1 He. For to ache. A .lie rn hexlui'h UWll tl) I tO IVIl'f In the Id oart il in Keurrn, Celery ease oi nevs. - V r ... The tf.iddleburgb Post. Publiftned everv Tliuiwilay. hrtilnr and ProDrietor TOO LATB. raffcf-tU Seaaa Im m Polio Court A Futarr Flaas Ilia ProdU (1 Sua. Subscription 1.50 per year. U I, Bid ' ; aid l" .. lv knot WMO sent out- ldr tttu lit;..) BA TES OF ADVERTISING. All ; r Mtslent lulmriteiincnts u it oUMTWlM xiutn ed 'or will be charged at ibe raie u( It 1 1 lint (nonpvtol tntaiurt) (or rtrst loser Hon and i) oeuta per Una tor ever iubaeqoenl i r!H trl' I'h notirtt piMithrd frtt ; obituary potrty, r rifet. ,tc, Iftrc-' cm a title. liiNuruncc and Suicide. Tui Missouri decision that tb lniror n'rc company moat ny tha full value I .' e policy of a hiiicido unlcdt It enn hov.' t!iat self-murder was contcniplat- td nt t !: time that iliu policy win uii.cn oct will ocn up the question aa to . i vi the inatiranoe f live enoour agrs -iiieide. Hitfli oflieiT in varloua tow pa s have from tinio to time ar gvr. u. :a it i!oe not, hut statistics . : i in to point to n J.'iTcieiit oou . ... In ls-o the suicide rate of In ljc.1 iviii iS.Tpcr l.d,lK,J, walla in ISOi irlaen to IT per 100,000. Where tnaurauoe coinpnnlea doclnru thin tin iU :.ol content oOjf suiciiie clailutf tlu.'j' ituit he putting a premium on sclf-i!e-itniction, says the Philadelphia ln qalrer. oi-ie yearn npi. when tho uo Idi . Inaurai eo boom was at Its height 'n England, ft enmmlaaion mm appoint td to in vest! gat a tho matter. It found thut i- coses where the premium on the o' an eye wu greater than for tl: : .o cf a Ug, the company making the cftcr had more "eye claims" to pay than - -i ,, ei86t Where the right band rated at the highest fyruro, more ri I hands than any other portion of .1 i , were lost. This matter of telf tmtll itlon for ai insurance reward was V- demonstrated by the testimony .1 1 13" the commission. It also n . tht to light another Interesting 'iwm. The greatest number of accident ii:-e.s wore reported from that class that 1 nown ns the "genteel poor." As the members of this class follow clerical or -'' tonal careers rather thnn mr hani '. ! or arduous oni h, the number of among them, as compared vlth those who actually followed liu7 irdoua businesses, was remarkable. It 1 i lirly well demonstrated that when Ley were hard upfor-a few hundred ds thej would takeout an accident ; olie.v for the amount needed urn! go, U come homo with a crushed leg or .... 1 us 1 lie cuo might warrant. In the ractti r of suicide the ir.'iri who Is in finni lal or other trouble Is far more Ire If by ending his 11'"., if bis '. t insurance vrill surety be paid to his heirs, than be would In: If a reasonable 1 were rs .d n.s t'; tho lejrnlitvof be 1 In'.ms of his heirs to such a pay lent, The Insurance com pan lea fre quently pay buicide claims, ulthough thi y feel morally snru that there was '. ' tended when tho policy was out, but when they do this, ratber . :i 'r tbe odium that attaches to a .ed claim, they encourage self-destruction. "Sergeant, bring in your prisoners." Ths first was William Jones, an old nan, with a whlU beard, who glanced nervously around muttering to hiuv M-lf: "Yea, 1 cow uJl the way from Californy." "What is the chargo?" "Drunk on the Bteps of O'l'lanigan's saloon, your honor." At this the old man straightened himself up and addressed the judge: "Judge, did he say drunk?" "That Is the charge" "Judge, I ain't nover been drunk in all my bom days. I come all the way from Calif orny. Excuse me, judge, my head feels kind of queer." "Well, If you were not drunk, how did you come to bo lying where they found you at O'Flanigan's saloon?" At the reference again made to tho saloon, he for the second tin. endeav ored to collect his Ideas. "Judge," ho said, "my boy left his home n!"h on three years ago. I'm a mlnci Ul Cullforny, and ever since he left I've Khii savin1 up, and I brought $i0 and w.me change with me, and come ali U. way frtun Californy." "But tell us how you come o bo at O'Flanigan's." Again ho nuidc an effort and contin ued i I bml spent ull my change, but thinking that I would find my boy in Jfew 1 after 1 had my supper might before !ii6t, 1 wouldn't touch the twenty dollars, 'cause I thought s maybe he would need It." He stoped for a second iuid Um'h broke lu with the old wail: "Yes, judge, i come all the way from Collfoniy, Judge, I hal waikeil the streets three days and three nights, mul iu. 1 come along last night by that piece you called a sakon, I soon n Boils and Pimples Give Warning. AN UNFAILING SIGN THAT NATURE IS APPEALING When Nature is overtaxed, she hoi her own way of giving notice that assist ance Is needed. She does not ask for help until it is impossible to get along without it. Boils and pimples are on Indication that tbe system is accumulating impurities which Cflp UZ P must be (gotten rid of ; they are an urgent appeal for assistance lUn nCLli a warning that can not safely be ignored. To neariect to punry the blood at this time means more than the annoyance of painful boils and unsightly pimples. If these impurities are allowed to remain, the svstem succumbs to any ordinary illness, and is unable to withstand the many ailments which are so prevalent during spring and summer. sirs. Ij. vjeuuio, ont'uuu nvenu.'. oeuine, nun., sW . YJf save : " I was alllicted for a long time with pimples, which jilM Otf were very annoying, us they disfigured mv facu ft-arf ullv. After using many other remedies in rain, ft S. S. promptly end thoroughly cleansed my blood, and now I rejoice in a good complexion, which I never had before." uapt. w . it. imiiiup. or rrie a. it. 3. R. R., Chattanooga. Tenn.. writes: " Several boils and carbuncles broke (Kit upon r:in, causing great jinia and annoyance. My blood soemed to lie in a riotous condition, and nothing I took seemed to do (St any good. Six bottle? of 8. tS. . oured me completely Hbi nml mv hlm,.l luis hoAn rjerfeotiv nan nvnr ain.u, " Ml n 1 (WSr? S. 8. 3. TH 3 LOGO In tho best blood r . -'v. is !t puxelT voee table and in the only one that is absolutely rora potash nnd mercury, It promptly purines the blioU uud thoroughly cleanses the system, builds up the general health and strength. It curi d .-, i fu!a, Eozoma, Cuni Klieunw ' tism. Totter. Boils, Bores, etc., by going ..hj1 to tho ''auaeo the tjouble uud foroingout all Impure bloi d. Books free to any address by the fciu :ii Sp ciflo Co., Atlanta, via, i iff. i 1 mwww jr Mill Tliere Is a new disease of women of fashion due to fashion alono. It Is tiugnosed, prescribed for and cured by physicians like any other disease, it ed the "silk pi tiieuut wrist." Its symptoi is are plainly apparent to ni i v k.. Rpeclallsts and it is surprisingly . ... Di (he burden of your ?ilke i skin rour wrist aflba and row Cngcrs grow ..... Are you con scious often of m dull, aching pain In our wrist si I art s, like tbe toothache grown tired or rl i matism in one of Its iesser moments Do you feci thiamoat . a day of shopping when you have held your skit ' f. r half a day with the grlmdi u rminatii i thatnospi ck of dust hall mar their fair surf ace eren if you ti :' faint from it? If fo you have the t society disease, which Is Interest tin silk petticoat wriet. . w aa traveling through a thinly m lled distriel In the south sonc time '.d a drummer, "and bin', ooca iton to slop at ! i mall t.vn off tlie Hue f the .oaii. The only vehicle I emili vet at iiie Station was i ramshackle ,,,,f.ry driven by an old darky, and ns tri sni Ued up thu m..k1 l amused myself umplng him ukrat people and Lbinga. Finally it occurred to mo to get ome pointers on tho beet jilaee to ,. 'Iok here, uncle,' I said, 'wtiere k folks generally hang out here? Tlie u,a man gave u sudden st.irt and gtnred it me with evident nprehension. 'Well, he repllel, in a hoarso whisper, they moe' genr'ly hangs out on that :' . big ches'nut tne yonder, second Urn' from th tmttom.' " The professional kicker has no ap parent license to live nnd mnny people Standi r why ho cares to live. Uls ea krtence, truly observes tho Denver 1 i::n s, is one of the inexplicable mys :..:is pi providence. Be seems to toll act or Spin, yet he has elothod himself ailh a homespun effulgence that is as standing as a halo of t'allfoTmlaoff. The pushcart man, with Ikjnofled otr at live cents a gallon, will soon become a fixture. Thus each home may have Its own cooler at a small expense, and, ure jKiwer la needed, machinery may be operated with the seme product. A good story is told of the return of a body of regular soldiers from Cuba When some offer was made to welcome them, their spokesman soldi "Ws ain't heroes; we're regulars." tiier, tms rr your rotrag man l thought was my boy, so I followed blm, i'.'1 when ho got under the i' of that there place, I tuku gmxl '. at mm, and I pi'n It couldn't be my boy, lie wot w much fatter and redder 'on what he was. Yes, 1 come all th.' way from Californy." "When thv man went into the saloon, what did jou doT" "Judgi . 1 was so disappointed and faint-hearted, 1 cried, and 1 didn't know nothing till they brought me here, lly money was all gone, but I ain't found my boy, and I come all tie way from Californy." "Never mind, old man, you shall hare your twenty dollars .".i Sit' more for yourself, to buy something to eat," said the Judge, and tle-re wasn't a dry eye in the courtroom OS the hat Wl ! pits.-.-.! around. you think you were roMxtl at the saloon 7" asked the Judge, "I don't know, I don't know," said the old man. beginning to whimper. 'Drunk; What would my old woman say if she was to bear that they sjd I 'Viis drunk, and I come r. 11 the win from Californy." "Come, sec how much money you have," gold tV Judge, us the hat was passed buck full. "Now, you can have a ni breakfast and l- fresh to sti.rt on your Journey." Tm much obliged," said the old man faintly, "but, Judge, do you know 1 ain't a bit hungry now, but I do feel powerful strange." They led the jioor old man away, and the other prisoner wa called, "Wil liam Smith, charged with lighting ai OTlanlgan's." He was a pretty tough Umking subjecti with a bandage across his right cheek. Aa he saw the old man he called out with n thick voir-t "Ibiio, old gray beard, Tve seen jrou beforel" "Young man," suM the older one, "you's mighty rude, but I wont sny nothing to you, because I hod u son Mice OS left his home, and 1 ain't never Stopped a-thlnkln' uud u-pruyln' for him sence, no and I ain't stopped a-lovln' of him neither. Young man, oeref give your old futher no such a time as I've hod a-grleWn for my boy. When he left me my lieerd was as block ua yourn; It didn't have no gray hairs In It then, not a one, and I come to find him, yes, I come all the way from Cali forny." During the old man's speech, the younger man had kbipped gradually nearer; wlicn ht had Cuished he gave a start and drew from his pocket a well worn pocket-book. Springing forward, ho cried: 'Tuther, wus it you?" The old man's face shone with a radi ant smile, "It's him!" he cried. "I've found my boy us w as lost, yes it's my boy. Yea, 1 come all tbe way from Callforn " but he hud found him too late! Be Vena Laughton, in Union Signal. Drtak and Insanity, The eight principal mscs of Insani ty have been tubulated, and the results presented to n London scientific society. Drink stands at the top' nnd accounts for about a third of all the Christian Work. A Stroke of Fortune. "Ye," said Mamie, "my presence of mind is what saved me on uommouoe ment day." "Everybody wujj saying you must be un Intellectual wonder," said Maud, nd mlriugly. "Well, It was partly lock. When 1 tied the pages of my essay together, 1 got them all mixed up, ami 1 didn't discovi r It till I got on the platform. 1 was soared nearly to death. But I read straight on as if nothing had happened, and it wus all for the best. It sound ed too profound for anything'.'' Wi.iih tagton .Star. Wllllnu to rik Them, lie was shy of (Terms In the water, she hoiicd ana kimu them by ..t.u.a Fhe wcix shy of germs In the butter Ari.l microbes that flourish in cream. Hhe was shy of gerfflS In the slrlolo, of tierni In theinarrowf.it bone. She was shy of (terms en her money Ami cernii! that you meet at the ')! .. Khe wiih shy of strata ut the ptayhouca Of nrras on ths car transfer sHr: Hut she wasn't a l it shy of th microbes, If there Wer. any on Archibald's ItptL Chicago Jiully News. Heartless Wuiun. "I dunilO whether I, shuli eve take my wife to another ball gaiin-," aai! Mr. Rubier. "Bother you too moohl "(, no; 1 haw finally frot her to n point where she uad.'rstnnds the game pretty well, but when the tunj Ire robbed us of a run she just laughed nnd nJd: 'Ain't that funny "--Indianapolis Jolll'Illli. AiTDmmoitr.IIng, , "I woe going to ask you to take lunch with me to-day," said one board of trade nan to another, "but Slims says be hns invited you. Sorry Ik- ifiit lu ahead of ma" "What time do you lunch?" "At one," "Bow fortunate, siimn takes his at 12. I'll 1 with you." Detroit Tive Press. Rot Their Kind. Tim Utile cut. h hedgehog sptl h hi bi V ..J to whine for; "i bi I art lot," the old bear cried, kind : ork-you-plnr' for." U A. V. rulletln. Corporation itindneas. "Henry, can't you lemonstrate ubout Unix' two telephone polce on our aide walk?" "Gracious! no, Ellen, I'm Just druft ing a ote of tlumJis to the coinpuny fi r not planting them lu our front yurU." Detroit Free Presa KIDNEY Is a Jecoptive iIih in, ti iu i r en c tbousands I KUL'HLfcijavo l4Uj don't kuow it. Jf you want quick lentil! s ou oau make no mistake by usiiiT Dr. Kilmer's; Swamp Hoot, the great kidney remedy. Atdragyriatain fifty cent and dollar sizes. Sample boi tleB by mail frue, also pamphlet tell ing you bow to lind out if you have kidnev trouble. Address, Dr. Kilmer & Co., BinKbaniton, N.Y. The Soldier Roy at Ben. A Kansas boy with the regulars going to Manila writes thus to his folks: "For a time this morning we were very badly frightened because we thought we were lost ut sea. One of the sailors told us that the captain had neglected to wind the compass tbe night before; that It had run down, and that nobody knew where we were or which way to sail. After awhile we found It was one of those fool sailor Jokes." Kansas City Journal. Doe t'oilee Agree With Yen T If not, drink Grain-O made from Sure grains. A lady writes : "Tbe rat time I make Orain-0 I did not like it but after uainsc it for one week nothing would induce me to go back to coffee." It nourishes and feeds the system. The children can drink it freely with great benefit. It is the strengthening substance of pure grains. Get a package today from your grocer, follow the direction a in making it and you will hare a delici ous and healthful table beverage for old and young. ISo. and 25c, Boms time ngo a man went to visit a la nd who was on Inmate of a lunatic asj'l i: l After a prolonged chat In a 1 uraorouo, it i.j: very intelligent vein, the xibitor thought It time to go. "Is that eloek right, John'" ho asked of the Inmate, .1..; n gnxed at his friend for u time i'i apparently speechless amaze ment, then, with a chuckle, he said; "My de :r friend, do you think the clock ,.aM be hare If It was all right?" Di UMlllMI after you have concluded that you ought n ! to drink coffee. It is not a medicine but dootors order it, be cause ; healthful, invigorating and appetizing, It is made from pure grains and has that rich seal brown color and tastes like the finest grade of coffee and costs about Ins much. Children like it and thrive on it be cause it is Mm genuine food drink conl lining nothing bui nourishment. Ask your rrrocet for Grain-O, the new food drink, 15 and i!5c. The one Baeeptlaov, He To hear you tell it, one would think I t.e-1 - told a single truth before we were married, Khe Well, you did prevaricate to a considerable extent, but I'll give you credit for having told me tlie truth once, Re -Indeedl And when was that, pray? She Whenj iu proposed. Don't you remember you said you were unworthy of me?- n'.'.---. 'Wr News. , Word to Ms tin in. Mothers of children i. fleeted with croup or u i evere o .1 n ed not l:es itate to administer CbotnberIaiuH Cough B tmedy. It contftius no op iate nor narcotic iti any fi rm niol may In-given as confidently to (be babe ns In an adult, The great uc ooas thai litis attended its use in the treatment of colds nnd croup has won for i'. the approvi 1 ;.ul pruisi it baa received throughout the United .states and in many foreign lauds. For sale by all DrUggiata IT'S DIFFERENT THE NORTH AMERICAN IFHIIiADELPHIA) IT-S niFFKHKXT. because It prints all the news, and all the news II prints Is true. ITS niFFKHEXT, because it s bright and brisk, up-to-dats and vigorous, but not yellow. ITS DIFFF.REXT. because Its only policy Is to tell the truth. It has no covert or personal Interests to promote. It serves no political ambition, no creed, no class prejudice, no mere partisan purpose. IT S DIFFERENT, because It advocates equal taxation and battles against the existing system, which favors the rich corporation at the expense of the farmer, thejnerchant, the manufacturer and the wage-earner. ITS DIFFERENT, because It stands lor Republican principles, snd mokes war upon all who, under the stolen name of Republicanism, are disloyal to those principles. IT S DIFFERENT, because It believes manhood and not money should rule. Therefore It upholds the rights of all, as against the aggressive power of the privileged few. ITS DIFFERENT, because no boss, no corporation, can control one line of Its space. ITS DIFFERENT, because It Is non sectartan and broad ; every party, every faith, every class, and the worklngman equally with the millionaire, gets a fair hearing In Its columns. IT'S DIFFERENT, be cause tt upholds faith In humanity, and the pro gress of mankind toward higher Ideals, larger hopes and better living. rT8 DIFFERENT. It win continue to be different. Watch The North Amort can and aee It grew. co0occoceoOcOccoOo C0OOOOOOOW00S0l ! SCHOCH k ST MB Offer to the public a full line of Corrugated Roofing, Plain Tin and Galvanized Iron Roofing and Spouting, Fence Wire,Tinware,Gran iteware. Etc. A full line of OIL & VAPOR STOVES for Summer cooking. Call and see our stock and learn our prices. SCHOCH & 8TAHLNECKER, OPP. JAIL, MIDDLEBUHG, PA. C C C 3 C 3 -Ooo cOGeoetceooQo3oOcftooto4 ONE CENT M Insurance. - - Snyder's old, and reliable oen Insurance Agency, SELIN8GE0VE, SNYDER COUNTY, PA- Successor to the late William H, 8nvder. The Par-Exoellencc of Reliable Insurance is represented in tbe foil us I oi Diananra ' ompamea, irom wmen to iuuIlv a selw . . B ttor tbe World over. .US h, LUI7STIOIT. ASSluTS, FIRE Royal, Liverpool, Eng. (including foreign asseth) 848,000,0(1 Hartford, of Hartford, Conn., foldent Aiut-rican ('u.i S.645.7J Hi . '- ft . , At rowDix, aruora, uonn. ,i, 588,0 Continental, New York, ,iY Qerinan American, New York. mo o LIFE Mutual Life Idb. Co. New York, -;,., ACCIDENT Employers' 1 ji ;ilili t v Assurance Corporation, Accident Ins. Co. Subscribed Capital of 3, i.e. h'ire. T.ife mul Aeciilr.nl rinltK tktuumtaA ..t tl,., 1. ......( , ,1 . , , tinea by a strict regard to mutual safety. All jut olaims promptly aauaiaotoruy aajustea. iniormauoa in relation to all Classen of it nneeiirrnimilvfm-i.iwlii.il tllAtVU W Tv"nT.-; a . CelepnoDa No. 182, Offioa ou Corner Water & Pine Sts, SelinsjjroTM O00OO000OO000O00O00OOOCCCO CZ&ZOCOO&3OOQQQ0 Z . r: i Ml Kinds, i AH Oualits ,; r CARPETS ! v1PliIAt MA 1 1 Intid 2 t Ali Prices. "jTHE whole lower floor of-niy store is t;i!:en 'up wiff) '' " liiis, Art, Squares, Curtains, Windou Shades, Curtain Hassocks, Ifng Fringe, Stair and table Uil Cloths, &o.t v. We can Bhow you the largest and best Belaction of the giHKis ever hown in Lewistown, S O 9 6 r, ") Brussells Carpet as low as ."ill cents and up. Velvet (Virj.et as low as 76 cents and Uj . All Wool Carpet as low as 60 cents and up. Hull Wool Carpet as low as :)') cents and 'ij,. Cotton urpet as low as 22 cents and up. Lias Carpet as low as cents nnd up. China urn! faoan Matting 100 ioHs to select fn 3XJ GOODS! !jj Compare ipmlity and prices, you will find thai our ston 5 the place to buy ut. The goods are first-class, prices arc ) lowest, our rooms are clean and no trouble to show good-. Respectfully, W. H. FELIX, Lewistown, Prompt Paymei Liueral Adjustments- REMEMBER H. HRRVEY SCHOCH. GENERAL INStiRANGCIASCNGY, BBLiINS 6BOYE 9 IP Only the Oldest, Strongest Cash Companies, Fire, Life, Accident and Tornado. No Assessments No Premium N iAiMBMkaVMaaWawnM not: tm The Aetna Founded A. D., 1819 Assets $11,055,5 Home 44 - 44 1853 " 9,853,(i American " 44 44 1810 M 2,409,5 The Standard Accident Insurance Co. The New York Life Insurance Co. The Fidelity Mutual Life Association. Your Patronage Solicited. Peerless Pile Cure. A MARVEL OP PERFECTION giving instant relief and permanent cure. NO 8ALVB or UNPLEASANT 8U POSIT0RIES. Prloe to Introduce $9.00. PEERLESS REMEDY CO. 5 Cedar 8t., New York. 7-27-lmo. PATENTS maianir rm mmmnnli OBTAINED. TESHS EASY. oonnitor nrnnrrnintrr- with tbe Editor ofUUa paper, who wm gtn aa Deeded inter- llFliilTli'ao! Rlpaaa Tabules cor Urer t B e b. in i" t: it in re w ti. 01 Tl w la la th la pt or bi M th he s to th in, Wl ce Ir fa an Ml he im th. th. in pe thi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers