TOMBSTONE INSCRIPTIONS. Xerhoot, iniant s of Josiah and Am anda E., d May 9, 1880. ' Xcrhoot, Hannah, w of Jacob, b Oct 14, 1791; d Aug 17, 1877, r, aged 86 V 10 m 3d. A Collection Madejrom alUhe Bury- b . 7. , c i Nerhoot, Aung, d Aug 23, 18ho, for (he JUiddleburgh BL HEAVER TOWNHHll. B3oW John T., s of Rwuben tod Surah, b Oct 20, 18 30; d Feb 18, 1852, aged 1 y b in U Eticgle, Chariot A., s of .J K. and L. A., d Aug 21, 1874, aged 4 m 5 d. Etiegle, Mary S., dnu ot J. P. and L. Agues, d April 16, 1870, aired 3 ni 1 d. Kinney, Phoebe, dan ot Philip and , f p 18-0 Mary, d Nov 2b, L862,aged 1 J m y 1 in. Kinney, infant s of J. and M., d May 2, 1880. lt'innnr Will Itt l'llilill MM Sil l-all. d Sept 23, 1858, aged 7 y ! Rombf, Andrew, b Nov 10, 1777; d Romitf, Margaret W of Andrew, b Mar 25, 1781; d Oct 25,1859, aged 78 y 7 d. 9 ni lid Kinnev, John V., s of Philip and Mary, b July 18, 1853; d May 8, 1854, aged 9 at 2 d. Kern. Matilda, dan of Jacob and Sa rah, d Sept 10, lbo3, aged IW Ragar, Susan V., dan of W June If), 188, aged BU y i m 6 d. Uomig, John Peter, bSept 17, 1811; dJuly 7, 1890, aged 78 y 9 m 20 d. in. and i T LMUB. .MS' v 9 ni 15 d. Kern Catharine, relict of Henry, b May 11, .1781 dMav 7, 1852, aged 73 y 11 m 2(5 d. Kern, infant - of P. E. and L., d Nov 5,1888. Kline, Sarah, w of Geo. A., d Oct 25, 18815, aged 07 y 4 ni 19 d. Kllng, Adams S., b June 22, 1823 d Nov 10, 188"), aged 62 y 1 in 21 d. Leploy, William A., s of Epliram and Susan, d Peb2, 1882, aged 1 y 4 in 7 d. eph. b June 8, 1828 d Aug 30, 1S55, aged 27 y 2 in 22 d. Middleswarth, Hon. Ner, bDec 12, 1783; d June 2, 1865, aged 81 y 5 in 20 d. Middleswarth, Christina, w of Hon. Ner, b April 8, 1789 d Feb 2, 1861, aged 71 y 8 m 24 d. Middleswarth, Moses, Co. F. Pur. Leg'n Md. Int., aged about 78y. Middleswarth, Eliza Hoiitz, w oi , Moses, aged about 78 y. Middleswarth, Hon. A. J.,d Sept It, 1882, aged 77 y 7 m 16 d. Middleswarth, Eliza, w of A. J., h Oct 9, 1812; d April 5, 1853, aged 39 y 5 in 20 d. Middleswarth, Harriet, w of Hon. A. J., d Nov 3, 1895, aged 01 y. Middleswarth, Sarah, w of Joseph, b Mar 15, 18ll;d Mar 20,1864, aged 23 y 5 d. Middleswarth, Abraham, b Feb 27, 1850; d June 18, 1876, aged 2G y 3 ni 2 d. Middleswarth, Lizzie, w of Frank lin, d Feb 1, 1870, aged 22 y 4 m 15 d. Hattie, d Feb 26, 1874, aged 28 d. Rliuinstine, C. Melissa, dan of John aud Jane E.. b Sept 16, 1853 d May 11, 1871, aged 17 y 7 ; in 25 d. liitzniai), Catharine, w of John, b May 20, 1778 d Mar 11, IS.'m, aged 78 V 9 m 21 d. Reariok, Conrad, b Sept 27, 1799; d April 27, 1877, aged 77 y 7 m. Itenrielc. Ke'ieeca. w of Conrad, b Dec 26, 1799; d April 1868, aged 08 y 3 m26d. Reariok, Reuben", s of Conrad and Consumption 1 1 is robbed of its terrors by j , i the fact that the best med- ( i i ical authorities state that it J ' i is a curable disease t and i one of the happy things 1 1 j about it is, that its victims I rarely ever lose hope. 1 , , You know (here are all sorts of , i i i secret nostrums advertised to cure 1 1 i i consnmp"". Some make absurd 1 1 I I claims. only say (hat if taken 1 O in time and (he laws of health are f J properly observed, f SCOUT'S ! EMULSION jj will heal (he inflammation of (he 1 ' throat and lungs and nourish and 1 strengthen (he body so (hat it can thro off the disease. , ( We have thousands of testb , monials where people claim they i have been permanently cured of 1 1 this malady. 0 oe. ind 5i - . all druvgiiiK W SCOTT & BOWNE, CbtmitU, Nrw York, m m, 29 Shirk, in&nt dan of J. P, and Ada, b Feb 11, 1885. ; Shirk, infant s of J. P. and A. M., d Oct I, 1892. Speel.t, Adam, b July 29, 1781; d Nov 6, 1872, aged 88 v 3 m 7d. Specht, Catharine, w ot Adam, b Mar 8, 1788 d April 20, 1870, aired 82 y 1 m 12 d. I Tittle, Kelieit-a Mertz, W ot Henry, i b Dfl 30, 1805; d 28, 1858, agtd 52 y 1 1 in 28 d. Ultz, John, d Sept 30, 1852, aged 38 y 0 in 10 d. Weirick, Rachel, w of Win., d Sept I, 1852, aged 39 y 2d. Weirick, Enamel, Co, 11,0th Pa. Res. Wiand, infant ot James, Feb d 1899. Wiand, infant a ot Mary M., b Apr 22, 1876. Wiand, Michael, b Dec I, 1821; d Jan 8, 1882, aged 60 v 1 m 7 d. Wagner, Lucy Ann, dan of Isaac and Catharine, dAtlg 1 1, 1N72, aged 3 y 2 m. Wagner, Howard, 8 of I. and C, d Jan 3, 1853, aged 1 in 9 d. Wagner, Ira Ertnan, B of C. E. and Amelia, d April 19, 1896, aged ' 9 in 13 d. Weller, JohnS., b Feb 4, 1816; d Aug 8, 1856, aged 40 y ti tu 4 d. Wesson, Robert, b Sept 20, 1 7!2; d Aug .", L871, aged 78 y H m 15 d. Witmer, Christian, w of Adam, b Aug ,, 1788; Deo 16, 1858, i aged 7" y 1 m 7 d. Winter, Samuel, b Dec 5, 1809; d Feb 2, 1896,aged86ylm 27 d. Winter, Elisabeth, w of Samuel, 1 Mar 17, 1880, aged 65 v 1 m J 3d'. Weideman, Christian, d Mar 1!', mm. nay -s' 'imr- w ick, UeulH-n, s ot i on ran ami. . .... A .'. :iio i i Spec ht, Aaron, I) May 10, 1815; d Rebecca, b April 12, 1844 d 1 ' a iqta ian . . ,,,. L-i1 , ift ,. . Julv 24, 1874. aged 60 y I in Oct 25, 1854. aged 10 y t in . ' ' a 13 d. RearU'k, Jacob, k of Conrad aud Re becca, h Nov 7, 1828;d June 22, 1855, aged 31 v 7 m 15 d. i si. i a TonKti nil 8necht. Bui ii1 i ii i, r.i u. am ui ....... ...... Martha, b Oct 31, 1861; d Nov 23, 1802, aged 1 y 23 d. Reariok, Joseph Conrad, s of Isaac and L., 1 Jan 6, 1863, aged 4 y 3 in 7 d. Reariok, Sarah C, dan of Isaac and L., b Jan 17, 1840; d April 11, 1 86 1, aged 14 y 2 m 25 d. Rearick, James W., s of Henry and Martha, d July 5, 1864, aged 3 y 8 in. Smith, Mary, w ot Jacob ()., b Aug 18, 1813; d Jan 20, 1894, aged 62 y 5 in 8 d. Smith, Robert A., s of Jacob (). and Mary, d Mar 8, 1874, aged 1 in Id.. Smith, Adam Verner, 8 of J.O. and Mary, b Mar 21, 1875; d Sept 25, 1878, aged 3 y 6 m 1 d. 11 d. I, IT t 4 I X pec no, nornei, woi vurou, o nwv 12, 1818; d June 8, 1894, aged !6 d. ) V I 111 lara b., dan of Aaron and Harriet,.! Mav 29, 1863, aged 5 y 4 in i d. Specht, Moses b Mar 4, 1818: d Nov 3, 1895. Specht, Rachel, w ol Moses, h Apr 2, 1823; d Juno 29, 1894, aged 71 y 2 m 27 d. Specht, Horace !., bAug 31,1 858; dOc( 30, 1894, aged 36 y 1 m 29 d. Specht, Laura A., w of J. C, 1 Jan 21, 1888, aged 33 y 11 in 2 d. Specht. Elias, b Mar 25, 1820; d Feb 22, 1890, aged 69 y 10 RlPANS TABULES are intended for children, ladies and all who prefer a medicine disguised as con fectionery. They may now be had (put up in Tin Boxes, seventy-two in a box), price, twenty-five cents or five boxes for one dollar. Any druggist will get them if you insist, and they may always be obtained by remitting the price to The Ripans Chemical SPRUCE ST. i JSSL Mm 1890, ateJ o v in There ih more catarrh ID this sec tion ot the country than all other discuses put together and until the last tew .years was supposed to be incurable. Por a weal many years dootora pronounced it a local disoaae and prcHcj'ilieil local remedies, iiml by oonatantly failing to euro with local treatment, pronounced it m OUrable, Science has proved atft' i ll to le a oouatiautional diaesse, and therefore n(iiiics constitutional treatment, aall'a Catarrh Cure, manufactured by P. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only con Rtitutional cure u the market, it is taken internally in doaea from In drops to a teubpoouful. It acts di rectlv on the blood and mueous Bin faces of the ayhtein, Tbey offir one huudred dollaiH for any case it tails to cure. Send for cireulara aud teatimoninls, Address, F.J.CHENfiTf it CO, Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 7.ric. Mall's Family Tills are the best. Jury List. Middleswarth, Elisabeth C, dan of Smith, Henry A., b of Jacob O. and J. A. andE., d Oct 3, 1861, aged 10 y 5 m 3 d. Middleswarth. Joseph E.. s oi L. H. and Elisabeth, d Feb 20, 188"), aged 3 in 25 d. Middleswarth, w of John P., bAug 20, 1831; d Dec 24, 1874, aged 43 y 4 m 4 d. Middleswarth, Carolines., dan of J. F. and Lydia, b Oct 27, 1862; d April 8, 1853, aged 5 in 11 d. Middleswarth, Mary E., dan of J F.and Evdia, d 13,1801, aged 7 y 18 d. Middleswarth, William A. J., 8 of Isaac and PriaoUla, d April 1, 1861, aged 2 y 2 m 1 d. Middleswarth, Emma V., dao ot David and J. I., b July 30, 1870; d June 6, 1880. Mover, l'olly, d Jan 22, 1807. Moyer, Gust, d Dec 20, 1897. Mover, infant h of Wm. H. E. and Annie L., d Dec 25, 1800, nged 10 d. Musser, Alfred L., B of A. W. and Ida M., d Mar 2, 1890, aged 4 y 4 ni 23 d. Moscr, Sarah L., dau of I. and S., d Oct 26, 1802, aged 8 y 5 m 17 d. Moscr, Isaac, s of Isaac and Sarah, b Dec 14, 1840; d Nov 7, 1802, aged 15 y 10 ni 24 d. Moser, Sarah, w of Isaac b Jan 12, 1 822; d Dec 31, 18G2, aged 40 y 9 m 19 d. Montgomery, Mary Ann, W of John, d May 24, 1854, aged 22 y 9 in lo d. Montgomery, John S., sot John and Mary A., d Nov 14, 1854, aged 4 y 4 m 1 1 d. Montgomery, Mary C, dau of John aud Mary C, d Aug 18, 1854, aged 4 ui 18 d. Montgomery, William R., s of John and Catharine, d April 27, 1861, aged 3 y 9 m 11 d. Mowrer, Peter, d Feb 5, 1875, aged 38 y 2 in 1 d. Man . b Oct 31. 1850: d Out 4, 1862, aged 5y 11 m 4 d. Smith, Diana, w of Henry S., b Nov 26, 1820; d Aug 1, 1 8514, aged 32 y 8 m 5 d. Smith, Rebecca, w of James, d Oct 23, 1888, aged 62 y 26 d. Smith, John A., s of J. S. and Re becca, d Oct 24, 1886, Oged 5H y 16 d. Smith, Annie Bell, dau of E and EL, b Dec 7, 1875 d .Nov, 18bU. Smith, Lester ot G. M. and Lassie, d Oct 12, 1 881, aged in 24 d. Smith, Adam, b April 14, 1813; d April 27, 1853, aged 4Uy 13L Smith, Geo. A., d Dec 25, 1897, aged 84 y 3 m 27 d. Smith, Eliza, w of Geo. A., d Jan 29, 1892, aged 74 y. Smith, Daniel O., b Dec 7, 1799; d d Feb 8, 1873, aged 73 y 2 m 1 d. Smith, Catharine EL, w ofD. O., b Nov l4,1798;dMayl3,1867, nged 68 y 6 m. Smith, Sarah S., dau of Wm. and Rachel, d Nov 5, 1872, aged 2 y 8 m 25 d. Smith, Anson, s of Geo. O. aud Mary A., d Aug 7, 1866, aged 2 m 2d. Snyder, Henry &, S of J. Q. and Sarah S., d May 0, 1891. aged 17 y 11 m 10 d. Snvder. John EL s of J. G. and Sa rah S., d Dec 28, 1891, aged 24 y 11 m 24 d. Stetler, Anna Clara, dau of Rev. 1). M. and Mary, d May 18, law, agel 1 y 8 m 7 d. Strieker, Tcter, A Mar 23, 1882, 56 y 4 ni 2i d. Strieker, Sarah B., dau of Peter and Mary, b Nov 12, 1857; d Mar 18, 1868, aged 10 y 4 m 16 d. Strieker. Boyd S. M., a of Peter and Mary, d Dot 27,1887,aged 14 y 10 m 17 d. Specht, Verney, B ol Adam J. am Amies, b'dune 29. 1875: July 6, 17", ttgL'd 7 ! Snook, Samuel, d Jan 8, '1S(.)7, aged 68 y 10 in 28 d. Snook, Isaac, b Sept 16, I852j 1 Jan 19, 18SS, aged 85 y 1 m 3 d. Shipton, John, b Mar 22, 1789; d Dec 25, 1866, aged 77 y 9 01 3d. Shipton, Elizabeth, w of John, b Jan 17, 1801; d May 1 4,1885, ages! 78 y 8 in 27 d. Shipton, Susan, b Jan 12, 1823; d July 18, 1873, aged 4l y 6 m 6 d. Shipton, Joseph, s of John and E- lizabeth, d April 1, 1886, aged 52 y 2 m. Stout, Joseph P., bOct 16, 1864d Aug 31, 1893, agetl 28 y 10 BJ 15 d. Stout, George Win., b Nov 14,1824; d Pec 23, 1886, aged 82 y 1 m 9 d. Stout, Sarah, w ofQeor. W.,d Jan 5, 1873, aged 44 y 9 in 20 d. Swinehart, John, b April 15, 1809; dNov 11, 1868, aged 49 y 7 in 6 d. Swinehart, wife of Joho,d Sept 19, 1887, aged 83 y 6 m 2 d. Swineford, Marv E., dau of Henry and Catharinc,d Feb 11, 1859, agl 5 y 6 m 9 d. Shell, Eavetta, W of Daniel, b Jan 5, 1833; d Aug 11, 1882, aged 49 y 7 ni 6 d. Shortiss, Annie, dau of Rev. T. A. and Mary, d Jan 1893. Treaster, Catharine, dau oi Daniel and Amelia, b June 1( loot'; d April 28, 1878, aged 22y 10 ni 8 d. Tobias, infant s of John J. and Jen nie, d Feb 2, 1897. MM oforaod lumrs iirawo fur tiir Court m omt and Termliitir and General IM delivery ndOouri ol (iuurtcr scuslonsol Hie I'eoce ni snvdt'r I'liimiv held us '.!. Term, commencluu Moil. lay. October -1, 1809. UIUNUJUROR8. Nhiii". Oiv.iiinUoi:. Benier, Jtrcea, Lu borer, Uoryelfi I. P.. ooul de dor, Uleiner. Jobn R., Laborer, lirostsler. U-vl Laborer. Ptaber. uioyd u .. Miller. . i ..-I. . . Daniel, Laborer, RnMesoe. siiriin: Monrou Mlddlooreek Monroe Weal Heaver M.inr. 16 Jarrett, u. P.,Juailceoi the Peaoe, aelinsgrovi Mlddleereek .lackaon ,tackson WjlsIiIhl; i ti Spring Heaver I Franklin j gionroe Perry Boring Pnlon Union Waihiugton Waabinicton Ceutre Wcsi : uver MEN An Kidney trouhle preys unon the inind. dis- ii . . I IadDqI.O IirAMCM UVV1"0 uu - WWiTltini fimbition ; beauty, vi gor ami checrfulneHs soon disappear when the kidneys are out of order or diseased. For pleasing results use Dr. Kilmer ,s Swamp Root, the frreat kiddey remedy. At druggists, ham pie bottle by mail free, also painpn- At A .1 A rocs nil. iiuuiv' . . . -T mm ! Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N.Y, Ke!i'r, wiia, mi .. Laborer, Kruute, John, Parmer, Kllnii'ler, Joaeph, Teailber, I iauver, Holonion, Parmer, Man beck, Leonard J Parmer, Met lellan. Kobert, laborer, Reariok, juin. R , Parmer, Reoologer, Henry u .i urpenter, HhoadM, .liiniii, TiiiMiilib, ahaffer, iamet, Parmer, Bbannon, Blruer, Plasterer, BboUey, Ammon, Laborer, Mnyder, John s.. Laborer, Btabl, lliiniu a.. Laborer, Btroupi Benton P., Merchant, atraup. Bainuei, uenUeman, QMS, H. Ualvln, Merchant. PETIT JURORS. Maul Mttl .lur.irs diuwri lur the I'mirt Of Coaimon I'l'-aH, ' mi'l "I ouarter SeaitlODI t the I Peace, 0 Kin S Over and Terminer and ueneral Jail Deliv.-ry nt Snyder ('ouniy, Ha., bald ii I Oi'lolwr Term, (.iiiimi'iii'liiocKiber , Is'jk. I Name. Oocupatlon, Residence Arndt. Aorabam, Laborer, Weal Perry Arbogaat, Hear)'. Parmer, Bprlng Arbogost, wa is. piiiiiiit, Monroe Uenver, .lami's Parmer, PeflO Bliger, w . Berrold. Carpenter, PTanklln Bickie, John B Parmer, Washington Bonner, William, farmer, chapman Boweraox. Bepbarea, Farmer, oentre Bowervox. Barry, Gentleman, HMdletmrg Boyer, Wllllnm II., Farmer, Penn iiuiickH, Samuel, Parmer, Monroe Oonrad, A., Oentleman, BeluiSKro'e eunier. Henry O., F irmer. Penn Deir, TDODus r., farmer, wesi I'erry Dietrich, James, Lumberman, Franklin Dreese, dbariea, Clerk, Washington Hwlng, Jessr, Parmer, Bprlng Petterer, pranklln. Fanner. Jacksou Pranu. William, Blacksmltli, Chapman (lerlmrl, Ammnii, Lalnrer, Mlddleereek Ssmnerllnei sninni I .I , Uiborer, sellimgrose Herman. Jacob. Firmer, Franklin llelser, Heter. Farmer, JaokSOn Basstnger, Reuben, i,ai.orer. west Beaver Hnweii, John 11., 1ii.i.r. r, West Beaver Kline, rrank e.. Laborer, Centre Klingler.J. P., carpenter, Jackson Mattern, isaa.', Partner, West Beaver McPalL irvin f., Laborer, BeUnsgrove Metagar, John P., Fanner, Jackaon Mnyer, Samn 'I, o.nilrM an. Mlddli 1 nrif Mlii lu ll. William II., Psnner, S rln.' Xeit7, Krnrk P.. Parmer, union Neiiz, wniiam. Merchant, Cnluo Itetcbley, John, Bbtcksmltll, Jaekmn Hamer. John ., Lalmrer, Penn Bitter, Frank, Mason, Centre itohrbnch, Harn-on a.. Moulder, BeUnsgrove HiinnVr, Holvri M Laborer. OnlOB Snyder. Jaenli (I. . Laborer. Penn smiib. William D., Parmer, sprii.K siabl, DstM It., Merobant, I nlon BllSWSel. JaOOb . , Farmer. West Perry stauffer. Kill.-, Laborer, fi.lon Sn-aitz. B. N, Fanner, WssJllngUMl wairner, William, Carpenter, Penn Walter .Lewis, Firmer. centre Wleana, Isaac, Farmer, West BMW During the civil war, as well as In our late war with 8pniD, diarrhoea was one of the most troubbsoute diseases Ihe army had to contend with. In many instances it became chronic and the old soldiers still suffer from it. Mr. David Tavlor of Wind Hidgc. Greene Co., Pa , is one of thene. -He uses Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem edy and Buys he never found any thing that would give liim such quick relief. It is for sale by all Druggists. BIGGLE BOOKS A Farm Library of unequalled value Practical, Up-to-date. Concise and Comprehensive Hand somely Printed and Beautifully Illustrated. By JACOB BIGGLE No. l-BIQdLn MORSE BOOK ah shout Horses a Common-Sense Treatise , with orrr 74 illustratioua ; a standard work, l'ricc, 50 Ccuts. No. B BKKJLB DKRRY BOOK AUftbout frowins Btn&ll Fruitfrcad snd rnrnhow; contains colorca ltfollkc reproductions ol nil Icadinsj varieties ftSd 100 other iUuitratloiltt l'ricc, 50 Cents. No. 3 BIQQLE POULTRY BOOK All nlwut Poultry ; tbe best Poultry Hook in exlulenre ; U'llseverylhiiitf ; willuj coloitd lilt- like reproiluetions of all the jirinci, al bleeds; w ith K'3 other illuitrutious. Price, 50 Cents. No. 4-BIOQLE COW BOOK All about Cows and the Hairy llu.inr.n ; hnviriR n (frent sale; contnina B colored llfe-llkercproouctionaofeach breed, with 132 other illustrations. Price, 50 Cents. No. O-BIOOLB SWINE BOOK just out. All bout Hon Btccdiiiff, Pecdino', Hutch cry, Disen.vs, etc CootRiui over Ho beatttuul lialf tODCS ami other CtUjrftViugt, l'ricc, 50 Cents. ThcIUGOLB UOOKS nre Uolque.oHglOftl.UMiul-' you never i-aw anything like them- s prnctlcnl, tut sensible. They nre having nil CUOI IHOUI sale Bfttt, Went, North and Nuth. licry one who keeps n Ilortt. Clw, llojjf or Chicken, or (rrows Smnll 1-Yultn, otiKht to iCDd right nway for the UlUGLli UOOKS. The FARM JOURNAL Is your imper, made for you nnd not n misfit. It is jj yenrsi Old; it is the Kri'nt bolleddown, hit-the-nall-on-thc-hcad, ciuit-aftcr-you-liavc-Bniil-it, barm nn.i Household fiflier ill the world the biKKest naiirr of its size in the t'niteil States of America having over a million inula half regular readers. Any ONE of the BIGGLE BOOKS, and the FARM JOURNAL fi YliAKS (remaindrr of Ilea, tgpo, loot, loss r.ud loot) will be tent by mail o uiiy address for A DOLLAR BILL. Sample of FAUM JOURNAL aod circular describing BltlflLE BOOKS free. Addres r WU.MFK ATKINSV1N CUAS. Wt Jb.NklNii. I AK.1I J Ol' It N A I. I in 1 am 1.1 ii: v Nearly Fl-EiElt .ears I ! It's along life, luit doyotton to the true iutwests and prosperity of iIk American People Iion won for it new friends aa 'tbe year rolled by mid the orifrinal members of its fmii ily imHst'el to their reward, and tli-ne admirers are loyol and steadfast to day, with faith in its teaobings, and confidence iu the ibformation which it luitiiis to their homes nnd tire nith'H. Ah a natural consequence it en joys in its old t-Kti all the vitality and vigor of it h youth, strengthened and ripened by the experiences of over hull a cenl nry. It has lived on its merits, aud on the cordial support of progressive Americans. , , , , It is the "New York Weekly Tribune," acknowledged the country over as the leading Nationol Family Newspaper. HceoKuiziw? its value to those wLo desire all the news of the State and Nation, the publisher of THE POST, (your own favorite home pa per), has entered into an alliance with "Tne New "iork Weekly Tribune which enables him to furnish both papers at tho trilling sum of 91.20 Every farmer and every villages owes to himself, to his family, and to the community in which he lives a cordial support of his local news paper' as it words constantly and untiringly for his interests in every who brings to his homo all the news and happenings of his neighbor hood, the doings of his irieuds, the condition and prospects for different crops, the prices iu home markets, and. iu fact, is a weekly visitor which should be found in every wido-awake, progressive fomily. , Just think of it ! Hoth these papers for only Jl.M year. Send all subscriptions to "THE POST,'' Middleburg, Pa. J AH U. OROUBE, A.TT0RNKY AT LAW, MlDDUVVtlTtS, PA. AH business entrusted to his care will reeelvs ororupt attention. K. f. Pottiege, Veterinary sJrceoN. SELINSGROVE. PA. All professional business entrusted to giy care will receive prompt and careful attention. neadaehfi and Senratpitt cured tvvDr. BULKS' l'AIN PILLS. "One cent a dueo. Diaii Wall Cement Is used for Plastering Houses. It Is a new discvery j Chr.inintced to last longer jtliitn any other plaster. It 1 is preferred to Adamant. Foe purlieu lars call on or address D.1.KEE8 HUM II tuvitiu mutum A4AA.V xaHMVVlltUVlia fonage Solicited.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers