The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, July 27, 1899, Image 8
BUTTER-MAKING 1INT& very Purl ol the Operation, from the Milking; ta the rarklnu, Hvqalraa Great Care. The ability to make good butter It worth money to the farmer's wife in ; these day when so much of an inferior quality is thrust upon the market. Every part of the work requires care and cleanliness, from the time the milk ing is done in the barnyard to the mo ment when the golden rolls are deliv ered to the city customers. Use only the best quality of table salt, the amount required usually being one ounce to a pound of butter. Work it juat enough to take out every particle of buttermilk, ami keep it in a cool place to insure its keeping perfectly fresh. A great deal depends upon the care of the crocks, cans or pans In which the milk is kept They should be washed 08 soon as possible after being used, and kept clean and free from rust. first with cold water, then wash thoroughly Inside and outside with hot water, in which enough penrline has been dissolved to make a good suds. Give particular attention to the seams if you use cans. Finish by rinsing with residing wuter, wipe dry, then set them ripht siile up In the fresh air anil sun shine and they will bo clean nnd sweet. It is an error to turn them upside down on n table, or to hang them In that po sition on a stake, for hot air or steam rises and has no way of escape, conse quently condenses In the cans nnd causes them to sour. A great deal of DlilB is tainted In this way. A rusty can should never he used, ar, if Imparts ;i foreign flavor to the milk. If you haven running spring of clear, ohl water have a little house 1 uilt over It, ;.nil set your milk cans in the water, It Is ideal place for a dairy, nnd it will cast very little to build tho spring bouse, Prairie Farmer, "I am Halo and Hearty How9 THE AGS OF A COW, With Hie Al2 Of the Three DlaerrntnS Here aires It dm Basil? Be Told ly tho Teeth. By looking at the teeth of oowt of which one knows the r.e, be may soon become well acquainted with their ap pearance. While it is Impossible to tell exactly the age of a cow who:; over five TIIK cr."i TEETH, years old, still or.e may judge near enough for nil practical If a cow's mouth presents an eight-year old appearance, it docs not make much difference If she is nine or ten. She will, in all probability, last us long as the average eight-year-old cow. Deal ers will often Insist that the ten-year-old mouth here illustrated belongs to the seven-year-old cow; but that is no renson why the buyer should bo de ceived, lie enn easily learn for him self. i. Grunt Morse, in Rural New Yorker. A EEIFER. writes C. B. Hill, of Marshall, Mich., "a living proof of the efficacy of Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. 1 have suf fered 20 years from heart trouble, and became so bail I could not lie down to sleep. Physicians failed to help me, and 1 was advised to try Dr.Miles' Heart Cure, which benefited me from the first. I continued using it and now am in perfect health." DR. MILES? Heart ure is told by .ill drvj;j;u.ts on guarantee hrs.1 bottle beaentt or money back. Uou'.t on he;;rt and nerves sent free D-. Miles f ccical Company, Elkhart Ind. THE GRIEF OF PARTING. It l Manifested In IHITerenl Wtija by ii Man anil n Wo mun. The man leaned right into the rail way carriage, says the Academy. There :.s positive anguish in his drawn face. The lady Inside was very pretty and beautifully dressedi her softness of complexion and hair, of lace and filmy material, triumphed In the searching glare of the-olectric liphr, which showed : the rich luxury of every detail of her costume. She smiled with a pretty, regretful tenderness as she replied lightly to his earnest words. He looked at her naif ' he could never look long enough, us if her face held for him tie whole mean ing of life. As the train began to move, his Angers fell passionately on the uogjoved hand resting on the window' ledge; then Instinctively he sprang , back, raised his hat and I caught In full lighi a glimpse of his white face. Direct! the train steamed out of the station the ludy rose, carefully rolled up her veil and. quite Indifferent to my presence, proceeded before the mirror in tho carriage to dust her face with a dainty pocket handkerchief and to ap- 1 ply to forehead and nose the minutest ; layer of powder with a tiny puff, She patted and arranged her curls, drawing them with a hairpin Into coquettish position and curve and then, lowering I her veil, she sank into the scut with a : s!(fh of satisfaction. A Pra.tUal rather. Wife Why shouldn't Mr. Ooodsoul snake a nice husband for onr daughter? Husband Won't do. He's a misera bly paid, wage-earning producer. "Well, how about Mr. Klndheartr "He won't do, either. He's a poor, money-spending consumer." "Hum ! The only other one she carea for is Mr. Hardhead." "He'll do. He's a middleman." X. Y. Weekly. Hll to Keep la the Swim. "John," ssid Mrs. Parvenu, wearily, but with decision, "I must have a con sultation of physicians." "Hut, Maria." he protested, "you have nothing but u cold in the head." "Can't help It," she answered. "When Mrs. Brown was sick last winter she had a consultation of physicians, and I guess we can nlTord anything that the Prowns can." Chicago Post. He'll Win. "I wish I were playing cards Just now," He said to the maiden fstr. He was elasptntr her fingers clone to his As they snt In the twilight there. "I know I should win If I ventured in Win money Klore and lar.ds, Whatever the game, It would be the same, For I'm holding such lovely hands." Polly Try, In N. Y. Herald. CHAVtiP. A WOMAN MAKHS. SWAMP- J no recommenned DsTlOT 'or wytbiog; but if you have kidney, liv er or bladder trouble it will be found jutt the remedy you need. At Dr ig- f'ata in fifty cent and dollar sizes, ou may have a sample bottle of this wonderful new discovery bv mail free, also pamphlet telling all about it. Address, Dr, Kilmer A (Jo., Binghamton, N Y. NIAGARA FALLS EXCURSIONS "Yes, dat'a de same Casey dat ustet clean out Flnnegan's saloon every Sat urday night!" N. V. Evening Journal The Lambkin's Proajresa. Tho lamb that gamboled on the green with many s frisk and hop Now on the cambrel stick Is seen Before the butcher shop. Chicago Dnlly Nows. Credentials. "Jane, when you clean the sideboard I want you to put all the CUtglass on that table out on the side piazza." "Ycs'iu." "1 want those people next door who ure too stuck up to call cm us to see what we've got in the house." Chicago Record. A Mom;; lit I'll I Chilli. "What is the trouble, Birdie?" 'Father said we mustn't kiss any body, 'cause wo might exchange mi crobes, an' 1 was just thinking thav Tommy Kaglun must have a lot of mi crobes, nnd I ought to get 'cm back." Cleveland Plain Dealer. An Af tcrtlionttht. Mrs. Ooadley It would bo a good thing for you if you thonght twice be fore speaking once. Mr. Ooadley It's too late now. I should have pursued that plan liofore 1 proposed to you. -Sun Francisco Kx-aminer. (Wat It Costs to Keep o Cnlf Drsrlnc the Flrat Sixteen Months of Its R listener. The lecturer of the New Hampshire grange has been making an estimate Of how cheaply a heifer calf can DO raised until it is 1G months old, by which time the heifer may begin to pay her way. Assuming the calf to be dropped the ilrst of October, be esti mates the cost of feeding it on sklm n.ilk thickened with ground flaxseed and some hay for tho first Ave months rjr 21 weeks, at S0.57. The next three months, bringing it to the putarlng season, cost nearly M cents jx-r week, or S.S. Pusture will vary with lo cality and is reckoned extremely low, calves being often pastured for $1.50 to $2.50 for the season. The last three months cost 18.48, making a total for 10 months of $28.81. The lecturer adds that If there he much increase of ex pensive foods, like flaxseed, the cost of growing the calf will be considerably increased. These flfrures are strongly confirmatory of the belief of many old farmers that It does not pay to grow a heifer o.alf Into a cow, and that it is cheaper to buy the cow after all these costs and the risk of loss have been borne by somebody else. It is a fact, however, that n cow grown on tho farm and always used to it willbe generally a better cow than she will if sold to be sent to some other place. The cow has n great love for the home where she was brought up, and instances hnvo been known where they have been sold to a distance of their escaping in the night and making their way to the familiar barnyard where they were reared. Proper Packing of lluttcr. It' is well, if one can, to have one churning large enough to fill a crock or tub, and pack the butter at once upon working it, but if this is not pos sible, do not pack at all until enough butter is at hand to fill whatever Is to be packed; that is for shipping butter. It is well always to pack the butter and cover it as nearly air tight as possible, but if packing in a tub to ship, do aot put it into the shipping tub until enough is at hand to fill It. Partners' He vie iv. The Voice f London, A writer in the Strand Magazine de scribes the astonishment when, riding over London In a balloon, at a height of more than half a mile, he heard the deafening roar of the great city beneath ! him, as it could not be heard when on the ground. The noise, even at that height, was so harsh and intense us to be painful to the ear. How perfect a ; sound-conductor the air is was shown i when tho balloon drifted far over the ' city to n wooded part of the country. I where tho murmur of tho leaves moved by tho wind, half a mile below, wus distinctly heard. Other Martyrs. "Oh, Harry, listen to this: In Silieriu they chain convicts to their wheelbar rows." "Well, Harriet, you know very well you'd chain mo to the lawn mower i you weren't afraid tin neighbors would blow about it." -Chicago Keoord. William's Uniforms, Tho German emperor, when receiving foreign representatives or military at taches of foreign powers, always wears the uniform of the army of the coun try the visitor represents, anil some- j times during a levee he will change his ' Uniform five or six times. it's Well if so. "When olio breaks an engagement," suggested the bud, "1 suppose it is the proper thing to return the engagement 1 ring." j , "If it were not," replied the girl who had been out three seasons, "some girls would have to have their engagement ring fingers lengthened." Chicago Tost. llr'd Got So I nod to It. i Passenger Look here, guard; I par ticularly told you to wake me up at the Junction. Ouard And I tried hnrd to, sir; but all I could got out of you was: "l'ur glars, Emma! stuff and nonsense. I locked up everything myself." Ally 61oper. A Coarse Dinner. Tramp I hate ter trouble yer, marm, but de ludy acrost de street hez prom ised mo a piece of pie, and de lady nex' j door is goin' 'tor gimme some roast beef, so I fought I'd call an' see if yer wouldn't gimme a plate o' soup, so kin start me dinner right. N. Y. Journal. Too Impart lnl for Sflfoty. Wrick Mr. Scatterton prides himself on being strictly impartial. White Yes; I once went hunting with him. Ho didn't seem to care whether he hit the rabbit, the dog, or one of his friends. Spare Moments. ProM-cutotl n a Solinnri'. "My daughter's music," sighed the mother, "has been a great expense." "Indeed?" returned the guest who hud just heard her play. "Some neigh bor sued you, I suppose." Chlengo Post She Pelt Hint. Ho Hut, my dear, if she told ft to you in confidence you should not tell me. She (pouting) O, well, if you don't care to bear it, nevermind. Ohio Journal. into wit- So Apparent Motive. Jack the Kisser was brought court. "Are these the complaining nesses?" asked the judge. "We are," they answered. The judge inspected them. "Officer," he said, "take the prisoner to the detention hospital for examina tion as to his sanity. This is not a criminal cac.H Chicago Tribune. . They Scatter. Clergyman- Do you know where the bad boys go that play ballon Sunday? Small Doy Yes, they go in idl direc tions when the cop comes- Town Topics, Not Wholly Dlnlntrrrated. t "How carefully your wife does watch your health." "Yes; she knows that if I get up a big doctor's bill she won't get a summer trip."- Chicago Iioeo:d. How Did lie Knon-I Freddie Ma, what is the tmby's name ? Ma The baby hasn't any name. Freddie Then how did he know he belonged here? Brooklyn Kuglc, Lacks Opportunity. "You don't seem to have much to say about domestic affairs." "You are mistaken, sir. I have a good deal to say, but I never get a chance to say it." Illchmond Dispatch, Good Reason. "I wonder why a busy man like Jenks should want to go to the legislature?" "I don't know unless he needs the money." Fuck. Ho Object Row. Browne Does your wife still do your ooking? Towne No; my Insurance policy baa lapsed. N. Y. World. Low Rate Vacation Trips via Penn Bvlvaiiia The Pennsylvania Itailrnad Company has se lected the loll. iwlnir dates for Its popular ten- any excursions to Matram rail rmm rmltitiei. : phis. llAlttniore, mid WnMhtnirton I July IT, August lo ami 34, September 7 and II, and Oct- 1 oberSand It). An oxHrlener(l tourlnt Slant SM chaperon will accompany rnch SSSmnaOU, I Excursion ticketn, gaoil for return atarn on any regular tniln fv-luKivcot' limit' .1 exiiron trams -it:. i ii i. n days, will be .i.i t f . from I'hllnililplilii. Baltimore, Washington, and all points mi the Delaware Division; illn from Atlantic City: $9 i:0 from LsneMWrt . v from Altooiiii and liarrlsbartj; fii.'-'O from Wllkcs bsffrs (ft-fft from WllltatnannH; sad at proper tlonatc rata from other points, A s!opover wtll tic llowedsl itiirfiiin, Rochester, CattendN itlKua, ami Wstklns wilblnlns limit returning. A special train of Pnllmtiii parlor cars Snd day SOSObrS will be run With tach excursion. An extra charge will us made fur parlor car i seats. Tickets for n sMc trip la the Tliousaml Is-! lauds (Alcxan Irln l!ay ) will le sold from Ro. cheater in onnneolfton wiili exourslone ol July 7, August 1U nnd M, September l and II, good to rettif n to Rochester or to t'ansndslgus via Syracuse within five days at the rate of f.1 Ml. j Tickets for esido trip to Toronto will be sold at Niagara rain f. r 91. n July -"v August vi ami Is. and September IS In connection with excursion of September 7, tickets will ! sold to Toronto an'! return At reduced ratci, ac count Toronto Fair, For lime of c mi ctlng Irglnssnd further lu i formation spplv to nearest ticket agent, or nd drcsMto.o u I'.-oil. i-tnnt (Jcin'ral Posseng. er Agent. Ilr.wi sticct s all I luladelphia. Ms-it. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local application's, as t hey cannot reach the diseased portioi of the t in-. There is ouly one way to cute (lotifnosH, nnd (but is by constitu tional remedies. Deafness is cnut-ed by ah in fin n i condition of the ir.u cons lining of tin- Eustachian Tube, When tin- lube gets inflamed yon have a i umblirjB sound or iinnt i tVei beurinc nnd wli"n ;t is entirely closed, deafness is tho result, and unlesstiieu ilniiiiiini o.n cau betaken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, henrins will bs destroyed forever ; ni uses oul of ben are caused by catarrh, whiuh iN nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces, We will L-ie t)n.' Hundred Dol larw for anv case of Donfness (caused oycatarrli) thai cannot bo cured by Hull's Catarrh Cure, .Stud for cir culm's tit c. P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by druggists, 7ic. Hull's Family Pills are the bet t. Y Seduced Rates to Pittsburg vln Penp BylvaiiiaRailrotiil, Aonouut Voting People' Clirletiun Union, U. P. Ohurob, On ooeoiint of tha Voang People'n Christ sd Bulon, U. P.ohurt'u, to i . hld si I'lrubunt, Hn., I ti r lite Penisj'fvauls Rsr.rotin cunipnny win s ii i iccnrsion ticket! from i"'inis on Its line, to Pitt ii v. .it riite ol single fare rm the round irtpi mttumum rate, tweet) rive ck Tickets trill bs sold cn Aagnsi i nnd '.' sod win be nod to return until : ru-i I, Inclnalve, except test by doponfing ilckel with the Joint Agent st Pit I shun; licforo vttgtisi 8, sod the purrnenl ntiuts cnts, the return limit mtiy be extended in leave iitieuuru not later tban Aug, SI, INTO. r'nr ieriiie ratet and condition, apply to motet Agents. r-.o'jt. Persons troubled with diarrhoea will he lntCreBten in the expeneeei of Mr. . M. 1 iisti, clt rk ol lloti Dorraooe, Providence, It. I. He snys: "For several vein s I have been almost a oonatnnt sufferer from di arrhoea, the frequent attacks c'm plotely prostrating me nnd render ing me unfit for my duties at tliis hotel, About two yearB ago a trav eling talesman kindly gave me it Rtnnll bottle oi Chamberlain's Colic. C!:olern nnd Diarrboeu lit medy, Jluch to my Burprise nnd delight its effects' were immediate, Whenever I felt symptoms of the disease 1 would fortify inysell iitttiinst the attack with a few doses ol this vnlu able remedy. The result bus bee. verv satisfnetory nnd almost ootn plete relief from the affliction." For sale by all Dtugfists. A $40.00 Bicycle Given Away Daily. The publishers of Thk New Sork Him;, tlin handsomely Illustrated Bundaynewspaper, are giving a High Uhauk BlOYCtiK each day fr the largest Hat of words made 1 y using the letters contained hi "T-H-K ! K W V 0 It K S T V K" DO more times in any one word tlinii it is found in The New York Ptar, Webster's Dicli'innry to he eonnitleretl as authority. Two OOOO WATCHBfl ( first class time keepers) will be given dallv for second ami third beet lists, nod many other valuable rewards, in elnilinir Lrtuner Sets, Ten S"ts, China, Sterling Bilvsrware, etc., etc., in or der of merit. This educational con test Is bein.- given to advertise and Introdaoc this cuooessful weekly into new homes, and all prizes will lie awarded promptly and without parti ality. Twelve 8-oent stamps must he inclosed for thirteen weeks trial soli- se.ilption with full particulars and list of over BOO valuable rewards. Con- t"Ht opens nnd awards commence, Mondny. June 80th, and closes Hoo tlay, Anguat 91, 1899. Vuur list eau reuch us any day between these dates and will receive the award to which it may be entitled for that day, end your name will ! )rhited in the fol lowing issue of Thk New York Stab. Only oue list can be entered by the same person. Prizes nr- 00 exhibition at Thk Stab's boslness offices. 1'er sons seen rin" bicycles may have choice Of Ladies', Gentlemen's or Juveniles' 1H1IM model, color or size desired. Call or address Dept. "B," Thk N'kw YORK STAR, 237 W. 351th Street, 'ew York City. 7-13 01 To PATENT Good Ideas ma; bo secured by our aid. Address, THE PATENT RECORD, Bird more. Md. mbMriptloai to Tlx Patent Record tlM par anaaffi. wm RlPANS TABULES are intended for children, ladies and all who prefer a medicine disguised as con fectionery. They may now be had (put up in Tin Boxes, seventy-two in a box), price, twenty-five cents or five boxes for one dollar. Anv druggist will get them if you insist, and they may al ways he obtained by remitting the price to TheRipans Chemical comDanV'-rnoh. company ms . no. to ' Htmfi vi spruce tf - Lm?mdrmT& HIGGLE BOOKS A Fnrm Library of unequalled value Practical, Up-to-date, Concise and Comprehensive- Hand somely 1'rintcd and Rcautltully Illustrated. By JACOB BIGGLE No. 1 BIQOLB HORSE BOOK All about Horses a Cotutnon-Sense Trent lir. with river 74 Illustrations ;u stsndard work, l'ricc, yCcui!t. No. 3 BIQOLB BERRY BOOK Ail'itxiut urowlns Btasll rruils resd aad ksra how i contains 43 colored life-like reproductions ol nil leading varieties and too otbei Illustrations, Price, 50 Cents. No. 3 BIGGLE POULTRY BOOK ah about Poultry; the best Poultry Book In existence ; tells ceeiy thine . with&j colored lilc-llke reproductions of m the princlral breeds; with 13 otbei luuitrations. Price, 50 Cents. No. 4 BIQGLK COW BOOK All alumt Cows nnd tin-1 n i r - llitftlne?i j hnvlnp n prrnt Mile j conlslns h colored life-like reproductions oft each breed, with ijsothci lUustrations. Price, jo Cents No. 5 BIGGLB SWINE BOOK just nut. All nij.Hit Hogs DreedioB, Peedlns, Butch, ery, liisea.ics, etc. Contains nver Bo beaulilul iinil toncs and other engravings. Price, 50 Ccut.H. ThvlUOULE BOOKS nre unlque,originsl,usefttl you never sniv anything like them- su pt act teal , sn sensihlc Thev are ha ring ou enormous sale-Kost, West,' North nut! Bouth. livery one wtm keeps n Horse, Cow, lln cr Chicken, ;ir grows Small PrultS, tii;ht to seutl right nwtiy ior the BIQQLB UOOKb. The FARM JOURNAL Is your (inprr, made for ynu nntl not a miefit. It is -.1 years old ; it is the great boiled-down, hlt-the-nnll-on-the-hesd, ijult-atter you have-saiil it, Pornt and Household pnprt m tne world the biggest paper nfits slit- in the t'nitetl stntes 01 America--navugovet a muilon and a-nalf regular readers, Any ONE of the BIGGLE BOOKS, and the FARM JOURNAL S VliAHS (remainder of 1809. 1900, 1001. 190a and lootl will be sent Ly mail to tniv adtlress fol A DDI.I.AK BILL. Bsmpleol FARM JOURNAL and circular describing illdtlLli liOOKSlree. wilmbs atki.vson. Address, - Aim joi'KNAI CI1AS. I . jtNKl.vs. PlIILADKLPHI 1 f jay - ., - Ttw tilj .'iiil hnyt v' HMtllly 4-POUND CATALOGUE FREE THIS 110 CATALOGUE CONTAINS II20 PAOES ' '-? lachss In lrr. euiiUlnnovi r lnu.utWiii"UltMith, u,uto llluntratlotii', the largei t,inur.t somplsteaadl awsstpii leatalaa-u srsr pabusbsd. MAMtS THt 10WEJT WHOtfSAll CHICAOO PHICES W tVIHTTHINO. Incjadlng every ltilnC mf9mii frugs, Iiry (iiiads, IMNI) UVlUMffi lr , Hixiln I Mitifs, Mdirhra. Jtwtlry, llntikg, M r ' . r , hloies, Atrlrttharnl Imiilrmrnls, Furnllurt-, llnrnras, Sgihllrs, I'mcglrs, hrlnsj nhlfitg, iroekcrv, Orins, I'lgBus, Slu-lrol Instruroritls. I iirnUhlnitljtutfls, t.tms, Utolftrg, llehlngTtnl lliryrlf. I'hotnf r-phle OlMg. rtr. Twltt Jiidt what your ftortkMpar it botnfl imiHtrny forevc-rythlnir M bujri Md will prevent OTerebivlng '"U '"l Djihing you buy, Mt'lailirJ li.t li-iw t nnliT, finw lull'-h tin' frflrht. eitrfss nr msll "ill be on ftny thing to vour town. THE BiQ I00K COSTS US NEARLY Si. tlio ptc tayrf al-rMH:iUntitf , 0' cri'ir t'Mzrr&Q Col tbli ulvertiNUMBl o,t "t-'un'in t o tit 1 i j. t v i.h' tu feni rsoc4fM and the Dig Book iu be tn-nt to y..u FRII t,j p.-lvl'l. anil it ym tl"ii t hfy U In WOltO 1"0 timi-Kthfl'. crntg JOQ m nd, n it kef to thn loWMt wholaMI PrtOM of arytilOgl my IO, itml wp Mill lmteillgtlj' rriurn fwM 1 i cnig. WHAT THE PRESS SAYS ABOUT THIS CATALOCUtS it is a noottSMiil t Jtifurumtiuii." HloMapoiJg (Minn, i Ttibuno. "A wnii'leriti! -vcr if work." Wupihlntfm Natlnnnl Trlhuna. Thr eutil'iiJ"i' H n wmnU r " M iii'-hi-.tter i N. Hi L'nlofl. ': ' Km, if'tmck a Ca Ii ona (r tho lrgct boOMi r iw Mod !n FlAsaam ." ( 'Mruirn Itttarl NMaUL ut Ihc liueat ulioitjilng mvdlunu tliatcuuli pouiMy be aunt Into a MtricLm ui fortius on 'l.lnn m ti....- i .. ,....-.., ..t.p .t,,ro t, .wi . urn " : -:ri''i i t rui n. 'IlivAalalfsriia In certainly u n."r eticyrlopa-lla." i iilait Kpn-mth Herald i. i . ...i i i... ... ii 1 1,1 1. i.i n i. .'ii.. it! nil imhflasfhoo TI Wtitald ktati llMWaadt ttwUMWWUwMt tjKJlIi l mm t um aaai joamm raoam woa-kv. paaa -j rwm Address, SEARS, ROEQUCK & CO.(5nc.SCHICACO, ILL., U. S. A. nit." TheFIon. 0. A Soiithtoun. EXECUTOR'S SALE OF Valuable Real Estate ! The undersigned Bseeutor of lbs last Will end Testameut of Amelia Bllger, late ol .l k son Tarp,, Snyder oounty, Pa., dsesas , un iler snd iy rlrlue ol the power ol attorney eon t a load in the said last win ami testament, win KpoSS to nubile vendue or tint-cry at the old I eStSSd, near Snyder's Hello il Utilise, ill Jackson township, in said county, on Sat., Jxxly 20. 1899. The following described Heal Batata to wlti ! TBAOTNO. I. All thstoertain messuage and tract of laud situate in Jackson Twp,nnyder county, fit. bounded tn,rt!i by lands of William TV r-ll inev linn oaries r rv. on inewm"' luiiua ,l,,l of ( harlcs l''ry. I! licci a llcnter and David Snv f .i.. ....i ....i. i... t I- ..i ii,,. :. I kMlM .....i I- ' ni the went by lands of htarvey Bllger, M'illlarn HeelHihl and William S. Mi, illy, eotitaininu eiirhty (sti) iiercn niore or less wit Ii t ha teii llliis s, lllmllt sixty live (C.'i) ai res of which is eleor, unci 'he balance is tittiher lanfl. on which are erected a TWO-8TOBY LOG DWEtiLQIti lllll'HH, HANK IIAKNat'd other (iiitliiiildlnKs, twoBl'HINUM i KXC'KI.I.KNT WATKB near the floor, a irrcat deal of abOlee frnlt of all kinds nn the premises and close to the church and school. TUA(T NO. - HeliiK a crtain messuage, farm tenement ami tract of land situate In Jaek son Twn,, Snyder Co., Pa., about a mile east of Tract No. 1, on tint main road to Kratcrvllic. hounded north liy lands of Isaac KIiik, Pan I licit, t. at, si., on the east, by lands of i'anl lleufer, Noah Hrotise, Mrs. Kehecr a l-rltzel anl Knianuol llenfer, fin the south l,y lands of Henry riaueraml on the west by lamls of Henry Houer, Thomas Walter and (teorge Hnyiler, eon tainiiiK one hundred and thirty (ISO) acres more or less, about one hundred (lot)) acres of which is cloar, ami the balance timber land, nn which arc erected a TWO-STORY LOO DWELLING HOt'SK. HANK I1AHN, WAGON HUKD.SUnf KB IIOl'SKond other outbtiildlng', consider able fruit and a Kod SBtigg of water near the door. Hale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M. of said tlay when and where due attendance will be given nnd terms of ssle made known by W. D. B1LGEU, Executor. uMiij VMTlTiVU'Ji i i , it-' '.j bili t 3 -T-ir ' i i A WSJ' . -IT It HI!! W ' -:-v-iv z tfifHltwm AisTiinOAT Irritations c. 5' PACKAGES. Wallace & Co., New York City. I u Bh . I HVQl