The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, July 27, 1899, Image 4
SUMMER TOURS TO THE NORTH. SANITARY HOG HOUSE. Dry. Sutinliluy Quarter Ar Abso lutely N -i nr to the Steady Health of Swine. In some of the counties of Illinois lialf of the hogs often tlio on account of disease. In Iowa severe losses are re- irtetl. Indiana, Kansas, Nebraska ana Missouri report loss, but to a smaller extent Kentucky Is comparatively free. Wisconsin, Minnesota and the Dakotas are usually light sufferers. It Is seen from this that disease Is most prevalent where there are the most hoes. The massing of animals together and crowding them with to carbon aceous a food as corn is an Invitation to disease to come and reap a heavy har vest. The surroundings become unsan itary, disease germs multipjy fast, the r Bla ClwlM of Two EtUs. Mrs. Brinksiey tieorge, wny wiu( you go on working so hard? I must In-, tWo Tour to On limit vin Puunsv! sist tUt you give up the extra duties VMi Railroad, that you have taken upon yourself oil Fjr m tQmmH lVlinsUv,ulla late. You are simply wertrinfj yourself Ha.noert tOiiipiuiy lias wnM 'o run out. What's the use of it ? j PSSSSMrSk1 l0U" 1 rtu hn'' Nj" .Mr. iinnKsiey vten, my uoui mid awhile ago that vou would have to discharge the girl and do our cooking yourself if 1 didn't eurn more money. I'm going to keep you from doing that. even if I have to work nil nigm as wen as all day. Chicago Dally News. PEOPLE AND EVENTS Amateur Tlit-atrlrnls. Miss Jones (who lias kindly offend to hear Mr. Cireeu in his part for the coming theatricals) Now, what's your cue, Mr. Green? Mr. Green (bewildered) My cue? "Yes, your cue what they say just before you make your entrance, you know." "Oh, 1 see. They always suy: Come on, you silly ass, cun't you?' "London Punch. of Trartlee Make IV r feet Ethel When does your broach promise suit take place, Clara? Clam (sobbing) T-to-morrow. Ethel (sympathizing!-) I am very ti-stom Is enfeebled bv damn, unwhole- sorrv to see vou so overcome, Clara, some surroundings, and it is not sur- dear. prising that bad results follow. One of the best germicides known is sunlight Disease loves darkness and Clam Oh, it's nothing. Kthel; I am simply practicing for the jury. Tit-Kits. tw ( g 1 fin HEALTHFUL HOO HOUBE. dampness. Dry, sunshiny quarters are absolutely necessary to continued: health. All animals must have the sun shine to busk in or they will not thrive, and especially young animals require sunshine. These facts are too well known to call for proof. They are stated as a reminder and to point out a way to arrange a hog house so as to provide the needed sunshine inside. It is a simple thing to get the sunlight to stream in at the south side, but al though it reaches the floor near the south side It will not reach far back. The problem Is to get the sun's rays to the north side of the building. This . can be done and the north side of the Modern Surgery. "SingU'Jaw was badly hurt In that railway accident, wasn't he, doctor?" "Very. We had to amputate both of his legs." "My! will he pull through?" "Oh, yea; we'll put him on his feet again In about six months." Chicago Dispatch. Still lie Wnen't Thankful. jie What an idiot I was when I mar ried you. She Don't yon think you're an idiot now ? He No, I do not. She Then you ought to be very thankful to me for having altered you. Stmv Stories. At tempt laic Impossibilities. Female Emancipator With all our work, the cause of woman doe not progress. Why Is It? Male Philosopher The trouble Is that the pretty girls spend till their time trying to be brainy, and the brainy girls spend all their time trying to look pretty. X. Y. Weekly. The tlrsl tour, leaving Juiv a. Incl i-los Nla- nrt K ills. Toronto. TIiohmiu 1 1-Iuiio. KapM otttie 81. Lawn-nce, tpiefcw l.ikeS . .I.jBu. T ' M .K-iU'liuv. Montreal. All rn.tsin. bejtaa t'liiiruptiilii mill lii-urue, MsnttCffS, .mil HlfB u:-.i- or me uiKiwto. ikjcuio i.' actuated a o. Uoimrl-trlp rut..', inn. Tne seconrt lour. biatlnl AOftWl !.'. OOTSfi I he same 'crrlt.ry Willi tM exception 01 L'lkf St. John nnit Tne s-itiuunay nH Bfinllhlol RiUr teen iluys, Itonnit-trlp r.iti , IOO. K.u-li tour will In in Charge III one of Hi im i- panjri tuurtxt assets, satiated by i an experi raced imiy MCMporoB, ebOM uay.H:i;ii o Haras will btUaOMOrtM laillt's. The rate emirs railway and bOM tar. lor the entire mumt trip, parlor c ir snata, motls ''u route, hotel rnu-Kuliimeiii, iransler charge-, unil can luge hire. For an iiieii Itinerary, t to eel a. or say sddl tloiiii!, aouraea TuUrtM A . him, Pen nsy Ivan in Uilltmfl rampant, lie Ilr o.t 1 wav. New York: mv) Fulton Str.-et, Brooklyn: M Hraad Street, Newark, n. ). or 00, w. Moytl, Asslstaul General IMaaeiiKer Aaeat, Ilruail Street Mutlou. IMIadelulilu. 7 1 - - J t . IIixh oiler A tree Willi Yon ? If not, driuk Grain-0 made from pure grains. A lml v writes: "The first time 1 make Grain O I did uot like it but after using it for one week nothing would induce me to go hack to coffee." It nourishes ami feds i lie system. The children can drink it freely with great benefit. It is the strengthening substance of pure grains. Get a package today from fOUr grocer, follow the directions in j making it mid von will b'tve a dcliei ons ana healthful table beverage for old aud young. 18a and 26c, Reduced Rates to the Seashore. Animal l.ow-llitte I'.mcnrxlon to Atlantic (iiy, nr., vln I'eiumy Ivanln Railroad. The Pennsylvania Rallraad Ooatpan, ns ia rntm't'il for three low run- len ony excursions lor tli '.reset. t ItanOB ffOHl Krle Trov, Hi lle oiite, W'lfltawport, Mncaiiaxua Rnutmry, Blmoaii- ooiih. H. .in mil .ii' i i i ii j 1 1 Interineih.ite Its- fionn (ii.eitiiiiiii: stall"! i nn nrttnon foartsj to AilanUenty. Dtps Nay, a tlw( Bus Ii'- (Mv. Av.'O'iii, Angle-en, n'llawona, or HOIV Boscti, on Tli'irwitay, July vt, August in ii m Bxeerslan ilekeis, cood m return hy reoiiisr ttnlns within ten flays, will lie solrl l very law rines. Tt- kels to A'lnnllOCUy will be soil via the 1'i-lnWHie Itnet II lilv" Itont,', the only nil. rail line, or ma Msritet eireel Wbirf, Phlladel pbls, For Iritottnattoii in revipir) 'n specific rut s mid Hnteoi trains cnnsuli Imnit tiins. .r spnly to tifrents in E. s iiairar. Division Ticket Acetii. v llllarnrfiort, Pa, stop over can is i n i tit Philadelphia, lther fOl'k "I :etiirt;it e, within limit 01 tlekef. tno vlilei! ticket Is deposited with Acent at Droad street siatluu i mned lately on arrival. t'aaatnral. Hall Khume There is somethin(r nn- hog house made warm and sunny, even j owuiy about my new lnndlady. I think warmer than the south side. he must be a real lady. To do fills build the houBe extending Diggings Why, what is the matter? east and west and of nny siie desired. ; nail Ithume She has not once told depending upon the size of the herd It is 1 raa that she has seen hetter days. to accommodate. Then put tne pean i Town Topics. of the roof south of the center or me building. Give both sides of the roof the same pitch. To do this the roof of the north side will run higher than the roof of the south side in the plnce where the roofs meet. The cut illustrates the plan. Suppose the roof of the north side to be 24 to 30 Inches higher at the ridge than the roof of the aouth side. Then there will be a chance to put in glass below the one roof and above the other, and the sun will stream through to the north side and kill disease germa by the millions and tone up the system at pigs and shotes and make them 1 thrifty and healthy. The alley runs through the center of the building and the central windows are therefore just over the south side of the nlley, and the sun will shine over the alley and Into the pens north of It. The whole building is made Bunny and pleasant by this center light, but if wished glass can nlso be put nlong the south side of the building to give direct light to the penB on the south sjde of the alley. A building like this will be par ticularly prized In early spring as a place to raise early pigs. For summer pigs there Is no better plnce than out in a good pasture. C. E. Bennett, in Orange Judd Farmer. HINTS FOR STOCKMEN. Found niaennere. Also. "It is quite true," said the long-wind ed preacher, "that there are sermons in stones." "But, unfortunately," returned the parishioner, "they are not confined to atones." Chicago Tost. Sweet Thlnir. The lovely girl In the candy shop Is blushing like rosy wins, For out In front hr sighing swain Stands under the swaying sign. -Chicago Tribune. ALREADY AS EXP1SKT. The oldest active banker In the world b Deborah Powers, u'ed of Uinsiug berg, Hnglund. Lorrl Rothschild is a patron of mu sic cn.l hia musJcnles arc the finest in London. Congressman Joseph W. Bailey, of Texas, is a aelf-mmle man. At ten he did not know his alphabet. Secretary Alger's tlmberland, from which he made his fortune, lies along Lake Huron and is 100 square miles in etcnt. Mine. P&ttt, in Spite f i her crowded life, Is one of the most prolific of corre spondents, and devotes from one I i two hours every morning to writing to her legion of friends. Young Willie Gladstone, thv eldest grandson of the Qrand Old Man, and the present master of Hawnrdetl rustle, has just entered Eton college, where his grandfather was educated. W. 8. Oillbert has a collection of cu riosities at his house at Barrow Weald und uinoug t hcni is the mode of a man-of-war of 100 years ago, fifteen feet long; it was from this t!nt the scene In "Pinafore" was designed. For the post 15 years Theodore Til ton has lived In the French capital, where he Is known as Tllton the mag nificent, the handsomest man in Purls." He is over six feet tall, with a ti'iire that is perfect and finely chiseled features. The father of long-distance pedes trlanism is still a hale, vigorous man of sixty-odd years, who uses the street ears less than any other man In active business life in New York. He is Weston, who, in 18(10, walked from Portland, Me., to Chicago, within a specified number of daya. He is as active now ns then, and recently thought of entering one of the six-days' matches to show the youngsters how rn-e should Ik won. Hogs sometimea get seasick traveling on the cars. A horse broad in the forehead will generally be intelligent and kind. Small unsalable, cooked potatoes are good for the hogs; mix with skim milk and a little corn meal. The purer the race of the parent, the more certainty there is of transmitting its qualities to ita offspring. When giving horses rest, give them the full benefit by making their quar ters as comfortable as possible. A sloppy, watery mean should never be given young pigs, for by gorging themselves with it, they become potr bellied, have indigestion and scours. When the dam is seen to lie down to let her pigs suckle, and then Jump up quickly to try to push the pigs away, sometimes not without giving utterance of pain, the trouble is with the teeth of the pigs, which have uecome snarp. These sharp teeth should be broken off or filed down. They can be easily dis tinguished by examining the mouth of the pig. and quickly corrected. West ern Plowman. Colls Door at Any Prlco. The time of good prices for pure bred stock is a time of more or lesa temptation for the breeder, aa also for the fanner who buys for the improve ment of his herd. The breeder is tempt ed to keep and sell something that la not good enough to use for breeding. The farmer Is induced to buy it because It looks cheap compared with merito riona pure-bred animals. Both loae money in the end. The breeder who sella culls will soon have a correspond ing reputation. The fanner who buys tJbt will loae many times the difference ,i& price, and his faith In pure-bred took to a certain extent. Stock breed ing is -not en exact science, and culls will come occasionally, hot do not sell bey them for breeding purpoeeev Huaband Don't bother me, my dear. I'm studying political economy. Wife Well, you needn't work so hard at it- Goodness knows, you're suffi ciently strong on the economy port of it now. Petit Jouniul Pour Hire. llrluk UratVMJ after you bftte concluded that you ought not to ilritik coffee, It is not a medicine but doctors order it be caiiHe it i healthful, invigorating and appetising, It is made from pin e grains and has that rich neal brown color and tastes like the lincst Knult of coffee ntnl costs about as much. Children like it iiinl thrive nn it be- cauaeit in the genuine food driuk containing nothing but nourishment. Ask your BTot-er for (Irain-U, the new fooil drink. 1" and V5c. CHAUTAUQUA. Nests and Hots. gheWhv Is It, I wonder, thot a bird never uses the. same nest two years in succession? It very frequently hap pens that one of last year'smeats isjust aa irood ua new. 1134)1!, I guess birds arc like women 1 In one wsy. She I'd like to know how you draw the connection? He Well. 1 never oee you wearing one of your last year's hats, although I aome of them must be about as good aa i new. Chicago Daily News. LEGAL ADVERTISING. ADMINISTRATOR' NOTICE Let ters of Administration .III the tutP of Sniniirl B. Walter Inteof I'miiktln twi , Bnjnwr county, IV. Oeo'd, having bean granted tn the nndarstened, all parsons knowing Ihew- elves liaielited to slil rmc nrr r-iiii-tel t.i make IiuchIIsIv payment, while those having o iiliiwwU'OKmwnltlieiii duly aiillietitlealeil to tllC I ii.l' I rtli'li 'l- . MAKV M. WALTErt, M HKNItY 11 WALTBKi G HOKUM W. WALTER. Jacob Gilbert, Alt'). Adtu'ri. June LI. IMtt. i. use i.oM-iinie Excursion via Pennsjrl" nenln HnllroiKl. on Julyttth, the PeBnsylvaoii Railroad com pan v will run tile lunt MttCtaJ excursion ol the Heawui from Philadelphia, Baltimore, wanning- toll , Reading, Altonim. BallelDOte, Lock llnveti, siisiiiukin. Wllkeabarre, Banbury, uud winiains port , principal Intermediate stations, and sta tioim on the Delaware Plvtston, Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Knlirond.and on the lioinberland Valley Railroad, to Chantoaqoa, N.Y. SpuiaUriiln wiilBtnrt from Uiirrlsliurg uud run uti the lOUoWUg schedule: . -1 Train Excursion I.'irvch, Hute. lliirrlshurr 11.80 A. M. (MO siinlmtv ItM 1'. M. J.Hl Montandon 1,11 " IJJ Wllliamaport iiw " tM (.:iiiutuaiiua....Arrheabout 10.30 " Kxcusloti Hate. M. llO.Od icon 10 00 795 V.40 H.U NJ ti.M auknts WAMTRO Foil "TUB (JFI AND Achievements of Adinlrol IH-wey," the world's Krratent nsval hero. Hy Murat Ualstead, the life long friend and admire' of lha natlon'e Idol, lliuiteiitaiid hel book: ovi r IVm tuiKea. 1x10 lnebaoj m-atiy itOiK'" nalMoaa iiiuetra- tlone. Only fl.Vt. Enorinoiia demand. HIk eonimlioloni. Outfit free. Chance of n lifetime. Write quick. The Dominion Company, ard door OaikmRMg., Chloago, Mn-lfls, COgaacTixa Tkaink. ieavc Philadelphia n,J a. WaablDgton 7M Baltimore (Union ta.) AlttKitm (v. I.k Haven) 7.15 Uuntlngtlon v. Ilby) K8u A Cure for rvui llrnilnrhes. For elirht years I auffered from cost Ipai Ion and severe headache, the head ache iiKiiully la-tlng three days nt a time. Headache powders reliev ed me temporarily, hut left too bad an effect. since I began Munagoewrj King i bt gnmuj ! improved In health, seldom or never have head- I aoae, batre gained In tiesh. and feei decidedly well Mas. K. S. Hatch, Temple, N. II. Celery I King (or the Rerves, Urer ana Kldnoya la sold In Soo. and Ka packagea by w. ii. Horman, Troteviiic; Mlddleswarta it Dlsb, atoUlurai H. A. Bbrignt, Aline. . M. M. Wealth. If lectures about wealth you scan. This general thought you'U aee "It's dangerous for the other man, Dut very good for mo." Washington Star. He Knew All About It, Mother Johnny, what became of the Jam thut stood on the top shelf in the pantry? Johnny It wasn't on the top shelf, ma. It waa on the next to the fop. X. Y. Journal. In Our Nest Wor. "General, an overpowering force of the enemy on bikes has attacked our leftl" General Sound the retreat, and or der the tack brigade to protect our rear. TitrBita. Iter Preference. Ethel The man I marry must be a hero one who can beard the lion In his den! Percy I see. Kind of a combination circus man and barber! Puck. Out of the Frying; Pan. Jimmio Why don't yet git yer hair cut short so yer mother can't pull it? Willie If I do that she rape me on the head with her thimble, an' that's worse'n pullln' hair. N. Y. Journal. Proof of Strength. "What makes you consider him such a strong man?" "Why, I saw him open three car win dows in succession." Chicago Poet. After the Defalcation. Depositor (sadly) And I thought that concern gilt-edged! Friend Well, ian't tt guilt-edged? V. V. World. i HhamokiiKv.Hunbury) 12 a I Wllkeshnrrc(v Si.nty) 7 3(1 A Iiek lliiven(v. Wnispf )U .tt Wluchestcr, a. V, v . K. H.j T.80 " 10.00 Hound-trip tickets, food to return on regular trains not later than August M will be told at rates abo 'e named, and at proportionate rates from other stations. Passengers from Atlantic city, Brldiicton, Vlnclunu. Clayton. N. J., and sutlon on me iw Is ware Division will use trains to Philadelphia on dsy preceding date of excursion. For sner Iflc rates and time of concocting trains apply to nearest ticket agent. Our bab? baa been continually troubled with colic and cholera in fantum since his birth, and all that we could do for him di not seem to give more man ieuipomi.v rnmi until we tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Since giving bat remedy he has not been troubled. We want to give vou this testamonial aa an evidence of our gratitude, not that you need it to advertise your meritorious rom edy.G. M. Law, Keokuk, Iowa. For sale by all Druggists. A I : t'VTS W ANTK1) POR'THK LIFE ANI Achievements of Admiral Hewcy." tnoworld'a ,-r,. .irl iiuvul hero, llv Murnt Halrtaod. the rif.-i.,inr friend snd admlrarof the nation's Idol llii.i-,--i unil l,,'l book: over (WHJ pagM, HW inciics nrsriv ion pages half tono Illustrations. Only fi vi. Rnoraioaa demand. Hitr coramla- (Ions. Outfit free. OhOUM of a lifetime. Write quick. The Iloininioii Cuuipuny, I'm- Ion Bldg., Caleago, nsnn. Till. HIST OF AM.. VJMt For over fifty years Mrs. WntatOW'a Hootii ino HvBl-r hs been used by mothers for their children while teething. Are you disturbed M niirbt ond bioken of your rest by n sick child A SUMMER SAIL in ladies' shoes is a ploisnnl voyage afoot. For the pleas ure it gives, there's no sail like onr sale. Crowds are suffering and crying with iinof cutting teeth' - JA ftnQ securing the Ifosendaonceiidgctnliottleof "Mrs. Win- ' "J"J"ft - preiuesi, cuoicbi uu uoot, u.v ting Summer shoes now man ufactured, at prices which buyeis lind it a pleasnre to nav. Foi houso or street whole system. "Mrs. Wlns.ow a n ootn ng , - pleaSUTe OT eVerV-daV rup " tor ciniiircn i"i-o.... -i , ta.lesnd i the prescription of one of the old- I practical pUrpOSOS, WalKing, est and best female phyalclans and niirsoa In the j .,. drivinC, W6 SUDplV l iteI8Uteand 1. for sale hy all druggist. ! ? " ZKCt tne iaeai siioes uemauucu uy fanliion and the dictates of slow's Soothing Syrup'' for Children Teething. Its value Is Incalculable. It will relieve the poor little sufferer Immediately. Depend upon It, mothers,, there Is no mistake shout It. itcures dtarrbn, regulates the Stomsch and Bowels, cures Wind Oollc, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gl vea tone and energy to the throughout the world. Price, twenty-five cents a botlla. Be sure and get "Mas. Wikslow's Hoothiko Byblp." VS-ly- Dr. Fenner's Golden Relief. A TBOB SPBCinO IN ALL INFLAMMATIONS Old Rons. Wounds. Rlmimstlum, rt.unugi Colda." A BUnl curb .ph For anv pain msioe or out. By osaisra, Mtadaaaf mall MaJtaaoala by oaU tgojrraaaalalT. individual taste. Ladies, whoever claims yoar hands, bv all means surrender your i fcot co these shoes. G. H. GfflSON. SibmY Bloodless Girls mm r mu Tt yi ip II wk 'w w Doctors have plven the Creek n.imt An:i-inin, meaning "MooJIess ness" to a liisease which i; much mnre nrevnlent among VOlini! wiimen th in is eenerailv believed. . In its early stages the disease is not marked by any decided svmpioms .in.1 often" m ikes considerable ad vance before its presence is nuticed. k ...,t;,T ..f fifi.nip nftcr 1 1 . . 'i t.titfc.- ...... - - - slight exercise, breathless and rallor are the flrlt noticeable signs. In an emla the blood becomes thin, the heart flabby, the skin pale and I . I - , ' - 1. . .1, j.. rue, ill a waxv. it trie disease necome cnrottic tpersisieiu an. emu; u mnu i"u fata'.lv. The one successful method of treating this disease is to build up the blood. The best blood builder in the world is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People This remedy has cured more cases of ana-mia than all otheis combined. Miss fi.r.ioii.1 Moore, of Malona, N. Y.. until reeanUy, haabajn a lif. loat invalid from palpiutlon of the heart una weakneee of the blood, a apoakltigof this ax parlance ihaaaldi .,,,i "l wma la a tarrlble ooudltlon, I could not eat My facewaagnaatlj white, and my hands were almost traniparsnt, l wae so weak it m attarly tmnoaalble for ma to go up aUtlrs. . . . i moi a friend whi.Kp.iiic ofPr. Williams' Pin nils for Pe Paopla, and sdvlaod me to tr-.- them. Before the lint boa wae used I hemp to regain tuy nppetlta and felt I.etU-r getierully. I bought U inore bOMJ and t....k the n. I urew striuiK rupldly und gained In flesh. lMaUM "otter lit every way. 1 never felt better In my '''''"''""""''V. V; myseircared. lean not aav too much regarding L'r. WUllama i ink l uie 1..I.. .In Prnm Ihr tlatettr. Mitlnnr. A. 1. No discovery of modern times lias proved sucn a Dressing w manatnu as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. Acting directly on the blood and nerves. Invigorating the bodv. regulating the functions, they restore the strength and health in the exhausted patient when every eftoit ol the physician proves unavailing. These pllla are sold In hoses si N cent.-, a bos or sit boxes foi BJ50, and may be had ..I' mi drjniata, or direoV by mail from Dr. WUllams Medloine Co., Bcheneeuiay, n, I, i g e a FIRE' si I Insurance. ( ". n t i ' SNYDEK S OLD, AND KELIA! Insurance Agency, SELINSGR0VE, SNYDER C0TJNTY, Pi! B'lmcr 7V". & n-j- ciox-, Agr) i.. Snt'cecfior to the late William U.Siivdw. The Pai-Kxcellei v of Hfliahle IiiHiuuncf in repieuei. list of Stnndartl (.'nniriantea, from M.. i lo uiaki h Butter tbr World over, RAMK, LtKJATIOW, lKT KIRE Royal, l.ivei-pnol, Eng. (im-hidiinr foie'.L-ii - . i ;M.ii)(l,O0O.Cfl rttUoia Ni lie Hartford, of nnrtford, Conn., (pldriat Aii.t r: ; t C riiteinx, Hartford, Couu. Continental, Nw York, Gorman American, New xorl LIFE Mutual Life Iub. Co. New York, ACCIDENT Employers' Liability AHHiirMiit e 0iiiotittii Accident Itm. Co. SubHcribetl Capitol of Fir. Liifa hih! Aceidant risks aeaantad hi I.Iim low out nil tilled bv a ftriet regard to mutual Hafeiv. All inI t-lniins t mpil.v iii5 Hatibfactorily Htljustod. Iuformittion in relation to all elaKSfH of Insur ance promptly furnished ELMER W. SNYliEi', Act.. Telephone No. 182, Oflico ou Corner Water & Pine 5jtt). Si linsgrove, i'a K,i14fi,786.o'2 ,,588,068.07 . 754 '.ok 1.(1,098.88 ;. 88,983,60 &, 760,000.00 -MlMr isle-, JU Nfiarlv HT-EiirM This I ! itu vs. J. A Jb a. i iiigj" - It'ti along 1ifH. derotion t" the true intereeto and piosperity ol the American People I - won for it uewfrietde aa'the yeiiin rolled bj and the oritrinal membem of ita fam ily passed to their reward, and these admirers are loyol and Bit mlfiiHt u day, with faith in its teachings, ai I confidence iu the iufi nuHtiou whi i it briuRH to then- liuines and Ii. ciden. Asa iintuifll couecijupuce ii joys in its old sge oil I be vitality nnii viu'orof itu youth, strengthened ond ripened by the experiencen of over half a century. rnaraivM It has lived ou itsmorite, and ou the cordial support of progressive to the "Now York Weekly Tribune," acknowledged the countrv over as the leading Nationol Fnniiiy Newspaper Reoognitlng its value to those wLodeilre all the news of the Btate and Nation, the publisher of THE POST, (your own fay, ., ,te home pn per), has entered into an alliance with "Tne New York eeklj rribune which enables him to furnish both papers at the trifling sum of 1.2fi Eve'ry farmer and every villages owes to himself, to hi. family, and to the community in which he lives a cordial support of Ins local news paper' aa it words constantly and untiringly for his interests in every wao brings to his home all the news and happenings ol his neighbor hood, tho doings of his lrieuds, the condition and prospects for uillereiii ha r,rin in lioin uiiukets. uud. iu fact, is a weekly usitor winch should be found in every wide-awake, progressive foraily. .... - l akl At . Jnst think of it ! Both tliosn papers lor oniy a j Seud all subscriptions to "THE POST." Middleburg, Pa. ReMD6 r 0 SEL1NSGROVE MARBLE-YARD M. L. MILLER, - - Prop'r I keep oonHtantly on hand ami man afacture to order all kinds of Marble and Oram Old Stones Cleaned and Repaired. LOW PRCE I LOW PRICKS I have one of tne best Marble Cut ters in the State and consequently turn out good work. garCoinf and see my nork a prices. Thankful for past favors I most re spectfully ask a oontlnuance of same, M. L. MILLER A. Pottiegeis Veterinary sUrceoN SELINSGROVE. PA. All professional business. Qtrustsd to mjf m will receive rrompt iiliI careful . ItentlOB. Mii amass assured tiScta. garta ou u k cir. free. PolXTS 0.,28l 'Uk lllk., EkStoa MEDICAL WORK FOR MEN, FREE aiND HO MONtV. Mr new ri;d clent St work treating onm-rr kni end euuM l eollrtominliJiMlfroai lb" Ml BSMt BWt DO metier whl hit ocrnpal Ion i or poeitlon In I will find thlorknnllk nDrihiui pobll.l " It Uof rlUl Inlorniit tSISSaUHleSI unmMTi i to the lienlth .b.1 ron or to tb. wk .J llrokno-oown. While the Jltloy leetel wffl jeji eooDi eeeerelf eeele In e elele etipiw, ias sasaSS tprnn m.n wi.o im for it. 1 1, write promiitlj. A.lnr-i. 11 M Ito-.SI !., r llsklee Deeerweeet O. IM elerk St.. N B. Loi Kane, DHaaSa uttaala,