ROYAL BAKINCf POWDER Imparts that peculiar lightness, sweetness, and flavor noticed in the finest cake, short cake, biscuit, rolls, crusts, etc., which ex pert pastry cooks declare is unobtainable by the use of any other leavening agent Made from pure, gTape Cream of tartar. ROYAL BAKING POWDtR CO., NEW YORK. Neighborhood News (, F. Landuskv. ol Mt. Car- mel, w ho lasl January lost u tooth iu the Lehigh Valley train wreck, at i hinellen, N. J., settled with the company last week lor $050, I the burning "t three double frame dwellings Monday at Locust ttan the families ol James llonrty, Mi Ma IS ivlcn, John Fessner, Pal ml High llreslin were made (' Daniel Devine, n hobo, was com DiittcJ to tlieSunhiiry jiiilThnrwiav uiorninu by 'Snuire Fertig, of Nor thiimlii rl imi1. chargdl " iththreateu ing !'i I i'i, carry ing deadly weapons, vagrancy, pointing a revolver, etc, The !'; n 'lis ot Husbandry will n:!d their state grange at Iahm IIm ,eii. December 12-15, 1899. The executive committee made arrange in nts hr the convention last week. 1 - t 1 : 1 1:: t 1 t int ueii ivill le iii attendance. Four men wen buried under tons ('brick while tearing down the old J Ii;i-t furnace at Duncannon, owned by the Diiucannon Iron Company, Moitdav afternoon. They were on the top "I the building when the brick work gave away. Arrangements for the national re ception ol Vdmiral George Dewey iu Washington on October 2 and 3 are rapidly being completed. The parade will consist of about 20,000 men, representing military and naval, civic, patriotic, labor and secret or ganizations, Sheritl Sellers, of Dauphin coun ty, has had a force of men destroy ing fish dams iu the Susquehauua river the past week. There arc in the stream about 150 within his jur isdiction. All those north of Har risburg have been removed, as well as those opposite that city. The body of Daniel Strouser, of Mt. Carmel, was found near Locust Hale last week ill the bush. He disappeared from Mt. Carmelonthe Fourth of July. He was an old mail and somewhat demented and wandered away from home. He leaves a wife and -ix children. A rat made a severe attack on 7-vear-old William Harris at Cham bersburg, last week. The little fel low was sleeping with his parent.-, who, awakened by his screams were in time to drive the rodent away. The boy's left arm was badly lacer ated and a physician had tobecalled to attend his hurt. The bed cloth ing were a impletely saturated, the lmv losing a considerable amount of blood Katie Fov, a laundry girl at W il Iceeharre, had the flesh torn from her arm in a strip eighteen inches long and from two to tour inches wide, and now the fifteen other girls in the laundry have offered their services in furnishing skin to graft OU the in jured arm. Three pieces, inch alsuit the -ixc of a dime, were removed (torn the arm of each of five girls and grafted in. The others will give the same amount in a few days. The operation was (piite successful. Thursday morning aboat 10 o'clock as an engine, thresher and tank was (tossing the stone bridge at Lewls fetwn, Barney Toner, a boy about thirteen years of age, who was rid ing on tile tank, fell iu front of the latter, which was ebtttt half full of water, and before the engine could be stopjied the front wheels of the tank ranover the lioy's stomach and die hind wheels ran onto him, but strange to say he escaped serious in nry and was soon able to be about. WF8T BEAVER. A sixteen to one lclt .... When ever you hear a man finding fault with u new sjiaper, open it up and U) to I hehasno advertisement in h. .") in I, he never gives it a job ol printing to d'. '' to 1 he does not lake the paper, 7 to 1 if he ia sub- 1 . 1 . 11 .L... sun her he 1 uiugeui, even ouu, mat he never docs unythiug that will as sist the puhlsherto run a paper and I lo I iie has IICVI r succeeded at anything The Ridge picnic on last bat unlay passed oil as iisiia ' I T. b. Swinelord and launlv spent Saturday and Sunday with some of their Snyder county friends Henry Ivneimand family of Sigler- ijlle were also visitors on Sa 1 in lav mil Sunday 1111 incir onyai 1 couu- iv friends There was unite a lot of former Snyder County folks from Mifflin county attending tin I P10"1" on Saturday Samuel K. Stumpfl had a paralytic stroke lust Friday morning and was deprived 01 his I M I ' I II... 1 . soeee II .Mis. r.lliailliei 1 cut lias been on the tick list for the past week and has been quite poorly... I Samuel Kline, one ot our township I charges, was buried at church on Thursday. . . the Ridge . Charles Smith is building a new ham where the one stood that was destroyed by lightning W. F. Howell IS add ing molt' improvements to McC'lure by putting up a dwelling house on the old saw mill grounds Jacob Frbtook in the sights at Troxclville last week, and reports the town im- I 1.1 X nrovtiiff Bince our ia&i iiccns ooiin I'hi' rain at Satlin lav eveiilili' - r . I" eno'u me ouiig h.iks iikui u- i ,i. .... . ii. . ft. , joying tin iiiselvesat the l.annerviiie festival. .. .Some grain fields look nice and green from the effects of early sowing... The report is there is some kind of disease seized the i i l ..II. 'II UuB F,8o .. .. " .....1 t ..... . ,.. ,1 !....(( ' moment s notice. . . . Ilarvev 1 reas ter and wife spent Sunday with som of their Snyder county friends i ne pari v inai was inviico hi w liver an address to the Sunday schools on Sunday at tin picnic got I altogether on thewrons subiect. His principal talk was coiiccrinvg the savers of the country in lives. lie claims the 0 he .ldi ers have their women to chop the wood so they can get a pension or an in crease. Prof., how long did you , serve in the civil war and what are VOU rated at oil the pension rolls? The party or parties who throw any slurs at the old soldiers should lie sleeping their long sleep in the south ern ilds of Africa. To Fatten Pigs with Elec tricity. A western college professor claims , l I ,1. 1 IV that he has discovered a metOOd Of fattening pigs !y electricity, says an exchange. The process, as near as can 1' ascertained, consists of plac ing the animals to lie treated in a cage, around which are strung n number of wires charged with elec tricity. It is hoped the pn rofessor farther, will carry his investigation as many attenuated people are inter- ested in his theory. -mm School boards have the right to pass regulations compelling their teachers to organzie institutes and then attend them regularly. Judge Slaglc, of Common Pleas Court No. I, Pittsburg, so decided in a case at issue. Ti C. Jones, a teacher, was dismissed by a board of directors for notattending theSaturday institutes, and he entered suit for $150, which he clninu-1 as salary due for the bal ance of the term. But the court ruled against the plaintiff. KKEAMErt. W. A. Iluniniel unci wife are the happy rett of a fine hub nirl. ... There jire quite a utimlier of sick people in this place. Mrs. .I.J. Mitchell, Mrs. Win. Fryman, Mrs. Philip Roush, Mrs. I'aul Hummel aiK L C. Smith are some of them, The veteran, Francis Keck ot Freeburg, was in town last week. L be people are raisy picking' Bhellbarks. There will lie a large, crop. . . .Quite a ntiniberof our citi-j UCiUB BUU WIU DVlUiriaj 41111 im '- reunion ot the 131st Regt P. V. at tang ana old soiarors anennea tne Auaq-eourg iusi wcck . . . . e mi mi - bish of Freeburg was iu town last Thursday .... Frank Thomas, the independent democratic candidate lor commissioner, is l)Uring up a ear load ol cattle liir the market ... Norman App, republican oMdatejoa the tarthi was teat great to allow ror countv auditor of Monroe town ship, was in town on Friday W. A. Hummel of Logan was home over Sunday I&oob Landis and Mrs. Gustavus Qarman ol Fremont were the guests of ('has. Lanilis last week ... .There was a big wreck I II .1 II I I . IJ I A I down oelow tne railroad uriuge ia-i Saturday afteri n. A hull nose ol one of the cars is supposed to have caused the mischief. One of the trucks of two curs were completely demolished. Manv ties were torn Up, The trains were delayed liir several hours Gideon Gordon and wife visited their son, Adam, at Fremont on Sunday . . . Mr. Hilbish of Chicago was the guest of Miss Iora Smith on Sunday.' .. .Mrs. Barbara Voder of Middleburg vis- itcd her daughter Mrs. Thos. Deit- rick last week. . . .Miss Knna Ma i'cc was visiting her brothers' Beth lehem last week. . . Mrs. Thompson IIill)i-h of Selinsgrove was the guest of X. '. (iiitelius one day last week. .... William Erdley, the teacher ,C the town school, is well liked by his scholars .... Last Saturday noon. Robert, the voungest chill of Ira Bingaman and wife, departed from this life. He was hurled in the Mciser cenictcrv on Monday after noon. . . ."In His Steps" now being published in the Post, is read hen and everywhere else with the great est interest. The sentiments are so elevating and the thoughts bo in spiring that the good it is doing can 1 g'test surprise of his life. Ahund DOt lie overestimated. j aut refreshments were served by the MIDDLECIiEEK Joseph Yetter of Missouri was j visiting in our vicinity the past week, Amnion Manhcck and familv from Winfield were visiting friends here over Sunday Mrs. (Jeorge I 1 1. .-I. .I..- .,.,.1 ,l......l.i.. ,,l 'l..,-..t.....l iiinrivi iiii'i iiiiN-im i m n i iiiim, , , ... w i , . )uU ..,. visiting net iwri'iits and friends . W K reamer was vis- king Ed, lleiinlxich's. . . .T. K. licit, and witc of Fremont were vis itors in this section over Sunday. . . . Jerrv Herbster and wife were the I I 'i'i O 1 guests oi .vuani l nomas. on ounoay. . . . .Fred Romigand family of Mil- rov were the irui!sts of ('has. Man ret . . rvin (ioss and wife of Shindic were visiting .John Winder's on Sunday Art Boweran of Cen- trevillc was a visitor in our hurg. .Key. Wm. Wieand of Altoona oeiit a few days in our vicinity. . . . Robert Bilser of Shamokin visited his father, William IJilg.-r, Sunday irs Ambrose l'eter and chif- dren of Painterville visited II. I. g wartz's ... Mrs. Kate "Whorl of gonbury visited in our section the last few days ('has. F. Herlisterl is digging the cellar forC. ).(irecn- hoeS new house. . . . 111. 1 ost lost a valuable cow by bloating. . . . Last week the Spring Telephone Co. put I iu the phones in our village.... A j number of our people contemplate taking in the fair at Lewisburg this week. .. .The Ridge picnic passed f vt'r' X,,t nJ OU- Wl'll" Oil SI I !.- llll I'll I I IV I '" ' .1 r . t . sions but ijuite a number were there from a distance. PAXTOKVILLB Wm. Swengle of Mill Hall, WAD was visiting his parents at this place 1 a few fa aiit week, left Monday ! for Haven, where he intends ; to l,is future home Dr. Vallershamp of New Berlin is spend - ing a few days at C. P. Swengle's. . . Mrs. Annie Krd ley of New Berlin is visiting her mother, Mrs. Mary Howell at present Straw parties .. . are an unusual occurrence at tnis place altho some of our young peo- pic indulged in the festivities of same one night last week, and made atrip up the country about ten miles. All participants declare having had a good time The Paxtonville Roller Mill is again in operation, John Smith of Kreamer, having charge of the mill Mr. Smith, : altho young in years is old in ex- peneiiee. Me comes Here wen re- i commended ami therefore should have the patronage of all citizens of this and BUrroOIICURg community... U. 1. OWenjrle is airain engjgwl in the minim: blMinrtB at ShaWVerville. lie is at lircscnt i:ihul'cI in repair- in;; the mines and intends to com- J tfteiioe digging ore in a week OT two. Some inen trom this place intend to work tor llini alter he has every- thing ready for operation. ..Iist Monday the school doorsol Frank- nn township were opened ior tne au- 1111 IV1III9IIIU IfCIv Vlvll-GU vl ' mittanee of our Ikivs and girls for a ; ienn 01 seven moiiins .niino some J people were bitterly opposed to the action of our last Legislature when it passed a law fixing the minimum school term at seven months claim- ing that the demand fiir thcchildrcii theni to go to school one month longer than u-ual, the school rooms 1 contain abotit the same number of pii alt before, and I was informed that some of the schools contained more than last vear when lien the teini was oiilv six months SELINSGROVE There were a great many of our' citizens at Middleburg attending the lleiinion of the 131st Regiment... The cornerstone of the Episcopal chapel was to ' ave been laid on Sun- nay afternoon but was postpone on account stone. . . il iii. iiin-ai rival of the flic foot ball game between the Varsity team and Lebanon Ya1 lev oollcue, did not take place, hut instead the Y, M. ( ! A. team ,,l Shamnkin played with our team, aeon Miss itoOlll favor of our team... I Mary Huusewortli left her home tor W ilson College where she has been attending for a vear or more .Miss Mabel Gilbert of Sun bury pent suudny with her grandparents, Z. 8. Kcely and wife Saturday evening last a number of relatives of Mrs. Dr. Yut.y gave them a surprise, The doctor and family were iu town, when they came near their residence, found it lighted up and on opening the door, found the visitors to the number ot bout 40 who greeted them pleas antly. The doctor slid this was the company, the evening was spent very pleasantly in a social manner. All voted it a rare oc,asion...Ik'nj. Hess of Lindenwood, Ills., stopped oft here from the reunion ot the 131st to visit his sister, Mrs. Dr. ' Yutzv. Rev. Qensler and wife (aocompanied by Mrs. (i's motlier) n..,Jf ,n ,1,,, .....;,,,, ,..,;,, SUfi.t.- .u "u ' iii'.wiiiiitiii.iiM ijuiiii , mi . .i .. aay. iner were mei at tne station by a number of members of his church. A fine supper prepared by the congregation was awaiting them . . Mrs. Anna Whitiner and daueh- ! ter of Decatur, Ills., who have been t visiung inenas ior a momn, nave i . 1 1 I .11 returned to their home. . . .Rev. C. 1, ii I 111 . I . . .McLauglilin ot r.nglewoiKt (a suhurh of Chicago) spent Bunc'ay in town IL II. SeluMii tuid family and Miss Kthel who were at Wild- wood, N. J., returned home on Sat urday last .... Henry Bell left for Cincinnati, Ohio, where he expects to make his future home with his J son-in-law, Rev. Dr. J. A. Ziegler ("has. Snyder ot I'hiiadcljihia is on a fishing trip. He was formerly a citizen of this place. SALEM, ( )n Monday, Sept. 1 8. the1 schools of Penn two, opened and now you can see the teachers plow the mud knee deep in order to earn their price, which is not any too high, of course. . . . Jac. Kuster purchased a line gray horse at the last sale at j Freeburg Quite a number oil people are gelling ready for fair tins weeK. . . i lie teachers l nstitute Of this tOWOohip will lie held private I every two weeks this term of school .... Mrs. Ada Ray and Mrs. Ada Snook of SsJipsgrove were visitors at Mrs. Henry Woodruff's on Sutur- i 'lay Mrs. Kotz and children who were visiting at J. W. Row's, re 1 turned to their home at Jtrackville ' Miss Ada Romig of Sunbury J and Milt. Herman ot Kratzcrville were the happy couple, entertained y .jacoo xvusier aim wne over ouu I day Geo. M. Witmer having i . i . . i . j nis raspnerry paien iiirnea into a wheat field. Good, George. Reap ! your harvest instead of picking it j this coming year (1900). TE7ANTKD SKVKRAL BRIGHT AND HON " cut persom to represent us as Manager in this and cloae by counties. Salary MX) a year and expanse. Straight, boaa-flde, no man, no leas aalary. Foaltloa permanent. Our refer ences, any bank In any town, tt U mainly of flea work eaad acted at bom. Hafawnon I cloea Klf-addrewed seam ped enVMofW. Tn Doaino. CoaraaT, Dept. I, Calaaye. t-SI-Ml. j Ian Maclaren on The Church. It has beef) known for some time'!! that Ian Alaelaren hasUvncritically j studying modern church method?, j and the results are now to be ma.le nl,i(.;n 7(r jWlVx' Home Journal. His first nrticlei d "TheCapdv- pll System in the Church." and in I 1 1, js )c frail k ly states what manv tynj nnTy trtrcffly fwrtnwJ to publicly assert with regard to social tendencies of the church. The great English author will then 111 II II til J. Ill 31 lit' IHVt 111 I IK Church," and after that answer the 1 1 1 . . t 1 a m . the , lomewnat startling qucattoa, "Should 1 Old Minister be Shot! HIS WISH. A. certain young man in Middle - hurg wishing to inakehimsell pleas- , ant to the little brother of his be- I trothedj told him to wish for some- thing, and he would give it to him. i 'Y boa of chocolates, said the boy. "What else'.'" asked the generous lover. "Another l. ot chocolates. " I "Oh, but wish for something else. Your little stomach couldn't hold all thesechoeolates." "Well then," answered the boy. "anotherstdmaoh." $100 REWARD, $100. The renders of this paper will be pleased to I nan that thers is nt, least one dreaded disease that science has been ajble to oure in all itn stages and that is Ustarrb. Hull's Oatarrh Cure ia the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity, Ca tarrh being a constitutional disease, n (piires n const it iitionnl treatment. Hall's Oatarrh Cure is taken inter. millv, acting direotly upon the blood ami mucoui BurTsoes ot the Bjstem, thereby destroriuff the foundation of the disease, a. id giving the patient strength by building up the consti tution mi i asaiacing nature in aping its work. The proprietors have ho much faith in its curative powers, that the offer One Hundred Dollars for any ease that it tails to cure. Send for testimonials. Address F.J.CHENET A CO., Toledo, O, Sold by UriifreriKt.s, 75c. flail s Family trills are the best. Trial List, Oct. Term. I'm it ChwlM Hoyor n. S. !,. Wfitdtnmyfft and PtterO. tfannN The I'oiir Dlltrlel of tin- ToWMhlp "f WmS Bm- vit vs a a Uomlff, Adm'f f Hie hWi ut lli'liry Tntltor. di?c'd. .'Murtliii A. Hiiifcuinan vm, .Tacoh Hoyer. Wis Amold v.. ll-nry W. Tent nd Levi M. Train and .lolm W Tuali, Kxvciitorn of the ljist Will and TtafcMBtnt of lvl IL Teatu, dee'd'and Mary Tt-ata. Jamei M. llornlwrKer, Sarah UorniM-rtfer and Peter O. Oarnian, Terra Tpiianla. John K. Ilackenbunt rn. Kllxabetli Fewler. Annie M. I.uuk vg. Wiliinm Ewlns. W. K. Unwell vs. The Kdwln Bell and Sonn enjnpaiiy J. UL oycr, avent- Philip vm. w. ii. itipk. Walter Hlpka vb. H. M. Teat.. "ffJI IVSSlSSiSn W1 , Sr,,i S HUT a4 K Clll'liniTiriT A' An V. A. nn. 4ll. and 0. W. KniKhtii truling aH Ancker DsnM Bmau u4 s. 0. Bowm Hartmnn Jai'oli ... men i oropaoj wm. JODD laontl, trick Coropaa; v. John Mohn, Henry Mobn, ano snniw mm u. p. wcnr, nding m Alohn, Siuinirler A C John I). Mm k v. Henry K. IlleaBlnK. All of these Songs Free. Annniincomi'Tit trim mini. IiimI ..f .Im. I dwsiilri Following U Um eoiuplato liil. iUv U'..rl.l f,,ui.. I t - , I I II I M InMAVJ (if tint f!un Htt. II, il " I... TanVd Wax sTwiC-utbori of 'I hc.Mnth ami the Flame.' ii nu nn Mini neri'i.iKC l nu, oy I lliirli's Ombam, author ol "TwoXlltla OHrla In BIim." "1 in Nothing but a Hl Wax Doll," but Mal colm William author of "My Ann Klirer." "You'll Ilavo 4o Transfer,' by Abe HolWDaBO, eompuaer of "Snioky MukeH,' theKreatcatuaku walk hit of the aeiianu. "Sweet Norine." by Ovarii L Davio, author of "The Hiikkuko t'uacli Aheiwl." "Snap-Shot Sol," by WUIiMM anil Walker, the two real "OOOM," utlioraof "I Don 't Like No Chenp Man." "Tell Mother Not to Worry," by Loiiin Myll, OOmpoMI uf "Connlown I'nrnival Cakewalk." 1 oonpoMroi "A OMollnZOakawWkT' My 1.1-nrnia ijki.v UOTa," by Sterling. How ard and KuierNon, nutlium of "Hallo. Mm Baby." "There Ain't No rue to Keep on IlanirliiK 'Bound," by Irvin.' Jonen, author of "(let four Muney'a Worth-'' One Mag each week for ten weekii. Kimt hoiik liublmhed Hept. 3. "In the Shadow of the Carolina Hills." The entire set isto be K'veu away with ten Sunday Worlda. and will be sent pontaid, In eluiliiiKten Sunday World MMMtOM, Art i'or tolio iind Comic Weeklien for ,V cents. Send .Vi ei ntn to-day, t-omorruw or net week. Don't wait 'ater than neztwiek. This is a most ex ceptional offer and is only put forth to advsrtine ' the (Treat Sunday World. Address, Music Editor, I T1" World' l'uliUer New vrk THE PACKER JIG'VCLE Is a model wheel, and one that will out-wear anv wheel on the mar ket. REPAIRING of all kinds neatly done I have spent a number of years at the business under an experienced instmctor. Call and see before buying a bioycle, WALLACE-TEATS, Globe Mills. Pa. -niiitm A Glassware. I I have just received a fine assortment 0! glassware, con sisting of Cake lislics, Fruit Shinds. (Vlcrv Trnvn Itnti... X TJtAm Pitchers. Swain H,. 1.1. I v T . ' ' ers, Ae., offt, at prices ranging rom ") to 1 ") cents. t t Boots and Shoes, I have on hancl alniiit ;()() J. nan's 01 khk u iir 1 I I 111 1 cJosbgont at and below cost to make rocm for lall andwin- T ter goods. X X Notions. Note these prices in Notions : Ladies' Hose, 10 to lfc. Misses Hose, It) to 15c. Men's Hose, .S to loc. Men's Work Shirts, 2." to 50a v .1 w .. " " j; Men's ( Iveralls, 15 to fide. Youth's Overalls. 25 to SOe. a Handkerchiefs, 5 to 12c X Suspenders, in to 'Joe. Latest style Ties, 5 to 25c. Rubbers. As the wet season is almost here I wish to rill vonr atten V tion to the fact that I have on hand a full and complete line X. of rubber goods. T ..Thanking yon for past pat- J nagc, I kindly ask a contin- y u , unce ot same. ' ! S. B. Siiuoiiton, :-:-:-:h:-:k-mh-h ; oos)o9oe)oogooooaoaos)oe)o 9 I si i 7 III..L1 I o Wrought Iron t Range Company, i FOUNDED IN 1864. I o PAID IIP CAPITAL, $1,000,000. See what the neonle of Snv. der County, who have been using the Home Comfort Range, have to say : o MrK"PS Ilnlf FdK Pn. . Anir 1 Our New Hume iiomfort Kangv baa proven to be Just as the Rulosmun repre sented it to be and I would r.otpart with ""j niiiirf in reason, we have nev. fiera a .stove or a raiiKe that would In any way near Nail It for eooklnif, bak lni or boSIOff. sufflce It to saj-, we think It Is tne acme of perfection j. i. hTu. LEWIS nSHBB. K. ST A HI.. MfKeta Half Falls, I'a., Auir. 7, 1S99. We piin liased a Home Comfort Ilautie six years UT) and like It. It Is a irood baker mid heater also a fuel saver and convenient. 1 um well satisfied. . S, KINK. Punrtore, Pa., Anir. 7, UN I wish to say to the puiiiic (hat our Home comfort BUfS Is all Hie salesman claimed lor It, It dOM not uso half aa lunch fuel as our old stove did. I put half n bucket of coal In 'he range ul 9 A. M. and cooked dinner with fho same fuel and had plenty of lire at 1 F. M. The tank is just, '.lie UUBB for washlnp. No steam escitpes from It. ir this does not satisfy any one, they can come and see and I will show them huw It works. n o. wir.MEii. Hnyder Oounry, Pa. auk. 7, 189 Having boii(fht one Oi vnur improved Home Comlort. Kanes, I bike tfreut pleasure In MTlBg Unit it, lias proven en tirely satisfactory. It bakes perfect v ; heals quickly and requires but mile luel ; furnishes plenty M not water for nil purposes In fact It is to the hoire what Improved machinery Is to the farm and a such we cheerfully recommend It to our neighbors ana friends. LEVI 8TAI1L, io w o o o o o o of)oS)oSoe)of)oS)oOof)of)oe)of)of)o of)of)oa)of)of)osjof)oejosjof)of)of)oe l Selinsgrove o 1 Marble Yard I ktep constantly on 2 hand and manufacture w O to order all kinds of i Marble and Granite m Monuments and Headstonds . . . I have one of the best Marble Cutters in the State and consequently turn out good work. OLD STONES CLEANED AND REPAIRED. 9 Come a ml aee my work and 2 prloea. Thanking you for peal farora, 1 moat reapectrat y aek a continuance of aame. M. L. MILLER. ! t Bargains ii- t I FATSl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers