lxe u tie Fooled. Thric hundred metallic ennket cr- Cnilullty h evermore a factor In the j lately sent to Manila to be used for CO 11 compouml called human nature. Men ! yejing back to the tinted States for love to be fooled, or to find soma sup- burial the bodlea of deceased boldiem. port for belief in manifest absurdity. . Experienced andertakera have been Then is nothing so silly but bus its brought out to do the work. Most of advocates among men who aught to ! the dead have been buried in I'aco ceme know better, says a writer in Apple-! tery, a high and dry tract near the city. ton s Popular Scieuce Monthly. A year or two since, a man brought from Ohio to the University of Iowa an innocent flrc-partcd. digitate, black fungus. It was treasured In alcohol. Why? Be cause.' of its origin. An honest mechanic meeting with accident lost hU lingers under the surgeon's knife. The ampu tated members were neglected, but and all grave have been carefully marked. Many have been placed In niches in the wall. There are about a half hundred graves at Carite, near the military hospital, which nre in low, wet g round; but the hardwood colli ns are no doubt .still in good condition. With the exception of those who have died of sniullpox there will be no special dill! presently discovered and duly burkd enitv in ending home the bodies of ull in the garden. The following spring from the "identical I pot1 uprose a swarthy hand) black without, white within. The hand was a perfect main d) I lire for that scnaiition-loving com munity. The matter .ik dlaeuHed in newspapers. A long ..nil careful ac count of the wonder was prepared, put in print and circulated friends of the deceased funis we mortals he!" Tor sheer su perstition and crass stupidity w ho may say that the nineteenth century may not yet discount the days of the vir gin queen? who have died or been- killed. The bodies will be delivered to the relatives wherever desired, and all those not so delivered will be buried in a national cemetery, possibly In California The greatest town-building record in Oklahoma has brvn won by Mountain View, Washita ci linty, "t the western terminus of the Rock Island extension from Chitkasaw, Friday the town site was prairie land. The same day it was surveyed and platted and a large por tion of it sold and settled upon. The Washita was I ridged nr.d a vast amount of accumulated freight moved and lo cated. In one day the town became n settled city of 800, with W. II. V. Yates BS mayor, Senator 0, W. Bellamy as treasurer and Col. J. dm Kerf oot as no- There Is no surer safeguard against all degrees of mental unsoundness than i .. i .. i ....... i r ,. i ,.r .... : amotig ttie - nawwww Hi :'ers! "What blood may fall dead in moments Of high excitement, so may lesser disturbances, oft repeated, unsettle the rational facul ties. Machinery that is loosely set tends to Jar itself to pieces, and the agi tations of ungoverned emotion may gradually produce an "unstable equi librium'1 of the nervous system, and predihpo.se the lirighest man or woman to be entirely upset by a sudden crisis of passion, alarm, loss, or ecstney. For joy, like grief, anger, fear or appetite, requires the gentle restraint of reason. The asylums are full of admonitory cases. Wanted, for each Individual, a good internal government, well administered. A little appn wch while ago Russell Page was I for a contribution to a de serving cause, but he was not In the lice judge, with a full complement of BT,ng vt'l:i- Clever cajolery Induced councilmen and minor officers of an llIni SIl.v Anally that be would help organized town. This is about the a Httle, and his eagle eye was cast hur- In sl record outside of "opening rushes" that Oklahoma can boast. Borne of the lota sold as high as $900 within '.o min utes from the time the surveyor drove bis Btakes, Mountain View is the west ern terminus Of the Hock Island cx Lension across the Comanche and Apache country, and is in the famous Wi chltn valley nt the foot of the mineral bearing Wichita mountains. There was a country w edding out In Ford county, Kan., the other day which was attended by 300 guests, and the following paragraph from the Dodge City Reporter gives an idea of the spread that was placed before them: "One large beef had been slaughtered and cooked, three hogs had been roast ed, 75 pits and SO cakes had been baked, riedly over the list, says the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle. One of the first signatures he saw was "Mrs. Rus sell Sage, $80." "What's this," he said; "you have been to sec my wife? Very good." With that he scratched out the "s" In "Mrs." and added "and wife," making the signature read) "Mr. Rus sell Sage and wife, $80." Handing back the list, ho remarked: "There, my gooil fellow, I am glad Mrs. Sage and lean help you to that extent." A Chicago youngster of eight or nine, who had been saving old iron and had accumulated quite u pile, was made happy recently w hen Ills father sold it to B ragman for cents. With the money the boy started for the candor shop. It was his lirst lesson in making money, 15 gallons of canned peas hud been pre- j nnd he proved an apt student, for on pared, ten gallons of pickles were set before the happy throng and 30 chick ens Were COOked, and besides there were bread, ham and vegetables In propor tion." That layout WOS doubtless sufli lent to provide all the wedding guests with "a square meal." It would seem that Lieut, llobson is taking the salutes for which, equally with the Merrimac exploit, he is fa mous, by proxy these days. The other day he was showing' a party of Ameri can women over the Spanish prize ships now lying in dock at his port. Said the hero of the Merrimac, pointing to B large hole in the casing of one of the vessels: "That was done by one of out" shells!" For a few moments his com' ponioni gazed in admiration on the havoc wrought by the projectile, then, giving away to their feelings, they fell on their knees and hysterically kissed the jagged edges of the aperture. the following day he wanted more candy, and not having any more old iron to sell, called n ragman into the house and sold the cook stove. The father is now searching for the ragman. ' A scientist says: "The paleozoic cockroaches ure distinguished from liv ing species by baring five veins in the wings instead of four, and having a de cided mesozole aspect." This is highly important, but a woman when she sees one of these insects will not care whether it has five or 15 veins in the wing. She will give a scream, draw her skirts lightly about her and give the In sect such a violent rap with an old shoe that It will have more of n mashed than u mesozole aspect, A young woman In New York fell Into a tank occupied by several well-developed alligators. Kverybody was horror-stricken, anticipating that the young woman would he devoured by the "It is a Sanford man," says the Ken- monsters. They didn't go near her, but rebec (Me.) Journal, "who has this retreated to a corner of the tank, where statement sewn to his undershirt: 'My j t,icv remained until attendants pulled .... ... I 1 . If appendix has l.een cut out, and he ex- "lc " 'S'""-" B" ouu Jicr escape was plains his case in this way: "You see these are the palmy knifing' days of the surgeons. If a man falls in a lit, faint, or happens to lose consciousness for any reason, they cart him off to the hospital und operate, for appendicitis without waiting for him to come to nnd say what uils him. I've been sliced open once and I don't hanker for encores.' " regarded as marvelous, but it was un doubtedly due to the fact that she was not a girl to their tiuste. Some people wonder why it is that so many rich men go to the senate. Mr. Depew has just rented a house as his Washington home. It is the same one that was occupied by the; late Mr. Rrice, of Ohio. Longer ago Daniel Webster lived there, though we suppose it has been changed and enlarged since then. An Ohio exchange lately printed an item to the effect that a certain resi dent .if its town, whose name it did not Senator Depew pays S'JiOO u year rent mention, had bitter Stop kissing Us : ior it- His salary Is $5,000 a year. hired girl or it might get found out. Twenty-seven married men called on the editor nnd immediately stopped their paper and accused him of interfer ing in their domestic affairs. A stroke of lightning lately burned the rim from the hat of Lyman New kirk, of Worcester, O., tore off his coat and shirt, nnd tool: a Ftrip of flesh and skin from his back, but failed to fatally injure him. Lightning proof men are becoming (prite numerous. Funerals on Sunday are discounte nanced by 15 clergymen of New Bruns wick, N. J., not only because of the un necessary and uncalled-for strain upon then as clergymen, but because of the amount of Sunday labor required of la boring men who need rest. The Kansas City Journal thinks that if ull the world would write "thru" in stead of "through" the saving In time aud paper would in a generation build At Emporia, Kan., a hired girl chased Q coalshcd. But the vitality wasted in away a burglar, and the Gazette says bringing about the result would build "her wages hove been raised to-day be- i n university. cause all the women in that part of j The St. LouIg Globe-Democrat savs it town want her to come to their houses." i Jg becoming harder every year to get oc A Bern (Ind.) man lately demolished 'luainteJ in Missouri. Under the new his house and built a new one on the ! 8tate law barber ore required to pass site, because he could not rent the i nn examination and take out a license structure through a general belief it betoT can craP n qaint "Did you notice that I put a special emphasis cn the words 'until death us do part?'" said a New York minister who officiated at a wedding one day las1 week to one of the guests later. "We have so many divorces now that I felt that I couldn't make the words too strong." "Ulucdomcr," B recently coined Eng lish word, is one who declines to go to church because, he asserts, he worships Ids Creator more easily and more rever ently under the "blue dome" of Heaven. Copper Shares. Safest Investment, Largest Dividends. A portion of the full paid nnd non-astcMahlc capital stuck of the Ronton &Texa Copper I 'nipany il often d for Bale at Kive l).iilnr per share (p.ir $10 for Treasury purposes), anil ia recommended ns a afe and highly protnUiiiK iureitmcDt. Tne cimp-nv control twelvu thousand acres of rich copper Und in North Texas which Is l'i a liable for firming and town site pWpMBBt. The tract i 101116 10 miles Inuc aflj m'ii tim e miles wide, it is aaalvaleM in size to fire hundred ordi nary nii iing claims. The property has been developed sufficiently to begin producing at once, large S mounts of the richest Copper ore (40 to 70 per cent.) taken out and marketed, and inexhaustible quantities of copper marl ami clay running from .' to 1" per cent, copper found. (Calumet and Heels un 1 other great dividend payers are working on 1 to J per cent, ore.) The property is within 12 miles of a railroad and fuel and water are available. The ores and marl nre on the surface and a few feet down, nnd can he mined and converted into copper cheaper than any other deposit! in America. Copp-.-r will he prod tlCtd on tin ground and a plant of moderate cost will treat 300 to 500 tons of ore and material per day, and according to engineers' estimates earn (3,000 to $5,000 per day net, with copper at 15 cts per pound It is now H ets. per pound. The properly has a historical reputation Slid a record in tho Stale Qeologieal Report. It has been examined un I reported upon hy the highest engineering, geo logical and expert SUthoritles, and its merit an ! value are established beyond all qaestioBi It is not an experiment, nor its value speculative, they ure proven and demonstrated, From Report of Prof. Wm. DcRyec, former State Chemist of Texas. " Such numerous o'.itir ips of Clipper ore have lieen traced over til.? summit and sides of those tiillsj that out of 11,000 ftCTi of Un 1 which the company own, hardly a 160 acre tract should be found without ore up in the surface. A cr ill-COt to the depth of 13 feet w.is made upon the shell lead, and ten hour-' w ork resulted in the rsisitii; of C,00i Ihs. of rich copper ore, averaging about CO per cent, of copper. (Worth $)(!0, net.) It is easily smelted aud the strata in which it is found can also he more econom ically eieavated than oilier in which copper ores occur." From Report of Prof. V. I". Cummins, former Geologist of Texas. " In order that I might see the condition of this lode after thii amount of work had been done, I employed a few hands and cleaned out the tnimels when I found u lode of copper. This is the dlsulpuate of copper and will yield as high as 70 per cent, of copper. 1 drove the tunnel twenty feet further into the. bill) following the lode. When 1 had gone ahout twelve feet I struck another lode of copper eighteen inches east and six inches below the second lode. In three feet more we struck unotlier lode below the second lode. Immediately below the lower sandstone is a stratum of cupriferous marl schists extending the entire width of the tunnel, lay four feet, and is probably much wider. This marl will yield about 15 percent, of copper." l:ro::i Report of Prof, (iustave Wtslman, Mining Engineer. ' I beg to express my entire ISusfsotlou with und confidence ill the report mule by Prof W. 1". Cummins. ' I only had to remove one font of earth from the surface on the three spots already mentioned In order to find large deposits bedded into the (lay. After washing, this clay was found to Contain 15 per cent, of copper ore of same vbIuc as above. These ores could of eoursu he taken out and made available at a relatively small expense. The cupriferous marl situated held the sandstone, containing IS per cent, of copper, can be estimsted worth st the place st least 910.00 per too, net." From Report of George F. Kendall, Mining Engineer. " It is s self-evident fact dcducihle from every report that on this property large bodies of copper ore exists and that hundreds of tons have been shipped of high grade ore. That a deposit of this nature can at a very small expense be made to yield handsome profits, from all existing reports, appears not only likely hut certain." From Report of Francis Arthur Read, Superintendent. " This property ii all right and there is all the copper you want here. I think it is the best in Texas and it seems to have been selected ss such for copper. It is near the top of a water I bail nnd the hills crop out here. I think there is oil here because there is coal. Oil ha' been found ut C'orsieana. The property is adapted to general farming purposes which seems to he very profitable here and a town could be laid out on it and n railroad built to Dundee, l'J Utiles, to great advantage)." The Great Room In Copper Shares. Cupper mining has proved the safest nnd most profitable Industry in America, and the largest and must conservative capitalists in the world have recently become large investors in copper stocks. This company can produce copper as cheaply ns any in the world. It is capi talized the lowest of any in proportion to its acreage, and at the. price of copper bearing land In Michigan 1)400 per acre) containing a much less per cent, of copper, has u large value in excess of its low capitalization ($2,500,000.) Receipts for ore and assays hy the leading chemists and nssayers in the country are on file In the company's offices, The officers' anl directors of the company ure men of the highest standing and business capacity, anil include: Hun. Emery M. bow, manufacturer, mayor of Rrockton, Mass., President. George W. Hussell, Esq., paper manufacturer, Boston, Vice-President. Ifaj, P. M. Bpanlding, 2 1 Vice-President Col. Edward 15. Robins, Boston, Treasurer. Col. James. M. Wheston, Boston, Secretary. Hon. Jas. W. Bennett, Ex-President Erie Telephone Co. Only u limited amount of the stock will be sold at the price of ?5.00 per share and those wishing to secure shares should act at once. As stated the slock is full pai l und non-assessable. As soon us this ullutttncnt is sold the price will be advanced. Amount of land, quantity and quality of ore, cheapness of mining and treat ment, nearness to transportation, favorable climate for continuous work the year around, the increasing demand and profit in producing copper considered, the Boston and Texas Copper Company possesses unequalled advantages and affords the best kind of an investment. It can easily earn 50 per cent, per year 0:1 the price at which the stock is here offered. Stock may he ordered through your hanker or broker, or direct ns below. FROM REPORT OF T. BURTON EVERETT, MINING ENGINEER AND EXPERT. Archer Citt, Texas, May 8, 18!)9. Hon. Kmfky H. Low, President, and others, Boston, Mass. : Gentlemen : There is abundant evidence of rich copper deposits, not only at the mines already opened, but 111 various other parts of the property, and it is my opinion that this will prove to he one of the exceptionally rich copper-bearing fields of the United States, The ores found in these deposits are immensely rich in copper values and the cupuriferous clays that are alio found here in immense beds, while nut us rich, will undoubtedly prove of great value on account of the cheapness with which they can be mined and reduced, The mines nre accessible at every point; the cost of mining will be very small, as the ore is not in hard formation; and there is no deep work; I hiive examined the various reports made by others, and confirm them. As far ns I have been able to investigate, aud I have done so carefully, I am of the opinion it is one of the richest copper fields in the country. Very respectfully yours, T. BURTON BVEBETT, M. E. Mr. 0, H. Savage. Mine Examiner of Butte, Montana, after gaining sample of ore from the property, says : "The ore is the richest in the countvy. It' you have the field you can pay $1,000,000 dividends per year." Major K. M. Spaulding, of Huston, and C. F. Crosby, Esq., of Lowell, Mass., who returned June ICth from an examination of the" property nn behalf of the Com pany's stockholders and intending investors, report that they found the property as represented and confirm the expert reports. They visited and examined the nine mines and explored the entire property. The Company is thoroughly organized with substantial business men in the management. It has such extensive acreage of land, rich in copper, and so easily and cheaply mined and converted, that dividends can be earned and paid during the current year. Now U the time to make a safe and profitable investment, and those who take advantage of this opportunity to buy stock at the low price offered will reap the beneft. Remit by P. O. Order, Registered Letter, Check or Express to Edward B. Robins, Treasurer, Tremont Building, Boston, Mass. Price S5.00 per Share, Subject to advance. BOSTON & TEXAS COPPER CO. Tho Beat Value in Macnzins Literature IH Tin: :new and impeowed Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly l'r n tiirlcr frntiiry BS et., 8:1.00 per Yeur : NOW 10 CTS., $1.00 A YEAR Ars. Frak Leslie, Editor. I'ttlENT OOBTBIBUTOM : PRANK B STOCKTON. QBN. WESLEY UBBKITT, BUST HAUTE, BBO. OF NAVY LONG, JOAIJI IN M IK I, Kit, JI M A 0. It. OOlilt, WALTER CAMP, BGEBTON CASTLE, wm. 0. VAN TABBf'SUTPHBN, MAIIGAKKT K. SANCisTEK, BDGAH PAWCHTT. LOUISE CHANDLER MOULTOV) WILL 1AM DKAN lioWKLLS, GLN. Nlil.SON A MILKS, ami other noted and popular writers. t'rnnk Matte Pwpnlar Monthly in in all respects one ol tliu liri(jlitet anil hest illus i..,i.. , 1 01.....1O ..,, .. In Hie world none better. The best knows authors and artists j contribute to the paire-, and tho BlghMI stand- I aril of liriutiiiK isapiiaraut. i Carpets I Carpets ! I Carpets ! ! ! I r,v.r H 'i .1 CARPETS ! MATTINGS ! lilcml most softly nnd play most effectively over 311 festive scene wlieu liirown by vaxen candles. TL-; lijht that heightens beauty's charm, that gives the finished touch to the drawing room or liininj; room, is the mellow glow of mm WAX CANDLES Sold in all colors and shades to harmonize with any interior hangings or decorations. Manufactured by STANDARD OIL CO. V JH tularin For sale everywhere. :'IAI,.-!!eautiful Military Calendar,! , 1 each in twelve colors, lOxli' ... inebe", 1 HPE4 March ism to February lW, together won 11111 ina.a.inc March to December 18I-bI1 for SI. frank Leslie Publisling House, N. Y. Copies sold and subscription taken tiy news dealtrs, MM Diamond M Cement Is usetl for Plastering Houses. It is a new discvery Guaranteed to last longer than any other plaster. It in preferred to Adamant. For particulars call on or address D.A.KERN MIDDLEBOBSH. PA. REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY Made a Well Man TH2 " ' -JKfrMS ci Me. OR33AU Wt&P VSUH9fCHB T ""rrL'a MBtW produces the obovo reeclts tn 30 day. It act powerfully and quickly. Cures when all others fall. Soucg men will regain tneir lost manhood, and old mn will recover their youthful vigor by using BEVIVO. It quickly and Barely restore Nerrous none. Lost Vitality, Im potency, Nightly Kmlsrtons, Lost Power, Falling Memory, Wasting Diseases, and ail effects ot soll-abuso or oleosa and indiscretion, which unBta ons tor study, business or marriage. It ot only euros by starting at tho seat of disease, but liagroat nerve tonlo and Mood builder, bring ing bask (be pink R'.ovr to pale cheeks and rs storing the Ore of youth, ft wards off Insanity and Consumption. Insist on having BEVIVO. BO other. It can be carried In vest pocket. Br Ball, LOO per package, or six lot BMOe with s poaV tlve written guarantee, to ears) or 1 11 hind the money. Advice and circular free. Address Royal Medicine Co.,2S&SaE ' For sale by Middlcbtirg Drug Co. 8PINAL lWt!2ZV&& All KSnds. All Qualities. All Prices, Tile whole lower lloor ol .ny store is taken up with Carpets, Ruga, Art Squares, Curtains, Window Shades, Curtain Poles, Hassocks, IJiij; Fringe, Floor, Stair and Table Oil Cloths, Ac, ttc, We can show you the larust and liost selection of tae above goods ever show n in Lewistown. llti; ( arpei as low as 20u and up Cotton Carpet " 22c Velvet Carpet " 75c. " " Braasell Carpel ss low as ")0e. and tip All Wool Carpet " 50c. " " Half Wool Carpet" " 3Gc " -svChinu and Japan Matting 100 Rolls to Select From GEE THESE GOODS! Compare quality and prices, you will find that our store is the place to buy at. The goods are first-class, prices are the low est, our rooms are clean and no trouble to show goods. BfrgeogM W. ft. FELIX. Lewistown. T Liberal Adjustments Prompt Payments. HEMENjBER H. HARVEY 5CHDCH, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, SBMNSGROVEi PA Only the Oldest, Strongest Cash Companies, Fire, Life, Accident and Tornado. No Assessments No Premium Notes. The Aetna Founded A . D., 1819 Assets $11,055,513.88 " Home " " " 1853 " 9,853,628.54 " American " u 44 1810 44 2,409,584.53 The Standard Accident Insurance Co. The'New York Life Insurance Co. The Fidelity Mutual Life Association. Tour Patronage Solicited. wm 4nted. I Bjoce, - 1 .it