and win- ; v ter iroods. i ; $ Notions. : f Note these prices in Notions : J Ladies' Hose, 10 to 16c. ' a Misses Hose, L0 to 15c. ; X Men's Hose, 8 to 15c t Men's Work Skirls, 25 to 50a : Men's Overalls, 4"i to 50c. j- Youth's Overalls, 25 to 50c. X Handkerchiefs, to 12c. ? X Suspenders, 1) to 25oi J X Latest Style Tics, " to 25c J Rubbers. As the wet season is almost V here I wish to call your atten- ; tion to the fact that 1 have on hand a full and complete line ' ,,j rubber goods. Thanking you for past pat- ronage, i kindly ask- a con fin- ; "a. ice of same. S. B. Simonton. ! Miniwiii nui l O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O. 1 Selinsgrove I Marble Yard I keep constantly on hand and manilacture to order all kinds of Marble and ( Iranite Monuments and Headstonds . . . I have one of the best Marble Cutters in the State and consequently a 1 i 1 3 mill mil goou WOl'K. OLD STONES CLEANED AND REPAIRED. o romesnd see my work and X price. TliitnkiiiK you (or IMMt fvor, I most reiieptfiil. ly aak contiousnci- ofaame. & M. L. MILLER. CAUTION NOTICE. Public notice is lierebv iriven that the an Si signed has purchased the hereafter mentionvil BTsouai propeny or ami rrom K t Heidi. 0 Iddlecreek TownshiD. Snvder Count P and lias taken possession of the same, but has leit 11 on ine prenuees : 1 niacK mare, one sorrel mare, two cows, onfl hull, one heifer, two Dilra. thirtr clilekena ,.,.-r I or leas, two plows, one spike tooth harrow, on biihk Mw.11 I'.rmw, one nay raxe, one nsya fork rope and pulleys, one2-horae wagon, onrl champion mower. One horse cultivator, one! tanning mill, one grind atone, one huggy,anll one act harness, one buggy harness, lothrldli-- lot nailers, lot lores, eight acres of corn in on field and six acres of corn In the other rl.1.1 bushels Wheat, 00 bushels of oats. 18 bushels of rye. 12 acres of wheat in the ground. 8 acres '! rye in tbe ground, one cook stove, one cos) stove, 101 01 carpet, one tame, one cupboaril nnm ru.m a . nllnli n ,1 . I .1.1. - - a . . ' y". . . . " 1 . I .'II..UB. nour l ilt lot chairs' four beds and bedding, stand a. lot crocas, nsnai, mi poaaioes, lounge, and an oiuer personal property owned by the said r. C. Batch not mentioned therein . All persons awe hereby warned not to disturb or intermeddle witn tne above mentioned per sonal property under patln of being dealt with according to law. B. W. YODEK Middleburgh. Flu, Sept. U. ISM.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers