The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, July 27, 1899, Image 1

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Editor and Proprietor.
News Told in Brief Paragraphs for
Our Readers.
PWMNMl Pointer 1" "' UB"
IHllmOtMinill People More
or Lean Prominent.
Grant Shuck of Selinflgrove list
week spent several days in this
The Middleburg ramping party
is holdiug iortli at Red Bridge
Miss Anna Barber of Mifflinbura
is visiting S. Barber Simonton and
wile in Franklin.
Miss Jennie Long of Selinsgrove
-pent a day recently with Mrs.
Houtl in Franklin.
John V. Farnsworth of Danville
was a visitor in Middleburg Friday
night and Sat unlay.
Keep your eye Open lor the new
Pile Cure advertisement, which yon
will find in this issue.
Pharug Boweraox of Middles
warth was seen at this place nH
Thursday of last week.
Dr. Allen Yoder and Mi s Lizzie
Sommers of Philadelphia were in
Middleburg on Tuesday.
Mrs. Bingaman oi Hercdon is
spending a week with Attorney
('rouse and wife at this place.
Mrs. J. C. Specht ol Big Stone
Gap, Va., and her son, Eugene, are
visiting James Grouse and family.
Mrs. Harriet Smith, her daughter
Alice and her sou Burns of New
Kensington, Pa., are visiting re
latives and friends at this place.
A meeting ol the Main ShoeCom
pany, Limited, will be held in the
court house on Friday evening at
J. J. Lenig, of Millmont, Union
county, was at our county seat on
Saturday looking after some busi
ness interests.
Johu M. Bteininger and wife last
Friday gave a fishing party for F.
T. Ranch, wife and sister, all of
Misses Carrie Hostermau of Mc
Veytown and Ella Grimm of Free
burg were Middleburg visitors on
Tuesday of this week.
Miss Anna Alleman of Sclins
grove is a guest of the ramping party
now assembled at Red BridgeOrove
along the banks of Middleoreek.
Miss Engelbert of Lykens came up
00 last Thursday to visit the Misses
Wittenniyer and she has joined the
amping party at Red Bridge Grove.
The two oldest maids in this
country live in Indiana. One is 114
vears old and the other 10:J years
old, and lioth claim nevtt to have
been kissed.
Miss Kate Bokttder ol Akron,
Ohio, came iu from her western
home to spend the summer with her
lather's family at the Central Hotel
in this place.
It any of our Naders ran spare
the time for a trio to the set shore
this season, they will have the op-
f I
portimity to go on rennsyivama
Railroad Excursion, Thursday, July
The editor wishes to acknowledge
the receipt of a box of Easterbrook
dm Tliis im'ii is suncrior to any
" ll ...... " V
other make and is the only pen used
in this office tor more man nve
V A T,.iiiiw the nromoter and
U. . - v.
contractor of the Lewisburg, Milton
A- VdHntmm Passenger Railway
Company and the president of the
K)rxration, nas purenaseu uie wv
of the stockholders in toe line
is now the sole owner ot the
;y. Mr. Tennis has in con-
inlation the extension ot the line
' Miss Hattie Howell of Beaver
tovn visited James Deitrik and
family in Swineford, during the week.
Senator Fxl. M. Huinntel of Se
linsgrove has been appointed one of
Pennsylvania's commissioners to the
Paris Exposition.
Ed. EnterKne and friend of near
Danville rode their wheels to this
place last Saturday ami Sent Sat
urday and Sunday with George II.
Bteininger and family.
Next year, 1900, it will lie 100
years since this town was laid out
ami steps should be taken to hold
a centennial celebration alviut July
4th, next year. Don't all speak at
The State of Pennsylvania batch
ed 30,000,000 shad in the Delaware
this ar and the United States
hatched 20,000,000 ot the same fish
in the Delaware and Susquehanna
rivers combined.
Miss Sue Shelly, who had been
staying at Frccbnrg, came to Mid
dleburg on Saturday and is making
her home at the present at Attorney
Grouse's residence. Miss Shelly is
an instructor in Elocution.
Are you keeping strict account ol
everything raise;! on the farm as
well as everything sold or consumed?
Remember these will be asked you
by the census enumerator next year
and an intelligent answer expected.
The oat crop in Snyder County
is a very good one and it is ripening
rapidly. Soon it will be cut and
the wind will again lie blow
ing over the oats stubble and signify
the movement of the seasons toward
Dr. C. L. Keedv, President of
Kee Mar College, Hagerstown, Md.,
was at Middleburg on Friday night
and Saturday looking up the inter
ests ofhis school. It is probable
that Lula Smith will return to this
institution again.
Gol. Chas. Kleekner of Philadel
phia, who has been staying at New
Berlin visiting his sisters, came over
to the county seat on Saturday after
noon. The Colonel has many friends
in this section of the state who arc
always glad to see him.
If you want your hair cut with
out steps or a nice easy shave and a
refreshing shampoo, go to A. E.
Soles, in the bank building one door
east of the Post Office, in room with
the drug store. A clean towel to
customer, and satisfaction guaran
teed. Saturday's liowisburg Chronidt
says: "The following compose a
party who are spending two weeks
at Schoch's Dam, Snyder County :
Messrs. C. H. Rcrnhart, Frank
Nogel, Mark Halfpenny, Bob Van
Yalzah, with "Doc" Ryers as chief
Rev. J. M. Reariek of Centre
Hall, Centre County, pastor of the
Lutheran churches in that vicinity,
and wite last week were visitimr re
latives at this place. The parson
and ins wile are natives uj ouvuer
County and we are always glad to
.1. ... . -i C! 1
see them.
Joseph Runkle of Rellefonte and
Miss Virna Gciss made an early
start last Saturday morning for a
drive to Middleburg, where they
will visit friends. Miss Ekie Geiss
has taken the position of hello girl
in the Bell telephone exchange until
Virna retiirus.-OwrVe Hall Reporter
A very severe electrical storm
passed over Middleburg and vicinity
last Thursday evening doing much
damage. They heavy rain fall wash
ed out the fields and a great deal of
the water and dirt came down Mar
ket Street. Lightning struck Banks
Yoder's barn at Globe Mills and it
was consumed by fire. Hail fell in
all sizes varying from a pea to a
walnut. 1
Marsh Ijantz of Watsontown is
visiting Editor aud Mrs. Wagensel
ler. A Lawn Social will bo given by
the Lutheran Y. P. S. C. E. on the
church lawn Friday evening July
28. Should the weather be disa
greeable it will lie postponed until
Saturday evening.
Our readers will find a new ad
vertisement in the issue ot a new
remedy for Rheumatism, It comes
very highly recommended and as it
is for sale in this count'-, lxith by
the Middleburg Drug Co. and bv
Dr. J. W. Sampsell at Centreville,
it should have a trial by all who are
"Irish Charlie," the jolliest Irish
peddler in America, was in Middle
burg one night last week, lie
travels over all of Snyder county
and Central Pennsylvania, selling
table linen, napkin- and towels.
He is a whole-SOUied fellow, holiest
in his dealings and he believes in
Last Week's Mfflintown Herald
says: "Henry Troup ot Monroe
township died on Monday, alter a
lingering illness, aged about 38 yrs.
A Btrange coincidence relative to this
death was that an uncle, Henry
Troup, was buried in Snyder Co., on
the day of the former's death. The
funeral services were conducted on
Wedncday. Peace to his ashes."
. Joe Asteu, who had been await
ing trial in the county jail tor
obtaining money under false pre
tense, made. good his escape from
the county jail on Wednesday even
ingof last week. He made a wire
key with which he opened the main
door to the prisoners' department
and escaped through the side door
at the alley adjoining the Post
printing office.
The fellow who visited (his and
other towns a lew weeks ago says
the Liverpool ftin, pretending to get
names of business men for a business
directory of the county, demanding
Si for the same, "() cents to be paid
in advance, for which he gave a re
ceipt siirnintr tin1 name of a York
linn that does not exist, has been
discovered to lie a fraud. Quite
number of Perrv countians have be
come his victims.
Dr. George Edward Reed, presi
dent of Dickinson College, Statt
librarian, is likely to lie appointed
State Superintendent of Public In
strnction, when Dr. N. C. Shaefler
resigns the position to become Pri
olpal of the Kutztown State Normal
school. Dr. Shaefler has been
chosen Principal of the Normal by
the trustees. At the present he is
in California. It is said that he
will accept theprincipalship.
Harry G. Martin, the popular
landlord of the National Hotel, on
Saturday brought to our office ami
showed us an astrolable, an instru
ment for measuring the altitude of
I he SUA or stars at sea, says the Liv
eriiool Hum, 1 he instrument was
plowed up out of the ground on his
father s farm several years ago and
was in a perfect state of preset vation,
excepting that the magnetized bar
was missing. It I sire the date of
A New Swindle.
A man with the appearance of a
preacher drove up, not long ago, to
the home of a farmer in a neighbor
ing county and asked jierinission to
stay all night. He made a favor
able impression and a room was giv
en him. Before the family retired
a man and woman stopped, inquired
the way to the nearest minister, as
they wished to get married. The
clergyman volunteered his service
and a marriage certificate was filled
out, which the farmer signed as wit
ness. Last week a promissory note
signed by the farmer turned up for
Enteral lor Btrord,
f. M. Teats aud wife to Abraham
Iiotjver, tract in Washington town
ship, containing acres and I d
perches, for I .
John I. Woodruff to Elizabeth
Woodruff, tract in IVnn township,
containing 5 J acres, for 201.
Fuhrman A Schmidt to Middlcs
warth k Ulsh. lot in McClnrc, con
taining 36 perches more or less, for
JokF, Buyer and wife to P. M.
Teat aad Abraham Lauver, 22
acres Ik Washington twp., for .?:'.." .
( 'vfene.'M. I lottciistein t.. I-:. I.
HottetlMefn, 1 ;.."( m s.iiatv t'eet tbr
S2f0.$ t
Lflli i . U run !.
Letters of 'administration in the
estatefdf John Rett, hit.- ot Frank
lin township, deceased, were granted
to Elisabeth Reitz.
In the estate ol Josiah Ilcltrieh
to Lewis Helfrich of Spring twp.
Mnrrtnic.- I.Icpii".
I Ijawreflce Nevel, llcavcitowii,
"l liosn Dora. Folk, "
( E. I. Heflelfinger, S din-grove,
Allliil M. Feebler, "
(John Swetgart, Fremont,
) Mag. Katpctzer, Chaple-' Hollow
f John A. Lenig, Port Treverton,
IiOttie M. Bowersox, "
f Chas. Conlev, Monroe twp
( Klla ,nib, Washington twp.
.r 'raping Party.
A jovial crowd Iff t this place last
Thursday and pitched their leilts in
the old Campmeeting grounds west
of town for a ten days' camp in the
Woods. They were greeted by the
terrific hail storm on Thursday even
ing but have since enjoyed inure
favorable weather and all the luxur
ies of camp life. The party consists
oi H. Burns Smith, New Kensing
ton J. N. Thompson, Jr., John R.
Kreeger, II. II. Rower, Charles,
Marks, Charles Haas, Samuel Wit
teiniiyer, Jr. and A. F. Gilbert ot
Middleburg ; Misses Alice Smith,
New Kensington ; Martha Gould v,
Camden, N.J.; Katherine Engelbert,
Lykens ; Mrs. Nettie Amig, Lewis
istown ; Miss Fisher, Shainokin ;
Misses Florence Wagenseiler ami
Anna Alleman, Selinsgrove ; Misses
Maliel, Carrie and Bertha Witten
myer, Lillian Stetler, Libbie Dun-
i.'i 1 i ii if' 1 11
Kienerger ana varrie naas, miaaie
burg. The parly is w ell chaperoned
by Mrs Joseph Marks and the meals
so nicely prepared by Mrs. Amanilus
Shambach and Miss Florence Specht
account fiir the general good humor
prevailing. Sunday visitors to the
oamp included William Duukleber-
ger, Sunbnrvj William Miller, Har
nsburg ; Mr. Alleman, Sunbury,
and Dan Webster, Philadelphia.
Second Quarterly Conterence
The 2nd quarterly conference of
Middleburg Circuit, United Evan
gelical church, will convene in
the U. E. chapel at Middleburg,
July 29th, St 2 o'clock P. M. where
there will be communion services
Sunday following at 10 o'clock
A. M.
There will also be cotnnmnion
services at Puxtonville, July 29th,
7:o() P. M., and at Kreamer, July
30th, at 7:3D P. M.
ltcv. Urillhart of Port Treverton
will fill the appointments.
J. SHAMBACH, Pastor.
An Old Grandfather s Clock
A Newbury, Cunilierland county,
correspondent states that he knows
of a grandfather's clock that is one
hundred and thirty-three years old
and is in good condition. They are
elegant time-keepers and this one
has been well preserved. "It is for
JULY 27, 1899.
An Important Decision.
Chief Justice Sterrett, of the Su
preme Court, Wednesday handed
down an opinion in the (iearhart
township election contest whiohwill
lie of interest not only to the voters
of Northumberland county, but of
the entire State. Judge Savidge de
cided some time ago, that a voter
making a cross in the circle at the
head ol the column on the ticket,
not containing the names of the can
didates for all the offices to be voted
for, could nut vote for another per
son who is a candidate for an office
for which no nominee was contained
in said column, by marking a cross
in the square opposite the name of
such person in another column.
C. P. Wltnier, Esq., who repre
sented M. V. Guliuk in the contest
referred to, took exceptions to the de
cision ol Judge Savidge and appeal
ed the ease to the Supreme Court.
Thai court reversed Judge Savidge
and sustained the election board ot
said township and directed the con
testants to pay the costs.
By the decision of the Supreme
( .our! u voter mav vote lot
all the
candidates contained in the column
bv placing a cross ill the circle at
the top of the column ami he mav
also vote for a candidate forun office
for which no nominee appears in
said column, l marking a cross in
the square opposite the name of such
in another inJumn.
Rev W. M Landis Dead.
A Prominent Minister, Formerly of Sny
der County, Passes Away.
Lest Thursday Kev. William M.
Laudis, former lv the Reformed min
ister at Adam-burg, this county,
died at Rebersbtirg, Centre county,
last Thursday. He was well and
popularly known inthiscotiuty hav
ing served many years the various
Reformed congregations in the west
end of this count v. lie had gone
up to 'enlre county, and death came
very unexpectedly. Aged 63 years.
U. B. Quarterly Conference
The fourth quarterly conference
ol the Freeburg ('in nit will l)C held
in the Freeburg I'. 11. church over
the coining Sabbath. Rev. II. S.
Gabel of Lebanon, the presiding
elder ol the district, will lie present
to conduct the services, which will
be as follows: Quarterly conference
business meeting at 2 P. M. on Sat
urday; English preaching at li::!l
P. M.; German preaching and com
munion service at 10 A. ?d. on Sun
day; ami English preaching at Rich
field at 7:30 P. M. Key. F. List
of Baltimore will lc present at the
conference and preach on the Sab
bath. All arc invited.
). (i. ROMIO. Pastor.
Dr. J. W. Sheets was in town on
Friday last.
L. (i. Stoufter, one of the stu
dents of the University, is visiting in
Prof. Noetling and daughter took
a trip to Sunbury on their wheels
on Monday oi this week.
Dr. Yutzy aud wile went to New
Jersey. The Dr. is assisting to in
stall Kev. John Voder ;is pastor of
a charge there.
Miss Row of Harrisburg, who
spent several weeks with J. E. For
rester and wife, returned to her
home on Monday.
The shoe factory iK'oplc made quite
a Dumber of changes in the machin
ery. They are now pushing on their
orders lor fall wear.
Trinity Lutheran Sunday school
decided to picnic on Tuesday, Aug.
1 at Clement's Park. They will be
QOPVeyed there by strain Ixmts.
Tailor Heffellinger and wife re
turned from their wedding trip on
Monday evening. They were duly
serenaded by the calathuuipians.
VOL. 36. NO. 29.
He Escaped from the Court House May
2nd, While Waiting Trial for Burg
laryCaught Saturday Night
at Shainokin.
"Pluck" or John Lawless, the
notorious criminal and jail bird, of
Slianiokln, who had been a fugitive
from justice since May 2nd, was
captured near Shainokin Saturday
night by Coal and Iron Policeman
Leiser. Shainokin officers were
aware mat i.awiess nad been seen in
the neighborhood t his old haunts
the last few days, and a strict watch
was kept for him. Saturday night
their vigilance was rewarded and he
was made a prisoner by Officer
Leiser. The capture was made in
the Reading railroad ya.d near the
round house while lawless was in
the acl of boarding a freight train.
He had evidently learned that offic
ers w ere ou his track-and was about
to leave lorn healthier climate. The
prisoner w as handcuffed and brought
to jail here Sunday morning.
It will be remembered that Law
less is t,. fellow who walked out ol
the prisoners' dock at the court house
during the May term ot criminal
court, Tuesday, May 2nd, while
court was being transferred from the
main room to court room No. 2.
Lawless mingled with the crowd and
walked out ofthe court house un
observed. He was not missed until
the time arrived for taking the pri
soners back to jail when the deputies
discovered that they were one man
short, lie was awaiting trial for
the burglary of Shapiro Bros.' cloth
ing store at Shainokin and his ease
had not Urn reached at the time of
his escape.
He will now have another charge t"
answer in addition to his indictment
for burglary ami will no doubt stay
behind the bars for several vears to
come. Sunbury Item.
Hastings on Top.
Bkm.efonte, Jul
though there are still
a number of
precincts tube heard from, these re
turns cannot affect the previously
announced result of the Republican
primary election held in entrc
county on Saturday, which was car
ried by the candidates supported bv
former Governor Hastings, by a huge
majority. The Hastings faction will
control the county convention w hich
meets here Tuesday and will elect
S. II. Williams, of Bellefoilte, and
George Gowland, of Phillipsburg,
delegates to the Republican State
convention. The opposing forces
who are followers of Judge Love,
favored S. B. Miller of Belief on te,
and J. W. Dunwiddie, of Phillips
burg. Returns SO far received give
the Hastings people 17 delegates
and the Love side 17. Calculations
on the complete returns place the
final result at 7U for Hastings to
- lor his opponents. The indica
tions on the county ticket favor the
nomination of Jacobs. Herman lor
sheriff, J. K. Thompson for treasur
er, Nelson K. Robb for recorder,
James 15. Strohm for register and M.
F. Riddle and George Scholl for
cuunty commissioners.
Plrnics and Festivals.
The animal picnic at Grubb's
liurch will be held Saturday, Aug.
2. 1899.
The Reiser's and Winner's Sun
day Schools will hold their picnic at
N'erdilla on Saturday, Aug. 5. A
good band and able speakers will be
The Grangers' Picnic will be held
at William's Grove, August 128th to
Sept. 2nd. For particulars as to
space, etc., address, R. H. Thomas,
Mecbanicsbitrg, Pa.
The St. John's Sunday school of
Fremont will hold their annual pic
nic at the usual place Aug. 26.
Q . . ,
MHHr.iintnu M