The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, August 31, 1899, Image 8

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Imparts that peculiar lightness, sweetness,
and tlavor noticed in the finest cake, short
cake, biscuit, rolls, crusts, etc., which ex
pert pastry cooks declare is unobtainable
by the use of any other leavening agent
Made from pure, grape cream of tartar.
C earn of H ippen ngs in Neighbor
ing Counties Briefly Told.
j here arc :72 inmates in the
I intingdon Reformatory.
. i Juniata county fair will be
'.i .: Toil Royal September 13th,
T kh and ISthand will have many
Theixteentli annual convention
f the W. C T. I', will meet in
Bellefonte Monday anil Tuesday,
t pt. 11 ami 12.
The 2iith Annual Encampment
md Exhibition of the Patrons of
! bandry will be held at Grange
I'ark, Ceutre Hall, Sept. 1" to rJ.
1 1' Millheim, lentrecouuty, there
veral severccasesof diphthtTiH.
Two deaths and several others seri
Lii ly ill istheresulf thus far known.
WiHlnesdiiy evening of last week
I !. rge char-coal iron furnace at
Ruin ml, Centre county, was put in
.tier being idle tor ten years.
Sun bur v held a big demonstration
Tuesday night "I last week in
1 inl' ( iol, ( '. M. Clement's elec-
i tn the command of the 1 "Jih
regiment, N. i. P.
I h.usy led Rev. Basil Ball, col
uf Huntingdon, to terribly cut
ii ax housekeeper, Mary
Wint 'rsnndJohn Reinesford, several
i will die.
which to hold the
i ; i . .u nds 'ii
I nil amptnent
of the Juniata
, aJlcy V eteran Association at rscw-
1 have been secured inJ.C. Het
lield uiai the old lair ground.
Idle threshing in Howard town
Centre county, recently, an S-
ir-old son ol Henry Conser was
caught between the belting and the
heel and his head crushed into ii
Mrs. Stehlev, ol"Sunbury, has been
presented with a book by a relative
if ii ting a printed family tree of
her family. It dates back totheyear
1040 and contains over a thousand
u antes.
The University Inn at State Col
I je, which was run by Peter S. Bur
rei Ii r the nasi two vears, will in the
----- i
t t ( 1 1 ; In1
looked after by P. I.
Foster, the new proprietor, who
ik charge on Wednesday of last
During the great Hood ot 1889 a
mall apple tree floated intothe court
louse yard at Lock Haven where it
lodged in an upright position, it
took root and grew quite rapidly and
i- now quite a large tree. This year
it i- loader with fruit until its branch
es are bending.
A tew days ago a young fellow in
Penns valley, near Belleroote, shot
l 17-pound turkey. Knowing he
. mid lie prosecuted lie made infor
mation against himself, paid one-half
the $25 and OOSte, The same even
ing i neighlsir went to make infor
mation and was surprised on lieing
t dd the case was settled.
I he venerable Judge Samuel Mi 1
lef of Missouri thinks that the well
known Farm Journal is the best out
of twenty journals that he takes.
He says U moral tone, and the un
relenting war in waging all humbugs
makes it invaluable. What pleases
Judge Miller will please yon. We
are in a situation to send Farm Jour
nal irom now on tolKXiniber, 1903,
marly five years, to every one who
will promptly pay up his sulserip
tiijn. Only one dollar a year ahead
and to every new subscriber. Be
News of Interesf Gathered From Various
Charles Walter
of Paxtonville
' I
2 roils uf ground
... .... i ii i
rhe Shriner church lias been pa-
, '
pered, wall and ceiling, and presents j
a tine appearance.
SI aim. kin Dam
sel Is
their annual picnic at
Johusou's linn last Thursday.
C. V. Bassler bought a Iol from
Calvin Sliotzberger lor ?7(M, on
which he intends erecting a beautiful
eotttirre next summer.
The dwelling of Charles Roushof
Preeburg was struck by lightning
during the electrical storm on Mon
day evening ol last week.
R-Uph Witmer, of'Penn township,
has his arm in a sling. Ralph is an
i-, being only six years
old. 1 lc had Ilia leg broken several
years ago.
Wm, Helfenstein of PortTrever-
ton. unon enterinur his ice hous.
Be, was
i lunea
a largt
1 I o
startled by the appearance oi
hoop snake. SeUing a Bhovel lie
quickly killed the reptile. The end
of its tail consisted of a sharp dan
gerom looking horn, hard as bone.
Geo. I'. Livingstone, contractor
and build' r of Selinsgrove. has se
cured ti e contract for the cr
ei eel loll
of the building for the Herndon
Brush Factory. The building will
lie of brick, 125x35 and two stories
high. 'ontnict price, 3,500.
E. Och:nford, 1. 1.
iireached his farewell sermon to the
eongreuatioii of the First Lutheran ;
Cliiircli of Sclinsttrove last Sunday
mui'iiing preparatojyto his assuming
charge ol the IVotcssorehip to which
lie was elected in Muhlenburg Col
lege Our Post to be Present.
V vl I .. 111 km ,,,..,,,,1 iranlr
.mi vveeK win ot a gi.tiiti " eun I
Philadelphia, beinir the meeting
, .. ' s .i I
of the National Encampment of the
i. a. tv., trora .N'ptemis.r i to
rnt i .1
1 be citizens ot that city with
their usual liberality are spending
tensof thousands of dollars to receive
ami entertain the veterans ot the I
Civil War
a suitable manner, j
Many large buildings are being
thrown open, a large camp in Fair-
mount Park has been erected and all
furnished with cots and other con- j
veniences, sufficient for all, and all!
n. , rr. , .is
ecot charge. 1 he A VCUUC ot hmnClOArnft Pnna Womnn Hnrlnc
. , n i ... . Dome renua. women during
is said to be a splendid sight, never th War of the Revolution.
equalled ill the United States, and
1 . , , , , , '
probably Hot ill tllC World. Ihe
V- . i -. , ,i
National Government regards the1
vent ot sufficient iiniiorUmee to send
many of the great ships ot the navy
to ii.'wta'iiviti' nnn one riav will 1
given to a great naval parade. Ifc.
sides all this and much more in this
line, they are just atniiit finishing
the large and magnificent structures
to !e used at the National Exjuirt
Exjtosition, which opens the week
liter the Encampment, lo see these
preparations will alone be worth
more than the cost ot your tnn.
The car hue for return ticket is the
prit of one way.
( )ur local Post, Capt. G. W. Ryan,
No. 864, have made arrangements
to go, and have invited all comrades
of other ivosts of this and neighbor
ing counties, (who do not go as
jKists), also all soldiers, to join with
them and share the benefitsaccruing
such as go as an organization.
President ot the National Eiport E -
Brinirtrn being nresidentof the Ex
position Association and a niemlier
of the Hoard of Trustees of the
Trustees of tlie
Philadelphia Museums, Peter A. B.
Vfidener is an active director in the
principal street nu I w v companies t
the United States, is one of the Coin-
. . . ... ,
uisnooen of rairmoudt i ark, ami
is prominently identified with a
number of iinuortant busiuess euter-
nruiN in Pliiln.loli.liiu .mil o I sow here I
rr .
.... . , i
Mr. Widener developed a taste for
... . . , . . :
politics in earl v manhood, and be-
came prominent in the councils of the
Republican party. In 1873 he was
appointed to serve out the unexpired
term of Joseph Marceras City Trea-
surer, and the following year was j
elected ior a lull term.
When be retired from the office1
l. t ...... w 1 Ma atti.nt.nn t.. the lie- 1
veloptnent of street railroads. In
1S7" he was among those who se-
u ret I the ControllinB interest in the!
. . . ui .ii j
most UliportaUt system m 1 DUadel -
phia 1 he I'liiladclplua Iraction
CoiiMiauv, now consolidated
with I
other street railway systems of the
oitv ii I n n on TrtifitinnCnmiuinv.
While Mr. Widener has been
oompunv, he is also a iloininatnij:
'.......:.'. ...i... i;i. ;..
i. Mini in uuii'i ui nr.. ii.itii.t- up
v . .... . ., ,., ,
New York, Cbioiairo. Baltimore and
ittsbunr. He and those directly
interested w ith him have the control
nut direction ut more lines ot street
railways than any syndicate in this
His magnificent mansion at the
corner of Broad street and Qirard
avenue In1 has presented to the city
fir the use of the Free Library of
Philadelphia, removing the contents
ol Ins art gallery, a collection valued
at $-,i 1(1,110(1 to his
residence at
AshlHiiirnc, Pa. In addition to the
immense collection of masterpieces
that were in the Broad street
sioii, about :jiio, Mr. Widener has
ann.nnn -,.iUof ;,!u.r in ..,v
s 1 - J i' e. - -
York, which arc to be forward I
. . i , . r . .,, siaucsn some in
Bnoourne as soon us arrangements tiaa atoriea about nii the big iish gutting
can be made
to receive and hang
Mom in Philadelphia, November
sjn ,..,i i, iTij1 i i i
,,,, .s,l, Mr. uieiier receivetl bis
ducalion in the1 public schools and
the Central High Sohoo ui the city,
m 1 I 11 . 111 ?l 1 I
lo-uav urooaoiv no oobib ranawt-
,. ',, . . . . , .
iuiii i. i cuusrivBuia ir, unsn in
lormcd iijiou tin- Ii nances of the city
and state, and as a financier the
opinion oi .Mr. widener carries witn
it weight and
Teachors Elected.
whool directors of Centre
township clcctei'the following teach-
s lor i nc ensuing term: ncrge
J, A. Bowersox; Hartman's, E. K.
Shambach; Ocker's, A, A. Bingman;
Herman's, L. C. Bingman; Centre
ville Primary, Miss Kathryn Miller.
grammar and intermediate
grade- are not yet supplied with
The following is a list of the
, , , .
teachers elected for the ensuing term :
Oon W Wa1lmrn Pnrwwnal union.
V aiOOrn, rnocipai, salary
55; Assistant, i hoe. L. Hofi; Gram
mapgrade, C. A. B.Glaes: Interme-
. ...
diatc. (. arnu Keeler: rrtmarv. Marv
' ' J
E. Weaver, Miller's, Wm. F. Brown:
Flint, F. H. Holsapple: ReJehen-
bach 8, Amnion Shatter; lied Bank,
("has. A. (iearhart: Summit. Marv
8. Hilbish, salary $26: Neitz Val-
ley, J. W. Eiscnhauer, salary $2H;
Y hite Top, Bae Mover, salary ?22
Term, seven months,
The ftltOVC is the title of a verv
4..7....... "
i . ... i . i . ...;. ... i i ' .
r,"lf"i,u u ., "
I II la s.nsl.i A I I 1 . . al.,i.. I sl.tsou
Ii. i .iigie, i.i. x'., i A-oiaie liionu i-
an, Harrisburg, Pa. This elegant
volume gives short biographical
i fetches of many noble and patriotic
women of Pennsylvania who partici-
pated with their noble fathers,
brothers and husbands in the great
Strilirele for independence, and it also I
1 . .1
sketches the lives of their respective
I hu8bamls- This is a very valuable
i.i:. a ,1.1,...,, .1, ...... !,..
Farm for Sale A farm contain
ing 55 acres situate in Middlecreek
township, mile north ot Globe
Mills, Snyder county, is offered for
sale at a bargain. The buildings
are good as new. Five acres are in
good woodland. Farm will be sold
for first good offer. . Call on or ad
drcss,J.M. Murer,Kreamec,Pa. tf.
,.8,?0,e.ou,p,pUUf,onllon,orWi' -
II. II-Faust is visiting at Hew ninefold, his
former home.
G. K. iieiiiibach U a traveling salesman for
wrought Iron Range 1 o.
The town has A tine odor since Mr. Rb1 m.
otfafd a eat taaeinf phaiehata.
We see quite a f, w uuewploed men paae
over lha rail, old. Tiiey might be track inspec
tors, a niceiy arranged surprise p.
v. n. Herbsj on Monday
H.r'"K" , ,
K. v ai Horn nmve.1 to th
A tiirely arranged surprise party wan hehl for
mngat the hotue
the Summit Hotel
We are sorry to aee him laava an he In a good
itiaan ami incnuiy to everynouy.
A KOOdlV ttttmber of our uonle ft'tflrulotl hm
XS?2 '''c.mcon, urd.- in.ortun.teiy
day due to heavy rain and muddy
icw 01 ioe noye iio not come noine until oun-
rain and muddy roada.
T K. Bpecbt has replanted Ida strawberry .
patch, h.wa. quite successful with his old!
patch When you visit our town rail on him
and bowllldaaefiba it- euiture. Ha baa a line I
""' !
IJ M t w a as -..a a.. .
at nimintown.
"aw .U'" ' W"kM 3" "'
I'rof. Rattling and family took In the eitur
Ion to Asbury Park laat week.
A rain aet In on Saturday evening raining all
WtMattd. nearly ull day Sunday
a social wm given In the Opera House laat
Friday night by 31i. lith. l Bcbooh.
Quite it number of utlr people lire attending
liriiugere I tenia at William a Orova.
Mm V. II. Schroder arrived lu're on Satuiday
Herboaband having preceded bar evernl day
A rcci' will he irivcli t1 a Baa. itaiitnr and
hll fnn.ilv l.v Tr.nltv I.n.lun.i. flin..l. n.wl
Sunday School ou Tuunday evening of this
.1. 0. Paboon and hll hitter, Mr
m Kempfer
e irifiit at
w."n''2"-DU :on?!'ar .to na pre
reception of the 10th llagimanl which oc-
nrmJ eh Monday
If.'V H K ((. It--. ,f.,r,t Is n J t.l. lakoat-
iiiornlttg. He leaves with
l'tfi fi.r i .. tisiti- t,
Id of labor at MuhlenherK
c,ii.Ke. Aiientown,
n v K. H. Poll
nor of Pirtahnra filled the oi iriuity uuineran church on Sunday
morning vety acceptably. He and his family
left for their bona on Monday.
A drove of unbroken horses ni.d colts were
offered for sale here ou Friday. Only a few
Wire sold at public sale, hut wa Iowa that a
i" . aw.
ii. e.. iiicmer, n no nnvl ncen ivorklng on an
extension to a i.... t.,i at iieiiefoi.t.. sine. A.
prn, return ea noma last track rnr a tin
expeeta, bowavar, before long to start on
er Job.
The Union Picnic at the Rldga oburob win be
held on Saturday. Sept. :'3.
W. It. Knapp and p, W.Traoatar took a trip
to Beaaattown last week on special business.
Harvey Trr.tsler was home from II unli tuslns
"""ty B"' Saturday and took in the picnic.
i nc people irom a instance who attended the
l.auver picnic ou Suturday are loo many to
If the weather permits we wll! es-nael ,.
, ,. i." j - "' ' - " K- i''L
.... uiviuini is i.ii i'C'l.
Charles Smith's ham at Ilannervllle w
fit jriTifrvi . u-ai
rL2J'tf vm
s-sHsssiiHsinismii .o insurance.
Sollirp Sf in. I I 1. I'' ... 1... -
a .fishing trip and then we enu cxneet some lit
i.ll ,1... i.... a...
OeorweA Fisher of Lowell came in eontnet
with a kiHsiiii- bug last week It WAN t I'lliil t.ol
that lie was so badly frightened be did not
k""n ;'''' " whan called
J- J-steely has tried a new k
mm. it iscaiied vhie-et-orada.
kind of broom
ful produce, with heads thirty inches in length. ',
Meed will he ou sale at his otllec this fall.
As usual there were n few drunks and a little
rlL'l.t i III' -it the mi'll ! li.a. Si.,., ..I... l.t. 1 .1 !
imsi ua ou n-aa ana a vary one aaam-
i id to enjov themselves. 'I be rain prevented
i ,uiu Hsivnu n iesiivi.1 in Mia evening
irt ,.i,,-l,M ,
Mifflin county found out that Burnt ..,. tv
they have an occasion to deal with this crowd
.-, in-L-i.i,.. n.ii.. Mii;i' ,n i
siLv. wm "
inuiea in different arar. aa
1 he old worn Dill soldier mho ,i ti; ,,..r
month nenslnn will hu. t. .....
" 'o support in-, famiiv uu,) attaud the dif-
fereti' gatherings r his obi eomradea. which I
know they would llku to du
so, rnele Sam
I lou t you think
u 1'i.i:asa.nt mills.
Applel. utter boiling Is the older of the day.
A Hill. : baby has arrived at John Ijh.iI. tn
The schools of Perry township will open on
sept, lth
W. A. Kaltrlter raised 17 bushel of potatoes
from 11) rods of ground- Who em. it?
lolcy Verger, who had bee:, working at M-
matla, pent Bnturday and Sunday at homo.
.-r,..l RubankaM .. ir ,..! . .1,1 1.1..... .sm.ll
I lljKluaqoa apenl Saturday and Sunday ut this
Ueo. Miller, wife and daughter of near New
llerlin took in the picnic and visited friends al
this place Saturday and Sunday.
The picnic held at this place on Saturday was
largely attended. Itev Druckenmlllcr, and Dr.
A. K. Home of Allentowu delivered the ad
urcswsj. Music was furnished by the Kreinoul
I Bnd and Orcbeatra. Tha raoelpu were oyer Ha
The following teaohera were elated for Parry
I townablp : Pramont OramBwr, J. W. Arbowaa
IrcsHog. Music was furnished by the Fremont
Kieniont Primary, J. N. Deleter VaTlev
C. N. Ilroslus. I'otato Vol lev, T. O, Arbogast:
(. H. Kelchenhach; Bunker 111111 11. W. Kelrer;
! Prymoyat'a, a . m. Oarman; suutier s, Eugene
.,.,L I..,-
H. S. Auckcr will teach in Chapman.
Or. U, M. Krehs Is practicing at Herndon
The laird's Supper will be administered n the
! If u"Uo1 ""f61'11 cliu"h on Sunday
A number of our hoys lode tn the Williams'
Oroya picnic on their s. They Intend to
run a corn stand.
A number froai our place attended the Fra.
.nun, eiois. wu ,-,iiiruiiy auu an came nome
I wrU aatisfled with the dinner, good speeches
I aml KOod music ,ney ,Ue p,i. u uk.
'" '
mont picnic ou Saturday and all came home
I T1" 'o'lowlng are the teachers elected for the
coming term, beginning Sept. 18 : Narrow's,
Sdwln Wolf -Keisor'e, Ida Stal.l ; Hcholl'a, Oeo.
1 K- Scholl ; Wltmer'i, Miss Lottie Spangler ;
I'ort Trevcrton Advanced. T. G. Herrold l'ori
i-..,.. ........ i... ,, L .. u .,
rokFaVK iSSKl ' " u '
I -
It la a boy, says D. W. Moyer.
Itcv. liana held the harvest services at this
nine., oil riundsv.
, tjulte a number of our people are at the Wll-
Mrs. I. K. Maurer and daughters, May and
Huth, attended the Fremont picnic on Saturday.
o ... -,,...! ... I ,l. nni .
Some of our wheelmen attended the Gilbert
Rain baa relieved the long continued drouirht
In this part ol the country.
Prof. Fisher and wife expect to move In tbelr
new houae In Selinsgrove this week.
Mrs. Kara Melser, ton Harry and daughter
Bertha are going lo Bbamokln Dam-
Oeo. M. Witmer and wife returned on Sunday
from atrip to Atlantic City and Philadelphia.
J. D. Bllger purchased a tandem and la now
going to race with hie wife. Of course she al
waya keeps the front seat.
The soothing and healing
ties of Chamberlain b t
and its pleasant taste and prompt
and permanent cures, have made it
a great favorite with the people ev
erywhere. For sale by all Droroist.
X Not the largest in Sun-Z
! 1 il - .
, ur, inn tut (.KbA ithi,
w 11 unnvnui
w m uuaauii u juwi.iv.nx-
$ ( J A L mllJ llllll'n ia
AAJ, 93119
' ami fMlJiri'0S slirilll'.
! u wurj,oa mii.uh i
1 1 fit for 8;une grado of
X wear ihan any shoe house
I in the, .mint.v or in ih
IX State. This sale knocks
the sail out of the sales.
AgeqsI RedDcetl Price
I 9
Fall and Winter
Competition is amazed at the
popular favor of the ECO
NOMICAL, and at the daring
: low prices the ECONOMICAL
a is nuvenisiug auu selling arena
X new
new slices for, thsregartlmg
wonderful so-called reduction
of prices of competition.
! Our Prices
lower and unmatched, and
J without malice towards com-
i V i . .i
r,m. uul ov wr uu.
i . i
buyers pocket books and
. iioe
Z ( incidental 1 V ) our own. owe COIl-
v. '
f tinue to uiidcrbv
Hid undersell I
J all competitors
Trust Buyers
m Ii en., nr., t , t . I & In.- '.
X ' SSSSi oitino ur Jul. ma
cash buyers W IV arc all sneeial
i SB . ... .
I s iKirgillllS otlcrcil lV trilsf Stores
I u L i l. a ,,
a isn oil cis miiv ,
! 1) h lili ii.l man
,s..., .
T -M"e our prices.
Six Presents
It given
with each pair school
shoes brought this month.
65 Cts
For Ladies'
ton or lace.
Dress Shoes, but-
! 95 Cts I
For Men's
95e. Ladhw' Kid Shoes.
11.20 Ladies' Fine Shoes.
$1.45 Ladies Fine Shoes.
$1.95 Ladies' Extra FineShoes.
$1.05 Ladies' Manish Iast
$1.45 Ladies' Cork Sole Shoes.
$2.54 Ladies' Wilhelmina Shoes. X
t $2.95 Ladies' High Grade Tan f
06c. Ladies' Tan Cloth Top
onoes. a
$2.95 Ladies' Swell Lamode X
Manish Last Shoes.
t $1.95 Gent's Orthopedic Toe
$2.45 Gent's Full Dress Shoes.
$2.85 Gent's Best $4.00 grade
. Patent Leather Shoes. ! !
! 1 85c. Boys' and Young Men's I
Ian Shoes.
X $1.25, $1.45, $1.65, $195 for
Kail road shoes.
32c. Child's Tap Heel, sines 0, I
X 7 and 8. X
X 95c. Young Indies' School Shoes Z
$1.00 Men's Plow Shoes
These prices for August on- t
X ly. We neeil room.
X . . .
362 Market St., Sunbury.
: JOHN G. CHESTNUTT, Gen. Mgr. t
MM.nti X
i: it
I have just received a fine
.-A . 1 .1.1-
MHoraneiii oi gtiwsvnre, con-
$ aieting ot Oak Dishes, F
J. Stands, Celery Trays, Butter
I ; ; Dishes, Pitchers, Spwm Hold-
I ; ; ers, oVOs, itc. at prices ranging
i from 5 to 15 cents.
Boots and Shoes,
I have on hand about 300
pairs of shoes which I am
closing out at and below cost
to make nxun for fall and w in
ter goods.
Note these prices in Notions :
Ladies' Hose, 10 to 1 6e.
Misses Hose, 10 to 15c.
Men's Hose, 8 to 15c.
Men's Work Shirts, 35 to .r0
Men's Overalls, 4.r to 50c.
Youth's Overalls, 25 to 50c.
Handkerchiefs, 5 to 12c
Suspenders, 10 to 25c.
Latest Style Ties, 5 to 25c.
Thanking von (or past uat-
t ronage, 1 kindly ask a contin
: t nance of same.
S. B. Simonton.
"M M 1 1 l i t IUHl M
I WroiigSit Iron
Range Oornpiy,
i Bounded in 1864.
c e-aVa-OM.
See what the people of Sny
der (. olllltv, who have hnui
a) using the Home Comfort
1 2 Range, have to say:
I o
MaKM HalfPaUa, Pa,, amp : 'n9
q OUT New Hume Com tort lunge bus
P"'"'j iot just uu tb, salcsiicn, repn'-
O nid it to ( un.1 1 would :.oi pan with
, ) 11 for anything in reuon. w USVa ne
j o " wen n Move or u runge I hut would In
0 any waj ttaareqttal ti ior oooklng, bat.
o logorbolllnif. sunoelttoiay, we tbirik
0 ItUUMMMneof perfaoiino
o J. n. ii AU..
o J'''K,' s !I Pa.. Aug. j, ism,
0 we'ii.iaei :l Home Comfori Ranee
O MX j-oiu-fl :t im,l hke II. 11 is I,
1 6) linker uud heater also n fuel suvrr ur.J
0 convenient, I am well aatMOed,
O, B, 'INK.
Pandora, Pa., Arc. 7. M19
, o ,i wish o Hay io the public that our
noma ronitort Range li all the uieamarj
O elalmed lorn, n, does not us, hull an
a) mOOta fuel uk u'tr old stove did I put
o halt a bucket ol coal in toe range ut t .
f) M. and oonkefl dinner with Die s-m,. tu.
O and had plant 01 tire nt 1 P m The
0 tankU jaat the thing for wruthl No
o Maam eacapei tnm it. U tbla does not
6 Hiuisfy anyone, they can come ...a see
O utid I will show them how It, wnri-e.
I). U. Wri Klt.
1 Sn.viler county, Pa, Aug. 7, ISM,
, o Having bought one of your Improved
6) Hoiue Comfort lngrs, tak" great
I o pleasure In naylng ih;tt 11 ha-s pruveii en
0 tirely BallHlaelory. It hakes, perfectly .
' o heats quickly ur.d reaulrei nut Utile
f) fuel ;niriiislii-s plenty 01 hot water for
O all purpoaes In fact, it ih to the hou-e
) what Improved machinery is to the farm
O and a such we cheerfully recommend It
0 to our neighbors and friends.
i Selinsgrove
i Marble Yard
I keep constantly on
hand and manufacture
to onler all kinds of
Marble and Granite
Monuments and
m Headstonds . . .
o I have one of the best
5 Marble Cutters in the
State anil conseipicutly
turn tiut good work.
Come and see my work and
prices. Thanking you for
(ast favors, 1 most respectful
ly ask a continuance of same.
In the Orplutns' ) I n the Estate of Sarah Ben
Court of Snyder Co fer. late of Centre Two .
Tne unoersigiusi. an a minor appointed by
swi . so ""-. ."..u.i v. iim 1 uno 1
.. . a . ,('. ........ I . M , , . .
IDe nanus u. ui iih,-i, .o.n.iusiraior
.W. - H.M. Sanlar l.t. n. b SS
ablp. Snyder Co., l a., .doceaaed, as appears by
hie First and Final Account, to and among the
parttee entitled thereto, will alitor the purpoae
of his appointment at his offlcc In the Bank
Building, Middleburg, Pa., on Monday, Sap
temberTlth, 1HM, at 11 o'clock, In the forarafio.
kn mil nsrtln lnllli..t. I . V
11 , in . 1. ii.nni in. 1 claims ia Uh - '
aigned, or be forever after debarred from ansa.
. w- 1-1 I I
la swn iuv Htu ihisi.
sVagwH 17, UW. ASm