The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, September 28, 1899, Image 6

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The ttiddleburgh Post.
Pol tinned every Thursday, t
Geo V M nnseller.
kditor and Propri tor
SuWription $1.50 per year.
vrh'tB tuun tx paid in aaranee wnen ent out
side tnc-county.)
u iranalent adTerOtnunU not otherwise
.o:u. ior will be cnargvd at in rat" of 15
mnti per liiii'(nonparlfi measure) for first inser
lion Qui I" f'-nts per line tor erery aubqiient
.r.. ruAicn puMiikM frrt , oWljary jxrty,
MkHtM ' rnprei. de.. thm ernU 'iiu.
Acoordinfr to the Nwln!rn (X. C.)
Chronicle of recent date Mr. Thnrtms.
of Adams' Creek, who kept a fine hop
in a jen near his residence, went one
morning to pane for Ma net ply, and'
on going to tlie pen found that n beat
had been there during the nltfht and
carried the pig away. Mr. Thomaa, to
irive expression t his feellaga at the
loss of ids pip, bowed blmasU down
anil in an earnest way prayed that the
bear might In- choked to depth by the
bonei of the pig. The next day Mr.
T) omoa hnd occasion to visit n thick
wood n short distance from his bome,
and. to his great delight, found Drain
stretched out on the ground dead, and
on mnklng an examination found that
he had attempted to swallow a hock
bone, which cntanjl i in hi
throul and choked bim to death, Al
t''., ig-h Mr. Thomas regretted the U
of his line pet hog, he felt that he bad
been amply repaid by the answer of his
I is reported that paralysis hat
strut k the matrimonial market down in
Newark. N. .1. Marriage is at a dis
count, and the wires of the clergymen
of thot busy city nre disconsolate be
en use the feco arc getting to he so few
and far between. A law compels the
city clerk to take down in the official
record! the ages of brides. The city
newspapers print the records. There
j on have the source of trouble in a nut
shelL Women about to marry simply
nsist on going elsewhere, and Cupid
and Hymen are at tierce war with each
other. The clerks must obey the law,
lint some day 'hey will leurn thutwxim
(n have but two ages 10 anil 30. After
hut it will be plain sailing.
The president of n large telcphon
system has offered to pay n million dol
lars for a telephone repeater which
would be as efficient in telephony as the
'elegraph repeater is in telegraphy
Vrom the earliest days of the telephone
o the. present time inventors hove
sought to make such repeaters, and ns
early ns 1S76 it was thought thut the
problem had been soived. It is prob
able that If such a plan is invented, the
experiments leading up to it will be
along entirely new lines, for already a
.large number of trained telephone in
ventors have tried their hands at it and
have failed.
It Is estimated that the "bread eat
ing" population of the world wfH need
during the coming year 2,360,000000
WtsTiels of wheat. The test estimates
are that the total production for the
same period will be 1,380,000,000 bush
els. In spite of the largely iiicrue1
crop harvested during the last few
ytnr the demand, due. to lru-reasoil
population! has Increased even more
rapidly. It .is no longer possible to ac
cumulate great stores of wheat and
carry them over from one ntfrni to the
Lightning photography is andd to
have boon curiously Illustrated in Stif-
Jield, Conn., a few days ago. On the
breast of a man killed by a thunder
bolt was traced the Image of a tree and
the picture was in Its true color, B green
tree. A careful scientific report in
such cases is asked for by the skep
tical, who elnim that the Images are
but congestion of tine blood vessels.
a Delsartean miss In Denver, who
writes a large masculine hand, nd
ilressed a newspaper: "I am quite
strong and have some practice. How
nan I best and quickest go on the
stage'.'" The answer wns: "You must
whip somebody and get a reputation
Very Like.
A small vessel during a recent storm,
with a cargo of turnips, was driven
ashore off the coast of Fife. A large
crowd aoon gathered, and preparations
w ere at once made to save the crew.
A great wave came and washed an
old baldheaded aailor overboard, and
one of the onlookers rushed into the
water to save him, when he was hailed
hy s member of the rescuing party:
"M,n Geordie, for sorra, are ye dneln ?
Come away an' gie's a ban' here. Save
the crew first, never mln' the turnips."
London Answers.
Intricacies of Umixr,
"What does that young man propose
1o do?" inquired Mrs. Cumrox.
"I think, mamma," answered her
daughter, in a tone ot slight annoy
ance, "that he purposes to propose."
Oh. you think that, do you? Well,
w hat I desire to know about his pur
pose is this: When docs he purpose to
cpiit purposing to propose?" Washing
ton Star.
Kntlrelr Too Haw.
Little Pierre, a French boy, went out
to walk with his father In the road, and
was badly frightened by a drove of
"Why should you be afraid, Pierre?"
his father asked. "Why, you eat such
creatures as that at dinner, you know."
"Yes, papa." said Pierre, "but these
uin't well enough done." Tit-Hits.
n Amended Indictment.
The Court Prisoner, you are charged
w ith grand larceny in stealing a bicycle.
By tlie way, what make of wheel was
it V Was it a l'usheusy ?
The Prisoner No, sir; it wasaJust
asgood. The Court-Mr. Clerk, you w ill make
the charge against the prisoner read
"petit larceny." Brooklyn Life,
Sul Generis.
Ethel (excitedly) Oh, papa, hurry
quick! Mr. Sappy is lying on the par
lor sofa in great pain. Be swallowed
his monocle!
I'apa (coolly) Well, can't it be du
plicated? Ethel Oh, yes; but Mr. Sappy can't!
x. V. World.
Somewhat AmblcMoas,
Artist (showing picture) Now, nu
clear Uilmer, give me your candid opin
ion of my wood nymphs.
(lilmer Perfect, my dear boy. Otic
would actually think they were made
of wood.
The artist is thinking this compli
ment over. Tit-Hits.
Why DIH lie Mftht
Ilriggs TJiat was a funny case down
there in Massachusetts, where the
usher nt the other fellow ' wedding ran
away with the bride befOM she could
reach the church.
Knpeek (sighing) They didn't have
any ushers of that kind when I was
married. Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Beware of the Doctors'
Patchwork; You Can
Cure Yourself at Home.
'I had spent a
There is not the slightest doubt that the
doctors do more harm than good in treating
Contagious Blood Poison; many victims of
this loathsome disease would be much better
off to-day if they had never allowed them
selves to be dosed on mercury and potash, the
only remedies which the doctors ever give for
blood poison.
The doctors are wnouy unsme xo ge rta oi
this rile poison, and only attempt to heal up the outward appearance of the
disease the sores and eruptions. This they do by driving the poison into the
system, and endeavor to keep it shut in with their constant doses of potash
and mercury. The mouth and throat and other delicate parts then break out
into sores, and the fight is continued Indefinitely, the drugs doing thesystem
more damage than the disease itaeir.
Mr. H. L. Myers, 100 Mulberry St., Newark, N. J., says:
hundred dollars with the doctors, when I realised that
they could do me no good. I had large spots all over my
bedy, and these soon broke out into running sores, and 1
endured all the suffering which this vile disease pro
duces. I decided to try S. 8. 8. as a last resort, and was
soon greatly improved. I followed closely your 'Direc
tions for Self-Treatment,' and the large splotches on my
chest began to grow paler and smaller, and before long
disappeared entirely. 1 was soon cured perfectly and my
skin has been as clear as glass ever since. 1 cured my
self ut home, after the doctors had failed completely."
It is valuable time thrown away to expect the doctors
to cure Contagious Blood Poison, for the disease is be
yond their skill. Swifts Specific
nets in nn entirely different way from potash and mercury it forces the
poison out of the system and gets' rid of it entirely. Hence it cures the
disease, while other remedies only shut the poison in where It lurks forever,
constantly Undermining the constitution. Our system of private home treat
ment places a cure within the reach of all. We give all necessary medical ad
vice, free of charge, and save the pntient the embarrassment of publicity.
Write for full informution to Swift Specific Co.. Atluntn, Ga.
Offer to the public a full
line of Corrugated Roofing.
Plain Tin and Galvanized
Iron Roofing and Spouting,
Fence Wire,Tinware,Gran
iteware. Etc. A full line of
for Summer cooking. Call
and see our stock and learn
our prices.
He There's nothing half SO sweet M
coooooOoccgoc? COOOOOOOO0OCOC
Mr. Xewlywed I w as sitting op with
a sick friend last night, love he did
as much for me once, and
Mrs. Xewlywed Who was it?
Mr. Xewlywed Why, Ttd Harris, the
man who stood up with ma at onr wed
ding Judge.
Not Secer7.
The rarson Why don't yoo go to
work? Don't you know that a man
should earn his bread In the sweat of
his brow?
The Tramp--Pat's all right. I ki
weat widont workin'. N. V. JoaraOL
siie i). i it. in t i tiow. wnat i ine
matter with such saccharine dainties as
ice cream and soda water. Detroit
Tree Press,
Only Wanted Snmh.
Stem Parent (to a young applicant
for his daughter's hand) Young man.
can you supjHirt u family'.'
Young Man (meekly) I only wanted
Barah. Tit-Bite,
The l IImmiv.
Bnnker'i Hoy Dey sny dnt Billy
tinned on de fire alarm in his ntlioi .
Wan der any (Ire there?
Broker's Boy Koi till de boas come
In. C'hiei-o DaOy News.
itrink UrwlaMI
after you have oonclinied Hint yon
ought not to drink coffee. It is not
a medicine but doctors order it bo
cause it is healthful, invigorating
and appetizing. It is made from pure
graitiH and has that rich seal brown
color and tastes like the finest grade
of coffee and costs about i as much.
Children like it and thrive on it be
cause it is the genuine food drink
contaitirng nothing but nourishment.
Ask your trrocer for Orain-O, the
new food drink. IS and '-'5c.
A Hard-Lark Mnry.
"Maid of Athens, cm we purt.
Give, oh, give me hack my heart."
But the maiden ahook her bond.
And he got a marhle one lned.
-Chicago Dully News.
i II Hi
lliuh mill Low.
Lawyer Then I understand you to
swear, wltnaw, t.liat the part lea cam to
high words'.'
Witness Xo, sir: wot I say i-s the
words was particularly low. Tit-Bits.
Rot Vet iii Poaaeaalaa.
Qllea- I hear you've got $111,000 a
Merrill Not exactly got it only en
gaged to it. -Town Topics.
General Pre
"What do you think of this theory
that lying I' a disease?"
"It must be highly contagious." In
dlnaspolis Journal.
A Wuril In Wltien.
Mothers of children affected with
cr np or a severe cold need not liet
itate to administer CborrberUin'i
Cough Remedy, It. contains no op
iate DOf narcotic in any form ati"1
may be given ns confidently to the
babe as to an adult. The great suc
cess that has attended its use in the
treatment of colds and croup has
won for it the approval and praise it
has received throughout the United
States and in many foreign lands.
For sale by all Druggists
In a letter just received from Surgin
V.cck of the Thirteenth Minnesota, now
In the Philippines, he says thut In the1
l.loo cases of wounded aoldicrs who had I
gone to the hospital ut the time of hi
Baby I fulled dow n, m'ma!
Mother And did you cry?
llaby No use, m'ma 1 wns alone.
A Frank 'Bfiilo.
Watchmaker Your watch scema to
be erratic. Have you had it near a
powerful magnet?
Customer (confused) Why, 1 wan
writing there were only three cases of carriage riding last evening with Miss
imputation. Bright. Jewelers' Weekly.
One of the queer freaks of tlx- Itnn-
I ; . ... mamlmt t. . V. ilnr UQ
JUT (iv.; " 1'"" ""J "
an intoxicated man who went into a
Hon He rrarrded It.
"The usher ran away with the bride,"
she said, reading from the newspaper.
" . .1 . . . t " 1,.. ... iln liinnt'fl "nPKSii-
leading hotel and telephoned bJflMelf l ejalm that there Is no longar any
for the patrol wagon. When it came guch thin(f ag geif-sacriflcing friend
he climbed in and rode over to the city ,uip, Chicago Tost.
hall to be locked up.
Wllllntr to lie Charitable.
A little Wellington (Mo.) girl, nine "A Missouri man who fell heir to $10,-
vears old and frail, astonished the doc- 000 one day got married the next."
..... ... I . . 11 (mIm 1.;,,, I,.., Iinriltlv
tors by refusing to die even alter tne.y rrw, . ' '
had said she must. She had a genuine J that account. lie might have got
case of spinal meningitis, and 1 druuk."-hicago T.mcs-Herald.
conscious for five weeks. waved 111 Arm wildly.
' Bill Did the lecturer make many
A queer divorce case waa tried In gestureB ln hig Fpeech?
Xew York a few days ago wherein all ( jjiiWhy, he had to; the flies were
the parties are deaf mutes, including something terrible. Yonkers Statea
the corespondent. The air must have man.
been full of working Angers. Rea.on for the Chan.
Even if Colorado Is represented at the , "Why did you change milkmen ?"
rari. exposition by a llfe-elsed gold "Well, 1 discovered that the one I am
' , . , 4. in a, nnnntu, 1 taking milk from now has a nice, dear
atatue of a girl that lMWW , on hi, farnJi whe the 0(hep had
he won't be the oaly Colorado girl that M m c,,teTB.Chlcago Post,
la worth her weight hi gold.
'I say, sis, you're not greedy, are
you ?"
"Then you take your apple flrstl"
Ally Sloper.
grp, Is not recommenned
I1AAT ricijoiiiiK-""1"
lilUlJ 1 von havn kidnpv. liv
er or hlmldpr trouble it, will be found
juet the remedy you need. At Dr ig-
gists iu lit ty cent ami uoiiar sizes.
You may have a sample bottle oi tins
wonderful new discovery bv
free, also pamphlet telling nil about
it.. Address.
Dr, Kiliuer & Co., Bingbamton, N. l.
Not Ambttloaa.
She (triumphantly) Some of the
greatest women of the world, Harriet
Martineau, Florence Nightingale, the
Cary Sisters, Helen Gould, Harriet llos
mer and others, never married. What
you think of that?
He I think it not unlikely that a
woman who wishes to become famous
will succeed better without a husband
than with one. If yon have that am
bition, I will er release '
8he (hastily) Oh, no, Indeed! I I
hate fame. X. Y. Weekly.
Doeat'caee A a re With Tea T
If not, drink Grain-O made from
Sure grains. A lady writes : "The
rst time I make Grain-0 I did not
like it t after using it for one week
nothing would induce me to go back
to coffee." H nourishes and feeds
the t vsrem. The children can drink
it freely with great benefit. It in the
strengthening substance of pure
grains. Get a package today from
your grocer, follow the direction in
making it and you will have a delici
ous and healthful table bererage for
old and young. 15c. and 36c.
Snyder's old, and reliable oen'i
Insurance Agency,
Elmer W". Snydor, Agent,
Successor to the late William H. Snyder.
The Par-Excellence of Reliable Insurance is represented in the follow
ng list of Standard Companies, from which to miike a selection. None
better tlif World over.
FIRE Royal, 3 iverpool, Eng. (including foreign assets) Si-W.ouiuiOO.OO
liiirttonl, ol Hartford, Conn., (oldest American Co.) S.ii4T.73n 112
German American,
Hartford, Conn.
New York,
New York,
3,764 9(18 72
i! ' t, i n'K an
LIFE Mutual Life Ins. Co. New York, Jr204j;38,'983!til
acii-'J,iN i employers ljiaoiiity Assurance Corporation,
Accident Ins. Co. Subscribed Capital of $3,7.r)0,000.00
Fire, Life aud Accident risks accepted at the lowest possible rate, jus
tiiied by a strict regard to mutual safety. All just claims promptly and
satisfactorily adjusted. Information in relation to all classes of Insur
ance promptly furnished ELMER W. SNYDER, Agt.,
Telephone No. 182. Office on Corner Water & Pine Sts. Selinsgrove. Pa
ccxxxxxxxxxxxx3CX)ooocxxx:; ocxxxxxxxxxvxre'-xy
Heirs PuMieSale
Tlie lit r anl ltcl reprriM'ntatfven of Samuel
H. it Iter, Inti of Krunkliit tow n-ln p, Snydfr
o.. Vtu, dMMMtdf will 0XpOM PnbHc Vt-miut'
or Ou' i rv .-it the olil botilMltld fr. nuiil lOWII
shi. 0t1 twill milt mxith of tlie MidillfhurK
Ikpot, Mbl munty, on
SATURDAY, SEPT. :10th, 1890.
The following dtMrited ' a' ltit.f to wt:
TBAOI NO, 1. All that certain BMMitMUJt
tenetneot find trset of IaikI heing the Old I Ionic
Mteud Fartn. nitiMte in KrMiiklin township,
Sn viler Co.. Pri., iMttindt'iI tin tlie north hv IbipU
of Henry Mil In ennt liv lundu of Mri. Hnrbarn
K. Arnold Trut-t No. lierrinnfn'r dofii rilHd
unit land of heirx of (ieorve Kern, dceeiMetl,
on the south by lmn of W. AV. Wlttenmre rMid
iary .M . Walter, Hiid went hy lantN name,
'nth-Tine Hower ami helm of Thon.a h Smith,
deeenNeil, OOtlMBtlMJ 111 Acre. MOM Of lenwith
the appurtenant - on which are ereetetl a larvu
two-itory hrlek OWKLUNU IKH'HK. BANK
BLACK8II1TH BBOPMld other neeefiaary out-huildiiifrit-
Plenty of excellent fruit of all ktndn
and k'""l water nenr the door Ahout ninety
live nercM of the alHive dencrilx'd Imi'l Ih clear
and in a blgt) Uite of cultivation and the hah
aiice fairly timnered.
TIC At T No. BtaMfME n wrtain tneHitaK ten
ement mid tract of land f known at Witteidnyer
truet Hitimtc in township, county and -tte
aforrnaid, honmled north hy lamN of Mrs. Har
liara K. Arnold, on the enM hv lamtp of John A.
Moats, and heir of OcorK Kern, DeYnrcd, on
the Kouth hy name ami Tract. No. 1, aliovo de
Hcriheit, and went hy rvxui Tract No 1, containing
1- At'HlCS, more or lena with the appurtnanvcM
OH which are erected a good two-torv frame
Kl INi, i. I si HANK HAltN aiid other
neeeAHary oiithuildina. Plenty of g'tod fruit
ami kooii wntci on the premnicfi. rorty aercw or
ahitve in clear uml in a Kood itate of cultivation
and the halanee. tWOMMa. in tiuiherland.
TRACT NO .'I lleinjc a certain mcnirimtfe.tcn
ement and trmi of land Hituate partly in U'
Intftotj and partly in Franklin lowimhip, county
ami utatc ftfOMMu (knownathe HotteiKcr tract)
hoiindcil on the north hy landti of . Alfred
ScluM'h, Henry SiH-cht nnd Vr, J a me l'...tin
Rer, et hy lamU of I'hilip 1'ea4, Peter Voder,
oiitli by lamU of I'hilip Tcatn and John I im
vi r, ami u'c I liy l;ni'l ,f ' i. M . .MtMtts uixl K
niantti'l BsohlBBB, foatalalaa W AI'hK-H, more
or leu. with the appuHsaaaess oi, which are
erect,l i, koimI two-Htorv fmme HWKI.LINO
HOI'SB, NLW HANK HAltN. Spring Houih-bikI
other otithiiilriiiiif. OoM witter at the door and
excellent fruit of all kiinln. Nearly all of the
ahove it Hear and iu a fair atate of cultivation
TltAt'T NO. I Kent: a houne and lot in the
village of Franklin, hounded on the north by
a 1'ublic Howl Icadinjc from Middleburg to Se
UetgfOVa, eat by lot of .ln,e Ilelmer. aoulli
by an Alley anil went hyanother lot hereinafter
dewribed aa TnK't No. ', coutainiiiK iNK-
ri'l Kill At nr., more or lew with the appur
ISSSMMSS on whiehaie ereetetl a large double
two-Mory brick DWELLING HO!THK, 8TABLK
and other Decennary outbuilding. A well of
good water and fruit on the preniiHen.
TRACT NO. n.-Hcing a vaunt lot Hituate aa
aforcnald. bounded on the north by the above
mentioned public road. eat bv Tract No. 4.
above described, aouth by an Alley, ond Weat
by lot of W. B- Wlney, being a very desirable
building lot, containing ONE-HOl'RTH ACRE,
more or lean with the appurtenance.
All of the above deacrlled real estate will be
sold subject to the window's dower or one
third the purchaae money which la to remain
In the premises and the interest thereof be oald
annually to Mary M. Walter, widow, during her
natural me ana upon ner aeotn. ine onnctDSi
to the heirs and legal representatives of the
said decedent and on Tract No. 3 an additional
charge of $4011 will remain without Interest dur-
tne natural me or James Aottelger, ana upon
his death the aald sum be paid to Geo. Botteiger
nia oeira or assigns.
TERMS. Twenty per cent, caah when prop
erty Is struck down and the balance on April
1. 1U0O when possession will be given and deeds
Sale to commence at 10 o clock A. M. of said
day when doe attendance will be given and fur
ther term and conditions ol sale will be i
known by
All Kinds.
All Qualities.
All Prices.
THE wliok lower floor of my store is takoi up with Carets,
Jtngs, Art, Stiinrt!s, Curtains, Windon Shades, Curtain Poles,
Hassoeks, Kug Fringe, Stair and Table Oil Cloths, fce., tfc.
We can show you the largest and beet sel.wtion of the above
' gtMsls ever shown in Lewutown.
oooo 0000
Hrusslls Carjnrt as low as 60 cents am! up.
Velvet Cariiet as low as 75 cents and up.
All Wool Carpet as low as f)0 cents and up.
Halt Wool Carpet as low as 86 cents and up.
Cotton Carpet as low as 22 cents anil up.
Hag Carpet as low as '20 cents and up.
China ami Japan Matting KM) jolls to select from.
Comiuire tpiality and prices, you will find that our store is
the place to buy at, The goods are first-class, prices are the
lowest, our rooms are eleau and no trouble to show goods.
W. H. FELIX, Lewlstown, Pa.;
Liberal Adjustments
Prompt Payments.
Only the Oldest, Strongest Cash Companies,
Fire, Life, Accident and Tornado.
No Assessments, No Premium Notes.
Founded A. D., 1819 Assets $$11,055,513.88
- " 1853 " 9,853,628.54
1810 " 2,409,584.53
The Standard Accident Insurance Co.
The New York Lile Insurance Co.
The Fidelity Mutual Life Association.
Your Patronage Solicited.
The Aetna
" Home
II Anmrwun
& .,', .. ....
Peerless Pile Cure.
ioRtant relief and permanent care.
POSITORIES. Prloe to Introdaoe
5 Cedar St, New York.
7-27 -.lnio.
r ft I Ml I U THUtS XAS7.
" Conaaltor communicate with the letter
otthlt paper, wbo will glre aU