The Middlebupgh Post. Publinhed every Thursday. Geo VV. Wagenseller, tditor and Proprietor Subscription $1.50 per year. wUAB niu ; i Mid In advance wnen sent out side tin county.) R ATS S OF AOVIRTItlNO. a (r;iii-.i-!ii advert l: -inputs not otherwise .on traded lor will be charged at the rate of 16 cents per line iiinnparlel measure) for flnit luser llon ami 10 cents pci Hue lor every subsequent Insertion. Vi)MtA nolu-et jnMithtd A"; oWluary fwett, trtfrnt-. p rrfrct. it., tkrtt MM o line. Eepublican Standing Committee. Adam, W. 11. Merman, .1. ;. Middleswarth Reaver. A. W . Miixu'r, Da . nl I uli-iniui l-vr S .. t'lina. A. N aallt-r, .IoIhi l. Unwell Cci.tre. 1 Ibapmaii, Franklin, Jaeksftn, MhlillrliiirK. Middlvereek. Monro, Pdpn, ivtrv, l'erry W.. Selinegrove, spring, I'niiin. Washington, II. H. Wagner. H A. Horfrn i. M. TroutniBti, 1 A. 1 roup M. L. Walter. II. K. Ilolen.lcr J. 8. Yearlck. H. II. Smith Al. Clelan. James Krdley A. 1. Kreaiuer, S. I,. Yndcr A. K. Young, I). P. Hitter Frank Miller, Howard How Hr. M. Kothrock, Irwin Hover Geo. Ktrawser, John Noll A. B. Keck, II. J. Iuck dto. s. Lesley, t; M. Smith O. (i. Hlce, II, .1. Slr.di Dr. K. W. Tool, J. H- Arbogaat HI . Tit lit. T. For Associate Judge. 1'. If. H1KUEL. For Sheriff, (IEO. W. ROW. For Treasurer. BKNNBVILUC SMITH. For Commissioners, JOHN 1'. WBTXBU (!E)K(iK V. Nll.t.EK. For Auditors, D. It' Ht M AN APP, J. C, BOWK KS )X, IX'lcgitcto Hepubllcan State Convention, CARBON SKKBOI.1). Thursday, August 3, 1891). COMMITTEE MEETING. The lit-piiblitan Standing Com mittee of Snyder County will meet in the eourl house, at Middleburg, Saturday, August 12, 1899, at one o'clock P. M. Important business will bo transacted, and u iullattend- ance is desired. Henry" Brown, Chairman. P. F. Rikolk, Secretary. A Philological Reality. It may be interesting to note any discovery that may le made which affects the iieoole of Snyder County, In inakintfun index ot the surnames which :ijjH-ar in the book on "Sny der County Marriages, 1835-99," we have discovered that outofabout 15.000 names anuearinir in tins volume there are 1818 different sur names, or family names. Among the letters ot the alphabet WO give below the number of different sur names beginning with A, B, C, etc. A, 53; 1!. 195; C, 82; I), 88; E, 52; F, 86; G, 99; H, 153; I, 7; J, 12; K, 107; L, 78; M, 135; N, 23; (), 22; P, 36; Q, 2; R, 114; S, 243; T,44;l!, 7; V, 15; W, 122; X, 0; Y, 18j Z, 17. Total 1.S13. A careful study of the above will be quite B revelation to those who have never thought of the relative number of names that htgin with the different letters ot the alphabet The volume above referred to is the first publication of such date of any county in Pennsylvania and should be in the hands of any tme who wishes to Ixi thorougly familiar with the local history of Snyder county. All history is the result of the deeds f men and this volume forms a verv imiMirtant element of the deeds ot mankind. Considering the amount of lalwir required the Mice of the book should lie $5.00 per volume, but to all residents of Snyder County and readers of the Post, we will make the net price $3.00 per volume. An agent is wanted in every district of the coun ty. For information concerning terms and territory tall upon or ad dress the editor of the Post. Teachers' Exeamination. Delicious Hot Biscuit are made with Royal Baking Powder, and are the most appe tizing, healthful and nutritious of foods. Hot biscuit made with im pure and adulterated baking powder are neither appetizing nor wholesome. It all depends upon the bak ing powder. Take every care to have your biscuit made with Royal, which is a pure cream of tartar baking powder, if you would avoid indigestion. . . V ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. COURT HOUSE CHIPS COUNTY OULLINOS. Applicants for Teachers' Ortlrtcnte will be rxainincd for the year 1899-19U) In the several districts, as follows : Mi, Ml, -I. uric ! Franklin, Swinefnrd, Aug. ,. Mlddlecreek Twp., Kreamer, Aug. 8. Monroe Twp., Sliamnkin Dani, Aug. 9. Peim Twp., Salem, Aug. 111. Jackson Twp.. Kratrervllle, Aug. 11. Beaver Twp., Heavertown, Aug. It. Spring Twp., Adanisburg, Aug. li. Heaver W8 Twpn MeClure, Aug. It, Adams Twp., Troielvllle, Aug. 17. Centre Twp,, Centrevllle, Aug IS. Perry Twp., Fremont, Aug. 21. Washington Twp., Freeburg. Aug. 22. Chapman. Meiserville, Aug. 23. Union Twp.. Port Irevcrton, Aug. 24. Perry West Twp., Cross Knads. Aug. 25. Evendale. Cherry Hill, Aug. 26. F.xamtnations will begin promptly at 9 o' clock, a at All applicant must be eiamlned In the dis trict in which they have applied, unless satis factory arrangements to take examination else where lias been previously made with the dl rectors. ' Persons ander seventeen years of age need not apply for a certificate as none ean be grant ed to persons under said age. Directors and patrons are cordially Invited to attend any of the several examinations. Director an urgently requested to be present at the examination held In tbc dlitrlct over which they supervise so that they can see and hear the work that 1 performed by their appli cant. All friend of popular education will receive hearty welcome at any or all of these exami nations, faithfully Your. . F. C. BOWKKSOX, Canty 84. News of Interest Gathered From Various Sources. Trinity-Lutheran Sunday school Lof Seliue-grove held its annual picnic at Clement's Park, August 1 . The Selinsgrove Alms House is. proving to be quite a success to the taxpayers, as there are but four in mates in it. D. S. Boyer has purchased 13 acres of timlier land in Washington township, a part of the John Hepner estate, for $71. The Lutheran and Reformed con gregations of Fremont are consider ing the advisability of obtaining a charter for the St. John's church. The two Lutheran Sunday schools will have a union Sunday school picnic in the spring grove at Me Clure on the 12th of August, the second Saturday of the month. All are cordially invited, but nothing will be permitted in the grove after six o dock 1. M. H. D. Schnure, Esq., President of the First National Bank of Selins grove, has purchased a dandy boat, and placed it in the Dam in the vici nity of his residence. The launch is propelled by gasoline and is a marvel of mechanical ingenuity, and resitouds to the action of its machin ery like a thing of life; it was built at Racine, Wis. A Troxelville correspondent says : "The other day Postmaster D. L. Middleswarth showed me a piece of a l pound shell, weighing 21 ounces, which lie found on the Get tysburg battlefield the time the Reynolds monument was unveiled 'Squire James Middleswarth at the same time also picked up what is known as a grape shot Both gentle men prize these relics very highly. L A. W. Meet, Boston. Picnics and Festivals. The annual picnic at Grub)") ! church will be held Saturday,' Aug. 12,1899. V ' The Reiser's and Wrtmer'a 8tm- day schools will hold their picnltfat Verdilla on Saturday. Aug. 5. - A good band ami able speakers will be present The Grangers' Picnic will be held at William's Grove, August 28th to Sept. 2nd. For particular; as to space, etc., address, R. H. Thomas, Mechanicsburur. Pa. The St. John's Sunday school jei Fremont will hold their annual pic nic at the usual place Aug. 26.. , Saturday, Aug. 19, the G. A. R. Posts, No. 316, of.Oriental,and407, of Port Treverton, will hold a union camp-fire and festival in Hall's grove at Mahantongo. A picnic will lie held by the Hum- mel's Sunday school, Aug. 12, in Hummel's woods adjoining Beyer's church iu Franklin township. All are invited. The Snyder County Choir Con vention will be held at the usual place near Freeburg, Saturday, Au gust 19th. DELIGHTFUL VACATION TRIP. Tnr to the north via Praas, ivaala Railroad. Visiting n Ik-ura Falls: Toronto, Thousand Is lands, yuebec. Montreal, Au Sable Chasm, Lake Champhiln and Lake (leorge. Saratoga, and the Highlands of the Hudson. Wave Philadelphia by special train August It. The lour will oe In charge of one of the company's experienced tourist agents, and a chaperon, having especial charg ot unescorted ladles, will also accom pany tbe party. The rate of tioo trom New York, Brooklyn M-warK. Trenton, Philadelphia, HarrUburR Baltimore, and Washington covers railway and boat fare for the tntlro round trip, parlor-car seals, meals en route, hotel entertainment, transfer charges, and carriage hire. For detailed Itinerary, tickets, or any addi tional Information, address Tourist Agent, Pennsylvania Hallrrad Company, list Bread way. New York; H60 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, Iff) Hroad street, Newark, N. J.; or Geo. W. Boyd. Asalstaut General Passenger Agent sssvssx BMwevsxxk niiaueipuia. B-3i. . Heeds Catered lor PWcord. J. B. Kurtz and wife to Middles warth & Ulsh, two lots in MeClure for 150. Emma J. Swineford and T. F. Swinetord to Middleswarth oY Ulsh, two limestone lots in West Beaver township, for 845. Azariah Kreeger and wife to Mid dleswarth & Ulsh, house and lot in , MeClure, 92600. Howard A. Ulsh and wife to Mid- dleswarth A Ulsh, S tracts of land in Beaver and Spring township, containing 201 acres for S4500. Joseph Qraybill to Msnno Gray jbil!, i interest mill property In Wast Perry township, fur $1125. Joseph Graybill to Meimo Gray- j bill, mansion farm m ' est l'erry township, for 83000. Joseph Graybill to Allen S. Gray bill, 117 acres in West Perry twp., for 84500. Daniel S. Boyer, adni'r. of Benj amin Diinkelberger, to Catharine Dunkellierger, lots Nos. 22 and 23 in Springman's addition to Freeburg for 81100. letters Granted. Letters of administration were is sued in the estate of Henry Getz, late of Spring township, to Perry GeU. The last will and testament of BarlMira Howell, late of MeClure, was proved and approved July 31. The executor named is W. F. Howell. The children are the sole I heirs. Marriage I.lrrsi. f Wru. G. Boyer, Penn twp. ( Caroline Herman, " f E. F. Witmer, Dundore, Selesta Hoiiser, Chapman. I Adam A. Weader, Troxelville, I Carrie I. Aumifler, Spring twp Wm. F. Leitzel, Union Co ( Carrie L Stahlnecker, Centre t. Commissioners' See. ORDERS-ORANTEI) IN JULY. First National Bank, Mid- dleburg, interest, " 800. 00 Wm. Martin, Toad view, . 2.70 Henry Aurand, road view, 2.20 Chas. Latham, mod damages, 33.00 P. S. Bitter, printings etc, 25.58 1 00SK)tO0O0OO0000 oooooooocoooo SCHOCH nun I o o i o o ? ? f i Middlebur4h Market. Corrected weekly by our merchants. Offer to the public a full line of Corrugated Roofing, Plain Tin and Galvanized Iroa Roofing and Spouting. Fence Wire.Tinware.Gran iteware. Etc. A full line of OIL & VAPOR STOVES for Summer cooking. Call and see our stock and learn our prices. SCHOCH & STAHLNECKER, 0PP. JAIL, MIDDLEBURG, PA. 0000OS00O0090S)00 ooaooooooooooo FIRE.-LIFE AND ACCIDENT i M Insurance. Snyder's old, and reliable Gen'i Insurance Agency, SELINSGROVE, SNYDER COUNTY. PA- mimer W. Snyder. Afent, Successor to the late William H. Snyder. The Par-Excellence of Reliable Insurance is represented in the follow ng hat of Standard Companies, from which to make a selection Nona Better the World over. NAM tCt LOCATION, ASSETS FIRE Royal, Liverpool, Eng. (including foreign asset.) H8,(X,obo.OO Hartford, of Hartford, Conn., (oldest American Co.) 8,645,738. 2 Phoenix, Hartford, Conn. 8,688,068.07 Coui mental. New York, 6.784.908 72 nerinau American, New York. .. 6.240.098 88 New York, C204.688.988.60 i" i iiiaii American, LIFE Mutual Life Ins. Co. ACClDtN 1 Employers Liability Assurance Cornoraticn. Accident Ina. Co. Subscribed Capital of $3,760,000.00 Fire, Life and Accident risks accepted at the lowest possible rate, jus tified by a strict regard to mutual safety. All juat claims promptly and satisfactorily adjusted. Information in relation to all classes of Insur ance promptly furniahed ELMER W. SNYDER, Agt,. Telephone No. 182. Office on Corner Water A Pine sta. SelinatrroTe Pa Butter.. Kkks... Onions Lrd Tallow Obickensperlb. Turkeys Bide.. s. 12 12 00 4 7 10 Shoulder 8 Hhiu , 12 Wheat ..1 70 Rye 45 Potatoes 50 Old Corn 85 Oats HO Bran per 100 lbs TO Middlings " - 0 Chop " 90 Flour per hhl.. 8 50 PENNSYLVANIA KAILROAD. Sunbury k Lewistown Division. In effect May 22. 1899. WSKTWARD. STATIONS. IB I A M I I A a iflB I SST Sunbury S33 2 in in "7 SellnsgTove Junction SIB 219 10 IS gellnaarove 9W 2 38 110 21 Pawling 0 2 II 10 M Kreaiuer IM 234 10 27 Melser V04 2 40 10 33 Wildleburg 8M 2 4A 10 38 Henfer 8 52 2IW 10 Ml Beavertown 8 44 8 SO 10 81 Adamburs 8 89 S07 I10ST Raub Mills 8B S18 11103 MeClure 828, 822 ill 13! Wagner s ih M 1118 Sbindle 8 IS ISO ill 21 1 Falnlervllle 809, S4A US? Maltland 808 S45 IllU! Iiwlstow I 7 85 147 ill 87 lewistown (.Main Street.) 728 8 50 111 40, Lewiatown Junction. 1780 P M 53U 528 Ih 505 501 458 452 448 4S7 432 428 4 19 409 4S0 458 840 S4S 841 840 CARPETS i MATTINGS ! f 1 t All Kinds. All Qualities. 8 All Prices. jTHE whole lower floor of my store is taken up with Carpets, H tt u lings, Art, Squares, L urtnins, VVindonNiadeH, Curtain roles, Hassock?, Rug Fringe, Stair and Table Oil Cloths, Ac., &. We nan show you the largest and best seloction of the above goods ever shown in Lewistown. oooo oooo Brussells 'arjiet as low as 50 cents and up. Velvet Carpet as low as 75 cents and up. All Wool Carpet as low as 50 cents and up. Halt Wool Carpet as low as 35 cents and up. Cotton Carpet as low as 22 cents and up. Rag Cartiet as low as 20 cents and up. China and Japan Matting 100 jolls to select from. THESE GOODS! Compare quality and prices, you will And that our store is t W . i . l a m... l e i I j TM- ,i me piace w ouy ai. xiits goous are nrsv-ciass, prices are me 4. lowest, our rooms are clean and no trouble to snow goods. Respectfully, W. H. FELIX, Lewistown, Pa. S Liberal Adjustments- Prompt Payments. Hliirrd Rattea via IVnnsyl vanla Hall- For tbe Annual Meet of tbe Iagme of Ameri can Wbeelmen at uoeton, August 14 to 19. tbe rennsylranla Kallroad Company will sell ex cursion Uckets, from all points on tu line, to Boston at rate of single fare for the round trip. Tickets will be sold on August 12 to 14, good to return August 14 to 20 wben properly executed before agent ot Initial line from Boston. Upon depositing ticket wttb city ticket agent of lnltu ul line rrom Bostoni not wut man Auinist. i. and tbe payment of llfty cents, tickets may be extended to leave Boston not later man Aug. 81. Bicycles carried free when not accompanied by other baggage, special arrangements for clubs traveling as a body. 8-S-tt. Drink Urnln-4 after you haye concluded that you ought not to drink coffee. It is not a medicine but doctors order it be cause it is healthful, invigorating and appetizing. It is made from pure grains and has that rich seal brown color and tastes like the finest grade of coffee and costs about i aa much. Children like it and thriye on it be cause it is tbe genuine food drink containing nothing but nourishment Am our arrocer for Grain-O, the new food drink. 16 and 28c Train leaves Sunbury 5 26 pm, ar rives at Selinsgrove 5 45 pm Trains leave Lewistown Junction : 4 M a in, 10 1.1 a in, 1 10 P m.lSO pntftpm, 707 U 58 p m, for Altoona, Pittsburg and the Watt. For Baltimore and Washington 7 45 a m 1 92. I 81. 4 S3. 1 in p m For Philadelphia and New York :9 Stam. 101 1 H 4 II and 1118 pm Fot HarrUburg 8 45 a m and 8 08 p Philadelphia & Erie R R Division. AND NORTH GUN CKNTKAL RAILWAY Trains leave Sunbnry dally except Sunday : l vi a in tor Erie and ( ansnilalsrua HO a m for BellalonU Erl. and Uanandalgna 94S a iu for Uek Haven, Tyrone and the West. July 17, near Knousetown, Wil liam H. Troup, aged 39 years, 4 months and 25 days. Funeral was held on' 20th,nt Neimond's Reformed church. Rev. O. G. Romig officiat ed. July 20, near Evendale, Reuben Arbogast, aged 54 years. Inter ment at Arbogast's church. July 22, in Union township, Un ion Co., Pa., Magdalene Kunkei, aged 7G years. July 27, in Centre township, David Boyer, aged 79 yean, 1 month and 24 days. 1 10 p in for HelUfonte Kaae Tyrone and Canan- aaigua 5 45p m lor ke novo ami Elmtra ti 25 ii m lor wnilamsport Sunday 5 10 a m for Erie and Canandalgua Stfam for Lock Haven and V2Spm for Wll- llaDsport 856atn, H 55 a m 2 IX) and 5 48 p m lor Wllkes- barre and Haseiton 7P0a w, 10 20 am, 2 ns p m, 5 45 p m for Shamo- kln and oani uarmei Sunday 9 55 a lor Wllkatbarre REMEMBER H. HRRVEY BCHDCH 6ENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, SBlLINSGrROTBji PA Only the Oldest, Strongest Cash Companies, Fire, Life, Accident and Tornado. No Assessments No Premium Notes. The Aetna Founded A. D., 1819 Assets f 11,055,513.88 " Home " " " 1853 " 9,853,628.54 American " " 1810 " 2,409,584.53 The Standard Accident Insurance Co. The New York Life Insurance Co. The Fidelity Mutual Life Association. Your Patronage Solicited. rralns leave SeUnurov. Junction 10 00 a m, week days arriving at Philadelphia 3 00 p m New York 5 58 p m Baltimore 1 11 p m Wasningion iu pm 5 84 u m dally arriving at Philadelphia .0 20 p m New York 8 53 a m, Baltimore 9 46 p m Washington 10 51 m 8 42 d m. weak davs arrlvtna: at Phlladalnhla 4 to m, New York T28 am, Baltimore 280 am Washington 4 05 am Trains also lav Sunbury : 2 27 a m dally arriving at Ph l ladeld hla ( 81 a m Baltimore 85 a m Washington 7 45 a m New York 9 IS a m Weekdays, 10 18 a Sundays. 7 80 a m weak day. arriving at Philadelphia 11 48 am, New York is p m, Baltlmere lie a m, vrasningasn 1 on p as. MS Sips Waahlnaton I Una Train, also leave Sunbury at 9 90 am tnd 825 andsnpm. tat Harrlsbarg. Philadelphia and altUnor I. B. HUTCH IN BON Usa'l at I us r, 188 pm. week days arriving at Philadelphia m, nw tors wsupm, uaiumor e w p m Capt. William Astor Chan leb, Congressman from New York, is the president of The New York Star, which is giving away a FORTY DOLLAR BICYCLE daily, as offered by their advertise ment in another column. Hon. Amos J. Cummings, M. C, Col. Asa Bird Gardner, District Attorney of New York, ex-Governor Hogg ot Texas, and Col. Fred. Feigl of New York, are among the well known names in their Board of Directors. 7-13-6L Peerless Pile Cure. A MARVEL OF PERFECTION giving instant relief and permanent cure. NO SALVE or UNPLEASANT 8U POSITOKIBS. Price to Introduce $8.00. PEERLESS REMEDY CO. 6 Cedar St., New York. 7-27-1 mo. . . PATENTS OosaMtor common OBTAINED. TZEMS IAS7. of am paper, who will gtve an
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers