ROYAL .ABSOLUTELY fclJRE Baking Powder ABSOJUJKiytaRE Makes the food more delicious and wholesome COURT HOUSE CHIPS 1 Law as to Old Judgments. Ilceda Entered lor Rword. Lydia Frantz and Henry, her huslwuil, to Lewis 15. Dillruan, cor : nur lot on the Isle of Cine, Borough lofSeHmgrove lor :$00. M. P. YVomer sod wife to J. W . 1 mi am eo.. sr voaa. 1 The MiddleburghPost. PubllMUeil verv Thursday. Geo. W. Wagensellcr, tditor and Proprietor Subscription !-50 P'r vear- v n i, mu-jt he paM m advance en ent OS Hide the county.) RATES OF ADVERTISING. All transient ad vert l::"m.-nts not otherwise oMrn' ted I l r will t charged at the rate ot 16 ffJwtttnonpMW measure) for nnt luser U,m and UMDU per line tor every subsequent t tisertlon. tr VotA noiicu puMunrrt frtt ; oNtuary pomy. Republican Standinc Committee. Adams, Beaver, Heaver W., Chapman, Franklin, Jackson, Mtddlebutg, Nhl.llecrcek, Monro, Penn, Party, Perry W.. Sellnsgfove, Spring, Union, Washington. w, 11. Herman. J. Q. Middleswarth A. vv. Musser, David Coleman has. A. wagnor.jpnn 11. B, Wagner, 11 A. Boweraoi ' j s Trotitnian, P. A. Tmup M I.. Walter. II. K, Itolen.ler ' ,1 S. Yearlck, 11. II. Smith Al. Clelan. James Krdlejr A I. K reamer, S. I., loner A. U. Young, 1- !' Bitter Prank Miller, Howard Row Dr. M. Roth rock, Irwtti Hover Geo. Strawaor, John noii B. Keek, II. J. Ddok Oeo. 8, Iple,O.M.toMn O. Q. Rwi, 'I. ' ,roh Dr K W. Toole, J. II- Arl.ogftl EPVBLICAH TICKIX For As'K'la'1' Judge, p. p. RIBQEL. For siierirr, GEO. W. ROW, For Trensurcr. HENSKV1I.1.K SMITH. For commissioners, JOHN l'. WETZEL, Q BO RGB MILLER. For Auditors, 1). NOKMAN APP, .1 C. B0WBB80X, Dolesiteto RepUbUOM state Convention. CABBOM BBSBOLO. The Lutheran Re-union. Important Opinion by Judge McOure of Union County. Judge McCliire of Union County handed down un oninion recently in- volving a principle of law which is (kill C'l 1ImI into rimuisition and 1 toll man, VO acres in i erry tp-, , which is of more tlian ordinary in fer SI, 000. terestto the letr .l profession and to Isaac C. Swartz and wife to Geo. parties who hold judgments of more Ewig, one acre in Adams twp., for than twenty years' standing against 8430. ! debtors. - T ., Henry Swartz, administnitor ol ; The case wasoiie where the plain- ri.e program for the Julian .Swartz estate, to Geo. Ewig, titt i,e,I a judgment against the de- Re-union, which will be held at Is-, tm m , wUh land 1 ark August 3, lb'JO us is fbl- LtWn.v. been revived. A J Forest C. Heimbach, Ilenvertown, 1 faw mouths ago an attachment ex- Carrie M. Rousli, Heaver Springs. Jecution was issued against the share ( Win. Thomas, Glen Iron, ! of the defendant in liisTliccased f'ath- Fianna Shawver, Middleswarth. er's estate. The defendant thereup- t , .1 . . .1... Jackson twp. 00. mo veil UHSOOUnro suikc on toe a 'attachment because the latter was .i . , u i i ( V,l,.,nr,l ( ' Will :11.1s r miiiimn. I """c ' "-.' - r i n U.IU MOB up the doctrine that the pre- r CANCER IS DEADLY! Ltithi ran t ' ( Henry F. Kline, Mazie J. Heiser, Thursday, July 13, 1899. Interesting Items. IS Miss Martha Goldy of Camden, N. J., is Wing entertained by the Misses Wittenmyer with whom she usually spends a month every sum mer. WivTEii. A woman to cook for a medium sized family. Good wages will be given to a competent person Address, Mrs. T. F. WoocUide Burnham, Mifflin Co., Pp. Pr. J.V. Sampsellis DOW operat itur tin l'cnns Creek flouring mill under his direction. The doctor tU- i.,u ......iiisitinn on the nension MIC Itl" D, ,,.... 1 . Ixiard ami is a very popular physi dan. Prot. W. F. Magee, Principal oi the business college at South Jietn- lchem, and his family ami hiSbroUl er, James, and sister, Enna, o K reamer were the guests of Dr. J V. Orwig and wife Sunday. The Novelty works the people of t.w ti itK-aie men e-il1 ii.d iiilllC. Sunbiirv raiset over $8,000.00 to donate "to them The company could not raise eiiougl money t conduct their busiuesssiu cessfully. Last Saturday the Lewistown at and Sentinel began to publish semi-weekly. The publica- :.lwavs been a sprightly klv. an.l we hope to learn that abundant support will lie given to the semi-weekly. SiH'KN at Cost. They must go at any price. We would like to get cost for them, but if we can not they must BO for less, tome at once nkSla thorn ia :i lietter chance for sizes. Special bargains in buggy whips and soap. Babbeb Simoxto.n. The Middlecreek township schoo board recently raisetl the wages o their teachers for the coming winter from 820 to 82." per month. 1 1) is a decided move in the right direc tion. If a teacher's services are not worth 125 H?r inoth,heisabsolutc- lv worthless and should not be em ployed. Middlecreek township is to lie tilated upon their happy movement. Let other districts fol low her example. A mad dog scare pres-ailed in So li usgrove Sunday toai: alarming ex tent. A strange hound rau about the streets, showing all the symp toms of hydrophobia. It bit a dog valued at $100, Moiiging to H. D. Schnure, president of the First Na tional Bank. Another dog owned by Constable Michael Moyer, and two more, belonging to Laundryman Fisher, are known to have been bitten. They will be killed. lows : Music bv Choir of Zion's church, Sunbury. Prayer. Music, Luther's Battle Hymn. Words of Welcome, W. E. Fischer, D. D., Shamokin. Address, Subject, "The Mission of the Lutheran Church in America" bv Prof. Jacob Fry, D. D., Mt. Airy, Pa. Address, "The EngirjfeoftheChurch" by Prof. E. J. Wolf, I. I)., Get tysburg, Pa. Ten-minute addresses will be de livered bv Rev. J. M. Reimensny der, D.I)., Rev. J. F. Wampole, Rev. Jacob Yutsy, D. D., K v. P. Allpeter, ami Rev. J. H. Barb. NOTE, A special train will lie run from McClure on the S. it L. Division if not less than 200 people from Met 'lure and Intermediate sta tions are guaranteed. Deafness Cannot be Cured bv local nnnlientions. as thev cannot . .... j 1 , I I, A tIiLiiDLU.I lllirtll, 1 tt tllO I I IK II I III IIKH,IL" I. iwi.,. , ... . U I ear. Inereis oulv one way to cute .1 deafness, and that iH by conatitu- i i ; v ' - 1 k. . :fl i ; J. M. bilker, et. Uj nu iiiiiniinu Li'uuitiuii vi iin hi vi - cous lining of the Eustachian Tube. M. L. Haas, When this tube gets inflamed you i James Middleswarth, sealj have a l unibliuc sound or imDerfect I .ic.... henrmB, 'and when it is entirely closed, deafness is the result, and iinlniin t tin inflam tnn I inf. pon liAtnlrnn out and this tube restored to its normal condition, neannp will be destroyed forever ; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. Wa will ii a flnii Mi, n A rail T)nl . , T , .. ... . u I.l ..i,i.v.,. aw. lars for ant case of Deafness (caused ny catarrn) tnat cannot dp curea oy Hail's Catarrh Cure, Bend for cir culars free. ' F. J. CHENEY Sc CO., Toledo, O. Sold by drugffistB, 7r. Hall's Family Pills are the best. fChas. E. Seesholtz, Penns Crtvk, Tamath I. Good, Ik-aver Springs. ConimlaNloiiera' Oillee Orders granted daring the month of June : S. II. Hart man, assessor, 40.00 . neo i Nmcc. et. a . forest tires. 'J.'.tli II. K. Snyder, wing wall, PhilinKeiter, scalp certificate, (. F. Hrosius, ailidavits, 75 (i. VV. Waorenseller, printing, 5.83 J. B. al. forest fires, IAJ9 D.J.Bingaman, et al. " Harrv Boyer, county line, Davis W. (iift, road view, N. P. Hummel, assessor, Francis Glass, 30.00 H. J. Howell, forest fires, 47.07 W. II. Riegel, scalp certit., 1.60 C. H. Steininger, freight, etc., 1.20 M. baker, et. al. Lorn. vs. H. Ki ester, al. Com sumption of payment had arisen after twenty years. The plaintifl jirovtHl a payment of a few dollars on the judgmentlK'tore the full twenty years had expired, and the court in the opinion says that the payment revived the twenty qa'qi yean more from thedatcofiHivment, - ami therefore rerusea EO striKcon ine i .. . attachment. The court holds that slight evi dence of navment of any part of a i ii i i 7.23 ' judgment within twenty rebuts the bqO presumption of payment ot a judg- 980 mcl,t man nn twenty years oia 23.00 Results Fatally In Nina Cases Out of Ten A Cure Found at Last. This fearful disease often first appears as a mere scratch, a pimple, or lump in the breast, too small to attract any notice, until, in many cases, the deadly maauim ia fllllv (IpVeloDed. Cancer can not be cured by a surgical ,. Ai- l.,.. mcr, tli. fiQAOJ2A la R. TT! Til lfiTlt poison in the blood, circulating throughout the system, and although the sore or ulcer known as the Cancer -may be cut away, the poison remains in the blood, and promptly breaks out afresh, with renewed violence. ' The wonderful success of S. S. S. in curing obstinate, deep-oeated blood diseases which were considered incurable, induced a few de spairing sufferers to try it for Cancer, after exhausting tho skill of the physicians without a cure. Much to their delight S. S. S. proved eaual to the disease and promptly effected a cure. The glad news spread rapiaiy, ana it was soon uwiuiuhbru beyond doubt that a cure hatl at lust been found for deadly Cancer. Evidence has accu mulated which is incontrovertible, of which the following is a specimen : "Chooer ia hereditary in our family, my father, a sister and an aunt having died from this dreadful disease. My feelings may be imagined when the hor rible disease made 1(B appearance on my side. It was a malignant Cancer, eating inwardly in such a way aa to cause great alarm. The disease seemed beyond the skill of the doctors, for their treatment did no good whatever, the Canoer growing worse all the while Numerous remedies were used ror n, du me e.uc grew steadily worse, until it seemed that I was doomed 9 ... .." . m a m : 1 T U,A. hiw rial MRS. B. M. IDOL. En follow the others of the family, for I know how deadly Cancer is. especially when inherited. I was advised to try Swift's Specific (S. S Utm first day, forced out the poison. I continued ite use until I had taken eighteen bottles, when I was cured sound and well, and have had no symptoms of tho dreadful affliction, though many years have elapsed. 8. 8. 8. is the only cure for Cancer. Mas. S. M. Idol, Winston, N. C. Our book on Cancer, containing other testimonials and valuable information, will be sent free to any addresa by the Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Georgia vs. 28.03 12.92 Promotions at Bucknell. At the commencement meeting of the Board of Trustees of Bucknell University, Ephraini M. Heim, A. M., was elected to till the newly- reatcd chair 1 olitical ocience. 'rof. Helm is a graduate of Buck nell ami formerly taught in the Munov Normal School He also nursued a uost-arraduate course of I W " . r three vears at the University of Chicago. Nelson Fitliian Davis, M. S., was elected Assistant Pnifessor of Or ganic Science. Prof. Davis is in marare of a department at the Sum- mer School of Science, Cold Spriug llarlxir, M. I, Iiamont 1. Rents, A. B., was made instructor of Science in the loademy, and L. (i. C. Riemer, in (tractor in French, was granted cave of absence to pursue post graduate work in Harvard Univer- ity. Dora 4'oRep Agree With Yon 7 If not, drink Grain-O made from pure grains. A lady writes : The tiuf lima T malro I 1 r,i i ?i f T ilnl nnr. like it but after using it for one week 1 1 i , i i. notmng woum induce me to go oara to coffee." It nourishes and feeds the system. The children can drink it freely with great benefit. It ia the trengthening substance oi pure grains. Uet a package today from vnnr ffrnpar follow tin. rLrAtfinna in ...... Hi . . . , . ' v.... v. ....... ... malriner it aTwf vnil UM hnva ft ftp lf1. ous and healthful table beveraco for . , , f j nw oki anu young, tuc. anu c. Of Interest to Farmers. certificates. 2.00 Robert Smith, scalp certif., 1.25 C. E. Sampsell, assessor, ; 18.00 J. W. Garman, 14.00 D. G. Garman, " 16.00 S. W. Kline, et. al., Kratz- erville bridge, 81.29 H. B. Mover, printing, ; 9.83 Isaac Spotts, salary on acct, 20.00 EliasStrouse, burial ot Wljp f . Ham Reinard, j, 35.00 R. C. Fiss, bridge view, . R 10.00 C. L. Gcmherling, taxrefd, . 5.67 John S. Wolf, bridge view, 3.10 Jas. M idd leswarth, road view, 1 0.80 2.00 3.33 2.80 Here is something from an ex change that many farmers should read and profit thereby: "It has been decided by the courts that if a bicycle rider falls or sustains injury on account of a dog barkingor snap ping at him, that the owner of the animal is responsible for damages. In a recent case the cy list obtained 8500 damages by rea son of being thrown from a wheel on account of a vicious dog attack ing him." Reduced Rates to Philadelphia via Pennsylvania Railroad. I. F. Landcnslager, J. G. Ix'sher, printing, A. A. Conrad, bridge in Per ry twp., John V. Iicshcr, witness fee, Jos.Hendricksjiiryi,om,fee8, John 11. Diemer, bridge view, M. E. Miller, tombstone for Wm. Reinard, 15.00 Grand Jury, June term, 115.47 Constables' returns, 38.70 John K. Potter, subixena witnesses. 3.42 Pliares Herman, salary on act, 20.00 Wm. Moyer, road view, 8.80 J. S.'Kern, assessor, 10.00 A. A. Ulsh. sea In certificates. 3.50 Wm.Matter,, forest fires, 15.24 W. C. Snyder, assessor, 12.00 Wm. Mover. Co. Line case. 12.68 T . of - E. D. H. Walter, road view, Henry Felty, " Jas. M. Kline, " J .W.Renninger,bridge view, Wm. Dreese, A. M. Aurand, J. A. Lnmbard, H. G. Hornbergerjury com., Charles Boyer, bridge view, H. D. burns, road view, G. B. M. Ranch, H. E. Richter, " G. C. Gutelius. expressuBC Philip Will, et. al., forest fires, 33.42 Henry Tobias, repairing step ladder, Henry J. Scliindler, bicycle assessment books, Wm. H. Faries, 6 (lays June court. Aaron Renninger, court crier and tipstaves, 84.00 Petit Jurors. June term. 430.56 W. A. Swartz, janitor 2 mos. 13.00 Chas. Rolender, bridge view, 3.1U J. M. Baker, et. al. com. vs. Ixroy Heck, J. M. Boyer, bridge view, W. H. Beaver, merchandise for court house. Valentine Walter, road view. J. W. Swartz, salary on acct., 25.00 C. E. Giavbill. Iiverv hire, -J.0U f r a ' G. E. Hassinger, postage, Michael Kratzer, repairing Selinsgrove bridge, Geo. Spaid, road view, Drink Urnln-U after you have concluded that you ought, not to drink coffee. It is not a medicine but doctors order it be cause it is healthful, invigorating and iippetizine. It is made from pure grains and has that rich seal brown color and tastes like the finest grade of coffee and costs about as much. Children like it and thrive on it be- emiBo it ia Him frennlrm fund drink containing nothing but nourishment. AuL- rnnr orninr fnr frnin0 th new food drink. 15 and -5c. NIAGARA FALLS EXCURSIONS Low -Rate Vacation Trips via Penn sylvania Railroad. n., D -i t .1 i .. .. I ... ' .. .-- . i, Mm1i,. t. ... dy eiciimlom to Niagara Knlln from l'hilailel- pnia, ftwuimore, nn naniiinri(n : juiy ct, Aiiifunt 10 and 24, Saptemlier 7 and 21, and Oct ober 5 and 19. Ao experienced tourlit aftrenl and chaperon will accompany each excursion. any regular train, exclusive o( limited express . I 1.1 I. . 1 1 1 1... I .In ml ,INIII H i, III ii ..ii ii.j,, -ill vm vu,., n. fin.'.' from FhlladelpMa, Baltimore,- WaKhituion. and all points on the Delaware :1 vision; $U.x5 from Atlantic City; t IM from Ijtncaster: SS.5I1 from Altoonaand llnrrisburai K). CO from Wilkes barre' IS IS from WillUmsport; and at propor tionate rates from other points. A stop-over wtll tie .Mowed at Buffnln, Kochester. C'aniind aisua, and Wulkins within the limit returning. A special train of I'tlllmsn parlor cars nnd day coaclies will be run with ent li excursion. An extra chance will be made fur parlor car O.OU -3 ... . ... , I if k r i i or n w ' 1 1 1 trip in ine i nnu'iniu in- 2.90 ! lamU (Aleian'lrU IUy) will be Ui from Hik t fr I o,'lr In cotinell"ii with r'xciiriiionn of .-iily hW 17. Auvufll 10 Hint 24. Sft-nt. inKrr 7 And 21, hihkI to rirn 10 not'iienirr or o t atiHtinnik-'ni vm S rttCUM witliln Wvv ditya. Hi the rate of f ' V). Tickrtrt for ftpnle trip to Toronto " ill in- unld at NfAKnrr. f-nllM f..r t,M on July 30. Augtfal II rtiwl M, nn1 rpfmlrir 33 In connection with excursion of .Mi)iotnlT 7. ticket will In mild to Toronto miv return nt riflucctl ruteri, mo count Toronto Fair. For time of connecting train- ind further In formation apply to nearest ticket it cut, or ad drew tieo v. fiovd. Assintant Qnt ml I'mniph er Airrnt, Hrond Street station. riiiladMpliin. 7-13-tit. 2 STOVES STOVES ST( )VES STOVES STOVER STOVES SCHOCH k STAHLNECKER Offer to the Dublic a full line of Corrugated Roofing. Plain Tin and Galvanized Iron Roofing and Spouting. Fence Wire.Tinware.Gran iteware, Etc. A full line of OIL & VAPOR STOVES for Summer cooking. Gall and see our stock and learn our prices. SCHOGH & STAHLNECKER, OFF JAIL, MTDDLEBTJRG, PA. VAPOR STOVES V A POR ST(WWTAPOR STOVES H K B u X H 1 a a o PENNSYLVANIA KAILROAD. Sunbury & Lewistown Division. In effect May 22, 1899. WEKTWARI). I STATIONS. I KASTW ARD 8.60 2.G0 1.50 2.30 20.00 12.83 G.33 9.90 6.20 2.60 2.23 8.60 95 1.00 6.80 60.00 THE BENT OF- ALL. For over fifty years Mat. Wisslow's Sootii- DR9 Svkit has lieen lined by mothers for their children while teething. Are you disturbed t nbrbt and bioken of your rest by n sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth? If soKcnd st once ant! get n bottle t .HrH.W In- slow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value is Incalculable. II will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon It, mothers, .there Is no mistake about it. It cures diarrhieo, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Coin , soften the Mums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Sy rup" for children teething Is pleasant to the taste and Is the prescription of one ot the old est and best female physicians and nurses In the United States and Is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price, twenty-live cents a bottle. He sure and get "Mas. Winslow's SooTlitsoSTBCr." -S-ly. p M t II 4 19 in 2 31 2 34 2 40 24(1 2M 800 807 8 13 8 22 SS0 8.10 3 4.1 3 4S 8 41 890 AM I VS7i 10 07 10 12 10 21 1054 1U27 io n 10 3H 10 40 10 II iost 1103 11 13 111 1SI ill III 1157i 1132 Sunbury Sellnsgrove Junction Selinsgrove Pawling K reamer Mclser Middleburg Henfer Heavertown Adamsburg Kaubs Mills McClure Wagner Shindle ralntervllle Maitland I -vl.lW II 11 37 Lewistown (Main Street.) 140 lewistown junciion. A M V33 9 -a 9 18 90s 90Si S04 SBSl R 52 8 441 R39 883, 818 M 18 815 809 a na 7 23 750 P M 580 5 20 515 I I 5 01 ! 4 58 4 52 446 47 482 425 4W 409 400 488 840 845 348 340 rm npeAtinr nt t lie I'rohlhlt Ion fttAte Cnnven. tion. to beheld at Philadejpbla, July si, 18V9. uompmuvLiasH tin. l.ann.Vlvnnl!! RntfmS1 ed to sell to all persons, appl many ilvlmr tickets from tat Inns on Its line In the State of arranir excursion UUKCIS " n Ll'iii .1 wu i '' ,,uv . . www ' Pennsylvania, to Philadelphia, at rate of single fare for the round trip (minium rate fifty eta). Tickets win be sold on July to only, and win be good to return Ull July , inclusive 57.04 7.50 6.84 3.20 6.60 1.00 2.20 MlDDLEBURQH MARKET. Corrected weekly by our merchants. Butter 12 EfeW Onions w Lard 6 Tallow 4 Chickens per lb 7 Turkeys 10 Side 6 Shoulder Haiu Wheat Rye Potatoes Old Corn Oats Bran per 100 lbs. Middlings " Chop Flour per bbl "I have need Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in my family for years and always with good results," says Mr. W. B. Cooper of El Bio. OaL "For small children we find it especially effective." For sale by all Druggists. 8 18 70 i 46 :.. M 85 80 80 90 90 850 Train leaves Sunbury 5 25 p m, ar rives at Selinsgrove 6 45 p m Traios leave Lwiatown Junction : 4 52 am, 10 18 am, 1 10 P m.180 p m B M p m, 7 OT 11 58)1 in, for Altoona, Pittsburg and the West. Kor Haiuraore eon sisssj , .... 1 88 4 88 1 01 pm For Philadelphia and New York 638 9 88am, 102 188 4 U and 1116 pm oi Harrltburg 45 a in and 8 06 p Philadelphia & Erie R R Division. AND NOHTHBKN CKNTKAI. RAILWAY Trains leave Sunbury dally except Sunday : 1 2i a m for Krle and Uanandalgua 1 10 a m for Bellelonte Erie and Uanandalgua 5 4 a m for Look Hsven , Tyrone and the West. 1 10 p m for Hellefonte Kane TyrcAie and Uanan dalgua 5 45pm for llenovoand El mini 9 25 p m tor Wllllnmsport ...T i. . ,n . I.,, Vrlm .ml c 'nn mlahf tin ? am for Lock Haven and 25 pm for Wll- llaniport 6 55 am. 9&5am2 00and &48pm lor wnaes- barre and Haselton 7 00 am. 10 20am, 2 05 p m, 5 45 p m for Shamo- klnand mount ariu.i Sunday 9 a m tor w nniiwra rralM leave Sellnsgro" Jnntlon 10 00 a m, week days arriving at Philadelphia 800 pm New York 5 58 pm Baltimore a u p m Waaingwn p fc.,.,h,. 584 p m aanj wri.ui . ,"'-,e-.- an m N.w York 8 58 a m. Baltimore 9 45 p m waallinKfton era. i . .. . . , 8pm. week days arriving at Philadelphia 4 80a m. New York "23 THE PACKER BICYCLE Is a model wheel, and one that will out-wear any wheel on tho market. I a m, Baltimore 2 HO a ro Washington 4 05 am 1 r&llir) tHO ftsjravsj uuiiout; 2 17 a m dally arriving at Philadelphia 1 51 a m i,. a m Wafhlerton : 4S a m New fork lain Weekdays. 10 38 a m aWM T 50 a tn week days arriving at Philadelphia,A- i rtA M tn a III. rsV)i"iiKwii 1 yn' V 1U pm,week days arriving at Philadelphia 6 23 n lii, New York 9 30 pm. Baltimore 6 oo p m Washington 7 VftUiniUKWII I ft. w . , " i i....D..liiin osnamsnd I 9S and 8 p in, tor Harrisburg, Philadelphia and Baittmora J. B. WOOD, Oen l Pass Agent I, B. HUTCniJIBON uen-i manaa.r. PATENTS Consult or communli OBTAINED- REPAIRING of all kinds neatly done I have spent a number of years at the business under an experienced instiuctor. Call and see before buying a bicycle, WALLACE TEATS, O-lobe Mills, Pa. TEEMS EASY. Consult or communicate wltb the Editor ot this paper, who will gtve aU needed Infor- matioa were reouiredtlo terftd our new. ii TIaa4 t tubular Lantern which w$ I ..,. nffrr nt nme. thing extraordv-' , fiurv in the Lantern line, fthasttti I tion joined to the tubular system, and , the result ts a spienmut '-"' l J -rrtcfrr We Will. I if desired, mail our specuit Circular of the " Vesta" Lantern; or.upcmy receipt of fr.oo, vie wui jv. I (freight prepaid ) the very best Lan-' l tern JOT general unw yv Why not see u- on BawmsNr Sat maMrsaw CIsHf Is sUBnl frsa. R. E. DIETZ CO., rata LsJtrht At.. New York.' I m CSTsaLINtt M SMS. I Onbf Lanterns are awsW - Dim Grip brines weakness, exhaustion, nervous tSSmS Ot. MUes' Nervine caret them. fob loo siLVEB or iicfrrpa. 1 will seod a handsome FOUNTAIN pbtm Hoiid onid Notitlmr baata It. Trcmaal naa seller. AgonU wanted, aaoreas at i BOX 186, Gnrandoldt, W . v a. SM