The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, August 31, 1899, Image 2

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Ibt Middleburgh Post.
biihUd ev rv Thursday.
Sea .
tditor and Proprietor
latrrniitlonnl Sunday School I.raaoa
far Striitraibfr 3. 1MH Test, Era
lllO'tSV II fit IT Vrri. to, 11.
ription $1.50 per year.
, paM In u'lvaui'e when sent out-
iuc tin-ooaatjr.)
riuilefil .ulen:e"m.-nla nol otherwise
i ror will be charged at the rate m 1
. urRMuouparlHl meiuture) (or (lrsi luer
: i.' -fiiia per Hue Mr every subsequent
". US ni4terM punlUhedrff ; obituary yotrti),
at rttptct. ie.. OiretcmU a line.
. -
Mullet Proof Soldier.
The man who was shot 20 times In the
terrible Filipino outbreak unci who hai
received the most terrible WOUIlda in
itv Manila campaign, and still survives.
Is D. W. Krider, of Wlinrton, O., n niem
ittr of i the Third regular artillery. Pri-
Krider was shot 26 times In the en
lnp.'inent on February 4. Ills compan
Viuo tbougbl be win dead, am) lie was
x-'Rirted to be so two or three times.
J- was bhot nt 1:30 in Ibe afternoon
1 Bpaclallj Arraniteil from Peloubefs Notes.)
QOLDKN TEXT. The temple of God is
' holy, which temple ye are 1 Cor. 1:17.
i hkad Chasten 3 and 4.
The Temple of Solomon.-I Kings, Chaps.
6. 7. S. The Temple Repaired. 2 Kings 21
The Spiritual Temple. 1 Cor. 3:10. 17; 6:19;
2 Cor. Id; Kph. 2:21: 2Thes. 1:4; Rev. 3:11
PSALMS t. 10. 107. 115. 118 and 1M. ac
cording to Oelkle, were composed for this
TIM K Journey of return, spring, B. C.
Ht; tempi plsnned, altar set up, October,
Mi foundations of temple begun, May, Mi;
building ceased, 15 years; work on tempi
renowed, 620; temple completed, 516.
PLACE. Jerusalem.
RULERS. Cyrus, king of Babylonia and
the east till Diy; Partus liystaspes
at completion of temple; Tarqula the
Proud, king of Rome.
PROPHETS. Daniel, an old man, at
I time of return (Pan. 10:1), In Babylon.
Hugpal ar.d SSecharlah were both living In
Jerusalem, but did not begin to prophesy
1 tttl ML
Introductory. H the 40,000 return
1 Ing exiles left Babylonia in March (H.
I t. 630), they eould not well reach Jers
I sak-m, after u journey of 500 to 700
, miles, before some time In July. It
1 pen use he una thought t have ' took Earn four months to make the
journey iLVra 7:0). They found t tie
city in ruins, as it hud lain for 50 years
since its complete destruction by Nebu
chadnezzar. "The list of towns," says
Qeikie, "named by Kzra and Nehemiah
(Kara 2:23, 28, 34; Nch. 7:25-26) as the
llrst homai of their brethren Include!
only Ucthlchem on the south, while on
tlit- north tholr territory ilid not extend
beyond the narrow limits of Benja
min." In October, two or three months
after their arrival, they proceeded to re
new the worship of God by rebuilding
the ultar on its old foundation.
I. The Foundation! of the Temple
Laid. Vs. ln-13. Vs. 10. "The build
ers, i e., Jeshua und Zerubbabel, who
were at the head of affairs. (See Ezra
3:2.) "Priests in their apparel:" The
elegant and beautiful official robeeuaed
A .man w ho has just been flatting l by the priests in their celebration, e
beam killed, wns nut treated by the su
geon m til nine o'clock that night. lb
Btcape from death on the Held is little
Uirl of miraculous. If he recovers he
411 1.0 crippled for life. Leslie's Week
ly j(i in possession of a li tter from the
"Ming man's f. it lien of which the fol
bting is an extract! "From boyhood
boy wanted to join (he United States
regulara. After attaining his majority
li stil1 talked a great deal about enlist
r in the army, but T would never give
say consent, BO one night in September,
IT", he left lionie without 6aying a
nvirri to anyone. I didn't hear from
Mm until he had enlisted in St. Louis."
IVIsite Krider was cook of his mess.
In :l town that prides itself on its lit-rrjr,-
atmosphere, tells about a lecture
tkl ' she attended. The lecture room
wa so well filled that she could not be
arated beside the woman friend with
! n she went. Two or three seats
fx front of her there sat a dignified
mi 1. ,vho had been recently introduced
peclally the blue and scarlet purple
robes, w.tli gold and gems. (See hx.
31:10, 30:27, etc) "With trumpets:"
Not for music; but, like our ohurch
bells, fur summoning assemblies and
joyful unnoancementa. "The sons of
Asaph:" One of tin- great choir lead
ers of David's time. These were his de
Cendantl or tbelr successors in this
- ' r. What w as her Surprise, 08 the I choir, as those in training in the schools
of tin- prophets were called sons of the
prophets. "Cymbals: These were mu
sical Instruments very mach like those
which are in u- among us under the
same name, "After the ordinance (or
der) of David: (See l t'hron. 15:10,
ire n axed its close, to see this man
Sim deliberately around, fix his eyes
vuoq her face, and, taking his band-
l.iof from Ids pocket, begin to Hot
ter it to and fro. At first she tried to
think be wasn't looking at her, but he i g David first organized choirs atn
us. She glanced at the other persona music for the temple services. Vs. 11.
near. No one seemed to be paying any ' Sang together by course, li. V., one to
at . ntloo to his maneuvers, and the
laslied into her mind that they
might lie used to his little way. Act
g HI thin suggestion, she decided to
"i- him, und so smiled and nodded.
t 'ill the lecture wns over did she
- that h wns trying to show her the
laooepted way to applaud.
Stories afloat about barb wire in Tex
as ' iiccfi being made to serve for tele
phi 1 8 uses are not pure imagination, ns
atne of the newspaper parngrnphers endeavored to show. Eugene
Thcuna, of Midland, Tex., writes to the
S Louil Republic: "I am successfully
ijpratinsr nine barb wire ranch tele
phone lines, varying In length from
eight to tliirty-flve miles. We do not
pot insulators upon the fence post, but
Wi e the barb wire staples in the posts,
and la oil instances usen ground return
iKi-t-ad of a metallic return. We oper
aff tjirce telephones In series (not
bridging 'phones) upon our 25-mile
iiu... We have orders ahead which,
wtien filled, will give ua 500 miles of
liarb wire lines connected with cur
switchboard. I attribute the success
ful working of these lines to the ex
tremely dry atmosphere here. Small
res istance is offered to the current."
A unique automatic fishlinj device has
Wea patented by a colored man of
lAiuisviLle, which has attracted some
ofXeniion. The unique feature of his
invention is that it can be attached to
a po as au ordinary reel or it can
he. placed on u tripod on the ground.
Any ordinary line can be used, the
mechanism wound up as a clock and the
invention will catch the fish without
any further attention on the part of the
TiJijjltt". When the fish strikes the hook
id the water the reel w ill automatically
fiic it, pull it into the shore and ring
t hell to let the angler know that the
"i-h is caught. The reel will play a
Us'j f,Ti day, keep a tight line and just
as the fish stops resisting the
ne:l will automatically land the prey.
Mi a iiuub has to do is to keep the bait
Lottie upsWedown and string the lish.
"M dflier lTai)bards are shocking to the
.-sthetic .;nse and, temperament of
one chief tff olico, vho issued orders
at i.s follows: "All persona seen
n.-.rringin the street in Iooeo wTuppers
another, responslvely. (Compare fix.
15:2j, 21.) Cambridge Bible. "He is
good," etc.: These words first appear
as the doxology at the close of the
psalm written by David, and sung nt
the bringing of the ark to Jerusalem
(1 Chron, 10:34). They are found sub
stantially in Dsn. 100, 107, 118. Vr. 12.
"Ancient men, that had seen the first
house," which was destroyed 15. C. 580,
51 years before.
II. Opposition and Delay. Vs. 1-5.
1. "The adversaries of Judahi" The
mixed race of the Samaritans. Those
opposed in race, in religion, and in pur
pose. They did not call themselves ad
versaries, but were so In reality. V. 2.
"Let us build with you:" Let us join in
your work, anil hence in the use and di
rection of the temple. "Kor we seek
your God . . . and we do sacrifice
unto Him:" But they did it in a very
different way, partially in connection
with other things which would destroy
the perfection and power of the Jewish
worship. V. 4. "Weakened the hands: "
The refusal of the Jews to utute with
the Samaritans made them bitter ene
mies, and they did everything in their
power to stop the progress of the tem
ple building. (1) As in Nchemlnh's
time (Neh. 4: 1-12), by sncciK, s.'utulers,
and threatening attacks. (2) By writ
ing slanderous letters to the govern
ment and hiring (V. S) "counselors
against them:" probably in itaylonia.
This continued "all the days of t'yrue,"
who died in 620, "until the reign Of
Darius," who begun to reign H. C. 522,
and it took two years more to get the
desired permission so that for about
j 15 years nothing was done on the tem
III. The Temple Completed. Early
In the reign of Darius liystaspes the
Jews obtained permission to build the
temple. The prophets Hnggul and
Zechuriuh urged the people forward.
The new movement began H. C 520, and
in four years, just TO yeurs ufter the de
struction of Solomon's temple, 58G, the
new temple was completed ond dedi
cated, II. C. 510.
The temple was the symbol und type
of God' spiritual temple, Isith the Indi
vidual Christian and the whole people
of God (I. Cor. 3:10-10). (1) Rich and
costly preparations have been made by
others. We are heirs of all the ages.
(2) The foundation is Jesus Christ, (3)
He has prophets with messages from
(Jod to aid and encourage in the build
ingthe Bible, the Holy Spirit, with
teachers, pastors and friends to bring
the message. (4) The true Christian
hamcter when complete is beautiful
His soul is the Holy X)f
fchall be warned not to do so. If they
an I! not the wunung they will he gath- j . Costlv
vd in and sent to the police statlouon , RoUea n which God dwells and inaui-
ti:e i-:.ur ire of disorderly conduct." festa Himself.
v - -
(The maideu who says: "The lips that
UMirfl liquor shall never touch mine,"
racuMft l so hiirc of her premises bb
lined to be. The "kissing bug" Is
.. '-t, : in the land, and it may come
ghi from the oscillatory orifice of a
t-i.uu.iH. masculine man to the untuint
.l lips of a modest maiden at any mo-
Cie, journal is authority for
tltr laienieut thut two-thlrda of the
T)sjilil1 nurses actively engaged ao
aaairr und die of tuberculosis.
Itnm'a Horn mania.
He guards well his wealth who un
grudgingly uses it for the weal of the
No man ever gave of his beat without
thereby losing some of his worst.
Cursed are the impure in heart, for
thev can only see the cviL
The value of repentance is not in the
depths of its feelings, but in the per
manency of its fruits.
The power of our talent may be hin
dered by the discourtesy of our man
nera. Grace should make ua graceful
In word and act. .
: o
Promptly Reaches the Seat
of all Blood Diseases and
In every test made S. 8. S. easily
demonstrates its superiority over other
blood remedies. It matters not how ob
stinate the case, nor what other treat
ment or remedies have failed. 8. 8. 8.
always promptly reaches and cures any
PrirO.0 thfl Ufirct PoCOt disease where the blood is in any way in vol veif.
UNDO HID TTUIOl UfJOCOi Everyone who haa had experience with
blood diseases knows that there are no ail
ments or troubles so obstinate and difficult to cure. Very few remedies claim
to ouro such real, deep-seated blood discuses as 8. 8. 8. cures, and none can
offer such incontrovertible evidence of merit. 8 8. 8. ia not merely a tonic it
is a cure ! It goes down to the very seat of all blood diseases, and gets at the
foundation of the very worst cases, and routs the poison from the system. Itdoes
not, like other remedies, dry up the poison and hide it from riew temporarily,
only to break fortli again more violently than ever; S. 8. 8. forces out every
traee of taint, and rids the system of it forever.
Mrs. I. W. Lee, Montgomery, Ala., writes: Some years
ago I was inoculated with poison by a nurse who infected
my babe with blood taint. I was covered with sores and
ulcers from head to foot, and in my great extremity I prayed
to die. Several prominent physicians treated me, out all
to no purpose. The mercury and potash which they
gave me seemed to add fuel to the awful flame which was
devouring me. I wag advised by friends who had seen
wonderful cures mode by it, to try Swift's Specific. I im
proved from the start, as the medicine seemed to go direct
to the cause of the trouble and force the poison out . Twenty
bottles cured me completely." Swift's Specific
Is the only remedy that is guaranteed purely vegetable, and contains no
mercury, potash, arsenic, or any other mineral or chemical. It never fails to
cure Cancer, hczenia, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Contagious Blood Poison,
Tetter, Boils, Carbuncles, Bores, etc.
Valuable books mailed free by Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Ga.
Offer to the public a full
line of Corrugated Roofing,
Plain Tin and Galvanized
Iron Roofing and Spouting.
Fence Wire.Tinware.Gran
iteware. Etc. A full line of
for Summer cooking. Gall
and 3er ou stock and learn
our prices.
! O
The Loquacious and Veraclans Con
ductor from New Jrnejr lias
Ills Full lay,
Tis not often that one runs across a
loquacious street cur conductor. Usual
ly they are just about as talkative us
graven images. But there was a new
man on the Indiana avenue line and he
was hungry for a tulk. Along about
Forty-Seventh street n man took u
standing seat on the back plat form
and the conductor fastened on him
instantly, says the Chicago Inter
"That's a fine grove of trees," he re
marked, pointing to a row of maples,
"but whenever I see tri es 1 say to my
self 'skeeters.' Yes, sir; that's the
very first thing I say to myself 'skeet
ers. 1 liate skeeters. I can t abide cm.
Consequently I don't like trees. No,
sir; I'm a treeless, pluln man, f am
boundless prairie feller. Why, sir,
I had a good job an' as nice a little home
as you ever sec down east an 1 Will
fixed for life right there. Hut it was
down in Jersey. An' the skeeters bit
me till 1 didn't know my pwn name;
would have answered to the name of
Smith or Jones just us well. AVell, sir.
1 thrO Wed up my job an' sold my home
and 1 started for New York. Hut, Lord
love you, sir, 1 got into trouble quick.
They stopped me 'fore I could get into
New York. They said I had the small
pox, 1 WU bit up so frightful. J (nt 1
llnnllv got west an' here I am. An'
whenever 1 see trees I thinks skeeters.
Why, sir, down in Jersey, mony's the
time, I've seen them skeeters flyln ubout
smokin' clay pipes; yes, sir, smokin'
clay pipes to keep the other skeeters
off 'em. Once I'
But here the passenger jumped off
between blocks.
A other Trlli lion Ml" Have Mer
Little ItaufUter Life,
1 urn tl e n otht of 'irht clii!orrii
and Lave bad a trreal deal of experi
ence with tuedioiues, t .ast summer
my little daughter had the dysentery
in its worat form. We thought she
won!. die. I tried everything I
could think of, but nothing seemed
to dc berany good. I snw by an ad
vertiseroentin our paper that Cham
berlnin's Colic,Cbolera and Diarrhoea
Remedy was highly recommended
Mini soiit and irnt a bottle at once
It proved to be one of the verj best
meoicitw r we ev i bad in the bou
T' saved iuy Utile daughter' life.
I am no mods for everv mot her to
know what an excellent medicine it
is. Hai I known it at first it would
have saved me h great lenl of an
xirtv n tul my little daughter a great
deal of auflering. Your trnlv, jib
Oko F. Bi kdick, Diberly, H. I. Tor
sab- by all Druggiale.
tufnllllile Journal That Enjoj-a
the Largest Circulation In
the World.
Cnrlons Dlseoverr Mad In ncrlln
Museum Abolishes the "Hands
Off" sign.. .
Until a short time ago, ys the New-
York Times, the bronze statuary in
The Chinese Almanac la the most
Inro-elv circulated publication in the
world, the number of copies printed
and sold yearly reaching several mil
lions. It is printed at 1'eking, nnd is a
monopoly of the emperor, no other al-
mjinne being permitted to be sold in
that country. Although containing re
liable astronomical information, its
chief mission is to give full and ac
curate information for selecting lucky
places for performing all the acts.
great and small, of everyday life. And
is every act of life in China, however
trivial, depends for its success on the
time in which, and the direction (point
of compass) toward which it is done, it
is of the utmost importance that every
one should have correct information at
all times available to enable him bo to
order his life ua to avoid bad luck and
culamlty, and Becnre good luck nnd
prosperity. So great is the native faith
In ita infallibility, that not long since
the Chinese minister to Germany re-
rm .1 ICC AM ft. AfUimLt'MT
Insurance. b
Insurance Agency,
Slmor W. Snydor, -A.gyo:nt,
Successor lo the late William H. Snyder.
The Par-Excellence of Reliable Insurance is represented ill the f
ng list of standard Companies, from which lo make a selection. i
better the orld over.
MMH, I .in I1. AttMfcTS
FIRE Royal, Liverpool, Eng. (including foreign assoU) S-lfl.Oi ' ,u
Hartford! of Hartford, Conn., (oldest American Co.) 8,645,7
Phoenix, Hartford, Conu. 5688,6
Continental. New York. L7S4HI
German American, New York, 6,2!i!,i
LIFE Mutual Life Ins. Co. New York, e-aOa.688.1
ACCIDENT Employers' Liability Assurance Corporation,
Accident ins. uo, snbscnoeo uapital 01 !?3,i-'-mn
r ire. Lilo and Accident risks accppted at the lowest possible ratal
tiiu-d by a strict regard to mutual safety. All just claim orotund
satisfactorily adjusted. Information iu relation to all classe oi 1
mire promptly furnished ELMEK W. SNYDER, Agt..
TelepbOO No. IKi, Ufflce on Corner Water .v fViue .Sis. oeunesrov
AH Kinds.
AH QuaSitiei
AH Prices.
some of the Iterlin museums was most i fused to sail on e day which had been
carefully labeled: "Ilunds off," Just
as it is In many American museums.
What happened in Berlin, however,
mnv cause the curators of some of our
museums to take down their signs. It
w as observed in Iterlin that those parts
of the bronze statues which were sur
reptitiously handled by the public re
tained a good surface. This led to the
conclusion that fat had something to
do with it. An experiment was there
fore tried for some years with four
bronzes. One wns coated every day
with oil nnd wiped with cloth; another
was washed every day with water; the
third was similarly washed, but was
oiled twice a year; and the fourth was
left untouched, just as our bronzes re
main isolated behind the notices,
"Hands oft." The first looked beauti
ful; the third, which had been oiled
twice a year, was passable; the second
looked dead; ond the fourth was dull
and black. It is probably a fact not
generally known that the ancient
Greeks polished their statues by con-
stunt hand rubbing. Perhnps the
curators above mentioned, who have
charge of statues and other adorn
ments, will profit by the experiment
here described.
appointed because It was declared In
the almanac to be unlucky.
llere is a good story and probably a
true one that Copt. Coghlan told at
the Winficld meeting: . Dewey sailed
into the Manila harbor, fought his bat
tle, and then e.ut thu Cable. The Eng
lish admiral wanted to help him, but
didn't dare. Uut he thought that
Dewey might take a hint. So the Eng
lish admiral nailed over to Dewey and
said: "Ah, I see you have cut a cable."
"Yes," answered Dewey. "Which one?"
asked the innocent English admiral.
And then Dewey, knowing for the first
time there were two cables, rustled
back, grappled for the second cable, and
est 1. ;
that VOU
It is not
THE whole lower floor of my store is takni up with Car
u lilies, Art, Squares, Curtains, WindonDnaaeS, curtain t a
Hassocks, Rug Fringe, Stair and Table Oil Cloths, &0., &.
We can show you the largest and best selaodon of the abi
goods ever shown In Lewistown.
ososcto oUotfjoQoa
Bru.-sells Carpet as low as 50 cents ant! up.
Velvet Carpet as low as To cents and up.
All Wool Carpet as low as 50 cents and up.
Halt Wool Carpet us low as of cents and up.
Cotton Carpet as low as 22 cents and tip.
Rag Carpet as low as 20 cents and up.
China and Japan Matting 100 jolls to select from
Compare iiuality and prices, you will find that our stun!
the place to buy at. 1 lie goods are nrsi-ciass, puces arc
lowest, our rooms arc clean and no trouble to show goods.
W. H. FELIX, Lewistown, P
Drink Graln-u
after yon have concluded
otiL'tit not to drink colTee.
a medicine bat doctors order it be
cause it is healthful, invigorating
and appetizing. It is made from pure
grains and has that rich seal brown
color and tastes like the finest grade
of coffee and cost about i as much.
Children like it and thrive on it be
cause it is the genuine food drink
containing nothing but nourishment.
Ask your srocer for Grain-O, the
uew food driuk. 15 und '25c.
Liberal Adjustments-
Whr She Old It.
It was evident the moment she en
tered the parlor that be wss angry.
"What do you mean by suing me for
breach of promise?" be demanded. I
never proposed to you in my life."
"Why, of course you didn't," she an
swered in a conciliatory tone. "And 1
wouldn't have accepted you if you had.
But you know I am going on the stage,
and 1 must make some preparations,"
Chicago Post.
Doe roller Agree With Ten T
Tf not. driuk Grain-O made from
A ladv writes : "The
tirat time 1 make Grain-O I did not
1,1. .. it hot. after usinff it for one week
nothing would induce me to go back
to coffee." It nourishes and feed
the system. The children can drink
it freely with great benefit. It ia the
strenethenintT substance of pure
grains. Get a package today from
your grocer, follow the directions in
mnkinc it and voo will have a delici
ous and healthful table beverage for
old and young, loo. and roc.
Pius. "Obscsu
Dr. Hues' Pais
Prompt Pavma
Only the Oldest, Strongest Cash Companies,
Fire, Life, Accident and Tornado
Wft Aflspssments No Premium Nj
The Aetna
Founded A. D., 1819 Assets (11,055,1
Home 44 4 44 " f.l
American 44 44 44 1810 44 2,409,
The Standard Accident Insurance Co. 1
The New York Lite Insurance Co.
The Fidelity Mutual Life Association. I
i our rawAjiittuc
in Nie Kstate of 1 In the Orphan's Court
Henry Grubb, Br.,decd. f ot sayder Co.. Pa.
The undcreignei Auditor appointed by the
orphans' Court of 8n.vd.-r Couuty. "to distribute
the funds in the liaiirtaof Henry Orubb, Jr.. Ad
ministrator of the Emate of Henry Grubb, hr.,
late of centre Township, Snycer Co.. r de
onamd, as npix-arn by hi flrat and final account,
and to make report to the next term ot Court,"
will sit at the ofllee of Jacob Gilbert, En.. In
Mlddlebnnr. Snyder County. Pa., on KK1DAY,
SEPTEMBER 1, 1. t U o clock k. M., lor the
purpose of fultllllnK the duties oft his appoint
ment : when and where all parties In Interest
shntl attend, auo present their claims on cald
Aug. 5, 18W. Aodltor.
Peerless Pile C
instant relief and permnil
(,.,!., r St Ni
7-27-lmo. f
Consult or communicate with lajaay
of tills paper, who win give an
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