the iViddleburgh Post. Puhliatied evert Thuwday. b iito- an t 0-i'inotnr CONSCIENCE. QMd DrOnltloB Bllrltcd by the lUm'i Hum What Various Wrlii r, May ' 11. iu ription $1.50 per year. ... . imi. i In advance when Mtnl on- . le tin county.) tA rtS OF AOVRTISINQ. sju '.' i-i-iii I'll rii "in. nts noi oiIhtwIm 4ntrii''' 1 ht wllll liartfiil ui iticra'eof !' Bute ,' ' line nwpaflel Measure) lor nr-i Iiiiwt on I 'i iik p.-r Hue lor cvHry iUtMwquenl ssertMi . "ti astissi pmbhthed fftt ; stwaary ytft, IrtM. A rassftet, r ivn'i a Kaa r..iUn mis lire not lnnkerl upon as jropnutors of an entbetlc cult, or de rclopera f artistic taste, but few reni ae llie debt owed to the railroads In Iowa for the preservation of the wild flowirs of the state, tajb u Mat; paper. Th " hie right-of-way reserved by the jaii;i i ! an I" i n i! salvation of the flora f tbo country, ami anyone trav eling over the Mate now and teeing not wardi bui miles of beautiful wild How ers it i Ik like leutlerlng a vote of thanks lo the railroads : r their preservation. In u state in which a large per cent, of :he toll Is tillable, not much land lying m;. of doors, to to speak, the tendency !fc l Strictly utilitarian use of the soil, but the right-of-way is just now the flower garden of I wa. T li i away in the savings banks of New York state are $1,500,000 in dor man, accounts, Some are nearly 7i) years old, None are less than 22 years Id, and during all that time thaown trs hove never added a cent to them or token a penny away. John II. Khoades, i the New York Savings Dank associ ation, says these accounts have been a ttnundrum to the savings banks ever 'nee they were first organized in IS28, Only a few- years ago a law was passi d axing 22 years as the life of an account Slid after that hanks are privileged to allow no interest. The hanks keep t he amounts secret In order to protect themselves from the attacks of shyster ers. The attorney general of Virginia, Ah n ceivea $2,500 a year for his serv loss, has recently been called upon to decide the case of Mayor Bibb, of Louisa, who is disqualified on account of his failure to take the anti-dueling oath. The case is one w hich attracts attention from the fact that it has bean fviund other county and town Officials in Virginia are disqualified from th mime cause The state constitution of Virginia disqualifies duelists from nf floeholdlng and duelists and the Blot ters of dueling from voting. Conscience Is a silent guide thread, one end sunk deep in mankind's soul, the otiier in God's hand. Mrs. Jlernie Babcock. Conscience tho moral sense or fac ulty within us, by which ye judge the difference between right and wrong or the legitimate und illegitimate of our ow n deeds or passions. V. L. llruman. Conscience a sentinel which sits enthroned in the bosom of every human being, us Cod's monitor of the soul, determining the ought and ought not, in the thoughts and actions of life. Louis S. i'uiimun. Conscience is the silent voice within which condemns the wrong, upholds the right, and deals out to mankind either the misery of u self -accusing mind or the joy, peace and comfort of a pure life.--l)r. E. V. Larkin. Conscience is a natural inherency bestowed upon all sane humanity, by a heavenly Father. The judicious ex- 'i of which enables all on the sea i life to enter the safe port and receive the welcome plaudit: "Well done." A. P. Hart. Conscience Is the sense of right and duty, acting according to knowledge. It is the function through which God and man can appeal to our hearts. It In a part of the soul from which we can never part; the phonograph which will ri ; roducc our lives in all eternity. 1'. Dicrlamm. Conscience the inner mora sense which approves or upbraids according as we do that which in our belief Is right or wrong. Given In divine love to each Individual to encourage ri'ht , dolno and to make It harder to do wrong. Tender, if heeded; but, dis regarded, becoming more and more unfeeling.- Mrs. E. K. Volentine. Conscience the wonderful monitor and law giver within. A God-given fac ulty which decides on the right or wrong of our thoughts, actions and -affections. Faithful witness to the truth. Divinely appointed sentinel on the I Christian's battle line. Who hears the v ii i' nf conscience, hears n voice from heaven. A, W. Akcrs. Conscience 1 he sentry Cod 1ms placed in the watch tower of our souls. It slumbers not, nor sleeps but ever alert, ever vigilant, it challenges every passing thought, feeling ami action, and with equal promptness throws open the gates to the pure and good, or sounds the alarm at the approach of cviL II. C. Sankey. CANCER IS DEADLY! Results Fatally In Nine Cases Out of Ten A Cure Found at Last. A LIFE OF LABOR. HcaTv nrmnml on llnr I'lni-K. Our Hope talaasS, (Inr Iluuillltr and Our Spirit liul Hurray. An American clergyman who has spent soma time with the army In San Fernando, north of Manila, writes home thut "These ure very beautiful Islands, more pleasant to mo than either I'orto ilco ur Cuba. Up in the hills the uir Is Viiciuus; it never gets cold enough to give uue a chill. I have found it very good f T catarrh and neuralgia, both e which I lime cured by coming out itre." The writer adds that the United States Is doing :u generously by tho na tives as any government could. A Boston i hyaiclan, Dr. Simpson, maintains that tin- use of artificial teeth is bad for old persons, because it en ables them to iat meat. The teeth, be affirms, fall out naturally at a certain age, because nut ure means that at this particular time t life we should limit ourselves to a vegetable diet. Or. Simp son insists that Lis ideas on this point are by no means - paradoxical as they nay seem to some people. Women Inti n i ted In rnployment for the working girls I I New York have on their list of unhealthy employments that of pearlbuttou-maklng. These but tons are stamped out with a die and the list w hich arises is bad for the lungs. . effort has been made to Improve the KMiditions, bui the evil is not entirely abated. i : c diary of Andrew Walker, rail road engineer, who died recently at Terre Haute, shows that during his Ju years of active sen Ice be baa guided bla engine over 1,000.018 miles of track anU that during all that time no train ol which he was the pilot met with an uc vident of a serious character. I'd baps the most extraordinary fam ily in the world la one living at Arkan sas City, Kan. The mother has beeu married five times und for each bus band she has had a child. Tho five chil dren are living with her and each hour the name of its father. One by one the truly great men of our eountry pass away. Mr. James llrudt, tit Mendon, the champion pie eater of Michigan, passed away a few days ago snd Cupt. Nichols, of Kentucky, who proudly boosts that he has been drunk for 40 years, is reported to be in ex tremis. Borne one asserts that a tremendous waste occurs in ;dl the fruit growing districts of this country, and that when there is a glut car loads are thrown away. Moat of Oregon's great prune erop last year rotted on tba ground. " I ask tho forgiveness and prayers of any whom I have injured at any time, and freely forgive any and all who have razored me in any way whatever, and 1 ?ray that Almighty God may be merci ful to us alk" That is the opening para graph ol too late Manager Daly's wUL A life of grace is a life of close indus try, of patient i xperlmenta. It is bound to make heavy demands on our pluck, on our hopefulness, on our humanity, on our spiritual energy, We should nevr think it strange that it should be ho if we could only turn again und throw our eyes around this great world about us of human labor, where men learn and bear and endure hardness and win their pittance of bread by the sweat of their brow without protest and without surprise. As Is their lot SO is ours; as Is their work so is ours. As with the body of man so with the spirit. They do noi llineh, or complain, or fear, or refuse why should we? It is tin' work that we ar" given to do. It Is a world of work into which we have been called, this kingdom of the spirit; it needs the like temper, the like courage, the like energy and the like hope. Take heart, then, beloved take heartl On darkest days, when yon seem to your selves to be ever beginning again a thankless and profitless business with out gaining an inch; when the religious life which had begun in such gladness has lost its glory and has turned into a grim und heavy grind; when you strive and strive and cannot attain; w hen you wonder why it has been made so very hard to be a Christian look up and say; "It was to be work; why am I disheartened because it conforms to its type? (mil is a worker and knows what am feeling, knows bowit drags, knows where it pinches, knows where the weight tells, knows the fatigue of this dull drudgery and this rusty routine! Ah! not only knows, but is a fellow worker iu it, sharing in the burden, working Himself in me both to will and to do His good pleasure, according to the mighty working of His power by which lie slowly subjects all that is In me to Himself. I will work, however long and stern the strain, 'for in me and with me the Father worketh hitherto and the Son works also.' " Canon Hol land, In Christian World Pulpit. "He Ir Separate.' Speaking of sotting one's self apart for service, Mark Guy Pcarsc gives this beautiful illustration: I hear some time since of an oculist who was v cry fond of cricket, liut he had given it up, much na he enjoyed It, for he found that it affected the dellcncy of his touch, and for the sake of those whom he sought to relieve be snnctilled himself (set himself apnrt). Thut is what we want that there shall come into our lives u force that prompts us always to be ut our best and readi est for service, our fullest and richest to help, a tree that is always In leaf, und always In bloom, and alwnys laden with its fruit like the orange tree where the beauty of blossom meets with its fragrance the mellow glory of the fruit. The UM of Faith. The life of faith is not so much an attainment as an action i f the soul which by long continuance, moment by moment exercised, becomes an atti tude, a habitude of mind and heart ana wllL Ilomiletic Review. This fearful disease often first appears as a mere scratch, a pimple, or lump in the breast, too small to attract any notice, until, in many oases, the deadly disease is fully developed. Cancer can not bo cured by a surgical operation, because the disease is a virulent poison In the blood, circulating throughout the system, and although the sore or ulcer known as the Cancer may bo cut away, the poison remains in the blood, aud promptly breaks out afresh, with renewed violence. The wonderful success of S. S. S. in curing obstinate, deep-seated blood diseases which were considered incurable, induced a few de spairing sufferers to try it for Cancer, after exhausting the skill of the physicians without a cure. Much to their delight S. S. S. proved equal to the disease and promptly effected a cure. The glad news spread rapidly, and it was soon demonstrateu beyond doubt that a cure had at last been found for deadly Cancer. Evidence has accu mulated which is incontrovertible, of which tho following is a specimen : "Cancer is hereditary in our family, my father, a sister and an aunt havlne died from this dreadful disease. My fueling may be imagined when the hor rible disease made ita appearance on my side. It was a malignant Cancer, eating inwardly in such n way as tocauso great alarm. The disease seemed beyond tho skill of the doctors, for their treatment did no good whatever, the Cancer growing worse nil the while Numerous remedies were used for it. but the Cancer grew- Steadily worse, until it seemed that I was doomed to follow the Others "f the family, for I know how deadly Cancer is, especially when Inherited. I was advised to try Swift's 8pecifio (S. S. B.), which, from the tlrst lay, forced out the poison. I continued its use until I had taken eighteen bottles, when I w.ih cured sound and well, and have had m symptoms c-f he dreadful affliction, though many years have elapsed. S. S. S. is the only cure for Cancer. Mrs S M. Iuol, Winston, N. C. Our bonk on Cancer, containing other testimonials and valuable information, will lo Ront free to any address by tho Svit"t Specific Company, Atlanta, Georgia. oot)oo)ooctot)ot)oeoo0)3 o)oOoo)coe)oooooS)cJ SCHOCH k STAUra Offer to the public a full line of Corrugated Roofing, Plain Tin and Galvanized Iron Roofing and Spouting, Fence Wire.Tinware.Gran iteware. Etc. A full line of OIL & VAPOR STOVES for Summer cooking. Call and see our stock and learn our prices. SCHOCH & STAHLNECKER, 0PP JAIL, BUDDLEBURG, PA. o Kfl S f. C.' J 5 r, t j-, .s.j s )(-0 j ff , M!U. 8. M. IDOL. llie Rcaalt, A teacher In a North of England hoard school was recently examining a claaa of small boya in mental arithme tic. She said: "If your father gave your I mother 80 shillings to-day and 2 to- I morrow, what would she have?" And a small boy near the bottom of the class replied: "She would have a fit" Spare Mo mrnta. H firs; 1 Ji il 1 ic S." lie After Mnn Yeara. T.le Rrnmiiiiiiic-r :ai in nis e:i:i.r, Ami the arandaon lnuRhcd: "Hoi Ho!" While repeating the verjrlateai JnUe. 11ut it filled his heart with woe. When the old man sadly tailed' und Fald: "My boy, that's u pood Joke, I know; I laughed myself w hen I heard It llrut. Bom fifty-odd years ago." 1 1 1 11 U e.mlii-o after yon have oonoloded Hint you Oilgnt not to iliink coffee). It ih not a medicine but doctor order it be- eauHo it is bealtliful, uyjgorating mid nppptiziiiL'. It is made frOS pure hiiib and has t hat rich seal brown color aud tsU'8 like thtrnntiBt erHilo of cofl'cc nnd costs about as much. Children like it nd tbrife on it be- auso it is tho ironulne food drink containing nothing bntnourisbment. Ank vour srrocor 'or Grain-O, the new food drink, IS god 'fie.. In the Parlor. Edith (tho wing her smart little brother to her new beau) Now( Tom my, you have counted op to n, tell us what conies after 11? Tommy Pop, In hla atoaking feet, Brooklyn Life. Wouldn't Winn the Twelfth. Housekeeper 1 ordered a dozen or anges to-day, Mr. Titefyst, and you only sent me eleven. How was that? Grocer Well, ma'am, one of them was bad, and 1 didn't think you'd want It. Metropolitan. Wh- 1 1 Will Angry. "What made him so mad?" "He told hip wife she had no jurtp ment, and she just looked him over CI it leally from head to foot and said she i was beginning to realize it." Chicago i fost. ! Little IJinVrence, Teacher Now, Jiohert, what in a ; niche In a church? Scholar Why, it's just the same ns an itch out of church) only you eun't j cratch it so well. Judjre. KIDNEY Ih a deceptive dis- tan ' a 8 c uiousauus I KvUDLD hgv it mid don't know it. if you want quick results ion chu iniike no mistake lv lights Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Koot, tbo fjreat kidney remedy. Atdrngsigtg in htty cent utiil dollar nixes. Samplo bot tles by miil frae, also pamphlet tell ingyo bow to lind out if you have kidney trouble. Address, Dr. Kilmer aV Co., ibughauitorj, N.Y. AnO Well W c Know Them. I do r.ot mean to criticise, to carp or yet to ralL "A wlllln' robin's better than a sufky nlghtlnsale." But birds who can elng and who wan't I really count as nil, Compared to that enormous flock who can not but who WUL N. Y. Herald. A Cloa nesemblance. Mra. O'Donovan (readjusting her glasses) Yez ziaimble yure mlther so mooch, Norah, Oi'd Irtiow yea her daughter it Oi'd ntver seen either av yeav Judff. loca 'one Agree With Von T If not, driok Grain-O made from pure grainn. A lady write : "The tirat time 1 make Grain-0 I did not lik i it, t after using it for one week nothing w ould induce me to go back to coffee." It nourishes and feeds tho f yetcm. The children can drink it freely witb great benefit. It is the strengthening substance of pure grains. Get a package today from your grocer, follow the directions in making it and you will have a delici ous and healthful fable beverage for old and young. 16c and 26c. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE Valuable Real Estate. Tin' untlerfiijfntMl Administrator C T. A. of the Fstate nf Niinut'l IWillrr. Into of Perry Town whip, Snyder county, Tit, decease:), u .11 nv at public tilt Bbouti rnileH west of Mui.tcrviHc mid about 2 mllcn Aouth-weflt of Oriental, on the road lending from Orit-tal to Kicbfteld, on SATURDAY, SEPT. 23, 1899. Thf following deflcrilHd Krai Kniatc to wit AH Hint certain tract of lan'l situated In IVrry tnwiivliin. Hnvttvr county. Pa., hounilcl on the North by lnniinof Joel Meittcr, Kant by IaikU of laooij Miaiier. noutn ny ittntm ol Morris Mwine ford. William Ktrawner and Henry Hupp, anil Went I'V land of Frank Porttllne, containing j ii ACRKH, more or leu. wliereoo are erected a Iwo-Htorv DWKI.I.INfl HOUSE. HANK H.MIN. LAROI Wagon shed, no stable, sprino 1I01SE, (iKANAKY and other necersary out liuiulinm. A icood Orchard on the tract. Well of (rood water near the door and running water in the tarn yard. Ahoiit ion acre ol the land i- clear and In a Rood Ktate ot cultivation. The halance la well timbered. Possession will be given Aiiril 1. llftl. Nil to commence at 1U o'clock A. M. when terms will be made known by HARBISON MILLER, Administrator C.T. A. ACCIDENT Or" v. M'ABI.E RKAL ESTATE I Tha helfri nnd l6ga1 raprMentativeii of Samuel V. u Alter, Into f I ran kiin township, Httyder Co., fa . tleeeaed, w exposo to I'ubflc Vendue, or Out-cry M tho old hotnevtead it. Mid town fhip, onhatf mile Moutb ol tlx Middleburg th -pot, nld county, on 84TUUDAY, SEPT. 30ih, 1899. Tho follow in : deaerlbefl Real Bsteio to w(t: TKACT N(, I, All that certain meetuago tenement and tract of land being tin Old Homo tend Kami, nil uafe i n Frankl In townoblp, Hnyder o . Pa., bounded on the north by lands of iin.rv Miller enut by Innde o! Mro. Harbarii B. Arnold Tmcl No, - hereinafter destHbed iii.'d lando ol heitu of Georgo Kern, UeceMed, on the Mouth by landi of V, w, W'ttentnyerand Mary W. Walter, and weot by loudi of oatne, Catlierlno Elower nnd hefri of rhon-M PmHh, deceaaed, containing 118 Actea, more or 1 witb the appurtenances, on which nw erected large two-etory brick DWRLUNQ HOUSE. BANK UAKN. KUMMKH HOI 82, CARPKNTBRfltOP, BIsAt-KSMtTIt SHOP and other nnoenainr out- liuildiiivc- rh-nty of rxtt'lleiit fruit of all kinds And good wat r DOtf the door- About nim ty live acres of the alave dt-serihed lain) i- elear and In a high itatt of eulttvttion uml the hai- ant e fairly timbered. TKACT HO, BeNn a certain nieHfoiaKe, ten ttnent and tract of land (known at V ittenmyer tnu-t i Hituato in township, county and utatc aforcMold, bounded north by landMof lire, Har bare B. Arnold, on the eaet by landi of John a. Moatx. and heiptof (enrKe Kern, Deccnwd, on theeouth by name and Traet No. I, above de ertheds and aeet by eald TitMtlCoi I, eontniiitng li A'. more or I em with the appurtcnimctH on whh h arc erected a good tWOetory frame DWRLUNU HOt'SK, HANK MAKN and other neceeaary onlbuildinge. Plenty t good fruit and good wnter on the premleee. Porty acres , f above i" cleat anil Inn good state of oulttvation and the bolanoe, two nerea, U Uniberland, tijact NO 8 being e certain Bieaf iiage.ten' ment and tract of land iltuote portly in Wnen Ington and partly in Franklin township, county and itate oforeoid (knownaethe Botatraet) bounded on the mirth by I. nuls of it, Alfroil Bchochi Benry Bpecbt ami Mre. .lames Bottei ger, noatby lannof PhlllpTeata, Peter Yoder, south by lands of Philip Teati ami John Lau vcr. and Wert by landi of G, M. Moatz nnd B nutnuel cchman, containing " ACKKB, more or lee)4 with the appnrtenaticei on which are erected n good two-etory frame DWRLUNQ hook. Nhw hank BARN, Hpring H onto and other OtttbUllding Good water at the door and excellent frnlt oToll klndt Nearly ail of the above le clear and In a fair state of cultivation TKACT No. 4.- Being a house and lot in the village of Franklin, bounded on the north hy a Public Rood lending from Middleburg to n 1 1 negro ve, east by lot of James Palmer south by an Alley and west by another lot hereinafter described as Tract No, jv, containing 0N& KOCKTM Al'HK, more or lees with the appur tenaiiceH on w hich ate erected a law douhle two-story brick DWBLUNO HOU8K, STABLE and other neecKajary OVtbtrildlngO, A well of Bjood water and fruit on the premieB. tk ct No. ft, Being a vacant lot situate ss aforesaid, hounded on the north by the alvore mentioned nubile road, east by Tract No i. sbove deeetlhed. sooth by an Alley, ond West by lot of W. B Winer, being a very derimbls building lot. containing ON&VPI C K I'll AOHB, more OT lees with the appurtenance. All of the above deecri bed real estats will be soldAnbject to the window's dower or one tblrd the purchase money which to remain in the premises and theinterest thereof he paid annually to Mary sf alter, widow, during her natural life a:. rl upon her death, the principal to the heirs and legal representativei f the sold decedent nnd on Tract No. :i an additional cliarge of N00 will remain without Interest dur the natural life of James Aottelfrer. ami upon. ' " "efun in, nam sum lie paid to lieo. Hotleiu'er his helm or Sjselgna, TFtfM. Twcntv percent. Qoeh w lien tr i- erty U struck tlown and the l al-iucc n April 1, IflOU when possession will Im- jjlveii and dcedn delivered sale to commence at 10 o clock A. M nf Wild daywhetl due attendance will be given and fur ther terS and conditions of Hale will he math known hv THE HBlBt) of SAMl'Kh B, WAXTXB, DXCD. Snyder's old, and reliable Geo Insurance Agency, SELINSGR0VE, SNYDER COUNTY, PA- ilxxicx- 77". iiT'clor, Agent, Kiifct sKiir to the Istfl Willi. in, Tl The Par-Excellecce of Reliable Ioauranoa is reprosented ir: the folloi ag list of Standard Companies, from which to tuuke a selection. Nod Better the World over. FIRE Royali I iyerpool, Eng. (including foreign asaetb) $48,000,000.11 Hartford, oi Hartford, Conn., (oldest American Co.) ,iur,7:-5.ii v -on i j i 1 1 1 bi, .i'v ion;, !l7ot.908 uerman American, New xork. 9 240 008 10104,638,983, Urerman American, New xork, 9,240 LIFE Mutual Lite Iua. Go. New York, y2(4!'lt,' ACCIDENT Employers' Liability Assurance Corporation. iceiueni jldh, o. ouoscrioed uapitai 01 If8, 760,000. Fire. Life and Accident risks accepted tit the lowot possible rate, ju tinea, o.v a strict regara to mutual gaiety, All just claims promptly urn sutihfactoril.v adjusted. Information in relation to all classes of lusui anoe promptly furnished ELIEK W. SNYDER, Apt,, Telephone No. 1H2. Office on Corner Water & Pine Sts. Selinscrove. P t OOOOOOOOOOOOCXJOCOOOCJOOOOCX) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCC 30C CARPETS ! MATTINGS ! All Kinds. All Qualities. All Prices. a TTHE whole lower floor of my store is token up with Carpets, " Hups Art, Squares, Curtains, Windon Shades, Curtain Poles, Hassocks, Rug Fringe, Stair and Table Oil Cloths, &c,, We can show you the largest and host seloction of the above j goods' ever shown in Lcwistown. ogogcg J egogogeg Brussella Carpet as low as 50 cents anil up. Velvet Carpet as low as 7;") cents and up, All Wool Carpet as low as 50 cents and up. Hall Wool Carpet as low as 85 cents and up. Cotton Carpet as low as '2'1 cents and up. Rag Carpet as low as 20 cents and up. China ami Japan Matting 1 (HI .lolls to select from. SEE VECXlfltS! GOODS! Compare quality and price-, you will find that our store i- ccs : good 8 C .i i . i . nL.. i . a a. i . .i m Q me place to Duy ai. me j;" iu.- are, prices arc tnc m O IammI hmm Hnnml UM lli, ll'iinKlii ti ttllAttf innnu si lowest, our room W. II. FELIX, Respectfully, q TT . as a -r sss w t, a li OCXXXXXXJOOOOOOOOOOOOCX5000'.' OOOOCOOOOCXXXXJOOOOOOOJ Liberal Adjustments- Prompt Payments AGENTS WANTKD FOK "THE LIFE AND Achievements of Admiral Dewey," the world's Kreatest naval hero. Hy Hunt Halstead, the life-long friend and admirer of the uation's idol. Biggest and best book; over BOO paces, HjlO inches: nearly ICOpagcs half-tone Illustra tions. Only I1..V). Enormous demand. Bis; commissions. Ou'nt Tree. Chance ola lifetime. Write quick. The Dominion Company. 3rd floor OaxtoD Bldg., Chicago. MUM, REMErVJBErl H. HARVEY BCHDCH, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCVL. S Ef Ii INS Cc ROTE 9 FAJ Only the Oldest, Strongest Cash Companies, Fire, Life, Accident and Tornado. No Assessments, No Premium Hotesl The Aetna Founded A. D., 1819 Assets $11,055,513.8 " Home u 44 1853 44 9,853,(528.5 " American 44 4 4 44 1 8 10 44 2,409,584.51 The Standard Accident Insurance Co. The New York Life Insurance Co. The Fidelity Mutual Life As$ociation. Your Patronage Solicited. Peerless Pile Cure. A MARVEL OP PERFECTION giving instant relief aod permanent euro. NO 8A.LVB or UNPLEA9AJT 8U POSITORIES. Price to introduoe $8.00. PEERLESS REMEDY CO. 0 Cedar St., New York. 7-27luio. PATENTS nnntnl t nr rvwnmnnli OBTAINED. TEEMS IA87. Consalt or iiminwiitl," with the Editor of this paper, who win fire all Deeded lnlor- I THE OLD RI fZRY ,r: .!;t'.r8.' kY ITL Rlpang Tmbuleg curg lirer 1 I n'X M