1 . !- - --'- The Middleburgh Post. PuhliHtieii ttverv Tburmlity. Ceo W. rtayenselier, tditor and Proprietor Subscription 1.50 per year. vmi.'li niu.il lis WMJ SdllsMS when wnt out dl U: couuty.) RATES OF ADVi RTISINQ. ui UltftfsNM advert Ic-ftnouts not otherwise MMfMUd lor will be charg-ed at IHe rate of II OmH l-r line (uimparlel measure) for first Inser tion urn! 10 cents per line for every subsequent lust-rtlOD. JVmA notices piMiikfd frtt ; obituary poertf, iributri of ir.prct. de.. tares emit a line. Republican Standing Committee- .XilattlH, V. . Herman, I, O, SUddlcswnrtli A. V . MuHrr, I 'it- ll Coleman I linn. A. Wanner. John D. Howell H. B. Wagner. II A. Bowrrnojt 1. s. TroutniHii, P. A. Troup M. L Walter. II. K. Itolemler J. S. Yearic-k, II. II. Sinilh Ilenvcr, lb-aver W., Cer.trv. 'liitpuiAn, Prittiklin, Jiti'kson, Middleburg;, MtddlaofMk) Mfinru, P.-lin, lVrrv, IVrry W., i n-K'i " tyring, t " Ti Washington, Al. t 'Irian. Janice hnlley A. I). Kreaiuer. S. L Yoilcr A. K. Young, D. I. Hitter Frank Miller. Howard Knw Dr. M. Kotlirnck, Irwin Hoyer CJco. SlrnwMf, John Noll A. B. Keek, II. J. Duck (in. S. Ili'y, 0. M Smith O. Q. Kh'e, IU. Stroll Dr. E. W. Toole, J. 11. ArlMifiit kki'I lll.n' A ' TICKET. For Associate Judge, P. r. KIKOKL. For Sheriff, (iEO. W. HOW. For Treasurer. BENNKVIIXK SMITH. For Commissioners, JOHN P, WETZEL, (iEOKtiK r. Mil. I. KB. For Auditors, D. NORMAN Al'P, J c. BOWBK80X, Thursday, August 24, 1899. THE GIRL WITHOUT TALENTS. "Many a mod est, unselfish girl, who tlws not regard herself us re markable either in miod, appearance or manner, asks, 'Where is there a place for a (j;irl to-day who is not beautiful or talented, who cannot play or paint or sing, cannot permit herself to write an essay for a liter ary club, and has no ability for leadership?' " writes Mary R. Bald win in the August Homin's Home Companion, of "The Girl Without CJrettt (iifts." "For such a one the history of an every day girl who met fulfillment and wrought from com mon material a wonderful life-fabric may lie offered. She was the plain est of a family, and as she grew to maidenhood gave no sign of possess ing anything that would not' seem possible to the most ordinary person. Her sisters had each a 'gift' But nobody expected anvthinggreatfroni 'Miss Margaret,' and she never dared to hope that she could fill any place of importance even in the smallest circle. As is often the case with the inconspicuous girl of the family, she became a general helper, and was called to assist and to fill gaps in the home service. She learned through all this to get away from hersef, and in effect said, 'I cannot do this but my sister can.' As soon as she could accept this she was no more a lonely girl, but imagiued that she had a sort of partnership in the achievements of those whom she helped. Let it not be imagined that she had never experienced a sort of regret that she had herself been overlooked in the distribution of gifts; there were bitter moments when she suffered on account of the fact, but this was Itefore she hud given herself wholly to the purpose of forgetting her loss aud helping others. As soon as this became a fact she began to reeeivs ofthe bless edness of giving, and the mental and spiritual enlargement of her com pensative worked itself outwardly, so that she became a very attractive person. Finally the prince came, and the slipper fitted the stay-at-home sister, and she became a prin cess before whom many hearts bowed in the sineerest revereuee." WOMAN'S RIGHTS IN ENGLAND. A Woman's Parliament has been recently held in London, and a good tlcal was expected from it by those friends of woman's rights who recall the (act that, not longugo, it seemed probable that women would lie soon made eligible even to the House of Commons. While the delegates were sitting, an incident occurred which showed that in England a reaction had set in against the cause which tliev were trviuir to promote. It will Ik? remembered that among the measures now before Parliament is a bill for the better government of London which creates a number of local district councils with in the area, the collective interests of which are cared for by the London County Council. Before this bill passed the House of Commons, an amendment was accepted making women eligible to the boards of aldermen and to the district council on the same condi tions which were prescribed for men. This amendment was rejected by the Lords, and when the bill was sent lack to the LoWvT House, the ; Commons receded from their posi tion, notwithstanding the strenuous opposition ottered by Mr. Leonard H. Courtney and other advocates of woman's rights. Mr. Augustine Blrrell, the well known author of i "Obiter Dicta." proclaimed himself ashamed of the chivalry and consist ency of men, who, after having al lowed women to sit on the Hoards of Guardians anil the Vestries which had preceded the County Council, how refused to give them a place in the local bodies that were to exercise the very functions previously shar ed between the sexes. Mr. H. Ia bouehere, on the other hand, cor dially supported the stand taken by the Lords, ami drew a humorous picture of what might happen if seats were given to women in the House of Commons. According to the reports of the debate winch have reached us, nobody thought it worth while to mention that womenalready sit in the New Zealand Parliament, and in several of our State Legisla tures. When we bear in mind that the House of Commons has admitted to its precincts a prize-fighter, whose descendant is now the Speaker, it is scarcely probable that women would fall much leiov the average moral and Intellectual standard of its mem bers. Another discouraging inci dent occurred while the Woman's Parliament was in session. The House of Lords, after a prolonged discussion, and in defiance ofthe ad vice given by Lord .Salisbury, de cided to throw out the bill compel 1- ingstorekeepers, who employ women, to provide seats for a certain pro portion of them. The Earl of We myss protested in thestrongest terms against the bill, which he looked upon, he said, as a piece of peddiiig, hysterical, humanitarian, vote-catching legislation for which the great Mother of Parliaments was never intended, and which wan enough to make the old Parliamentarians turn in their grave. The shopgirls found plenty of champions, however, be sides the Prime Minister, but some of them admitted that the question of providing seats was by no means so simple as it looked. Nobody drjubt- ext, they said, that shop women con tinually undergo great suffering' and permanent injury from having to stand for many hours. No doubt such private coercion could be de feated by an adequate system of government inspection. But govern ment inspection is always costly and usually unpopular, and the House of Lords untimalely decided that it would not add the bill in question to the long list of well-meaning laws which have never been carried out in practice. Collier's Meekly. Does t oller Agree With You T If not, drink Grain-O made from pure grains. A lady writes : "The first time I make Grain-0 I did not like it but after using it for one week nothing would induce me to go back to coffee." It nourishes and feeds the system. The children can drink it freely with great benefit. It is the strengthening substance of pure grains. Get a package today from your grocer, follow the directions in making it and you will have a delici ous and healthful table beverage for old and young. 15c. and 25c. Harvest Festivals will be held as follows : Aug. 27, 10 A. M., Sept. 3, " " 10, 2:30 P. M ' 17. 10 A. M., St. Matthew. St. Paul. St. Mark. Christ. All are cordially invited to attend these services. C. D. ZWBHEB, Pastor. During the civil war, as well as in our late war with Spain, diarrhoea was one of the most troublesome diseases the army had to contend with. In many instances it became chronic and the old soldiers still suffer from it. Mr. David Taylor of Wind Ridge. Greene Co., Pa , is one of these. He uses Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem edy and says he never found any thing that would give Dim such quick relief. It is for sale by all Druggists. Farm fouSai.e A farm contain ing 55 acres situate in Middleereck township, i mile north of Globe Mills, Snyder county, is offered for sale at a bargain. The buildings arc irood as new. Five acres are in P - . - good woodland. Farm will be sold for first good offer. Call on or. nff? A T At ! - r- -1 ii urez,u.iM. in nun, iHtiiiiii,i ai wo The soothing and healing proper ties of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and its pleasant taste and prompt and permanent cures, hare made it a great favorite with the people ev erywhere. For sale by all Druggists. SZ?. den fun uns entUM wiser vote far-j COURT HOUSE CHIPS 1 Jury US.. h SC aaTav naVn Sfc II From He'lefont Uazette, Brief Fum Hawsa Barrick. Likvkk Kkrnki. Harper. Ich hob tlere shunt so long ken brief line g'shrivva os Ich farlioftich boll nimmy wase we booshtavera. Es wetter doh om Hawsa Barrick is so drooka OS iner boll ken waiter mie hen in der Schwoger greek un tie sucker un katfish sin om bic woxa wegrudda un lawfh Ivver de rich noon em revver. In fact es is olles utt-gadrickeled except politics, un sell wierdt awfougS shtawvieh, nu won net boll widder en kondndawt room ooomed don foiig Teh widder aw iih-un-a-bits shpoutsa. Wos de socha noch shlimmer mam it is os dc Dcniagrawdich partly so nrichderlieh druuna is nf de trusts und der Hulierheok hut aw declared giega sc. Won iner ols dorshtich is worm un hut net usht grawd tier wixel g'hot don hut are's mit gride uffde wond g'shrivva, un der onner niorga we ich in debier-shtoopcooma bin UOO hut are en grosse sign ufl henka g'hot liinnich cm bier un des hut gnluesa : NO MORE TRUST. Ich hob cue g'frogt wos sell mail ed un are hut noch minera account gawissa mit mine finger un hut g'sawd : "Sell maned, Gottlieb, dps nochdem won du en drum wid , ous der Schwartz huddle do mua ifit (Ju'e geld hovva." Sell hut de bisajss g'settled. Ich hob usht g' wist os es nuch so gied mit denna tanliheukerta demagrawdisha norrheita, un. du konsht d'ch driifTfurlussaosdebixiva woo tzu selera jcirdy shtana so socha net unnershtitsa. So hen en indig nation meeting garoofa de ledsht nocht un tie Hullerheck denounced far tier trust abolisha. Mer hen en (eesly beer g'hot un dri golla oldter cider un sell hut da Ihkivii de nyler amohl recht ulf gamaucht Der Billy Bixler hut liahawbt t tie trusts het gor nix tzu do mit pol itics. De Detnagrawdich pardy wet usht em orma monsi greditfardarva un de tzeida widder so hanlt maucha os se waura we der Cleveland bres ideut wore so OS mer widder reddy warn far en "change." Der Sam Seeshuls hut declared os are shunt far anc-un-fai'tzich yohr gavote hut far der Jackson, awer es naixt mold os scene in de louna do wedda don daid are ivver de shtreng kicka. De Betz Grill but era "regrets" g'shiok ed wile se netdortsi hutkenna. Era gro;-awga hen se so galxxldert os se net lawfa hut kenna. Der Mike Hetzel hut fertzaded we are der onner dawg dawg in der shtore is far en pock Fnshmood un der ni glarrich hut's widder tzurick ut's shelf uu hut g'sawd, "No more trust." Un so is es on der gonsa roy nnnner. Aim noch em onuera hut si tittle gevva, un we se oil fard ich wora is der Bill Bifielmoyer ni cooma un hut g'sawd de committee lift resolutions ware now reddy far era reixrt ei handa. De"committee" woreom sidergawest eb mere's ga wist hen os are dort wore un es wont yusht tzwie fun ena os able wora tzu "retiorta." Der bresident wore unnich em dish galaiga un hut "Old Hundred" dorrich de naws g'sunga, un de onnera dri hen uf der gorda feuse g'hunka un de rhod da g'fecdered. Se hen usht dri res olutions g'hot uu de lieu galtesa : Resolved, Dos de oldta soddle-gile fun der Demagrawdisha party om nawsa iarncK uare wane nemma I far era tzarn ous eeva uft der Mike I ft tl 1 . 1 . . 1 1 I nuiieriiecK iar uer inisiaixnisnu, uu dos mere kens fun sime drom mie drinka so long os de uxa wasser sowfa. Resolved, Os wile mereollashpote yore nuch so weit fet-lompagadrawga hen un giles gnuddla ga kicked in Demagrawdishe parades, des sull de bisniss shtuppa un noach deal is ya- ! ders fun uns eutitjed miser vote far slit igrega con. ' Resolved, Os de resolutions in iFroekdoor gadrooked wura un en copy tzu em Mike Hullerheck gevva fur hinnieh si bier henka. I Noach dos mere adjourned hen sin ! iner nivver un hen em Hullerheck ous gnluiked wos mere gadoo hen. Es hut ene ershlound, un are hut de huddle runs g'shtelt un hut g'sawd i mere setta uns Stiver helta. Mere 'hen oil awiie shtill g'hucked un anonner aw gagooked far en ousret. Es hut kens nix g'schwetzed far about en minnut un demo hut der Billy BtxJer g'sawd : "Gottlifb, glawbsht du os iixa wasser sowfa, anyhow '."' "Net won drum so blendy ware os wusser," hob Ich g'sawd. "Sell is net unser shult," hut der Sam Seeshuls g'sawd. "Drunisawg Ich.luss unsdrinka." Un mer hen. Ols widder, Gottlieb Boonastiel. WONDERUL. One of tur subsorlbeM wrote his name and address on a jnistal card, ami simply addressed it to "Julius Hines dc Sun, Baltimore, Mil., De partnirnt 009." requesting one of their catalogues. By return mail he received an immense lunik that alone took 17c in stamps to carry it, and contained over 10,000 illustra tions, quoting lowest prices on 100,000 articles, embraoinff ev erything used in a home; everything necessary for un office; for a public ' building; for a barnj torn farm j con taining wearing apparel for men, women and children; quoting lowest prices on everything to eat, chew and smoke; telling all about Agri cultural Implements nntl Vehicles; in fact everything except Locomo tives, Live animals and Boats. No home should be without one of these valuable books, as it will be the means of saving yon many dollars on everything during the course of a year. All for a postal, try it, Odd Fellows Picnic. McClure Lodge No. 770 L O.O. F. will hold their first- annual pic nic on Saturday, Sept. 2, intht Gold Spring Grove at McClure. The following jK-rsoiis will lie the orators nf the day I Uev. L P. Zimmerman, Rev. H. H. Bpahn, Rev. W. H. Hilbish, Prof. F. C, Bowersox and Prof. Chas. Oldt Music will be furnished by the Adanisburg band. All kinds of refreshments will tc served on the ground. Come, one and all, and enjoy a day in the woods. Co.MMITTKK. HAIR TURNING GRAY? hat does your mirror say? Does it tell you of some little streaks of gray? Are you pleased? Do your friends of the same age show tills loss of power also? Just remember that gray hair never becomes darker without helo. while dark hair rapidly becomes gray when once the change begtna. Mirer's! inair I Vigor will bring back to your hair the color of youth. It never fails. It is Just as sure as thst heat melts snow, or that water quenches Are. It cleanses the scalp also and prevents the formation of dandruff. It foods aad nour ishes the bulbs of the hslr making them produce a luxu riant growth. It stops the hair from falling rut and gives a fine soil flolah to the hair asweu. m fi'jS? U?t.t otxala aU tae bU pgtBfig! Kit U 1.1 lil I WL I in iTIli .' S-TS- VTVJ I SaWf r Deerta Entered tor Rerd . Jonathun B. Snyder and wife to Oeonre W. O. I Snyder tract of land In West Perry towuanip. contaiuinK in acres ana 5J percnea torriu. Levi s. (loy. Err., to tJeorgw W. oov, milt nrnperty. int. la Washington totraablp, for mm, Alexander Bertch and wife to Emma Gov, pre tracts In Washington tow nship. MgjMMhaf acre and 8(1 perches and lot No. 19 In Preebur;. CondslderauoD tl.OO and maintenance. Benjamin Ulrtch to I.v la M. Flaher, lot No. S In r inch's addition to Sellnagrove, rortauo. Lvdia M. FUher to Ueorire Jt. Kl.-lier Hurt oi I the above lot for tso. Samuel Weaver to Daniel Weaver. It acre and m perches In Beaver township for W.7I. ( Dated Mat). Kred B. Kingman to Albert Boweraoz. 90 acres and IT perches In Centre township, fortiMO. Henry EUler and wife to Christian Hoofnagl, to square perches in Beaver township, for tso. (Dated 1680). Wm. L. and M. A. Slrawser to Sarah M. swart z. 13 acies and M perches In Chapman township, foi till Wills Probnteil. The last will and testa merit of Ellas Knhn, late of i vnt re township, deceased, was entered and pronated Auir. i". and leiters teslamentarv Issiuti to Charles Kuhn. Executor, named In said will and sole heir. The last wil and testament of David Boyer. late of Centre township, dee'rt, was entered and probated Aug. list, and letters testamentary issued lo Catharlue Buley, Executrix named In said will. Marrlstc LlpenaeN. j Martin H. Movrr, ) Sullle V. Xaugle, ( Peter L. Strawser. I Venfle Beaver, New Berlin. Kraitervi:K Oriental, I'erry twp. Picnics, Festivals, Etc. The St. John's Sunday school of Fremont will hold their annual pic nic at the usual place Aug. 20. The Grangers' Picnic will be held at William's Grove, August 28th to Sept. 2nd. For particulars ns to space, etc., address, R. H. Thomas, Mechanicsburg, Pa. Saturday, Aug. 20, Lawyer's pic nic in Decatur Twp., Mifflin Co. Saturday, Sept. 2, L O. O. F. picnic, McClure Lodge, at McClure. Saturday, Sept. 2, Union Sunday school picnic at Troxelville. Saturday, Sept. 9, Reunion and picnic of 1. O. O. F. Lodges in Sny der, Union, Mifflin and Juniata counties, at Adanisburg. Tuesday, S-ot. 12, a Reception will be (riven to Lieut. S. V. IJlsh and Corporal A. S. Kempfer return- ! .I a VS . . n. mg soldiers ot the lUth fa. Kegt. Saturday. Auir. 26. Hoover'sSun- , ' f o day school picnic on Hoover's Island. Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 19 and 20, Reunion of the 131st Pa. Vols, in Middleburg. The Trinity Sunday school of McKees will bold their annual pic nic in Paige's grove near Hoffer on Saturday, Aug, 26. Music will be furnished by the bands. Several good speakers will deliver addresses. a i t . i Also a ie?uva in tne evening. Bloomsburg State Normal School. We have just received the latest catalogue of the Bloomsburg State Normal School. This school which has had such remarkable growth and success during recent years, evident ly means to make still greater pro gress in the future. The Fall Term will open September 11th. The Trustees are doing everything pos sible to place the school in the front rank of our best intitutious of learn ing. The faculty tor the ensuing year is to lie strengthened by the addition of Miss Laura M. Ruff, of South Carolina, who has completed three courses of study at two differentcol leges. Signornia Rubina Ravi who has commanded such widespread re cognition, will be retained at the head of the music department. Young people contemplating go ing away to school will find it to their interest to write the Principal, Dr. J. P. Welsh, Bloomsburg, Pa., stating their needs aud asking for a catalogue. There may lie schools where the charges are lower, but we doubt whether there are any in which more can be had for the money. 8-10-3t Aug. 11, at Freeburg, Alexander Bertch, aged 76 years, 4 months aud 27 days. I found on my farm a land turtle that a name was cut on with a knife in the year 1820. The name is J. R. Boyer. In 30 years I found this turtle three times. I did not see it for the last ten years until last week. This turtle is probably a hundred years old. Isaac F. Sauer. Kreamer, Pa., Aug. 14. AGENTS WANTED FOB "THF. LIFB AM) Achievement ot Admiral Dewey," the world's araatest naval hero. Bv Mural Ualstaad, the life-long friend and admirer of the nation's Idol. BlgjrMtand ban book: over SOS pages, 8x10 inches; nearly 100 pages half-tone Illustra tion!. Only tl M. Enormous demand. Big commissions. Outfit free. Chance ota lifetime. Write quick. The Dominion Company, Srd floor OaxtenBldg.,Cbleagc, S4MSI, ! List of tiraod Jurors drawn for the Conn of 0er end Terminer and General Jail dehverv , and court of quarter sessions of the Peace of . sin 't county held as 'tec Term, cutnuieuclnx Mimaav. OjtoDer t. 18H9. OKAND JUROIW. Nam.-. Occupation. , Benter, Ja".es. Laborer, I OoryvK J. P., Ooal dealer, Dieiuei . John li., Laborer, rviessler. Levi, Laborer. I Fisher, cto.vd W., Miller. Spring Mmiroe Mldtla eieek Monroe West u.-aver Uai'Kler. Daniel. Latsirer, Mosrot ! Jarrei t, II. I'., Jui K o( tUe I 'euro. Se'ui -t'rove i Kit-li-r, wiliuio A.. Laiwrer, Mu;.i. wreck KriiUMV .lulin, Funnel, Jucksou Kiii.nl.-r. Jusvpti. Tfcauker. Jackson Luuver, SjIouiOii. KariUrr, Washington Matibeek, Leouaru J Farmer, .-.prlas; -MoClellan. Robert , laborer, Spring- Krurlek, John It ., Farmer. Beaver KennliiKer, Henry U., Carocnter, Franklin Hlioada, Jaeob, Ttusinltb, MouroS Sbafler, Juinea, Fanner, I'erry sbannon, Kuncr, Plasterer, Spring Sbolley, Amnion, Laborer, Union Snyder, Jobn 8., Laborer, I'nlon Stabl, Hiram 8., Laborer, Washington stroup, Benton P., Merchant, Washlnuton 9iroup.8amnel.Oenllem.ui, Centre VIsb.H. Oulvln, Mer. linn!. West iWver PETIT JtJSJMSJ, Llfttf 1'etlt Jiimrs drawn for the Oean of common V Ihus, OMR ot oimrter SesnloiiH ul the Peace Court ol Oyer and Terminer and He naval Jail Dlnnry of Snyder (Xtutity, l'i.. held as October Term, commencing October , I8at. Name. Occupation. Residence Arn.it. Abraham. Laborer, West I'erry Arbognst. Henry, Farmer, Spring Arbig.i-1. Willis, Farmer. Monroe Itenver, James, Farmer, Penn Bllger, W. Uerroid. carpenter. Franklin Blckle, John II.. Former, Washington Uohner, William. Farmer, Chapman Bowersox, Sepbares, Farmer, t 'cut re Howei-Mix, 11 ni ry, tienueuan, Middleburg Bjjer, William II., Farmer, Penn Bulleks, Samuel, Farmer, Monroe Ojniad, A., Gentleman, Sellnsgroe easier, Uenry 1)., Farmer. Penn Derr, Thomas P., Farmer, West Perry Dietrich. James, Lumberman, Franklin Dreese, t'liunes, Clerk, Washington Kw Ing, . I esse, Farmer, Spring Fetterer, Fienklln, Farmer, Jackson Prantz, William, Blacksmith, chapman Oerhart, Ammou, Laborer, Mlddlecreek Gemberllug; Sum uel J., Lsboror, Sellnsgrnve Herman, Jacob, Farmer, Franklin lletscr, Peter. Farmer, Jackson lluKslng. r, Reuben. Laborer, West Beaver Howell, John D Laborer, West Beaver Kline, Frank C, Laborer, Centre Klmgler, J. P., Carpenter, Jackson Matters, lasae, Farmer, West Beaver Mr i all. irvln F., Laborer, Sellnsgrove Metzger, John F., Farmer, Jackson Moyer, Samuel, Gentleman, Middleburg Mitchell. William H., Farmer, Spring Neltz, Frank F Farmer, Union Neltx, William, Merchant, Union Relchley. John, Blacksmltn, Jackson Ramer, John S., Laborer, Penn Bitter, Frank, Mason, Centre Rohrbacb, Harrlron A.. Moulder, Sellnsgrove Shaffer, Robert M., Laborer. Union Snyder, Jacob O., Laborer, Penn Smith, William B., Fanner, Spring stahl, David b Merchant, Union Strainer, Jacob Z. , Farmer, West Perry 8 ta utter, Ellas, Laborer, Union swarti, B. N . Farmer, Washington Wagner, WUUam. Carpenter, Penn Walter, Lewis, Farmer, c&uire Wieand, Isaac, Farmer, Weal Beaver MlDOLEBURQH MARKET. Corrected weekly by our merobanta. Butter 12 EgH 12 Onions 00 Lard ft Tallow 4 Chickens per lb 7 Turkeys 10 Hide ft Shoulder 8 Ham 12 Wheat 70 Rye 45 Potatoes 50 Old Corn .35 Oats 3C Bran per 100 lbs 80 Middliugs " 00 Chop " 90 Flour per bbl 8.50 H-M-H--M-I' 1-H 4 1 l l'H 1 1 M l ! MIFFLINBURG MARBLE WORKS. i R. H. LANCE, t Donler In .Marble and Scotch Granite ... MONUMENTS, HEAD- ST0NE8 JL CEMETERY LOT ENCLOSURES. X Old Stones Cleaned and Repaired. Prices as Low as the Lowest. Satisfaction Guaranteed. J. A. JENKINS, Agt., Crosupovo, Pa. in m m m i m m ii i ; i n 69 Gents for Nothing, Joit mned. a wonderful eatelogaeof everythuutto eatwe and om. It cotu u WcsnU to print and 17 cents to null esch copy. If i free to alt uho ante for it. Thl. hook contelni 304 ssgss (tlie 14Vil0J la.J. ass 10.000 Illustrations, and quotes lOOjOOO articles at wholesale prices to consumers. Bsra la the book : Thlsvslasble ests logae tells aB about Agricultural Imple ments. Baby Coaches, Ueddlng, Illcrcle.. Boots, Baggies, tan diM. Csrptu. t lmra. Clocks, ClothUg, Cerasts.Vroeksrr. Cartslas, Catlsrr. Farm Wsgoni. Fur niture. Men's For alshlngs. Ulanwsre. urocerlei, BsMeas, Bats. Housrr. Jew elrr, Udlei'Cfothlnf , Ladles' Famishing, Lamps. Mackin toshes. Mirrors, Mu sical IsstrumcnU.Or- Rns. PslaU, Ptaaos, cturei. Portieres, Refrigerators, Ssd- Machlass, Shirts. Shoes, Silverware. Stoves. Tlawsre. TohaceSr Towels. Trunks, Underwear. Uphotaunr Ooods. vf ttches, sad thousands of other artlelea Witt this book la row possession, you can bay cheaper than the average dealer. To. ean save Urge sums of money on eTerythlaf yonnseo.stsaysssoaof the year. STMatleeS seal! est amd tmt adtrsss tut tea JULIUS H1NB5 ft SON isAxnxoJtB, np. r