The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, July 13, 1899, Image 11

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    Schweflelbrenner Letter.
From Mauri. Chan Democrat.
Ifores Dbookxb:
De Bevvvhut 'n olt boooh os r
jrriut hot 1h 'n srbsholt fiw erain
grosedawdy, un 'h is de slitory fum
a nixnutziclnT ding beitn DaWDM
Rii.Van Winkle. un de Rips- m
.. Xl I
aw. Der 1 v i t hut nee
lire 11 "" ,
whiskey jigger i
ierniist torn gootel
t a. a ....... Li tin
1.,:, hut arolshailColumby gTonga
ln der Ripsy. Doh is' now 'u
....... i i i . . . 1 I 'II P - ' I I . UN 1
shtick, wardt for wardt, oua 'm
"bH li :
Kinsv. Doh
c,ioinht widdcr
name, .In niXUUiZiCKer iouh ...
now, wo warsht, un was husht ,zu i
I . 1 ..!.. ....
awon. d.i (esuffuv d reck sow
Hip, Ki ioh Inn evvanoussheeaa
gonga Vanbrunt. 'S arshtding
os icli gsana hob den morya warn
haws, un ar war on. graws IVessa
liipsy. 'N haws, well sell w as
ichgleich, 'n haws for middawg easa,
Aiwp wn is del' llBWI WO hlisht'tt?
Hi p.
.Ward now yusht, hob ga-
dult, k'Ii will uere s sawga. en,
's war evva 'n haws drous ini lelu,
un ar hut graws g Iressa.
Kipsy. -Well
fn d'i I' mil der
l.'insv. Yaw, un
i:.. " .'.. J.,.,-t 1r.,
in i. ii i i
... i i..: ...i
in 1 1 1 miiict:i iiiwi.i ....
Hipsy d'no, of course isJer
haws gadropt- '
Kin Well, net exactlv de flint
is lose gonga, nwer tier
Seller haws helshl awer
nhpriuga !
i)v. I 'n httshl gin
a'shussa ?
iws aw.
stum sid la I
ir nix stinsht
Liip. Netdesinohl
-iii hi ich Im!. my
lint g'lawda
un uf g'fixd, un nui oil's klae demly
dort in. feld, tin wass denksht
ni. i Hon .
Kipsv. Fi, wildv endn, besure.
Hip. Yaw, inainer os fooftsich, .
tr rose wa urn se os we gi ns, un, I
well, ich ol mil tier Hint, un hang
Kipsv. Un we feel sin gabortzl-
Bip. Ainy.
Bipsy. Yut
Rio. Well,
ii ainy ousfooftsich.
vaw. ordlich feel
mainer os ea end a war oraiien
grosses game 's war evva 'n gross
er seh wart er bull os ich g'shussa
hob. Doint si, sell is wohr. Un
sell hetshl sana s.illa. Un duhetsht
seller bull liara Bolla br a un
shnorricksa un der shwonsshlenkera,
Un der bull is d'no bo a wennich
For mich iratraveled un ich hob my
oiler liesht's gadu os ar 'n ordlich
roots si.tiek liinner mer bleibt. I '"no 1
bin ich on der fens nugaland, awer
eh ich lamia hob kcnna uf der safe
side i- 'ni bull si horn in contact '
pnnmn mil 'in -it tun lnina liussa i
so fun hinna li, un du waishtevva
we 's is want, mer seller waig in
contact coomtl niit 'in shpitzich end
linn a shwartza hull si horn
Kipsy. IJnd'no bishtei g'sblofa?
l.ip. Sell is so, by chucks, awer
du consht about goot gessa glawb
beim bettle du eonsht aw hexa.
Bipsy (gral.'d 'n otn ohr) Now
hame, du meaner low ler loafer du
X wpr. nnw. mvirootv. leevv
v.y .V j n . I
1 i -lit mer now
Bip. Nay, now, nay
,v de Ripsy hut dertzti
g'sluieked Km- ar ordlich goot uf
g'lisctl war. Awer 's ia nodi ord
lieh feel mainer in sellam same olt
hooch fun weaga 'in l!i; un der
Kipsy, -i fraw. LTu ich bin 'n
glicklichcr moii weil ich de goot oil
lievw hob lor 'n (raw, un k;e so '11
tnlTa-. credoor os sellam Bip si olty
Pit bchw effelbiiejijieb.
Howard Seh and K.8. Auck-
,r started on Mmidav mornins for
Middlebura to attend normal school
Miss Sallie and Lizzie Longacre
of Ohio are visiting among friends
I 'has. Schrcy is the happiest fath
er in existence.
At this wilting Daniel Sin illy, j
who was confined to his bed for the
last two weeks, is recovering.
( 'hildrtn's day exercises were ol
served at the WitnicrY. United Evan,
church oft Sunday night with a
splendid program and I bigaudieuee.
The crucltv to aniinil laws now
existing are violated every day,
...., .. f,. w wiiIL-iiio'np.iinri milw I
in....,; " .w.w.. ... ........ j...
li-y smoking a cigarette,
not enforce them?
Miss Marie Snyder at a week
at Carlisle.
Mrs. Morris of Waynesboro is trie
guest of Mrs. Noetling.
B. M. Wagenaeller is at home
spending liis suininer vacation.
Mrs. Hower went to Lewisburg
to vimt a sfoter who is quite ill
xr..i. t. I,;, t...,... il.r . tl,r
vim. uwun m w
Mrs. B. (i. Shields, in Philadelphia.
j ' .. . 1. 1.1
Londucted by Rev. J. Yutzv,l. D.
, NoetliDir is home ia home to
I '..1.111111111.11) NO II ill I III I.I
Prof. Ni
, , "t vaoation with his
mend the summer vacation with his
i a
1 f'amilv.
... illimail 0f Hhamukin
t W(1(.. with tneir aun irs.
Mary McColIum oi Ply-
mouth is being entertained by Miss
Mary Noetling.
The Misses Mary Noetling and
Mc( ollum took a trip to turns -
burg on the.r wheels.
Mrs. Benedicl and so.) .of Chicago
mmm ,,.!,,,, ... mi., u -nil nunc i r.
fi w n Bud wife
i-.iiiit iii .... .. -
igeuseiwr ana wire.
J. S. Kciciirmg, JKsq., anu wiieoi
. 1 . .
ltoona were the guests at tnenome
of F. J.Schoch. Mr. Lensennngi
Mr. Lensenriniriar
sunken i.t as a candidate foi
i .
ni the Superior ('uni t.
Major E. I'. Bohbach spent Fri
davol last week
Mifflinburg. tie
returned wnn in- aaucriuer, Aiiuie,
i . . i . a :..
wno una iweii viouihj; ...... - -
L'raI ot,,CT l'lace8 for Beveral weeks" !
Kev. .1. B. Focht, D. D., ii La-
fayette Hill, la., was unamnioHsiy
elected pastor ol Trinity Lutheran
church, June 25th. Hehasaccept-
I ed the call and will lie in our miusl
ion S'l.t. 1st next.
brated by
if July was quietly cele
he most nt' our citizens
Young America, however, was buay
Mvnlitilmu Mi'P eraeki rs and llnot l llrf
nti smnl cannon, a lurire nuuioer oi
.m am I i
young people ldcnickcd on oni
()(. ihmds in the
.uositethe town.
K Ur;.MJ',tJ
Fisher Walter b
in Seliusgrove this
visiting friends !
Miss Annie Covert of SeKnsgrove
was the guest ol'Miss Krma Magee j
last week.
A. C. Fields ofShamokin was the
guest of Thomas Dietrich's Sunday
oflostweek. j
Jerry Crmisc of Middleburg was I
in town several davs last week sell-;
ing fruit trees.
Samuel Winklcuinn of Steel ton
visited at
1 erry Aurand s several
lavs last week.
James Magee was offtrouf fishing
last week. I have not heard with
w hat success he met.
Lewis Magee and wile of Mazcp
ja visited their sot. and daughter,
James and Ernia, recently.
Mrs. Geo. Fagloy "t Shamokin
acconiiMinied by it lady friend of the
same place were the guests of A. W
Keeler over Sunday,
The celebration of the Fourth at
this place was a grand success. The
Hiwnkftrfl ..I the rlav were Prof. F.
C. Bowcrsox and Dr. E. W. 'Awl. I
m.uu tU.A e-;,.,i
lit t IIII I Mill ''ItllWI 11 ill
e.ui iic'iice
thrilled the people with patriotism,
'pi,,, p. i,11P i1!imi r.irnishoH at.
cellent music
The Fourth pnssed ofl with ns,
1 1 11. I. Iulu.r1.i0a am n.iu.rt.ul iMinv 1
1 1
.11 Jack 8 mountnin.
( lur town was well represented at 1
Lewistown on the fourth.
On the Fourth the old veterans
pressed the button, and Uncle Sam
did the rest.
The late rains we had were thank
fullv received. Thev did a vast
amountof good.
L. A. Jenkins and wife Bpent a
day"" Lewistown last week visiting
the latter s sister.
Henry Snook
nd f'amilv spent
part of week visiting his daugh
ter, Mrs. U. K. Herbster, at Lowell.
The weather prevented a big
turn-out at the festival held at
Kaulueteer's school ground on Sat-
uaday evening.
.13 O. 14..
ri.uc oicciy 10 u iu uo.c
1 .. J. . 0 . I
. , .... . 1 1.
the countv all the KM he can, by
, . . s 1 :.i 1
having his criminal cases settled
. , . Tl . 4 1 j. I HI 111,111 llllllll. Willi . I I'V ..... M ' . . C-
nght there at Ins place oL.businesB. . . , ,f;. ru,.
W. H. Knepp has a tire benderj : ' . ... . ;
of the chef-il'cuver manufacture,
with two buckets of water, can bend
U tbiekby 1 in. wide in
The farmers are alxmt through
cutting anil storing away what little
wheat they had. They are expect-1
iug a big yield of oats, and will
soun be readv to cut.
..... r, lT ii a. l
Miller George of Lowell, with his
- kl .i k :..
kept busy delivering flour and t.-etl
to tl.air n.a.iv customers at this end.
The hot weather ia the onlv thine
that has any effect on George.
r , ... ..i
J. P. F. found out it was neither
- .. ...v...... ...... . ......
kind smell, but a few dozen bait
tll. Iii'lirlil Tiil'itfl 'lir-ir 111 lU lit.
pooket while setting hooks f.,r eels,
h"9 Bhort of memo,7" Jn" do0'
ii.-ii, iiw iiiim .iwmi
you think U.ot was cruelly to aunu-
Miss Jennie Keller is visiting in
Mr. Yoouui of Altooua was a
recent visitor at this place.
... .... , .
u. K Inoa viu'iir n w.M'k
, h,muU s.insgrove
Mrs. William Klose visited her
. , Ili(V,Ilt rm.ntK,
i i: . i ' .117 l i : i
Miai Gruiw WoirlMiMiil is simmi.!-
u....,.r.,l ,,,...1-. i V n,.l..ntr,f
Kriiesl .iniiiiermati s.M'llt 1 llcs-
v...i......i.... ;.. (Lit..
f........ i.: .
: M.s. U. U. lireennoe tell on oat-
In , .n ..f nnalv,, horonH
Miss Gertrude Aurand of Ber-
..: .. c i i.
II. I. Botnig, wife and son, Bea
. i i i ii
i "j
Miss Bessie Bitter of McClun
sneut severe
davs in town
Messrs. Croust
and Moatz oi
visitors in town
Middleburg were
mi Sunday.
Miss Gertrude Bnepp, who spent
saveral weeks in Lewistown, hits
1 returned home.
Peter and Manuel Yodet ol Globt
Mills were the guests of fl. E. Fl-
errey'B recently.
Samuel Warner, wife and chil-
dren, spent several aays m l nonip-
s u" i;lst wee1t'
Aniinon Smith and wife of Mid-
dlecreek were the guesta of H. O.
Smith's on Sunday.
Mrs. Aaron Manbeek and aoo,
j'arke, of Cleveland, Ohio, tire the
guests of Ira Kline.
D,k. Ilaasand family of Mid-
dleburg, were entertained by Win.
Draese's mi Sunt lav.
. .
Konng has re-
Mis Kstella M.
tiiriwil li'i.m n fivi WAAlrr visit in
gunburv. Dalmatla and Sellnscrove.!
Carl Bergcr of Phlhu, David
p :i t t u
i.iu-Hiiei .in., iuwu
York arc engaged in tresoocing the
s o o
l.lltlician elllircll at present. :
I 1
(iS'i'df in lati urck.)
Tna far mors l.ncv Nsanincrtltolr i
1 ne larmera .uenns) reaping ineii
golden grain.
Mrs. F. E. Specht was to Sun-1
blirv last week.
Clovd Herbster wits to Lewis-
town over the Fourth
....... . .
t Danes I'.ingaiiian laiigns; lie
sports a brand new bicycle.
1 no r, a 1 1 m 1 1 ( ,1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 tien 1 un m
third mission anniversary July 2nd.
Master Packer Hottetistein was
'the welcome truest of SchaeU'er
Ira I Keller mndo a flvino (t in
11,1.1. imiki in.iilL a nyiug tl 11
I ,.;),,,, ,, nn lilu kiAnflta now .1.,.
Winey Bros, have shipped several
'carloads of grain and expect to
a few more in the mar future.
Charles Specht has received a few
ics ot the Spanish-American war
relics ot tlic
from his cousin, Lieut. Hise of the
battleship Texas.
On returning home from Lock
Haven to Wagner, Miss Zola
stopped off at Beavertown to visit
her friend, C'loy.l Herbster.
Ira Van Horn, who was workini;
atStetdton, was home on a visit over
the Fourth. Ira likes to go awav
for trout a day or two, but he likes
to return.
Clay Heimbach of this place and
Yt:., 1 x .1. a ,1..
mira v.iuiie 1. .im u 11. Auiiiiiuii.L
. , 01 1.
wpru innrnnl on Snniltiv. We Iioim
HUB 111.11 1 IWI .111 . -iiini.i.. . v iiv it
I. . . . , ,, , ,y
their bark hi ty float down the sen
iiAmaiJuMtmm 2T
A TBtIB -8PCiriO IT'Afc - -
)M Sorrn, Woundt, Rbenmktlim. NourmlKl
cilds.'; A 8URE CURE Orlp.
For u
fPAm liildi orwt. T
Wlat br aaa SMfnaaaagrr .
Br dcalen.
1 i'hilip J. Mover on Front Street
I'hilip J. Mover on Front Street
' put a iwW root ou his residence.
e expect a larire attendance at
the horse sale next rnday, the U
Gw.. W. Holsappk & Sons are
putting a new root on the rreeburg
W c have early apples, potatoes,
sv.t con. and garde., products ...
Lli tit i i 1 1 ' ii 1 1 1 ' .
A. , rotter, Jfisq and (... J.I
Schoeh transacted lwne in the of-1
e o. u. o.ioer, xy.,pen, notooiMoorae twp.
. 1a liassler has completed the
additions to his residence. He has1 .e.r8?n8 troubled with .liMrthoea
a beautiful home with modern im- Jfgf KSpftf ,,453
provementa, Uorranna, Provi.lenc. R J H
G A .)rop..iBtur 0f the "T61 ye2.rB 1 h?Ve be??
f. ' .... ;L ffjff' Kl'ff.r f;om
ed and papered the dining loom and
' mude other improveuienta to his
. ,. 1
hill iihn
Mrs. Dill will come to Freeburs
on Uie 15 inst. aooompanied by E-
llza,K,h K.Dili and' two k,ale
teachers ot f atteTSOU to soclld a six
I...H' i..i nt I'nni.ixi.ii in siu.nii 11 siv
. i .... .
weeks' vacation.
rroi. 11. B. Mover, proprietor ot
the musical eollflffe. reuorte excellent
' i - "-
""""'" on u.e i, iii.-l ... . iiii-
I i till tall
Misa Jennie ArboKaat. a teacher
at vvomeisuort urpnauti oohool, is
at Inline, one has made rapid un-
provement in piano music under the
instruction oi Prof. F. ('. Mover.
Mrs. Rlnnnhe I Josser nee Hassler
and her two children returned to
their home at Cleveland, Ohio. Mrs.
Jennie Bassler and Charles W. lias -
ler rcmaui at breebure at the home
:.! W. L. Bassler.
Prof. Win. Mover, President oi
the Snyder County Choir Conven
tion, iv niaking special efforts for
next convention to be held on the
appointed tunc, third Saturday in
August. N o Sunday school picnic
should be held on that dav in Snyder
. i.
t;nedict am
ner son
of ( !hicago accompanied by Mrs. Dr.
I!. Wagenseller. Mr. Sohoch, Miss
Houseworth and Miss
ed at Prof. D. 8. Boyer a
- visit-
ii id P, B.
Mover. Mrs. Benedict is a tlauirh-
bright hoy, a recent graduate of
Hyde Park High School, Chicago.
Two Tours to Canada via Pennayl-
. . .1... - ... .... ..
"SJSSfi1. a!tf2?SI iSS iff
Ibero N. w Vurk
Tbfl flnt lour, leaving July ti, looludei Wit.
iruraraus. iuru...u, iuuusun-1 i-. . . . .. ;
,,. fit.. I nu'ramv .lii.ili.... I.l.-..' .1. ..... Tin.
nt thr st, Liiwriii'.'' iii.'h..'. I.ikS'. John
i'o.tiai. au Sable Ctaawm. Lakee
('li.iiii)ilalii iinU OiorKi', Saratoga, anil Ili'h-
mniisnriii.- Wfiii).v.iis.-.cve.itfi'n il.ij.-i.
ltouiiil-trti rat.', furs.
The second tour, leaving August H. coven
Uie lame 'errl wry wltli the exceptton ot Lake
St. John and The Saguenay nmt occupies tour
teen da) s, Roond-tnp ra..-, 3100.
Bacn tuiir win bo in cliaw of nra; nr tlm eom-
piuij's toarlsl annuls, us.slstid by l.v an t xporl
'"ce'1 lady at obaperpD, wboae WBMlal onarge
wni u-utn si-ortoa ladies.
I Tne rats oovsrs rstlwsy and boat taiM for the
I enure round trip, partor-car seats, meals en
le gnmmMl' irM,w
POf detailed Itinerary, tlokets, or nny addl
tloual mti.ruiutlon, mldreas Tourist Aiient,
Penosylvsnls Bsllrrad Company, iius nroaii-
wiiy, Nov Vurk: Kill Fulton Street. Brooklyn;
! 7R9 Itroml Street, Newark, N. .!.; or Oeo. W.
I Boyd. Assistant Uetioral Passenger Agent,
uroaa Hireei Maoon. i' a. tin a. ,
Reduced Bates to Indianapolis vial
renosylvania Ilailroad, Account
Epworth League International
on account of tn Epwortb i.eaKue toterns
lloual, to .... beM al 1 ntliit 1.11 1 . ti ix,
inn.. July W tots, lbs Pennsylvania Kallroad
1 lompan) Kill Pen exnirslun ( lek. ts iroin points
.11 1 Ml .1111-, i", ..I .air... n.uiu l.liu
lor tbe riniiai 1 rip.
I Tickets w till bo sold on Jolv II and 19, and
.., b , , raturn until .ltil u. loolualvu.
except In ili-nosllltii; ticket wnii tbe Joint
I Agent at Ipdunnpolia hafor) July N. una the
payment or oity cents, tna return nunc may tt
extended to leave Indianapolis not later thsn I awarded promptly and without parti
August 20. lality. Twelve 2-cent stainna muafe be
1 'er Hii.'i'lii.' iii'c-s end cotalM Ions apply to
Ticket Agents ' Matt.
L. L. L" si y j
? . .
' Parrn. Journal Frorr Now to De-
cerrber, 1903 Nearly
Five Years.
By special arrangement made "
with the publishers oi theFABii r
Ji.ckxai. we are cuablcd to of- r
fer that pajH?r to every sul)- r
Bcriber who pays for the Post -one
year ahead, for only $1.00, (.
both papers for the jiriceofours L
only ; our paper one year and C
tho Fa km Jotjn.vAL from now L
to Deeerhljer, 103, nearly five T
years, tne. akm jokrnams ;
o P.
an old Malilishcl jwpcr, enjoy-
inor crront 1 u mi 1 1:1 fit v. one of the
beat and most useful farm pa-
A ncrs published.
4 fltsTThis ofter should 'lie ac-
4 oepted without delay. If
'7 W " '
I.. I.. Ik I i . Wf
( nonry i. tviirie tin-l JUXM I M er,
both of Krutierville.
, JtJ ft it MiddMmrg. try
'j u :h J";!." ' C"":' ' ,
, v; Bingaaian, of
Julv 2. bv Rmr. t 1. SmiMn
nan, forest (, lleiunich ..! Bis-
. ., ., .,
jeitown ito Uarne M. lt,.-h of
Beaver Springs.
Jue 19, by Simon Hummel, J.
P., Allen Stetler and Louwtta Dep-
a, iuiihm, imp rrpqurnt rittneks cim
Ipletely prnntretiiiR uh and rndar-1
ug. "w ,!,.'fit fur '. JS at thisj
notel. About two VM.,rrt iisn utmv-
i - i.
f!1 hottle of Chambarlain'i Colic,
MhutlX " SSSS'l
ST wiSi'S
' ieu sMi.pi.onis 01 tlio iIispiisp I
i f..u .
"'iiiuuimii 01 mip. n mmi i 3 . ' 1.. n. ....
would fortify myself uminil the f"a spcus, urn
BTtaaR with a row doBM of th vnin. nean iurc kr-vc nic iiruuiui rcn
able remedy. The result lias been ! and finally a permanent cure.
vVrv ealfafaolnry .mil nluioat oora.
i P'er.; ieilrt :.o. .... .,m,tf ....- For
j o.o n a.. uiigty.s
n .....
. '
lku, ..n.rr.i
is tnc presulenl nt ;!': aew t
daily, un .
Blent ill
feted ....
their advertise
column. I on.
Amos J. Cummiiigs, M. C, Col.
Asa Bird Car. liter, District Alt n.ev
0' New i ork, ex -Governor Hogg ol
ie 1
and Col. Fred. Feigl oi New
arc among the well known
in (heir Board of 1 Erectors,
1 Tl
"Where is your papa, Nellie? asked
a mother of her little daughter, "lie's
out on the liiii-k porch," was the reply.
"What's ho doing there?" queried the
mother. "His bicycle's ull out of
', a&d he's putting some more in
It," answered the small observer.
One duy Tommy ueeompanictl his
mother on a gbopplog expedition and,
geeing a large cuudy man standing in u
oonfeotloner's window, he paused in
.'.-av.-J fl SS w-j.h a wistful look, then,
turning nwny regretfully, he said:
.Muuimn, 1 oouki iibkiobi leuow witn year in advance you can rct tin-i
ooui nanus ueu uen.n.i mc. fur only oi'.c dollar. It voll tin
Lulu, aged four, was taking her first .,, ., i
, f, . 1 ... arrears tou can nav nn vour anii
ride on the steam cars, and us they j . r
whined by the farms she saw some I uges uun one dollar extra for .1
large pumpkins among the 00m shocks lytar in advance. Then vm. n
and, remembering her five brothers and 'ret the Farm Journal live vi
ni.stors nt home, she said: "Oh, mam- (rap
ma, look what big oranges I Let's stop
and buy one, und it'll go all around.'' 1 ku-
Little three-year-old Mabel had been j com rail tutiention.
told that when it was daylight on this j sor.o.1 rroui ( to .a, ami im.'d I
side of the earth it was, dark on the '" 1 '"' B-itie el w
. , . ... . would Itkn in bave mv LOi.irad kin. 1
other. As n proof that this nstrononi- cel. rj eciiib hus done for me, In law. mj
leal furt had taken deep root Ir. her cninplBlnt, etiraulo dlarrat.oea. emue imrK.
, . .1 1 1 doctors could o slop It, bnl Oelen Kin-
mind, upon rising the next morning she cured 1 1". an 1 amouee more enjnyitia lit
exaiaimed: "Now they s lusttroln to mhisb pwom. Mich. (o f wil
bed In Oiia, and the akeeters la begin- wi icVnVis si!V i,;fn:!,;(,;Vp'14!;,:;.r.
nin to bite 'en." w I!- Hermas. TroiHiivtej Mlddiwnvnn
1 1 ihb, McC'lure; u. A. 1: m -a., Aimc.
A $40.00 Bicycle Given
Away Daily.
The publishers of Thk Nkw Vokk
Sta it. the handsomely Illustrated
Bandaynewsuauer. are irlvlns .1 Hum
OliAl.K BlCTfitiK each duy for the I eon fwn., Hnjrdev county, Pa . '.le aarnd, .
largest list of word! .nude by usinj;
the latter continued in
"T-ii-r. sr-E-w T-o-it-ii N-'r-A-"
no more UmssIn any on word tlmn
'l is iorna in me .New ork star.
j Webster's Dictionary to bo considered
I a9 authority. Two Good WAtchks
(firstclllM time keepers) will be f;iveu
daily for MSond and third beHt lists,
and many other ValOTlble rewards, in
Blading liinner Set, Ten Sets. China,
iter uf Itierit. Ilils ducHtloniil coil- 1 rlKn, i" ne'e more or lent with tl... .,,
tent is balotf given to advertise and
ilitrodacc this SOeeeesfUl week I V into ereete.l n TWO-slOKV l.Oii tiwi'I I I
new homes, and ull prizes will be
iuelosed for thirteen weeks trial sub-
pcription with full partioulara and
list of over JOO valuable rewards. Con
test opena and awards commence,
Monday, June 20th, Hon
day, Aimust 21, ld99. Your list can
I. reach us uny dav between these dates
f I .... i ...:n .1. i . . .. i i...
...... will 'i i. I .1.... illtl to WHICH
it umy be entitled for that day, and
your iihuie will be printed in the fol
lowing issue of Thk Nkw Yohk si ak.
Only one list can be entered by the
same person. Prizes are ou exhibition
at 1 hk Star's business offices. Per
sons securing bicycles umy have choice
of Indies', Ofntleinen's or Juveniles'
18t)9 model, color or size desired. Call
or address Dept. "E," Thk Nkw York
STAR. 237 W. 89th Street, New York
City. 7-18 61
muuiu fob nm urns.
Geo. W. Thornton's Greatest Song Hits
TO lie buds by 4000 Children atn, A. It. Encatnp-
mem lo Philadelphia.
Oet them from roar .dealer or all three sent
postpaid on receipt of SOe. 6y addressing
UU Montgomery Avenue, Philadelphia.
Mo Hon
for vou. said four different Dhv
cians, but I still had sufficient left
try Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure, as I
was highly recommended to me.
had suffered for years with hea
trouble; so bad was my case 1
riven up to die several times.
severe palpitation, shcrt breath aa
much pain about the heart, flutterJ
Mrm. 0. L. Taylor, Cwonsboro, KJ
HeuH Cure
is sold by all druggists on guarantee
first bottle beiiclils or mouty
Book on heart ir.d ncrrcs rent frto
Dr. Miles Modical Company, Elkhart j
F.i:m fokSaLJ
-.i i.n in eoi.iol
' inu- .).. i.eres fill it. 1
in Middled
township J mile uorth oi (ii
Mills, Snyder county, is iifil red
sale at a bargain. The buil.lii
are good aa new. Five acn-sart
good wn. (Hand. Farm will U -for
first good oiler. Call ouor
. 1 I M I - . .
uiof,u,.ii, dx-4urer,j reamer. ra. (
r 1.1... 1 ..
win Diiov iius I.. . ii l oiitmiial
irouuted witn eolio aud eljolnHj
lantuin -nice ins Dirth, and si J
we could tto tor linn cli not Ree)n
dive moie tiian temporary ni
until we triod Chamberlain' 'Col
unottra ami Diarrhoea Reaii
oiuiu (jiiiiik 'nui lenienv iieliiinl
neen troubled. We wain to eivevl
tins testiiiuonial us i.n ti.l. n,i
our gratitude, not that you need
u auniuiiH ,iuur men 101 lout ied
3.. -I t r rr . 1 , 1
1. VJ. 111. IjAW, IVfeCliUK, luWl
r or sine ovan uruukrists.
tt'yoii pay your strosc) fplM
inn m
Valuable Real Estate!
1 ne Bnaermgnsd Bxeeuior ol the ln.
nan 1 CHUMIK OI Alitalia HilMr. Imta ,,f JaS
uvi, i.v virii..' 01 tin- power or attorney
luiliwl ill lbs "Bill last will and testament.
sapoas lopnblte vsndns or .mt-crv al the
bonMatowL dsm Snyder's Bebool iluiwi
1, 11 .u.vnHinp, in .im ooumy, un
&.., Pxxly 30. 1899
rne roiiowlng dssetlbsa Real IDslsls lii will
Tit ACT NO. 1 All llilln.rfnl, ....
trnet of Innd itu.'itc in Jaoksou Tap , snvj
county. Pa., bounded north by luml. ol Wilis
S Sli illey mill ObMlsa Krv. on tbe cant bl
of I lmrl.-s Fry. Itclmva Banfat nn.l Ihiviil si
. I . r .,0 til., hoi. tl. l.v li.t.flu ,.r II,.,' i. M.I...
! ,,,1 tii . .i I... ,,i. ... m m. r. ...Tl
BterliQK Bllvarwarr, ete., etc., 1.1 or- s.-noi,i nmt wiiihini s. .sio.iiv, .ontainJ
icon tn .. 1 1 vm.. i.n 1111,1 I'ncen. boous HMynvefHi aarss of win
HOI .SK, HANK IIAI!N:....I tl.r, nil. I
two SPiuNes or sxooxaNT watkk
Iha ilwir, u xri i.t ilrui ,.f phalM frn t.,f 1.11 k
on Uib premise 1111.I . lov tu tltm ohoroh I
TRACT NO. L Being n ecrtaln mofMii
mrm i.iiieiiii iit aii.ltiac: ot Inml hiiuatu 11.
on Twp., SnyilerCo , ml le
I nn t No. 1, .111 the 1 nui 11 to Krotzei
.Kiun.leil north y I.1.11U of Laiw Klin; I'i
l.vnlcr, et. il.. on tile esat l.v lai.ila of IS
I.111I.T, ISoah Hroiwc, Mr. !t, 1,1-ciu Ilo
Kinaiiuel Kcntvr, nn the Mirth by Ian
llt-nry Saner ami 011 th.-wrst liy Inn. 1. of II
Saner, Thomas Wa t.T an, I Geonm Hnvriati
tatnlnif on.' hiin.lrr.1 and thirty (Tin) ncm 1
or leas, nrtonl one linndrt-d 1 ion) nrrei. of
ia clear, ami the bslanea timlier laaid, on
lire er.-cti'.l 11 TWO.STOHV l.Oll I11VKI.I
llol SK. HANK HAlt.V. WAiUM MIsp.S ituutuc am. other oirtbuildinM con-i(
able fr.lil an I a good spring of waior lunr
ioor. rie 10 v o.nment e at 10 u'eloe k A
Mild .lay when and where duo ,.n,.,,d.i.
ho uiven and terms of aale made kn ami l
W. I. BII.OKK. EKecn.
i Lowest Gusli Prices.
t Call Mire In Order Bmnw