The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, July 27, 1899, Image 9

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rRKKBURU. ! D. J. Dreese' at Chiliisquaqtta on not say k will have the bicycle
I ma . ... f if
.Momlav. pain matte.
WW 00,,ee " j R Hartntan and Dr. Knawel Mr. E, W. Pierce of K'Hnaa.
wiui nuuwui.
to SeliiiSkrove la.t T.mrsdav Citv, Mo.', is ut mv-nit visitino- wok
The Empire House was well pa-! evening. ' ! her brother, W. Y. Mclaughlin
Constable George Shell of Mil'- ami expects to lie bore uu'il fail,
rl in burg was in tow n on official bus- The carriage works at Crossi;rovt.
mess on .uouuay. is eioseu lor Hie present, tlie pro.
Fred liolig, J. C. Showers ami prietor went to Mifflin county to as.
A. B. Sheary, Esq. were to Mifflin- sist Mr. Thomas in miming a stave
troiiized the past week
Prof. Win. Mover savs the musie-
! al convention to le held on the 10th
lot August will exceed all previous
Luther Kant, and J. F. Eisen
1 bower have put in a new wooden
pump at the old Andrew Koiish
iiotei now uocupieu y -miss .Mav,.,,,A,.iiry ..
Clothius travel, from all directions. They know what a l J lean ng Hie in our imda uouu ami ttev.u.u unto
.i l.i.'. iL. . .:!,., of v,,nt.. Am tliio t.irtiioilur stuff iiniillir ns !i urivnto NIUflMIM. iiiAAna Tlit-v read our ads ana t;iko iuw 4uim .w,v - -r i
lOn lilt .HIS. J. IW I xvii'i . . , .. -.L!.. I' tima nnn- VI! t .L U IVII D . 1... i
They know that wLen we sa;: not even the cost is loimeu w .ur iu.a ....
to buy.
burg on Monday.
Morris Gilbert and family oi'Bea-
vertown were the KtMRH of John
in Mm
And You'll Not be Disappointed
Elizabeth U. Dill, I'm rthu Hardv
and Ida May, teachers ot the city of
Paterson, Mrs. Cobb and family of
Harrisbuig uiv enjoying their vaca
Calvin Knepp claims the reeijn
he got for running corn through a
knot hole in a hoard before planting
C. M. Showers attended the meet- ,s " & " "d his
corn looks asii it would be a failure.
There was new wheat taken to
ing of the Masonic Iodge at Mill
dleburg on Friday evening.
Carbon Seehold. F. S. Rlee-la and tnu Utw&i """ week, and the
Jacob Stah Inecker of Middieuurgh lwrf.v was allowed 40e, per
Tuesdav ' ' "-; m h,r ""thing hut
. in , ,
Uou at We vefa Central Hotel, . '. .than. There u m, A.,A !........
All Men's Suits
riiat were !?.", 80 and ?7 are now
reduced to
Ml 88 and
30 Suits now re
1 1, 812, 813.50 and 814.00
Suits are now reduced to
Worth $5, $6 and 87 are now re
duced to
ftepe are the
Bargains . .
All thenobby $8, 810 and a
few S 1 2 Suits we reduce to
Al BUM Suite
That should sell at 75c. and 81 are
now reduced to
Mrs. Dill at D. S. Hover1
rS. ' 1 1), r,. :m. .... !.:.
Viln of Cumberland, Md., at the v- ,,f Mermlon
Musical Col lejre. I here looking aler the interests ot '
fn, w Zr . . , .. i the Davis Portrait Co. several davs qufre Weely and Howard Peter
Chas . .Baader purchaseel he . made a business trip t ;h, wuntv
John Bepoer farm lor $4810. , m aeat on last Saturday and report tlie
This isa beautiful ftrniof 100 acres, WFST BBAVER . heavy rain on Thursday did much
choice land, good buildings located, damage to the growing crops in the
on the public road two miles west Bom to Daniel II. Treaster and wer end of the eonntV. We had
ol f reeburg. Charlie ma.le a hrst , wifeadanirhter. scarcely tmv rain at all her- it !
, . m ......
All the Suits that were prided 1.24
and 8 1 .60 are now
he pretty suits that should sell at
S5f.50nnd 8ll are reduced to
class Ul Vestment, Prof. Boyer pur
chased at the same sale 13 acres of!
timber land tor 871.
Prof, Schueeof Cuyahoga Falls,:
Ohio, attended our Sunday school
and made au instructive address. He
referred to Freeburg as the place of
person.- report
rottii l: in the
There are some
their early potatoei
John Baumgardner and family
Spent Sunday with Ilia uncle, Henry
Our farmers are almost done cut-
Schweflelbrenner Letter.
tnm Mnuol) i "i iitk Ioiooort.
Scm tFPKT.TOWN, I'a.
Mih . ;b Drookeii:
M) breef de letsbl wocli hut adale
leil ordlich ur""t gapleas'd doh in
m . rui Hhtetldlc, uwer ' hut aw 'n
enl ihenkerter fuss uf gakickd mi
ner tie wetbsleil anyhow ainy, ac-
rding t.u commoner report, is now
'icii Imsb mi contend os ichwter
uis s yusht 'n weeshter, meaner un
low h ifter olter blackard. Ks is evva
Je ivver mi shn?, hochawrdich un
sltioiiabh Betz Krili. 1 nwter
Beta Krill? Olla leit doh in
unscrm shteddle wissa exactly wa-r
i : : i wass sc is 'm roat keppich,
tiirnutM' Duekicli un ufgadrickled olis
line fun about finfuufartsich yohn
to Lew-
Aecr lui'.' t:'i
rt, wass se so
d'tnn s weitich base gamauchl hut
wrr my remark de letsht woehwaga
If v nibsleit era fashionable combi
nations heitich dawgs fun (rfarbta
tUnpn blooma un gens un hinkle
ii i hawna leddera nl era beet. Now,
rding tu reiwrt, traveld de Bets
rnnim doh ini shteddle un bahawpl
os de feddera in eram hoot sin fun
de fineshtn lasliiounble teggle fun
derJarsey, un net fun socommoner
misht-hofe shtock os we gens nn
jommona hinkle uu hawna,
Now, ich coufess os "s du'J mer
lai ! os de Betz so ungaduldich is
Jerweaga. Se is awer excusable.
VVann de Bevvy so roonslioh, un
mminer Heckich uu ul gadrickled
n roat keppich waer os we de Betz,
: don kcut se net besser uu
t:i. lor 'n hooiiu rawlicli uros
iflomeration fun dehighfalootenfa
urns inn loonipa blooma un gens un
lilikle uu hawna feddera, un seller
. i'.i.iI iv ilt.r
)S 111
wcre to
son were
bdward Smith wa
islow .i .Monday.
'. Fugle and son
Lew istow ii last week,
Mrs. T. F. Bnecht and
to Sunbury on Friday.
( harles Howard canvassed through
the community last week.
N. , Bingumau and family were
to Pawling over Sunday.
Wiuey Brothers have given their
warehouse roof a coat ol paint.
Miss Mabel Kohler ol Bannerville
vi'it id relatives here last week.
The Reformed church held a fes
tival oii the 15th and cleared $13.40.
P. V. liigel, the insurance agent
ol Adamsburg, was in town on
George Feese and Prof. W. U.
Ivearus were to Adamsburg on Mon
day evening.
James ligler has remodeled his
town property which makes it a
model home.
Mr. Jonas and a number of his
. i . i ia l c. 1 1
hicvele irienas 01 rsnnnury iiiiuacM
at Beavertown.
Win. Speehl has the foundation
laid for his model home and intends
to build shortly.
The Junior Orchestra was out
furnishing vocal and instrumental
music on Monday evening.
A. V. Fugle has been shipping
finished lumber tor porches. He
average one every other day.
Saturday was a record breaker.
Mote ears and tonage ware run
the OWUei
low niiiLitv . i t I tiu Iteirinmiiir nf
his educational career. From small 1 tol1 y lI,lir 08t croP
beginnings pemverance, under the wwch lslure n.
guidance of Providence, he has at- j Our cider mills exp-et to be in
taiiied to his present honorable posi- operation in a week orso. In some
tbn in society. l,lar tlu' ai'P'e oroP will be huge.
Charles T. Lurk of MillersbuMt Our tax collector says he will
father's uncle collect the bicycle tax, but he does
I have used Obaiub i lain'eCouuh
Beuiedy in uiv faiuilj for vears and
always with Koorl teKults Hays Mr
W. B. Cooper of El Rio. Gd. "For
suiall obildreu we fiud it sapeeially
effective " For sale by all Druggists.
If you pay your subscription one
year in advance you can get the Post
for only ohc dollar. It vou are in
arrears you can pay up your arrear
ages and one dollar oxtra for one
year in advance. Then you will
get the Farm Journal five years
free. t.
i a
Frank Thnma
fast roadster.
Weldie Heintzelmanwos to Lew
islown one day last week.
There was an open air show in
town last Saturday evening.
K reamer was well represented at
the Salem festival on Saturday ev
ening. Quite a number of people troj)
this place attended camp meeting at
Shamokin Dam on Sunday.
Miss Sallic Gear hart of Freeburg,
was the guest of her brother, Am
nion, several days last week.
Mrs. James How and daughter,
Ruth, Miss Annie Fisher, B.A.App
and wife, of Scliu.-grove, were the
guests ot . I. F. Walter and family
several davs lasl week.
is the guest of hi
Prof . D. S. Boyer. He is a recent;
post graduate of Yale and was a first
honor man. He enjoys his visit '
MnvlWi Ilia MMlallla flu, Aintlllaa . . f I'
I'.. Mover, Judge Brown, F. F
bish, S. G, Hilbish and other
lawn tote was tttveu at the hoim
Miss Bae Movci in honor of Chas.
X. Lark. The party included Mis.
Anua J. Mnyer, "chaperon," Misses
Florence, Emma and Ella Mover,
Jennie and Mary Arbogast, Dora , Isu Positive Cure for an v Pains or Aches, such as 'Uusciilar
and Marv Brown, Olive Heaver, Rheumatism, Sprains bruises or Xeuvalgin,
Lottie and Mary Hilbish, Mmrs This preparation not only gives instant relief, but I have many tes
( has. 1. Fark, Geo. UllblSh, moniala from prominent residents of this and other towns BhowillK that
Chas. Miller, Win. F. Brown, u NO-RHEUMATI8M " has effected permanent cures in cases of Ions
Clms. W. Bassler. Eyemna spent Muscular Rheumatism, which would not yield to the beat
in playing games, selections of music, j treatment.
etc. Kefreshnienlswcre served. in ,
-ai" era un aWSainiCllK
oadoor a wenuich fershteckla.
Awer 's sin weilwleit doh im
nhtcddleos ul miner side sin, un
conteuJa s niy fashion breel de
iftlit woeh nix is os yusht de woh
rat un commoner mensha ferphtond,
I'ii de Bevvy sawgt mer osfinl od
lar ui imi tie finahta un nlmiartslita
Milieu weibsleit hetta em minds uf and buildings which adds very much
over the S. & L. Branch than ever;
before. I
Ira Keller and Miss Clara Speeht
are the only scholars from this place
attending the normal school at Mid
dleburg. It is estimated that about one hun
dred bushels of whortleberries w ere
earned ofl the mountain in less than
one month.
The school board has made im
provements on and about the ground
to its appearance.
A. M. Bowersox has purchased a
garonucht in favor fun de shaina
plains un betta shtro beet, ooa hin
kle odder gens fodder un g farbta i,rsL. whose record is 2:40. Mr
loom pa blooma. Bowersox is not a merchant to en-
De fact is, mil de weibsleit is cs . Lance his good. and docs a fine mer
evva yusht os we mil de monsleit luantile business.
annershidlicha sordo, un my opinion
is os de arricksbta norra sin evva
rmrrn weil so 's net helfa kenna, un
lawrumsettamer "11 gammk fer
shtoud haws forse excusa.
4Mnra it Cost. Thcv must Lro
Si any priw. We would like to get j Btjl, Philadelphia; r4''; Meiser
t lmlUn Unt if itf run not thev and 'wife. Mid dltthunr; H. AtIki-
must go for le.-s. Come at once
while there is a better chance for
sizes. Special bargains in biiggy
whips and soap. 1
- Bakbek Simonton.
The following guests registered
at the Central Hotel last week : W.
A. Glatte, Chicago; G. W. Yocum,
HerndonjT. K.O'Ix-ary, Philadel
phia; F. P. Hanks, XeW York; W.
H. McClcary, Bradford; C. H.
Smith, Harrisburg; J. A. McCora-
raqUS, New York, Joseph Gelz, City
ast, New BeiTtn; Jerome' Erdley,
Swijittlonl; Kw. C. D. Zierer, CUy;
L ,L.N Hermau, New' Berlin; Ed.
Keefet, Jj(Ci lislcy and "Mox Joqas,
Sunbury. . , , ,v
H Does Your
ead Ache ?
4 Are your nerves weak?
can't you sleep well:' i"in
in your back? Lack energy?
Appetite poor? Digestion
bad? Boils or pimples?
These are sure signs ol
From what poisons?
From poisons that are al
ways found in coostipated
If the contents of the
bowels are not removed from
the body each day, as nature
intended, theso poisonous
substances are sure to be
absorbed into the Mood, al
ways causing suffering and
frequently causing severe
There la s common sense
They dally insure an easy
and natural movement or
the bowels.
You will find tbatfae use of
e Ayers
with the pills will hasten
recovery. It cleanses the
blood from all impurities and
1s a grtfonlc ttytbe nerves.
returning home the crowd serenaded
Miss Lizzie IJ. Dill and friends
from Paterson, Albert Wiest and the
Musical College. All enjoyed the
Already a great reputation has been gained for " NO-RHEUMA-
tisni." Orders have been received from throughout the country tor it
It is tl ic people's Irieiid. lliere never was, or never will be, anothei
remedy on the market to equal
A. F. Alioker spent Sunday with
a friend at Northumberland.
Joseph Staid returned home alter
working a few weeks in the lumber
The collections at the Hoover I tobdiu!lia!
corner stone laying on Sunday
amounted to 870.
Jocky Auckerand William Rieffle
After m altstk of Is srlpp, I wa token with serete mneealai rheumatism. After trylni
m'veral rcint-iliesnnil nil to no avail, I deeided U try "Ne-Bheumatisni," unit ufier neverul nimli
i-utiutiM 1 f. It Krwtly relieved. I ilu'crfully recDinmcnil Mme.
.MKS. V. r rTAOLB, Bbsmokln, H.
huve bad t u, csne for yrnrs on eeeoOIlt of rheumatism. I -o, t,,l.l t. ..... ' .
No-itheilnintiMlir" I mn Liluns.'il t. suV that tlu' tlrst hotltu lius clven itvmI i-..liMf WmJ '
fully reooDWiesd i. Touts truly, 8AMUKL ZIMMHHMAN
Kluherville, I'auplilu County. PS , Jane 96, 1H!.
Hsvlns bad great pain In m bsek for soma rime, sad reoelvtns esmple bottle of "No
Rbeumallam,' made three appnoatiomi, aod em entirely relieved of tialn : ii,. ,.,,, .... .....
, , . fnl , , T . . 1 1 1 1 . . . .....v.. ....... ......r .... ...... .... ii ,,, , ,vmi rlii'uiiiutiHin .,r
left last Thursday for Nanticoke : pain to try m me. jno. i. kilunokh, j. p., WeherrlihTlK.
Sl. Kin, m , rt.iru uu, inva.
Dear Sir : 1 huve heen euBerlng for three (S) ye:ir with rbSSJDStism. 1 tried even known
reini'ily, Internal ami external, but never hml nny relief. I mw your sivartisemenl of "No
ln.'Uinutinm." and tboosjt 1 would jtivii ita fair trial, no I puriha..'il one (1 1 liottle, und aftir
nelngeamei I received ureal relief. I have us. d live bottles of your fa is Australian reined V
and now I am entirely rree from aobee and pains, and l cheerfully rv , . . . 'oUMnrns.
tiam" to sll sufferers ot rhshmsMam. Yours truly, JOHN if GABlS
Cor. Cluv and 8 ha mo kin Sts.
Danville, I'a., June 1, URS,
After n few Sppllesttona of the Australian remedy, "No-Klieuniatisui." I wa, entirely re
lieved of muscular rtieuniatlsui and have not since been troubled by lUVcturn. I lake pleasure
In reSOIS mending "No-BbeOmaMem" us a posttlve cure for muscular nml Inflammatory rheuma
i have used the Australian remedy called "N'o-Klieumatism" for uiv daughter and alsoSaf
wife nnd found that same travc relief after a few applications. Ttoth iimi been siitTeriiiK wltii
rheumntism. 1 would advise those who are subject to rheiiiuatism to itive the liniment
n fnir trial. Yours, 4c A. WOI.K. 13U N. Shamokin St., shamokin, I'a.
Shamokin, I'a., March lad. 1HW.
1 can heaitily recommend the Australian remedy "No-ISlieiiuiiitisui" as a spe -dy ami sure
cure for iiiflanunntorv rheuiiintisin as I have not experienced any rheumatic pnliis since the
first few applications of "No-Uhcumntism." MltH. JOHN . o CoXXOK,
son North BhsabUn SI
He i nn a sufferer of periodical attacks of muscular rheumatism I tried nc.irlv every prepara
tion known and hml received no permanent relief. I had given in despair ami rneilSSII mvself
to those painful nttacks. At last I was persuaded to try the Australian remedy! ' No- K'ic'lina
tism;" und after very few applications, have not experienced any pains slnoe.
CUKHTGH O. KIM.P, Cor. Dewart audOranKu Sts., Slianiokln, Pa.
Wllhninsport, Pa , June H'tli. 199.
where they expect to work for a few
Mrs. A. S. Sechrist and Mrs. G.
M Houser were visiting among
friends al Shamokin Dam one day
ol last week.
Burglars are operating at and
around Pallas with little financial
success. We suppose the reason is
they never advertise.
We actually know a fellow who
has his wwxl shed padlocked at day
time, it looks a little suspicious,
hut there is nothing in it.
ot tt rasa emuji
the umisa Bteiei
sVsweU, M
My Dear sir : The liniment you so kindlv sent me by mail came to hand, and sMboSaTh I
. . . . . . . . it t 1 had InrRcly rccovcrcu iroin no rneunittiism when I received It, still at times I felt the need of
Mori'lS lUXlley VlSlteU IllS hrotlier, i something Of the kind, nnd I did us.-some of It and reisslved benefit from its use, and from
Robert, on Sunday.
W. F. Sechrist of Adamsburg was
iu town on Monday.
G. W. Shearv was at home trom
Ijewistown over Sunday.
John Sehrader is erecting a new
residence on Chestnut Street.
C. A. Hendricks and wife visited
friends at New Per I in on Sunday.
J. R. Cro&sgrove and children were
to Middleburgon Monday afternoon.
John Showers of Lcwisburg was
a visitor here last Friday and Satur
day. Bruce, the next time you want to
fight don't hold your hands before
I eyes.
: Frank Sechrist, and family of Mid
dleburg were visitors. in,, town on
Sunday. '
Dr. G..,Cs., . Mobn- and f.anuly -of
Laurelton visited relatives here on
q i..
' . "ss - .l-:.
4 .IvLrwieJMt:- wheel io
imi) largely reoovi
somrthiuir of the
what I have seen of It I consider it a very line thing. Thanking vou strain. I am very truly yours,
...... .. in ,,,-si i-ouiiii sis
Pottsville, Pa., April 10th. 1999.
I take pleasure iu informing you that your Australian remedy "No lthcumntisui entirely
enred mo after a few applications and 1 cheerfully recommend it for rheumatic ailments
Baltimore. Md.. M-y Ith, 1H99.
I can cheerfully recommend th ustrallan Kcincdy "fin Irheninellsui' from personal ex
perience as the spee.ii. st and sure cure for muscular rheumatism. W. U. ST A KKLoKP
Travelling Sdlesman Davis O. K Making- Powder.
For sale by all Druggists throughout the State. Price 50 cents pel
bottle. Manufactured by
AM A CI ID Hotel Lindtiur st 2311s..,
.iTl3lJK) Stvamoliin, Pa.
For sale in Middleburg by the Middleburg Drug Co. and in Centreville
by Dr. J. W. Sampsell. Jy 20-3ni
Driving Lamp
IT la the only perfect one.
IT look like e locomotive headlight.
IT throws ell the light straight ahead
I rem aoo to 300 feet.
IT gives a clear white light
IT burns kerosene (Coal Oil)
'jfrTW It will not blow nor jar gt jESS
SPECIAL OFFER., cut Tins advertisement out
end send It to as 'and we' will .end
. book dsscribinr oar lamp, and will irree to tend you one iitisle lamp or
a pair at our wholesale prim (ry much lass lasn the retail price).
R. DIEtZ COMPANY, 60 Laigtat St . New York.