The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, August 10, 1899, Image 9

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    f 4
Rtore means
huvers from
They read our
They know that When we say
to buy.
And You'll Not be Disappointed.
All Men's Suits
..), () :inil I
reduced to
"i are now
and SS.50 Nuts i
duced to
now re-
Thi 811.
12, -' I 1 ond $14.00
tire now reduced to
s 1 ( )
R h
I have just received a fine
assortment ol glassware, con
sisting of Cake Dishes, Fruit
Stands, ( 'clery Trays, Butter
Dishes, Pitchers, Spoon Hold
ers, &o., &e. ai prices ranging
from 5 to 15 cents.
Boots and Shoes,
nave on
3( 10
rmirs of 8IIOCS WHICH
Llli.h !
. !,,inc not at and below
i ake t n for lull and win
ter goods.
these prit
iii Notions
liadies' Hose. lOto 15c.
Misses Hose, 10 to 15c.
Men's Hose, 8 to 15c.
Men's Work Shoes, 'J." to 50c.
Men's Overalls, 15 to 50c.
South' Overalls, 25 to 50c.
Handkerchiefs, 5 to 12c.
Latest St vie
10 to 25c.
Ties, 5 to 2:
Thanking you for
ronage, I kindly ask
nam t same.
past pat-
a contin-
S. B, Simonton. i
t linspve
i Marble Yard
1 keep constantly on
hand and manufacture
to order all kinds of
Marble and Granite
Monuments and
Tleadstonds . . .
1 have one of the best
Marble "utters in the
State and consequently
turn out good work.
OotMAftd tM my work and
prkM Thankinjf yoti for
iNtM fvor, 1 most respectful
ly ak a continuance of same.
i N 6
all directions. They know
:uls and take the quickest route tor this particular store.
not even the cost is loOKeu u
$6 and 87
(lured to
are now re-
Mere are the
Bargains . .
All thenobby $8
?K) and a
few m- Suits
we reduce to
There were eight thousand people
at the Lutheran Reunion at Island
Park On the 3rd inst. The attend
ance from town was very large, over
one hundred tickets were sold beside
those who went in private convey
ances and bicycles. The special
train, that ran to M' t 'lure, was well
patronized. There were 58 ministers
at the reunion. . . .Mrs. E. B. Kil
linjrerol Trenton, N. J., is visiting
her mother, Mrs. Amelia Wagensel
ler and other friends. . . .Miss Dora
Young of Lewisburg is being enter
tained by Miss Mary Noetling
Dr. C.B. Front, formerly of'Wilkes
Bar re, spent a few hours on Friday
with his aunt, Mrs. M. L, Wagen
seller. . . .Major Rollback and tam
ilv attended the funeral nlhis broth
er, Martin Hull back at New Berlin
on Sunday. . .Mrs. I laasand daugh
ter of Philadelphia are spending a
few days with Mr. Kayhuok and
family. . , Forrest Holmes i9 visit
inv his parents, 'Squire Holmes and
wife. . . .Mrs. P.Hilbishanddaugh-
j ter, Mrs. Given of Elizabeth, N. J.
were visiting tit Espy last week. . . .
i Samuel Gemberllng of New Colum
I bia spent Sunday with Merchant
Meek and family. . . . Mrs.Dr.Yuwy
went to lloekford, Illinois to visit
friends expecting to be absent about
a month . . .Mrs. Babb, who visitetl
her sister, Mrs. Kate Wagenseller,
returned to her home. . . . ine iai
theran Sunday school picnic at Clem
ent's Park was well attended and an
enjoyable day was Bpent. . . .Geo.
Sehart and John S. Schooh have
taken a bicycle trip to West Vir
ginia. HI M.MEL'S WHARF.
Quite a number of our people at
tended thecampmeetingat Clement's
Park. . . .Among those who attend
ed the picnic at Yerdilla on Satur
day were Irvin Walter and family,
Mrs. Stroub and children and Miss
Daisy Fulkroad. .. .Arthur Noll
and James MusseT, who are employ
it 1 in the axe factory at Lewistown,
sKiit Sunday in this place. . .Frank
Elliott and family and Mrs. Trate
and children of Shamokin Dam vis
ited Andrew Trutt'son Sunday. . . .
On Saturday evening while Samuel
Bulick was trying to put the bridle
on a horse, which was loose in the
stable, he was accidentally thrown
down and the horse stepped on his
thigh. We are pleased to hear that
he is slowlv convalescing. . - Miss
Carrie Sehoeh is visiting her sister,
Mrs. Troutman near Newport. . . .
Emmet White, wifeand little daugh
ter of near Salem visited Samuel,
Trutt's lastSunday GalenHoltz-
shoe and family of Shamokin spent
Sunday at P. M. Teats' The
people of this place feel highly elat
ed liecause Wallace Teats won the
gold medal at the bicycle race from
Sunbury to Snydertown. ,
2 I 9
what a Clearing Sale in our
ior mis s;im-, us uwo uun
; All diilflren's Snlts
Thai should sell ai looiiw ?
1 SI ..!
now reduced to
Ml the Suits that were priced $1.84
and 1 are now
08 C
The pretty suits that should sell at
(5.50 and !?(' arc reduced to
Frank Mitchell and John Duck,
who had been working tit Steelton,
have returned home The exam
ination of teachers for this township
took place In the Kreamer school
house last Tuesday (Juiti a
number of our citizens attended the
Lutheran Reunion at Packer's Is
land last Thursday. ...A. C. Smith
and ra Mitchell enjoyed fishing on
the Susquehanna last Friday
James Boush was in Freeburg last
Wednesday Miss bora Walter
unu visitimr triends in Selinsirrove
last week A. D. Kramer, one
of our most enterprising citizens, re
ceived a carload of fine flagstone last
week. He is now ready to serve
the public with all size stones, light
or heavy. We would advise any
one in need of the article to call on
him Win. Frevinan and wife
visited friends at Red Rank on Sun
day. . . .Some of'our citizens attend
ed communion services at Salem on
Sunday Michael Erdley pur
chased a fine black horse at Freeburg
on Monday ... .A. C. Smith, our
energetic and industrious merchant,
shipped two carloads of onions dur
ing the post week John Fields
and family now occupy their new
home. It is certainly a beautiful
and up to date home. We congra
tulate you, John, upon having one
of the nicest homes in the county.
William Sechrist and family of
Northumberland were visiting among
friends here over Sunday. . . .Has
way Kelly and wife of Sunbury
spent Saturday and Sunday with
friends here Geo. Metzer and
wife of Aline are the guests of W.
W. Sholly over Sunday. . . .Chas.
Walter of New York City spent last
week with his old friend' Gott let !
Schrcy .... Harry liituer returned
home after spending the summer in
Lancaster county . . . . Howard Scholl
has been employed as one of the
teachers for the coining term over in
Northumberland county. . . .Rev. J.
H. Maisc, the blind evangelist, will
preach at the Witmer's United E-
vangelica church on Sunday, Aug.
20 We read in a piper some
time ago that there was a law pass-
etl by the last Legislature imposing
a tax of one duftar on each wheel for
building and maintaining a side path
rn iro into effect .Tnu. 1 . 1 000. In
O f
order to get the thing started in good
time we learn that in a number of
counties (including Snyder) the com
missioners have already, levied the
tax, and to hasten the matter, some
of the good people up in Penn and
Monroe townships have printed signs
up along the river road forbidding
bicyclers the use of the public road.
The soothing and healing proper
ties of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
and its pleasant taste and prompt
and permanent cures, have made it
a great favorite with .the people ev
erywhere. For sale by all Druggists.
Born to U. F. Herbster and wife,
a sou . . .John Benfer of lcClure
met with a painful accident at Man's
ax factory last week, by having an
ax slip and cut a severe gash in his
face U. Jf. Herbster and James
: Steely made a business trip to Lewis
) town on Friday L. A. Jenkins
ia making preparations for going in
I to the strawberry business on a
: large scale F. C. S. Peter has
the job ior painting the Dunkard
church at Bannerville. .Dr. Simon
reported last week no sick on his
can now have time to count
i his pnxs for the past year
H. Philips reports his cow to be
well and in good health, after eat
ing potato stalks that had been
heavily paris greened shortly before
, . . . W. H.Knepp was under the
impression he had unjointed his
neck the other day by being thrown
from his horse Johnny Wagner
has torn down his old house and
will have a new one upshortly in its
stead .... The bicycle race course
ironi uurerBwiurvn u uie nui, tie-
1)1 l ..I L i. lL. LSI U
low, is well patronised on Sunday
evening by the young bloods of
West Beaver while they claim
they unattending Christian Endeav -
or thig Six patriotic young
m'n at t,,is e,u' sc'Mt m t'leir namea
to recruiting omoe as oennsgrove ior
the purpose of becoming members
ot the . National Uuanls ot tlie Key-
stone St;ite. .The toot Ot the steam
thresher is heard almost daily at
j this end, wheat reported about one-
fourth crop, oats good. . . .The dry
weather we have had for the past
week, is telling on the corn, in some
places the blades are all dried up...
The show held at McClure last
week did not give satisfaction to
some that were in attendance,
George soys Barnum had more at-
tractions S. H. Philips and
family spent part ot Sunday with
some of their Lowell friend -.
Quite a number of our people at- A' ,liIIis1' und wifeof Northiimber
tended the namnitiPfltfna .-it Rummil 'and were the guestsof Mrs. Kantz
Grove on Sunday C. A. Schnee
who is working in the Insane Asylum
I at Harrisburg, is spending a week I f 180 vlBlted l tUrrisburg examin-
at home. . . .Our people were busy I w8 records in the State Library,
j attending picnics mi Saturday at !et,- Hulso visited at Sunbury, Sha-
I Bed Bank and at Yerdilla. 'The, n,okm Mifflmburg and other places
1 ( UrflaM Cr,rm-t RimH nnA (i. ( )r- where he found relatives and friends
j chestra of this place furnished the
music at the latter place. . . .Rich
ard Kotherniel left Tuesday last for
Harrisburg to work in the asylum.
The Reformed congregation will
hold harvest home services on Sun-
I day, Sept 3... E. A, Garman, wife
and two other ladies of Richfield
were the guests of Landlord J. 1.
Yergers on Sunday Elmer
Troup's were the guests of Amnion
Earner's at Richfield over Sunday
Charles Wochley who is work
ing at Montaudon, spent several
days at home last week A. F.
Schnee and George E. Hepnermade
a business trip to Pfoutz's Valley
on Friday.
Prof. F. C. Fisher returned from
a trip to Atlantic City. . . .Miss E
dith Henry of Sunbury is paying a
pleasant visit among friends at this
place. . . .Some of our boys were to
Sunbury on Saturday to witness the
bicycle race and reported the medal
brought to Snyder Co The Sa-
lem Sunday school will hold a picnic
on .Saturday, Aug. 12tb. Every
. body is invited to attend Joseph
, Dunkelberger of Clearfield County,
is visiting ins sister, :irs. jienry
Kuster of this place. . . .John liil
ger and wife were out of town over
Sunday. . . .1. E. Maurer & Co. are
busy drilling wells in the southern
part of the County. . . .It's an easy
matter for r . C. r lsher to go to see
his Lot, because he can ride a Co-
lumbia Chaiuless Lewis Gem-
berling went to New Jersey, to sell
a team of coach-horses. Some think
; b will not come back for a year . . .
: Communion services were well at-
; tended on Sunday C. H. Wood-
! ruff and Jacob Kuster attended the
horse sale at Freeburg on Monday.
Ooo CoDee Agree Willi Tea T
If not, drink Grain-O made from
pure grains. A lady writes : "The
first time I make Grain-0 I did not
like it but after using it for one week
nothing would induce me to go back
to coffee." It nourishes and feeds
the system. The children can drink
it freelv with great benefit. It is the
strengthening substance of pure
grains. Get a package today from
your grocer, follow the directions in
makingit and you will have a delici
ous andnealthf ul table beverage for
oid and young. 16c and 26c.
Mm. M. C. and Elizabeth R.
Dill received the sad intelligence
that the wife of Wol L. Dill at
Pateraon was at death's door. Thev
immediately started tor home Thurs
day noon. On their arrival at Pat- I
erson, Mrs. Dill was a corpse in the
Hospital. June 1894, Win. L. Dill !
and his bride, now deceased, were
here on their welding trip,, the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Buyer. The
deceased made annual visits to Free
burg where she was a welcome guest. '
Her many friends here regret her I
departure am! mingle their sorrows!
with the afflicted husband and dear
little Margaret who is now mother
less, and the Dill family and com-!
mend them to the care of their
HeSVtnly father, who doeth all !
things well. The MissesCoyle and 1
Hart, the Paterson ladies who to !
coatpanied Mrs. Dill and Elizabeth 1
to our place, will remain till the end
of August. They are sociable and '
intelligent ladies ami are admired
i by our people for their excellent
I . -M l .r r
i tuuuua vnuries w . jsassier is
la pleasant visitor to Millheim, Ceu-
tre Co The architect who will
erect the new home for J. C. W.
1 Bossier, was here to examine the'
, location, etc. ...Mrs. Win, Wain- I
1 Im,1l' her son of Brooklyn, N. Y., 1
tire me guests oi tier mother, Mrs.
Susan E. Hover. . . .Dr. D. C. Ni-
jile ot fllOVeytown was also the
guest at the same place... A number
of our people have taken out their
early potatoes. Thev report
a good crop and in fine condition. .
Mrs. .1. G. Meyerof AaronsbuiL' and
Mrs. Phillips are the guests ot
Judge Mover. .The sweet corn crop
is favorable and the corn is a full
and well developed crop Our
poeple ate making preparation for
the choir convention to be held the
19th Our band furnished the
music for the combined Sunday
school picnic at Mohantongo lastSat-
urday, o inst 1 he L. and H.
Sunday school will hold their an
nual picnic on the 2(J inst J,
i!!sl unMyi wt. rederto So h nee
bJd M . rewell last Saturday- He
of youthful days. At Freeburg he
spent his time in the library of his
cousin, Prof. D. S. Boyer, making
searches, etc. He roomed with his
cousin, Mrs. Luther Kantz. He is
now at Lewistown and Yeagertown
on Ins way to his home at Cuyahoga
Falls, Summit Co., Ohio. He is an
honor to Freeburg, the place of his
! Mien: iFUDimn X
-Hfrr -0- Z
lint I.-r In Mnrblp mid
Srulrh Grnnilc . . .
Old Stones Cleaned and Repaired.
Prices as Low as the Lowest.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
J. A. JENKINS, Agt.,
Crcssfijove, Fa.
NEURALGIA cured b Pr. Miles' Paim
Pills. "Ouucunt a dose. At all druaiclsta
st anfl Best Shoe St(
Ladies Shoes from 75c. to $7.00.
Children's Shoes from 15c. to $2.00.
Head Ad ?
Are your nerves weak?
Can't you sleep wall? Pain
in your back? Lack energy?
Appetite poor? Digestion
baa? Beils or pimples?
These are sure eigne of
From what poisons?
From poisons that are al
ways found in constipated
If the contents of the
bowels are not removed from
the body each day, as nature
intended, these poisonous
substances tre sure to be
absorbed Into the blood, al
ways causing suffering and
frequently causing severe
There Is a common aense
They daily insure an easy
and natural movement of
the bowels.
You will And that the use of
3q nyu 9
J with the pills will hasten
i . .i
recovery, u ueanscs iuc
blood from all impurities and
is a great tonic to the nerves.
VMio ihm Doctor.
our atedtaal Depettawat i ono
nt the most eminent pliysiclnni in
th United Sluten. Tnll thoilwtor
Just how you nro iufferlna. Vnu
will receive the belt medical udv icu
without coit. Address,
Lowell, Maiti.
i Wrought Iron
t Bangs Gornpany.1
o -
PAID UP CAPITAL, $1,000,001,
exje wnat tne people ot Miv-
n I , , I 1 M r.
aer county, wno nave neetti
usinc the Home Com fori
Range, have to say:
M0XM Ilnir Fulls, Pa., All','. 7, !
Our Mew Home timufort Huii.'
prcvi'd tu lie just as 1 lit- salesman n v
It, tor iiuyililnK la ri'iiKun. Wp DJtve d
er uvea I stove nr a renin tual would
nonrea it to w ami i wooja Box pdn n
any way near ranal It ior oodklnft. mm
1 1.;; or liollltr(. SOffleS It to say, w t J
H is ine neuie nr DerTeoilim,
J, 11. HALL.
E. ST.V11L.
HeKW s Halt Kalis, l'a.. Aul'. 7. i-mJ
We purchased a Home Comfort U.o M
six years in ami i!Ke it. it. is a
baker and heater also a fuel saver
convenient. 1 am wall satisfied.
Pundore, Pa.. An. 7. 181
I wish to say to the pttDlM that
Home 'ointort, i:ani(c Is nil the ,!.
claimed tor It. If does not use ball
mui'h fuel as our Old stove did. 1
half a huckef of coal In h rane m Ml
.M. anil eookeu uinner wuu UM sanii'
and had plenty of llro at 1 P. M.
tank In iuri Mie tlilin; for washlm.'.
steam c-capes from It. If this does N
satisfy any one, they can come and
and I will 9how them liow It works.
p.o. wrrMsRj
Snyder rounty, Pa. 7, IS
Having bought ono of your Uaprc
Ilomi; Comfort, Hances, I mice el
pleasure In saying that It has proven I
tlrely satisfactory. It bakei MrAsctl
heats quickly and requires but liti
fuel ; furnishes plenty o( hot watd '
ull puriKises ; in fact It. is to the li
and as such we cheerfully recommend I
what Improved machinery Is to the i.,r
to our ueigiiDors and friends.
CneapBst and Best Snoe Store in tne State
Men's Dress or Work Shoes from $1.00 to $7.00.
General Manager.
. j. . - ........ t , . . . ,