The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, July 27, 1899, Image 5
MT. P1.EASANT MILLS. MIDDLECREEK R VAI DAKINO Powder Makes the food more delicious and wholesome hoyl ww MM eo., atw WML The Middleburgh Post. Published every TLurmlny. Geo. W. W.tgcnseller, tditor and Proprietor Subscription $1.50 per year. wuion rutut iw puld in advance wl.i'U sent outr aide tup county.) RATES OF ADVERTISING. All translsnl advertlcimonts not otherwise xwtreoted lor will be charged At the rate of is oenta per line inmiparlpl measure) For nrxt inser tion and 10 cents per line for every subsequent insertion. 0h-.vh mitictt fnMitked free ; oWruary poen, tribute of reject. Ac. . three cents a line. Republican Standing Committee- Adams, w. H. Herman, '. O. MMdteawarlh Beaver. A. W . If ueeef, Pa.-iil Coleman la-aver W., Cbaa. A. Wanner, John P. Howell" II. II. Wanner. II A. Howerxu Chapman, B, Troatman, P. A. Troap Kriiiiklm. In, L, Walter. II. h. BoratMet .liwknon, J. S. Yearlck. li. II. EMUIM Middleburg, Al, Clelaa, .'amee Krdley Mlddlaereek, A, D. K reamer. a. U Todef Monro, A. II. Young, D, P. Hitter JVtln, Frank Miller, Howard How Perry, Dr M. Kntliritok, Irwin Hover Perry W., tieo. Klrnwaor, John Noll Selinsgrove, A. B. Kmk, II. J. Duck Spring, Qeo. 8. Lepley, 0 M smith ITnlon, 0, ). nice, II. J, Btroh Washington, Dr, B, W. Toole, J. 11. Arbogaet Faruiers are cutting oats. The St, John's annual picnic will !xj helil on the 2Cth of August. James Murk leant! wife of Adanis liurg visited Aaron liothermel's. W. II. Weodt and wife visited at J.l'.Wendt's near Aline on Sunday. Some of our young folks attended the St. Thomas picnic on Saturday, his soil or labor. His only right is l)aniel Woje au, wife of jlluiata to remove the oltstruction, or P)-1 county, were the guests of David eeetl against you for allowing them von,er's 0n Sunday. tut, L, fl 1 lw. ,,,., ... tr I J i iv int it , aim lit: i .uinui fuiii lih in vim a m . I or their Deduct his own; for if he , J,u,' ,o..p ami wife of Cleve- ,Thurlay were to cut the branches oh" he 1 T' 7'"' ?P"S sevt:raI 111 , Harvey Hein.bncl. and wife were it . , .... i . i turner l roup s last week, would not be entitled to the wood. r While you may not go upon your! Mrs. Simon Kohler of Millers neiirhuVs land to nick the frpitltown, who bad been viaitiittf Id our from the branched of your tree, you may nick it by staving on the branche even though they extend Prof. Frederick Sclmee, PHneipal beyond his line. If he picks your I of Cuyahoga, Ohio, schools, was vis tmit be is a taaspassor: if your treeliting in our town last week a fpw overhaul's his land you are a tree- nay ;ir. dot nee nau not oeen east tor It years. He is a highly ed- David Steiuingeris on the sick list Miss Polly Knepp was the guest of W. H. Kline on Ninuav. Jerome licit, bought a span of greys at the uewtStown sale. t i et .i ueo. unctiin aim lanniv were n e guests of Jesse Knepp on Friday. H. A. Herlister and wite drove to Middleburg last Saturday even ing. Andrew Ulsh anil II. I. Swartz were in Middleburg botWUSC trains j town last week, returned to New Berlin on Sunday last to visit her son. it 1. 1 i n ff titrr. For ANOOlRte .Indue, P. t. RIEQBIo For Slierirr, GEO, W. ROW, For Treasurer, HKSNKVll.LK SMITH. For Commissioner, JOHN P. WETZEL, oaOBOB I. MILl.BB. For Auditors, I). NORMA If APP, J. f.BOWKKSOX, neleciteto itepubllcan State Convention, CARBON SKEBOLD. passer, except sylvania, they years. by the law of Penn have been there 21 Thursday, July 27, 1899. HIGH GRADE VOLUNTEERS. A high standard has been set for the volunteers now being recruited lor the Philippines. If every Am crican who wanted to enlist was ac ceptable to the Government, the ten mriimnts which it is proposed to o a send to the islands would be raised in two weeks. But the qualifica tions demanded are so high that on the first day of the enlistment, two- thirds of the applicants were reject ed. It is only prudence which sug gests the selection of men ot strong constitutions and good physiques, as the service is not child s play. Many of the men already recruited have had military training, some for nearly a year. It is highly gratifying, too, to learn that in granting commi sions the President has an eye to fitness only. BRYAN S BIG DOLLARS. Thirty dollars for 'i piano, five dollars tor a billiard table, twenty five dollars for four watches and clocks, ninety dollars for three horses and three carriages, five tiollors for a sewing machine, and the house hold goods to the amount ol $260, are the values placed upon his jht sonal belongings by Mr. Win, J. Hryan in answer to the tax assessor of Lincoln, Neb. A casual exam ination of these figures creating the pleasing impression among his ad mirers that Mr. Hryan is really one of the people and lives most mod estly. A little closer scruting, however, discloses the unpleasant fact that Mr. Hryan hoseither driven exceedingly hard bargains in the ac quisition of all the necessities and some of the luxuries of life and has used dollars of exceedingly great purchasing power, or else he has, like ordinary mortals, simply been telling the tax assessor a good-sized fairy tale, to avoid contributing too much to the support of the State. Law on Fruit Limbs Over the Line. The Iaii(stcr Inquirer, in answer to a qiiestion,saysthut"ifthe branch es of a tree growing on one's land extend beyond the line of the same, and over his neighbor's land, the lat ter may cut them off so far as they extend over ; but had they lieen al lowed to remain for 21 years over the neighbor's land, ho would have no right to remove them. Fruit hanging on a tree is a part of the real estate and is not the subject of larceny. If the fruit had fallen to the ground the neighbor might pick it up and use it ; but while your neighbor may remove the branches, he has no right to the fruit hanging on the tree. It is not the product ot ROBERT G. INGERSOLL. The death of no man in America would Ik! received with feelings more widely varied than are aroused by tin' death of Col. Robert G. Inger soil. Among those who knew him only as the aggressive agnostic, his death will awaken in some a feeling f relief that the brilliant combator let ilk 9 . . ! oi unnaturally is forever siienceu : in others regret that in some way or other he was not brought toacknowl edgc his error, and there are still .1 outers wlio will cherish the convic tion that a righteous retribution has at last overtaken the sufferer, while by all that have had the personal acquaintance and friendship of the man and thosearemany hisdeath will be viewed with profund sorrow. Colonel Ingcrsoll hail in high de gree the qualities of head and of heart which endear a man to his fellows. Handsome of person, bril liant of 'wit, pTsuasive of tongue, a clear logical reasoncr and a deep student of literature, law and poli tics, he had every requisite for a successful career. Hrave, generous, truthful, charitable and patriotic, he hud the power to f-way the reason of men and win their hearts. He was, in all his dealings, a living exempli fication of the golden rule. He was s i a i i y .i a devoted Husband, a kiiki tauter, a generous neighbor. Love was his religion, home was his heaven. He had no sympathy with those of his pretended followers and blatant uni ev- ucatcd man. The rain storm on Thursday ening did considerable growing crops, house 1 A I ( 1 valine a nuiiiDcr ot window panes were broken in several houses, trees blow&down, oats, com and peaches .Mil , I sjHiueti and several creeKs over flowed their banks. The following wereguests of John Schnetrs on Sunday : Isaac VVitmer and wife, Pfoutz Valley ; Mrs. M. J. McDonnell and child, Ceiitralia, Pa.; Mrs. James Kothertnel ami brother, Harry, of Mandate; John Hepner, of Port Treverton; George Hepner, wife and littleson, Johnnie, of near Frecburg; Miss Mary Hej ner, of Aristes, Pa. GAIT. Wll.MAM ASTOB CHiAX Lkh, Congressman from New York, is the president of Thk New Yokk Star, which is giving away a FORTY DOLLAR BICYCLE daily, as offered by their advertise ment in another column. Hon. Amos J. Cummings, M. C., Col. Asa Hird (Gardner, District Attorney of New York, ex-Governor Hogg of Texas, and Col. Fred. Feigl of New York, are among the well know n names in their Board of Directors. 7-13-6t. MIDDLEBUR8H MARK T. visiting his brother, Chas.,nearMid- dleswarth on Sunday. On Monday Adam Thomas left for Ferguson Valley, where he will run J. B. Shellenberger's stave mill. Our farmers have begun cutting their oats which is said to be the best crop harvested for a number ot years. The district Sunday school con vention held on Saturday at the St. Paul's church was unite a success damage to both in interest taken and attendance, roofs, etc. -- LHKU July 17, near Knousetown, 0 liam H. Troup, aged 39 years, 4 tnuDUis ami to nays, runeral was held on the 20th inst, at Neimond's Reformed church. Rev. Romig of-fieated. HOME COB FOR BLOOD POISON. Beware of the Doctors' Patchwork; Yod Can Core Yourself at Home. MARRIRD. July 20, by David Mitchell, J. P., John Sweigart of Fremont, Sny der Co., to Maggie Kaljictzer of Chaple's Hollow, Union Co. July 19, by Rev. Henry H. Fost ner, Edwin L Heffelfinger and An na M. Feehrer, both of Selinsgrove. July 18, by ('has. L. Wetzel, J. P., iAwrence Nevel and Rosa Dora Folk, both of Beavertown. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Sunbury k Lewistown Division. In effect May 22, 1849. WBTW1M. I aTATIOVH. I KAKTWABD Corrected weekly by our merchant. Batter 18 Emw 12 Onions 00 Lard Tallow . 4 Chtokens per 1 b 7 Turkeys a n tators that declaim against thesaucity side...;....'.'...'. ot marriaee and the liberty ot law. Shoulder 8 t the Cincinnati convention in 1876 delivered the most eloquent, thrill ing and effective political speech that has becu made in America since Patrick Henry. At the funeral ol his brother a few years later he paid the most beautiful tribute of frater nal affection of which wc have any knowledge, while at the same time ulmitting the possioility ol and ex- irvssins a tender yearning lor a meeting in the great beyond. And yet the life of this man, en dowed to win the brightest laurels in the gift of a great and generous leople. must be written in failure. Why ? Because his richest gills, us keenest wit, his most persuasive eloquence were used to break down the Christian religion, the most ben eficent civilization the world has ever known, the only civilization that has worked to the elevation and real od- ancemcut of mankind. His fatal fault was not that he was an unbe- iever, but that he paraded his un belief and sought to destroy the faith ot others. He tried to tear down the dearest iosscssion God has given to his children, and offered nothing in its place. Therefore is the man's name, which should have been placed so high, written in sand. But we can safely leave his final judgment to Him who in his death agony cried : "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do," while we lay flowers on the coffin of a tender father, a faithful husband, a generous friend, an open-handed benefactor, a brave soldier and an unflinching patriot Phila. limet. Peerless Pile Cure.- A MARVEL OP PERFECTION giving inhtani reuei ana permanent cure. NO 8ALVB or UNPLEASANT 8U POS1TOKIES. Prloe to introduce $3.00. PEERLESS REMEDY CO. 5 Cedar St, New York. 7-27-1 mo. JAY! FOR 100 SILVER OT Ik STAMPS. I will aenil a hAndume ItOtJlf TATM fEN. solid ffold. Nothing beAta It. Treownd oub seller. Agents wanted. Address at once Box iss, (iujandoldt, W.A. .. MO. 8m. am Wheat Rye Potatoes Old Corn Oats Bran per 100 lbs. Middlings " Chop Flour per bbl ...... i 70 f 308 IIS 2 It IS 2 SI S4 2 40 t4 25S 800 S07 SIS 822 888 3 80 848 3 45 8 4T 50 A U .0 57 1007 10 12 10 31 1054 10 27 1088 10 as 10 40 1011 1057 1108 11 18 IUA 11 31 1157 11 W Sunbury SelitKfrrove Junction f linpgrove PawTins K reamer Mel Mr MlildleburR Benfer Beavertown Adamibunr Rsuba Mill jnVClurc Wagner Sbliidle Painlervllle Maltland Lew Mown II 87 Lrwlatown (Main Street.) 11 40. Lewlatown Junction. There la not the slightest doubt that the docton do more harm than good in treating Contagious Blood Poison; many vlctima of this loathsome disease would be much better oS to-day if they had never allowed them selves to oe dosed on mercury and potash, the only remedies which the deeton ever give (or blood poison. , .. , M The doctors are wholly unable to get rid oi this Tile poison, and only attempt to heal up the outward appearance of the disease the sores and eruptions. This they do by driving the poison into the ytjtetn, and endeavor to keep it shut In with their constant doses of potash and tneroury. The mouth and throat and other delicate parts then break out Into sorts, and the fight is continued indefinitely, the drugs doing the system more damage than the disease itaelf. Mr. H. L. Myers, 100 Mulberry St., Newark. S. J., says: I had spent a auuurvu uwiui wnn ine uooiors, wnen i reauxea that they could do me no good. I had large spots all over my body, and these soon Osaka out Into running sores, and I endured all the Buffering which this vile dlaease pro ducea. I decided to try ST S. S. as a last resort, and was soon greatly improved. I followed closely your 'Direc tions for Self-Treatment,' and the large splotchea on my cheat began to grow paler and smaller, and before long disappeared entirely. 1 was soon cured perfectly and my skin has been as clear as glass ever since. I cured my self at home, after the doctors had failed completely.' It is valuable time thrown away to espeet the doctors to cure Contagious Blood PoUon. for the dlwAAM ( ha. joad their skill Swifts Specific 8. S. 8. FOR THE BLOOD sets In an entirely different way from potash and mercury It forces the poison out of the system and gets rfd of it entirely. Heace it ourea the disss, while other remedies only shut the poison in where it larks forever, whsmmim uuueruiining me constitution ment places a oure within th laa fsa nf ,iVint.,trt a wa rl a.... fiwi ncr va i jiuik", DIIU twit Write for full information to Our svitem of nrlt hnma mens piaces a cure witnin tne reacn ot ail. we give all necessary medical ad ylce, free of charge, and save the patient the embarrassment of nuhluu. Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Oa joooooot)ooS)ofooSJoo oSJoooot)ooofBooooo o o I o o schoch k mum o o o ! I A Ml r M I O 23 9 IK 5 15 I 9 to sos 2 90S 501 S04 4 58 2 85S 4 52 8 52 ; 4 40 2 844 4 87 ts! 483 888 428 2S 4 1 2 818 4 08 15j 4 00 2 808 4 88 9 808 : 8 40 2 755: 345 733 848 2 150 940 .45 60 .ai .80 .80 .00 .90 8.50 obtaNep. DATEMTC r fl I kll I W TZBMS IAS7. Consult or communicate with the Editor of this paper, wbo will give AU needed Information firUAiND the old REHjunr tfSk any OTHf-J gfHR the PACKER BICYCLE Is a model wheel, and one that will out-wear any wheel on the market. REPAIRING of all kinds neatly done I have spent a number . of years at the business under an experienced instructor. Call and a a see oeiore buying a bicycle, WALLACE TEATS, Globe Mills. Fa. Train leaves Sunbury 5 25 p m, ar rives at Selinsgrove 5 45 p m rValns leave Lewistown Junction : 4 52 A m, 10 18 a p, 1 10 P m,130 p m 5 i in. 7 0T 11 58 p m, for AlUHina, PHUbutv ami Mie Whi. For Haltlmcire ami Waihlnirton I a in 1 i I US 4 8S, 1 in p m f or Philadelphia ami New Itl pa Foi York 888 9 86a rn, 1 (12 1 58 4 88 and HarrliburK 0 fl a and S 00 iu Philadelphia & Erie R R Division. AND NORTHERN IVNTKAt. RAILWAY Trains leave Sunburr dall aeatf Sunday : 1 21 a for Erie and ranandalxiiK t in a m for Ilslletonte Krl and ( la uandalirua 945am for I,ook Haven, Tyrone andtlie West. 1 io p m for Hellelonte Kan c Tyrone and t'anAO dalgua 5 45 p m for kenovognd Klin Ira 9 35 i) lor Wllllamaport Sunday 5 10 a m for brie and r-anandalicua 9 45 am far Look Haven and 9 25 p Tor Vu llasMport 8 55 am, 9 55 am 2 00 and 5 48 pm lor Wllkaa oarre and Haaelton 7 00 a m, 10 20 a m, 2 05 p m, 5 45 p m for Shamo kln and Mount Carmel Sunday 9 55 am lor Wllkwbarre rraln leave Sellaicrove Jnnrtlon 10 00 a m, week diva arrlrlnx at flilliideliibla loop m New York 5 53pm Baltimore 3 11 p m WaiDtngton 4 io pat 584 p m dally arriving at Philadelphia .830 pm New York 3 58 am, Baltimore 9 45pm Washington io 55 p m. 8 48 pm. week day arriving at Philadelphia 4 80a m, New York 723 a m, Baltimore 2 80 a m Washington 4 05 a m i rams aim leave sunnury : 3 37 am dally arriving at Philadelphia 8 63 a m Baltimore 8 85 a m Waahlngton 7 46 am New York 9 33 a S3 Weekdtyi, 10 38 a Sunday, 7 80 a m week dare arming at Philadelphia 11 48 a in, New York 2(08 p m, Balllmete 11 5 a m, vraaniDgion i uu p m. Oflfer to the public a full line of Corrugated Roofing, Plain Tin and Galvtonized Iron Roofing and Spouting, Fence Wire.Tinware.Gran iteware. Etc. A full line of OIL & VAPOR STOVES for Summer cooking. Call and see our stock and learn our prices. SCHOCH & STAHLNEGKER, 0PP. JAIL, MIDDLEBURG. PA . o a o o o o i o f o i o ? J f o f 000000OfJO0Q0080 00OO00Oo000002, II ECONOMICAL SHOE EMPORIUM II! late 188 pm. week day arriving at Philadelphia inuui, now lonv-wpu, nam: Washington 7 16 p m :lmore 8 00 p m Tralni alro leave Snnhurv at 9 50 am and 5 si and 8 32 pm, lor HarrlaburK, Philadelphia and Baltimore J. R. WOOD. Oen'l Para Agon I I. B. HUTCHINSON Uen'l Manager. THE FACTORY SHOE HOUSE. st ana Best SAoe Store in tfie MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PENNA. NEAR TRUST BANK. Men's Dress or Work Shoes from $1.00 to $7.00. Ladies Shoes from 75c. to $7.00. Children's Shoes from 15c. to $2.00. J. G. CHESTNUTT, General Manager. Twelfth Year " It Afford me frrt plaran Io espma my gratltudi- for th practical btiffn.-iHlucatfnn I m-rcivt-d hX thf S hilt-r Coll, M- of IUiatretja, The cor pa of tfrachi-ra are all superior inatructon and worthy uf th) poalt.oni they hold. TOiuugh your kind aariat ancf I hare bad employment every day lines I graduated. I mmt heartily recommend the IVhlaaler College of Bailneaa to any onedealringapractlcal buai neaa education, which affords one of the frmndeet opportunltlea to Tonne oten and women aa a at ti ring on to fa tore pt-ogperlty. WKb beat wiahea for yuur continued lucreae. wncereiy your, R. 0. Althocse, Dublin, Hucka Co., Pa. BEFORE A COURT SIJCH TESTIMPrVIHl.S HS THESE taa a WOULD HAVE GREAT WEIGHT. I "After puiwj.tlnt from th.OoMey Wllmlneton CofBBMrrlal Collet I triad la vaia to Hcurw a puMtion, tmt without iuccm.. Thf n I dKidwt to take a court. ' In Stenography at your Colloae a drclalon which 1 ronaldrr a awet profltabl. use. to rompl.tins your mut car.ll.nt a nine in SfaBS, rafihy. 1 wae ajlHd ! by yon to th. position I now hold, having Mrnred it thrre daya aftar gradaa I lion I can lay wltliout healtatinn that yuur inatructon ar. thorough, paina j taking f rt- In thrfr aerrral hranche of work, and any young nan dfttring b Minn i will alway. meet with fair BysBaMp on part of both instructor, and chool management. YoB rrTy i. C. (Uaoixia, Bagartowa, Chater Co., Pa. " We thank you for vimr kf ndneei to Barry. Too hare helped him beyoad oar .xpoctation., and brhae alw.y.apokrn In fa. hlgheit tana, of you and of your College. He nyi yon wen alway kin! and pleaaant to hlav and the laat lime he wa. horn, he laid be waa o gLwl that h. .elected your College in pref erence to other.. May your .chool prosper in the future aa it haa In the past la the wiihea of your friend.," Ma. a Mm. Joe era Wamaao, Collaner, Cheater Co., Pa. nflul'T UCCITsiTC If fu Ilavc an Ambition, If you want to Prosper, If you want to be IIUI1 I llbwl I A I U Successful, your highest ambition can be ratiffed, if you will fit yourself for the aaaaaaaaHBBaaBaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaBaaaa mAnv thousand opportunities constantly occurring and available to the graduates of Schissler College of Bnsiness. Send for THE TEST OF TIME, an interesting book, containing hundreds of letters jost like those above, also letters from Bankers, Merchants, Clergymen, and Professional men, attesting to tne superior qualifications of tits graduates of the Schissler College of Business. Others may claim superior instruction and ability to place graduates in podUon, but we prove It, NEW PROSPECTUS NOW READY, X and win be mailed on request to any interested person. Fall Term opens September 4th. Schissler College of Business, norrtwvYtoi-1