POWER THROUGH THE SPIRIT. Inernallon4 Snmlnr School !.on for Septeneer 17, MMhIi tk rlah 4et.t4 Memor Vi. 10. P0SP01SB SHOOTHiO AT 0HAWD MWAll. Frank A. HoywooA. Porpoise shooting affords to the In- rllans of the Paasamaquoddy tribe thoir Bvoclally Arranged from rek-ubet'a Note. hjjgjtajj means of support. It It prac- twwor. but by my Spirit. eaHh Uil U rJ of oomyare Hire LIGHT FP.OM OTH E ICRirTUR Ms G--uii Caafllas tick. Bat, zs.s-!i. boete.-Zeeb, 44. R1SAD the one. pees. nun rUREB.- te Goluori I anaiesui'. ex. w 1UX 13. 10; tin; Man. i:i4-w. rr,e 11017 Spirit. John 16:11.13: Rom. S:1H. Hi Acta ld4j MI: Oat 6:io. u B. PLACE IX TinJ HISTORY. Tno His torical Llrftimetanoee in which Becbartan ivophesled are found In Kara, Cbapi 5 and (5 T!X'" -Zecharlah r.eKSU to prophet; No eniber, H. C. BO. between the second nr.d third propheclee of Haggal. The pr ; 1 of the Itsfon wa spoken on the morning ot the twenty-fourth duy of the elevonth mnr.tii th.-.-ofero smo time In March, :, rtve moetlis after the people besan anew their Wort on the temple. PLACE.- Jeruaalem. PROPHETS Zsoharlan and lingual. RT't "PS. Darlui Hystaipes, kiis ot Fwalu. Zerubbabel, governor of Judca. BXPLANATORT. l The Prophet Zeehariah and His Mission. Zschariab ("the lvd re members") wa the son of Daracbiab and grandson of liUlo. who was one of the b. snda of the 12 eouraea of priests (Neh. 12:4, 7), imd whose iUOOeeSOr Zeehariah became (Neh. 12: 18). 1!'' wus probably lru la Babylon, and went 10 Jerusalem when quite young, with Zerubbabel aud Joshua, lie be gun to prophesy about two months after llaggai iZeoh. till Eara 8:1) 8t 14; llag. i:i). iu the second year of Darlui Qystaspes, and continued the prophecy for two years (7:1). ieeh ariah's mlsalon was u awaken and courage the lews In their gr al of ri-lmlidlng the temple and renewing the rellgloui life of the people. II, The Vision of the Golden Candle- TVila elalnn won to L'lvo c. uraffe and h. .pe to the people by the assurance thus procured la were yet Uke Ood 1 precloua golden ' candlestick, whose work was to II lumli e the wceM with the Divine light and life. V. 1. "The an gelt" who hod ex-' plaint 1 the other visions, just as Dante represents himself as accompanied by ( the spirit f Virgil and f Beatrice. "And waked me:" Be had slept after the first series of visions. This was the beginning of a new series, during the mime eventful night V. 2. "Behold a oaudleatick all of gold:" Like the seven branched candle- t stick "f Solomon's temple (Ex. 18:31 :i7). "With a bowl upon the top:" For a reservoir of oil to supply the lamps, V, 3. "And two olive freest" The oil usually burned in the lampa was ollvo oil, pressed from Uie fruit of the olive tree. The.se were the living, perennial sources of oil; bo that the lamps would never go out, V. 5. "Knowest thou not?" This Im-1 plies surprise that the prophet did not see through these plain lymbols. The meaning was written all over them. First The Jewish nation was Ood'l . candlestick, which should uphold the ! light for the whole world. Its business was fb shed abroad the liirht of Cod. 'Hie Christian church Is Christ's golden candlestick (Be. ItSO). Second. The Holy Spirit is symbolized by the sacred : oil which keeps the lamps burning nrul shining. "Not by might:" Not by any governmental power, or power of numbers, or of wealth, or valor. Ana not "by power:" as contrasted with "might" not by physical or bodily Strength. "Hut by my Spirit." "As that candlestick gave forth Its light In silent, ceaseless splendor, unfed an 1 in tended by human agencies, so the work iu which he wus engaged would be ac complished by the Spirit of Cod." Cambridge Ilible. V. 7. "Who art Uiou, 0 great moun tain?" A figure representing the vast ness of the work to be done, the inv mense difficulties in the way Satan of the previous vision, the Persian empire, t.ho bitter opposition of the Samari tans. "Thou shalt become a plain:" Be wholly removed. At that very time Jd WO! influencing Darius to refuse the desires of the Samaritans, and give his favor to Jeruaalem (Ezra 0). lie inspire! the people with patriotism and zeal and energy. It has been well said that "it is a great deal better to luive the faith that shall remove mountains than to keep on expensive corps of en gineers to tunnel them." "And he shall bring forth the headstone" of the tem ple; The crowning grace that com pleted the building. His work should succeed. "With shoutings, crying! firsoe, grace unto iti" With great re joicing and acclamations should the temple le completed. V. V. "Zerubbalx'l ... his hands shall also finish it:" It is quite proba ble that the people were dissatisfied with Zerubbabel In some way. He be longed to the day of smull tilings. He did not nppeax like Solomon In all his glory. He appeared like a common man rather than like a great rider. V. 10. "For who hath despised the day of small things?" Small begin nings, a small people, a small kingdom, small wealth. "They . . . shall see the plummet :" The symbol of the architect or head builder. He shall complete the building, for with him are "those seven ; they ore the eyes of the Lord:" Referring back to 3: 9. The people should rejoice, because the prov idence of Ood, reaching everywhere in the world, is with their leader. U9B0ONS FROM THE CANDL.E8TICK. The bowls were reservoirs of the oil. Every man needs to have a reservoir of character, power, knowledge, goodness. The Conductors. The pipea conduct ed the oil to the lamps. The supply was useless unless it could be brought to the flame. It is blessed to be the channel of God's blessing to men. The olive trees, one on each side ot the lamp, express the source of supply. The supply of Oods Spirit to His church inexhaustible. Jesus used a similar Illustration, ticed at all seasons of the year, but th sea animals killed In the winter ars IBs fattest and five the largest quan tities ef oil. The largsst sized por solaes measure about sevea feet In length, about the girth tve feet, weigh S00 pounrta and upwards and yield ;rom six to seveu gallon of olL The blubber Is about one and one-halt inches thick In sammer and two lackos thick lu winter, at which time the creature Is lu Its best condition The ti lubber from a laife porpoise weighs about 100 pounds. The Indians try out the oil la a primitive manner; with rude though picturesque appliances. The blubber Is stripped off. then cut into Fmall pieces, which are placed In huge Iron pots and melted over a tire. All along the beach ore placed, at in tervals, curious structures, consisting of two upright pieces of wood sur mounted by a cross piece, from which the pots are huug by chains. Under this cross piece large stones are piled In a semi-circle. Inside of which a fire Is made that Is allowed to burn fiercely until the stones are at a white heat, rhe flro is then scattered, and the pots containing the blubbsr are placed over j the stones and Just enough fire kept under them to Insure the melting ot j the uluuber. Wuu melted the oil Is klmmed ff into other receptacles, I then poured Into tin c:ins of several gallons capacity, and the process is , coi ipleta. 1 the oil la pure It readily iboul n doll it a gallon, but if tdu 1 rat .'. with Beal, or uny other In ferior oil, Its value Is n lin ed by some I r ci.r.t. A sup .-ior "11 1j obtained from the Jaw of the porpoise. The Jaws are hung up In the sua and the I oil, us tt drips, Is ttuifelit iu cans placed for that purpose, Tim quantity or oti small, bums only , am each Jaw, but a tor It by watch- inaki rs lu.J others requiring a Hue lubricator. The oil from the blubber glVOB a good light, and was for many I years used lu all the lighthouse on the eastern coast It Is also a capital oil for lubricating machinery, never getting Btlcky, and unaffected by cold weather, When pure there Is no of fensive smell, and there Is no lamp oil j eaual to It for those who are com- P scorn EMULSION OF COD-LIVER OLL WITH HYP0PHOSPHITES should always bs kept in the house for the fol lowing reasons: jury List. List of Crand Jurors drawn for the Court 01 Over and Terminer und Ueneral Jail delivery and Court ot quarter Sessions of the I'eace ot Bayder county nekt ai net. Term, commencing Monday. October n. IM, ORANDJUBORs. FIRST Because, If any member of the family has a hard cold, it will cure it. SECOND I ecause. if the chil dren are delicate and sickly, it will make them strong and well. THIRD Because, if the father or mother is losing flesh and becom ing thin and emaciated. It will build .. j , .1 11. u j Mine'. tnem up ana give mem nesii ana j Arm A, ,,,;, ,.. strength. FOURTH Because it is the standard remedy In ad throat ana lung affections. No household should be without it. It can be taken in summer as well as Nnnie. Occupation, lu-ntcr, jaeos. Laborer, UoryeU. J. P., Oosl dealer, lllemer. John It . Laborer. utesskr, i. vt Laborer, Fisher, Utoyd w Miller. (iaugler. Panic!. Lalaaer, RefKesoe. spring Molina' Mlddlierick Mciawx. west Beaver Monroe lurrelt, II. H JUSIkM 04 the PCSOS, HSllnSgrOVe Kt ei. r, wllllaiu a.. Laborer, Krallae. .loin , r ui ItaT. KilLgier. Joseph, Teseber, l.-inwr, Botomon, Irarsii r. Munta ek. Leonard J., Furmer, Mil It Hun Koteit. IjtlMiier, Ki ailek, John H , Farnu-r. ltennliiKei llenr II , CurpeDter, R hoe da, Jacob, Tinsnlth, Shaffer, Jams, farmer, Shannon, Elmer, Plasterer, Bitoiley, Aminon, Laborer, Buyder, John s.. Laborer, Buhl, im. on s.. Laborer, Btroup, Benton P., Merchant, s roup, BaraneL Oeni leman, C1 . II. Calvin, Meo liunt. In winter. y. inA $, oo, all 1ruRgltt. SCOTT BOWNE, Cht-mau, New York. A CANCER MYSTERY. lfeh'flllllHB I ti n Mo to l)ltea,('l Cmme or Cure of the lilac aae. (lie lied to use their eyes at ntglit. l ue j lBtnce light Is very solt, aud, ush! lu a Uor- mnn studfiits' lamp, one caa work al most as comfortably as by daylight, aud the dreaded glare of gas 'anoro tier ai ificlal lights is completely avoided. If industrious and favored vith or dinary success an Indian can kill from 100 to 2u0 porpoises per year, anil they will probably average three gallons of ' oil oach. But t!ie poor Indians are not j industrious, or only so by Ills and Bl irts, or as necessity compels them. Their way Is usually to accumulate some ::. "r 20 gaHons of oil, then go I off to Eastport, Me., with It, for a mar ket. ThUB much time Is lost in loiler- ItiK about the towns and iu going to I und returning from the hunting grounds. Moreover, there tiro always 1 two Indlnns to each canoe, und the pro ceeds of the hunt have to ho divided. I I .-i" Is a good demand for the oil, and a B'ygt d oieiiiy followed porpoise ! shooting would furnisli the Indians with n comfortable support The Qesb : of the porpolso when cooked Is not un- like fresh pork, and at one time was much used. The Indians still use it, aud it Is alno In roqu"st by tho lisher ' man on the coast, who readily ex- , change fresh fish for "porpus" meat ! with the Indians. Almost unknown to tho outside world, here la an industry in the Bay of Pupdy followed by these Indians, year after year, rolling lu Its pursuit moro bravery, skill and endurance than nrehaiis in? other occupation In tho morning all the women and ehl dron turn out to soo tho canoes go to sea, and If during the day a storm 1 comes up or the canoes ore unusually late In returning many anxious eyes I are turned seaward. They are always peasant and good nutured with one a nut her, and in general return from j tho hunt about 3 o'clock In tho after noon. Aftor dinner, one would think, that, tired out with their exertions, thoy would soek repose, but they do Dot seem to need It, and the rest of tho day until sundown la spent lu friendly gamoa upon the beach. In the daily press we find full ac counts of another discovery of the can cer bacillus, tln Investigator In this In stance beiiif.' Dr. Bra, of Paris, say-, the Medical Review of Beviews. It is not Surprising to learn that the medical men of the French capital do not unani mously or even In small numbers in dorse the validity of the claims made nor do they express oomph te confi dence in the source from which the claims emanate. The anawer to the question of the ex- of a cancer bacillus i MlUdiei-reek JackMih Jackson Washington 1 spring Spring I beaver Pranklln , Moi roe Perry Spring I Union iroVn Washington Washington i eul re Wes! Beaver PETIT Jt IRORt; List of Petit Jurors drawn lor the Court ol Common Pleas, court ot Ouarter sessions ol the Pesos, Ooun of over and rermtner and General Jail Delivery ol Bayder County, Pa., heid as Oolober Term, eoaunenclng October v. isau. Name. Occupation. RUSlrtPnCe weal perrj Spring Monroe Penn Pranklln psblngton Chappian (tentrv Hlddli hurg Peon Monroe Beitnssroe penn Weal Perrj Pranklln Washington spring Jsckaon Cbiipnian Mtddtecreeli Bulinsgrovo Franklin Jsckaon West Benver West lleavei Cel. I re Jsokton U osl II. :ier Bellnsgroi o Jack .on Middle) m; M rin I men UllloU Jackson Penn Centre Bellnccrove Union Penn Sprint; Union Weal I'orrv Union Wosldngtoii Penn IT till to be reckoned anions the mysteries ui bac teriological research. One striking an alogy to recognized microbe dbe.iso is lacking In the clinical history of can cerviz., its rare appearance before middle life, even though exposure be prolonged to many years. The tuber cle bacillus may find a soil for reproduc tion in uil ages and among nil classes. This is very far from the fact in the his tory of cancer invasion, the exceptions being too few to prove that it Is other than a disease peculiar to the period of middle life and old ago. LookltiK for u Square Heal, First Cannibal llow do you feel to day V Second Cannibal Great i Just like do ing a little missionary work, N V. World. Defora Election. First Politician The other side has more boodle than wc have. Second Politician Yesi I think they'll carry the county by $in,ooo ma jority. Puck. our Dentcsttas, Mistress You have no young nuin, r hope? Maid Oh, no, ma'am; he's JO If he's a day. Brooklyn Life. The Fcttive Mosquito Can readily be civilized and brought j within th bounds of propriety by touching tho hands, neck and chin with a lew drops of the H. H. H. Medl ciuo. The peculiar pungent aroma of this well known household romedy soems to banish mosCjUltOSS, and other offensive insects, most effectually. The same H. H. H. Medicine sold by drug gists at 25c. per vial, gives Immediate relief from the burning and Itching produced by the stings of mosquitoes, bedbugs, hoes, wasps, etc. The genu ine artlcUi has the portrait and signa ture of the Inventor, D. Dodge Tomlln son, 400 North Third street, Philadel phia, Pa., on each wrapper. Those who have once tried Its offsets hold It In high esteom ever afterwards as the very host oxtornal application for swellings, sprains, rheumatism and neuralgia. A Book of the Dog. We have received from the Associa ted Fanciers, 400 N. Third street, Phil adelphia, Pa., a copy of their Dog Huye.rs' Guide. It contains a finely executed colored frontispiece; well drawn engravings of nearly every breed of dog, and all kinds of dog furnishing goods. We should Judg'j that the book has cost a great deal more to produce than the price askeJ IS cents and we would advise all of our readers, who are interested In dogs to send for the book. iiSi i Blend most softly and nlav iuost effectively over a festive scene when thrown by waxen candles. The light mat ntigniena beauty's charm, that jjivcs the finished touch to the drawing room or dining room, is the mellow glow of WAX CANDLES Sold in all colors anusuau.es to harmonize with any interior hangings or decorations. Manufactured by mi, r A STAND AMU OIL bw, - -S For alo everywiiero. . rj sra?1 REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY Made a Well Man of Me. Wsifff 1 Colonists at Chlcora, B. C. are taking three crops from the same ground thle year. The productive soil la the source of Chlcora'a wealth. The forests are bedded with natural Brasses. The cereals hold their nutritious grains the rear round. Frost Is rarely known; rosea bloom the winter through; the gardens are always full of Bowers; trees are green In midwinter. We sell farms and erect houses at Chlcora oa the Instal ment plan. For maps, circular or fur ther Information, address D. L. Rlsley, til 8. Tenth street, Philadelphia. svsdsess theaters results In an days, it sett nwiil mail tbir loet manhood, end olj will reemr their Toothful rigor br aalns BE VIVO. MquUklraiMlewUrertiJirjSerroue. Beat, Lest Vitality, bnpoteoor . HigbUr BmlaHoaa, Lost Fewer. PalUns Monory, Weetlna Die a .end ell aScj ot nlf ebo or eaowseod UdletreUorj whlohejiflUoseforitodT.biiaisorBiarrlafe. II set oslr esres by sesrmw al she eaelot KsaM Uarraet eern teste sad hteiS seSlder. brtng las beak the pink glow Set pale ebaeksend re etortns ta Are of roatk. fTwoff"'' eM0eaaBaS.e. Iaetst banns ItaVTTO, no ether. It esa be earrtoS la reet pocket. Br sjall. UeeaeMyAdTeeTod'olrrnlar free. Addrew Royal Medicine Co.,' For sale by Middlebtirg Drug Co. Urbogast. Ilenrj', Farmer, Itrbrjoast . Willis, Parmer, Bi aver, Jatnes Pal tner, Rllger, W lierrolrt, 'nrpenter, Blokle.Jnbn H Parmer, BOhner, William, Farmer, llowersox, Repharva, Furrner, Bowem . Harry, Oenlleman, Boyer, n iiiinin it . Parmer, Uullcks, Bamuel, Fanner, courini. a., uentleman, CBStcr, Henry IV, K. inner, Derr, Thomas P., Parmer, Dietrich, .lames, .uniberman, Dreeae, ubar,es, Clerk, Bering, Jesse, panner, Petierer, Pienklin. i artner, grants, William, Blacksmith, Qerbart. Amm ?., Lai orer, (Jeinbni iinu: Haniuol J , Uitwrcr, Herman Jacob, rainier, llelser, IVtor, I-, inner, IISBSlng.r, Reuiien, l aimrrr, Howell, .'"im I Uibon r, Kline, prank t ., LalH in i . Rhngler, J. P., Carpenter, vtatUirn, Isaac. Pnnncr, Mel all. Irvln p., I iitiorer. Hetzgi r, Jobn P., Farmer, Moyer, Samuel, Oi ntiemnn, Mlfchell. William ll., Parmer, Nelt. frank P., Parmer, Neit, m iiiiaiu, ,u rebant, tteicbley, John, HlnckamltD, K.imer, John s . i.ai orer, Kilter. Frank Ml w i . Kohrbach, Harrt-on A.. Moulder. Bbaffer, Robert St., L iborerj Bnyder, Jacob c. liboror, Bmltb, WlUlarn it . Parmer, Btahl, David H . Merchant, Strawser, Jacon . , Farmer, Rtauffer, Bliss, Laborer, Bwaitx, R, X . Pal iner, Wagner, wen. no, carpenter, Wail sr. i.ew is, Furini i , W lealal, Isaac, i'al loor, RlPAMS TABUIXS are intended for children, ladies and all who prefer a medicine disguised as con- j fectionery. They may now be had (put up in Tin Boxes, seventy-two in a box), price, twenty-five cents or hve boxes for one dollar. Any druggist will get them if you insist, and they may always be obtained by remitting the price to int. ixcjjuito v a i. u w ... yy j a J i tl , .1 a mtMnjstiSB&mammn - If f II 'no it He el' A IVOMll HI I I I KKOI DIAItltlltfU ri oiiiliicilt Vlrftl'-illl I'dltor IIikI Al iitoM titven bnl mis llroiiglil Hack to Pi i M e: lleallh ly ftoamlx-rlnlii'i Colic, imi era sitii Him rlioi u lii luedy . Prom the Tlmea, hillalUle, Pa, 1 Buffered itb iliarrha n lor a lOUg tliao UUrl lliouclit I was i;:Hl being oiired. I liatl spent much time and money imH Bufltrod bo n.ucb uiiseiy thiit 1 uliiion: di ulod In Hive up all boptB of it ei vorv nl BWuil the n Kirt. bul ooticins the u -veriiBemAtil "' Cliuiubcrlain'B Colic, Cholera and nierrbain Roinody nno also some teutumouials Btating bow stmio wonderful cures had bten w i ougui i y tin i . i.v, i aeciusu to try it. After taking a fi w doses was entirely well of thai trouble, iiinl I wisb to Hay further readers and follow sufferers urn a bale and lieu ty man ami feel w I! ae I i ver did lifn.-O. R. .vl. ei.i:, Sold 1)1 tlgRlSiS. to my thai I to day in ii i v b.y nil c A 5:.iti Library or unequalled value Practical, Up-to-date, ( (iiiclrc and Comprehensive -Handsomely PrintcJ and beautifully Illustrated. it - n.ani ei ,,,,,.-,- r,,y,r 110. t UIVJVIL.U ij: maia All about Horses a Comm n V I f "''rentiir. w ith over 74 lilu&tratloas , a tattUurd nrork. Price, yiGeats, No. 3- B1Q0LE BERRY BOOK All e out growing- Small Fruits- rr.nl and knrn how ; c ntuina 4j colorei I u !ltcreprVluctlonsolaltlendiiigJ mrtetice and iboottiet llluiitratlona. rricc,5uCt'ut.. X. 3- aHOOI-E POULTRY BOOK i '' ',,',',lt '"n!t,-: the lieM 1 onltry Rook In eslstence : SaiJl I -. fining ; fcitluj uileied lile-llke rrproductiODS II ... I " I a. I .1 . 1 r I .wn:i : j .. . uia.it ai :ous. i in .ui ; i rincirai oi r i . , n a : i-ur, so Centt, rv,-, :o. 4-BIOOI E COW BOOK i All about V wi rttil i ! mrj wt PENNSYL AN I A KAILR0AD. Banbury Lewiatowu Division, Ineff ol May 22, im. IC hftvlflB n BTCal in con'riiui Bci ' ctl LlftMikf ttpti rtiictiomof eacn In (-..', rith tu utbc lllu irtioo. I'licc, so Ccuu h Wo. C iSlOWM SWINV3 BQPK t. Ml about M Urerdiiiff, Fwdltiff, Butch vtft ", etc Coutalnt over 3o bcnutiittl iulf t ut ...i . tiiicr cngrviny, rricc, 50 Cents TheBlT;0 ftOOK!? arciit.l . v n:!i'ii?rillefiil-youiii-ver :... iiiiui,; like the ui prficilcnltnoictMiime, They t I u enorinoui Ot- Ivt t Wt$it North 10a it 1 jet! i one wh eps n Horse. Cow, Hog or -u, 01 v iwa Small t rttHi, ought to sejld nght aun ..a 1..' Ll'jtit I- i'oiaS. The FMI JOURNi Is , c ir ; . ol ! . it i 'Jill! -l.irr the rti .; i.'.r i,.r 1 it n mlfflt. It iii Tt years (.rest I l-i 11, hU't'te-nalton-tne-head, uivc rrnlil.it, 1 itt:i unj tl uw hold paper in : ii. ; 1 ... , In the United mates . : . . u!lionaudaUulfrcgiilarrcadcrs, Any ONE of (be BIG Ui hOOKS ic FARH JOURNAL a VBARS (remainder r.l i .. i . ll ;) will be sent by mall to any addren i A D IJ ( I . BSSSpiSOf PARM iitVUttALl .'...:.-.) 1 . " ' . ':' 'o"l.ti:;'l(iX2frer. WILMBR 4TKINSOB. Addrci cuas. 1 . lUNSiivs. I 1IUI -j t'RNAl 2111 . i.i.i ni l j v 1 -1 ai:i. FN A M i B M I jiu u r7 Bunbury Biw iiw! 2 111 HM'7' flellnngrovi .Innetion tf'JI -'" gti 10 IS Ifclliwgrovu Bis RH IM 10 SI I'awllng o SOB 'j;il 10W Krcamer 501 l!H lo'-T Melaer 001 I a m I08B Wlddli hurg s M I -2is ion llenfer 10 SOD 1040 Ilenvertown -n I :t" 1 ilea In 61 AdntnsbUrg I aw M57 Itoiiln din H m i :i 8 ll mi Hei line M2S I ID an IIM Wagner sih I us I :i ti; ll is Bbindle - 18 I Ml , in ll -.'l Pnlnlervllle - 00 I v, . 3 45 1107 Maltland M :i I" 1 145 iag Lewlrtown 7M H 18 1 3 41 11 ST Lawlatowii Main Btreet-) 71 84J 350 ill 40 lietrlatown Junction, IM 40 j 1 1 1 n n ti I tt Mill Flip! Train leaves Sunbury 5 25 p m, ur- rives at Selinsgrovt C I"' p m rrnius leave Lewlstown .Innetion : i vj a ra, l 11 a iu, l Hi p m.iao p ni 5 :'i m, 7 ic iir,Him, forAltoona, Pituuurganri tin? Wet. For Raltimore and Waokington IAaio lot. IN A -Kt ltrll) in For I'hlladelphli nod New York S3i 38a m, 1 'i l n l Hand 11 in po Vol liarrlKliunt rt II ft m and "0f ::i Philadelpl'ia & Erie R R Division. AMI HOBTHBRN CBNTUAI. BAILWAY Trains leave sui.l irj daily exoepl Sunday i l it it m tor Brie and isnandalgua 6 in a m for Bellelnnte Krl and llansndalgas 9 45 n m tor 1iok Haven, Tyrone and the West, I ll) in for 1'ellel. nle Kime Tyrone ami Cumin- slssa ;,45iim for keaovo and Etmtra an n m lor Wllllamapoll Siindny 5 10 a in lor Erie and CanandalguS una in tor IiOOk Haven and M i iu lor VII- Ibuaspart 6 55 am, 8 55 a m 2 ) n nd B 18pm lor Wllkoii imrre nnd Ha.elton 7 io a st, lo n a in, "8 p in. t 41 p ai lor snamo- kln und Mount Carniel Sunday 9 55 a in lor Wllkoiburro rraln Iokvo Scllnigrove .luiinllon inno a m, week d:.vi arrlvlnir ut Philadelphia so.' pm New Yiirk'5.vii m Baltimore tl p ra Waohlnglon 4 lo piu 534 p m dull v nrrlvlnir at Philadelphia .0 20 p a New York 8 .V) a m, Baltimore 9 45 p m wsssnsna io 56 p m. 8 42 pm, weak davs arriving at Philadelphia 4 Ma m. New York T23 a dj, Baltimore 2 W a in WftHliington 4 5 a m Tmins aUO leave Banbury 2 27 am dally urrlvlnir ut Phlladeldhll 6 .via Hnltlmore 0 35 a in WathlSStOS 7 4" ft ui New York v 83 am Weekdeyn, loasam Snmlay, 7 80 smweek days arriving at Philadelphia II 4S am, New York 2IIIS p m, Balllmoie II 5 a m Washington l on p m. 1M pm.week dy arrlvlnn at Philadelphia 8 23 p m, New York u 30 p m, Haitluiore 8 uu p m Waimlnston T 18 p in Tralni alo leave Bunbury at tf 50 n m ind 5 28 and 8 V p m, lor HarrlsLurg, Philadelphia and Baltimore . B. WOOD, Oen'l Pana Agent i. B. HTJTCniNSON Uen'l Manaaer. uidi It's a long life, bul devotion to (be true interoets and protspeiity of the American People bur. won for it newfrioi'da asrtbe yeas rolled by und the orifiinal members of its fam ily passed to tbeir reward, and these admirers are loyoland Bteadfastto day, with faith in ita teacbinss, and confidence in the ibformation which it hriiiDH to tln ir homes and tin es. Asa oatural oonseouenee it en joys in its old sge nil tho vitality and vigor of its youth, strengthened and ripened by the experiences of over half a century. It has lived on itfi merits, and on the cordial support of progressive Americans, .. ,, , . , , , , ... It is the "New York Weekly Tribune, acknowledged the eountn over us the leading Nationol Family Newspaper. Recognizing its value to those who desire all the news of the State and Nation, the publisher of THE POST, 'you,- own favorite home pa pe. I, has entered into an alliance with "Tne New York Weekly Tribune which enables him to furnish both papers at the tnfllOg sum of 1.2 Ewy fanner and every villageB owcb to himself, to his family, and to the community in which be Uvea a cordial support of his local news paper ' as it words consUntly and untiringly for his interestB in every wao brings to bts home all the news and happcnmgB of bis n. ichbor hood, the doings of his triends, the condition and prospects for .lillerent cropH, the prices in home markets, and, iu fact, is a weekly visitor which should be found in every wide-awake, progressive fomily. Just think of it ! Both these papers for only 1.!W a year. Send all subscriptions to "THE POST.'' BCddleburg, Pa. JA8. O. CROUSE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MlDDLKBORO, Pi All business entrusted to his oars will receive prompt attention: 5.. . Pottage, Veterinary sUrceoN. SELINSOROVE. PA. AU professional business entrusted to my ears will receive prompt and careful attention. cured by Dr. dose." fliaii fall tent Is used for Plastering Houses. It Is a new discvery Guaranteed to last longer than any other plaster. It is preferred to Adamant. For particulars call on or address D. A. KERN BIDDLEBHBGH. fl draemfrom tbs via, la John lltl j t j.1 A 4V A AUVlliU 11 MVSMOUVS, era, onageSiliclted.