The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, October 05, 1899, Image 4

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    The Middleburgh Post.
Puhliahfld everv Thursday.
Geo. W. Wagcnseller,
tditor and Proprietor
.ml . . . . r
NniMorinnon hj..du ner ';ir. , . . ivMiu i:
, .- w t Q UK) (ie puniiicnt oi .uniuu v i i.uiii?-. . i . i
wlil:tl ! raM In ailvancp wwn fteril out- i , , I i4BOOUJ l.lHh,
dda tlui county.) i or nwoyrwi imw uscu uiwi-
Friends of "The Post"
Orateful Words.
Prof. D. S. Boyer.
. . . , , Roll or Honor. The following , The time having come tor my de-
ktnk ns8tsor of Snyder ami UWtr perH0U8 iiave paid their subscription tl le 0f Middle-
Counties and when Hon. Isaac Slen- to the Post to the dates opposite P-wtuiw 1 P' J
should miv tmtiikPH luire i express in "lauuess u) wn
ker was auditor general oi i em - -,itll m. - oup na . " . v. m,4 .mi- iiiw
... . ii VUl'UI 111 LUtTBO v:iOVlllr
sylvania he was appointed as clerk per PieH8e notifv us i
side tin; county.)
Ml trUftUtm ndverti-uviiia not ntlierwlae , , . . . .
in i in i l: i lj v nit ii ut
!kt of the Lutlierali cliurcli at Free-
jmttraeteil tor bo choired attlM rate 04
Hon and 10 cent pur line lor every subsequent I uwmxw, set t u i w
triWl u rrMftct. tc Ihrst Cf'Xls a liiK.
i:ls held office as
1 elder and for
('has. Christeson,
John W. Kline,
H. Alleman,
(ieo. Erhart,
May 1, 1900
June 15, 1900
Republican Standincr Committee-
Beaver ,
Perrjr W
W. B. Herman, J. Q. stlddleswarlh
a. Master, Parld Colaman
Chas. a. Wayner, John D. Howell
H. H. Warner, II A. Bowwaoi
s. Troutinan, P. A. Troup
M L, Walter, HL B. Bofendei
.1 s. Vearlok. II. U. Smith
ai. Clelaui Jamas Brdley
A. Ii. Kriii-r. s. .. voder
a. ll. Young, 1. r. Kittrr
Prank Miller, Howard Bow
I ir. .M. Rothrook, Irwin Boyer
Geo. ntraweer, Jonn won
k ii Keck. ll. .1 I'
lonv-iwo consecutive uan m jj r
the euperintendent of the Sunday Lj .
sohool. The history of the Luth- S" K "nkenburg,
cran cuun n puuiiaut owm km Jjir
years ago contains much of his writ-
mar on that Biibiect As Justice of
the Peace he was a regular attend
ant at court on Mondays, hut this
week alas, his familiar face was not
there; he attended the court of eter
nal peace ami happiness where he
Rev. (i. Ii. Courtney,
John S. Duck,
Chas. . Long,
L J.Albus,
Win. II. Hampton,
( 'has. J. Fisher,
Deaths near New Berlin.
in . Li . ... v
k now is iiiaMiiir ins laiiur o. on- ., Hnnmam
w I ....I.... n Ii Bmlth ll'li 1 I . 1 T...1.- 1... -. "
"lu'o: iij. stVoh ,"K",S " nltTI,a ,Mm w,,u Jas.II. Diemer,
Dr. E. W.Toole. J. B.Arbogaet sits as the Arhilcr of last resort, a . , h,,1-
, .iiinm a Jt I'.niwi' 1
ii'ii.' n T 1
judge in whose employ he
Por Judge t the Bupreme court,
or uuoaatar.
For Judge of t ha Boperlor ooutt,
ol Philadelphia.
v,,r Htate Treasurer,
oi WosbtngUiD.
ways a taithlul and a willing sui
iect. Freehurff is oof alone in her
sorrow for the dead. The peoph
the entire county lov in
III et hi. lew oi l V TICKET.
i .r Associate judge,
1'. i KIEOEL.
Por Slii rlfT,
aEO. w. now.
i-nr Treasurer,
For CommlsslODers,
QBOROE y. Mil. 1. KH.
For Auditors,
Hence aim
weep with the sorrowing and afflict jrs ',, vL,
en ami lament tne aeain oi one so
useful, so honored and so faithful.
Me is survived by a w idow who was
Leah J. Snyder to who he was mar
ried in 1862. Five children were
horn to them all of whom
The funeral obsenuies of Prof. I'.
Tlmrsday, October 5, 1891).
II. E. Kherlv,
Irwin ( iraybill,
John Howell,
John V. Stetler,
J. I). Arbngast,
Samuel Rumbaugh,
J. S. Meiser,
Rev. J. M. Reariuh,
Mrs. Lizie J. Smith,
hi,. Rahm
. . I I I I I II I MMl I 1 ' ' f
dled n J.CGrubb,
J. J. Leniffi
j Cora A. Harmony,
Peerless Remedy Co.,
shall ever rememlier the kindness
shown me while with you.
Ranawlallv shall I remember the
May 1, l'-J' j vjahiwth schools I attended and pre
July 1, '(', Ljpm j mj uieinory are ti e lessons
Jan. 1,19001 iMrned; may we all prove
Aug. 1, I faithful of the reward promised us
J nly 1 , '99 ' wbefl Ufe Mre 1,.,- ended. Truly,
June Id, 1!)0I) BUR BhRLLBY.
June 1, 1900
July 1, 1900)
Aug. 1, ",)!l
June 1, 97 Mrs. Charlefi Hummel, living in
July 1, ".Mt j,K.. ., ;i tW1 nwlP New Berlin, died
July 1, 99 L Mouday ot last week. The re
July 1, IW'Suaius were interred at Eidley'a
July 1, t8) I church on Wednesday.
July 1, 1900 i
Aug. 1,1900, c.
Aug. 1, !! '
Aug. i, moo :
. , 1 O" LGtb of Deeember, 1897,
May 1, .'1 jj-v s a. Donuhue, paatot' of. E.
April 1, '99 j church, .South, Pt. Pleasant W. Va
inly 1 1900 1 eeu tract ed a severe cold which w as
i ", -' liwui attended from th- ln-Klniiiug by ?io
Jan. 1 l.KHi ,eu( poujjhiug. He says: "After re-
Bept. 1, ".''.l sortimcr to a number of so-called
Feb. 1 '!i'.i ! 'apeeines,1 uauall; kept in the bouse,
i i iiwiii to no purpose, I purchased botUe
Jl'ne l1000 of Oaamoerlalu'a Cousrh Remedy,
Jan. 1, l'.lOl which acted like u oharui. I most
Mav 1 '98 oheerf uUy recommend it to the pub.
Fune l 1900 or s,lle l'v L)r,1,;t:ls,H-
Sept 1,
Jan. 1, I9U0
idle chiM helotiging to Wes-
iinoi v. oi New Berlin, diec
on Monday of last week.
S. Boyer will be held from his late T. S. Derr,
residence in Freelmrg on Thursday
morning at ten ocIik k. His death Claude It. Smith,
came very unexpected on Monday Geo. Stetler,
W. W. Pawling,
Editorial Jots.
Admiral Dewey doesn't seem to
think the United Sutes Govern
ment is making any mistake in mak
ing its control of the Philippines
complete and jiermanent
The export8 of the calendar year
1899 are likely to be the largest in
our history, in spite of the doleful
predictions made as to the prosjiec-
tive effect of the Dinghy law upon
our foreign markets.
Tlie money in the country has in
creased nearly 33 per cent in the
three years since Mr. Bryan and
his followers were trying to make
us believe that only free coinage
could cause an increase in our cure
morning at :80.
Like the dew of the mountain,
Like l lie foam of the river.
Like the tmbblos on I he fountain,
Thou art gone, ami forever.
Stxirr'M Laiiv op Tiik Lass-
Feb. l,".i
June 1, 1000
Mar. 1, '00
It seem:
prices of
tlml the advance ill tin
iu.,i !. ,.t oirjvMflw have one-third ol $600
Hee.U l illereil lor Krrord.
M. (i. Reitz and wife to Mary
M . Treaster, one acre in West Rea
ver township for $150.
John D. Romigand wife to Sam
uel Romig, 68 acres in West Reaver
township tor $200. Dated 1 KG3.
Tillman Romig und wife to Eph-
' raini lomig,40 acres in Spring twp.
for $225.
W. F. Ilumniel and Sue Hum
mel his wife to Daniel Snyder, house I John M. Hartmaii,
and lot in S-linsgrove tor $800. 1 (;- Ballade,
win Prwb.ti. Wtn. F. Loss,
Last will and testament of George I Mrs. Ida Billinan,
S. Martin. The widow is named as Jane Freed,
heir during her widowhood and Mary, Martin Blear,
'Charles and Jacob Stellcn eoch to
( lalvin Stetler,
D. F. Fisher,
G. S. Romig,
Win. Reaver,
Geo. R. Cemlierling, June 1, 1000
Seph. Gemberling, Sept 1,1000
1 K. S. Mitterling,
1 Jas. Crossgrove,
Mrs. Nettie Smith,
A. ('. Renninger,
Dr. J. Y. Shindel,
W. H. Ripka,
Ellen Aurand,
Cyrus Hummel,
Daniel Hunt,
Win. F. Loss,
Robt H. Walter,
Rcnjamin Seesholt.,
Henry E. Walter,
Aug. 1, '00 Sept. 2nd, at the Baptist parson
Aug. 1, '99 1 age, Lewisburg, bv Rev. John T.
Nov. 1, '99 Judd, Geo. W. Riegel, of 8elins
Jan. 1, 1900 grove, and Miss Bessie Burd, of
May l.'OO Colmm.
May 1, 1000 Sent 24. bv Rev. H. H. Snahn,
John M. George of Troxelville ami
Annie M. Krebfl of Adams twp.
Sept. 28, hv Rev. II. H. Spahn,
J. F. Snook of Middlecreek to Elm
ma J. Kline of McClure.
Sept. 20, by Prof. Thomas C.
Houtz at the residence of Dr. J. R.
THE very word "operation " strikes terror to a woman
Nearly always these operations become necessary
through neglect.
If the menses are very painful, or too frequent and excessive,
get the right advice at once and
stop taking chances. It will cost
you nothing for advice if you write
to Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, Mass.,
for it, and if you let the trouble
run along it will surely cost you a
great deal of pain and may mean
an operation.
Miss Sarah J. Graham, Sheridanville, Pa., writes: "Dear
Mrs. Pinkham: I had suffered for sev-
leral years with female troubles and
doctored until I was discouraged. I felt
wretched and tired of living. I had dis
ease of kidneys, bladder trouble,
dropsy and bloating, had womb
trouble and a large tumor had
formed: in fact all my organs
were out of fix.
Seeinga woman's letter prais
ing your remedies, I wrote to
her and she begged of me to try
it, telling me all that it had done
for her. I bought six bottles of
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound and now cannot ex
press my gratitude to you. The
tumor began to come away in
pieces and I got better all the
time. I believe now that I am
entirely cured.
" My doctors could not believe
it at first, as they all had told me
that my case was a hopeless one,
and no human power could do me
any good. They were astounded.
If I can say anything that can
help other women, I shall be
glad to."
It is not safe to wait until the
last moment. Head off trouble
by prompt attention to it. Don't be satisfied without Mrs.
Pinkham's advice.
tfn Aa JL -VaBkn fj"'
April 1, 1000
Aug. 1, '00
Ana 1 llMiil
June 1 1900' Wittm, Frank Foster Blear to Mary
'jly j' i9oo Ellen Duebler, Ixaii ot Bhamokin
Aug. 1, 1900 P"0
April ly'99 Oct 1, by Rev. Win. II. Rover,
Mar. 1,'96' John L. Smith of Paxtonville and
Aug. 11, 1900
Sept. 11, 1900,
Nov. 1, '97
Aug. 24, '.90
Sept. 1, '99
Jan. 1, '99
Sept. 1, '99
1 11 . .1 t, l1 i 11
ciiargeiiiiie io t lie "ueei- irusi. no
ports from Chicago quote the prices
for live Bteers$o.90 per hundred a I
the highest paid in September since j
1884. Can it be possible that the
farmers have organised a Live Steer
Trust of their own'.'
President Theodore Bchaffer, of
the Amalgamated Iron and Steel
Workers Association, testified before
the Industrial Commission at Wash
ington the other day, that the trusts
have Ik'cii beneficial to the iron steel,
and tin-plate workers, and added
that he had so much reepectforthese
great aggregations of capital that he
would not call them "trusts."
Marring Meenaex.
( Frank F. Slear, Bhamokin Dam,
Mary E. Deoblcr, "
I John L. Smith, Paxtonville,
Nora E. Smith, I Iniou 'omit v.
f Benjamin L. Keiser, Selinsgrove, Daniel Maneval,
Carrie B. Burns, Union lwp. j. d. Benfer,
f Jacob Fun man, Adams Twp., ! Daniel Snyder,
Minnie Ixmg, " " L J. Manbeck,
f ( reo. ( '. Bums, Selinsgrove, J- S. Miller,
1 Jennie E. Charles, " P. P. Rrouse,
rn a oi.i- ui i.:.. iY... J. P. Klinirler,
l vrnu .i ! ll. ill,! ik ill I '.l l. i
1 J WU " ,
Minnie Renner, Freeburg.
(Allen E. Stroub, Shadle,
Lizzie Trewitz, Aline.
a 1 l I
Adam waiu
Mrs. Chas. Snyder
David )cker,
Emanuel Bhafter, Bept 14, looo
Aaron Howell, Bept 16, 1900
Isaac Smith, Sept. 1, 1000
M. A. Bhambaeh, Sept 1, 1900
Mrs. M. S. Campbell, June 1, 1901
Oct. loy
Noni E. Smith of Limestone town
ship, Uniou County.
Oct. 1, by Rev. Jacob L. Tutsy,
Benjamin L. Keiser of Selinsgrove
toCarriell. Burns ot Union twp.
Oct 1, by Rev. J. R. Dimm, D.
D.. Cvrus S. Sliiiie of Shamokin Dam
bept. 1, lunula Minnie Renner of Freeburg.
May 1, '99 ()(., 2 Geo. M. Shindel, Clerk
July 1, 1900 q Allen E. Stroub of Shadel,
April 1, 1900 PUj to Lij5J5ie TpuWltls 0f AHne, Pa.
OggJi L900 111 tnc' Klrn,ec' church
"El! i oo at Selinsgrove. by Rev. W. A. Haas,
... ... ,
The Bryan element in Massachu
setts ha.- succeeded in naming a Bryan
and Free Silver delegation for the
Demoratic National Convention,
and in doing so alientatcd enough
Democrats and Independents to as
sure Republican success in that state
Two or more of the men iioinin
Republican Orator.
Henry W. Walter,
J. P. Wetzel,
S. S. Walter,
Oct. 1, 1000
Nov. 1, '99
Jan. 1, 1901
Aug. 1, '96
Sept. 1, 1900
Oct. 1, 1900
Feb. 1, '98
Mar. 1, 10(H)
April 1, '98
Merchants Must Hang out A
Don't forget that at its last ses-
On Tuesday evening Rev.F.Asher
Hess of Philadelphia delivered an
address on the issues of the cam-
. . . i ii .
jwiigii. ine anenaanoe was smaii s;oll t,0 idature enacted a law
in comparison to usual Republican j (-hanging the the mercantile tax as
gatherings in this county owing to m3 ara;nst retail and wholesale
LilO". ' . . . . I , I
, ; the meeting Deing very jworiy an-1 dealers
. 1 I I , ..A AI .la. I . 1
Ahaiufiisi I lu- iipw Ifiur imtwKcs n
Herbert W. Stownrti Bhamokin to 1
Minnie S. Row S'liiisr(vc.
I at .I 1 1?1 .
...... t . .... I VliiL't i.I YllilUit l" 111 lllll ,
, 1liI TQI WDOU VI 1-IITV. VV sva
on tnc ouue ucaei nytne Diyauwu- , mamm t., . . , i,11B:nilH. , ... . j !ni i
i',. ...,l,,.ul r, i wwiw mmww - 1M Ol iwouonars, ami one nun mr
i. in-.. i i. I . . , l ..,!,..! . .... n.t I
sin in ihii wiumi , ,1,, ,,,,, ,,,, oor i i n iir ot t ic w iii i
vent ion have indignant, v
run on the free silver platform
en- '
at court and were
Alio you 1
I Want I
ssssss. IIUIII
We are sure you do irwt.
Nobody wants it. But it comes
to many thousands every year.
It comes to those who have had
coughs and colds until the
throat is raw, and the lining
membranes of the lungs are
inflamed. Stop your cough
vhen It first appears, and you
remove the great danger of
future trouble.
the Freeburg band began to play, i .ross value 0f business transacted by
' It teaches the useful lesson that when retil dealers, and three dollars an-
Democratic orators are not die- T V Z uTTZ ntTly TVL mT. r'ers'
cussing the Dingley tarill law this W' 1 hc 1 JeMK M Chalf mill additional upon
fell. Thev clabned that it would ms,,ed m efllan ,,m,81t; a,ul 'V"e whole gross volume of business,
result disastrously to our foreign lme?Ty f 'ounK The net m,uires each dealertoplace
commerce, would' be a failure as a "en 1 he orator made a very ac-, a sign at the entrance of h or her
. i i , i cent:! lie address. I .,1,, nki,airuiaa rliisi-ri iini'thi' linsi-
revenue prouueer, ana mat lanor - b I .HZi
would not be benefited by it. Yet ow ,,m r" r ball. in whloh party is engaged, with
exports have steadily increased, the ! '' her or their name or namss
sustoma revenue are running higher MMtato u who r Fn the same. Neglect to comply
,ha at any time under the Wilson j ""TT" TTTT Tl, K PTT Vtn tL"
tariff, and every man in the country , 1 Wfj" dav ,0 foot Ml . ' punishable by a fine of $10. There
Who wants work can get it at advano- gridiron succeeds the aPe many merchants whose signs do
J wain i heroes of Manila in the public gaze. n0t (!0me strictly within the provi-
l gl ... j Next Sunday's great "Philadelphia j H;0ns of this act.
What has become of the gallant PiW'wUl be a foot ball and Fall mmm
Colonel from Nebraska'.' Can it be sport etlition. "The Press" will , .
possible that he has ben dleoeed at ( keep Up this season its national rep- theV;n8St3Be80Bf XmCuun
last ? How mutable are the affairs utation for having themost complete i cholera and Diarrhoea Beme
of men. The most talkative manof and original sporting reports in thejdy, for having put on the maifcet
the centnrv has at last lapsed into
. .... .. ...
silence ; his voice drowned in the "I'ress" will emphasize tne lact at
acclamations of a grateful country the opening of the foot ball season,
to the hero of the age, Admiral De- It will also contain many strong
wey. The debt we owe to Dewey is features not in the world of sports,
thus doubled. Be sure to get next Sunday's "Press."
ttui rnfo nn,1 ,...vt Snmlflv's such a wonderfol meaicine, says
..iiii - Jim V fiQoiill nf Runmnnl Tot
IT v T a sa.lausjtas WS awwssH ssarsi "e T
There are many thousands of moth
ers whose children have been saved
from attacks of dysentery and ohol
era infantum who must also feel
thankful. It is for sale by all Druggists.
ICucrry I
stops coughs of all kinds. It
does so because it is a sooth
lag and healing remedy of grest
power. Thismakesittbegreat
eat preventive to consumption.
Put one of
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
Plasters over your lungs
fa tat ws
axel alt. isrrtcat of
t miaaet psriUlana
i 835. 1 899,
I1 MU lllll
The record of the uiarriairco uubllfhed in this hook
have been run-fully gathered from various sources and rep
resent those who were married in Ba)der County. Penna ,
during the time specified, but also iuhiiv from adjacent
counties. It la the first volume of thin character published
io any oounty In the Comuionwealth of Penntylvanla,
There is a record of more than
7,500 Marriages or 15,000 Names,
of persons who resided in this county and who nre now re
riding her. It. is not represented to OOntslli every marriage
solemnized in this county during tlmt period, l-nt only such
whose records could be secured, hut tor the irenter period
the record is nearly complete. The records consulted arc as
follows :
1. From 1808 to Oct 1, lsa1, the marriages are taken
from the files of the Middleburg Post.
ii. From Oct 1, 1885, when license law went into ef
fect, to April 10, 1899, the record was taken from the license
docket of Snyder County, Pa.
8. Hev. Adolf B. Casper's Marriage Record.
4 Rev. John Peter Hhindel's (.lr ) Marriage Record.
Rev. Charles Oustavus hrleuuiyer s Marriage Record.
An Index of Surnames.
has been made and published In the book enabling easy ac
cess to any name in the volume. There are represented
1813 different surnames.
Points to be Considered.
There are a great many points to be considered which
demonstrate the value of having this publication at your
finger's ends. We can name only a few at this time ;
1. It is a ready reference book of marriages which re
calls many pleasant events and also places a permanent
record in the hands of your posterity with which they will
never be willing to part.
2. It is a very useful guide to assist you in fixing the
dates of oollatteral events.
3. It is an Indispensable book for the genealogist and
the historian.
4. It is of incalculable value to the politician who
should be thoroughly posted concerning the "dear" people.
5. The Lawyer, Doctor, Clergyman, Editor and Teacher
will find it a convenienoe, and, in time, almost a necessity,
nearly every day of his life.
tj. Not a store, hotel, nor a business place of any kind
hTsnyder County should be without a oopy of this book.
7, No historical or genealogical, nor any other publio
library is complete without a oopy of this work.
Special Offer.
This book like many others that will be called for only
by a limited number of people will of necessity oost more per
volume than those whose circulation run into tens and even
hundreds of thousands of copies. There will be only about
three hundred copiesof this work and those who wish acopy
should not delay placing an order early. The preparation
of this book has entailed a great deal of labor and expense
and so far as the remuueration Is concerned, we should have
at least Five Dollars per volume for it. We do not. however,
desire to make the prioe a barrier, and Imbued with the idea
of placing the book within the reach of all, we have deoided
to offer it for
Only Three Dollars a Copy.
Orders by mail will have our prompt attention. An
agent is wanted in every district of the oounty to solicit or
ders Address all communications to the compiler,
Sept. 25, at K reamer, Robert,
son ot Ira Bingaman and wife, aged
1 year and 6 days.
Oct. 2, at Freeburg, Daniel S.
Boyer, Esq., aged 72 years, 3
months and 26 days.
as i i sja.
To fnr a Cold ! One Day
Take Lax An vi Bboho Qurraa Tilira. All
dnuritau refund the money It It laMs to cure.
K. W.Oao va' signature on even box. SM. 104-4.
Butter 18
Eggs 16
Lard 6
Tallow 4
Chickens 7
Turkeys 10
Shoulder 8
Ham 12
Wheat 65
Rye. 40
Corn 35
Oats (old) 00
Oats (new).... 22
Potatoes 30
Bran per 100. 80
Middlings" 90
Chop 90