The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, October 05, 1899, Image 2

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    The Middleburgh Post.
Publixhd vcrv Thuimlav.
Geo W Wugenseiler,
t li'nr n1 Prwitaf
Subscription $1.50 ,! ear.l
rbJoli lattfl M paid in .nlv.uite when u( out- i
sMe I lii i OOIUM) .!
At! CruUkll-Ut ailVlT.'l:'llli olits Iiu! 01 hl.TWlSC j
.ontri.ifii tor win be charged si literate of 11
nMits per line (nonparlel measurei ior rinil inwr-
(inn utd Uoenttper line for verj sutMMiaaat
- afA mMcm ssfisisa' Hi , sMIaaty poertj,
tribu'r t rt iitrt ,.v., rAr,v MMfj a i.i''
A Washington jdrl Iuih invented
mcMiu.l of lending kisson hy mail '
method by which she c;m present tntlie
favored one the living image of a Ids
ft tun her own rosy lips. It laaaortoi
label, Incapuble of forgery or khc
ceaaful imitation. It is the veritable
documeutary evidence of a kiss given
ans Acclved, and it may yet prove tc
l' ol . legal Import. Like many
another g ! thing, tin" mailable klsi
v;i discovered by aocideut nt Irani'
thai la what the Inventresa scys. The:
met In nl of the ilisi'tn. iy tills: It
happened one day that she wished to
write n letter to "him." It wns n chilly
day and a blustery she says and to
jimt eel lior carmine Hps from the salute
of the winds ! reached for u little Imx
of H.'ilvc upon her dreasii r In- le mid
therewith liberally anointed her lips.
Ami In that salve there was a consider
able percentage of rouge. The lrttor
having been finished, it wns adorned nt
the f "'t with the conventional brace of
inky rroswes. Now, ulic hadn't Men
him for long time, and tin' 'last let
ter he wrote was really a nice
one, so that it was understand
able that, the erosses having been made
and blotted she should press her
lips just once to t lie letter. The rouge
in the salve did tl' rest. It was a little
greasy, perhaps, but the unintentional
result was a pnrfect picture of a pair of
pursed lips. The Inventress wim so!
pleased that she tried it again, and the
second picture wns better than the first.
When the pictures reached their
destination It did not need the inscrip
tion, "these are genuine," to tell the
recipient what to do with them. They
spoke for themselvpA. No patent upon
the process has yet been applied for, but
a nllglit improvement in the original
method has been made. It is now the
fashion to slightly dampen the paper
and to dust with dry powder the Hps
of the sender. It works just us well'
aud the kisses don't "run."
After the recant fighting north of
Manila the American soldiers found the
lull that followed and the rest they
were accorded very enjoynbie. The
Kansas troops are occupying houses in
Ban Fernando, and a correspondent snys
that for the first time since the begin
ning of the campaign, February last,
the men can keep dry when It rains. It
must be remembered that only a small
percentage of the troops had blankets
and tents after the second week of the
advance. It Is a happy lot of soldiers
now lounging In the shadows of the
buta and trees. The other day "Dea
con," who is a large Kansan with a
fund of humor, rapped at the captain's
door. "Come In!" shouted the captain.
"I Jest wanted to hear how It 'ud sound,
captain," said the big soldier, with a
grin, ns he bowed himself Into the pres
ence of his superior officer, "It's been
a long time since I knocked at any
body's door."
A Ness City (Kan.) man had nn orig
inal way of bequeathing his effects to
bis heirs. He requested that all meet
at his house nt a given time after his
death and open the safe in which he
kept his valuables, which they were to
divide equally. To each of the heirs
was told a part of the combination, and
accordingly the nofe could not be
opened till they were all there. The
heirs met at the appointed time. The
Combination failed to work, and a me-
chanlc was called, who opened the safe.
Four thousand live hundred dollars vtns
found In the safe. The heirs are happy.
"There is something," writes n war
rior from Manila, "v hich has been both
ering me for a long time. Will you
please allow enough space in your
heart-to-heart talks to answer one ques
tion; Owing to the fact that 1 live in i
the Philippines I am known :s n Fil
ipino. If I were to move to Philadelphia
would I become a Filidelflun?"
Up to the day of his first, entering1
school Booker T. Washington's name
was Hooker Taliaferro. Then the teach- ,
er said that aJl the colored boys of the
section had three or four names.
"Well," said the new pupil, "put mc
down as Washington." He has added
honor to the name.
A man at Bedding Cal., has just se
cured a divorce by telephone, his wife
having obligingly over the telephone j
wire admitted service of the summons,
waived time and formally agreed to
the proceedings.
If salt revives drowned animal life,
as nn English man thinks he has dis
covered, the man who falls into the
ocean ought to be easily restored, es
pecially if he happens to be an old salt
The New York woman w'
who Cl
cut her
husband's throat to preven
ing has at least placed an eifi
isl cure
The Idea that Tncle Sam Is at pres
ent landless old fellow hns generally
tn. possession of the people through
out the country. This, however. Is a
great mistake. He still haa land
enough to give each one of his 73,
000.000 children a nice little home
stead of eight acres each and still have
a ranch of over 16,000.000 acres left.
In other words, your dear old uncle
still owns something over 600.000,000
acres, distributed as follows through
out the various states and territories:
Alabama, 532,339 acres; Arizona, 54,
400211 acres; Arkansas, 3.922,042arres;
California, 43.841.044 acres: Colorado,
4,037.204 acres; Florida, 1.797.662 acres;
Idaho, 45,962,855 acres; Kansas, 1,046,
089 Hires; Louisiana, 845.020 acres;
MlrhiRsn, 522,431 acres; Minnesota,
6. 240,049 acres; Mississippi. 41,441.220
acrea; Missouri, 497,764 acres; Mon
tana. 71.432.917 acres; Nebraska. 10
6C9.253 acres; Nevada, 61.578.586 acres;
New Mexico, 56.983.047 acres; North
Dakota, 21,385,293 acres; Oklahoma, 8,
Ui5,2oS acres; Oregon, 35.892.318 acres;
South Dakota, 13.250,718 acres; Utah,
44,207,270 acres! Washington, 17.158,
636 ncres; Wisconsin, 454.107 acres;
Wyoming, 49,341.588 acres, aud Alaska,
"'v.M'li.'KHi acres.
A 1 I'm t one-half this vast .".mount of
land lies, i; will t;e seen, In Alaska,
: ad i' is very certain that this will
never be available for homestead pur
poses, but for rcI.-iinK purposes Its
value in cold com may prove to be
even greater than though it wen1
arable. The larger part of the balance
lies in fertile and productive states,
and Is still subject to homestead laws.
Those Who want homes should avail
themselves of the more than liberal
homestead laws rf the United states.
This Is the place for I ho surplus labor.
Min's Best Friend.
The horse, the most useful and high
ly prized of all our domestic animals,
deserves our bes( care and considera
tion, That Invaluable boon of suffering
mankind, the H. II. H. Medicine was
first prepared for use on the horse by
its Inventor, D. Podge Tomltnson, 4oo
North Third street, Philadelphia, Pa,
He was soon convinced that he had dis
covered the best remedy hnown for the
external treatment of sprains, swell
ings, sore joints, thrush, swollen ten
dons, lumps and enlargements of any
kind in the horse. He then experiment
ed upon himself and his ovn family
with the same brilliant success. He
found t hat rheumatism, neuralgia,
headache, sprains and other mysteri
ous aches and pains vanish as if by
magic after a few vigorous rubbings
and massage with the celebrated II. H.
H. Medicines. As Inferior preparations
afford a better profit to the dealer,
worthless substitutes are sometimes
sold. Look for signature anil portrait
of the inventor on the wrapper.
They Will and They Won't.
"I'll tell you what a woman will and
will not do in my line of business,"
said the man who was selling clocks
.ind rugs on the weekly installment
plan. "You enn always figure as a
starter that she's going to haggle about
the price. If I'd offer one of these $8
clocks for $2.50, the average woman
would want something off. As soon as
the weekly payments begin she'll make
a neighborhood hunt for plugged coins
and smooth pieces and work them off
on the collector. She'll also stand him
off for a day or two every payday, and
even when the money Is ready she'll
hang to It to the last.
"That's what you ran figure on 10
times out of 20, but there's a big offset.
It's rare that women ever skip out and
take your property nlong. They could
do It in scores of eases, but their con
science forbids. I've had 50 cases where
families moved, but after a little the
wife would send the new address. I lost
a family once after they had paid 50
cents on an $8 (lock. They shipped
their poods by rail and wont off west.
I got a blessing from headquarters be
cause of their skip, but somehow I felt
that It would be all right In the end. So
it was. After seven months had passed
we got a letter from North Dakota con
taining a money order for the balance
due, and the woman explained that
she'd have sent It sooner, but that her
husband had died and hor oldest boy
been sent to jail. I sold a rug last year
to a family that moved next day and a
dozen creditors tried in vain to trace
them. After a week or so the wife ran
after me on the street to tell me whore
to call, and added: 'It was the old
man's doings. He took a skip to beat
the grocer, butcher, baker and drug
store, but If 1 didn't pay for that beaut
ful rus I could not say my prayers at
night.' "
The Domestic Cat.
The prominent attention lately be
stowed upon the domestic cat hy fash
ionable society, and the great success
of several cat shows, have induced Mr.
John E, Dlehl, the well known author
ity in domestic animals, to prepare a
handy little volume under the above
title, it carefully describes the different
breeds and varieties, and states how
to keep rare cats: how to recognize
their various diseases and how to
treat them. The publishers' price for
the book is 50 cents, but the Associated
Fanciers' (00 N. 3d street, Philadelphia,
Pa., will mail a copy of it on receipt
of 25 cents to any subscriber of this
Where Early Planting Is Desirable.
"I tell a well meaning, but perhnps
not yet perfectly persistent young
friend, who asks me about It," said
Mr. Btaybolt, "that there is no such
thing as an incubator that will hatch
out eagles from dollars while you
wait; that the only way, Indeed, In
which a money crop can be raised is
by the most careful and constant cul
tivation. And 1 venture to remind
him. he being young and with the
world yet before him, that this Is a
crop in which it is desirable to begin
planting early, in order to produce the
best results."
The crops harvested nt Chlcora, S. C,
this year were most bountiful. High
prtcei were NallSSd for the large crops
of midwinter fruits und vegetables. In
many cases tho crops were sold from 20
to SO per cent mure than their estimated
value. With such returns to our settlers
It is very natural to suppose that there
are others who would like to locate there,
especially as we are selling farms ejs the
instalment plan. For maps, circulars Of
further Information, address D. L. Malay,
m 8. Tenth street, Philadelphia.
do Torture Equal to the first symptoms of Eczema, but lf?s not long
before the little redness begins to itch ana
ll.LI AaJ n. .1 h,n This is hut the ruMrinnlns nd will
Itching and Burning of
This Fearful Disease.
Fczema which Is more than skin-deep, and can not be reached by local appli
cations of ointments, salves, etc., applied to the surface. The disease itself,
the real cause of the trouble, is in the blood, although all suffering is produced
through the skin ; the only way to reaeh the disease, therefore, is through
the blood.
Mr. Phil T. Jones, of Mixersrille, Ind., writes:
"I had Eczema thirty years, and after a great deal
of treatment my leg was so raw and sore that it gave me
-constant pain. It finally broke into a running sore, and
began to spread and grow worse. For the past Ave or
six years I have suffered untold agony and had given up
all hope of ever being free from the disease, as I have
been treated by BOOM of the best physicians nnd have
taken many biod medloines, all in vain. With little
faith 1 'ft I Lega;i to take S. S. 8., and it apparently
made the Eczema worse, but I knew that this was the
way the remedy got rid of the poison. Continuing
8. ri. 8., the sore healed up entirely, the skin became
clear snd smooth, and I was cured perfectly."
Eczema is nn obstinate disease and can not be cured by a remedy which is
only a tonic. Swift's Specific
is superior to other blood remedies because it cures diseases which they oan
not reach. It goes to the bottom to the Ofiusn of the disease and will cure
the worst case of Eczema, no matte - what n liar treatment hns failed. It is
the only bloixl remedy guaranteed to be free from potash, mercury or any
other mineral, and never fails to cure Eczema, Scrofula, Contagious Blood
Poison. Cancer, Tetter, Rheamattsm, Open tJorea, Ulcers, BoiU, etc. Insist
upon S. S. 8. ; nothing can take its place.
Books on these diseases will be mailed free to any address by Swift Spe
cific Company, Atlanta, Georgia.
Chance for n Ilrsf.
Mrs. De Paahion Is Mrs. De Style m
Servant No, mum.
"Will she be back soon, do you
"No. mum: she'll be iiwav all day, I'm
thinking. Ve sec, I've aiven her notice.
an' she's gone out ter find a gurrul
good enough to take my place. IUI
might come in an restyrsen, juries
none o' the family home to talk ye tu
death." N. V. Weekly.
Of onre Not.
Hewitt 1 am the sou of poor but
honest parents.
Jewctt well, ir tney naoo 1 occn
honest they wouldn't have been poor.
Town Topics.
llrliiti tamiii-M
after von Lave conolurled t lint you
ought not In drink coffee.. It is not
a medicine but doctor order it be
onuse it is healthful, HtTiBOrajtii ir
and appetizinir. It isiiiiido fio.r pure
ifrains and has thai rich seal brown
color and tfttttefl like t lie finest grade
of coffee and conta hIiouI as much.
Children like it aud thrive on it be
cause it is the genuine food drink
containing nothing hut nourishment.
Ask viiiir irrocer for Grain-O, the
new food drink. 15 und SSe.
"That lady going along there Is my
"Great Scott! you don't say so? I
thought she was a falking advertise
ment for u new lamp shade."
Kidney trouble preys
upon the miuil, dla-
Wn'P courages nnu lessens
ViTisBn ambition i beauty, vi
gor and cheerfulness soon disappear
when the kidneys are out of order or
diseased. For pleasing results use
Dr. Kilmer, Swamp Hoot, the great
kiddey remedy. At ilructrists. Sam
ple bottle Ly mail free, also pamph
let. Address
Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingham ton, N.Y
Complaining Woman.
Down In the madding' throng's Ignoble
It 1 his lot to labor day by day;
He's sending all ho cams unto his wife.
Who's closed the house and hied herself
Chicago Times-Herald.
Some Daela for It.
Mr. IVrkaste Young Skldmore
thinks that telephone girl of his is a
perfect angel.
Mr. Toindexter Well, there is a
"Hello" around her head constantly
when she is on duty. Judge.
Io' eii-. ,iri'f With Yon T
If not, drink Gruin-O made from
pure grains. A lady writes : "The
tirst time I make Grain-0 I did not
like it t after using it for one week
nothing cold induce ine to go back
to coffee." It nourishes and feeds
thetvstem. The children can drink
it freely with great benefit. It is the
strengthening substance of pure
grains. Get a package today from
your grocer, follow the directions in
making it and you will have a delici
ous and healthful table beverage for
old and young. 16c. and 20c.
This is but the beginning, and will
lead to suffering and torture almost unen
durable. It is a common mistake to regard
a roughness and redness of the skin as
merely a local irritation ; it is but an Indica
tion of a humor in the blood of terrible
Hissed the Ostportaalty,
Mrs. Bargane Haven't you got a
toothache, John?
Mr. Bargane No, my dear; why?
Mrs. Bargane Oh, 1 am so sorry that
you have not, 1 bought B new toothache
cure to-day at a bargain, and I wanted
to try it. Baltimore Jewish Comment.
Jiml Wlint IbC laid.
"Did your sister say she's 20 yet?"
asked the young man.
"Vis; she says she's CO yet," replied
the young brother. Yonkers States
man. I
lie Hail Drrs There.
Walker It must have been a horrible
torture to be broken on the wheel.
Wheeler It Is. 1 went broke on a
wheel once mvself. N. Y. Journal.
Kn Ilnnaer.
Mrs. Qabbleton 1 am afraid that I
am a pretty poor whist-player.
Tho Professor Don't be afraid! I
never hit a lady. Pnek.
Durins the winter of 1807 Mr. Jag
H ill, oik of tho lending citizens
mid merchants ot i lay, i lay uo.. w
Va, struck Imh leg against a eako of
ice m such a manner as to bruise it
severely. It became very much awol
len and puineil bin so b ully that he
COUld not wnlk without the aid of
crutches. He was treated Ivy nhv
siaiana, also ueed severnl kinds of
1, linnet. i iim) two ainl a half callous
of whisky in bat o ing it, but nothing
save any relief until he ItPKiin lining
Chamberlain h J'ain Bnlin. Ibis
brousht almost a complete cure in
a week's time anil he believes thnt
had be not used this remedy his lee
would have had to be amputated.
l'uiu Balm is uncounted for sprains
bruises and rheumatism. 'mFur sale
by all Druggists.
Sunbury St Lewistown Division.
In effect May 22, 1899.
J id
J It
'.i 57
ID 07
in II
Id '21
10 SI
10 87
10 .CI
to as
in M
10 M
I! lit
11 II
11 III
1 1 n
II 87
1 1 :iJ
II :t7
il in
Banbury tn 5H
HclinnKrovi' .liuu'tinli l '& 5 'JO
tfellnssTOve is .1 15
Pawling OM 505
Kreamei 'Jim sol
Hstser a oi 4 .'is
Middtoburg s.w 4.52
Benfef I M 4 to
Itcnvertiiwn Mil 4 117
Adamsburs s.' I :
Raubi Mills h :ci 4 23
AM I lire 8 12H 4 19
Wsgnst 8 is 4 08
SluniHe M 15 4 00
Patntervtlle i son 4 5
Hsltlaod ! (' a4i
Lewistown 1 7 55 :i 45
Lewistown (Mala Street.) 71 3 4:t
Lewistown Junction. 7 50 !i 40
'- W
I '.'
i 2 111
I Ml
8 co
a 18
a M
:t 4B
3 ir,
a 4;
a so
Train leaves Sunbury B 2o p m, ar
rives at Sebnsgrove 5 45 p m
Trains leave Lewistown Junction :
4 )! ii in, in 13 i in. 1 10 p 10,180 i in ' p ni, 7 07
11 r.s (i id, tnr Alti'iiiin, PltUban uiul tho Weft.
Fur HtJUmore snd Wurl.inKton 7 4.1 a 111 1 ..'.
1 88. 418.1 otpm For rhllMelphu sad Nj
York e:w u 81 n in, 1 08 1 88 4 a3 anil 1118 pm I'm I
llarrlsliurK r 18 a ui anil 8 Ot p in 1
Philadelphia & Erie R R Division.
Triltis leave Sunbury ilully excopt Sunday :
1 '21 a in for Krlp ami I'aranilalKun
t in a m for llellulonte Krle ami ('iinsmlalaua
giHm lor Look Haven, Tyrone and the west.
1 10 p m lor lvllrfiinte Kane Tyrone and Canac
dSipTSS S45p m lor kenovo ami Klmira
l!5ini ior WtllliimHnort
Sunday ft 10 n in for brie and ranundnlirua
9 48 a in for Lock Haven and 'i .". p in for VI!
SJ a B), !l BB a ra 2 00 and 5 48 p m lor Wllkes
barrr and Ilaielton
7 CO a in. 10 -ji a in, J i p in, 5 45 p in lor Shatno
kln and Mount Carine!
Sunday 9 a lur Wllkesbarre
rralnn leave Scllnsgrnvc Junction
1000 a in, week dr-yn arriving; ut Philadelphia
.100 pin New York 8 53 p in Baltimore 3 11 p m
Warhlnirton 4 10 pin
5S4 p in dally arrlvlnic at Philadelphia
,0 20 p in Nrw York S 53 a m, Baltimore 9 48 p m
Washington 10 56 p m.
1(2)1111, week days arriving at Philadelphia
4 Sua in, New York 723 a in, Baltimore 2 80 a m
Washington 4 (5 a m
Trains alM) leave Sunhnrv :
2 17 a m dally arriving at Phlladelilhla 52 a m
Baltimore 9 85 a m WashlDfrton 7 45 am New
York 33 a m Weekdsyi, 10 as a n Sundays.
7 80 a m week days arriving at Philadelphia
11 48 am, New York 2(08 p m, Baltimore lis'
s m, Washington i 00 p 88.
155 pin, week days arrlvlnir st Philadelphia
8 23 p m, New York 9 SO p m, Baltimore 8 00 p
Washington 7 15 p m
Trains also leave Sunhurr at 9 50 am sad S8S
and 8 p m, lor Harrisburg, Philadelphia and
J . B. WOOD, Oen'l Pass Ant
I. B. HUTCHINSON Oen'l Manatrer.
Offer to the public a full
line of Corrugated Roofing.
Plain Tin and Galvanized
Iron Roofing and Spouting,
Fence Wire.Tinware,Gran
iteware. Etc. A full line of
for Summer cooking. Call
and see our stock and learn
our prices.
::- '---O-.-O-O S O O 9
Snyder's old, and reliable Gen'i
Insurance Agency,
Elmor W. Snydor, Agont,
Successor to llie late William H. Snyder.
Th Pnr-ExeelU'r.cp of KrlinHf- Insurance is n-prnscnted in tlip follow
ns lint of Standard ('oiiipiiuicH, from which to make a selection. Noue
Bettor tho World over.
FIRE Boyal, Liverpool, Eng. (including foreign assets) $48,000,(0 (Hi
Hartford, of Hartford, Conn., (oldest American Co.) 8,645,786,89
Pho'iiix, Hartford, Conn. 5,688,008.07
Continental, New York, 3,754,90879
Gerniun American, New York, 8,240,098.88
LIFE Mutual Life Ins. Co. Now York, kS904,688,988,60
ACCIDENT Employers' Liability Assurance CoriyUialiuu,
Accident ins. Co. Subscribed Capital of $8, 7ro,ooo.on
Fire, Life and Accident risks accepted at the lowest possible rate, jus
tified by ii strict regard to mutual safety, All just olaimn promptly and
satisfactorily adjusted. Information in reiatiou to all classes of Insur
ance, promptly furnished ELMEU W. SNYDEE, Agt.,
Telephone No. 182. Office on Corner Water & Pine Sts, Selinsi.'iove. Fa
TT HE whole low er floor of my store is taken up with Carpets,
" Kus, Art, Squares, Curtains, Windoo Shades, Curtain Poles,
Hassocks, Hug Fringe, Stair and Table Oil Cloths, &0.t tfc.
?: W'eean show vnu the latvcst
v! goods ever show n in Lewistown.
Jl CcOoS)co oS)o3 r. Qr8
Brussells Carpet as low as 50 cents and up.
Velvet Carpet as low as 7f cents und up.
All Wool Carpet as low as f0 cents and up.
Halt Wool Carpet as low 88 85 cents and up.
Cotton Carpet us low as '22 cents and up.
Rag Carpet as low as 20 cents and up.
China and Japan Matting Kit) jolls to select from.
Compare quality and prices, you will find that our store is
the place to buy at. The goods are first-class, prices are the
lowest, our rooms are clean and no trouble to show goods.
Liberal Adjustments
Only the Oldest, Strongest Cash Companies,
Eire, Lite, Accident and Tornado.
No Assessments. Ho Premium Notes,
The Aetna Founded A. D., 1819 Assets 111,055,518.88
" Home " ' 41 3853 " 9,853,628.54
American u " u 1810 l 2,409,584.53
The Standard Accident Insurance Co.
The New York Lite Insurance Co.
The Fidelity Mutual Life Association.
Your Patronage Solicited.
Is used for Plastering Houses.
It Is a new discvery
Guaranteed to last longer
than any other plaster. It
is preferred to Adamant
For particulars call on or address
i m n n a nniiimTur nj nnniiiur
O. C O C O: C O 0 O fi.di
All Kinds.
All Qualities.
All Prices.
and best selection of the iibrtVA
Lewistown, Pa.
Prompt Payments.
&lpaas Tabulsa curs llrsr trouble
on the marks.