I pj SPECIALISTS FAILED. TOMBSTONE INSCRIPTIONS. A Collection Math J ton all the Bury iny Grounds in Snifder County for the Middleburgh "frit." ADAMS TOWNSHIP. (Continued from Jan. 36. MM Bmjiiman, Anna C, dan i Jacob d Catharine, b Jan 21, 1805;, d Dec 22, 1883; a 18 y 11 m 18 d. EUogiman, infant bob of Dt J. and Alice, d July 13, 1883. liiiigainttn, Catharine, wof Peter, I, Mar 28, 1 TOO: d Jan 14, 1841; a oOy lJ m ld. Uimr-niiMll IJotalV. It All"- 4. 1704: ' " ' : ' .. -uyf ":r. "... , , d Bent 11, 1861; a 7 v l ra mrs. u. A. merriii, oi neiopa, - j ' Kans., suffered from a peculiar nerv- . , i , w 1 77Q. ous trouble which baffled the skill Bloke, Henry, b July 16, 1 ' ( of leading specialists. She says: "I d Nov 4 185S;a 1 J y i m Ha. . ctnnot say enough in praise of Dr. Hick"!, Franklin A., s of Aaron and Miles' Nervine. I suffered agonizing Maraud, b July 4, 1870; d Nov I pain in left side of my head and I 7 L.S74;a4v4 m 26(1. j thought it would drive me insane. I m i at cr Rinboi SpeaaMsn in Qndnnatl and Kansas .B,cke, Charles M , S ofM, Bickel, Jg "- me wUhout vt. d Deo 18, 1874 a I y ll a. ; Then , hig,n taking Dn Miles, Nerv. Bickel, Sarah J., d of Aaron and' ine and obtained prompt relief, and .Maraud, b July lis, lor', a lmaiiy a permanent cure. Deo. 24, 1874; a a y o nuza. Bonev, Joseph I., a of Israel and M., I. Mar 13, 1874; tl Nov 10, 1877; a 3 y 7 m 27 d. Bonev, Caroline, dan of srael and M.. Ii Any 27. 1 SC."; d Nov n ' Gil!, , infant s of Levi and I Kline, Elizabeth, w of John W., b I Kate, d June 22,1879 Gill, John Elmer, s ot Ltvl and CaihariiieGill,dSejit23, 1875, aged 2 y 5 m 22 d. Gill, Levi, d May 13, 1892, aged 53 v 1 in 25 d. Good, Samuel, sofGeorgeand Julia, bJun 15, 1832; d April 6, 1856, aged 24 y 2 m 22 d. Good, George, b Jan 2, 1 76!; d June 11, 1835, aged 70 y 5 in 21 d. Good, George, son ot George and Julia, I) Aug 7, 1823; d May 27, 1854, aged 30 y 9 m 20 d. Good, George, Jr., 172 Regm't P. M., b Feb 8, 182!; d Deo 12, 1862, aged 88 y 10 m Id, died at Newport News, Va. G(H)d, Juliana, W of George, 1) April 8, IT'.'S; d Pee 11, nged 62, y (i in li d Feb 20, 1841; d Jan 15, 1887; a 45 v 10 m 25 d. Kline, Ida Lvdia.duu ot G. I ami F. bDec 1, 1875; d Aug 17, 1876, aged 3 y 3 m 16 d. Kline, Allen Harvey A., s of G. L, ami f , b April 10, IBJXj a A.ug 12,1879, aged 7 y 3 ml .-naaa 1 117 a. Kline, Josiah, d Nov 14, 1896; a 56 y 9 m 8 d. Kline, Susan, wife of Josiah, d Oct j 4, 1876; a 36 y 9 m 24 d. Kline, Elisabeth, dan of Simon and, Barbara, b Mar 12, 1835; d May 15, 1859: a 24 y 2 in 3 d. Kline, Simou, b July 7, 1806; dl Oct 8, 1801; a 55 y 3 in 1 d. Kline, Bnrlmra, w of Simon, I. Apr 80, 1808; d Sept 3, 1862; a 54 v 4 in 3 d. I L UJfcaW Good, George, b April 28, 1792; j Kaufman, Robert, s of A. and E d Mar 26, 1858, aged 85 y 1" 28 d. Good, John, b June 12, 1834; d Nov 22, 18'.:!, aged 59 y ." ill 10 d. Good -, s of Magdalena, d and 1 v Dr, rate 'Ssvine is sold bv all druggists on guarantee, first bottle benentj .r mousy back. Boole on heart and nerves sent free. Dr. Miles Vodical Company, Elkhart, Ind. 20, 1877; a 12 y 2 m 23 Fetterolf, John, h July 25, 1822; Bonev. Susannah, dan of Israel and '1 duty lo, 1850; a .... y 1 1 ni M 1) Dee 18, 1867; d Deo 19, 18 a. 1877: a 10 y 1 d. Fetterolf, , 1) 1779; d Oct 1, Boney, William H., b May 25, 1852; 1831; a62y. dOct5, 1876; a 24 y 1 m lOd. pte.-olf, Catharine, wife of John Benfer, IdaM.,dau of S. andM.A., b Mar 15, 1772; d Feb 26, I Pec 18, 1870;'d Mar 21, . 1857; a 84 y 11 m 11 d. 1873; a 2 y 3 m 3 d. Fallentine, Catharine, b Nov 1, Benfer, Sarah J., dan of S. and M. 1808; d Sept 19, 1855; a 17 A.. 1) May 15,1864;d Sept 1''', y 10 m 19 rl. 1865; a 1 y A in Id. Fuhrman, Mary, wife ol Elias, b. Beige, Catharine, w of Christian, l" Sept 17, 1819; d May 1, 1867; ' Apr 30, 1795; d Deo 18, 1863; u 49 y 7 in 11 d. a 68 y 5 in IS d. Fuhrman, ini b oi D. A. and Sarah, Dreese, inf son of Isaac and Sarah, d Oct 20, 1877. b Feb 23, 1866. Furemnn, Samuel, b Dee 27, 1 828; Dreese, inf dan of John and Sarah, d Sept 27, 187lja 42 y 9 m. d Sept 30, 1872; a 9 d. ; Gerhard, John, b June 1, 181 1; d Diemer, John, d May 9, 1866; aj April 4, 1860, aged 45 y 9 in. 71 y 8 m 25 d. i Gearhart, Magdalena, w of John Deobler, Amnion, of X. and A., Gearhart, dan of -and bAug 18,1876; d June 27,1 Susanna Mover, b Nov 1, 1785; 1877; a 10 m 10 d. d July 17, 1 862, aged. 76y 6 m Deker, Jonathan, b Apr 22, 1798; s1- d Nov. 10, 1854; a 56 v 6 m Gearhart, John, 1 Feb 17, 1787; d 18 d. May 4, 1863, aged 76 y 2 m, DeLong, Ida G., dau of Chas. and "- Sarah Delong, d Feb 17, 1890; Gerhart, Franklin, bJune 12, 1858; a l m 8 d. d reb l, L70, agea i y i m July 21, 1822, aged 20, 8 m 8 d. Good, Daniei, d April 27, 1887, aged 66 y l m 21 d. (ii.ss, Daniel A., s ol YV. and M. A. d July 25, 1861, aged 4 y 6 in 5 d. Hackenburg, Mary A., w ot 1. C, d April TJ, 1885, aged 40 v 14 d. Hackenburg, Catharine, b Nov 9, 1805; d May 7, 1880, aged 74 5 in 28 d. Haokenbure. Marv I dau of D. C. Kaufman, .1 Sepl I, 1868; a 1 v 2 in 2.) d. Kaufman, John 1 1., son of A. E died Nov. 1 !, 1 871: a 3 in 8 d. Knepp, Wm. Sherman, sof Isaac and Amelia, tl Feb 10, 1878, aged 1 y 7 d. Knouse, Nbral, duuoi Harrison and Lizzie, tl April 3, 1890, aged I y 2 in I d. Krebs, Glltillu E., dau d' I. and (I. Krelis, d Sopt 19, I860; a 7 in 6 d. Kreps, Catharine, w ol Isaac Kreps, b Aug 20, IS30; d July 24, 1873; a 42 y II in Id. Krebs, Anna Judikl, dau of Isaac and Catharine, d Oct 4, 1873; a 1 m 2 ! d. e roateJ RIPANS TABULES are intended for children, ladies and all who prefer a medicine disguised as con fectionery. They may now be had (put up in Tin Boxes, seventy-two in a box), price, twenty-five cents or five boxes for one dollar. Any druggist will get them obtained by remitting the price to The Ripans Chem5cali 'SPRUCE SKW-ffiil i 10, IS1. 1 1 805, 20 d. M. Eberhart, Samuel Oliver, s of N: -than and 11., d Mar 26, 1858; a 1 y 4 m 3 d. 1T.rh.TmO. M.. son of Moses and 19 d Gearhart, Anna Mary, w of Henry Gearhart, d Feb 6, 18S9, aged 75 v 1 1 d. Elizabeth, b Sept 22, 1876; Gearhart, Henry, b Mar 10, 1812; d Dec 15, 1883; a8v2 m 23d. d Sept 4, 1874, aged 62 y 5 m Erb, Howard A., son of Moses and ' 24 d. Elisabeth, d Feb 14, 1873; a Gearhart, folly, w oi reier ear- 1 y 2 m 14 d Ettinger, William, b Dec 8, 1833; hart, b June 16, 1802; d May 10, 188"., aged 82 y 10 in 21 tl. tl Dec 2, 1 862; a 28 y 1 1 m 25 d. Gearhart. Deter, b Jau 21 , 1 80 1 ; Kltin,r,.r. intsof Win. F. and Jen- d.juncJ, Bgea li. nie, d June 19, 1886; a 21 d. Fetterolf, Harriet, wife of Nathan, bDec 17, 1835; d Mar 2,1858; a 22 y 2 m 16 4. Fetterolf, Andrew, d Apr 24, 1S83; a 88 y 1 m 17 d in 1 1 d. Gerhart, Maiinda, d Nov 10, 1S52, aged 3 y 4 m 15 d. Gerhart, Harriet, dau ot F. and 8. Gerhart, d Dec 29, 1851, aged 2 y 2 m 17 d Fetterolf, Frederick, b Apr 15,1818, 1 Gerhart Sarah, , dan ol B. and M (1 Apr 27, 1879; a 61 y 12 d Fetterolf, Sarah, b Sept 27, 1770; tl Mar 18, 1874; a 74 y 5 m 21 Gerhart, d Jan 9, 1855, aged 9 y 11 in 15 d. Gerhart , dau ol S. and K Gerhart, Fetterolf, Peter, b Oct. 17, 1S01; 1 (ierhort, dau of same. d Dec 10, 1878; a 77 y 1 ; Gerhart, Daniel, 8 oi John and h 29 4 liaabeth Gerhart, d Jan 16, Fetterolf, Fred P., b May 29, 1 835; j 1 842, aged 2 y 1 m 2 d. d May 15, 1862; a 26 y 11 in 1 Gerhart, Maria, dau of John and 15 d Fetterolf, Daniel, b June 24, 1837 Elizabeth Gerhart, d Jan 15, 1842, aged 8 y 6 m 10 d i I'll, 1 'll II IV 1, J w w i d Nov 17, 1858; a 21 y 4 m Gearhart, Susanna, dau of John and 23 d. Marina, u June io, iovi, ugci Fetterolf, Catharine, W of John Fet- 80 y 11 m 5 d. terolf, d July 28, 1860: a 52 Geahart, Christiana, dau ot John and y 0 m 6 d. Martha, d May 3, 1882, aged 62 Fetterolf, John, d Dec 3, 1887; a 82 y 2 m 14 d. Fetterolf, Henry, s of John and C. Fetterolf, d Dec 15, 1867; a lmlld. Fetterolf, Catharine, w of Andrew Fetterolf, b Jan 8, 1798; d June 15, 1869; a 71 y 5 m 7d. Fetterolf, Samuel, s of A. and C, b Feb. 16, 1828; d Mar 31, 1846; a 18 y 1 m 15 d 23 d. Garhart, Elmer S., 8 of Walles and Rebecca, d Feb 25, 1881, aged 29 tl. Gerhart, Geo., d May 3, 1822, aged . 30 y 6 ni 3 d. Getz, Emma M., d Mar 22, 1892, aged 1 y 5d. Getz, William, d Aug 28, 1893, aged 3 m 29 d; children of Perry D. ami Jane H. Oetz and A. M.,d May aged I y I m 1 d. Hackenburg, infant a ol I . t A. M., b May 4, 1889. Hackenburg, John, 1 May 3, .i Mnv :,. 187.".: u 70 v FTnnkpnbenr. inf s of Isaac am C, h Feb 4, 1877. Harman, Sarah R., dau d Daniel and Hannah, d Nov 22, 1885, aged 1 y 2 in 18 d. Harman, Maggy J., dau oi Amos and Margaret, d July 9, 1877, aged 2 y 23 d. Heifer, Robert, s of J. and E. licit- ti t i i !,. m . ill er, o Mar l l. lOOJSj a i in i io. Ileiter, Minerva, .lau of Joshua and Deborah, d June 19, 1865; a 2 y 1 in 25 d. Helter, Laura C, dau of J. and E. Ileiter, d Oct 2, 1861; B 6 y ft m 7 d. Heifer, William H., son of J. and E. Ileiter, d Oct 9, 1861; a 8 y 9 in 9 d. Ileiter, Sarah, wife of Jacob, d Apr 8, 1883; a 7 y L in 'ii tl. Heifer, Joshua, b Jan 20, 1827; d June t, 1885 a 88 y 1 m 17 d. Hcrbster, Mary A., dan of J. and B. Herbster, 1 Aug 5, 1861, a 1 y 9 in 26 d. Hnffnagel, Hannah M., dau tif T. F. and Catharine, l Aug 17, 1852; d Sept 17, 1863, aged 11 y 1 in. Huffnagel, J. F., b Feb 23, 1821; d Feb 20, 1879, aged 57 y 11 27 d. Hutlnagcl, Hannah, w of Christian, b Feb 10, 1789; d Deo 3, 1869, aged 80 y 9 m 23 tl. Hotnagle, Christian, b May J , 1787; d July 25, 1826, aged 39 y 2 m 24 d. rJL-.l. r J1 LYj r. lTOQ. llliiiuaie, Lwuitu, v vv , xic... dJan 6, 1859, aged 65 y 3 m 1 d. Hufhiagle, Marv, wife ot'Beujainin, b Mar 7, 1802; d July 13, 1875, aged 73 y 4 in 6 d. Ingram, inf s of Chas. M. and An nie, d Mar 7, 1891. Kern, Chas. D., s of D. A. and Mary, bJao 29, 1884; d Sept 19, 1884; a 7 m 20 d. Kline, Lloyd O., I ol W. H. and O. M., d Sept 10, 1891; a 1 y 11 mid. Kline, Lydia, w of John I., b June 20, 1816; d Nov 19, 1889; a 73 y 4 m 29 d. Knepp, Joseph, b Nov 23, 1827; tl Nov 24, 1894, aged 67 y Id. Kline, Joseph 1L, d Mar 15, 1880; a 26 y 1 m 17 d. There is more catarrh id fiiis roc-1 Hi. n it llu i iiiiiitiv lliiiii nil other rllaoaana nut tin'i ther nnd ll'itil the last few years was supposed t be incurable. Dorairreal many years doctors prouounced it a local disease and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced if in curable, Science lias proved . atari h to be a coiiHtisutionai disease. and therefore requires constitulional treatment. Hull's 0ntarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney ,v Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only eon-, stitutional cure i the market. It is taken inteniidl.v in doses fioni 10 drops to ii teaspoonful. It nets di t rectly on the blood and mucous anrffciMfl nt tha vstuill. Thev 0n( r one hundred doliai s for any case it ; fails to cure. Send for circulars and teatimonial". Address, FJ.OHBNEI & CO., Toledo, O, Sli.lil k I Irm.irisll u T.'.lV Hull's Family Pills ate I ho best. BIGGLE B Fetterolf, Elizabeth, w of F., b Feb .Getz, Daniel W., s of H. and C, d 19, 1819; d Apr 3, 1852; a 32 1 Aug 24, 1861, aged 6 y 4 m y 10 m 14 d, Fetterolf, Aaron, son of John and Catharine, d. Aug 28, 1854; a 17 y 11 m. 19 d. Gets, John W., s of Henry and C, d Augl, 1863, aged 4 y 10 m 12 d. NIAGARA FALLS EXCURSIONS Low Rate Vacation Trips via Penn sylvania Railroad. Thm Pannavlvanla Kallrond omDony m -- I... Ik Infi.inrlnu ilntpa lot It. '.r ti ll day teanloni i" Rlon irn Kalli from PhllaUal" iilnii. oalilmora, ami nunnitiKi my AugOM Wand -I. Bei.wmiior . mni zi.anu ....... K n. i.l I'l An lni it'ln't'd tolirl-t air. -1. 1 mni obaperon will puny each Bicurilon. i KciirinTi ticl;i.". u I f r r i r i . i'i.-lil:"' .m any lagulartrain. exclulvool limit. .1 i r.- train wllMnfctn dayo. lie anlil at (I0.U0 fmiii Pblladelphlrt, Until r. Wndiinirton. ami nil polnM nn the Delaware Hvlmon; fll.vs fiiim Atlanlli i itv; j'.i tin ir.im i-iini-twiiir: o.oi Iromanoon and unrrmuiirit; m.wironi " iiaw barra ft.TI from Willlamnporti and i.t propor- limiatc rntra fr.'ln ..tln-r n.int. A -t"l' wtll btHowedal Buffalo, ltnclietr, Canand niua, and Wiitkin within I In- limit n tiirnlnif. A Hpeclnl trnin ol I'ullman parlor can nnd day osMhaa will b run with each excursion. An oxtrii otUMge will bo made lor iarlur :ur cnt. Tickeln for aide trip lo the Tl wild N- lands (Alexandria Ray) will be lold lroin.Ro. chuHter In eonnootlon wllh exctirilonw ul July tl, Attgnst 10 and M, September I Mid SI, k'""' to return to Rocheater n to CanndalBua via Syraeuat within Ave day nt the rateolllUO. Tickets for aelde trip to Toronto will bo eold t tfttyjara Kallt f' r M on July Auguxl 13 and 40, and Sept 'mbcr 38. In connection with exettreton of September 7. tlcketn " ill be eold to Toronto an t return nt reduced ratei, ac count Toronto Pair. For time of connecttmt trainxand further in f..riuntlou aiiplv t.. neareet ticket aifent, nr ad- ilmillni V. It.iVil, A-i-tllllt (JrlMTftl I'iihwiik- er ARt-nt, Urnnd Street Station, Philadelphia. 7 Vi-iil. A Mother TrJIn Una Mi- Kavctl .tlor l.tttlo DMahtera Uftt. I am the mother of eight children and have hiel a area deal of experi ence with medicines, hast summer my little daughter had the dysentery in itH worst form. We thought Hhe would die. 1 tried everything I could think of, but nothing seemed to dc her any good. I saw hy an ad vertisement in our paper that Cham berlain'rt Oolic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Hemedy was highly recommended and sent and got a bottle ut once. It proved to be one of the very best medicines we ever hid in the house. It, Raved ray little dauchter's life. I am anxious for every mother to i;i,ow what an excellent medicine it is. Had I known it ut first it would have paved me a great deal of an xiety and my little daughter a preat 1pu1 of fliifferiiiir Yours trulv. Mas. Owv V Tiininn k. Dibertv. It. L For sale by all Druggists. A Farm Library of unequalled value Practical. Up-to-date, Concise and Comprehensive Hand somely Trlnted and Beautifully Illustrated. By JACOB IJIGGLG No. l-BI(i(iLn HORSE BOOK All about Hoim-M Common-Sense Treatise, w Ith ovet 74 lUuatratloni ; u standard work, Price, Ccuts. No. 2-BiaOLn BF.RHY ROOK Allabout growing Small Fruits read and learn how j contains 13 colored life-like t productionaol all 1 iding varictics.mil 1 0 other Illustrations. Irice, 50 Cents. No. 3 BIQOLE POULTRY BOOK Ail about poultry; the best Poultry Boot in cxiftence ; tella every thing ; wtthfj colored liie-likereproductiotia 0l all the prin. 1, .il bleeds; with i j oilier illusti aliuua. Trice, 50 O uts. No. 4-BIG0LE COW BOOK All nhont Cows and the Dairy Ihilnr j rmvuiKi stent Rile; containi B colored life-like reproductions' teach breed, with ijj other illustration. Price, 50 Cents, No. 5-BIOGLB SWINE BOOK just out. ah about Hom Precding, feeding, Butch cry, Diaeaaea, etc. Comaina otrtt Bo beautiful iiaii tonca and other eturravinga, Trice, 50 Cents. ThelllOOLi; HOOKS nrc ntii(iii',ori;innl,usrfiit-yniinrv-r haw anything like them ao practical, aoaenaible rhei me hnvitiK an mormons sate Bast, West, North and South, hvery one who keeps n Horse, Cow, Hvr or Chicken, or growa Small l'ruits, ought to senil right uwuy lor tin UlUULb U0OKS. The FARM JOURNAL Is your iiaprr, mode for you and not misfit. It If 22 ycnri .11 lu tl... aant !..! I nai.ll.,1 t 1 ciit'-nftf r-ynu-liavc-saiii it, i-ann and Household paper in U1C WOriU U1C PlgllCall ptipCl l IIS B1XC III IMC I, IlllCd of AatttCTicft' having over a million and abaif regular readers Any ONE of the BIGGLE BOOKS, and the FARM JOURNAL a YHARS (rrmninder of in, ino.. loot, 190a end 1113) will be sent by mail to iniy addreaa foi A liol.l.AK BILL. sample oi r AKAi wuKiMb ana circular aeacnmng muuuu iiuurs ir Addreaa WII.MHR ATKINSON. CHAS. r. JtM-lNs. I AUM JOIKNAI PHItiAPBl 1 ut i Ti' f4.w n; ! II II III II Ll 1 1 I If U litmij ruij-Bi ill te i ! MEN Kidney trouble preys AHD uPn minl d'8- n,n 'mm rriv courages and lessens Wlllfltiri ambition; beauty, vi gor and cheerfulness soon disappear when the kidneys are out of order or diseased. For pleasing results use Dr. Kilmer,s Swamp Boot, the great kiddey remedy. At druggists. Sam ple bottle by mail free, also pamph- r . a a 3 Dr. Kilmer & Co., BinghamtOD, N.I, 1 old and young. 15c. and 25c It's a long life, bul devotion to the true interests and prosperity of the American People lies won for it new frier ds as "the vein s rolled by and the original members of ith fam ily passed to their reward, and fbese admirers are loyol and steadfast to day, with faith in its teachings, and confidence in the ibformation which it brings to their homes and fire sides. Asa natural consequence it en joys in its old Bge all the vitality and vigor of its youth, strengthened and ripened by the experiences, of over half a century. It has lived on its merits, nnu. ou w. Americans, ,, . . , , ., -- It is the "New York Weekly Tribune." acknowledged the country over as the leading Nationol Family Newspaper. Recognising its value to those WLO desire all the news of the State and Nation, the publisher of THE Pj T, -your own favorite borne pa per), has entered into an alliance with "Tue New York : Weekly 1. bun, which enables him to furnish both papers at the trifling sum of 91.2H Ev'ery farmer and every villages owes to himself to bis family, and to the community in which be lives a cordial support of his local news paper' as it words constantly and untiringly for his interests in every wao brings to his home all the news and happenings of his neighbor hood, the doings of bis triends, the condition and prospects for dilh rent crops, the prices in home markets, and. in fact, is a weekly visitor which should be found in every wide-awake, progressive fomily. Jnst think of it ! Both these papers for only !l.'2.r a year. Send all subscriptions to "THE POST!" Middleburg, Pa. Dora CstSM Agree With You ? Tf not. rfrink flrain-O made from mire crains. A lad v writes : "The first time I make Grain O I did not lil-n if hot uflnr nuino- it for nn week nothing would induce mo to go back to coffee." It nourishes ami feeds Hie system. The children can drink it freely with great benefit. It is the strengthening substance of pure grains. Get a rmckago today from your grocer, follow the directions in n-ialrinCF it ai.rl rnn will hlVA tl (Iplici- ous and healthful table beverage for Diamond fall Cmil Is ustnl for Plastering Houses. It Is a new discvery Guaranteed to last longer than any other plaster. It is preferred to Adamant. For particulars call on or address D.A.JIRH HDDLEBUBGB. I'l. 1 SPtHI waari taau W ajuVWAJK. I Ik. 1 nfiAFTEBTMIS I A - . MOM Ffittf. DJnnA air BJBJM SaSUKMSaMOl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers