The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, October 05, 1899, Image 7

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International Saada? School LrUol
tor October 8, 1HOO Text. Either
3H-11 Memarr Verses, 0, O.
IBpecially Arranged from Peloubet's N'ote.
GOLDEN TEXT.-If God be for us. who
can be against us? Rom. 8: 21.
READ Chapters 1-3.
TIME. The time of the story was some
where about the middle of Xerxes' reign,
4S6-W5, tt years afar the first return, 42
after the completion of the temple, and It
before Eire went up lo Jerusalem. 1. Xerxes'
Third Tear. The grut feast (1 : t), B. C. 4S3.
t His Seventh Tear. Esther made queen
(2:16), b. C. 479. I His Thirteenth Tear.
Haman's plot and Ksther's berouun, B. C ;
PLACE. 8hushan (Suaa). the winter
capita of the Persian empire, about 200
miles south of east from Babylon, and 123 I
miles north of the 1'eralan gulf. The site
of the ancient Sues has been explored, and
remains of the great palace have been dls- i
Tlio Book of Esther The author is
unknown, but tuust have been someone
"living in the heart of l'ersia, u man
wlio was intimately acquainted with
the scenery he describes." Prof.
Adeney. The date of writing is also un
known, Prof. BsYyCC places It at It. C
425. He nays Unit t lie minuteness of de
tail shows that the author lived before
the overthrow of the Persian power,
B.C. 331. Some place the date still later.
Historical Accuracy.
L The (ircnt Feast of Bhushao, B. C.
488, Esther 1:1-9, Accon'.i:- to Hero- j
dot us, Xerxes held an assembly to ar
range for the Grecian war in the third
year of his reign, and it is probably this
feast which is described In the first
chapter of the book of Ksther, as given
to the nobles of the realm, assembled at
Sliusliati from all parts of the empire.
It lasted ISO days, or six months. At
this long-continued fete were gathered
the chief officers and nobles from the 1
whole empire. Everything was done to
impress upon them the greatness and
power of the king, and the unlimited
resources at his command, I
II. Queen Yashti Deposed. Ksther
1:10-22. Vaahti refuses the indelicate I
summons of her drunken husband. It
il suggested by Prof. Adeney that
Vaahti herself may have been under the
influence of the wine drunk at her own
feast, and so rendered reckless, und in
spired with n factitious courage. But I
while I do not see with Dr. Gladden that
"Vushti is the character Which most de
mands our sympathy," yet 1 do agree
with Dr. Taylor when he says: "For
my part, I consider her conduct worthy
of nkl praise; and hold that she was en
tirely right in w hat she did."
III. Queen Esther. Chap. 2. An in
terval of four years occurs before a new
queen is found in place of Vaahti. It
was during this interval that his great
Were With Dewey in Luzon, Will
Meet Him in New York.
The "Fighting Tenth" Will Be the Only
Troops From Manila in the Great Dem
onstration Over the Glorious Hero of
(Special Correspondence.)
Philadelphia. Sept. 26. Elaborate
preparations are being made for
the entertainment of the Tenth Penn
sylvania regiment, that participated
with Dewey in the campaign in Luzon,
while they are here en route to the
demonstration In New York in honor
of the admiral. The "Fighting Tenth,"
who were received with BUOh a glorioiu
outburst of popular fooling In Pitts
burg, are going to havo n similar re
ception in the Quaker City, the homo
of American patriotism. They will
Dad that Philadelphia cannot be ex
celled In paying a tribute of regard to
the brave sons of Pennsylvania Who
went to the far off Philippine! to de
fend the tlag and give their lives if
necessary for the dignity and honor of
their country. No other state east of
the Alleghenlei can claim the credit
of having a regiment In Luzon in the
recent struggles with the Spanish and
the Filipinos. The "Fighting Tenth'- (
returned home with a record excelled
by no other command for discipline
and bravery In action. They wore 71
days on the firing line, and the dead !
they left in Luzon and the tattered
battle flag that they brought home
bear testimony to the valor and pa
triotism of the regiment.
Although Lieutenant Colonel James
E. Harnett, who is In command of the
regiment, has been tumble to take any
part in the canvass for his election as
the Republican nominee for state
treasurer, on account of his health
having been broken down from his
experience in the Philippines, It is be
lieved that he will be strong enough
to make the trip to New York.
Philadelphia Will maintain her repu
tation for hospitality when the boyfl
of the "Fighting Tenth" reach here
this week. The Third regiment, every
man of whom, under Colonel Robert
Ralston, volunteered when the call
came from the president, In the Spanish-American
war, will be proud to
have the members of the Tenth as
guests. They will be at the station to
meot them on their arrival, and will
escort them to their regimental ar
invasion of Greece took place. After mory and entertain thorn at supper.
the return of Xerxes from his great de
feat Esther was chosen queen.
IV. Haman's Plot Against the Jews.
Vs. 1-11. Four or five years later
(3:7). V.l. "Haman:" Nothing further
is known of him. "The Agagite:"
"Probably a term of reproach" (Scrib
ner's Bib. Die.) or a local name of his
V. 2. "Bowed." Prostrated him
self, "for such was the ordinary eastern
practice. "Mordecal:" A Jew, and on
elder cousin of Esther (2:7), whom he
naa adopted as his donghter (2:15.)
After that there will be a series of
"smokers" at convenient halls, each
company looking after a company of
the visitors for that occasion. The
atrical talent have been engaged for
those events and they promise things
of marvelous interest to the visitors
from the west.
The following morning the visitors
will he escorted In a short street parade
to the grounds of the National Export
exposition. Here they will be the
guests of the directors of the exposi
tion and will be royally received, as
will also the members of the Third
They will he accorded all
"P,mre.i t. n... I- 4-1 v. I regiment.
",, , " the courtesies of the big show, and will
would have been untrue to his God und i hg entertained at luncheon. The visit
uis reugion.
V. 3. "The king's gate:" An open
space before the gate of his palace.
V. 4. "Whether Mordecai's matters"
(or, rather, "words") "would stand."
I. e., whether his excuse would be al
lowed. "He had told them that he wus
a Jew." So that they would understand
why he could not worship Haman.
V. 6. "He thought scorn to lay hnnds
on Mordecai alone:" "If Hainan had
simply said to Ahasuerus: 'There is
one of your menials, who persistenly
disobeys a royal edict, and at the some
time insults me,' Ahasuerus would, as a
matter of course, have told him to put
the menial to death. But the revenge
ful temper of the man was such that
thisseemcd to him insufficient. "Sought
to destroy ull the Jews that were
throughout the whole kingdom of
Ahasuerus. Massacres on a large scale.
V. 7. "In the first month" of the . Jew
ish religious year. "Nisan:" Corre
sponding to our March-April, the mid
dle of which is our Easter. "They cast
Pur:" The word from which Purim,
the name of the feast commemorating
this deliverance, was derived. "Cast
. . . the lot . . . from month
to month" to find the favorable day for
asking his favor of Xerxes, just as the
augurs of the Romans by sacrifices, or
the flight of birds sought for a day of
good omen for great undertakings,
V. 8. "A certain people scattered
abroad:" Who, by their ceremonies
and by their religion, were kept from
intermingling- with the other peoples,
and being nbsorbtd by them, us lius
been the remarkable fact ever since.
V. 9. "Let it be written that they may
be destroyed:" See under v. 0. "Ten
thousand tnlents of silver:" Variously
estimated at $10,000,000 to $20,000,000.
V. 10. "King took his ring:" His sig
net, either a ring or a cylinder. "Gave
it unto Haman : " So that he could sign
in the king's name and with the king's
uuthority any decree he wished to is
sue. V. 11. "The silver is given to thee:"
Xerxes refused the offered money, as he
did the 4,000,000 gold daricB of Pythius,
referred to above. It may refer to the
silver he might take from the Jews.
Plars and Thistles.
Self-conquest is the truest royalty.
You cannot reprove, unless you love.
Patience is good, but It will not start
a fire without kindling.
No man who is an enemy to God is a
friend of soctoty.
God shuts us in a prison house of
pain, and we do not understand that
it is His elerrtor. Barn's Horn.
Even the devil was convinced when
a saw that Job served God for lore
a4 art for living.
to the exposition will be made the oc
casion for the presentation of the
bronze cannon, which was bron; nt
from the Philippines by the regiment,
to the city ofhiladelphf". Mayor Asa
bridge will make an nddr.-M In aecept'
nnce of this trophy in response to tho
presentation speech by Lieutenant Pol
onel Harriott, novernor Stone, who
is to co to New York to lead the Penn
sylvania troops In the Dewey parade,
is also expected to be here to receive
the Tenth regiment, and may make a
short address.
The citizens of Philadelphia want to
pny quite ns much attention to the
Tenth regiment as was shown them in
the western section of the state. While
they are not bound by as close family
and other personal ties, they feel that
they represent In the highest degree
the patriotism and the fighting spirit of
tho old Keystone commonwealth as
though they were all from tho Quaker
City. Mayor Ashbrlde will Issue rn
address to the people of th city to
appropriately decorate their dwellings
and places of business, and to other
wise observe the occasion of the visit
of the only command east of the Alle
ghenlei that went to the Philippines, in
a manner to maintain the reputption Ol
the municipality for hospitality nnd
devotion to the welfare of the country.
There can be no doubt of the inter
est taken by the people in this event.
In anticipation of the coming of the
regiment the municipal authorities
have directed that, part of the decora
tions of the "Avenue of Fame," which
was erected for the convention of the
Grand Army of the Republic, shall be
maintained on Broad street. The Union
League building has been beautifully
decorated for the evening and the ex
terior has lioen decked with hundreds
of electric lights. Ther.e globes form
an eagle and a shleW In the national
colors, and above them Is the word
"Welcome," also fashioned in electric
Cards will be Issued to the officers
of the regiment to the Union League,
the Art club, the Mercantile and other
club houses. The regiment will be es
corted to the station for New York by
the Third. First and Second regiments,
of this city.
There is every roaaon to believe that
the visit of the Tenth to Philadelphia
will be made memorable in the history
of the regiment.
It is proposed to give the boys of tho
Tenth the right of the line of the Penn
sylvania division of the parade In New
York. It can be assumed that this reg
meut, being the only command that
was with Dewey in the Philippines,
will receive much attention along the
line of march In Manhattan.
After the parade there will be an
Interesting reunion of the land and sea
fighters, when the Pennsylvania sol
diers meet the men of the Obmpia.
The officers, sailors and marine of
Admiral Dewey's flagship hare 'many
ft MO J ..filr
ri m i
Ci r 1 i
6! ' t
Win ft a h
il it
O il
HON. EM CRY M. LOW, President,
rianutsctarsf (Mayor), Brockton, riuss.
JAS. M. WI1EATON, Secretary.
STILU1AN Cl.OUill, Capitalist, Lowell, ."lass.
P. M. SPAULDINO, Boston, Mass.
C. T. CROSBY, manufacturer, Lowell, Mass.
H. P, BARNES, rianufacturer, Lowell, .V.iss.
JOHN A. SULLIVAN, Coutisclior-it Lav , I oston.
y. a. snmi,
ull i
The Company owns over twelve tljotisard
i and Mon'sssessablc.
GEORGE V. RUSSELL, 1st Vice-President.
Ptfit ilanuUcturor, Boston, .Ma...
t-. It. r?. !CiilM3, treasurer.
ice-Precident and General lYIiin,;gcr.
CHAS. 0. BRIQHTMAN, Contractor nnd Builder, New
Bedford, flnss.
PRESTON R. MANSFISLD, Treasurer Abbott ri'f'R Co.,
Dsdham, r us.
HON. GEO. i. i..'.:-N, Boston, flass.
nicaliSi, Lowoil, n isu.
.. c
opened, tested, develop? :1
earing- clay and marl run-
; from fiv:
yd ten
y. v ce
.1. . .1
1 n :
carrying from fifty to
favorable climate, wo )
experts and engineers to in
land, quantity and qt ility of v
demand and profit in produd;
Company possesses unequalled advantage
This Company can produce coppei
Calumet and Hecla ore averages 4 I -2 per cent, c
Tamarack ere averages 3 per cent. It has
Atlantic ore averages 85-1 CO of I per cent.
Boston and Montana ore runs 7 per cent. I .
Franklin ore averages I :: r
The Quiacy ore averages
and of copper marls and clay-, fro
are within a few feet of the surface
hoisting is minimized. A party of New
ich copper land in Texas,
iVlillions of tons of copper
quantities of ore
?.ned and treated,
and iar
1 12
Amount of
the increasing
boston an
h -vA
1 ei'is
3 cnea;
any in the wa-ld.
It hasp Lid $62,850,000 dividends
v-v JUou m dividends.
aid $730,000 in dividends.
nas paid ?! 0,775,000 in dividends.
.1 viv'
)zv cent.
n 5 to
r .
ci tne
i ao Uioi :o J v' iii 5o ixiK CENT..
iO per cent. Both the ore. marl nnd clnv
ground, so that the expense of mining and
V" 4 I s .
ingiand capitalists who have just returned
I c
from an examination of the mines in conjunction with on: of the ablest mining
engineers in the country, report the property to be one of the largest and best in America,
and to contain inexhaustible quantities of rich copper deposits.
It is estimated that the plant now being arranged for will produce $3,000 to
$5,000 per day, NET.
Prospectus, engineers' reports, assays and full information will be furnished on
application. Remit by check, P. O. order, draft or registered letter to Treasurer.
Limited amount of stock only at $5 per share, full paid and non -assessable, by
immediate application.
nett, upon receipt of Oeneral Ron's
invitation, Immediately made a can
vass of the regiment, and the reports of
the captains of the several companies
were unanimous In the desire to con
tribute to the celebration in honor of
Dewey. Governor Stone promptly in
formed Lieutenant Colonel Harnett
that ho would see that a supply of
arms were loaned the meh by the statu
in order that they il;ht be properly
quipped for the parade.
"l'ennsylvanlans are Justly proud of
the Tenth regiment," said the gover
nor, "and wo are delighted to hare
them go to New York to represent the
Keystone State in this demonstration.
Willie Admiral Dewey was steaming
across the sens In the Olympla our
boys of the Tenth were also speeding
homeward, coming by the San Francis
co route, and nothing could he more
fitting than that these gallant repre
sentatives of the army in the Philip
pines should be on hand to greet tho
naval heroes when they first set foot
upon their native land once more."
Great preparations, It Is understood,
are under way in Philadelphia to
give Harnett and his boys a royal wel
come on their way to New York. Col
onel Ralston's 'I hlrd regiment have
Invited them to be their guests while
in the Quaker City, and the officers of
the National Export Exposition pro
pose to entertain them and extend
them the courtesies of the big show.
It is not unlikely that the presenta
tion of the bronze Spanish cannon
brought by the Tenth from Luion to
the city of Philadelphia will be made
by Lieutenant Colonel Darnett during
this visit of the regiment. Mayor Ash
bridge will present the freedom of the
city to the boys of the Tenth In
characteristic and patriotic address.
What He Nnld.
"I nuked you if I could buc on that
claim," said tho disappointed litigant
to liia lawyer, "and you said I could."
"True," admitted the lawyer, "but I
didn't say you could win," Chicago
llrst She Can Do.
He So you give me the mitten?
She Yes.
He And this Is all?
She I might throw In B few moth
bulls. Chicago Record,
Mauve This is not my best work. I
only painted H to keep the wolf from
the door.
His Friend Hang it oat. It will be
a soocess Harper's Banr.
Valuable Barvratloa.
First Actor What plan shall I adopt
to All the house at my benefit?
Second Actor Why not invite your
creditors? Tlt-Blts.
9 I
need not lose flesh in summer
if you use the proper means
to prevent it. You think
you can't take SCOTT'S I
2 EMULSION in hot weather, I
8 but you can take it and di- :
v gest it as well in summer as 4
; in winter. H is not like the g
t plain cod-liver oil, which is
difficult to take at any time. $
v If you are losing flesh,
you are losing ground and
if you need $
I OaaHIa rms.UIsan !
? ouuu d uiiuidiuii j
and must have it to keep up j
your flesh and strength.. If f
you have been taking it and 2
it :i j i r 'i 1. 7j
2 pimpcilligUII II, QUn l Idll IU r
2 continue until vnu are ihor- $
ft continue until you are t
9 niitfhlv dmss anrl wall
jac and (i.oo, all druggiiti..
j cffT-r .... ...
f i, 1 aaUBBLUiBlllll. w Tone. -if
are intended for children, ladies and all
who prefer a medicine disguised as con
fectionery. They may now be had (put
up in Tin Boxes, seventy-two in a box),
price, twenty-five cents or five boxes for
one dollar. Any druggist will get them
if you insist, and they may always be
obtained by remitting the price to
The Ripans Chemical
Mr. MA
rVinaillr or mmmnnlr
Consult or communicate wltb tbe Bdltoi
otthls paper, who will give all needed Infor-mstto
R. S. PotticgciT
Veterinary sUrceoN.
All professional business entrusted to my cars
nil receive prompt and careful attention.
f Apr 7, tMy n lMRelsh, Peter, bJoM 10, 1706;
miiiiiini nimiii;.;
1U 11UC1UU lUUlUttl JUlltf liWUCltlUUil.
SMronage 8MlclV:.